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How people sleep and why healthy sleep is so important for a person. Why sleep is more important than meals

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In those countries where at this Sunday the clock is translated from summer time to winter, people will receive an extra hour of sleep. But do we actually know about a dream and about his influence on various spheres of our life?

1. All known "eight hours of sleep"

Often you have to hear that it is necessary to sleep eight hours a day. Such a recommendation is given national health organizations around the world, from British NHS to the US National Foundation for Sleep Problems. But where did this advice actually come from?

Studies held in different countries In order to determine how often the disease amazed different groups of the population, come to the same conclusion: people suffering from inclipboard, like those who sleep too much are more susceptible to numerous diseases and live on average less.

However, it is difficult to say whether dream disorders caused diseases, or vice versa - not a symptom healthy image Life.

Under the "too short sleep", as a rule, it means less than six hours, "too much to sleep" - more than nine-ten o'clock.

Children who have not reached publishers, usually recommend sleeping at night to 11 hours, and babies - up to 18 hours a day. Night sleep of teenagers, as it is believed should be up to 10 hours.

Shane about "Mara, Professor of the Experimental Studies of the Brain in the Dublin Trinity College, says that although it is difficult to definitely answer whether the lack of sleep is the cause or consequence of the poor state of health, the two of these phenomena have a mutual influence on each other.

For example, people who do not pay enough attention to physical exercises are sleeping worse, because of which they increase fatigue and, as a result, there is no strength in sports - and so on.

We know that scientists again and again associate chronic sleep deprivation - that is, the lack of sleep for one or two hours for a long period of time - with a bad health condition: to notice negative influence Inside, it is absolutely not necessary to go to bed for several days in a row.

2. What happens to your body when you do not sleep?

Lack of sleep can lead to a number of diseases.

Results of 153 studies with more than five million people clearly indicate the connection of lack of sleep with diabetes, high pressure, diseases of the cardiovascular system, ischemic disease and obesity.

Studies have shown that a shortage of sleep during just a few nights in a row can bring a healthy person to the prediabetic state. Moderate underwear reduces the body's ability to control blood glucose levels.

In case of insufficient dream, the effectiveness of vaccines is reduced, the lack of sleep devastatingly affects the immunity, making us vulnerable to infections.

During one of the studies, the participants whose sleep was less than seven hours, were three times more exposed to colds than those who slept seven and more hours.

The body of people with a lack of sleep produced an excessive amount of Grethin - a hormone responsible for the occurrence of a feeling of hunger, and an insufficient number of leptin - hormone causing saturation, and thus increases the risk of obesity.

Also marked the relationship of a lack of sawmill with reduced cerebral activity and even in a remote perspective, weakly.

Professor about "Mara explains that toxic substances accumulate in the brain during the day and removed during sleep. If you sleep not enough for a long time, your condition" resembles a slight brain concussion. "

The effect of too long sleep has been learned less, but it is known that it is also associated with a number of disorders, including brainwatching in older people.

3. Different types of sleep helps the restoration of the body

Our sleep consists of cycles that are divided into several stages. Each cycle lasts from 60 to 100 minutes. Each stage plays a role in numerous processes that continue in our body while we sleep.

The first stage in each cycle is a dormant, relaxed state between wakefulness and sleep. Breathing slows down, the muscles relax, the pulse slows down.

The second is a little deeper sleep, during which you can sleep, but at the same time you consider what awake.

The third stage is a deep sleep, when it is very difficult to wake up, any activity in the body at this point is at a minimum level.

The second and third stage are included in the phase of slow sleep, usually the person does not see dreams at this time.

After deep sleep We are returning to the second stage for a few minutes, and then go to the fast sleep phase, which is usually accompanied by dreams.

  • Scientists: Sleep - Pledge of beauty and success in communication
  • Why is us clone in sleep after eating and what products are to blame
  • Scientists: Day sleep may be a sign of type 2 diabetes

Thus, during the complete sleep cycle, a person passes through all the stages from the first to the third, then for a short time returns to the second stage, and then the fourth stage comes - the rapid sleep phase.

During the next cycles, the length of the fast sleep phase increases, so the lack of sleep is more affected by it.

4. Sleeping people with sleep disorders more often

Replaceable work may cause large number Health problems. Researchers discovered that those who work on shifts and sleeps too little in the wrong time may increase the risk of developing diabetes and obesity.

Those who work on shifts are much more likely to evaluate their health as poor or satisfactory, showed research NHS 2013.

Scientists also found out that people from this group are much more likely to suffer from chronic diseasesthan working according to standard graphics.

Those who work on shifts are much more likely to skip work due to illness, indicate statistical data.

An even more such a gap between those who are engaged in physical and mental labor, and in addition, lack of sleep seems to effect more than those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

5. Many of us suffer from lack of sleep more than ever

Judging by the media reports, we might think that we were covered by an accuracy epidemic. But does the level of lack of sleep grew?

The study in 15 countries gave a very mixed picture. In six countries, scientists recorded a decrease in sleep duration, in seven - an increase, and two more countries gave contradictory results.

There are many evidence that in the last few generations the sleep duration changed slightly. However, if you ask people as they estimate their intense, another picture occurs.

So why are so many people report fatigue? This may be due to the fact that the problem affects certain groups, and the general trend is difficult to allocate.

Problems with sleep differ significantly depending on age and gender, showed a study in which 2000 adults of British took part. During it, it turned out that women practically of any age suffer more from lack of sleep than men.

In adolescence, the indicators more or less coincide, but then women begin to suffer much more suffer from the lack of sleep - this may be due to the advent of children. Then the gap is reduced again.

Caffeine and alcohol affect the duration and quality of sleep.

Regular more late waste due to work or communication leads to the fact that people are relaxing less, despite the fact that they are sleeping the same number of hours, explains Professor Derek-Yan Deec from the Center for Sleeping Research at the University of Surrey.

In addition, some can sleep too little during the week and fumble at the weekend, increasing the average number of sleep hours. However, as a result, these people still suffer from the lack of sleep.

Particularly strongly to suffer from lack of teenage sleep, Professor Daek believes.

6. We did not always sleep like now

But this was not always considered the norm, says Roger Ekirch, professor of history at Virginia Polytechnic University. In 2001, he published scientific work According to the results of 16 years of research.

In his book, "When the day ends" is argued that hundreds of years ago, people in many parts of the world slept in two receptions.

Ekirch found more than two thousand testimonies in diaries, court records and literature, which prove that people went to bed shortly after the onset of twilight, then wake up a few hours at night - and went to bed again.

In his opinion, this means that the body has a natural preference for "segmented sleep".

Not all scientists agree with him. Some researchers discovered modern communities of hunters and collectors who do not make a dream into two stages, although they do not have electrical lighting. That is, "segmented sleep" is absolutely not necessarily the natural norm by default.

According to Ekirha, the transition from two-phase to monophasic sleep occurred in the XIX century. Then the possibility of lighting houses led to the fact that people began to lie down later, while waking up at the same time as before. Improving lighting led to a change in biological watches, and the industrial revolution required more productivity from people.

7. Phones interfere with teenagers sleep

Sleep experts believe that adolescents need to sleep up to 10 hours daily, but almost half of them sleeps significantly less, the data of the British health care system is evidenced.

Bedrooms must be a resting place, but they appear increasingly distracting factors such as laptops, cell phones. All this complicates the waste process to sleep.

We have more diverse entertainment than ever, - in the end there is a temptation to awkward more.

Blue light emitted electronic devices, Makes us less want to sleep. And the activity itself - conversations with friends or watching the TV - stimulate our brain when it should relax.

Statistics indicate that most young people continue to check the phones already after falling into bed.

8. Studies of sleep disorders

More and more people appeal to doctors with complaints about sleeping problems.

Analyzing the data of the British healthcare system in June, the BBC found out that the number of studies of sleep disorders in the last decade grew every year.

There are several factors, however, the most important, apparently, is obesity, the neurologist Guy Lesziner believes. The most common complaint, according to his observation, is obstructive apnea - respiratory disorder in a dream, which is closely related to the problem of excess weight.

The media also played a role, since people are more likely to appeal to therapists, after they read the article about problems with bed or learn the symptoms on the Internet, he says.

Recommended treatment from insomnia is cognitive behavioral therapy, and the doctors more and more come to the idea that the pills should not be prescribed in such cases. However, many still do it, because not everyone has the opportunity to undergo treatment without medicines, especially outside the large cities.

9. Are there any differences in different countries?

The subject of one study was associated with the habits of people in 20 industrialized countries. It turned out that the time when people go to sleep and wake up may differ to an hour in one or the other side, but in general in different countries it was about the same.

As a rule, if on average, residents of the country went to bed later, they woke up later, although not in all cases.

Researchers concluded that social factors - working time, School class schedule, habits associated with free time - play a more significant role than a dark or bright day of day.

In Norway, where the duration of the dark time of day can fluctuate from zero to 24 hours, the sleep duration varies on average for half an hour.

And in countries such as Britain, where the dawn time and sunset are highly dependent on the time of year, and in the states located closer to the equator, where this difference is minimal, the duration of sleep remains constant throughout the year.

And what can be said about the effect of artificial lighting?

A study of three communities that do not have access to electricity in three countries - Tanzania, Namibia and Bolivia - showed that the average sleep duration is about 7.7 hours. That is, as much as in industrialized countries.

Thus, sleep duration is approximately the same all over the world. In these communities, they also went to bed not as soon as he was dark, but fell asleep approximately three hours after sunset - and woke up to dawn.

Most studies are shown: Yes, artificial light postpones sleep time, but it does not necessarily reduce its duration.

10. "Lark" and "Owl"

Always "Morning" and "Evening" people. We even have genetic evidence confirming this.

Artificial light seems to be aggravated by this effect - especially for people who prefer to go to bed later. If you are so inclined to be "owl", artificial light will push you to fall even later.

Approximately 30% of us are inclined to be "larks" and 30% - "owls", and the rest of 40% somewhere in the middle - although a little more of them prefer to get up to get up before.

At the same time, we can partly control our biological clock. Those who are used to getting up and lie down later may try to rebuild and get more daylight.

The researchers team chose a group of volunteers in Colorado, which were deprived of access to sources. artificial light. And only 48 hours were enough to move their biological clock forward for almost two hours.

Melatonin levels - hormone, which suggests the body, that it is time to prepare for sleep - volunteers began to rise earlier, and their body began to prepare to sleep closer to the sunset.

We can do without food of the week, but it is worth not to sleep at least one night and our body begins to collect in their coordinated work.

During rare attempts to establish "Records" without sleep, scientists are trying to explore the impact of the lack of sleep on the human body. The greatest period, from officially recorded voluntary healthy person Without sleep, equal to 453 hours 40 minutes (almost 19 days) - so much time held Robert McDonald from California in a rocking chair. He promised without sleep from March 14 to April 2, 1986 (Guinness Book of Records). True, a few years ago, the Committee of the book decided to exclude the "Sleep Sleep" from the list of records, due to the fact that it can seriously harm human health.

Within two days, no sleep begins the change in the hormonal background, the suppression of the psyche is enhanced, neural connections in the cerebral cortex are disturbed. In the period from 3 to 5 days, the cells of the brain begin to collapse. All this time increases the load on all internal organs and primarily on the heart. What happens next - can be considered irreversible changes that accumulate, entail a fatal outcome.

All this says how important the dream is for the normal operation of our body.

We eat every day, although we can do without food of the week, we believe that it is necessary to replenish the loss of energy. In fact, we think about food, as well as we think about water, as the necessary element for our body is now. At the same time, for some reason, we think about a dream, as we think about your work. We lose the hour of sleep here, then there, then we are trying to sleep if you miss the hour of the hour again. We think that everything is fine, we compensate the lack of sleep later. But not everything is so simple.

What is most important?

If we say that food is less important than sleep, then first it is necessary to define importance. In an rally, it matters the relative importance of such elements as food or sleep. That is, you can determine how long a person can refrain from food or sleep before irreversible consequences begin and in the end the body will cease to function, which will lead to death.

Michael Pyl, a scientist who explored the consequences of the hunger strike, published a job in 1997, where there were cases when people were absolutely without food 28, 36 days, and sometimes 40 days. True, they drank water with small sips.

Lack of sleep begins to affect almost immediately. Already after the first 24 hours without sleep, the pressure rises and the cortisol is highlighted. A week later, hallucinations begin, focusing is lost, consciousness becomes scattered. On average, the upper limit for humans is the lack of sleep for 32 days. Next comes irreversible changes, hypothermia, the failure of the immune system and may have a fatal outcome.

What are the bets?

It is not surprising that the violent deprivation of sleep is recognized as one of the methods of torture. Torture lack of sleep is perhaps the only one that can break anyone. The person who was not given to sleep for some time initially began to experience terrible headaches, gradually came to a half-conscious state in which he was ready to confess any crime. With a long-suffering similar torture, a person often went crazy or even died. In addition, with a long lack of sleep, a person weakened so weakened, which was easier to give himself to other influences. Sometimes it was used as a painful mockery execution.

If the hunger gradually destroys our vital functions, then sleep is affected by our brain and consciousness. Everything indicates that it is very important to maintain mental health at the expense of a normal, full sleep. However, we have recently concerned more concerned about the preservation of physical condition than psychological.

The average duration of sleep working people is reduced. Almost 40% of the population is sleeping less than 7 hours a day (an average of 6.8 hours). Although the recommendations of the doctors on a full sleep are 8-9 hours a day.

All first try to compensate for the loss of energy, that is, they follow the meal and most often overeat. After work, we come home, to late sit in front of the screens of computers after abundant meals. The selection of melatonin is delayed or stopped. We go to bed and get up with a feeling of fatigue, missed.

Food is what we have in excess. Time - no. If we continue to underestimate the importance of sleep, then it is time, we will remain even less. Recently, sleep is becoming more important. Mental health is no less important than physical. For athletes, a full sleep is the most important recovery tool. Without a normal sleep, there will be no results. Think about it.

References: C.Weller (2014)

The modern world is very rapidly ahead. New difficulties appear in our lives faster and faster. As we can cope with those or other difficulties, it depends not only on our experience, but also from our well-being and healthy lifestyle. There are many components of our health, and one of the most important of them is a vacation.

Most of us do not attach a lot of sleep. We are too busy to find time for sleep. We need to work late, we need to have time to fly, or we find other reasons to not sleep. And it is completely wrong. As soon as you start to sleep required amount hours, everything in your life stabilizes. In the end, if you are tired, you are unlikely to start playing sports, or go for a walk. In addition, you are more likely to go behind Fast Food, buy drinks with a large caffeine and sugar content to get the necessary energy, but it will not help.

Before we respond to the most common questions about a dream, let's give the definition of sleep, as it is not just a time when your brain is turned off. During the sleep, the brain makes several actions. If you do not have time so that the brain makes all these tasks, the result will be identical to that if you delete temporary files from the computer: your body will slow down for a while!

Sleep is not a choice of your discretion. Sleep is necessary to maintain physical condition and emotional equilibrium of the body.

How long should I sleep?

These scientists are disappointing - more than half of people suffer from sleep disorders, but they are not at all suspect of it.

Some people say they are enough for a couple of hours of sleep, but there is a common opinion that it is necessary to eight hours, it turns out to be correct if you want to remain energetic during the day. In fact, it is important not the number of hours, but the quality of sleep. It happens that you sleep too much, which also adversely affects your day.

How to understand if I'm not easy enough?

If you do not get enough sleep, you will be more difficult to concentrate, you will be less confident in yourself, and solutions will hardly be given to you. During work, you probably, often yaw, especially if the room is warm.

In addition to the above, your brain will work slower, you will have less patience to what is happening, and you may leave the sense of humor. You will want to take off the day, and on the way home you will find that you fall asleep in the train. You can also fall asleep in a television chair.

If you continue this list of inconsistencies, it is possible to add that the negative impact extends beyond the limits day Sonliveness. Non-shows affects your judgments, coordination and reaction in time, not to mention your libido. The unsuccessful person experiences the feeling of akin to a hangover.

The consequences of the absence of a full sleep will be the mood swings, reduced immunity, problems with concentration, and, maybe even obesity, and a reduced sexual attraction.

Give a debt and keep up

If you can not provide your body and brain the necessary rest, you will be your own debtor just as when you take a bank loan. The difference is that loans can be paid off in the future, and sleep needs to get now today! To check if you are in debt, lie to bed for half an hour before usually. If you easily fall asleep, then you are indebted. Repeat so every day until you reach the sleep rate.

Of course, if you sleep longer on the weekend, it will help to restore forces for the working week, you can get out of the routine. But it is better to sleep a little longer every day, what to try to pay off the debt over the weekend.

Simple tips on note:

  • Most importantly, keep the mode. How often do you try to go to bed and get up at the same time.
  • Before bedtime, do not watch TV at least within an hour. Turn it off. Spend this hour in bed!
  • Do not drink alcohol and do not smoke before bedtime. As in the case of a TV, alcohol and smoking do not give the body to relax.
  • It is quite useful to build a day. Business schedule of many world leaders includes time per day sleep. We have a rest of no more than twenty minutes. If you do not insert, you will light up for a long time, and after waking up you will not be vigorous.
  • Do not forget to play sports so that your body felt the fatigue and the desire of rest.

What happens when we sleep?

The secret of the cheerful morning is to analyze all phases of activity through which the brain passes during sleep, after which you can choose the duration and interval of your sleep.

The brain works according to certain cycles. During hours of wakefulness, these cycles are called gamma or beta waves; Gamma is responsible for stronger stimulation (stress), and beta is the usual brain stimulation. When you sleep, beta waves go to alpha.

But this movement does not stop. Continue to sleep, and your brain will automatically go from the alpha wave phase to beta and delta, returning back to alpha. Each cycle takes about 90 minutes, they are repeated throughout your sleep. After six hours, the brain remains in the Alpha cycle for two hours.

Why is it so important? Because from what cycle you were when you woke up, all your day will depend. It is easiest to wake up from less brain stimulation (less deep sleep). If you wake up during the phases - deep sleep (Delta) or a deep rest (beta), then the day will not be given.

If you do not interfere with the brain to perform your work on the cycle, then the body itself will wake up as in the stage of alpha, which should be immediately for beta. And thus you will be cheerful.

Now you know: It is always necessary to start the alarm clock for the time when your brain will be in the alpha stage. In other words, if you can't sleep eight hours, it is better to sleep four and a half or six hours than five and a half.

If you fly in the plane, better sleep for three hours than four. Always consider 90 minutes as the basis of one cycle.

By the way, you do not need an alarm clock at all. Your subconscious mind will help you - just tell me yourself when you need to wake up and you will wake up.

The most important thing is to give SNA as much attention as another an important aspects vital activity. Many of us forget about it. It seems that there are many other, more important needs, but as well as food and charging is necessary for a healthy lifestyle, the quality of sleep is really affected by the vigor of your spirit, including sharpness of the reaction, emotional balance, creativity of thinking, physical mobility, and even your weight. No other activity is compared with sleep according to the degree of influence on your life.

The dream accounts for 27-35% of all our lives. A man who takes out to sleep from 7 to 9 hours every day, spends in 70 years in a dream 178,000-230000 hours.

It may seem that sleep time is the period, at the expense of which you can increase the efficiency of life. You just need to go to bed later and take up before. Of course, when I want to sleep, it's not very nice to do business. But everyone knows that drowsiness is quite easily overcome. So it can really a good idea - Carry out for several years for active life, reducing sleep time?

Not so rare people face incomprehensible at first glance. When it seems to be healthy everything is in order, with full nutrition - too. In the family and at work - no problem, and well-being and physical form leave much to be desired. For example, despite active and stubborn workouts, sports indicators refuse to grow. Or at work you feel constantly tired and broken, although for this it would seem, there is no reason.

If this happens to you, it's time to think about how you sleep. Often the lack of progress in training and chronic fatigue is associated just with the absence of deep, healthy sleep. After any hard work, the body requires rest, during which the energy and intensive anabolism is restored, that is, growth muscular mass. The most quickly man is restored during a healthy, deep sleep.

Long lack of sleep is deadly dangerous

Can we do without sleep without sleep and how long? Studies have shown that the maximum life of the average person, fully deprived of sleep, is about 10 days. Physiological reasons, which lead to death as a result of sleeping, is still not quite clear. There is an assumption that the hypothalamus is responsible for this, the function of which includes the regulation of metabolic processes in the body. If a person is not sleeping for a long time, the hypothalamus loses control over the body temperature, which in the end and leads to death.

The fact that a person cannot do long without sleep without serious damage to his health, says how important it is for us. In the afternoon we spend energy to fulfill your obligations, meeting mental and physical needs. At night, the body and the brain take a time-out, providing metabolism to restore the spent resources of mental and physical energy.

Sleep and biological clock

Restoration occurring during sleep, closely related to biological clock human organism. Measures of electrical activity of the brain, which is in a state of sleep, show an interesting picture. It turns out that the beneficial physiological changes of the rest brain appear cyclically with an interval of 90 minutes. This allows us to conclude that circadian rhythms take part in our biological clocks, the duration of which is 90 minutes, and the total cycle is repeated every 25-28 hours.

Biological watches are configured depending on the duration of the daylight. This explains why in winter we want to go to bed earlier than in summer. If the dream is missing 24-28 hours, the normal functioning of the body is disturbed. Physiological processes that should occur in a dream are violated. This negatively affects health. If a person is deprived of sleep for 24 hours, its body's restoration occurs only 72% of how it would be if the normal sleep cycle was not broken. And those who wake up 48 hours in a row are restored only by 42%.

The physiological processes that occur in our body between the 3rd and 6th hours of the night and the 15th and 18th hours of the day cause a decrease in body temperature. This leads to the appearance of drowsiness. Probably, many notice that in the afternoon there is a decline of the forces and the desire to relax. Closer to the evening, somewhere between the 18th and 21 hour, the body temperature rises again and the person feels a tide of energy. Some can even feel anxiety at this time. After nine o'clock in the evening, the temperature begins to fall again and drowsiness rolling on us, which makes it take to bed. At this time, high-voltage alpha waves come to replace low-voltage beta waves.

Phases sleep

When falling asleep alpha waves, theta waves are gradually replaced. They are slower, correspond to the first and second phase of sleep and cause relaxation of skeletal muscles. During the third and fourth phase of sleep, even slower delta waves dominate. This stage is called rapid sleep, and it is characterized by the movement of eyeballs. It is at this time that we see our dreams. Motor activity is close to zero, the muscles are completely relaxed.

Sometimes in rare cases of relaxation does not occur, as a result, even the state of the interchange can occur, i.e. Somnambulism (Lunatism). But even if the person is in a lying position, the muscles still lose their ability to fully relax and recover.

Studies on animals made it possible to establish that the inability of the brain to relax muscles in the rapid sleep stage can lead to an extraordinary situation when sleeping animals behave physically actively, jump and growl. And, of course, they cannot rest fully rest at this time.

If a person sleeps calmly, then in the third and fourth stage of sleep, the content of growth hormone in the blood is at the highest level. If at this time the sleep is interrupted, its sharp decrease and the restoration of body tissues becomes impossible. Probably everyone came across such a fortune when, after troubled, anxious sleep you feel broken and untreated.

What prevents a good sleep

Sounds, distributed during sleep, very negatively affect its quality. In this case, the normal state of all phases of sleep, under which a full recovery occurs, becomes impossible. This is partly due to the fact that the noise causes an increase in the level of adrenaline and norepinephrine, which prevent peaceful sleep. With increasing noise up to 80 dB, the human cardiac frequency and rhythm of breathing increase.

Sleep interruption also badly affects the restoration. Studies have shown that a fragmented sleep, in which sleep cycle lasts less than 90 minutes, prevents the normal rest.

In general, temporary sleep parameters are very strongly affected by its quality. Not only the interruption or reduction of sleep is harmful, but also its elongation over the right time. After an overly long sleep, a person wakes up with poor well-being. Researchers Taub and Berger have changed the temporary settings of sleep, expanding, reducing or postponing its steps for 3 hours. And although the total sleep time remained normal, the subjects demonstrated a decrease in productivity and deterioration of well-being.

Affects the dream and how the day was held, did not experience a person strong stress. It is advisable to approach him in a calm, insignificant state.

Proper nutrition and sleep

For a good sleep, the balance of micro and macroelements entering the body is important. The famous doctor James Balch claims that the violation of the right relationship in the food of calcium and magnesium or their drawback causes insomnia. With a shortage of these elements, a sudden awakening is characterized a few hours after the start of sleep and the inability to fall asleep.

The shortage of vitamins is also able to manifest itself a breakdown. It has been established that the lack of B5 and B6 disrupts its structure.

Lovers to skip in front of a dream glass of the hottest, probably, will be distressed, learning that even a small amount of alcohol (0.8 g per 1 kg of weight) by 75% reduces blood growth hormone level.

Negatively affect sleep some medicines and caffeine. To deprive a strong healthy sleep can monotonous nutrition, overweight, problems with thyroid gland.

Some food components not only violate the recovery, but they even lead to a decrease in muscle mass. For example, food with large quantity Tyrosine (or thiramine-generated from it), heels in the adrenal glands of norepinephrine, which causes a sense of excitement and anxiety. Rich in this amino acid food - tomatoes, sauer cabbage, ham, potatoes, sausages, chicken liver, wine and beer, chocolate, cheeses, beans, eggplants, spinach - not recommended for dinner.

However, it should not go to bed on a completely hungry stomach. This will prevent the recovery process. Promotes good strong sleep Triptophan, from which serotonin is formed. The latter serves as the predecessor of melatonin - the very neurotransmitter, which is the strongest natural sleeping pills, forcing a person tight and calmly sleep. Trotofan rich foods - figs, dates, bananas, grapefruit, oatmeal, etc. Protect a good sleep complex carbohydratesIf they take into small portions throughout the day.

Is daytime sleep useful

There are discrepancies in the opinions of specialists in relation to day sleep. So Dr. Michael Kolgan believes that the daily dream between two intense workouts is useful. And the doctor Paul Moses does not recommend violating the normal night sleep mode. But both are converging that the more physical and mental energy spent during the day, the more needed strong, multiphase, long sleep for recovery.

What position is better to sleep

Studies conducted in American University Stonuni Brooke made it possible to establish that sleep on side contributes to better brain cleansing from mental products. The glimpatic brain system that is responsible for cleaning brain tissues consists of a network of tubular and circulating liquid circulating on them (liquor). Scanning brain rodents using MRI has shown that it works more efficiently at a time when the experimental slept on the side. It is not excluded that that is why sleep on side is the most common in animals and people.

  • - 2-3 hours before sleep, go away gradually from active activity to less intense. Read, listen to music, take a bath.
  • - At the same time, give preference to food rich in tryptophan, carbohydrates, B5 and B6 vitamins. It is desirable that calcium and magnesium be in the 1: 2 ratio.
  • - 5-6 hours before sleep, exclude the use of coffee, alcohol, food rich in Tyrozin or Tiramin. Do not take drugs exciting nervous system
  • - Try to combine sleep time with a period of low light. Lower at sunset, get up at dawn. If it is impossible, adjust the illumination artificially. Go to bed in a room with dusty windows.
  • - If you are an athlete and train 2 times a day, try to sleep between workouts. Sleep time should be about 90 minutes so that the deep sleep cycle is completed. This will ensure the growth of muscle mass.

Scientific articles and materials:

1. MOSES, P.L., FAQS: SELF Analysis, ( This email address is protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.), 1997; An Interpretation Of Lavie, P., The Enchanted World of Sleep, Yale University Press, New Haven, CT, 1994.

2. Prinz, P.N. et al., Plasma Growth During Sleep in Young and Aged Men, J. Gerontl., 38 (5), 519-524, 1983.

3. Honma, K. et al., Sensational Variation In The Human Circadian Rhythm: Dissociation Between Sleep and Temperature Rhythm, Am J.physiol., 265 (5), 885-891, 1992.

4. Rosenthal, L. et al., Enforced 24-Hour Recovery Following Sleep Deprivation, Sleep, 14 (5), 448-453, 1991.

5. Levine, B., et al., Fragmenting Sleep Diminishes Its Recuperative Value, Sleep, 10 (6), 590-599, 1987.

6. TAUB, J.M., AND BERGER, R.J., The Effects of Changing The Phase and Duration of Sleep, J. Exp. Psychol., 2 (1), 30-41, 1976.

7. Maschke, C. et al., The Influence of Nocturnal Aircraft on Sleep and Catecholamine Secretion, Schriftenr. VER WASSER BODEN LUFTHYG., 88, 397-407, 1993.

8. Fruhstorfer, L. et al., Daytime Noise and Subsequent Sleep In Man, EUR J. Appl. Physiol., 53 (2), 159-163, 1984.

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In fact, a good, long sleep is also important for us, as well as healthy nutrition and physical exercise, training. People are now sleeping less than in the recent past, the quality of sleep also worsened. Why so important good dream?

1. Bad sleep can lead to obesity

Bad sleep is directly associated with weight set. People who have a short sleep, as a rule, weigh significantly more than those who are poured.

In fact, the small duration of sleep is one of the strongest risk factors for the development of obesity. In one of the studies conducted in groups of children and adults with a short duration of sleep, it was found that, accordingly, 89% and 55% increases the risk of obesity during the lack of sleep. The impact of sleep on a set of weight is determined by many factors, including hormones and motivation for sports.

If you are trying to lose weight, long-term high-quality sleep is crucial.

Output: Insufficient sleep duration is associated with a sharply increasing risk of weight gain and obesity, both in children and adults.

2. The better sleep, the weaker appetite

Studies show that deprived sleep people have an increased appetite and, as a rule, use more calories. The lack of sufficient sleep violates the daily fluctuations of the hormones of appetite and are believed to be the cause of bad regulation of appetite.

At the same time, the body produces higher levels of Grethin, hormone, which stimulates appetite, and reduces the production of leptin, hormone, overwhelming appetite.

Output: Bad sleep adversely affects hormones regulating appetite. The one who falls out, as a rule, consumes less calories than the one who is inappropriate.

3. Good sleep can improve the concentration

Sleep is essential for various aspects of the brain function, such as knowledge, concentration, productivity and performance. All these functions adversely affects the lack of sleep.

A good example is the study of interns doctors. In the interests working according to the "traditional scheme" were made by 36% more serious medical errors than in the interrons working on schedule, which allowed them to sleep more.

Another study found that a short sleep could negatively affect some aspects of the brain functioning to the same extent as alcohol intoxication.

Output: Good sleep can maximize the skills of solving problems and improve memory. Bad sleep worsens the brain functions.

4. Good sleep can help improve sports results

In the study on basketball players, it was proved that long sleep could significantly increase speed, accuracy, reaction time, and improve mental health athlete.

Reducing the duration of sleep is also associated with low physical exertion and functional features of older women. Research more than 2800 women confirmed that poor sleep adversely affects performance and endurance.

Output: Long sleep contributes to improving sports endurance and physical performance.

5. Sleep shortage increases the risk of heart disease and stroke

We know that the quality and duration of sleep have a significant impact on the development of chronic diseases, including heart disease.

The studies have shown that people having a short sleep duration have a much greater risk of developing heart diseases or stroke than those who sleep 7-8 hours a day.

Output: Sleep less than 7-8 hours per day leads to an increase in the risk of developing heart disease and stroke.

6. The sleep duration affects glucose metabolism and the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus

Experimental sleep restriction showed a negative effect on blood sugar levels and a decrease in insulin sensitivity.

A study conducted on healthy young men in which artificial sleep restriction was used to 4 hours per night for 6 nights in a row, it showed that this led to the emergence of initial symptoms of diabetes. Regular bad sleep has adverse effects on blood sugar levels.

Those who sleep less than 6 hours are in a higher risk of development sugar diabetes 2 types.

Output: Sleep deprivation can cause prediabet in healthy adults just 6 days. Many studies show a strong connection between the short duration of sleep and the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus.

7. Bad sleep is associated with depression

Mental health problems, such as depression, significantly depend on bad sleep and sleep disorders.

It was found that 90% of depression patients complain about sleep quality. Bad sleep is even associated with an increased risk of suicide. Sleep disorders, such as obstructive apnea syndrome, are also associated with significantly more frequent cases of depression.

Output: Bad sleep is directly related to depression, especially those who have different sleep disorders.

8. Good Sleep Improves Immune Function

Even a small immunization is enough to worsen the immune function. In a large two-week study, tracking of colds was carried out, while people gave nasal drops with a virus that causes a cold. It has been established that those who slept less than 7 hours have fallen faster than those who slept 8 or more hours.

If you are often catchy, at least 8 hours of sleep may be very useful to you.

Output: At least 8 hours of sleep can improve the immune function and help to deal with cold.

9. Bad sleep leads to increased inflammation

Sleep can have a big impact on inflammatory processes in the body. In fact, sleep loss, as you know, activate unwanted inflammation markers and cell damage. Bad sleep affects the risk of chronic inflammation of the digestive tract. The study revealed that the reduction in sleep duration in patients with Krone's disease increases two times the likelihood of recurrence compared to patients who were well poured.

Output: Reducing sleep duration can lead to the development of inflammatory reactions in the body. Bad sleep is directly related to inflammatory bowel diseases and can increase the risk of recurrence of the disease.

10. Sleep affects emotions and social adaptation

Sleep loss reduces the ability to social adaptation. Several studies have confirmed this using the tests for emotion recognition.

Studies have shown that people who had insufficient sleep time have a reduced ability to recognize an expression of anger and happiness on faces.

Researchers believe that a bad dream negatively affects our ability to recognize important social signals and process emotional information.

Output: Together with food and exercise, a good sleep is the basis of health.

It is impossible to achieve optimal health without worrying about your dream.

How to normalize sleepwhere to buy drugs

You can try to normalize your sleep by changing the usual day mode. If you go to bed in different time Or very late, after midnight, then the likelihood of problems with sleep is high. If you think that you won't sleep soon, just stand up once at seven in the morning, spend the day actively and in the evening your body will ask you to go to bed early.

Also adversely affects the quality of sleep, the habit of rushing overnight. If you instead of a satisfying late dinner, take care of yourself a small snack in the form of a glass of kefir or one apple, then your body will be much easier to fall asleep. And the recommendations of the last meal no later than 3 hours before sleep either no longer canceled.

Calm atmosphere, well-buried room, comfortable bed - all this can affect the quality of your sleep.

If all of the above has already been triggered, and good sleep does not come, you can consult a doctor or try to normalize sleep. It can be healing herbs or biologically active additiveswhich soothe and normalize sleep cycles. You can buy them in any pharmacy, you can in online stores. The choice is now very large. Good health and good dreams! You can subscribe to all new articles of the site by e-mail.