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You do not notice "hidden calories." A short course of happy hormonal life: Four frequent questions Dr. Kovalkov

"Why am I not losing weight?" - This question arises quite often among young women and women for forty. Why is this happening? It seems you would follow your meals every day and do sports daily, and the weight does not go away. What is the reason? Let's try to figure out together.

Most people who claim that they use little on food on day, actually deceive others and first of all themselves, without even suspecting it. The thing is that they forget in their calculations of daily caloric content to include any snacks (even a small candy affects the process of weight loss) and samples of food, during its preparation.

We recommend that such characters to start a diary and constantly carry it with you even at home, and write everything eaten into it. And at the end of the day. And believe me, you will have great surprise, because, as a rule, such people have a real number of calories consumed by 20% more of their mental counts.

But it happens that the person is really not enough and its portions do not exceed the volume of the palm, but at the same time the weight does not go away. What is the problem here? And the problem is that it is eating this person.

The thing is that for 2 meals, it can cover its daily calorie content, eating several sandwiches with sausage, and even with white bread, and several chocolate candy for the next cup of tea.

Therefore, it is very important not the amount of food eaten, but the number of calories used. It is not necessary to eat in restaurants, in a cafe or guest, because you cannot count the calorie of the eaten dish. And at home you can do it easily, given the caloric content of those products that were used in preparation.

Maybe you eat too little?

No no. This is not a typo. It often happens that weight does not leave due to the fact that the body receives very little food. It includes saving mode and is trying to survive due to slow energy burning. That is why most people have the weight "freezes" at one point. But this happens, as a rule, after the mass of the body has been reduced.

Maybe you are sick?

If you can not lose weight even with strong restrictions in nutrition and constant physical exertion, be sure to contact the clinic for a full survey. You definitely have health problems.

Any pathologies can lead to a slowdown in metabolic processes. Therefore, their identification is simply a necessity when delivering from excess weight. Only full cure will allow you to return your weight back.

By the way, we should not worry about 40 years old for women over 40 years old, since at this age the exchange processes slow down and is not due to diseases, but with physiological features.

If you previously eat a plate of dumplings in the evening and this was not reflected in any way on your figure, then today such a portion is guaranteed to add a few kilograms.
But this does not mean that you need to "wave" with your hand. Surveys in the clinic will not be superfluous. Perhaps your body suffers from any pathologies. Therefore, first check, cure, and then proceed to the loss.

Video about why diet do not help

Again and again, you meet friends and relatives who claim that they make all the "right things" to lose weight.

But, like you, they do not work.

And you ask yourself again: "Why do I sit on a diet doing sports and not losing weight?"

When we are in danger or in a state of stress, our adrenal glands produce adrenaline and cortisol.

When the danger passed, everything should return to the circles. However, when we feel in stress on a regular basis, several times a day, a few days a week, the level of cortisol begins to grow significantly.

I think you know this? What to do, you ask.

Look for a consultant on the matter that you care. Learn to manage these types of stress.

2. Chronic fatigue from cardio loads

The concept is that the exercises are actually a form of stress for the body. They always stimulate the production of cortisol.

The longer you will perform your exercise, the more cortisol will be released and the higher the risk of side effects from it.

It seems you thought it was completely different, right?

Cardio exercises such as long distances, jogging, long cycling, usually raise the level of cortisol. Especially if you perform these exercises for longer periods of time.

Try replacing some of those long exercise time on shorter workouts that last up to 45 minutes. As they say, everything is in moderation, agree?

3. Food intolerance, Allergy

Whether you have a diagnosis of allergy with clear symptoms or without them, you can definitely say that many of you have food intolerance.

Some foods that you eat every day can be annoying or inflating your belly regularly. These inflammations tell our adrenal glands to save us hormonally, increasing the level of cortisol.

If the consumption of such food or beverages continues on an ongoing basis, you will again experience the aforementioned side effects - too much cortisol in the body.

Here is one way - to make an allergy test to detect food to which you have intolerance and intolerance.

4. Lack of sleep

According to doctors, as a rule, the level of cortisol is higher in the morning, when we just wake up and lower in the evening.

Our bodies are probably designed in this way. However, studies show that a dream is less than 8 hours a day, within 1 week, will lead to an elevated level of cortisol until the evening.

This creates an undesirable cycle of increasing insulin and storing fat, as always in problem areas. Try to improve magnesium consumption, and avoid meals 3 hours before sleep.

5. Infectilation

It is much worse than you think. Even now, each of you is struggling with mini-infections in our mouths, eyes, ears, on the skin, in teeth and other areas of the body.

Every time you are under physical attack or pressure. In any of these cases, our adrenal glands must identify the dose of cortisol, which does not normally work our liver and clogs it to toxins, and the whole of our organism.

Remember, cortisol is an important hormone for exercise and physical energy, when we most need it.

IN modern societyHowever, we are littered with all concomitant processes increasing the level of cortisol. Side effects from this are too strong.


Maintaining a healthy nutrition and an appropriate level of activity, drinking the right amount of water and receiving a portion have a nice rest, guarantees you a victory.

You can overcome these five reasons for increasing the level of cortisol, which really do not give to lose weight, whatever you do.

What else did you hear about this hormone - cortisol and what recommendations could give those who could not lose weight, write in the comments below!

Warning: Methods, strategies and suggestions made in our shared resource are intended for use solely for educational purposes .. We do not diagnose, do not prescribe or treat any disease, condition or injury.

It is imperative that before the start of any strategy in nutrition or the exercise program, you have received a complete medical authorization from a licensed doctor.

At such moments, I want to send everything far away and eat the "Mount" chocolate. And better at once two. Do not hurry, better let's try to figure out and find the reason why you do not lose weight. Most likely, it will be on this list.

You sit (or sitting before) on a diet

You will be surprised, but diet - the reason for overweight No. 1. It's all about the device of our brain. It perceives a sharp calorie limit as an alarm: ahead of the hungry death, you must urgently make stocks! After that, the body begins, like a plush, shake over each fat cell and take care of her that there are strength. So statistics are not lying: two thirds who have previously sitting on diets, after a couple of years, they are returned again in the former weight, and then they gain more. If weight loss was very fast, then only 5% of the lucky ones can retain the result. Worse, strong weight fluctuations are dangerous to health, including raise the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Solution: Do not judge the temptation to get a quick result - it will have to pay expensive for him. Safe is considered weight reduction no more than 1-2 kg per month. And the very reliable way - This is not a diet, but a gradual transition to a healthy food, rich in vegetables and fruits, and, of course, physical activity.

You move little

Here you can indignant. How is it "little", what kind of nonsense?! After all, on the weekend you suggest jogging or spend a few hours in the fitness center. True, on weekdays you sit at work on weekdays, then in the subway, and then you are lying in a chair in front of the TV ... But this is compensated, isn't it? Not really. As the study showed at the University of Missouri (USA), if you sit without a break for several hours in a row, the body drops the level of lipase - an enzyme that helps break fats. So it turns out that long hours of fixed seats are negated by all your efforts of the day off.

Solution: Instead of going to exhaust once a week, it is better to move little, but constantly. Use any opportunity: Whether it is a half-time walk before work, lifting on a staircase or escalator, 10 minutes of exercise for flexibility at a lunch break or 20 minutes of fitness in the evening before dinner. A B. working time Do not forget once an hour to get up from the chair to stretch your legs. In addition, there are complexes of exercises that can be performed right in the workplace, imperceptibly for colleagues. Studies show that even such a simple physical education accelerates the metabolism and promotes weight loss.

You do not notice "Hidden Calories"

Do you think you don't eat too much? Not a fact that it is. Polls show: people are prone to 1.5-2 times to underestimate the energy value of what they eat. The most dangerous sources of hidden calories are fast food and recycled meat. In 100 g, boiled sausage or sausages can be contained up to 300 kcal, smoked - 400-450 kcal. The smallest hamburger will provide you with 200 kcal and above, and the chips bag is 360 kcal! There are also many calories "hiding" in fruit juices, ready-made salad refills and sauces. This should also include all sorts of buns, cookies, bars and even many "useful" yogurts and flakes with taste additives, where in fact a huge amount of sugar.

Solution: The easier it's the food and the less she has passed the processing steps before it fell to your kitchen, the better. For example, the sliced \u200b\u200bfresh vegetable salad is more useful (and there is less calories) than the finished mayonnaise salad from the supermarket. The sausage can be replaced by a baked chicken breast or turkey, fruit juices and sweet snacks - fresh fruits, flakes and dairy products with sugar and flavors - natural yoghurt and whole-grain porridge, in which you sama can add berries, nuts or dried fruits .

You went out on the weighing plateau

Your weight, which earlier was well reduced, suddenly "stuck" on one mark and remains there weeks, and then for months? Perhaps this is the period of the so-called plateau. Do not worry, this is a normal phenomenon, it is overcome. Most likely, now with food you get more energy than spending. As weight declines, it takes at times to re-evaluate your need for energy - after all, it also decreases.

Solution: Calculate the desired amount of calories depending on your age, growth, weight and physical activity can be on the calculator. Then reduce this amount no more than 100-200 kcal per day so that the weight began to decline. Important: Be sure to learn and your minimum need for energy for basic metabolism (breathing, blood circulation, sleep). Usually this threshold starts from 1200 kcal per day, but if you have a lot of weight, can reach 1500 kcal. Never leave below this threshold, otherwise you can harm themselves.

You sleep too little

As the old French proverb says, "who sleeps, he lies." True, usually we do not replace sleep, but on the contrary. If you lie late and not give the body as you should relax, the next day the body will try to "spur" with high-calorie food. Hence the frantic desire of buns and sweet coffee when you did not sleep. Participants of one experiment that slept at night only 4-5 hours, the next day he had eaten an average of 300 kcal and 21 g fat more than on ordinary days.

Solution: To sleep, we need from 7.5 to 9 hours of continuous sleep per day. In order not to suffer insomnia, experts advise an hour before sleeping to turn off or postpone all electronic devices (telephone, tablet, computer). And instead of sitting on the Internet or watch TV, it is better to read the usual book before bedtime.

You are experiencing stress

Monetary difficulties, problems at work and in the family, concern about the future - all this, if neither paradoxically, can lead to the accumulation of fat. First, we often "hire" the problem. When I want to calm down, the hand itself stretches behind the chocolate. Secondly, stress increases the level of hormone cortisol in the blood, and it contributes to the growth of fat cells. What is even worse, while the so-called visceral fat is accumulated around the internal organs. It increases the risks of different diseases and in addition produces substances that worsen the mood and strengthen the alarm. It turns out a vicious circle: the stronger you worry, the more you eat - and the worse it becomes.

Solution: If you have a period of strong stress now, try to change your diet - instead of a sweet and greasy increase the number of products with group B vitamins (they affect well nervous system). This, for example, wholegrain bread, buckwheat porridge, bananas, avocado, chicken meat and liver, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, fresh greens, nuts. To help yourself relax and raise your mood, use any healthy ways: walking in nature, workout, yoga, meditation, massage, dancing to music. The movement will not solve your problems, but will give the power to cope with them.

You have health problems

No matter how sad it is about this, but overweight can be a symptom or satellite of many diseases - from diseases of the stomach, intestines, heart and kidney to diabetes, other endocrine disorders and even tumors. If your weight does not leave, despite healthy nutrition and physical activity and at the same time you feel unreasoning (for example, nausea, pain in the stomach, shortness of breath, constant fatigue, severe thirst, frequent headache, frequent infections, etc.) - Be sure to turn to the doctor!

Solution: it will be even better if at least once a year you will be examined at the therapist, and if necessary, and other doctors. Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat, so do not neglect with preventive inspections.

Why does a person lose weight almost every one of us. Indeed - almost everyone, if necessary, is able to lose weight without much effort. Sports, a variety of diets ... However, after a while, weight loss can slow down or stop at all. This article lists 20 common reasons why you do not lose weight.

Besides the answer to the question why I don't lose weight you get effective councils About how to break out of this enchanted circle and start getting rid of excess weight again.

1. Maybe you lose weight, but do not realize this

If you think that weight loss stopped, then it is possible that the time to worry has not yet come.

For example, you started training, but for several days (or weeks) did not see the results in the mirror. This does not mean that you do not lose fat.

Body weight, as a rule, fluctuates. It depends on the products that you eat and hormones, which also have a big impact on how much fluid your body displays (especially in women).

In addition, you can build muscle at the same time as you lose fat. This particularly often happens if you just recently started training.

It should be understood that first of all you really want to lose fat, not weight, so it will be right to use something else than weight to assess your progress. For example, measure the waist circle and the percentage of fat.

Also, do not forget to look in the mirror and evaluate how clothes are sitting on you - the result can be very significant.

If your weight does not change for 1-2 weeks, then it is probably even early to worry.

2. You do not control yourself

Awareness is incredibly important when you are trying to lose weight. Many people really do not have the concepts how much they actually eat.

Studies show that strict control of the diet helps to lose weight. People who use food diaries, or take pictures of their food, are consistently losing more weightthan people who do not do this.

3. You do not eat enough protein

Protein is the most important nutrient For weight loss.

Increasing the use of protein by 25-30% may increase the metabolism of 80-100 calories per day and automatically force to consume a few hundred calories less than a day. Protein can also dramatically reduce cravings and striving for snacks.

This is partly caused by the effects of protein on the regulation of hormones appetite, such as Grethin and others.

If you usually do not miss breakfast, then it is the most important reception Food to load yourself by squirrel. Studies show that those who eat for breakfast products with a high protein content, feel less hungry during the day.

High protein intake also helps prevent the slowdown of metabolism, the overall side effect of weight loss, and also helps prevent the weight set to restore.

4. Why am I not losing weight, Holmes? Elementary, Watson, you eat too much calories ...

Large percentage of people who have problems with loss of weight, just eat too much calories.

You may think that this does not apply to you, but keep in mind that research invariably show that people tend to underestimate their calorie intake.

If you do not lose weight, you need to start carefully tracking calories.

Here are some useful things:

  • Calorie Calculator
  • Calorie counters.

Calicia control is also important if you are trying to achieve a certain nutritional goal, for example, obtaining 30% of your calories from the protein. This is impossible to achieve if you do not control the calories properly.

5. You do not eat healthy food

The quality of food is as important as the quantity.

Healthy food can improve your well-being and helps adjust appetite. These products are usually much more useful and nutritious than their strongly recycled colleagues.

Keep in mind that many foods labeled as "healthy will sell" is actually such. Adhere to whole, from one ingredient, food.

6. You do not raise gravity

One of the most important things you can do for weight loss is a resistance training, for example, lifting weights.

Elements of weightlifting can help you maintain a precious muscle mass that often burns with fat if you are not engaged in physical education.

Lifting weights also helps prevent metabolic slowdown.

7. You are a genus

Region is common by-effect diet. It includes fast consumption large number Food, often much more than your body needs.

This is a rather big problem for many people wishing to lose weight. Some of them are sitting on unhealthy food, while others are frying relatively healthy products, including nuts, dark chocolate, cheese, etc.

Even if food is healthy, calories need to count. Depending on the volume, simply one episode of overeating often destroys the value of the entire diet week.

8. You do not make cardio exercises

For some strange reason, cardio load (like running, jogging, swimming, etc.) got bad criticism in recent years.

Nevertheless, Cardio training is one of the most effective ways Improve your health. It is also very effective for burning fat on the stomach, harmful "visceral fat", which accumulates around the organs and causes health problems.

9. You are still drinking sweet drinks.

Sweet drinks are the most dangerous elements in food. Our brains do not compensate for the presence of calories in them and are not forced after the "count" to eat less than other products.

This applies not only to sweet drinks such as Coca-Cola and Pepsi, it also applies to "healthy" vitaminized drinks and juices that are also full of sugar.

Yes, fruit juices are problematic from the point of view of calories, so they should not be used in large quantities. One juice package may contain the same amount of sugar as a carbonated drink!

10. You sleep badly

Good dream is one of the most important factors Not only physical and mental health, but also weight.

Studies show that bad sleep is one of the only greatest risk factors for obesity. Adults and children with bad sleepy They have 55% and 89% greater risk of obesity, respectively.

11. You have not reduced carbohydrate consumption

If you need to get rid of too much excess weight and / or if you have metabolic problems like diabetes 2 types or pre-diabetes, then you can consider a low-carb diet.

A number of studies show that this type of diet allows you to lose weight 2-3 times compared with a standard "low fat" diet, which is often recommended for weight loss.

A low-carbon diet is also capable of improving many metabolic markers, such as triglycerides, HDL and blood sugar.

12. You eat too often

This is a myth that everyone should eat often, but a small number of food in order to increase metabolism and lose weight.

Studies show that in fact the frequency of the food has little or does not affect the burning of fat or weight loss.

Such a power mode is eventually ridiculously uncomfortable for cooking and eating throughout the day. It makes a healthy eating a much more complex business.

There is even incredible effective method Weight loss, which is called intermittent post. It includes a conscious rejection of food over a long period of time (15-24 hours or more).

13. You do not drink enough water

Drinking water can have advantages for weight loss.

In one 12-week study on the topic of weight loss, people who drank the floor liter of water 30 minutes before meals lost 44% more weight.

Drinking water also increases the number of calories burned for 1.5 hours by 24-30%.

14. You drink too much alcohol

If you can't give up alcohol, but you want to lose weight, it is best to drink vodka diluted with not a calorie drink. Beer, wine and sweet alcoholic beverages are very calories.

Also keep in mind that alcohol itself has about 7 calories per gram, which is a very high indicator.

15. You do not eat consciously

Technique that includes slow nutrition, perhaps one of the most powerful tools Weight loss in the world.

It includes slow chewing, eating without distracting, lining and enjoyed by each bite, while listening to natural signals that send your brain, reporting that it is already enough.

Numerous studies have shown that slow nutrition can lead to a loss of significant weight and reduce the frequency of episodes of overeating.

16. You have a medical problem that prevents to lose weight

There are some medical conditions that may be associated with the problem of excess weight and make it difficult to lose weight.

They include hypothyroidism, polycystic ovarian syndrome (SPKA) and sleep apnea.

Some medicines may also make weight loss, or even lead to weight gain.

If you think all this applies to you, then consult a doctor for advice and surveys.

17. Why am I not losing weight? Yes, you, Milk, dependent ...

According to research, about 20% of people meet the criteria of food dependence.

People who have food addictionbelong to the use of unhealthy food as drug addicts to unhealthy drugs.
If there is such a dependence, then a simple change in a diet or lifestyle will no longer help to lose weight - get help of a psychologist.

18. You are too fast

Too long diet is a bad idea.

If you are on a diet for many months, and the process of weight loss stopped, then you may just need to take a break.

You can even increase the consumption of calories for several hundred calories per day, start sleeping anymore and do not forget about lifting weights in order to become stronger and increasing some muscles.

Strive to maintain your body fat level for 1-2 months before start trying to lose weight again.

19. Your expectations are not realistic

Weight loss, as a rule, a much slower process than what people want.

Although it is often possible to quickly lose weight at the beginning, very few people can continue to lose weight in the amount of more than 0.5 - 1 kg per week.

Another serious problem is that many people have unrealistic expectations that is exactly achievable with a healthy diet and exercise.

True - not everyone can look like a fitness model or bodybuilder. The photos you see in magazines and other places is often amplified using Photoshop - literally, no one really looks so emotional.

If you have already lost some weight and feel good, then you may need to work first of all to realize the attractiveness of your body. An attempt to go beyond the reality will not add you optimism, but only will require unnecessary effort.

20. You are too focused on diets

Diets almost never work in the long run. A lot of research, and just bitter experience, show that that people who are constantly sitting on "diets" are also constantly gaining overweight.

Stop being adepts diets for the main goal take the happy and healthy life. Focus on the right and full nutrition of your body, which does not make themselves vital elements, and let weight loss be the natural positive effect of healthy eating.

Denial of responsibility: The information presented in this article on why a person does not lose weight It is intended only for informing the reader. It can not be a replacement for consultation by a professional medical worker.

You can stick to the optimal diet, do physical exercises and not see the results. Why am I not losing weight? - The answer is looking for those who tried all the methods, but never could achieve weight loss. Experts believe that the main causes of this are unhealthy habits and small mistakes of thinners. If they fix them, diet and exercise will immediately give visible results.

1. Incorrect power mode. Meal in the afternoon and tight dinner contribute to the deposition of unnecessary fats. Caloric dishes are better used for breakfast and lunch, while dinner must be more compromised, it is recommended no later than 2-3 hours before sleep. If the hunger is completely tormented, you can drink a glass of kefir or eat an apple. Do not go forever hungry, is dangerous to health. In addition, if you are melting, you can just move. It is better to eat more often, but in small portions.

2. Next error Those who sits on a diet are snacks. What happens if you eat a small piece of computer, TV or during cooking? Even if the portions are small, they will still affect your body. And then the question will again arise: "Why do not lose weight on a diet?". It is necessary to abandon the snacks or to reduce their quantity as possible. Alternative seeds / candies / sausages should be dried fruits and nuts.

3. Small water consumption. If a person drinks enough water, his work improves gastrointestinal tract, metabolism, burned calories. Scientists have proven that water contributes to the splitting of fats! Therefore, drink at least 1.5 liters of purified or non-carbonated water.

4. Improper assessment of calorie content, fats and carbohydrates in food. Extra calories can be gained, if you move with dietary products. Most believe that nutroducts can be used in unlimited quantities. In fact, this is not the case, so it is necessary to control meals.

Carbohydrates may be hidden. For example, there are enough of them in vegetables and fruits. There are them useful, but not worth it with special zeal. Fats may also be in those products that initially seemed dietary. Often we do not pay attention to the composition of the dishes. But mayonnaise in a vegetable salad may threate your waist with new 1-2 cm.

5. Another reason for the slow burning of fats is insufficient sleep. During the night recreation, the man is losing weight. It is necessary to sleep at least 7 hours daily. If you played sports, then extra kilograms can be confused with a set. muscular mass. If so, you should not worry, you need to continue training and eat right.

6. Reception of monotonous food can also cause slow weight loss. Fast food swallowing leads to the fact that a person eats more than he needs. In turn, the reception of monotonous food in the future can lead to a shortage of some substances, and you want to eat and that, and that ... experts recommend to eat diverse and not hurry with food intake, carefully burn it and enjoy the taste.

7. Last important reason that you can not lose weight, - slow metabolism. It is he prevents to lose weight for most people. On this issue, it is better to consult with the doctor, in parallel to accelerate the exchange processes in the body, we recommend the following: visits to the bath and sauna, contrast shower, air and sunbathing, massage, sex and bright emotions.

Do not rush to fall into despair, just analyze the situation, find your mistakes and correct them. You all will definitely get!