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Heliotherapy: We take sunbathing. Solar baths and solar hardening Who should shorten the time of staying in the sun

Treatment and prevention of diseases of the Sun is known for a long time, many people and today can not imagine a healthy person, regularly not taking sunbathing and not extinguishing under sunshine for hardening and healthy skin. Without exaggeration, we can say that this is the most pleasant and useful procedure. This method mentions the Great Hippocrat, whose oath currently adopts graduates of medical institutions.

Sun role for human health

All on this planet depends on the Sun: the plants are powered by the Sun, grow due to it, produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. If, for example, leave flowers in the dark, they will die. Man also grows and develops thanks to the sun.

The sun is the main planet in our star system and carries not only health codes and information for each person, but also evolutionary space cosmic development codes.

So in both the ancient Egypt, and our wise ancestors of Slavs, and people in some other highly developed cultures of the world were not for nothing that the sun was worshiped, and at dawn asked him a good day and health.

Positive effect of solar baths on the body

Probably, each of us knows that the sun rays are divided into a visible part of the spectrum and the invisible, so-called infrared and ultraviolet part of it. And what is surprising - all parts of the spectrum sun ray Give a healing effect and a certain benefit for the human body.

The visible part of the rays is our visual perception, what we see with our own eyes. After a long and boring winter, everyone experiences the need for sunlight - this indicates our connection and the dependence on the Sun.

Thus, sunlight is an excellent method of preventing stress and diseases associated with vitamin disadvantage. D.. Lack of vitamin D causes Rahit, developmental problems physical body And even mental disadvantages.

The benefits of tan and ultraviolet

The invisible part of the spectrum is infrared rays and ultraviolet. This is what we at the level of the physical body we feel like heating and see how the tan. What is the same benefit from the tan, or is it only a cosmetic procedure?

Infrared rays contribute best blood circulation In the body, and in addition, an painful effect is rendered. And ultraviolet improves immunity, metabolic processes and the work of the endocrine glands or as they also call the gland internal secretion - they produce vital required substances, famous ordinary people as hormones. It is all known pituitary glands, hypothalamus, adrenal glands and sex glands.

Who is particularly necessary solar baths?

  • people who have suffered various injuries;
  • with a lack of vitamin D
  • with psoriase
  • people of the Northern and Medium Regions of Russia
  • in stress and unstable emotional states
  • for diseases of the joints
  • radiculitis and neuralgic diseases

Who should shorten the time of staying in the sun?

  • pregnant women
  • hypertension of severe
  • oncological diseases
Starting to stay in the sun should be from 15-20 minutes, gradually increasing sunbathing time. And if you fell into a hot country, where the scorching sun rages, and your skin is not ready for taking such strong solar baths, then 10 minutes will be more than enough.

The most useful morning sun. You should not use various creams and ointments for the tan, as they contain many chemical components, an exception for ointments of natural herbs.

From dehydration of the body should be used sufficient number water. Preferably spend more time in motion - this will reduce the likelihood of burns.

Sunbathing Sunbathing

Medical studies have shown that sunbathing in the morning watches helps maintain optimal body weight. Yes, and the fact that the media of the tanned and often happening in the sun of people practically no complete, already speaks about many things, and the effects of sunbathing and solar hardening for weight loss, like men.

Best and Secure Tip

The best and most secure time For sunburn: from 6 to 11 am - this is the time when the sun's rays carry invalid energy, and already from 16 and further - calm and relaxing energy. Between these periods, the sun has too strong activity, as well as not a useful angle of falling the sun's best, so sunbathing under it unfavorable for the skin.

Solar hardening

Yes, it is hardening, I did not make a reservation, because usually people under the word hardening meant with water or air. But it turns out that there is also such an affordable and pleasant hardening technique, which is called the hardening of the Sun or solar hardening, and it is known from the most ancient times.

What turns on the hardening of the sun

Solar hardening is hardening with sunbeams consisting of different species rays. There are visible sun rays - red, yellow, green, purple, blue. And invisible - infrared and ultraviolet.

Human organism needs all kinds sunlight And especially in ultraviolet. The disadvantage in ultraviolet light can be especially reflected in children, like growing organisms, and is expressed in the obstacles of mental and physical development, the bones become fragile, and the immune system is reduced.

It is important to the psychological factor of hardening the sun. In case of insufficient irradiation with sunlight, fatigue, apathy, irritability, reduction of working capacity arise.

Solar hardening lies in the fact that a person is without clothes under sunlight and gradually prepares (tempering) his skin, for the possibility of a subsequent, longer stay under the sun.

Methods of proper and healthy solar hardening

Proper hardening with sunlight includes graduality, opening time day and duration.

Solar hardening is usually started with a 10-15 minute stay in the sun, every day, adding for a few minutes and bringing the time to 1.5-2 hours.

The best time of such a type of hardening is in the south in the morning to 10 am and in the evening from 17 o'clock. And in combination with water procedures and physical exercises, the health effect increases significantly, so it is better not easy to lie on the litter, and play some active games like volleyball.

Ordinary restrictions

All and sick and healthy people Useful solar hardening. For patients and unprepared to the Sun, you just need to limit yourself in time and well-being. These restrictions exist for children up to 2-3 years old, pregnant women, in heart disease and oncological diseases.

Solar hardening for children

Children's skin is gentle and sensitive - this fact must be considered, so in the first months of life, solar hardening of a nude or semi-naked child is carried out at a temperature not lower than 20 degrees of heat and under trees with lumens for access of sunlight, and not under the right rays.

Start hardening the child from 3-5 minutes on the first day and bringing the total procedure to 15-20 minutes.

Children up to 1 year, I repeat, do not leave under the outdoor sun, and it is better under the crowns of trees.

Children from 1 year and older, you can spend "direct solar hardening" in the morning and evening hours in warm weather, starting with 5 minutes and bringing up to 10 minute hardening, conducting a procedure 2-3 times a day.

For a child from 6 years, the procedure is carried out in the same mode for adults, without overheating the body and considering the morning and evening favorable modes.

And it is not at all necessary to use protective glasses neither children nor adults - if you don't look right in the sun any harm will not be, on the contrary, you will get a maximum benefit from light. Look at yourself - no animal uses glasses, and in this plan a lot of man wiser.

Useful properties of sun rays

Recent studies of scientists revealed interesting fact - When using sunscreen devices, creams and the like, the percentage of skin cancer increases, even compared to those if they do not use them at all. This tells us that the danger of sunlight is clearly exaggerated. And often the problem comes from the cream, and not from the sun.

Scientists from England conducted research on the effect of ultraviolet rays and found out that they prevent obesity and diabetes.

Due to the effects of sunlight in the human body, serotonin is produced, which is sometimes called a "hormone of joy", which contributes to the emergence of a good mood for a whole day.

Sun stay is necessary for the occurrence of vitamin D, which prevents the occurrence cardiovascular diseases, such as arrhythmia, myocardial infarction and hypertension. In addition, vitamin D has a wound-healing property and reduces the risk of cancer cells.

Sunlight rejuvenates the body and skin

Sunlight is a catalyst for the obsching of the body. An alkaline environment of the body is necessary to maintain the health and youth of the whole body and in particular skin at the proper level.

The fact is that it is in diseases that the human body has a more acidic characteristic. Interestingly, such emotions such as anger, envy, jealousy, fear, and others are shifted in the acidic side.

As you can see from this - everything is natural, naturally in reasonable doses is good and health. Sunbathing; raw vegetables and fruits, honey and nuts; Swimming and water procedures; Walking on fresh air and exercise - here is the pledge good health and well-being.

I hope this information will be enough to not be shoved at the computer, but to begin to take care of your health, at least sometimes taking such useful sunny baths yourself and with your children. And also I advise you to read and even, as well as, I am sure you will learn a lot of new things from this article.

Treatment with sun baths is practiced as an alternative medicine method for healing from many ailments. Moreover, sunbathing is used to get a beautiful, even tanning. Of course, practicing heliotherapy, it is important not to overdo it. Otherwise, instead of benefit, sunlight will bring alone alone, and painful burns are formed on the skin.

Solar baths and health: what is the best sunlight

Heliotherapy (from Grech. Gelios - "Sun", Therapeia - "Treatment") - one of the most available methods healing taken into service folk medicine Back in deep antiquity. This is a method of treatment with sunlight and heat, i.e., the use of the radiant energy of the Sun in medical and preventive purposes.

What is the useful sunlight for the body? The impact of its multifaceted. Sunbaths provide health: They activate blood circulation and work, strengthen the nervous system, improve the provision of organs and bones, which contributes to strengthening them.

The benefits of sunshine for health also in the fact that the rays stimulate, stabilize blood circulation, expand blood vessels, improve elasticity. After sunbathing, heartbeat is rapidly, the flow of blood to the skin, its color and condition are improving. Moderately the bright sun helps to get rid of - after a short-term stay in the light, brain activity is improving.

As can be seen in the photo, sunbathing provide skin with a pleasant tan:

What else is sunny baths and what is the influence of solar energy? The sun in combination with swimming in the sea or river, lying on the warm sand help from articular pain. Solar energy affects the production of sperm: Sexual activity increases in the summer. Rarely on the sun, people are more risking with cancer.

It is noticed that in the summer much. The fact is that the properties of sunlight in combination with increased physical activity enhance the metabolism.

What is useful solar baths and to whom they are contraindicated

The use of solar baths is also in the fact that vitamin D is formed under the influence of the sun, on which the normal development of bones and teeth depends. No sun is especially harmful to children: Rahit can develop - a disease that causes the deformation of bones, especially and legs.

It should not be motionless under the blinding sun, it is necessary to move more - run, do, exercise, not allowing the heating of the body.

Since vitamin D serves building material For bones, osteoporosis, which is the cause of bone fragility in old age, are more likely to suffer those who lead a low-wear lifestyle and rarely happen in the sun. With a lack of sunlight, hair loss, nail bundles, many other health problems arise.

Contraindications for sunbathing:, severe heart defects, acute inflammatory infections, nervous system, pulmonary tuberculosis in active form, intense headache. Solar radiation is contraindicated with malignant and benign neoplasms.

The risk of obtaining uneven pigmentation of the skin and worsen the well-being in the sun exists during pregnancy. Doctors do not advise sunbathing after the adoption of some medicines. Substances with photosensitizing (increasing sensitivity to light) properties, contain perfume and other perfumery. Therefore, it is better to abandon the beach on the beach, you can use specially created preparations for summer use with special sunscreen factors, which are indicated as part of SPF letters.

How and what time is it better to take sunbathing

Without the sun, which is a source of heat and light, life on Earth is impossible. Our body has an impact of both visible, light, sun rays and invisible to eyes - infrared and ultraviolet. These rays are absorbed in different ways with various layers of skin. When moving from ultraviolet to infrared radiation, the depth of their penetration increases.

Sunlight creates wonders: gives energy, helps to treat a variety of diseases, improves the mood and appearance of a person.

Well known to the mechanism of exposure to sunlight per person. The fact is that as a result of metabolism in our body, free radicals are formed - compounds that cause harm to the entire body contributing to its aging. They destroy genetic information in cell nuclei, contribute to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels, make these vessels fragile. Molatonine is able to stop the negative "activity" of free radicals - a special hormone, the formation of which contributes to sunlight. It is he who plays the role of a peculiar defender, because it intercepts and destroys free radicals, thereby maintaining general well-being and pushing far into the future aging of the body.

How to take sunny baths outdoors? As a rule, they benefit with very many diseases, but in order not to harm their own organism, it is necessary to follow certain rules.

What time is it better to take sunbathing so as not to get a burn? It is recommended to do this in an hour after eating, and to finish the procedure - no later than an hour before meals. The safest sunbathing in the summer from 8 to 11 hours, and in the evening - from 16 to 18 pm.

Only following the rules for the reception of solar baths, it is possible to obtain a persistent and beautiful tan - darkness of the skin under the influence of ultraviolet irradiation, as a result of which melanin is postponed in its surface layers.

Duration of sunbathing and first assistance in burns

On the first day, the duration of the solar bath under the straight rays should be no more than 5-10 minutes. On the second day, sunbathing is permissible to increase to 15 minutes. After that, it should be increased daily to the sun in the sun for 5 minutes, bringing the procedure up to 50-60 minutes, but it is not recommended to be in the sun for more than 2 hours a day.

Children under 12 years old must be in the shade of trees during the procedure. For a given age group Solar procedures should be started from 2-3 minutes and gradually bring up to 30 minutes. Children over 12 can be in the open sun, and the duration of the procedure at the first stage is usually not more than 5 minutes, the time is gradually brought to two hours. After sunny bath, you need to swim, take a shower or bleed cold water And for half an hour to relax in the shade.

If you have a very long time in the sun, then the likelihood of the sun burn is great. It is urgently to provide first aid when the skin has become dry, painful, slightly swell and blushed. At first negative features, it should be immediately covered in the shade, damaged areas of the skin to cool under the cold shower to quiet pain. Then take the antipyretic agent, process the scene of the burn with alcohol or special ointment type "Panthenol". With a strong burn, consult a doctor.

Folk Medicine Ply sun burns Recommends to lubricate the sick places of sour cream, rippy or spokes. Good to a tool is a mixture equal parts Alcohol (cologne) and Vitamin A. solution

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It seems that this question sounds strange. But in fact, knowing what time it is better to sunbathe, you can get much more smooth, persistent and attractive tan. Otherwise, the chocolate shade will very soon come down, or even worse - painful burns will appear on the body, and the burnt skin will subsequently peep with a layer.

What time of year is better to sunbathe?

This is another interesting question. But if you figure out how to sunbathe correctly, it becomes clear that in reality there is nothing strange in it. The fact is that in perfect version Getting ready for the beach season in advance. That is, to start thinking, at what time it is better to sunbathe in June, it is desirable to pour sunny baths in May or even at the end of April. It will also be useful for skin, and on the beach do not have to feel like a white crow (in all the senses of this expression).

The spring rays are very soft and harm the skin is quite difficult for them. But to prepare the epidermis to the intensive tan, they will be perfect. Before the start of the summer, it is recommended to stroll as much as possible under the open sun or spend several sessions in. First, let alone be tanned with hands and face. A little later, if the weather is allowed, you can afford to undress to the swimsuit. Lying under the sun is completely optional. On the contrary, it is much better to sunbathe during active sports - games in tennis or volleyball, running.

What time of day it is better to sunbathe in the spring, it's difficult to say. Many prefer sunbathing sunbathing. And it is not enough if it fails to do on the street. Open the window on the balcony and work out here. Of course, it is less efficient, but still.

What time is it better to sunbathe on the sea?

At the local resorts to take sunbathing in the morning and in the evening, and the most "dangerous" sun - from 11 to 17 pm. This period of time is better to overweight somewhere in the shade. And do not hope for the fact that the beach outfits will be able to protect you from. Light fabric skips sufficient to burn, the amount of ultraviolet.

What time is the day it is better to sunbathe on the beaches of hot countries? About the same. But immediately spend a lot of time to spend on the sun. On the first day, solar procedures should continue at least five minutes. Every day the stay in the open sun increases.

Do not forget that during swimming tan also takes. Moreover, it happens much faster. Water refracts the sun's rays, so many of the vacationers burn, swimming.

How to get a smooth and resistant tan?

To get an attractive tan, you need not only to know what time it is better to sunbathe. Some uncomplicated rules should also be observed:

  1. Before entering the open sun, it is undesirable to use cosmetics for the body, splash with toilet water or spirits.
  2. Be sure to use body protective creams.
  3. Tanning, the position must be changed every ten minutes.
  4. Immediately after returning from the beach, it should be risen in the soul and apply some moisturizing agent on the epidermis.
  5. When you leave the water, do not wipe the towel. Water droplets contribute to a faster tan. But be careful: at the same time it is much easier to burn.

Few believe in it, but the diet during the beach season also affects the quality of the tan. The skin will rather become chocolate, if you eat:

It is very useful before traveling to the sea to propen a complex of vitamins, which must necessarily contain ascorbic acid.

Heliotherapy is therapeutic effects of solar radiation on a partially or completely naked person. The procedures are supported by immunity, they have a positive effect on the vessels, muscles and other fabrics, have a liner effect, improve the mood.

Indications and Contraindications for Solar Baths

Shown solar baths with hypovitaminosis of vitamin D, easy form Hypertension, inactive rheumatism, inflammatory diseases: light, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, joints, nervous system (but not during the period of exacerbation!), When goug, obesity, neurosis.

But there are a number of contraindications, these are: increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, all diseases in the period of exacerbation, tuberculosis, thyrotoxicosis, malaria, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic red lupus, sclerodermia; It is not recommended to operate for children up to 1.5 years.

Under the action of sunlight, the blood flow to the skin appears first (the effect of infrared and visible parts of the spectrum), after 6-12 hours, the skin becomes a resistant red color (the effect of average-wave ultraviolet radiation). After 3-4 days of the Redness decreases and upper layer skin begins to peel; At the same time, tan (pigmentation) appears, caused by long-wave ultraviolet radiation.

How helotherapy is carried out

How is heliotherapy? Sunbaths are held on open sites or under the louval agents, which creates scattered irradiation; The height of the topchair must be 45-50 cm. In hot summer days In order to avoid overheating, the football end is located in the direction of the Sun, in the cool months - transversely falling the sun's rays. The head of a person should be in the shade, and on his eyes it is necessary to wear sunglasses.

About the last little more. By purchasing cheap trendy glasses at street distributors, you most often risk harmful to your vision, since these things are made of glass that does not delay ultraviolet radiation. At the same time, pupils under dark glasses are always reflexively expanded, and the waves of ultraviolet, passing through them in large quantities, "burn out" a mesh eye shell, which is responsible for the perception of light signals. On high-quality sunglasses, there are labels with the letters of UVB, but its presence does not guarantee protection against fakes. It is better to protect your eyes, closing them, for example, hats fields.

Sunbathing time

Take sunny baths are recommended in the morning from 8 to 11 hours after half an hour - an hour after breakfast at air temperature not lower than 20s. Half of time spend lying on the back, half - on the stomach. After the procedure, you need a vacation in the shade for 10-15 minutes, shower or dialing with water temperature 22-1 32s, wiping or bathing.

If the portability of the sun rays is good, then you should start with a 10-15-minute daily stay under the sun, adding for every third day to 4 minutes and making one or two-day breaks after 5-8 days; The recommended maximum irradiation time is 60 minutes.

People who have the first effects from irradiation very quickly, but which doctors do not prohibit the use of helotherapy, can increase the time of sunbathing time for 4 minutes every three days, and the maximum time for them is 40 minutes.

Solar baths are best taken by the rules, then you can count on a good result. And he is in a smooth, beautiful tan. With the right approach, you do not have to tolerate the pain from the burnt covers and in a panic to search for the first facilities for its relief. We offer to pass a kind of course of the novice sunbathing. He will tell you how to care for the skin before and after the "ultraviolet session".

Than dangerous kiss of the sun

Whatever long it seems to us fall, winter or even spring, but sooner or later, the glorious long days and short nights are wonderful, promising summer. It's time to sow on sun beds by the sea or river, play beach volleyball. However, waiting for rest and warmth, do not forget about the rules of a safe tan, take into account, what time is it better to take sunbathing, other subtleties.

Many adults and teenagers want to get a "kiss of the Sun", including in the USA. A survey conducted by the staff of the American Academy of Dermatology showed: 72% of the 7100 respondents believe that tanned people look more attractive. Part of youth was associated exclusively with health.

Only a small number of respondents suggested that adolescents sunbaths are best taken using a cream that protects skin from the effects of ultraviolet. This will help reduce the risk of skin cancer.

Doctors confirm: the cells of the growing organism are divided and change faster than in adults, which in a certain sense can be regarded as stress for the body. Therefore, precautions are very important. Staying on the beach, it is better not to expose yourself danger, apply the cream "from the tan".

It is very important to always remember: solar baths are best taken carefully. Some are recognized: that, carried away by a pleasant occupation, they felt that the covers were landed, felt. Indeed, the intensive effects of the rays can cause physical changes, such as wrinkles, freckles, an increase in age spots.

To avoid such consequences, remember four councils to get a healthy summer tan. First, spend the exfoliation. You need to prepare the skin before going to open air. In the process of cleaning, the topmost layer of our "natural shield" is removed (exhausted), its update is provided.

According to cosmetologists, the removal of dead cells improves the color of the cover, purifies the pores from dirt from excess skin salts and even prevents acne. Remove the torn particles can be removed using economical, but very effective scrubics. They include sugar, oatmeal and salt. The cleansing mixture is applied to the washcloth or special gloves.

Yes, sunbathing, it is important to know about what time is better. Taking sunbathing is also very important. But no less significant is thorough, proper cleansing, so do not postpone, spend it. After such a procedure, each "chocolate hare" (the dream of many!) It remains such long, the shade comes slowly.

Many tanning enthusiasts ignore cosmetics, advise relaxing "in pristine form". But do you continue to use protective cream? Correctly do: sunbathing is best taken without ignoring the tool. SPF components only increase the time you can spend on the sun without suffering due to skin damage.

Degree of protection of cream and skin color

High SPF numbers provide the best barrier from UVB (average ultraviolet radiation waves), but UVA is passed (long radiation waves). If a "wide range of action" is written on the tube, the content will protect you from UVB and UVA rays.

True, the standard system for measuring the protection of the rays UVA still does not exist. Light leather contains a small amount of melanin, which can make it vulnerable to the effects of carcinogenic UV rays, in addition, strong redness (burns) arise without appropriate protection.

There is information that those who differ with darkness differ, the melanin content in the skin corresponds to SPF 13.4 (compared to 3.4 V but also there is a risk of getting a sunburn.

According to some information, the number of protective cream that needs to be applied at a time is 2 milligrams per square centimeter (mg / cm 2). He is applied on open areas Skin exposed to sunlight.

To obtain the specified SPF sunscreen product, for example, with a height of 163 cm and weigh 68 kg, being in a single bathing suit, it should be applied to an open body about 29 g of substance. It is necessary to do this 15-30 minutes before entering the sun.

You can repeat the procedure 15-30 minutes after you have returned from the beach (or after staying in water, as the cream could get shed). According to research on the National Institute of Health (USA), we can conclude: the earlier you applied the protective cream, the better for your skin.

How to take sunbathing? To get a healthy and glowing tan, do not overload your skin by exposure to ultraviolet rays. It is best that the tan "accumulated" gradually. Dosage the time of stay under the luminaries evenly to reduce the risk of burning.

Having spent a whole day on the beach, you can become a "chocolate" in a short time. But this "achievement" can go as fast as it appeared. The best way Get a healthy summer tan - radiant baths in small doses.

Half an hour in the sun in the sun will allow your body to produce an optimal dose of melanin, which will accumulate with each subsequent session. It is important to properly approach the choice of time for staying outdoors. According to US Agency's employees ambient, UV rays in sunny summer days are most active from 10 am to 4 pm. Sunbathing in the summer is best taken in the period up to 10 or after 16 hours.

Going to sunbathing, do not forget to choose the right glasses and a hat. As for the eye: they themselves and the skin around them are very susceptible to the effects of ultraviolet rays. Many doctors believe that the rejection of proper care can lead to the development of eye diseases such as cataracts, and even eye cancer.

How to choose protection for eyes and headdress

Solar baths are best taken by acquiring glasses with UV absorption up to 400 nm, which means that they block at least 99 percent of ultraviolet rays. Ideal glasses are those that have a big, oblong frame.

Thanks to such "eyepieces", the eyes are protected from light coming from different points. Very small "defenders" may look stylish, but they are bad helpers: they do not save, neither from bright light, nor from ultraviolet. When choosing a color of glasses, remember that the shades of glass affect the mood (the optimal dark gray, dark green light).

Hat with fields 7-8 cm will help protect your ears, eyes, forehead, nose and scalp, and at the same time you look stylish, getting a tan. If you want more shadows, choose a hat with the fields over 15 cm. So you will close yourself from the side rays and even falling from behind. Such a headdress resembles a small roof, many feel very comfortable under it.

Relax before the next way out

Although the baseball cap looks perfectly, it offers only protection in the front and top of the head, leaving the neck and ears vulnerable to atmospheric exposure. What kind of headdress you chose, preferably to be from natural materials (cotton, straw).

Finally, you must take care to give the body time for self-healing. It is very important after the day spent on the heat. Before going to open air again, rest in the room, relax. Observe four simple CouncilAnd your appearance will always be healthy shining.

So, we already know how and what time is it better to take sunbathing. In the summer or at another time of the year, such common wishes are effective: resting in the air, keep the clock at hand to be able to follow the time. Take a cold or cool shower after the beach (a hot lasting bath is only more dry skin). Washing out, only stroke yourself with a towel, wet moisture (no need to "cheerfully wipe"). Use lotion after tanning. Drink enough pure water.