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Signs on the day of baptism on January 19. Heat on baptism - signs. Is it possible to guess in the Orthodox holiday Baptism of the Lord

Baptism, like any religious holiday, not only not only by believers. Many on this day simply "for the company" go to swim in the hole, cover the festive table and are hosted by holy water.

And as it usually happens, people contribute to each religious holiday. Folk traditions. There are various signs that people trust, and which they perform exactly as church rites. All these traditions are rooted over time and become inseparable from each other. What are the signs for baptism on January 19, what can be done and what can not, let's look at.

It is possible to fulfill all the religious rites of this holiday in the baptism: to go to the church, to defend the service, to plunge into the hole three times, to score holy water and cover the festive table.

In addition, you can pray all day and ask for something good. If a cinema is knocking into the baptism in the window, then it is also necessary to pray for those who have already left lives.

Each hostess on the eve of baptism has the right chalk to draw in the house above the windows and the door of small cross. It is believed that such a ritual is able to protect the housing from the troubles.

And even on baptism you can sprinkle the house just brought by holy water. It will be able to drive unclean power.

Baptism, a holiday that should help people spiritually get rich, forget everything is bad, wash off sins and soak themselves for the whole year. Everyone must remember how important it is for believers, and respect their feelings.

Therefore, on January 19, in no case should you think about the bad, and even more so quarrel and wish to anyone evil. In addition, it is believed that if during the conflict in the hands of Human water, she immediately loses its magic properties.

Also on this holiday can not be greedy. Need to share food and of course, holy water. It is impossible to recruit it too much, it is impossible to push, standing in the queue for water, it is believed that it will suffocate the person.

In addition, the baptism is forbidden to guess - the time for conducting such rituals before it was abundantly, the shinties lasted from January 6 to 18, so on the eve of 19 it is necessary to hide all items with which magic rituals were carried out. After baptism, it is also impossible to guess.

It is impossible to get drunk in the baptism. Since this is a great holiday, you can drink a glass of wine, but you should not abuse alcohol.

Is it possible to do physical labor in baptism

Many owners, for sure, are interested, whether it is possible to be removed on January 19th. No, it is impossible, since the religious holidays are strictly forbidden to work and do physical labor.

And is it possible to clean on January 18 before baptism - it is possible if the hostess did not have time to prepare an apartment for the holiday, but only in the first half of the day it is necessary to pray, go to church and fast.

It is also worth remembering that it is possible to do washing only until January 18. And then in baptism and two days after the holiday, it is impossible to erase things. Previously, women who wanted to wash things in the river, where the hole was cut down, they should have been waiting until after the holiday it would take two weeks.

Signs of baptism

There are some more interesting Epiphany. So, for example, residents of the villages and villages argue that chickens cannot be fed into the baptism. Folk sign says that if you feed the poultry on this day, then in the summer they will ruin the beds and destroy the seedlings.

Also, people who have a garden believe another one to accept that if a poorly growing tree is poured with holy water, it will begin to bring fruits next fall.

Another good sign is to baptize the child in this holiday. It is believed that because of this he will be happy and grows up healthy.

People also believe that the baptism needs to be followed by the weather, because it depends on what will be all year: warm or cold, rainy or arid.

To find out what the weather will prevail in the summer, it is necessary to get out of the house in the morning and look at the sky. If the sky is clear, and the frost has twisted cheeks, then in the summer it will be arid. And if the weather is cloudy, then there will be many precipitation in the summer, which means that in the fall you can wait for a good crop.

On whether the harvest will be rich will also be found in the number of stars on the sky. If there are many of them, it means that this year it will be possible to eat fruit, berries and legumes.

Here is a list of basic things that can be done on baptism, and what is impossible. It is believed that if you spend this holiday peacefully, observing all the traditions, then you can be sure that the whole year will pass well.

Baptism holiday annually celebrate January 19. Signs and traditions collected by many generations reached our time to this day are popular.

One of the most revered holidays among Orthodox Christians is the Baptism of the Lord. Signs that have noticed on this day helped predict subsequent events. The main Epiphany tradition remains swimming in the hole. On the night of January 18-19, believers will dip in cruciate sanctified wormwings to symbolically repeat the ablution of Christ in the Jordan River. Water on this day acquires healing properties, eliminates physical and spiritual ailments. Therefore, believers are gaining baptized water with them and store it throughout the year.

Traditions and signs for baptism

Orthodox Christians celebrate a holiday in a family circle for festive table. Diet is observed during the post, so it is necessary to refrain from the use of meat and alcohol. According to tradition, the first is trying to eat the one who got the latter in the hole.

In the baptism of the hostess sprinkle their house with holy water, thereby being expelled evil and attracting grace into the dwelling. On this day, quarrels and conflicts are excluded. Families go to each other on a visit with songs and carols.

It is believed that the proposal of hands and hearts is January 19 is the key to a long and happy family life. The contract between the parents of the bride and the bride was blessed in heaven. Mother of the bride and groom in this joyful day were asked to award a couple of healthy and strong offspring and sewed symbolic sprawers for future grandchildren. Babies that appeared on the light were baptized in these clothes.

According to beliefs, the snow on the feast of baptism also has healing properties. Hostess used him in order to clean up linens, and young girls were sinking snow - it was believed that it would give beauty and attractiveness. Now Epiphany is gained and attached to the house. They wash both children so that they grew up healthy and strong.

Were followed by our ancestors and weather. It was the exact indicator of how the year would pass. The abundance of snow, as well as the pure and bright sky foreshadowed a rich bread crop. Ones on the trees suled a large number of mushrooms, berries and nuts in the summer. If the snow was not enough, they were preparing for arid fly. Happy familiar They considered a multi-voiced skullful bark of dogs - he foreshadowed the abundance of game in land.

The traditional exercise on baptism was also the deliverance of their dwellings from negative energy. The house was ventilated, and in the corners a salt was crumbled, which served as an insurmountable obstacle for unclean power. Church candles helped charge the house with positive energy and attract well-being. They were lit in each room and carefully followed the fire - even and pure light meant that in the house of the way and the world, and crackling, Chad and the blinking of the candle light meant that in the house was unclean.

It is believed that people who made the sacrament of baptism on this day become lucky and carry a particle of God's grace.

Signs collected by our ancestors to this day are relevant and used by contemporaries. Pray for your loved ones and wish them the righteous and happy life. Use every day to become better and do not forget to click on the buttons and

19.01.2017 02:05

Each year, the Orthodox Christian world celebrates one of the most important holidays - the Baptism of the Lord. In that...

The Christian sacrament of immersion in water, meaning the admission to the church, is called baptism. Rituals, traditions on this great day - January 19 - pass in all orthodox housesWhere people believe in God. On baptism (his name - the Epiphany), people spend various rituals to gain the fortress of spirit and body. Today we will learn about the most popular rites of this day about the tradition, observed by believers.

Baptism of the Lord: History Holiday History

Another name for this great festival is a hump, and why this is such a synonym, explain below.

With the baptism of Jesus Christ, a real miracle happened - God came to mankind, the Father had notified from heaven about the son, who baptized the usual mortal John the Baptist, and in the image of the Holy Spirit I had a pigeon from the sky. Therefore, the name of this holiday is a bogueration, that is, that day the world was the first time a trinity. After the Epiphany, Jesus went to the desert, led by the Holy Spirit, and in his prayers and thought began to prepare for the Great Mission, for which he appeared in this world. The unclean strength, like all ordinary people, Jesus still restrained and stayed 40 days without food and water. That is how, with the participation of John the Baptist, happened significant event In the history of all mankind - the baptism of the Lord. History suggests that it was the first important event in the public activity of Jesus.

The sacrament of baptism

This phrase indicates a spiritual revival of a person, this is his birth for orthodox churchwhere he gets access to confession, where it is connected to God. The peculiarity of the rite is a triple immersion of a man, a woman or a child or pouring them to read the prayers. After that, a personal cross is put on a Christian, and then a person is disguised as white clothes. The meaning of this sacrament is that after him a man, a woman or children can live according to Christian laws - commandments.


Important and first Christian sacrament - baptism. Ritals, traditions on this day must comply with all the people who become members of the Church. On this day, Christ presented a man, fell in sin, the possibility of gaining grace of the Holy Spirit after the rite itself.

Signs for baptism are considered the most accurate and truthful. Here is some of them:

If there was heavy snow on this day, then it is worth waiting for an excellent crop in the summer.

If the day is clear and very frosty, then the summer months will be hot.

If the stars are shining on the eve, it means that spring will begin early. And this means that the year will be calm, without any shocks.

Actual sign on baptism in our days: if the hump falls on the full moon, then you need to be afraid of flooding and spill of rivers.

Holiday symbol

All rituals and rituals are baptized with water, which possesses an extraordinary force on this day. First of all, it retains absolute freshness for 3 years. She else can be diluted with ordinary water, adding only Epiphany droplet. For the holiday, all Christians should go to the temple and shy this healing fluid. Also, for this purpose, people go to the river, water. There it is sanctified in special drives, called "Jordan", in honor of the Baptism of Jesus in Jordan.

Water in baptism is further used to heal people from any disease, it can be treated with various wounds and drink just every day in the morning on an empty stomach. It also sprinkles every corner in his apartment so that no penetration into the dwelling, and the house always remained order and peace.

Physical health rite

It is necessary to spend this event on the first day after the baptism of the Lord. It is necessary to dial warm water into the bathroom, add a few drops of sacred and plunge there completely, not leaving a single body area dry. Even the face is desirable for a few seconds. In full calm you need to lie down for 10 minutes, and then get out of the bath and, without wiping away with a towel, wait until the body dry itself. Such are carried out not only in relation to sick people for their speedy healing, and for the entire people. Even if the person is healthy and it bothers nothing, it is advisable for his further great health to fulfill this event.

For recovery of a lying man

The Great Holiday Baptism, January 19, celebrated by all Orthodox Christians, is not only the healing and healing of people who appeared on the healing reservoir or the river. Some patients, because of their different pors, simply cannot get out of bed and get up to get out. For such unfortunate people there is a special ritual for recovery. To do this, it is necessary that someone from their relatives screamed the sacred driver, came to the house and consecrated every corner, and then sprinkled the patient's room three times. And weak near man It is necessary to make a cruciform 3 times from a separate container. Then it is necessary to wash the relative and wipe it with a native shirt with the back side. After that, change clothes, and shrive on the same day - January 19 in the reservoir. Then let it dry and put on a person again. After such a rite, a sick relative will very soon for amendment.

Ritual for the execution of cherished desires

This rite is carried out as follows: on the eve of the holiday in the cup you need to type the sacred water left since past years, and then omit there then you should put a cup with the contents on the window sill so that the moon is shining on the capacity (it is desirable to spend this then you need to say quietly 3 times and To go to bed. In the morning you should go outside and pour water under the tree, and hide the coin in a secluded place so that no one else finds it. Similar rites and rituals for baptism for execution cherished desires They were held before, and until now, people believe in them and with special joy and trepidation are waiting for the feast of the Epiphany, in order to take advantage of the case and fulfill the identification of their dreams.

Ritual for tonus of the body

Of course, everyone knows where to start baptism on January 19th. Traditions suggest that the trip to the reservoir is the first event in the great feast of the Epiphany. During the ritual for the tone of the body, it is necessary to plunge into a consecrated river, with a head completely with your head, and it is necessary to do it 3 times and must be baptized. But not all people know how to prepare for such an event. Rites for baptism on January 19 must be carried out according to the rules, therefore, it is necessary to preliminarily assemble and fulfill uncomplicated prescriptions that are expressed as follows:

  1. The most important thing is to fast 3 days before the immersion ritual into the sacred water.
  2. It should be done in the correct way of life - to refuse alcohol, smoking, not to use obscene break, do not deceive, do not steal and, of course, do not adcept.
  3. On the evening of January 18, you should go to the church and to gain sacred water, which you need to sprinkle yourself, and in the morning just wash it.
  4. Only after the actions described above can go to a river or a reservoir, where before plunging, you should read the prayer "Our Father" three times.

By no means for baptism - orthodox holiday - It is impossible to descend to the water with someone else. A person must do it on his own, because it is a kind of test for the fortress of the spirit and body.

People who sincerely believe in healing power Waters never get sick, even if it is frost -30 degrees. And those who decided to join and hold such rites to baptism on January 19 for the sake of Dani fashion or for other reasons, can only harm themselves, and quite serious.

Rite for childless spouses

Many family couples wish in order to have children's laughter in their house, but they can't have a child to have a baby. However, if they believe in God and in its power, then such unfortunate people should be held a special rite of holiday. Baptism (January 19) helps all childless spouses and gives them a chance to become parents. However, such a case must be used correctly, so first should be prepared. Husband and wife should not sleep together in bed three nights before the Epiphany. On the evening of January 18, the spouse must definitely defend the service and go out after her, without talking to anyone until she glanced three times in the reservoir (that is, in the morning of January 19). Her husband may not attend the church, but if he also wants to stay in service, he should go to another temple. And in the same way after that he can not talk to anyone to the dipping process. When the married couple drops three times in baptized water, only after that they can meet with each other and be sure to spend the night together. And very soon they will have the opportunity to become loving parents. Such rites and rituals for baptism should not be narrated by other people. Therefore, it is better not to tell anyone about such a sacrament.


1. On the eve of the holiday, all believers have fed during the day, and in the evening the whole family was going at the table and rejuvenated with Kutu, like on Christmas.

2. On the day of the Epiphany in the Church, the service rules.

3. On the eve of the baptism, the water is consecrated in the temples, and in the holiday itself - in rivers, lakes, seas.

4. A day before the Epiphany, people cut into the ice to the ice in the form of a cross, a pigeon figurine like a symbol of the Holy Spirit is installed nearby.

5. Over the river near the cross occurs a rite of water binding. During him, the priest gives 3 times the cross and lit a three-year-old. It turns out that the water is baptized with fire.

6. Great holiday is cope with baptism on January 19. Traditions of youth on this day - Entertainment on ice: Young guys and girls skating and satisfied the carousel. And in the evening they started walking around the houses of Collast, sing songs, congratulating all people with a great holiday. After baptism, young people gathered again in the evenings, and then girls and guys got acquainted, communicated and soon chose a couple. And from the moment of the Epiphany to the Great Post lasted new season Weddings.

Now you know what is a holiday baptism. Rituals, traditions, rituals are complied with the impertons of the ages of our ancestors, and we like believers orthodox people, I must not forget about such sacraments and be sure to go to church, pray, and on January 19 to prepare in advance and go to plunge into the hole for the recovery of the soul and body.

The baptism of the Lord is considered one of the main Christian holidays. Thousands of believers annually celebrate it on January 19. On this day, the Orthodox makes a dive in the baptized hole, which, according to believing, helps strengthen health and gives spiritual and physical forces. There are other Epiphany traditions and signs that were going to previous generations and reached our days. On this day, you can find your destiny and make a desire that will surely come true.

Folk signs and superstitions for the baptism of the Lord

January 19 (January 6 in the old style) Orthodox Christians celebrate one of the twelve majority church holidays - Epiphany. This day is also called the feast of the Epiphany, since with the baptism of Jesus Christ in the waters of Jordan appeared to the world Most Holy Trinity: "God Father verbal from heaven about his son, the son was baptized from the Holy Forerunner of the Lord of John, and the Holy Spirit came to the Son in the form of a dove."

Despite the fact that, on church canons, folk beliefs Do not matter, there are many superstitions associated with the feast of baptism. Some of them remained since the time of the Doharistian Russia.

Signals about the weather

Among the Epiphany will adopt the weather related to the state of the harvest or about the coming year, there are those:

  • If frost on baptism is severe than for Christmas, you can expect a good bread crop.
  • Clear and frosty day on the holiday foreshadowed a dry summer.
  • On the street, overcast and snowfall, it means that summer, on the contrary, will be gracious.
  • If the snow side of the bachership fell on the side of the side of the board, then the crops are rotting and the crop can not be expected. But if between the hedge and the snowdrift there is at least a small gap, then the year will be fertile.
  • Blizzard in the Epiphany holiday suled bad weather to the carnival.
  • If the snow flies with large flakes, then it is foreseen good harvest. And also spoke about the blue clouds at noon on January 19.
  • Little snow on baptism - in summer there will be almost no mushrooms and berries.
  • If on January 19 in the morning it was snow, the early buckwheat, the snow fell at noon, it means that buckwheat matures not early, but not too late. Bad admission It is believed when the snow is coming in the evening - buckwheat will be late.
  • If the hostess goes behind water and snowfall starts at this time, it means that the year will be a yield.
  • Animes on the trees was enyling a large number of berries, mushrooms and nuts in the summer.
  • If the baptism happens to the thaw, then the weather is expected warm in winter. And also it foreshadowed that harvest Bread will darken.
  • When the water from the hole splashes onto the ice to the full moon, this suggests that the spring will be a strong flood.
  • If baptism accounted for a new moon, then it is necessary to see the weather in the next three days. A clear day foreshadows sunny and frosty weather until the end of the month. If snow falls, the snowfall will be until February. And if it rains, then the weather will be rainy until January will end.
  • Many stars in the sky said that there are many red berries in the forest.
  • In Tula province, believed that if in epiphany evening Stars shine brightly, it predicts the fertility of the lambs. Therefore, they said: "Bright stars will blow white peasants."

Other beliefs

In addition to superstitions associated with weather phenomena, the signs for baptism can be supplemented with such:

  1. 1. Dreams on the eve of the holiday are considered things, and predictions are the most faithful. For burning, this night use the same rituals as for Christmas and saty fortunes.
  2. 2. Heaven opens into the Epiphany night, so they will be prayed for anything - everything will be fulfilled.
  3. 3. If the dog is poured into the baptism, it is for money. It also foreshadowed the fact that there will be a lot of game in the forest.
  4. 4. For bachersky worship, you need to come, and not come on foot.
  5. 5. If January 19, the child himself, then John the Baptist himself will be present at ritual, and if you buy a cross, the guardian angel will be delighted. People who made the sacrament of baptism on this festive day, are lucky and happy in life and carry the part of God's grace.
  6. 6. Who was born in the shit, must redeemed in the hole. If there is no room nearby, then you can take a shower, because all the water has the medicinal strength.

What can not be done on the holiday?

There are special folk superstitionWho suggest that you should not be made in the baptism of Christ:

  • On the eve of the Epiphany and on the festive day it is impossible to give bread, matches and money from the house, so that luck and happiness are not gone with them.
  • No money should be occupied, otherwise the whole year will be held in debt, and it will have to pay it doubly.
  • On January 18, after sunset, no bad loaf of bread is not covered, otherwise grandchildren in old age will live in poverty and needs.
  • On the day of baptism, you should not cry, and then all year will be held in tears.
  • Also, the holiday does not need to praise anyone or scold.
  • One who lies on the day of the Baptism of the Lord will hurt angina and other diseases oral cavity.
  • You can not squander and quarrel with anyone, it will bring trouble.
  • It is not worth 18 and January 19 to remember the deceased relatives in order not to stick death.
  • The holiday itself and a week after it is considered to rinse underwear in the baptized hole, since the water in it is holy.
  • It is impossible to leave shoes behind the threshold in the Epiphany night, this is to disease.
  • The Epiphany is not recommended to cut hair to "not conientify fate", as well as make a manicure and pedicure.
  • Do not use tools for sewing and knitting. The work will not argue, and your life can be confused.
  • On the night of January 18th and to noon, 19 cannot be allowed to allow marital intimacy, otherwise a gap in relationships may occur.

Customs and traditions that should be performed on January 19

Orthodox Christians celebrate the Baptism of the Lord in a family circle behind a modest holiday table. During the post you can rush only with lean dishes, so it is worth refraining from the use of meat food and alcoholic beverages. The main treat in this bright day is the "casting klya" from rice, honey and raisins (sochily).

By folk tradition, first tries the dish who the last dipped into the hole. Families, according to old rites, go to each other, win and sing songs. The holiday is usually completed by the rite of discharge of pigeons. There are many other folk customsrelated to this bright day.

Exile of the unclean forces from the dwelling

Epiphany begins on the evening of January 18, when all believers celebrate the Epiphany Christmas Eve. It is the "Epiphany evening" is considered the time of the rampant of the unclean strength, when the spirits leave their aquatic guilty and try to hide in the dwelling. It was accepted to draw a cross with chalk or coal on entrance door, window Ramama, above the chicks, as protection against the penetration of evil in the house.

The same meaning has the tradition of drawing crosses on the lids of the buckets and jugs with water and kvass, as well as to baptize the mouth during the sowing. These actions are prevented by the likelihood of disease penetration and evil spirits into the human body.

In the Epiphany Night, girls could appear in the image of a wonderful junior driver. "Fire Snakes". Love was considered insecheral. "Not loving, love, not praise, praise," - warned the elderly young girls about his appearance.

Fire snakes in the image of a young man

If the house was not protected in time and unclean spirits got into it, then get rid of them as follows:

  1. 1. The housing is found in the floor of the housing, it should not necessarily perform above the floor level, and can be simply outlined on the surface parquet Board.
  2. 2. An unnamed right finger driving a triangle.
  3. 3. Then they get up on it with the left foot and say: "Christ is risen, and not you, the demon. Amen. "

In baptism you can save your home and from negative. Residential premises need to be ventilated, and in the corners scatter salt from unclean. In each room you need to light church candlesThey will help you drink a house with positive energy and attract grace. Smooth and clean light from them means that a fertile situation reigns in the house, and crackling, chad and blinking - not all well.

Omotion of holy water

Many baptism rites are inextricably linked with "Holy Water". Believers are trying to stock in church or from open reservoirs to treat themselves and loved ones from heavy poles. It is believed that from midnight January 19, all water has a miraculous force, because it is precisely this hour a rite of water system. On the river in a certain place they do a hole - Jordan, and after marshropic, they bathe in a cruciform cavity to heal from many diseases and stock health for the whole year. This rite symbolizes the ablution of Christ in the sacred river Jordan.

According to the people's ideas, on the night of the 18th to the 19th, Jesus bathes in all reservoirs. To see how it is immersed in the water, you need to appear at midnight on the river and watching the hole until the water begins to break.

The baptism is completed and the Christmas shints on January 7, January 7, in which for a long time they guess for the narrowed and for the future. Girls trying to learn their fate on the night under New Year, on the shinty and for baptism, should be sure to be poured by holy water to wash off the sins, because fortune-telling was always considered a conspiracy with unclean power.

Upon returning from the Water Engineering, all family members usually drink a few sips of consecrated water. Then the owner must take a sacred guideline because of the icon and sprinkle the whole house in order to preserve it from trouble and evil eyes. Also, rining at night with water, you should pronounce: "From the streets of a driver, with me Lykhovimets."

Pour holy water and in wells to devilry It was not climbing there and did not finish the water, but it is impossible to drink from the well to the morning. If in the house of the problem, you need to dial the water at night, leave it at the threshold in the open dishes, and in the morning wipe the shoes of each family member. Then to pour it out in the exhaust place with the words: " The evil spirit Underground, kind on Earth. "

To come true, you need:

  • Put on the night of January 19 on the table silver bowl.
  • Pour water into it.
  • Exactly at midnight, water should break.
  • Pronounce a desire over the bowl. It will certainly be fulfilled.

After committing rites, holy water put on images and stored throughout the year. It is believed that it should not be spoiled, and if they freeze it, the image of the cross will appear on the ice.

Epiphany snow

If the snow is melt on baptism, then they can get rid of dizziness, cramps and numbness of legs. First, they wash with melt water of children, and then wash themselves and pronounce the following words: "Strong faith, strongly cross, firmly health. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

In Russia, it was customary to add Epiphany snow in food horses to increase strength and endurance and churars, so that they were rushed. Snow, assembled in the Epiphany evening, will help save water even in dry wells all year. The hostess use such snow in order to make bed linen snow-white and fresh.

To not grow old long, you need:

  • Bring to the house of pure bachechen snow.
  • Melt it.
  • Wash the melt water and pronounce a plot.

Young girls have long been wound with snow brought from fields, for beauty and attractiveness. They were wiped their face to be white and ruddy. And young children were washed with melt water so that they grow healthy and strong.

Traditions associated with marriage

In Russia, many baptized rituals were provided for both girls who wanted to marry:

  1. 1. The unmarried maiders sought to be wounded on the day of baptism to family life Was happy. Those who had no beloved, wondered because after the holiday it was already impossible.
  2. 2. Girls could find out the upcoming fate in baptism. Coming out of the house, they watched who will be the first to meet them: if handsome man - To marriage, and when they met a child or an old man - the wedding this year is not.
  3. 3. There was a custom that guys and girls could perform. It was necessary to ask the name from counter passersby - in women men, in men women. By folk acceptingSo will call the narrowed or bride.
  4. 4. In a clear bass evening, the girl went to the church and listened: some of them were heard either a wedding choir or the sound of a bell, which foreshadowed a close marriage, or a funeral service or a deaf knock - it was miracle and soon.
  5. 5. There was another tradition - throwing the shoe. The girls went out for the sideline and threw a shoe with the left leg. In which direction, the shoe sock pointed out - from there and the future spouse will arrive, and in the same way the girl to leave for the house. If the sock pointed back to the house, it meant that the girl will no longer marry.
  6. 6. Mothers of newlyweds in baptism asked to reward a pair of healthy and strong children and sewed disintegrations for future grandchildren. Babies, later that appeared on the world, took the sacrament of baptism in this dress.

Conspiracy for money, well-being

To correct the financial situation and that money in the house has always been found, on the eve of the baptism of all the homework it is necessary to recalculate cash bills. At the same time, the money should be pronounced corporate words.

On January 19, it is necessary to go around the house and pronounce three times: "The gate is converted, the water is lit, the cross on the wall and on me, the knife from the enemies in my hand - out of my life." This will help to win over all their essays next year.

Baptism of the Lord - Tradition, Customs, Rites, Signs, Congratulations

On the night of January 18-19, Orthodox noted the Baptism of the Lord (Holy Epiphany). What should be done on baptism? How to celebrate the holiday? What rites need to do? What signs need to pay attention to? How to congratulate relatives and loved ones?

Baptism is one of the main Christian holidays. The holiday of baptism ends Christmas shints on January 7 to 19.

This holiday is established in the memory of the baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Jordan River, when he was 30 years old. From the Gospel, it is known that John the Baptist, calling the people to repent, baptized people in the waters of Jordan. The Savior, being sinister initially, did not have any need for repentance in John the baptism of repentance, but for humility, he accepted his baptism of water, and the consecration of water.

The feast of the baptism is also called the feast of the Epiphany, because when baptized, the Lord appeared to the world of the Holy Trinity: "God Father verbal from heaven about his son, the son was baptized from the Holy Forerunner of the Lord John, and the Holy Spirit went on the son in the form of a dove".

Epiphany. Holy Epiphany

On the eve of baptism, January 18, believers will fast "Do not eat anything until the evening, and in the evening they celebrate the second holy evening or" hungry kutu ". The dinner serves lean dishes - fried fish, dumplings with cabbage, buckwheat pancakes on oil, Kutu and Uzbar.

The whole family, as before Christmas, is going at the table to which only lean dishes are served, Casca (sochily) is prepared from rice, honey and raisins..

That evening, returned from the church with a prayer service, people put the crosses over all windows and doors with a chalk or soot.

After dinner, all spoons are collected in one bowl, and the bread is put on top - "so that the bread is born." The girls were ghadowed by these spoons: they went out on the threshold and stuck them, while somewhere he does not lie down - the girl and marry will go to the same way.

Home Tradition The holiday of the Baptism of the Lord is the consecration of water.

In the morning of January 19, water will be holy - or in the church, or, where possible, near the lake, river or stream. It is believed that on baptism, from midnight until midnight, water acquires healing properties And retains them throughout the year. She is given to drink seriously, temples, houses and animals consecrate it. For science, the fact that baptic water does not deteriorate does not smell and can be stored for a year and longer.

In the olden, on the eve of Yordan, the Big Cross ("Yordan") was cut into ice and installed it vertically next to the hole. The icy cross was decorated with Barvinka and pine branches or poured beet kvass, from which he became red.

Water is consecrated in sources, and where there is no such possibility - in the courtyard of the temple. Sanctifying water, the priest lowers the cross in a special bachership disconnect, called "Jordan", consecrated water It is called "Great Aguyma", that is, the great shrine.

It's believed that epiphany water has the same miraculous powerlike the water of Jordan, in which Jesus Christ came.

On the day of baptism, after a prayer, patients swim in the hole - to cure the disease, and the dressed in the mask under the New Year - to cleanse from sin.

On the day of the holiday and a day Epiphany Christmas tree Great water binding is performed. In the courtyards of the temples stretch long line for holy water.

If a person for any serious reasons cannot go to the service, he can resort to the healing power of simple water taken from the usual reservoir in the Epiphany night. It is believed that Epiphany water is gaining particular strength and hestructal. Epiphany water They treat wounds, sprinkle every corner of their housing - there will be order and peace in the house.

To this day preserved tradition dipped to baptism in the hole "The one who looked at it believed that healing baptic water would give him health for the whole year. And today there are coup, which even in a strong frost jump in icewater. All wishing to join them should be remembered that it is necessary to dip in the baptismic hole, not seeking to "make a feat", and remembering the religious sense of this action - it is best to take a blessing from the priest. It is also necessary to know that the ablution in baptismic water does not clear from all sins "automatically".

After the celebration of the baptism begins the new wedding seasonwhich continues to the Great Post. In the old days it was the time of fun and leisure. Young people gathered at the evening, families arranged fashion and went to visit each other.

Epiphany holy water

In the Epiphany Epiphany can be drinking all day. But then it should be used on an empty stomach or for particular need (for example, with a sudden illness). In addition, on the day of the holiday, we are a Kropim holy water all the dwelling, including the seizure of the place, and the premises where our pets live. You can sprinkle and the office and place of study, and the car.

And if you see that the water has not been so much, as I would like, - you can dilute its simple clean waterAnd the whole it will also be full of grace, as before, and will not spoil.

Therefore, it is not necessary to dare, having taken from the temple on this day a canister on a dozen-other liters. It is enough to take a small bottle - and the water is enough until the next baptism you and your loved ones.

But the wonderful preservation of bachership water is not guaranteed to a person who will not treat her reverent.

It is better to pour water from plastic dishes In glass, and store it next to icons. Also drink this water with prayerSo that this gift of the Lord is to us in the health of the soul and body.

Epiphany water can stand and defenses.

Fortune telling on baptism

In the baptismic evening, the girl should get out of the house and go down the street. If she to meet on his path of the first young and cute man, is the likelihood that this year she will marry. If passerby is old, then marriage is not soon.

For baptism, except for traditional New Year and Christmas ghostas, ancient times practiced a special fortune telling - with Buck.

Its essence was that the fortune holders, capturing in a cup of hot junctions and screaming her under apron or a handkerchief, fled to the street and the first man who fell into the face of the Bute, asking his name.

An even more original is another kind of special epiphany fortune telling: On Christmas Eve, after sunset, the girls naked went outside, "Pololi" snow, threw him over his shoulder and then listened - in which the side would hear something, in the other side and married.

Epiphany signs

♦ If the baptism of the trees are covered with incident, spring sow winter wheat It is necessary on the same day of the week - the crop will be rich.

♦ If the baptism is shovel snow - to a good crop.

♦ If the baptism is clear and cold - to the crumbling, arid summer.

♦ If the Starry Night is baptized - there will be a good harvest of nuts and berries.

♦ If a lot of fish can be visible on baptism - there will be a bee well.

♦ If after baptism in the sky full month - the spring is possible flood.

♦ If the dogs are latted a lot - to large quantity Beasts and game in the forest.

♦ To find out how warm it will be the rest of the winter, in the night of Christmas Eve before baptism, you just need to look at the sky. If the stars are shining bright, then summer will be dry and hot, and spring will begin early. Moreover, autumn will also be warm and protracted. Also, bright stars in the sky in baptism say that the year will be calm, without political or economic shockers.

♦ If there is a full moon in the night of baptism, then in the spring it is necessary to fear the strong spill of the rivers.

♦ Not very good, if the baptism is warm: the signs say that there will be health problems in the coming year. On the contrary, if a lot of snow is to baptism - this is to strong health.

♦ If you are baptized in baptism, you will hear dog dogs - it promises a good financial condition in the coming year. It is believed that dogs are called hunting, which promises excellent prey.

Congratulations on the baptism of the Lord

♦ Let frosts for baptism
Bring a blessness
Warmth, comfort, your home -
Let it be filled with Dobro.
Thoughts, feelings and hearts.
Let the relatives gather.
Let him get into the house fun
On this holiday on baptism.

♦ Let bachers frost
Will take trouble and tears
And add fun
Happiness, joy, lucky!
Be to the holiday ready -
Very merry, healthy,
To swim in the hole
And healthy stay!

♦ Let the Epiphany Frosts
My sadness will go away.
Let only happiness be tears,
Let them lead that they will come.
I want more often you laughed
And never be sad!
For love admired
And they were always happy!

♦ For the people to baptism
There is an update.
Jumped into the hole with his head -
Life becomes different.
And then step on the ice,
Turn to the sunrise.
Hands at the top raise boldly,
So that your soul is singing.

♦ I want to wish in baptism
Poems more, less in prose life,
Let life be so not to suffer
Love is the strongest Epiphany frost.
Hope, beauty and kindness,
And, of course, the sea positive,
Strive for the height of your dreams
For life eternal motifs.

♦ With the Holy Empty
Congratulations, friends!
You will lean all the doubts
Be happy, loving!
Do not be afraid of different dishonor
And the holy water will happen!
Go to love ...
Holiday comes again!

♦ With baptism you have a hurry to congratulate
And wish you cleanliness
All thoughts and all aspirations
Health, happiness and love!
Let the angels guard you
And erase your strong sleep
Let the grief do not know
And there will be a side of the Lord!

♦ In the bright day of the Lord's baptism
I wish you all terrestrial generotes.
Let the soul and body cleaning
On this day, you will decline from the sky.
I want to wish you now.
Let everything be on time and by the way,
Let the Lord protect you.
Let everything in life easily
And let baptic water
That today from everywhere is poured,
Wives all the bad forever!

♦ Let the Holy Water
Sin your mocking any
Let any trouble
Will be part of.
Let him open
Clean light and love,
And the soul of your temple
Rereamed again.

♦ Happy Baptism of the Lord
Congratulations to you today!
The house is not at creed,
The world will become kinder for you.
Help will be noticeable
Your happiness will not fade.
Love love and support
Let them become stronger over the years!