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Strong conspiracies on the return of the love of a woman. Consulting words on the fishing net. Return Love Musha

Very often there are situations where men become victims of love magic. The girls actively enjoy magic for their own purposes to attract the attention of the male. But sometimes sometimes the moments occur when a man begins to contact the help of magic to return or bewitting a woman. Many centuries ago esoterica included a conspiracy on the love of a woman in his list. Such prayers a large number of And each man will be able to find the option that is best suited in his situation.

In love feelings helps more white Magic. Conduct rites easily independently at home. No need to seek help from specialists.

Elementary method of lability of women

Magic has several types of rituals that are divided into subcategories. They are accepted to divide in terms of complexity. This option belongs to the most simple methods And do not require special efforts or knowledge in the area of \u200b\u200besoteric. Despite its simplicity, it is quite effective and always brings a positive result.

The main condition for achieving the result is regularity. Read a strong conspiracy for the love of women is needed daily, during the week. If you at least once missed the reading of prayer, then should return to the beginning. Conspiracy for the love of women to read solely, before you go to bed.

The ritual does not require any preparation. We just need to read the following words every day:

"I ask heaven angels, help me in a love situation. All couples have excellent relationships and only I am experiencing unrequited feelings. I, the slave of God (name), I have long loved the girl, but it does not have any response feelings for me. I ask you, make love feelings in her heart and we were together. Only with her I imagine my life. Without it, you can not sleep, I can not eat, I can not live. Let the slave of God (name) wake up to me feelings and will be a companion of my life. Nobody will not be able to tick out and no one is destined to violate my life plans. Amen".

Ritual using hair

If you think about the fact that the biological material is used only in black rituals, then you are mistaken. Very often such methods use white magic. In order for the love plots on a woman to work, you need to perform all the tasks. In this method, you will need your beloved hair. In principle, this is the most difficult part of the ritual, because the loving conspiracy itself can even read even that person who has never had a relationship to magic. Also, a man must take a comb and find a special prayer. It must be learned on memory and not use tips. Specific time, to read a conspiracy, no. You can spend it at any time convenient for you.

At that moment, when you wind your hair on the teeth, you need to say the next love plot for a woman:

"I, the slave of God (name), I appeal for help to nature so that it helps me attract the attention of your beloved girl. Let my love swamp delays her to my life. I hope that the existing web of my feelings will make the girls stay with me. Our hair on the comb will be intertwined, but not confused. Let our fates connect together and no one can disconnect us. My love burns from the inside and asks for an answer. No one can remove this strong plot, since I have reinforced it with feelings. Amen".

The rite in which the photo should be used.

In magic there are a large number of rituals that use the photo of the victim. And they are considered the most effective. Therefore, the conspiracies for the love of women possess the same property. It is necessary to carefully approach the choice of the magic attribute. There are several basic rules.

  1. Pay attention to the fact that the photo girl should be alone.
  2. It is necessary to choose such a photo where fewer foreign objects or people on the background. Only in this case, the conspiracy of the love of women will be able to give results.
  3. Sometimes the use of a joint photo is allowed. That is, it should be a victim and performer.

Experienced sorcerers are confident that better time For reading prayer, is morning. It was before that moment until the sun came out of the horizon. If you need to achieve a quick result, then you need to write the words of prayers on the photo itself. In principle, its size is quite suitable for the usual photo.

Very strong white plot For love men, women, girls, guy - read on the growing moon!

Conspiracies and rituals for the love of energy Men and Women

Ritual for female attractiveness.

The conspiracy for love women sounds like this:

"I read the cherished words before the sun will rise. Appealy K. higher power In order to feel the feelings of the slaves of God (name), she loved me very much. Let with the awakening of the sun, love in her heart will wake up. Shine soul wishes, but without love it is impossible. All the living pulls hands to the luminaries of the Heaven, so let my love to me stretch. MY Magic words sound from the depths of the soul and no one can turn them against me. Amen".

After all the actions are completed, put a photo under the place where you sleep. Let it be there until you notice a positive result.


Choose a time when a growing moon is in the sky. If you do not know when it happens, you can take help moon calendar. Next you need to go to church and buy a candle of red. It is the red candle that personifies the surprisingly strong feelings and manifestation of passion.

On the candle you need to engrave the name of the chosen and read the following conspiracy to your favorite woman:

"Fire lights and love with love. I wish the chosen to be my favorite of me and a sense of passion surrounded me. Only with her I imagine my further life, no one else is needed. Only we will be happy together and no one can solve us. Only death will be able to disconnect our destinies. Although, even in heaven, we will be together. Lord, only you are able to help in this difficult situation. I ask you to direct my heart to my right side and showing love in her direction in her direction. I will take the consequences and answer your actions. Amen".

In order for the lovelists for women's love worked, you need to carefully fulfill all the conditions prescribed in the instructions. Only so you can be sure that the result will not make yourself wait and you can gain your happiness.

Untreated love makes it suffer both women and men. Unanswered emotions and feelings that are not outputs, cut the man's biofield from the inside, causing spiritual, and sometimes physical pain. In some cases, a loved person can be distracted to work or a hobby, but most often love is stronger.

But can a man having a favorite woman with magical rituals? How dangerous is it? What are the conspiracy for the love of a woman? Is it possible to return your beloved wife with a conspiracy?
I read the answers to each of these questions in our article.

What are the conspiracy for the love of a woman?

In love magic, both black and white probiments are widely used. The black conspiractions include quick attractions for women's love, as well as an absolute or violent binding. Magages practitioners do not recommend using dark spells to attract attention to the following reasons:

  • This is the most real violence over your loved one. Black love ritual is able to provide maximum binding to as soon as possibleBut the woman's biofield will suffer significantly. In the future, she will be sick, becomes nervous and irritable;
  • In the process of the dark rite, the magician appeals to the evil entities of the subtle world and awakens them. These entities do not like when they are disturbed, therefore the evil released in the etheric space will be returned to the sorcerer in a triple size.

Other thing - White love magic. Such conspiracies are directed not to the absolute and violent binding of their beloved, but on the awakening of platonic and sexual interest in it. White rituals are not aimed at harm, the caster is guided by exclusively supporting the light forces. In terms of its origin, light guidelines are divided into the following categories:

  • Pagan - The oldest rituals, the legacy of the ancestors who entered the forces of nature. Before reading the pagan conspiracy, the sorcerer should be joined in nature. There are in mind regular walks through the forests, fields, protected areas;
  • Prayer. Comraced with one of the official religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism). The texts of the conspiracy retain the prayer texture and the melody, the sorceress calls to God, the Angels and Saints. An important condition for the use of such conspiractions is the involvement of a sorcerer to a specific religion. For example, if a Christian prayer spell is applied, the magician must be baptized. Before prayer ritual, it is recommended to adhere to a weekly cleansing post;
  • Combined - The result of esoteric experiments of modern magicians. Not recommended for the use of inexperienced sorcerers.

As a result of a white love rite, the attitudes of the beloved woman will change during the first week after reading the conspiracy.

Conspiracy on the love of a married woman

Conspiracy on love married woman - The responsible event is already because it is impossible to reverse its action. A man who decided to shock someone's wife should be confident in his feelings and intentions. Conspiracy is read in full moon with candles (preferably, church). The sorcerer should sit face to the moon, illuminated by her light. For ritual, you will need:

  • Photo of beloved. Best of all, if it is a single portrait photo. The presence in the image of foreign people and animals can reduce the impact on the woman's biofield;
  • 3 Thin candles;
  • White flower (ideally rose).

Exactly at midnight, a man should light the candles, sit opposite the Moon and, reducing the flower over the flame of candles, pronounce the next spell:

"I, Slave God [Your Name] church candles ignite white rose Out of the flame, I'll be puzzled, the heart of the beloved slaves of God's [Women's name] Skil:
Heart heart!
Otrin Colekko!
Marriage that was a dude -
Is no longer needed!
I love you so much -
So you love me,
Part of mine will be
Forever and ever,
Amen! Amen! Amen!".

The effect of conspiracy will appear in the next 7 days. The woman will begin to show interest to the caster, gradually cool to her legitimate husband.

How to achieve love of a free woman?

Rite and conspiracy unmarried girl - Delicate process. The swing should be followed by some rules:

  • Clearly understand your desires. It is important to take into account that conspiracies for love and spells for sex with an unmarried woman are completely different things. It is also necessary to understand that the action of the probation is irreversibly;
  • The conspiracy for the love of the girl should be read in the so-called "Venus day", that is - on Friday;
  • Begin to reading a conspiracy on a spell of an unmarried woman follows the fertile arrangement of the Spirit. If the caster feels strong fatigue, dwells in a bad mood or sick, it is better to postpone the hold of the rite for a more favorable time.

For the probability of the sacrament, you will need:

  • 12 candles;
  • Paper sheet;
  • Pencil or pen;
  • Middle mirror.

Conspiracy on the love of a concrete woman is recommended sitting on the floor. Candles are placed around the sorceress, forming the perfect circle. The mirror is put in the center of the circle, the man is sitting opposite it and alternately lights the candles. The names of the caster and his beloved are written on paper. The paper is located between the mirror and the man who reads the following conspiracy:

"I call for the help of light forces, the energy of the space and the gods of love - Lada and Lelia, Venus and Amur, Ishtar and Aphrodites! My love is great, my love is true. No harm pray - but only for the benefit! Light in the heart [the name of the beloved] the same love to be to us with her both in life and by death! I solemnly swear that I will never cause [the name of the girl] harm, never hit and will not insult her. Love makes me better, stronger and kinder! Let this feeling always burn in our hearts! Yes, our souls are reunited as the languages \u200b\u200bof fire, forever eternal! ".

After reading the spell, you must spend a few minutes in silence, presenting happy life With your beloved girl. Then the candles are wrapped in a sheet of paper with names and reliably hide. After 3 months, this sweater must be burned.

Conspiracy to return your favorite woman

Return your beloved wife with a conspiracy is easier than to shock an outsider woman. The fact is that the marriage bonds - themselves are sacred, especially if the spouses were robust. As a spell in this case, it can be used strong prayerTo return your beloved woman and tie it energetically and spiritually to her husband. The text of the prayer is presented below:

"Lord strong, sinless! Your mercy has no boundaries! Sweeting your sinful [Name], Turn to the house of his empty wife's favorite, slave God's [Name]. Ravering her, Lord, from the thoughts of the black to her husband, convocile her that how great my love for God is as great and love for her. Give for happiness family, simple, gentle! Pray you, Lord! In the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen! ".

Attention! Only a baptized person can use a prayer in the form of a conspiracy!

To return the civilian wife, a cohabitant or simply - a long love, you can read before bedtime, in the phase of the growing moon, the following words:

"I'm going to sleep -
I look at the moon.
It is only a moon from the clouds to appear -
So love to me in my heart [name] will be revived!
Amen! Amen! Amen!"

After reading the conspiracy should be washed cold water And go to bed.

How do the mother-in-law bewildered daughter-in-law to his son?

Since ancient times, magical operations got rid of love addiction, conspired sufferings. If they did not know how to get rid of unfortunate love, they conducted a ritual and pronounced a conspiracy from unrequited love.

And now, more about the conspiracies themselves.

Love conspiracy on blood and food from unrequited love

In this case, conspiracies from unrequited love or from undivided love are made on their own blood. This ritual is a bit similar to a sexual spell, which is a very strong love plot, but its actions are not so destructive and do not entail heavy consequences. The rite is carried out only on a growing moon at any time of the day.
  1. You need to take a piece of meat clippings and fry well, lay it on the plate.
  2. Throw 2-5 drops of blood from the finger and say the following: " Blood slaves of God (his name) The heart of the slave of God (the name of his beloved) to Napassion. And be a tied to me, and he will never be able to tear away from me. Amen».
It is important that your chosen one has eaten all meat completely.

Conspiration from Unhappy Love

You can get rid of unrequited love with the help of magic, conspiracies from unfortunate love will help here. They relate to white magic and do not have great powerBut help to draw the attention of men.

Only unmarried girl can conduct it.

For magical actions, you need to buy a new ring in the store, without trying it. Wait for the growing moon and a sunny day.

  1. You need to go out on the open area, ideal if the sun will be in the zenith.
  2. To put on the ring on the ring finger of the right hand and lifting it up to utter once: " The sun is clear, I turn to your gaze, I open my soul, I beg about help. The heart will be well done (the slave of God's name) burns, the forces of life takes away. Help me, the sun, the look at me on me, let him see my face, his heartbeat feels and the desire of mine will feel the longing. Let my finger grind up with a ring, and the eternal will be swam in love. Amen».
  3. The ring must be worn until the young man is confessed in his feelings, then remove the ring and hang on the chain.
While you will keep it with you, your loved one will be near.

The easiest conspiracy from unrequited love

For this magical impact, there is no additional details, but it will give the opportunity to get rid of painful love. You need to pronounce words before bedtime, imagine your love to which you want to cool and say: " Your face with me, and the soul and heart is not with me, as you do not see me, do not love and you do not want, so I cool you, I'll free my heart" The result will not make yourself wait, and in the morning the feelings will not be so strong. "

Get rid of love magic - Ostud

If you need an edge of love, this can help with simple plots from love magic.
  1. For the ritual, only a photo of a person is needed, over which these words need to pronounce: " Like the fire of your image is incaying and my feelings will be burned in forever and turn into ashes».
  2. After that, burn the photo, and the ashes to entee.

Magic rituals require a very serious approach and preparation.

To a greater extent, they are based on sincere faith. The main thing is to remember that the love of a person can pass, and the ritual will not lose its strength and walking will continue to experience love feelings, but whether they will need you then ...

Strong love affection like a diseasewhich is in dire need of treatment. This feeling, remaining unrequited, turns the life of a person in eternal flour. Such painful condition is dangerous. It leads to depression, destroys his well-being, career, plunges him into loneliness, forcing them to fall into the most sin, from which the Bible warns, in despondency.


Experiencing mental suffering man cannot concentrate at work, home care, he loses touch with friends and loved ones, all his thoughts with heavy chains are chained to the subject of passion. First of all, my own self-esteem should help. It must be understood that this love dependence degrades his human dignity. Self-esteem manifests itself in the ability to let go with the world and the enemy, and a friend.

If nothing helps, help will come magic. I will tell you how yourself, and at home, a conspiracy on the edge and conspiracy from unfortunate love. These conspiracies are quite different in the style of work with magic, choose the one to which you have more soul.

Sometimes it happens that with a person you broke up, and you have the feelings or it will still smoke. To get rid of such relationships, you can hold a conspiracy on the edge of love.

Take two big red candles, they symbolize you and the person you want to sob. To strengthen the conspiracy action, cut out your names on the candlelight or tie the candles with hair.

In the evening, on the first day of the descending Moon, put candles together, and leave them to burn for a while. The next evening move the candles a little bit from each other and imagine how love begins to fade. For the next evening, spread the candles even more. This ritual is repeated, a total of seven days in a row. On the seventh day, let the candles burn completely, your feelings will disappear with them.

If this conspiracy to the Ostud's feelings managed not completely, repeat it in the next moon month.

Conspiracy against unfortunate love - Preparation

At the first stage it is necessary carefully analyze the subject of passion for the presence of positive and negative qualities . It is necessary to do it in a calm and judicial state of the spirit. Try mentally to harm the wall inside yourself, so that for a while to move all the soul changing and longing for this wall for some time.

Then, on the first half of the pure sheet, write all the worthy qualities of the perturbator of your calm, and in the second half, list all its misses, cases of unworthy behavior, here you can reflect possible, constructed options for a careless or disrespectful attitude of this person to you in the future.

If the number of arguments against "equal to or exceeds written on the first half of the sheet, the procedure can be considered successful. Now is the time to turn on the imagination. Imagine your love in ridiculous images. In the image of the bacteria destroying your body, for example, or in the image of a different being unpleasant to the creature. Do not be afraid of all this to laugh, you will not hurt anyone, it's just a medicine and no more. The goal at this stage can be considered reached, if a little brightened the soul, if you wanted to laugh, if at least a little improved mood.

Second Stage - Conducting Ritual

This is an old conspiracy, prompted by great-grandmother, faithful tool. Go to the bathroom, grabbing with you egg, of course raw. Carefully look into your reflection in the mirror, it will tell about your attractiveness, eye beauty, about your kindness and other wonderful qualities. Imagine yourself in the future, think about the possible prospects and joys of life. Try that there are power to believe that amazing excellent events await you ahead.

Then, take the egg into the right hand and roll it all over the body, from my head to the legs, affecting the most intimate parts of it. And read the conspiracy:

Goy You are the first gods, stand on your threshold (I) - (name your name), mother's love born, care of white spirits. Saving, sunflowed, gazed by gazeboga. According to my spell, all the conversion of heaven to cool my wounds spiritual and bodily. Pick up mother cheese-earth all soul hands with me, ohm me water dead, Looking alive. Give me the power of the world, protect against darkness. Build me a hidden circle of fire around me, to burn love black, I am unprofitable. Let my soul cleaned, the new force is filled. Let it be welding on the cross of my roads a stone Bel-Gulius, do not go back, do not look for ways mother-earth help and protect. Okranie your child, let me whale, and he will not break his person.

Having finished spell, put an egg in a durable, deaf sac. Relax, wait, silently a little, a couple, the top three minutes and take a shower. Water will wash the entire negative, which pulled an egg to the surface of the body. If after all this wanted to sleep, the goal is achieved.

The third stage of the conspiracy-castle on fixing

But that's not all. Disease may return. Therefore, in the third, completing stage, (it is desirable that everything has been done for one day), go for a walk. Choose such a route to find in the park, square, garden, where no one can prevent completing the work started.

Find a bunch of two or three tracks, paths, stop at the crossroads, and throw the same egg through the left shoulder that you used for cleansing. It is especially important not to touch his fingers, it is not difficult. Do not turn around, do not see where and how it fell, now it is the past, in which your disease is buried, your flour and pain. And there is no need to return to him or a look nor thoughts.


You are free. And, despite the fact that after the disease you still have to have some rehabilitation, everything has already ended, you were able. Your future is open for good and happiness, live and rejoice!

For love, people are ready to go to all. It seems that enough forces in order to minimize the mountains and go through the biggest deserts of the world. This pleasure and happiness is that a loved one is responsible for your feelings, but that if he who you love all my heart, does not want to be with you? This brings unbearable torments. It seems that life is over, and there is nothing light and good ahead. Is there a way out of such a difficult situation? Yes, he, of course, is, only here, not everyone will get courage to try to get out of the position in this way. Now we are talking About the love spell.

Return Love Musha

To bring her husband's love to himself, go out into a clear, lunar night to the fence of your home. Stand your face to the moon and touch both hands with a castle before the breasts. Speak a conspiracy quietly, but firmly, without stopping and not confrontation in words: Mother My Moon, you live on soft clouds, in starry sky teremes. I will conquer you, I worship you in the belt. Take all my longing, fake her to my husband's temple, let him think about me, suffers, at night and never forgets, dries, hurts about me, about his wedded wife. MY CHAX, CHAIR, GROW, LOOK RECORD MUCH, RAVE, SELECT RAB (NAME). Let him cry without me and fits like a dove around the blueberries circling, there would be a sweeter of wine, roasting fire, and would be the whole century near me. My word is hard, my lopko is. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Love spell through Rosu

Love, created in dew per day at Ivan Kupup will never pass. Collect this dew on July 7. To do this, you should get up very early and be in the field and in the forest to Heavenly Dawn. Collect the dew in the vessel, from which no one has never drank. Collect dew from sheets, bushes and grass right into a new sudine. Then you will be surprised how many dews happen at this time. Collecting Rosew, stand up to the sunrise, crossing his face, chest and knees three times. Then tell me loud, ridiculously and confidently: in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Dieselova was with the agonya-king Power in the water. Water comes off from the sky, and in the sky, the Lord God ECU. You, Ivan Kupala, bring the dew, tear, longing, dry for me, in God's slave (name), on the servant of God (name). Laines with dew wash, I open love, I discover. I, the servant of the slave (name), with the slave of God (name) is forever and infinite. And while B. God's world There is a dew, no one will separate our Teles. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The prayer of the bride about a safe marriage

On the eve of the wedding of the bride should read this plot three times. You need to read like this:
Mother of the Virgin, the Queen of Heaven, save me in my marriage, save and hindle me from the man of man beating, from the anger of breeding, from Rugan Zolovka, from Roby and poverty, from the jarisks of Mayata. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and in the eyelids. Amen.

On love

I will come out, the slave of God (name), into the light. Cales, it's better not anywhere. I will go into a clean field, in a wide detriment, there will find 77 stone stoves. On those furnaces Fire Orzhi, hot roasters, ohh, sighs, love pursuers: 77 okhs, 77 sighs, ahs, suffering, day and night experiences, love tomboy and impatience. Stand up, go, the servant of God (name) Lay, drag it, lead to me, to God's slave (name). I'm full of him, I'll put it up, I'll take it myself in the narrowed. Hour, half the day, minutes, twist, mix, rush on his heart and liver. I would think about me, I did not forget, I didn't drink in a meal and drink, I missed, I was crying, I cried and burned for me, God's slave (name), I was damaged, and as it would see, so that he did not let him go. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Conspiracy for love for 12 years

On the Savoy Mountain, at its height, the oak railniron is growing. On the oak volume there is a hop, round and large, in the voupel volume there is a place expensive. On the road, there is a bed. On the seam bed you can not lie anyone. And lies there to the longing, enemy force. Everyone who approached her, she was silent. Oh you, longing thatching, dry drying, create, longing, all your own kind, bring you, longing, all your own fruit, from old to small, from fathers-mothers, from grandfathers-great-grandfather, from grandchildren-great-grandfathers Golubushki. All of you, dry winds, loss, go, Slave God (Name) Find, Dry it, Lomate, In my heart, please: longing, meta, dry, suffering, jealousy, attention, love for me, to God's slave (name) . He would live, he would have been steadily, the day she held - he slept on his mind, I saw the night - in a dream I saw me, I hugged me with my hand, I was hugging me with the other hand, I pressed my hand, I kicked to the mouth, 12 God's God For me we cried and suffered, I did not forget not for one minute. As I said, I punished. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

From girlish solitude

Go to cover on the balcony or outside, so that you stand in the open sky. Raise both hands to the sky and tell me: Bride is bridle, the queen is heavenly, bring me out of the bride, take a heavy cross from me, bless me to the crown. Now and in the eyelids. Amen. Usually the girl is married in the same year. Conduct this rite secretly, in complete loneliness.

On loyalty and love

Run hair, barefoot and without any belts stand up face to your threshold, but not outside, but inside the apartment. Blank and read: Batyushka houses, call my husband home. Call him on the threshold: in the morning, afternoon and in the evening, in the Black Night of the Moon, in the Black Night Self-Munless. You went for nine winds behind him, nine whirlwinds. Let them find him, at least a walking, even standing or sleeping, Ali for drinking, Ali for hedge. Meet it in front, shoot him in the heart. Shoot. So that he could not live, nor to be afraid, nor night spend the night with my rival (name). Everything would hold me on the mind, I would see me with a brief sleep. As this threshold always stands in its place, dries and cracks, so I would be my husband (name) in front of me stood, crackled, threatened, sow. Bless my words, God. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and in the eyelids. Amen.
To be happy in marriage, pray to the Holy Martyr Trifon: "About the Holy Martyr of Christ Trifon, a quick assistant to everyone, to you resorting and praying before Holy Intelligence in your way! I hear now and for every hour the prayer of us, unworthy of the slaves of your who honors the holy memory of yours at any place.
You bo, pleased Christ, promised ECU before the outcomes of yours from the lives of your Tlennago praying for us to the Lord and we succeeded with the gift of this: Anyone who in anyone's need and sorrow will begin holy your nameThat yes will be delighted from all the prick zlago. And you can sometimes be a daches of Tsareva in Rome Grada from the devil to Muchima healed Ecu, Sita and us from the people of our goats, and our goat's belly, the same on the day the strange end of our sickness understand about us ,, Ees : Let us then assistant and fast wander of the shuffle demons, and to the kingdom of the Heavenly leader, the more you are coming from the face of the saints from the throne of God, the moths of the Lord will encourage us, and we are partakers to see the merry of joy, and you will honor the famous Father and Son to you Holy Comforter of the Spirit forever. Amen.

From any separation with his beloved

Grab live fish hand right in the water and say: how the fish can not live without water, as a person can not live without food, so that my dear, the servant of God (name), could not without me, the slaves of God (name), live, could never From me, far away from me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and in the eyelids. Amen.


He is read on drinking and food: in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. To the icon face, to the rival ridge, to her husband, servant of God, shoulder. He would love me and did not give me, he said to him with me, did not speak, I would sleep with me, but I would not sleep, I would kiss me, but did not accountess. How a hungry man thinks about food, so would my husband dreamed of me about my wedded wife, God's slave (name). Be, my words, fence, my speeches, be conspirable. Words my key yes castle. Castle - in the mouth, and the key to the sea. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Strong conspiracy

God's house. God's threshold. God's throne. The power of the mighty, tear of jealousy is combustible. You go, longing, to each hairs, on the slave of God (name), on his theme, on his temple, on the liver and heart, on the heap and on the celestial, on all his joints, on all his thoughts-thoughts, on his chest White, cheeks ruddy, lust and sighs. To sleep, he would not fall asleep, there would be not to eat him. Ten winds, tenth - whirlwind. Tighten your brains, so as not to eat, did not sit, did not lay, but I came to my out everywhere and ran. The locks will not hold it, the deposit will not stop. Lubashichki-ballobs do not docile, the aunts will not help, the uncle is not at once mint. He would all be me, the servant of God (name), he kept in his head, did not go crazy with the mind. He can hear my voice everywhere, without me, I don't breathe clean. How the fish on babe without water will die, the grass without land, the mother dries, the sky without clouds does not happen, so let the slave of God (name) never forgets me and with anyone. And who will heal it will be tired from the first day. Amen.

Spell on strong love

Put three candles on a new white tablecloth. They read the spell three times and after each time it extends one candle. When all three candles are repaid, tie them together and burn again so that nothing remains from the candles. Chad, smoke to fill in the window, let the spell go. About the forever Lord, I mock you with mild. Schatvory the wall is high, the pit is a deep, the fence is impassable, the longing is insurmountable. The depth is three sootains of the earth, the height is immeasurable height, and the longing of immense depth. Closters, Lord, and the corner, so that the Slave of God (Name) did not leave me, did not find another girlfriend. Close on the key and take yourself, help, Lord, God's slave (name). While this castle does not open, until then, the slave of God (name) do not break me out. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Conspirational words for love

Read B. open door The stoves, as soon as the firewood lights up: Smoke Dymovich, the wind wind, do not fall on the water or to the ground. Fades on the servant of God (name), on the robust heart. As smoke in the oven is wriggled, so the servant of God (name) about the servant of God (name) Weight, we see. My words will be strong and modeling. Mount the stone, stronger the boulat. Amen. Read three times.

On fervent love (very strong love spell)

Made on salt. They read, keeping salt in solonka in his right hand. They read so nine morning dawn, while still stoves are not foxes and no one washed in the house and did not eat. This salt for the tenth day is sallying to her nice. Never a woman after this love spell will not interest your husband. Oh my God. Take a sigh, a brown string head. Go out with a cemetery, longing, come, find, attack on the servant of God (name) so that he does not sleep for me, on his wedded, legitimate wife, do not sleep, do not lie, father and mother do not remember, but me, Slava of God (name), never to forget. As it does not allow to forget about yourself in the body, the Bread and Salt can never forget, nine winds, and the tenth whirlwind, carry away from all the widowers and widows, from the abandoned orphans and the Melodian all their hot tears. In the salt, they are turned on, twist, turn, on my salt in his right hand drop, with food into the body of the slave of God (name) enter. There, be there and live. Let him be sad without me and feels. All four corners rushed. Meet it, winds, at least walking Ali at least standing. Remove the soul out of it, drink blood out of it, pushing a twist in the back. All to me, God's servant (name), follow, drive and send: from the tables of oak, maple beds, from friends and girlfriends. Bread me a friend, salt me \u200b\u200bmy mother. There is no one who can pollize mine. And the Slava of God (name) of the eyelid on the century, from now on and bring to me (name) not to forget. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and in the eyelids. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Love conspiracy and spells (conspiracy having power to death)

One day is served three marchs, in three churches at the same time for the rest and for the health of the one who needs to be inherent. Then go to such a place where the wind blows up, and there they throw the land brought in advance from the cemetery, with the three graves of the dead, who were called the same name like a husband. They throw the land against the wind and say: like the caps of the dead slave of God (name) no longer worn, so the servant of God (name) live without me, the slaves of God (name), no longer live. As the dead slave of God (name) is no longer walking, so the servant of God (name) cannot be live without me. Amen. Amen. Amen.

On loyal love

This conspiracy is read before Dawn. In a clean field, Iva is, on thatvaway, the bird's poultry is a nest, the egg with a chick in the sea dropped. Like this bird, I had a heart about the egg, so that the servant of God (name) is the heart and declared me, God's slave (name). So that I did not learn me, wine so as not to drink, with the grims so as not to forget, I did not fit the gray old age. I would seemed at night to him the Moon, at the dawn - morning star, in thirst - sweet water, with hunger - food. My hands - wings, my eyes - arrows. Age to love, the eyelids do not forget me, with whom never change. I'll close your keys, the locks in the sands in the sands, the keys are broke into the hole. Who will get those keys, only that I will become an obstacle in my love. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Conspiracy for love for twenty years

Buy two wedding candles on their angel day. Consiple the conspiracy on them, and then stand in the church at some weddings (candles necessarily take with you). After the wedding, the candles should be exhausted to the end. Rests keep at home, in a secluded place. They read like this: Angels you are weddings, rings you wedding, candles you are saints, the image is gold. As people trust you, you believe our fate, pray and hoped, so I, God's slave (name), I believe you and hope. Bless the heart of the servant of God (name) for love for a long, twenty years of life to me, God's slave (name). How the Red Sun will not be able to be without rays, as a person is hard to live without his clear eyes, a child without a milk, a century old man without Batga, like a fish can not be without water, a living person without food, so I could not be my husband without me , his wife, God's slaves (name). How hard it is to live a person without sleep, as it does not happen at home without doors and windows, the heads without thought, so it would be to the altar, it was driving it from now, with my punishment. My word is strong. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Conspiracy for eternal love

Rruge in the field dry grass, break dry paws in ate (the lowest) and bonfire bonfire in full moon in Women's Days (Wednesday, Friday). Left hand throw in the fire three fresh eggs from chicken, not knew the rooster. Coming around the bonfire clockwise, read the spell on love. The name of the Divine Fire! Slave of God (name), listen to me. As unborn chicks burn, your heart will burn forever. Your soul, body, blood, you all turn to love! So that you could not sleep (name) to sleep, there could not stand still on site, without me, I could not drink without me, I could not walk with my legs, to ride, to sleep with women, walking with the girls, you won't pay the bridge, you won't swim on the bridge The chair will not sit down, do not accept the decisions, you do not raise the hands against me, the words against me are not pushing. As the sun, the Red People joyfully meet, as a favorite mother, children will be brought as without salt, water, food do not live, can not be a canvas from the air. One I am for you, the servant of the slave (name). The forest crowns us, wanders the fire, grown us the earth, walked to God's words. Hour to minute, God of God on the century, and we are with you. Amen.

Conspiracy for love without treason

Read on the wedding ring: The Lord gave the earth, the Lord gave water. Earth gave birth to malico and silver. And how everything will be charged on gold, it stretches with hands, so my husband would love me, admired me, never parted with me. Lips, hands stretched to me, to his wedded wife, the servant of God (name), hugging and was pretty. As a true Christ, faith, did not change, so would my husband, the servant of God (name), besides me, would not know anyone, I did not change anyone before the grave. Now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Conspiracy to loyalty

I have loyalty to print, no one can take this seal: neither with your hands, nor conspiring words, nor a sedimal spell, nor a tried curse, nor a gray grandfather, nor a trick, nor a leader nor the evil sorcerer, nor Shaman, nor a tricky deception, Neither clear eyes, nor black curls, nor white breasts, nor adammed garden, nor before, nor the ass. My seal is not broken, the servant of God (name) is not lured, I will not change the centuries in the eyelids. Age to him to admire how the fire treason is afraid. As the breast cries the cat, the foals screams by the mother. Nobody will not rise between us, only one thing can separate: if one of us will die, with you the seal will take. Angels, Archangels, Stick Take, we carry me. Age on the century, from now on and dr. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Very very strong love

Get up at the crossroads, look at the moon and read in full voice: a clean field, wide detached, call here Brothers, 13 devils, drink, take a walk, pour, the slave of God (name) to remember. Drink you (name) Blood, sit on the stone board, give him a serious melancholy for me, God's slave (name). So that he missed him, he suffered hard, griefly grieved, sobbed blood. How cries sister on my brother when remembering, the grandfather barely saddens the grandfather. Does not eat, does not drink, I don't take anything to mind, no work, no work, no joy, no care, neither in the morning or afternoon or afternoon. The prayer is not lime, the broom is not refile of the prayer of God (name) for me, God's slave (name). Lock lock, closure key. Pike in water, finishing in me. While I am alive, it's not to kill my work, in prayer not to pour, do not remove, do not wash off. So be now and do it. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy for eternal love without treason

Get down legs into the water. They read in a low-voice nine times. In this water, you will need to rinse the male to the shirt, dry it and give it to a week. On Earth there is an entrance who will enter it, that way will find. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit (Bow). I will take a slave of God (name) for the right hand, to bring the love and boredom to him. Do not wash off him, do not dissuade, do not break me out, do not forget (bow). There would be not to eat him and do not drink to him, they would not be bored in separation, suffer, rest and do not know. Whether I am like bread like water, like a clear sky and earth, miley of freedom, blood of blood. (Name), give your heart, and I take my heart. Close, mother earth, help, sister-water (bow). Go, (name), for me, for God's slave (name). Four stars at the top (bow), the power of the water below (bow). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Conspiring words for men on the approach to the girl

Before you go there, where the girl is in front of which you robet, read the conspiracy on the approach to the maiden. You will see everything weighing you. My Earth, Mother, the Sun is red, swatushka, take and go, the case is mine and strengthen. The earth is sprinkled, the sun lights up, the Lord with the slave of God (name) blesses us. Singily, I am a soft moss, I will go to the house of the guest of the unexpected, and I will leave the groom welcome. Now and in the eyelids. Amen.

How to inherent to yourself well

I will rise, blessing, go out, cross, out of doors in the door, from the gate to the gate to the blue sea. There are 12 brothers there, I will go closer to them, worship down. 12 brothers, go on a blue sea, there is an island in the blue sea, there is an oak on the island, under this oak lies the plate slab, longing, longing, dry dry dryer. Site this slab, take this longing, bring, put it on the robeline of the servant of God (name). Let me push him to the sadness so that he would shout, shouted in a bad voice for me, the servant of God (name). So that he could neither live nor be, no day to day, nor the hour to come to a minute. With you, the sun is red, with Mother's dawn of Morning Mary, evening marimian, midnight Ulyana, with you, Light Moon. I would not go, I wouldn't sit, I wouldn't sit, I thought it was not thinking, I wouldn't have been smoking, I wouldn't have threw it, I would not have drove away, I would not drink, I would not drink, I would not sleep, I would not sleep, I took me in the morning, I got my mind Slava of God (name). The easiest wind of the midday, faster lightning fire, let the other girl will seem terrible, like a lioness, like fiery frequencies, like sea scary, like owl striped, like a laggy witch. And I for him, the slave of God (name), the firebird. Amen.

France on love

Read 12 dawn into windy weather.
Damn Satan, on the head of the horns, from hell come out, help me, the slave of God (name) to me. With the wind send dry shock, maget, love and longing. You look for him, evil, with the wind of the rainy in the face. To take His love-longing, Bila, broke, did not give to sleep at night, sent me to my porch. Evil frowning, grief ricking, the heart sucking, do not let, love, the slave of God (name), nor to go to sleep or to go with any other; abrepass him, kinds, all people and dislikes, uncle, son-in-law, mother and father and friends, every mobility, like Merin's mare, so that I missed me, I missed me alone, Zoreval, who would not have been dumbed, bread did not eat, did not drink water, without me, I would not sit for the oak table, I didn't go to bed at midnight, take it, Tosca, Love, and do not let go anywhere, for no time. Words of the wizard strong, modeling, stronger stone, sharper bulb, faster lightning fiery. Amen.

Strong bang

Starting on a drink, on food, so that you fell in love with: Velzevul Ancient, give me a ring-key open the door where the terrible beast is. Call his longing. Let him go and send him to the servant of God (name). Let him go to the heels behind him, he exists heavy longing. Welzewung horned, you are the main Satan, you will create the power of evil, tilting my power to you, I will have help from you, give me the heart of the slave of God (name). Amen.

Cute love

Pokrov put wedding ring Muga in a glass with holy water and put this glass under the bed. At night, when you are silent, think about yourself and tell me: the ring does not end, my husband has no other in the eyelids the crown. I am the first, I'm the last one. Amen. In the morning give the ring to my husband.

Love spell on straw with seven yards

Collect straw from seven yards, put it with a handful, and then a woman should ride on the ground around this handcle. A straw is set up and read on the smoke: as Soloma is given to the power of this fire, and, and my dear husband (name), give me your peace. As the smoke fire conquers, up rises, so you, the slave of God (name), the eyelid on the century to me, never break with me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Love spell on leash

To make a husband to friends and friends, take a dog leash, cross it back and forth, and then knocking a leash along the threshold, tell me: how did the dog leash, they were tamed to the owner, so that and my husband (name) to my The threshold was born, he did not fight off from his house. On Monday, it hugged, on Tuesday, I kissed it on Wednesday, I didn't lag behind, on Friday, it would be stronger on Saturday, I would have grown to me on Sunday, I had crumbled on Sunday, I cried and suffered, White Light without me, God Slaves, did not see. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Corporate words on the fishing network

That strong plot They caught guys in the groom even for the most ugly maiden. And how they are later well and dirty, they just envied them. It was done like this: early, at the first signs of dawn, went to the river, found the fishermen network. Holding a network right handThree times they read probitive words: Lord, help. Lord, bless. And you, the network, catch fish for the uncle-fisherman, and for me, the slaves of God (name), the groom. Get up, my groom, from summer and from winter, from autumn and from spring, from the north and from the south. I spoke on this network myself a cute friend. How fish in the network come across how they are not chosen from it, they fall asleep without water, they will not wake up, so would my bridegroom (name) I went to my house and did not leave me anywhere. I'm closer for you (name) all the ways, the road, I close you feed thresholds. While the network itself does not unleash the network for all nodes, until then my groom (name) will not refuse me. Be, my words, modeling and strong. I close aminem. Amena shelter. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

On the morning dew

Stand up with bare legs on the morning dear grass and read the call-conspiracy: dew to dew, tear to tears, dawn to the dawn. You are zagyushka-dawn, where you are who you are not happy. Amend my heart. Marevo-Kururovo in the soul of Christian Slave of God
(name). Fall dew, salty tear to him on the Retovo heart. Like mother Holy Mother of God It grows, he will rare in his son, so would God would have grieved and missed me, the servant of God (name). Dawn to dawn, tear to tear, Slave of God (name) to me. Amen.

On the first snow (implace on a woman)

As a man, Christian glad to the Pokrov-father, the snow, the snow, the first, so would be the slave of God (name) rejoiced to me and everywhere, Slava of God (name). It would have thrown without me all the care of worries, all the mother and aunt, grandparents, girlfriends and friends, and everyone would have been looking for me on the white light, everyone would be happy to meet me, how glad the children are small in the first snow. And how the snow melts in the hand of hot, so she let me melt without me and the eyelids are eternal. The word is firmly and peply. How snow will stick behind the legs, so Lipni, Lini to me, the slave of God (name). Amen.
Read, looking at the first snow.