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Basic scientific works L.S. Vygotsky


Daughter L. S. Vygotsky - Gita Lvovna Vygotskaya - Famous Soviet psychologist and defectologist.

Chronology of the most important events of life

  • 1924 - Report on the psychoneurological congress, moving from Gomel to Moscow
  • 1925 - Defense of the thesis Psychology of art (November 5, 1925, Vygotsky was on illness without protection awarded the title of senior researcher, equivalent to the modern degree of candidate of science, an agreement for the publication Psychology of art It was signed on November 9, 1925, but the book was never published during the life of Vygotsky)
  • 1925 - the first and only foreign trip: Commanded to London to the Defectological Conference; On the way to England drove Germany, France, where he met with local psychologists
  • November 21, 1925 to May 22, 1926 - tuberculosis, hospitalization in the hospital with a sanatorium type "Zakhariano", the hospital writes notes, subsequently published under the name historical meaning of the psychological crisis
  • 1927 - An employee of the Institute of Psychology in Moscow, works with such prominent scientists as Luria, Bernstein, Artemov, Dobrynin, Leontiev
  • 1929 - International Psychological Congress at the University of Yale; Luria presented two reports, one of which is in collaboration with Vygotsky; Vygotsky himself did not go to the congress
  • 1929, Spring - Vygotsky reads lectures in Tashkent
  • 1930 - Report L. S. Vygotsky on studying the highest psychological functions in psychotechnical studies at the VI International Conference on Psychotechnics in Barcelona (April 23-27, 1930)
  • 1930, October - Report on psychological systems: the beginning of a new research program
  • 1931 - I went to study at the medical faculty in the Ukrainian Psychoneurological Academy in Kharkov, where he studied in absentia together with Luria
  • 1932, December - Report of consciousness, formal discrepancy with Leontiev group in Kharkov
  • 1933, February-May - Kurt Levin stops in Moscow passing from the United States (through Japan), meetings with Vygotsky
  • 1934, May 9 - Vygotsky translated into bed
  • 1934, June 11 - death

Scientific contribution

The formation of Vygotsky as a scientist coincided with a period of restructuring of Soviet psychology based on the methodology of Marxism, in which he took an active part. In search of methods of objective study of complex forms of mental activity and behavior of the personality, a number of philosophical and most of the modern psychological concepts are critical analysis ("the meaning of the psychological crisis", manuscript,), showing the infertility of attempts to explain the behavior of a person, bring up the highest forms of behavior to the lower elements.

Exploring speech thinking, Vygotsky in a new way solves the problem of localization of higher mental functions as structural units of brain activity. Studying the development and decomposition of the highest mental functions on the material of children's psychology, defectology and psychiatry, Vygotsky comes to the conclusion that the structure of consciousness is a dynamic meaning system in the unity of affective volitional and intellectual processes.

Cultural and historical theory

In the book "The history of the development of higher mental functions" (, publ.) An exposed statement of the cultural and historical theory of the development of the psyche: according to Vygotsky, it is necessary to distinguish the lower and higher mental functions, and, accordingly, two behavioral plan - natural, natural (the result of the biological evolution of the animal world ) and cultural, social and historical (the result of the historical development of society), fused in the development of the psyche.

The hypothesis put forward by Vygotsky offered a new solution to the problem of the ratio of lower (elementary) and higher mental functions. The main difference between them consists in the level of arbitrariness, i.e., natural mental processes cannot be regulated from a person, and people can consciously manage the highest mental functions. Vygotsky came to the conclusion that conscious regulation is associated with the indirect character of higher mental functions. There is an additional connection between the impact stimulus and the reaction of a person (both behavioral and thought) through an indirect link - a stimulus-means, or a sign.

The most convincing model of mediated activity, which characterizes the manifestation and implementation of higher mental functions, is the "Situation of the Buridanov of the Donkey". This classical situation of uncertainty, or a problem situation (the choice between two equal opportunities), is interested in voiced primarily from the point of view of funds that allow us to transform (solve). Throwing lot, the man "artificially introduces into a situation, changing it, not related to her new auxiliary stimuli." Thus, the thrown lot becomes, according to a magnitude, a means of converting and resolving the situation.

Thinking and speech

In the last years of life, Vygotsky focused on learning the relationship of thought and words in the structure of consciousness. His work "Thinking and speech" (1934), devoted to the study of this problem, is fundamental to domestic psycholinguistics.

Genetic roots of thinking and speech

According to Vygotsky, the genetic roots of thinking and speeches are different.

For example, the experiments of Köler, who reveal the abilities of chimpanzees to solve complex tasks, showed that human-like intelligence and expressive speech (missing monkeys) function independently.

The ratio of thinking and speech both in the philo and in ontogenesis - the variable value. There is a pre-emergered stage in the development of intellect and pre-deplexual - in the development of speech. Only then thinking and speech intersect and merge.

The speech thinking arising from such a merger is not a natural, but a socio-historical form of behavior. It has specific (compared to natural forms of thinking and speech) properties. With the occurrence of speech thinking, the biological type of development is replaced by socially historical.

Research method

An adequate method of studying the relationship of thought and words, "says Vygotsky," there should be an analysis, the dissection of the studied object - speech thinking - not on the elements, but by units. The unit is the minimum part of the whole, having all its main properties. Such a unit of speech thinking is the meaning of the word.

Levels of formation of thought in the word

The ratio of thought to the Word is volatile; this is process, movement from thought to the word and back, the formation of thought in the word:

  1. Motivation of thought.
  2. Think.
  3. Inner speech.
  4. Exterior speech.
Egocentric speech: against bib

Vygotsky came to the conclusion that egocentric is not an expression of intellectual egocentrism, as believed by Piaget, but a transitional stage from external to internal speech. Egocentric speech initially accompanies practical activities.

Research Vottsky - Sakharov

In a classic experimental study, Vygotsky and his employee L. S. Sakharov, using his own methodology, which is a modification of N. Aha's technique, established types (they are the age stages of development) of concepts.

Estate and scientific concepts

Exploring the development of concepts in childhood, L. S. Vygotsky wrote about lowish (spontaneous) I. scientific Concepts ("Thinking and Speech", Ch. 6).

Lights concepts - purchased and used in everyday life, in everyday communication of the word like the "table", "Cat", "House". Scientific concepts are words that the child will learn at school, the terms built into the knowledge system associated with other terms.

When using the spontaneous concepts of the child for a long time (up to 11-12 years old) aware of only the subject to which they indicate, but not the concepts themselves, not their meaning. This is expressed in the absence of the ability "to the verbal definition of the concept, to the possibility in other words to give it verbal wording, to the random use of this concept when establishing complex logical relations between concepts."

Vygotsky suggested that the development of spontaneous and scientific concepts goes in opposite directions: spontaneous - to gradual awareness of their value, scientific - in the opposite direction, for "just in the sphere where the concept of" brother "turns out to be a strong concept, that is, in spontaneous sphere Use, applying it to countless specific situations, wealth of its empirical content and communications with personal experience, the scientific concept of a schoolboy reveals its weakness. Analysis of the spontaneous concept of a child convinces us that the child in a much larger extent aware of the subject than the concept itself. An analysis of the scientific concept convinces us that the child at the very beginning is much better aware of the concept of itself than the subject presented in it. "

The awareness of the values \u200b\u200bcoming to age is deeply associated with the born systematic concepts, that is, with the appearance, with the awake of the logical relations between them. Spontaneous concept is connected only with the subject that indicates. On the contrary, the mature concept is immersed in the hierarchical system, where logical relationships associate it (already as a carrier of value) with many other concepts of different - in relation to this - level of generalization. This completely changes the possibilities of the word as a cognitive tool. Outside the system, he writes Vothesky, in concepts (in sentences) only empirical ties can be expressed, that is, relations between objects. "Together with the system, the concepts of concepts appear to the concepts, the mediated attitude of concepts to objects through their attitude to other concepts, there is a different attitude of concepts to the object: there are possible supermpary relations in the concepts." This is an expression, in particular, in the fact that the concept is determined no longer through the relationship of the subject of the subject with other objects ("the dog protects the house"), and through the attitude of the determined concept to other concepts ("The dog is an animal").

Well, as well as scientific concepts that the child assimilates in the learning process, they are fundamentally different from everyday concepts that, by their very nature, they must be organized into the system, then it believes voiced - their meanings and are realized first. The awareness of the same values \u200b\u200bof scientific concepts gradually applies to everyday.

Age and pedagogical psychology

The periodization of the human life cycle, Vygotsky laid an alternation of stable development periods and crises. Crises are characterized by revolutionary changes, whose criterion is the appearance tomducations. Thus, each stage of life opens with a crisis (accompanied by the emergence of certain nebulances), followed by a period of stable development, when neoplasms are developing.

  • The crisis of newborn (0-2 months).
  • Infancy (2 months - 1 year).
  • Crisis one year.
  • Early childhood (1-3 years).
  • Crisis for three years.
  • Pre-school age (3-7 years).
  • Crisis seven years old.
  • School age (8-12 years).
  • Crisis of thirteen years.
  • Teenage (puberty) period (14-17 years).
  • Crisis of seventeen years.
  • Youth period (17-21 years).

Impact Vygotsky


Main works

  • Psychology of art ( iDEM.) (1922)
  • Tool and sign in the development of the child (1930) (in collaboration with A. R. Luria)
  • (iDEM.) (1930) (in collaboration with A. R. Luria)
  • Lectures on psychology (1. perception; 2. Memory; 3. Thinking; 4. Emotions; 5. imagination; 6. Will problem) (1932)
  • The problem of the development and decay of higher mental functions (1934)
  • Thinking and speech ( iDEM.) (1934)
    • Bibliographic Indicator of L. S. Vygotsky includes 275 titles

Publications on the Internet

  • Lion Vygotsky, Alexander Luria Etudes on behavior history: Monkey. Primitive. Child (monograph)
  • Course of lectures on psychology; Thinking and speech; Works of different years
  • Vygotsky Lev Semenovich (1896-1934) - outstanding Russian psychologist

Oh Vygotsky

  • Section of the books of Lorena Graham "Natural Science, Philosophy and Science on Human Behavior in the Soviet Union", dedicated to L. S. Vygotsky
  • A. M. Etkind. More about L. S. Vygotsky: Forgotten texts and unsupposed contexts
  • Tulvist P. E.-Y. Discussion of works by L. S. Vygotsky in the USA // Questions of philosophy. № 6. 1986.

Vygotsky Lev Semenovich (1896-1934), Russian psychologist.

Born on November 17, 1896 in Orshe. The second son in many children (eight brothers and sisters) family. Father, bank employee, a year after the birth of Lion, transferred relatives to Gomel, where he founded a public library. Famous philologists, a cousin of a psychologist - David Beznika, was one of the prominent representatives of the "Russian formalism" from the family of the profitable (initial writing of the surname).

In 1914, the Lion entered Moscow University for the Medical Faculty, which later went to the legal; At the same time, he studied at the Historical and Philology Faculty of People's University named after A. L. Shanyavsky. In the student years, published reviews on the books of symbolist writers - A. White, V. I. Ivanova, D. S. Merezhkovsky. At the same time he wrote his first great job of the "tragedy about the Gamlet Danish W. Shakespeare" (she saw the light only after 50 years in the collection of articles of Vozksky "Psychology of Art").

In 1917, he returned to Gomel; He took an active part in creating a new type school, began to conduct research in a psychological office organized by him during a pedagogical technical school. He became a delegate of the II All-Russian Congress on Psychoneurology in Petrograd (1924). where he told about the reflexological techniques used by him when studying the mechanisms of consciousness. After the speech at the congress of Vygotsky, at the insistence of the famous psychologist A. R. Luria, director of the Moscow Institute of Experimental Psychology N. K. Kornilov invited. Two years later, under the leadership of Vygotsky, an experimental defectological institute was created (now the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education) and thus laid the foundations of defectology in the USSR.

In 1926, "Pedagogical Psychology" was published, protecting the individuality of the child.

Since 1927, the scientist published articles that analyze the directions of world psychology, and at the same time developed a new psychological concept that was called cultural and historical. In it, the human behavior regulated by consciousness correlates with the forms of culture, in particular with the language and art. Such a comparison is made on the basis of the concept developed by the author about the sign (symbol) as a special psychological instrument, serving a means of transformation of the psyche from natural (biological) to cultural (historical). Labor "The history of the development of higher mental functions" (1930-1931) was published only in 1960

The last monograph of Vygotsky "Thinking and Speech" (1936) is devoted to the problems of the structure of consciousness. At the beginning of the 30s. Attacks became more frequent to Vygotsky, he was accused of retreat from Marxism. Persecution, along with the incessant work on wear, depleted the strength of the scientist. He did not postpone the next exacerbation of tuberculosis and died on the night of June 11, 1934.

Vygotsky Lev Semenovich.

Lion Semenovich Vygotsky is called "Mozart of Psychology", and meanwhile it can be said that this man came to the psychology "from the side." Lev Semenovich had no special psychological education, and it was quite possible that this particular fact was allowed him to take a look at a new way, from another point of view to the problems facing psychological science. Its in many respects innovative approach is due to the fact that the traditions of the empirical "academic" psychology are not overgrown.

Lev Semenovich Vygotsky was born on November 5, 1896 in the city of Orsha. A year later, the family of Vygotsky ceremony in Gomel. It was in this city that Leo graduated from school and made his first steps in science. Back in the gymnasium years, Vygotsky read the book A.A. Pothebni "Thought and language", which has awakened his interest in psychology - the area in which he had to become an outstanding researcher.

After graduating from school in 1913, I went to Moscow and arrived at once in two educational institutions - to the People's University at the Faculty of People's Philosophy and at the Moscow Imperial Institute at the Faculty of Faculty of Internal Affairs.

Vygotsky was a passionate theater admirer, did not miss a single theatrical premiere. In the youthful years, writing literary and critical etudes and articles in various literary magazines about A. White Romanov, D. Merezhkovsky.

After the revolution of 1917, which he accepted, Lev Semenovich leaves the capital back to his native Gomel, where he works as a teacher of literature at school. Later, he is invited to teach philosophy and logic to the pedagogical technician. Soon in the walls of this technical school, Vygotsky creates the Cabinet of Experimental Psychology, which is actively engaged in research and development.

In 1924, at the II All-Russian Congress on Psychoneurology, which was held in Leningrad, a young, no one who was not a well-known employee of Enlightenment from the provincial town made his first scientific work. His report contained the sharp criticism of reflexology. This report was called "Methods of reflexological and psychological research."

It was indicated for the separation inconsistency of the classical method of upbringing the conditional reflex task of a scientifically determined explanation of human behavior as a whole. Contemporaries noted that the content of the Vygotsky report was innovative, and he was presented simply brilliantly than, in fact, and attracted the attention of the most famous psychologists of the time A.N. Leontyeva and A. R. Luria.

A. Luria invited Vygotsky to the Moscow Institute of Experimental Psychology. From this point on, Lev Semenovich becomes the leader and ideological inspirer of the legendary troika of psychologists: Vygotsky, Leontyev, Luria.

The greatest fame brought a voiced psychological theory created by him, which acquired broad fame called "Culturo-historical concept of the development of higher mental functions", the theoretical and empirical potential of which is not exhausted so far. The essence of this concept is the synthesis of exercise about nature and the teachings of culture. This theory represents an alternative to existing behavioral theories, and first of all behaviorism.

According to Vygotsky, all psychic, data from nature ("natural") functions over time are transformed into the functions of the highest level of development ("cultural"): mechanical memory becomes a logical, associative course of representations - targeted thinking or creative imagination, impulsive effect - arbitrary and t .. All of these internal processes are born in direct social contacts of the child with adults, and then fasten in his mind.

Vygotsky wrote: "... Any function in the cultural development of the child appears on the stage twice, in two plans, at first social, as the category of intershotic, then inside the child, as the category intraxichetic.

The importance of this formula for research in the field of children's psychology was that the spiritual development of the child was set in a certain dependence on the organized impact on him adults.

Vygotsky made attempts to explain how the body's relationship with the outside world form his inner mental environment. He was convinced that the formation of a child's personality, on its full-fledged development, virtually equally influence as hereditary deposits (heredity) and social factors.

Lion Semenovich has a lot of work devoted to the study of mental development and patterns of the formation of a person in childhood, the problems of teaching and learning children at school. Moreover, not only normally developing children, but also children with various developmental abnormalities.

It was Vygotsky who owns the most outstanding role in the formation of science of defectology. He created in Moscow the laboratory of psychology of anomalous childhood, which later became an integral part of the Experimental Defectological Institute. He is one of the first among domestic psychologists not only theoretically substantiated, but also confirmed in practice that any deficiency of both psychological and physical development can be corrected, i.e. It can be compensated by saved functions and by long-term operation.

The main emphasis in the study of the psychological characteristics of abnormal children, Vygotsky did on mentally retarded and depleting. He could not, like many other colleagues on the workshop, pretend that there was no such problem. Since defective children live among us, it is necessary to make every effort to become full members of society. Vygotsky considered his duty to a measure of the forces and opportunities to help children deprived of fate.

Another fundamental work of Vygotsky - "Psychology of Art". In it, he put forward the situation about the special "psychology of the form," that in art the form "displays the material". At the same time, the author rejected the formal method due to its inability to "open and explain the historically changing socio-psychological content of art." The desire to resist on the basis of psychology, on the "position of the reader, experiencing an impact of art", Vygotsky argued that the latter is a means of transformation of the person, a tool that causes "huge and depressed and cramped forces." According to Vygotsky, art radically changes the affective sphere, which plays a very important role in organizing behaviors, socializes it.

At the last stage of his scientific activity, he took up the problems of thinking and speech and wrote the scientific work "Thinking and Speech". In this fundamental scientific work, the main is the idea of \u200b\u200ban inseparable connection that exists between thinking and speech.

Vygotsky first expressed the suggestion, which soon himself confirmed that the level of development of thinking depends on the formation and development of speech. He revealed the interactiveness of two of these processes.

Vygotsky his scientific past voted one alternative. Instead of the Diabe "Consciousness-behavior", around which the thought of other psychologists rotated, the triad "Consciousness-culture-behavior" becomes the focus of his quest.

To the vast regret, long-term and enough fruitful work L.S. Vygotsky, its numerous scientific works and development, as often happens with talented people, especially in our country, were not appreciated. In the life of Leo, Semenovich his work was not allowed to publish in the USSR.

From the beginning of the 1930s. It began real injury, the authorities accused him of ideological perversions.

June 11, 1934 after a long illness, aged 37 years, Lev Semenovich Vygotsky died.

Heritage hp Vygotsky is about 200 scientific works, among which the collected works in 6 volumes, the scientific work "Psychology of Art", work on the problems of the psychological development of a person from birth (experiences, crises) and the laws of personality formation, its main properties and functions. He made a great contribution to the disclosure of the issue of the staff, society on the identity.

Undoubtedly, Lev Vygotsky had a significant impact on the domestic and world psychology, as well as to related sciences - pedagogy, defectology, linguistics, art history, philosophy. The nearest friend and student of Lev Semenovich Vygotsky A. R. Luria called him a genius and a great humanist XX century.

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Lion Semenovich Vygotsky is a well-known Soviet psychologist, an outstanding researcher, the founder of the cultural and historical concept of the development of higher mental functions.

Lev Semenovich Vygotsky was born on November 17, 1896 in the city of Orsha Mogilev province, in the family of the merchant and teacher. A year later, the family moved to Gomel, where his father worked as deputy manager of the local bank. In this city, Leo graduated from school. Interest in psychology, he had aroused after reading the book "Thought and Language" (author - Flender A.A). A considerable impact on the future psychologist was his cousin - a later literary critic - David profitable.

After graduation in 1913 he entered two educational institutions: at the Faculty of Faculty of Moscow University and to People's University at the Historical and Philosophy Faculty. As a student, he wrote a study "Tragedy about Gamlet, Prince Danish W. Shakespeare". In 1916, he published articles on literary topics, actively wrote on the topics of Jewish history and culture, expressing a negative attitude towards the ideas of socialism and the rejection of anti-Semitism in Russian literature. Already in 1917, he threw his studies at the Faculty of Law and graduated from the Historical and Philosophical Faculty of the University.

After the revolution 1917, Lev Semenovich went to the hometown of Gomel and first worked as a teacher of literature, and then a teacher of philosophy and logic in a technical school, where he soon created the Cabinet of Experimental Psychology, conducted research work.

In 1924, at the congress of psychoneurology in Leningrad, Lion Vygotsky made a report "Methods of reflexological and psychological research". Nobody made a well-known young scientist brilliantly made a report than attracted the attention of famous psychologists of the time: A. Leontiev and A. Luria, and was invited to the Moscow Institute of Experimental Psychology, which was led by N.K. Kornilov.

Lev Semenovich, having a psychological education that came to psychology as it were, as it were, "from the side", looked at the psychological science in a new way, he did not have the tradition of "academic" psychology.

Vygotsky received the greatest fame by creating a psychological theory called the "cultural and historical concept of the development of higher mental functions." The essence of the concept, which is an alternative to existing theories, and above all, behaviorism is the synthesis of exercises about nature and culture. The study of the patterns of cultural development gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe laws of personality formation.

According to the researcher, all mental data, the nature of the nature itself, with time transformed into the functions of the highest level of development: Mechanical memory becomes a logical, submission current - creative imagination, impulsive effect - arbitrary, etc. All these processes are born in social contacts of the child with adults, fixing in his mind. The spiritual development of the child was addressed to adults on him. Lion Semenovich was convinced that the formation and development of the child's personality equally not only is heredity, but also social factors.

He devoted a lot of work to the study of mental development, as well as the formation of a person in childhood, learning children at school, including those having various developmental anomalies.

Lev Semenovich owns a special role in the formation of science of defectology. He initially created the laboratory of psychology of anomalous childhood, which became later part of the experimental defectological institution. Vygotsky theoretically substantiated and confirmed in practice that any drawback in psychological and physical development can be adjusted. When studying the psychological characteristics of abnormal children, special attention paid special attention to mentally retarded and depleting. Lion Semenovich his duty believed that if defective children live among us, then it is necessary to make every effort to become full members of society.

In 1924, Lion Semenovich Vygotsky moved to Moscow and the last decade of his life lived in this city with the whole family.

In 1925, Vygotsky defended the thesis "Psychology of Art", in which he put forward the provision on the special "psychology of the form" and argued that art is a means of transformation of the personality, radically changing the affective sphere that plays an important role in organizing behavior. This work was published after the death of the scientist.

Already at the last stage of scientific activity, he explored the problem of thinking and speech, and released the work that was called "thinking and speech", which stressed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe existing inseparable connection between thinking and speech. The level of development of thinking depends on the formation and development of speech, that is, these processes are interdepended.

In the summer of 1925, the only time as a responsible worker of the drugproof went abroad, to London, to the International Conference on Enlightenment of deaf-and-and-and-dumb children.

L.S. Vygotsky belongs to the triad "Consciousness-culture-behavior" instead of the Diaband "Consciousness-Behavior", with which the thoughts of other psychologists were associated.

He published about 200 scientific papers (just for 37 years of life) including the collection of works in six volumes, work on the problems of psychological development from birth and forming a personality, about the influence of the team on the identity.

Of course, Lev Semenovich influenced not only psychology, but also to related sciences - pedagogy, philosophy, defectology. Unfortunately, his fruitful work, as it happens with talented people, was not estimated at lifetime. Moreover, from the beginning of the 30s of the last century, injury began, the authorities accused him of ideological perversions.

Back in 1919, Vygotsky fell ill with pulmonary tuberculosis, and all the subsequent years of life struggled with this disease, but it turned out to be stronger. Lion Semenovich died on June 11, 1934 in Moscow at the age of 37 years.

Lev Semenovich Vygotsky Born on November 5, 1896 in the city of Orsha. A year later, the Blotsky family moved to Gomel. It was in this city that Leo graduated from school and made his first steps in science. Back in the gymnasium years, Vygotsky read the book A.A. Pothebni "Thought and language", which awakened his interest in psychology. In 1913 he went to Moscow, he entered two schools at once - to the People's University at the Historical and Philosophical Faculty at his own request and to the Moscow Imperial Institute at the Faculty of Law at the insistence of parents. After the revolution of 1917, Lev Semenovich leaves back to his hometown, where he works as a teacher of literature. He is invited to teach philosophy and logic to the pedagogical technician. In the walls of this technical school, Vygotsky creates the Cabinet of Experimental Psychology.

Lion Semenovich Vygotsky They call the "Mozart of Psychology", and meanwhile it can be said that a person came to psychology from the side. Lev Semenovich did not have a special psychological education, and it is quite possible, this particular fact allowed him to take a look at a new way, from another point of view, for problems facing psychological science. Its in many respects innovative approach is due to the fact that the traditions of the empirical "academic" psychology are not overgrown.

In 1924, at the Second All-Russian Congress on Psychoneurology, he made his report "Methods of reflexological and psychological research". By his performance, the attention of the most famous psychologists of the time A.N. Leontiev and A.R. Luria. Lev Semenovich becomes the leader and ideological inspirer of the legendary troika of psychologists: Vygotsky, Leontyev, Luria.

The greatest fame brought a voiced psychological theory created by him " Cultural and historical concept of the development of higher mental functionsth. The essence of this concept is the synthesis of exercise about nature and the teachings of culture. According to Vygotsky, all mental, data from nature ("natural") functions over time are transformed into the functions of the highest level of development ("cultural"): the mechanical memory becomes a logical, associative course of representations - targeted thinking or creative imagination, impulsive effect - arbitrary and t .. All of these internal processes are born in direct social contacts of the child with adults, and then fasten in his mind. The spiritual development of the child was set in a certain dependence on the organized impact on him adults. The formation of a child's personality, on its full development, almost equally affects both hereditary deposits and social factors.

Lion Semenovich has a lot of work devoted to the study of mental development and patterns of the formation of a person in childhood, the problems of teaching and learning children at school. Moreover, not only normally developing children, but also children with various developmental abnormalities. Vygotsky belongs to an outstanding role in the formation of science of defectology. In Moscow, he created the laboratory of psychology of anomalous childhood.

Known his work " Psychology of art" In his opinion, art radically changes the affective sphere, playing a very important role in organizing behaviors, socializes it. L.V. Vygotsky wrote the scientific work "Thinking and Speech". In this scientific work, the main is the idea of \u200b\u200ban inseparable connection that exists between thinking and speech. Instead of the Diad "Consciousness - Behavior", Vygotsky proposed the triad "Consciousness - Culture - Behavior."

His works in life were not assessed, the work was not allowed to publish in the USSR. Since the beginning of the 30s, his injury began. The authorities accused him of ideological perversions. June 11, 1934 after a long illness, aged 37 years, Lev Semenovich Vygotsky died.

Heritage hp Vygotsky is about 200 scientific works, among which the collected works in 6 volumes, the scientific work "Psychology of Art".