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Nutrition for muscle growth for girls. Organization of a full-fledged menu for a girlfriend: recommendations of nutritionists. How to get a lot of girls

Food for a massset for girls, training and sports additives

Fashion on Sleepy beauties rushed in the fly. Nowadays, girls for attractive forms, relief press and beautiful hands have to work in the gym. The terms "drying" and a set of masses are already known to many visitor sports clubs. But not all power schemes, training and sports supplements that are used are suitable for creating an ideal female body. Therefore, the topic of my first spring article will be the principles mass set for girls, Diet for muscle growth and training program for the best half of humanity.


On paper, creating an ideal female body looks pretty simple. In pursuit of welcome forms, you must first of all gain muscle mass. Then go through the "drying" process. And only after that you can see the result. A set of masses for girls occurs quite painfully, because in this period fat is growing on the muscles, and it is always quite unpleasant for women. But the human body is so arranged, at the same time lose weight and increase in the size of the muscle simply will not work.

Drying starts with a diet. The most effective for today is (it is the Akins diet, a ketone diet and a protein diet), which starts the process of weight loss, sometimes, though, together with the muscles. Keep the beauty and femininity to girls in the gym, even in the process of setting the mass, quite bye, but only if you follow the three main rules:

Rule 1.. Girls in the gym should look for their approach. They should not blindly apply the same hard diet for weight loss as men. Reducing the content of adipose tissue causes a decrease in the size of the bust, since in this area of \u200b\u200bthe beautiful female body fat is quite a lot. Therefore, when I speak a low-carb diet, this means a diet with a reduced amount of carbohydrates, and not completely without them.

Rule 2. A set of masses for girls is harder than men. This is due to differences in physiology. The growth of muscles in men is much faster, since the level of the main massborg hormone is higher in definition. The content of adrenaline, hormone rage in the female body is also lower, therefore, the performance of basic exercises with a small number of repetitions for girls in the gym is less efficient than for men. The perfect set of exercises for a massset for girls should include exercises performed with high (12-20) repetitions.

Rule 3. Women are weaker than men, but much rushing, because nature has awarded them a higher painful threshold. Where men give up, women confidently continue to go ahead. And this means that the use of methods should be the basis of training for a massset for girls.

Conclusion: Although workouts for girls in the gym differ significantly from male, but based on some universal principles of muscle mass. These include: food, training, restoration and rest, as well as reception of sports additives.

Power supply for a massset for girls

Food for muscle growth means not less training in the gym. The girls who are actively trained, but at the same time they don't eat enough, have little chance to grow muscle. Yes, girls unlike men, it is easier to assimilate carbohydrates and get fatter faster, but they also lose weight faster. Therefore, a slight increase in the fat component among girls in the gym should not cause a panic state. The main thing is to keep the process of nutrition for a mass set under control.

To mass set for girls It was not accompanied by a rapid increase in fat deposits, to begin with, it is necessary to begin to count calories and used during the day. This can be done in several ways.

First option:

It is necessary to calculate the number of currently consumed and budding per day. To increase the mass of the most suitable is a zonal diet. With it, carbohydrates are 40%, proteins and fats - 30%. Carbohydrates may be a little more. Next you need to add 200 kcal per week. For example, the number of calories was 1600. You have increased it to 1800 kcal. At the same time, some weight loss is quite possible.

Since the increase in the diet of carbohydrates and the amount of calories can dispersed the metabolism. But you can not lose heart. To achieve results in natural bodybuilding you need a lot of time. You can add 200 kcal each week before the first results will be displayed.

Second option:

Here it is necessary to make calculation of calorie needs. This number will serve as a reference. I recommend to achieve it to add calorieness gradually so that the body can adapt. In addition, this will allow you to protect yourself from an unnecessary set of fat. And thus it will be possible to increase portions. Since in the first time such a number of food will be difficult to eat. You should pay attention to the fact that, but the measurement of the skin fold should be done.

To do this, you need to choose one zone as a reference. For girls, the most optimal part of the body for control over the state of the adipose tissue will be the bottom of the abdomen. Since it is in this place that the fat will quickly accumulate, to reduce which it will take a lot of time. If the massset for the girl is accompanied by an increase in fold thickness, then most likely something goes wrong. In this case, you need to reconsider the power.

Food for a massset for girls should meet the same requirements as during the burning process of fat or at the stage of simply maintaining the form. The difference will be in the amount of calories and combinations of BJ. It is believed that food for a mass collection for girls may include all products without exception. Since anyway after will be "drying." However, this is a mistake. Believe me, a low-carb diet, as well as the process of fat burning, does not bring pleasure. In addition, the more fat - the longer the stage of getting rid of unnecessary kilograms will last.

Of course, all the girls, even during a mass set, you want to have an attractive appearance, for no one has canceled the posting of photos on social networks. I need to remember about the growth of the muscles, but also forget about your health. After all, the body's condition affects everything that we eat. Calories should come from the most useful, natural and fresh products.

Main Power Principles for Mass For Girls:

  • Fractional food.You need to eat small portions with a break from 1.5 to 3 hours. Distribute meals evenly throughout the day. It is advisable to include protein each time.
  • Healthy nutrition.You do not need to eat cakes under the pretext of a set of mass
  • Carbohydrates.Complex carbohydrates with a low glycemic index (unwanted and wild rice, whole grain pasta, buckwheat and other cereals) should dominate the diet. And simple carbohydrates must be represented in the form of fruits, but not candies and cakes. The optimal time for taking simple carbohydrates is the first half of the day. However, it does not apply to the reception of carbohydrates before or after training.
  • Water.Use at least two liters of pure non-carbonated water per day

As for food before and after training. So that they passed with the maximum benefit, it is important to have a stock of energy and the necessary "building material". For this, the combination of quickly digestible protein and simple carbohydrates is suitable.

After training to restore the spent resources and stimulation of anabolism, it will be quite good to eat fruit with a high glycemic index (banana, pineapple, mango, melon, persimmon, grapes), or dried fruits (raisins, dried, dyeing, dried bananas), and take protein. Then after an hour and a half, eat, and the food should include protein, complex carbohydrates and a little.

Conclusion: Since women get fat faster than men, process power for a massset for girls Must undergo tight control.

Training for girls

Already many girls in the gym understand that they should not be afraid of a heavy rod. However, it should not be equal to men's loads. Since there are certain differences in physiology: hormonal background, the structure of the musculoskeletal system, the ratio of mass of fat and muscles and the distribution of muscle mass on the body.

Training for women at the stage of increasing mass is not too different from male. The only difference will be smaller working weight and more repetitions, for this is due to anatomical and physiological data. But, recently, there is an active discussion of an increase in the waist in the performance of basic exercises - becoming traction, as well as squats with a barbell and others.

However, the basic exercises are not in vain are so named. After all, without them, it will be difficult to achieve the desired result, the muscles of the press are very strong and hardy, so they need to train them in the opposite of the one in which they are accustomed to work for a day. This also applies to other "stubborn" muscle groups (forearms, neck, legs), but their development is more worried about a strong half of humanity, but a thin waist with a flat belly is a dream of all women.

Exercises for a massset for girls

Speaking specifically about the exercises for a mass collection for girls, it is worth staying on the two most important of them: squats with a barbell on the shoulders and stagnation on straight legs. In addition to the fact that these exercises are the most important for construction and, they still stimulate the overall growth of muscle mass of the whole body.

And since these movements with a barbell are also the most energy consumption, they must be included in training aimed at burning fat. I suggest to see two small video lessons, where it is described, about the technique of performing these laid exercises for a collection of masses for girls

squats for a massset for girls, video:

ranged traction on straight legs, video:

However, it is not necessary to forget that the bulk of the mass of a woman is concentrated in the lower half of the body, so you should not perform these exercises for a massset for girls on each workout. Muscles of the top of the body: breasts, hands, back and shoulders, you need to train with the same intensity as legs.

To create an ideal body, a girl in the gym need one occupation to devote to the development of the lower half of the body, and the other top. Next, I will tell about the basic requirements for successful training for a set of muscle mass for girls.

There is a great set of a wide variety of training techniques. Studies are constantly carried out in this area. And rules that would be suitable absolutely not everyone. It is best to use classic methods and analyze the results obtained. On their basis can already experiment.

And although at the beginning of the article I said that the optimal program of training for women should be based on multi-revision training, this statement is not an absolute truth in the last instance. I often observe how girls train, using a low number of repetitions (8-10), and achieve excellent results, especially when it comes to a foot training or in the process of building a priest as a nut. In other words, you need to try, compare and analyze.

Four rulestraining for womenaimed at growing muscles:

  • The duration of workout for women should not be more than an hour, taking into account the workout and the final stretching workout
  • Trainable muscle group should relax at least 48 hours
  • Constant complication of training, and once a month - one and a half change of the training plan
  • Basic exercises performed with free weight should be the basis of a workout complex for women for mass

Cardio for girls

Often you can hear recommendations to exclude cardio-training. However, such a council is more suitable for men who are working hard for a set of muscle mass than for women who rigidly controlling the increase in adipose tissue. To maintain a form with a minimum amount of fat, without Cardio nowhere.

In addition, thus the cardiovascular system is trained. However, the girls in the gym should not be performed by Cardio after the strength training. So that the muscles rose, it is necessary to actively work out at least an hour and with a sense of accomplishment go home to eat and recover.

Moreover, cardio-exercises have one significant drawback - they accelerate catabolism (the destruction of muscle tissue). Therefore, two sessions in the interval cardio mode will be a safe amount of cardion loads. Upon the condition of good nutrition, this will not affect the reduction of muscle mass.

Cardio Natoskoy

Many fitness and bodybuilding stars use a cardio-load as a year-round way to support low fat content in the body. And execute. It is believed that such physical activity performed on an empty stomach can make the body use fat reserves in the form of an energy source. But I am a strong opponent Cardio on an empty stomach, and that's why:

  1. Cortisol. So called a hormone that destroys muscle mass. And in the morning clock (at someone in 4, and someone in 7), his number in the body reaches his peak. And this means that with such difficulty muscular weight, during the execution of cardio on an empty stomach, burns the pace.
  2. Blood viscosity.In the morning clock, blood viscosity is increased, which means that the load on the cardiovascular system in the morning clock increases. This can lead to heart disease, and such an adverse diseases such as hemorrhoids and varicose veins.
  3. Slow metabolism. Fasting is the first sign for the body to slow down the calorie consumption and fasten the metabolism. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, use for this training in the gym, and the fulfillment of Cardio is better to avoid.

As for professional athletes who perform Cardio on an empty stomach, please do not forget that they do it against the background of the strongest pharmacological support. And it is also worth remembering that heart problems are the main reason for premature leaving the lives of many famous bodybuilders.

Conclusion: Efficiency training for women It depends on the mass of the individual characteristics of the body. To understand how many repetitions do in the way, you need to try various options and analyze the results obtained. But to perform Cardio on an empty stomach, I advise you to avoid everyone without exception.

Recovery after training

The massset for the girl is possible only under the condition of stimulating the anabolism process (muscle growth). To fully recover, you need to get enough sleep, more rest and try not to be nervous. Good recovery, important for muscle growth, is impossible at short, insufficient rest and nervous voltage. To improve the recovery process after training in the gym, you can go to bed even during the day, limiting excessive motor activity as possible.

Once every 6-7 weeks I recommend all the girls who train the mass, take a break in the visits to the hall for the week. This will avoid overtraining and stimulates a set of muscle mass after returning to the training process. It is not necessary to worry about the loss of precious muscles, if the rules are met with them, nothing happens during this time.

Conclusion: recovery after training is the third most important component of the program. The quality of the rest, the better the muscles grow.

Sports supplements for girls

But in the case of girls who train in the gym, the situation is somewhat different, since the horses are at the farm and the care of the family, during the period set of masses for a girlnot anywhere disappear. And in this case, sports nutrition makes it possible to save time on cooking and withstand the protein rate of the diet during the day.

And although sports nutrition for men is no different from female, there are several important points for which seriously training girls should pay attention to.

  1. | The most-selling sports additive in the world. And protein for girls, in my opinion, is the best sports nutrition for a mass set. But if you choose protein for girls, I recommend to stop my choice on the complex protein. Complex protein is called when there are several types of protein in its composition at different types of assimilation, from rapid serum and slow casein. Using such protein, you can be sure that the muscles will get all the nutrient necessary for growth and safety over several hours. It is possible to use complex protein and immediately after workout in the gym and between the main meals.
  2. | The protein-carbohydrate mixture intended for rapid coverage of energy resources spent during training. But since women are much faster than men absorb carbohydrates, use the heiner makes sense only very thin girls for a set of muscle mass. And even in this case, the amount of protein in the heiner should be as high as possible.
  3. | Sports nutrition contributors to the growth of power indicators, increases endurance and a stimulating set of muscle mass. But the attitude of many girls in the gym to creatine is ambiguous. This is really a time-tested and actually working additive, but the intake of creatine causes a delayed water body, which immediately affects the increase in body weight. Therefore, women are often thrown to take creatine, for the effect of its reception is prolonged in time and occurs after 10-12 days of reception. But it is not necessary to be afraid of the delays of water, after the end of the intake of creatine, it leaves, but the power indicators and the dialed mass remain.
  4. | Multi-storey sports additive, serving to improve training efficiency. The preparation complexes include a whole set of different ingredients: caffeine, arginine, creatine and many others. The pre-trial complex increases the mental mood, improves the concentration and enhances the blood flow of the muscles. For muscle Mass Dial for GirlsSimilar sports nutrition is great. Directly on the growth of the muscles, the nitrogen booster does not affect, but significantly increases the amount of work performed for workout.

This is not all kinds of sports additives that are recommended to buy girls sports nutrition sellers. There are also Amino acids of the BCAA, post-track complexes, special vitamins for women and much more.

But, in my opinion, it is possible to buy such sports nutrition only from simple curiosity, as professional athletes use special pharmacological products, and they are simply not needed such additives, and to feel the effect of the usual visitor to the gym from them, it will be very difficult. Excessively wide arsenal additives is.

High-quality complex protein for girls is the most universal sports nutrition that can be used in the period of a set of mass, and on the background of weight loss workouts. But if you still decided to buy protein or heiner, I advise you to adhere to five simple rules:

Rule 1:do not buy a large packaging of sports nutrition immediately if you have not tried it. In terms of weight, a large packaging of sports nutrition is the most economical, but start your acquaintance with the smallest packaging (probe, so to speak). This will allow you to protect yourself from financial losses if the sports additive will not give the desired result.

Rule 2:putting your choice on protein for girls, do not be lazy to go to the manufacturer's website. Product information on the website of the online store of sports nutrition can be represented in a trimmed form and do not contain information about used in the production of this sports nutrition.

Rule 3:pay attention to which sweetener is used. Some of them are prohibited in Europe and the United States, but are permitted in the CIS countries. And although the manufacturers of sports nutrition, adding such a sweetener, the laws of the CIS countries are not violated, it is better to refrain from acquiring such sports nutrition.

Rule 4:do not believe the reviews about sports nutrition in online stores, for 99% of them are written by people who have not tried it. Writing reviews about anything is a whole industry. This is easily verified by going to any content of the content. And even the opinion of a familiar person is not a guarantee that sports supplement for you will be as effective. Recommend only to your common sense.

Rule 5:do not focus on the price. The high cost of sports nutrition is a sign, first of all high costs for advertising promotion of this product, but not on the quality of products. This is a purely opinion, but the quality of sports nutrition of European manufacturers (especially German), often higher than their overseas colleagues.

Conclusion: the acquisition of protein for girls, or other sports nutrition, has a good basis, but only in the case when this happens not spontaneously, but deliberately.

I hope dear women, you have found strength to read my story to the end. I sincerely wish my article to be useful for you and helped bring the moment of gaining attractive forms, priests like a nut, relief press and beautiful hands. Be healthy and graceful!

Healthy and tightened body - the result of an active lifestyle and proper nutrition. But in some cases, the natural thinness and inability to gain a mass become a barrier on the way to the goal: a fragile physique does not always bring joy. If the girl lacks muscle mass, the skin stretches faster, it looks like a flabby, the posture and the overall body tone will deteriorate. To pump up the ass, simulate a sports silhouette and have a tightened figure need muscles. In this material - the necessary recommendations on the diet, which will help to gain a mass of quickly and efficiently.

Weight diet

It is important to understand that the diet for a set of mass is designed to increase the missing kg due to muscles, and not a fat layer. The formation of a beautiful body is impossible without power control, so this diet implies the systematic execution of certain rules and compliance with the diet.

Daily caloric content on a diet for a mass set should exceed the usual 200-300 kcal. Thus, the calculation formula will be as follows:

10 x b + 6.25 x P - 5 x g

B - weight (kg).

P is an increase (cm).

G - age (years).

  • The set of mass occurs if the daily amount of calorie consumed exceeds the value of spent. The basis of the girl's nutrition, who wants to gain weight body, should be high-calorie dishes, with a large content of the right (unsaturated fats) and slow carbohydrates.
  • Sporting load is a bonus to a diet: Power workouts with additional burdulosity are required.
  • It is also important to understand that the diet for a collection of body weight is best to abandon alcohol drinks, and the number of food receptions increase to 5 times a day. However, the needs of organisms are individual, so in some cases you can eat 3 times a day, but with frequent snacks between the main techniques of food.

Mass Diet Girl: Basic Principles

Physiologically female organism is arranged in such a way that we can gain a lot of faster than men, but also slower to get rid of extra kg. That is why the highlights of the diet for the masses of the girl are different from the men's version of the food. The regulatory relationship of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which are contained in food, for a weight gain in men and women are different.

The daily female need for nutrients looks like this:

  1. Proteins - 30%.
  2. Fats - 25%.
  3. Carbohydrates - 45%.

Important moment: in no case can girls completely exclude fats from the diet, because they are the main guards of women's beauty. Omega and unsaturated fats are responsible for skin elasticity, condition and appearance of hair and nails. Full failure of fats violates the hormonal background and can lead to a failure of the reproductive function. That is why it is impossible to replace fats with one proteins and carbohydrates, the diet must be fully balanced.

Basic principles of a diet for a body weight set by a girl:

  • Adhere to fractional nutrition.
  • Except harmful food and drinks.
  • Observe drinking mode: 2-3 liters of pure water per day.
  • Do not forget about healthy snacks: nuts, fruits, vegetables or kefir.
  • Straps over time: try to eat by the hour to teach the body to the diet.
  • The gaps between the main trapes are 3-4 hours.
  • One food approach is 300-350 kcal.
  • The calorieness of the snack is 2 times lower than that of the main techniques of food.
  • IMPORTANT QUALITY COUNTED FOOD: Farm cottage cheese and high-quality chicken eggs, fresh vegetables and fruits.

Mass Diet: Menu

Each selection of food on a diet for a massset is a source of building material. The first and most important rule of diet for a collection of a girl is to increase calorie dishes.

  1. Useful carbohydrates - buckwheat, brown rice, movies, beans, nuts, pasta from solid varieties, oatmeal, rye and whole grain bread, lentils, fruits and sweet vegetables.
  2. Useful fats - avocado, salmon, eggs, nuts (especially almond and walnuts), cottage cheese, some varieties of cheese.
  3. Protein - white meat, fish, dairy products, legumes, eggs.
  • Turn on carbohydrates in the menu in the first half of the day, after 17:00 lines on protein and useful fats. Do not forget about water: drinking mode is no less than meal.
  • Food additives for a weight gain girls are allowed, but not required. The weight will begin to be added while compliance with diet and regular training.
  • Exception - snacks after sports: dry protein mixture or bars supply a shock dose of protein.

I wrote this article specifically for those who even give the grandmother unable to die.

If you are tired that you are so thin that the homeless people near McDonalds offer you to eat, then this article is just for you.

Now I will tell, as with the help of one meal and glands in the gym turn your sickly body into the gym, from which the guys will tear the roof.

Therefore, if you are ready to come to terms with the fact that your bones will not turn meat with the help of one of the strength of thought and you will have to take yourself in your hands and fall out not only in the hall, but also in the kitchen, then you will prepare, now the whole world will open before you. So, today's theme - meals for a set of muscle mass for girls.

I already wrote about basics of proper nutrition For women, now I will explain exactly the Maslebor.

The perfect meals for a set of muscle mass for girls should include a unicorn fillet, buckwheat, grown by American scientists on the surface of Mars and the eggs of the pterodactile.

Approximately such a presentation in some women about what needs to be done to effectively gain muscle mass. In fact, everything is much easier. Enough there are ordinary products and abide by the rate of KBJU.

And the standards for the set are:

  • proteins - 2-2.2 g per kg of weight,
  • fats - 0.7-1 g per kg of weight,
  • carbohydrates - we start at least 3 and increase the need.

If you eat, as you think, a lot is enough, but you can't get better, and your muscles still do not envy half of the men in the hall, then just increase calorie content, mainly due to carbohydrates.

General principles of ration

To gain weight by a girl, you need to eat the right products, create an excess of calories and regularly train. And now let's talk about each item specifically.

Proper products

Why is it necessary exactly the right nutrition for a set of muscle mass for girls, if you can simply get acquainted with the Uzbek of the nearest Shawarme, which will make you every day with a discount?

Yes, because your goal is a set of muscle mass.

If you want to look juicy like ripe peach In the Turkish market, you need that the muscles gracefully facilitate your bones. And if you randomly absorb fast food, you will look like dried figs. And on dried figs, men are not conducted.

Excess calories

To gain weight, it is necessary that the body has energy to restore and resources to build muscle mountains. If you count on pumping on the water, the energy of the sun and a piece of banana once a week, then I will disappoint you, this will not happen.

Is yours the body will be grabbed for any chance to survive In such conditions, it will burn both fat and muscles to take energy for vital activity.


The main components of the effective massset for girls are nutrition and training.

Without training, you, of course, will be able to gain weight if you eat a lot, but will this high-quality weight? Unlikely. After all muscles from lying on the sofa do not grow.

If there is no muscles, then there will be no beautiful forms either. You will simply become a shapeless lady without mounted pumped berries.

If you are too lazy to go to the hall, you will get the motivation charge. Well, if you are closer to the Magic Pendel method, then find.


Most likely, you just start your route of mass simulation and smoothly move from the daily diet of the canary to normal nutrition.

Your path will begin with 1850 kcal. This is where my little diet comes in handy, which is miraculously and contains 1850 kcal.

Menu 1850 calories

I offer you this option.


  • Sandwiches (whole grain bread 60 g) with chicken fillet (80 g), cheese (20 g), oil (5 g) and tomatoes (100 g);
  • Coffee without sugar black (150 g).

In this taking, your silent organism will receive 363 calories, 33 g of protein, 14 g of fats and 28 g of carbohydrates.

Then, that your body does not stop growing for a minute you will make a snack.


  • Banana (1 pc. Medium);
  • Ryazhenka 2.5% (240 ml.).

Here you will get 234 kcal, 9 g of protein, 6.5 g of fats and 34 g of carbohydrates.


  • Rice brown (80 g);
  • Chicken's shin (we remove the skin with the eye) (80 g);
  • Cucumber salad (100 g), Beijing cabbage (150 g), green onions (10 g), olive oil (10 g);
  • Tea black without sugar (240 ml).

And again snack:

  • Cottage cheese (4%) (200 g) with Kuragya (25 g);
  • Milk 2.5% (60 g).

Drink you are 296 calories, 35 g of protein, 9.5 g of fats and 19 g of carbohydrates.

Well, dinner finally, so that the mass is accurate.


  • Baked potato (180 g);
  • Omelet from two eggs;
  • Salad and cucumbers (100 g), tomatoes (100 g), refilled by olive oil (10 g).

Before bedtime, your body will become richer by 465 calories, 21 g of protein, 24.5 g of fats, 39 g of carbohydrates.

And now the option for those who almost became a car and 1850 calories of this small car little.

2000 calorie diet

We have breakfast:

  • Oatmeal (50 g);
  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • Milk 2.5% (100 g);
  • Raisins (15 g);
  • Honey (10 g);
  • Coffee black (160 ml).

Your morning began with 468 kcal, 24 g of protein, 17.5 g of fats and 53 g of carbohydrates. Energy after such breakfast is enough to pull iron in the hall two days without a break.

But then you need to eat:

  • Sandwich (whole grain bread 35 g) with chicken fillet (50 g), cheese (30 g) and tomatoes (100 g);
  • Orange (130 g).

And here you already have 295 kcal, 25.5 g of protein, 11 g of fats and 28.5 g of carbohydrates.

And now lunch:

  • Vegetable soup 450 g;
  • Rice brown 50 g, sunflower oil (5 g);
  • Chicken fillet (100 g).

And with the help of non-good manipulations with hands and mouth you will get 523 kcal, 35 g of protein, 15 g of fats and 65 g of carbohydrates.

And then again do not forget to have a snack:

  • Hubby cottage cheese (150 g);
  • Honey (10 g);
  • Strawberry (100 g).

You have 252 kcal, 26.5 g of protein, 8 g of fats and 18 g of carbohydrates.

Well, and finally light dinner:

  • Chicken fillet 150 g;
  • Vinaigrette from potatoes (50 g), carrots (50 g), sauerkraut (50 g), beets (50 g), fastened with sunflower oil (5 g) and lemon juice (5 g).

And here are our final 317 kcal, 31 g of protein, 13.5 g of fats and 19 g of carbohydrates.

After that, your bones should slowly, but confidently hide behind the pile of muscles. If this did not happen, then increase portions.

Women's sports nutrition

If you eat as I wrote, and the weight does not increase anyway, then do not rush to run to the fortuneteller.

Just try to add sports additives to your life.

But keep in mind that they will only work in a complex with proper nutrition.

For a weight gain, I would advise:

  • protein;
  • BCAA;
  • creatine;
  • glutamine.

These are not magical powders that you will get off your buttocks and in the morning they will increase in volume by 10 centimeters, but they will make it greatly relieved by the masses of the girl.

In fact you can do without itBut if you already have a few weeks for a spoonful of buckwheat, stuffed every day, then drink powder with chocolate taste will make your life a little joyful. In addition, this powder is born better than ordinary food.

The topic of sports nutrition for girls I described in.


Summing up, I want to say that no lazy man pumped up my muscle mountain. Successes achieve only purposeful people who are ready to absorb chicken breasts with cars, which with tears in their eyes will refuse candy in favor of a spoonful of Grech, who will come in the hall 5 times more. And there are no way those who do not go to the hall, because they broke the nail and no longer get out of depression.

Therefore, you eat right, work out hard and just wait for the result, it will not be quick.

What is the girl need a set of masses? Most often, the set is necessary if you are planning to carry out a "drying of the body." You are carrying out a set of weights, so that after you lose and get no dice and sagging skin, but a relief taut body.


The main role in a set of muscle mass performs full nutrition and compliance with water balance. Growth will only occur if the amount of energy received will be greater than its consumption. That is why it is very important to correctly calculate the daily use of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BZH).

For a set of mass, it is used in the following percentage: proteins (20-30%), fats (10-20%), carbohydrates (50-60%).

What are these components and why should food be balanced?


Protein - the main building material of our body and the main component necessary for muscle growth. If you plan to dial a lot, the protein should be 1/3 of your day diet.

Proteins are full and defective:

  • full-fledged animal proteins such as meat, eggs, fish.
  • inadvertent most often represented by nut and bean.

The lack of proteins in the human body causes a hormonal background failure, and the oversupply threatens the kidney disease.


  • saturated (eggs, milk, cheeses, meat);
  • unsaturated (oil, avocado, seeds).

If there are too few fats in food, then in the body there is a slowdown in metabolism, and with a regular disadvantage, the risk of developing diseases of the musculoskeletal system and circulatory disruption increases.


Carbohydrates are saturated with energy, stimulate digestive enzymes, facilitate the absorption of proteins and control the oxidation of fats in the body.

This group includes:

  • various cereals;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • pasta and flour products.

Carbohydrates are divided into simple (absorbed quickly) and complex (absorbed slowly). Simples include glucose and sucrose, which is contained in sweets (waffles, honey, jam, cakes, etc.), flour products, juices, carbonated drinks, as well as in rice and manna flour.

Complex carbohydrates are represented by croupiers, grain (they also include Muesli), dried fruits.

If you want to just lose weight, it will be enough to reduce the amount of consumption of simple carbohydrates.

The video below provides information on balanced power.

We consider the required number to ...

Thus, the individual calculation of BJW for a set of mass will look like this: the amount of carbohydrates \u003d the number of proteins + the amount of fats.

The scheme of this ratio is a basis, which in the process of a set of mass and subsequent drying you can adjust and adjust to yourself.

If you are worried that you will incorrectly calculate the daily rate, you can contact any fitness center or a therapeutic institution where a professional coach or a nutritionist will analyze the physical condition of the body and adjusts the nutrition program depending on the goal desired.

Food with a mass set is carried out 5-6 times a day, while in the first half of the day (until 16:00) it is necessary to use most of the diet.

Also, the correct diet helps to make a glycemic index. It demonstrates the effect of a certain product at blood sugar.

Products with low gi (less than 40) need to eat more, as they are slowly absorbed into blood and can constantly maintain the level of energy in the body at the required level.

These include:

  • milk;
  • legumes;
  • nuts;
  • pasta;
  • zucchini;
  • avocado;
  • tomatoes.

Low Gi products are recommended to use with a low-level lifestyle, weight loss or during the disease. Such products well reduce the feeling of hunger, give the body a long sense of saturation, prevent fat deposits, but at the same time ineffective during training.

The products with an average rate of GI (41-60) have an average absorption rate and return.

These include:

  • rye bread;
  • potatoes;
  • beet;
  • oatmeal;
  • basmati rice;
  • grapes.

Products with high gi (more than 60) include:

  • sugar;
  • melon;
  • candy;
  • pancakes;
  • bananas;
  • flour products.

They quickly absorbed into blood and quickly give energy. It is because of frequent and sharp jumps of sugar on a person's body formed fatty deposits.

Do not be afraid to add nutritional supplements to the usual ration. Examine the features and destination of each product and select the necessary one for yourself. We advise you to start with the required amount of proteins and carbohydrates additives - Weiner. It can be purchased at a finished form or make houses from the usual products. The combination of products included in its composition contributes to an increase in mass and weight gain.

Most often, the finished heiner is sold in a dry form and is used according to 1 dimensional spoon mixed with warm water, juice or low-fat milk. The preparation and proportion scheme is usually indicated on the packages.

Heiner at home

The beverage base should be natural products (milk, eggs, juices). A carbohydrate and protein component are added to them, for example, cottage cheese, honey, jam, oats. For cooking you will only need to mix the specified ingredients in the required proportion and grind in a blender.

  1. Bananas (150 gr.), Milk (350-400 ml), Degreased cottage cheese (100-150 gr.).
  2. Degreased cottage cheese (150-200 gr.), Raspberries (200 gr.), Vanillin and Cinnamon to taste.
  3. Degreased cottage cheese (150-200 gr.), Honey (2-3 tbsp), peanuts (50 gr.), Bananas (2 pcs.), Milk (150-200 ml).
  4. Milk (150-200 ml), powdered milk (2 art. L), sugar (1 tbsp), blueberry jam (2 tbsp.).
  5. Classic yogurt (150-200 ml), cocoa powder (2 tbsp), a small amount of walnuts or berries.

In days, when there is no training, the heiner is taken between meals 1-2 times a day. On the day, when there was a training session after training, it will be enough.

For a week

Errors in the mode and diet when set

  1. Small amount of water.
    A set of mass is an anabolic process (creating new cells and tissues), and the water is the main anabolic for your body.
  2. The incorrect proportion of BJ.
    Carefully reread the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and drop the power program based on your current and desired indicators.
    If the amount of calories received is greater than the number of spent, then you gain weight. If on the contrary - lose weight. Not all schemes give the same result for different people. Periodically analyze and make adjustments to your diet. You may have to replace some products to similar if you have intolerance of some components.
  3. Skipping meals.
    Do not violate the power scheme. According to the result, you should have 3 main meals and 3 high-quality snacks.
  4. Errors in building training.
    Many newcomers begin to train hard, increasing not only training days, but also the number of approaches and repetitions. This leads to ruptures and microtrams. Remember: the load must be increased gradually. The number of heavy weight exercises for one training should not exceed 5. Frequent shift of the training program will not give results, it is better to focus on the right technique and systematically approach training.
    Recommended number of workouts 3-4, repetitions of each exercise - 12.
    Cardiotranspared with a set of mass should be cut to 1-2 per week interval in 30 minutes.
  5. Violation rate of sleep.
    It's no secret that sleep is very important for health. At this time, cleaning from toxins and the body is restored, preparing for the workloads of the new day. Do not forget: the norm of sleep for an adult is at least 8 hours.
  6. Fear of adding food additives to the diet.
    Geiner and protein are absolutely safe when used in the required quantity. In addition, it is possible to prepare a delicious and useful drink that accelerates a set of mass, and at home.

Women's physiology and nature in most cases leads to the fact that girls are trying to lose weight all the time: they lose weight by the summer, then urgently need to lose a couple of kilograms for the birthday of a friend, then your own wedding is already on the nose, etc. Personally, 95% of girls appeal to me precisely for this purpose: to lose weight! But still there are 5% of girls who just dream to gain weightBut they can't do it. Yes, there are such girls too, and for them their problem is thin, it seems the same important and difficult to accept the problem of excess weight for all full girls.

And today I decided to devote this article just slender girls. Answer the question, how to dial a lot of girl, It is impossible to be one phrase or one sentence, this is a fairly volumetric and interesting topic that requires a detailed analysis on my part. Today I will raise more aspect and give some effective recommendations and tips to help give a muscle mass By changing their food habits and calorics. Well, I propose to start.

Why am I thin?

Before moving to the practical advice to eliminate the problem of body mass deficit among girls, let's find out the root causes of this phenomenon? After all, it is interesting, however, why are some girls from one eaten little candy on the next morning see the weight gain in a couple of kilograms, while others can eat a whole sushi set, drink half liters of a sweet carbonate drink, after eating a slice of a hollow chocolate cake with Creamy cream and "at least henna" - nothing! What is their secret? Why does the body respond very sharply on each calorie eaten, which is immediately postponed on the sides and thighs in the form of unnecessary kilograms, and the organism of others does not react in any way ??? Even gramsmamuli fat will not grow anywhere ... "Where is justice?" - At this moment, many girls think (and am among them \u003d)) Well, at the expense of the existence of justice at these moments, I will not tell you, but at the expense of metabolism, genotype and genetic susceptibility I will say something.

The fact is that all people are conventionally divided into 3 types according to their type of physique:

- Endomorphs

- Mesomorphs

- Etomorphs.

Briefly about each form and difference in their training process you can find in this article.

We are also interested in the last type of physique - ectomorphs. People with this type of physique are in their nature thin, and it is very difficult for them a set of mass, any - whether it is a muscular weight or fat. These people have a thin-eyed (asthenic) type of physique: thin bone, long neck, limbs thin and long, narrow shoulders, muscular body weight is poorly developed, the fat component is below the average level, good metabolism, increased endurance (often, but not always) . All these signs say that a person most likely has the predominant ectomorphic type of physique, which means it has a problem with a weight set.

Extractorphs are not as often as mesomorphs or endomorphs, but still encounter. All these features of the structure of their physiology and skeleton make it very difficult to gain muscle and fat weight. This is not pathology and not a disease, it is just a feature of the body that needs to be taken as a fact. For most people, especially girls, such a feature is a real gift of fate, as they can hardly bother that they eat, at what time of day they do it, and what the quality of their food. Of course, the eating of hamburgers and palm-based cakes will not add any health, but they will not shine too much.


In the body of thin people amylase - an enzyme, cleaving carbohydrates, is more active than other people. This may be one of the reasons for their high metabolism.

Now we smoothly go directly to the consideration of the basic power rules for a collection of mass for girls and clarify the main features of the mass climbing regime for the girls who need to be adhered to simultaneously and recover, and look feminine and appetizing. Here you need to be able to feel this thin line between the increasingness for weight gain in weight, as such, and balanced nutrition for the improvement of its proportions and figures.

How to get a lot of girls?

In order to recover, you need to eat. This is a fact that it will not be difficult to agree. When they ask me what to do to recover, and at the same time immediately categorically reject the thought of set of muscular massSince they do not want to be similar to women's men, then it has to give a long and tedious lecture on women's physiology, hormones and other things that are usually not interesting to anyone, but in vain. It is the understanding of the women's constitution and physiology that gives an explanation of those things that girls so afraid:

- I do not want a big "banks"!
- I do not need big massive legs!
- I just want to recover, but not to build up big muscles! - And all in this way.

I want to calm you, cute girls, pump and grow muscle, like a man, you will never succeed without the use of chemical preparations, hormones, steroids and other prohibited medicines. The female hormonal system is not designed for the production of men's hormones in large doses, and from this it becomes simply impossible to pump "cans" and massive legs, like male representatives. Therefore, cease to paranitate about large and men-like muscles, you will not have them, that's for sure.

What am I talking about this? Yes, to the fact that it is easy to recover and swim with fat, I think no normal and self-respecting girl does not want, even a desperate girl ectomorph with slender handles and Asian (flat) booty. Therefore, we will learn the basis for rational today power for proper mass set for girls.

Under the "right set of mass", I mean an increase in weight to a greater extent due to the growth of muscle mass and only a little fat. This proportion should be approximately the following: 70:30, respectively. For those girls who categorically do not want to be sports and muscle, then you can change the proportion to 60:40. That is, if you want to recover by 10 kg, then a net weight gain in the expense of the muscles should be 6 kg (60%), and due to fat - 4 kg (40%). Of course, these figures are approximate values \u200b\u200band achieve them ideally is very difficult, but at least to strive for them.

In order to increase 6-7 kg of the muscles to the girl Khudshka (not an athlete), it may be necessary to take more than one year of painstaking and regular work on themselves: food, training, recreation and restoration, - but believe the girl, which of 10 kg of the scaled weight has 6 -7 kg of muscles and only 3-4 kg of fat is a healthy and slim girl with appetizing forms, and not with jelly hands and cellulite legs. So, girls, I urge you to reconsider your vision, due to which you get better: due to fat or muscles. If your muscle choice, then read on.

Nutrition for a set of muscle mass

Calorie and Norma BZH

Now I turn directly to the basic rules power for a set of muscle mass for girls(at last!). But I want to say (a small lyrical digression) that all these rules work exclusively in tandem with regular training for a mass set! Without training, compliance with these recommendations and their effectiveness will not have such a pronounced character that you expect to receive. That is, you will gain weight, but the "muscle-fat" proportions may have other values, not as I specified above.

So why start? For example, you are 25 years old, weight 45 kg, height 165 cm. Your type of physique is a pure ectomorph, and you want to recover by 7 kg. Of course, the first thing you have to do is increase your calorie diet.

1 stage raising calorie dietary

If you have eaten 1400 kcal before that, then in the first week you should increase somewhere by 15% (for girls it is an optimal figure), which will come out about 200 kcal.

To calculate how many calories you currently use, you can do as follows: Download any application to the phone that calculates calorieness and burn products, there for several days (3-4 days) to enter all the food that you use during day. After 3-4 days, you calculate the average arithmetic value of the calorie content of your diet and add + 200 kcal to it. In our case, it will be 1600 kcal.

2 Stage Counting Norma BPU for a massset

For a set of mass for girls proportions are as follows:

For men, these indicators may be as follows:

As you can see, the difference in the norms of BJW for women and for men is significantly different. The main difference is in carbohydrate and fat components. If for men consumption of more carbohydrates (55% against 45%) will only benefit, then for girls, these 10% will be superfluous due to the best ability to accumulate fat in equal natural conditions (equal conditions are equal in the same type of physique).

That is why 25% of the general caloric content of the diet should fall on fats. Moreover, useful fats are a very important part of a mass climbing diet for women.

Well, everything is clear with the proteins: 30% of the daily caloric content should be in proteins.

So, let's calculate that we have turned out in the end. In order for our miniature girl to start recovering, she needs to daily consume such a number of proteins, fats and carbohydrates:

30% of proteins from 1600 kcal is 480 kcal / 4 kcal \u003d120 g of proteina day you need to use our girlfriend to gain a lot. It is about 2.7 g of protein per 1 kg of weight.

25% of fats from 1600Qual - it is 400 kcal / 9 kcal \u003d44 g fatin a day. This is almost 1 g of fat per 1 kg of weight.

45% of carbohydrates from 1600 kcal is 720 kcal / 4 kcal \u003d180 G. Carbohydratesper day, which is 4 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of weight.

When you calculated your calories and the norms of BJW further, what you need to do is adhere to the basic principles of the right power for a massset.

Power Principles with Maslebor for Girls

Principle 1 fractional food

Nutrition for a set of muscle mass for girls, like meals on weight loss, has the same principle - you need to eat often, fractionally and small portions. Do not think that your goal is to gain a lot, then you can eat for three and do it when your soul is pleased. Not. If you decide for yourself pick up a lot of correctYou must eat accordingly accordingly. It is best to break your meals that should be at least 4, ideal 5-6 meals (3 main reception and 2-3 snacks), evenly during the day. You must eat every 2.5-3 hours. Your portion on average should be 300-350 kcal per reception. If it is a snack, then it may be a little less, and the main reception is a little more.

Principle 2 lack of harmful products

I put this principle with the second point, as I know that all skinny girls can start absorbing all sorts of buns, cakes, cakes and another, thinking that they will increase their caloric content of the diet and will gain weight. This weight set method is the way to nowhere! Yes, you will gain weight, fighting in this way, but the quality of your body will be even farther and farther from your ideal every day ... I think you don't want to become girls in the type "Skinny Fat" and then fight all my life with Cellulite, which, with this mode, is simply inevitable. That is why the exclusion of harmful products is a prerequisite proper and high-quality mass set for girls.

Principle 3 Right Carbohydrate Consumption Mode

If before that you did not care what food eat, and where to get calories, now you need to carefully study the question of carbohydrates, simple and complex, and incorporate more complex carbohydrates in the form of various cereals (, movies, Makarona from solid varieties of wheat, rye) and legumes (mask, nut, lentils, beans), as well as simple carbohydrates in the form of fresh fruits and vegetables. At the stage of a set of mass, carbohydrates are the most important nutrient that needs to be used to properly. But you also need to not forget that even clean girls in order to dial muscle mass (Let you do not confuse the word "muscle", since we have already found out that it should be a priority in your transformation) you need to adhere to the basic rules of carbohydrate consumption.

  • Both slimming and with a set of muscle mass, girls must remember that all carbohydrates need to be used to 4-5 pm, the exception can only be evening workout.

The approximate distribution of our 180 g of carbohydrates during the day (see above) may be as follows:

7:00 - 50 g

10:00 - 30 g

13:00 - 80 g

16:00 - 20 g

19:00 - 0 g (only vegetables)

For dinner and late dinner, carbohydrates should not be at all, I do not consider vegetables, I relate to the source of fiber, so you can eat them.

  • If you have a workout time in the evening, for example, by 19-00, then in an hour and a half before training you can erase a small portion of complex carbohydrates (17: 30-18-00), and after training there are only proteins and vegetables . Here the temporary range of carbohydrate consumption can be moved slightly, as you still have to fix your body.

Principle 4 Compliance with drinking regime

In order to and Pick up muscular weight, and lose weight, they are mainly the same laws, simply their content can be slightly different from each other, such as with calorieness and norms, it is, but the essence remains the same.

So with drinking regime, I will not say anything new to you, everything is simple enough: the value of water consumption per day should be on average from 2 to 2.5 liters. Moreover, water should be non-advocating, hacking and preferably non-carbonated, ordinary spring or mineral without gas. Water helps not only in the body, which is so fine with thin, but also take the decay products after intensive workouts. And this is an important factor that affects the coordinated work of the whole organism as a whole.

Principle 5 protein component

In order to grow and turn out of humid bags with thin legs and handles in a slim of appetizing sports forms, you need to not forget about the protein component, since for a set of muscle mass Special importance is given to them. About the importance of protein consumption read.

I advise you to consume protein in each meal. Must be sure to be present in the morning, at lunch and of course in all evening meals.

Approximate distribution of 120 g of proteins during the day:

7:00 - 30 g + may be vegetables

10:00 - 10 g + may be vegetables

13:00 - 30 g + vegetables

16:00 - 30 g + vegetables

19:00 - 20 g + vegetables

Vegetables are a fiber, it improves digestion and helps food lumps better and faster along the gastrointestinal tract. The combination of "protein + vegetables" should be for you "Golden Rule".

Option when vegetables can not be protected:

  • protein intake in liquid form ()
  • combination of simple proteins (egg protein) with complicated and simple carbohydrates for breakfast ()

In all other cases, protein must be combined with any vegetables.

Principle 6 Sports Additives

This principle is completely optional and can be used as desired, but it is still worth saying about it. with the aim of dial muscle mass May consist of a minimum set:

  1. Protein (protein mix) - needed to give the necessary protein muscles. Mostly protein drink after training.
  2. Heiner. (carbohydrate-protein mixture) - acts as an additional source of simple carbohydrates. Gainer girls preferably drink to workout.
  3. Vitamin Mineral Complexes - These are helping the girls who are engaged to support their immunity and always stay in a good mood.

Food after training for a mass set

Very important item in nutrition for a set of muscle mass for girls It is the question of the postcard meal.

- turkey fillet;

- milk;

- cottage cheese up to 5%;

- egg whites.

Well, dearly my girls ectomorphic, I hope you know now how to dial a lotand why it is necessary to recruit not fat mass, but muscle (with a slightly inclusion of fat). In this article, I tried to describe in the most detailed as much as possible. nutrition for a set of muscle mass There must be girls how to calculate calorie I. norms of BJW with a mass setas well as what basic nutrition principles for girls during the massborg period. Now you know all the subtleties feminine power for a massset And you can easily make a diet, relying on those recommendations that are written above.

P.S. And do not forget about strength training !!! It is important! Otherwise, all your efforts are not valid! You can increasing the mass without workouts, of course, but only one - fat. Do you need it?

Sincerely yours, Yanelia Skripnik!