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Regional stage of the annual international competition of children's creativity "Beauty of God's World" (2018). International Competition of Children's Creativity "The Beauty of God's World Peace spiritual and world of earthly drawings of children

In Moscow, on November 15, the second stage of the XIII International Competition of Children's Creativity "The Beauty of God's World" begins. The jury led by the chairman of the Synodinal Department of Religious Education and Catechization of the Metropolitan of Rostov and Novocherkassky Mercury will choose the best works. The winners and prize-winners of the final stage will be honored during the XXVI of international Christmas educational readings on January 24-26.

From the Meleks of the Diocese to Moscow, the work of the Diocesan Stage winners were sent. The summary of the results took place on October 30 on the basis of the spiritual and educational center under the George Church of Dimitrovgrad. The Jury of the Regional Stage includes: Bishop Meleksii and Cherdaklinsky Diodor, Secretary of the Diocesan Department of Ieromona Proclus (Boyko), Chairman of the Religious Education Department, Catechization and Missionary Service of Archpriest Alexander Izhukov, Chairman of the Commission on Family Protection, Motherhood and Childhood Archpriest Peter Guryanov, Director Children's Art School of Dimitrovgrad Inness Ozurchnikov. Of Over 140 work on the final stage, 18 were sent.

Data winners.

in the 1st age group:

Berdyaeva Violetta ("Everyone has its own city, he is the very libemas, native"), MBDOU "Child's Development Center - Kindergarten No. 56" Fairy Tale "of Dimitrovgrad of the Ulyanovsk Region", 6 l.

Netfullova Emilia ("Paints of Autumn"), children's izostudium "Rainbow", Dimitrovgrad, 8 liters.

Gainutdinova Valeria ("Autumn in our city"), MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 10" Christmas tree ", Dimitrovgrad, 6 liters.

Enzyme Roman ("Favorite Temple - Savior-Preobrazhensky"), MBOU "Secondary School No. 9 of Dimitrovgrad", 7 liters.

Dzhamaldinova Alina ("Autumn Pilgrimage"), MBDOU "Child Development Center - kindergarten № 56" Fairy Tale "of Dimitrovgrad of the Ulyanovsk region", 4

Kolesnichenko Vasilisa ("The Beauty of Native Nature"), MBDOU "Center for the Development of the Children - Kindergarten No. 56" Fairy Tale "of Dimitrovgrad of the Ulyanovsk Region", 4

in the 2nd age group:

Biblaev Makar ("For Russia"), MKU to "Novomine Children's School of Art" R.P. New Malelese district, 11 liters.

Batanova Ksenia (Native Edge), MBU to "Children's Art School" Dimitrovgrad, 11 liters.

Schukin Alexey (Rainbow), MKOU "Starobesovskaya Oosh them. A.F. Yurtova "with. Old Bezka Novomalyklinsky district, 11 liters.

Karpova Marina ("Beauty of the Native Nature"), Maura "High School No. 19. I.P. Mytareva G. Dimitrovgrad ", 12 liters

Izhukova Daria ("up to God"), Sunday School under the Kazan Temple R.P. New Malelese region, 10 liters

In the 3rd age group:

Egorchev Nikita ("Fertilous autumn"), MBU to "Novominee Children's School of Art" R.P. New Malelese region, 13 liters.

On November 15, 2018, the results of the International Children's Creativity Competition "The Beauty of God's Beauty" were summed up. More than three thousand children from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and other countries took part in the competition.

This year, a particularly qualitative organization and holding of the regional stage of the competition was noted in St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Makhachkala, Rossoshan, Schigrovsky dioceses.

The jury was headed by the chairman. This year, an independent observer was attended by the jury - a teacher MBOU DOD "Mtsenskaya Children's Art School" Evgenia Savchuk.

The best work will take part in exhibitions that traditionally take place within the framework of international Christmas educational readings. "In 2018, thanks to the support of the" Fund of the Presidential Grants ", together with Rossotrudnomy and Ano" Generation ", we were able to submit the creative works of the winners and participants of the competition in Armenia, Poland, Germany, Bulgaria and Italy. Visitors to exhibitions highly appreciated the talent of our children, "said the responsible secretary of the" Beauty of God's Beauty of God "of Hieromons Trifon (Umatov).

At the end of the meeting on the blessing of the His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Kirill Metropolitan Mercury in the attention of many years of work, I handed the medal "In memory of the 100th anniversary of the Patriarchah restoration in the Russian Orthodox Church" by the teacher of MBOU DOD "Mtsensk Children's Art School" Evgenia Savchuk. During the nine years, her pupils become the winners of the International Children's Creativity Competition "The Beauty of God's World".

The blessed diplomas of the Chairman of the Synodinal Department for many years of assistance in the organization and holding of a children's creativity competition were honored: the teacher of additional education GBU to Moscow "Moscow State Specialized School of Watercolor Sergey Andriyaki with the Museum and Exhibition Complex" Yulia Dudina; Honored Artist of Russia, teacher GBU to Moscow "Moscow State Specialized School of Watercolor Sergey Andriyaki with a Museum and Exhibition Complex" Alexander Volkov.

For the blessing of the Metropolitan of the Rostov and Novocherkassy Mercury, children who took prizes will be awarded by foreign trips. Also for them will be held excursions in Moscow and St. Petersburg, where they participate in creative master classes.

The awarding of the winners will be held in Moscow within the framework of the XXVII International Christmas Educational Days.

The list of winners is published on the website of the Synodal Department of Religious Education and Catechization.

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