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What does health mean for a person. Who is a healthy person? What is "health"? What are the "health criteria"? Some biological rates for the middle adult

Evgenia Bulychev
Reasoning children about what health is and who is such a healthy person

On the eve of the World Health Day, we decided to learn from children what health, who is such a healthy person and what to do to be healthy.

This is what the children of the middle group think about it (4-5 years old).

Udazdchenko Yaroslav

Health means not to hurt, do not cough, do not sneeze so that no snakes. To be healthy, you need to charge, wash, walk, brush your teeth, sunbathing, treated to the doctor to approach, treat itch.

Black Sasha

Being healthy - on puddles do not run, harden, walk barefoot, sunbathing, swim in the bath. A healthy person - does not cough, no snot.

Sichkov Lev.

A healthy person is a rod. My friends everyone knows that I am healthy, so I know. We need to play sports, boxing, playing football, eat meat and eat everything.

Poin Nastya

In order not to hurt, you need to take pills, there is a honey, drinking medicines, to poke the armpit, there is a jam, drinking milk and smear the neck.

Zlodeeva Yana.

Healthy people do not hurt, eat good food (it is useful to eat healthy food, and not harmful food, breathe a nose to make the microbes, are engaged in charging, gymnastics, all sorts of exercise.

Obold Angelina

Health is when they do not hurt, go to school and kindergarten. When they get sick, drink medications, and at home you need to sit to recover.

Contarovich Nikita

A healthy person is a good man, the most beautiful. In order not to hurt, you need to drink medication, there are vitamins, cabbage, carrot. We must sleep and grow up.

Moltodova Nastya.

A healthy person - who does not hurt. In order not to hurt, you need to drink tablets and tremendously, to the doctor to walk, drink mineral water and grass, eat useful food, run, burst useful to burst.

Tiginian Veronica

To be healthy, it is necessary to be treated, rinse your mouth, splashing the throat, nose, drink tablets, breathe air. Sitting in the apartment, you can just suffocate, you have to walk. When I got sick, the doctor listens is fine or not. A healthy person is a good man, does not hurt.

Turtles Artyom

Health is a sport, you need to play sports. There is always an omelet, to do with the ball at home, play hide and seek.

Senior group (5-6 years).

Fufaldin Roma.

Health is when a person does not suffer, does not sneeze, he eats well, special charges.

Volkova Masha

A healthy person does not sick, does not cough, does not sneeze, there is no temperature, he has everything healthy.

Veniaminov Vsevolod.

When you are not sick, the forces are added, it means well. It is necessary to train and be more in the fresh air.

Astafieva Liza

We need useful fruits to eat and garlic with salad.

Preparatory Group (6-7 years)

Chulkov Akim

Health is when a person does not hurt. A healthy person is an energetic, brave, sporty, feeds on useful products, does not eat sweet, walking on the street, harnesses.

Malneva Irina

Health is when a person rejoices. A healthy person is having fun, because it does not get sick. To be healthy, you need to drink tea, hardened, swim in cold water, play sports, sleep, eat salads and meat - useful food.

Gornie Masha

Health is a healthy person and does not hurt. Healthy pills do not drink, cheerful, with everyone plays and friendly. I must engage in mathematics, sports, washed, cleans your teeth, and still need to sleep, there are moles and useful things.

Filipieev Ruslan.

Health is a human life. A healthy person is a man who is engaged in sports drinking pills and syrup.

Yellaseva Anya

Health - When a person does not sick, he is joyful, light, cheerful, fun. It is necessary to do charging, there is a right food: vegetables, fruits, soup, often walking on the street and in the forest.

State budgetary educational institution of the Samara region

secondary school №1 "Educational Center"

p.G.T. StroyKeramics of the municipal district Volzhsky Samara region

(GBOU SOSH №1 "OC" P.G.T. StroyKeramics)

Structural division "Kindergarten" Star "

"What is health?"

Performed: teacher

the Middle Group "Buratino"

Taiktorova K.V.



Health - This is the main value of life, it ranks the highest level in the hierarchyhuman needs . Health is one of the most important components of human happiness and one of the leading conditions for successful social and economic development. The implementation of intellectual, moral and spiritual, physical and reproductive potential is possible only in a healthy society.

By defining World Health Organization (WHO)health is a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease and physical defects.

According to leading Russian scientists, this definition is non-specific. It is possible to offer the following options for determining the health, proposed by Yu.P.Lisitsyn: Health - the harmonic unity of biological and social qualities, due to congenital and subdinctive biological and social impacts (illness - violation of this unity); A condition that allows lifeless lifeless in its freedom, to fully fulfill the functional function (primarily labor), to lead a healthy lifestyle, i.e., testing spiritual, physical and social well-being.

A. G. Shchedrin suggests such a wording: "Health is a holistic multidimensional dynamic state (including its positive and negative indicators), which develops ... in a specific social and environmental environment and allows person ... to carry out its biological and social functions "

The modern health concept allows you to distinguish its main components - physical, psychological and behavioral.

Physical the component includes the level of growth and development of organs and systems of the body, as well as the current state of their functioning. The basis of this process is morphological and functional transformations and reserves that ensure physical performance and adequate adaptation of a person to external conditions.

Psychologicalthe component is the state of the mental sphere, which is determined by motivational-emotional, mental and moral and spiritual components. The basis of it is the state of emotional and cognitive comfort, providing mental performance and adequate human behavior. This state is due both biological and social needs, as well as opportunities to meet these needs.

Behanthened the component is an external manifestation of a person. It is expressed in the degree of adequacy of behavior, the ability to communicate. The basis of its life position (active, passive, aggressive) and interpersonal relations, which determine the adequacy of interaction with the external environment (biological and social) and the ability to work effectively.

Modern life conditions put forward increased health care requirements. Therefore, the main thing for young people is healthy.

Health can characterize:

Individual health - health of a separate person. It is assessed by personal well-being, the presence or absence of diseases, physical condition, etc.

Group Health - health of individual communities of people: age, professional, etc.

Health of the population - the health of people living in a certain territory.

The most difficult to determine public health. Public health reflects the health of the individuals, of which society consists, but is not the amount of health of individuals. Even WHO has not yet suggested a brief and capable definition of public health. "Public health is such a state of society that provides conditions for an active productive lifestyle, not constrained by physical and mental illness, i.e. this is what society cannot create material and spiritual values, this is the wealth of society" ( . P. Lisitsyn).

Public health potential - the measure of the number and quality of the health of people and its reserves accumulated by society.

Public Health Index - the ratio of a healthy and unhealthy lifestyle of the population.

WHO experts are subject to public health criteria consider the percentage of gross national product (GNP), which goes to health care; availability of primary health care; child mortality rate; The average duration of the upcoming life, etc.

Subjective indicators related to self-esteem
man of his current state of health.

1. Well-being, activity, human mood - this is
a peculiar barometer of the state of the central nervous system and many of the functions of the internal organs. Normal normal
human well-being is a feeling of cheerfulness, cheerfulness, desire to work, learn, high performance.

2. Night Son. . During sleep, a person rests. The functions of the body, primarily the central nervous system are restored. Normal is considered a dream coming shortly after a person lay down to sleep, quite strong, durable 7-8 hours. After such a dream, a person feels self-rested, characteristic of a feeling of vigor. Many deviations in a state of health, especially the central nervous system, not yet
manifested by other symptoms immediately affect
dream. Bad sleep is characterized by a long falling
or early awakening among the night. After such sleep, there is no feeling of cheerfulness and freshness.

3. Appetite. With good functioning of all organs and systems, with adequate physical exertion, the metabolism, occurs more actively. Therefore, a healthy person
does not complain about your appetite, more often even have to resort
to a reasonable limitation. But the appetite is not stable, it depends on the quality of food, it is easily violated when making, diseases, overvoltage.

4. The presence of painful sensations. It can be headaches, general weakness, dizziness, heartbeat feeling, shortness of breath, muscle pain and other signs.

Objective indicators of human health are expressed
in such criteria that are manifested independently of the will
a person can be determined by another person and comparable with the previous state and with regulatory characteristics. Objective include body weight, body circumference
and its parts, brush dynamometry and the becoming, frequency and rhythm of the pulse and respiration, body temperature, skin color,
the nature of sweating, stability of attention, coordination
movements, etc.

An important addition to the objective self-assessment of health indicators may be the reaction and recovery regime of marked indicators. Most often for this, the heart rate on the dosed physical exertion is used (for example, 20 squats in 30 seconds or the transition from the position lying on the back to stand standing).
Body length (growth) is an important indicator of the physical development of a person. Measuring body length is of great importance for calculating indicators characterizing correctness,
proportionality of the physique. Growth in men continues
up to 25 years, in women until 21-22 years.
Body weight - can change during the day, so
it is advisable to determine it at the same time. When analyzing
the indicator has the meaning of its "ideal weight".
There are several ways to calculate the "ideal weight". The most common and close to the true is determined by
subtracts from indicators of body length (in cm) of conditional values:
- with growth less than 165 cm, the figure 100 is subtracted,

- with growth 165 - 175 cm ------ "------ 105,

- with increasing more than 175 cm ----- "------ 110.

The result is the perfect weight in kilograms.

On another method, the "ideal weight" (in kg) is equal to: the product of the body length in cm for the trigger of the chest (in cm),
divided by 240.

Exceeding the perfect weight by 10% indicates the excess mass of the body, which is a risk factor for the development of many diseases. If the weight is 10% and the more ideal, they talk about low nutrition.

Functional performance of cardiovascular and respiratory systems. The parameters and characteristics of the two main functional systems of the organism are measured in the relative rest
and after performing any load. If the standard load is given, the value and nature of the change
parameters are compared with standardized standards and
conclusions about the degree of training of this system
and the body as a whole. In addition, mapping them with previous results allows you to draw conclusions about effective
sTI of physical recovery activities:

A) Pulse is an extremely important indicator that reflects the activity of the cardiovascular system. Pulsa frequency
in a healthy, men are 70-75
ram per minute, in women - 75-80 shocks.

During exercise, the pulse frequency increases:
with medium - "- up to 160-180 UD / min.,
at large - "- over 180 ice / min.

Healthy person should not exceed the load, when
which the pulse frequency is greater than the one that is calculated
by Formula: 220 minus man age. The optimal load is the one at which the pulse frequency is 65-90%
from the maximum permissible for this age group.

B) Sample with 20 squats. The sample is a standardized load, it is simple and indicative to determine the degree of training.
Before it is executed, the pulse frequency is calculated in
rest. 20 deep squats are produced within 30 seconds
(legs on the width of the shoulders, hands stretched forward). The pulse rate is determined immediately after the load is performed, through one, two and
three minutes after squats. Evaluate the percentage sample
the increase in the pulse in relation to the initial and duration
recovery of the pulse rate to the initial value.
When the pulse is increased by 25%, the condition of the cardiovascular system is estimated as good; by 50-75% - satisfactory; More than 75% is unsatisfactory.
Restoration of the pulse rate to the initial value
it occurs normally in 1-3 minutes.

C) Sample with breathing delay. First calculated
the number of inhales for 30 seconds and is multiplied by 2. Normally in a state
respiratory frequency rest in an adult from 9 to 12-16 in one minute breaths. When calculating, you must try to breathe
in natural rhythm. Then the sample is carried out, which gives
representation of cardiovascular and respiratory state
systems: It is necessary to breathe deeply, delay the breath and
metut the time to maximize breathing in sec.
After a little rest, spend the same by doing exhale.
Sample results are rated on a three-point scale.

In the breath: 39 seconds. - unsatisfactory, 40-49 seconds. - Satisfactory, over 50 seconds. - OK.

Outdoor: 34 seconds. - unsatisfactory, 35-39 seconds. - satisfactory; Over 40 seconds. - OK.

It is advisable to keep a self-control diary, in which
all or some indicators are performed periodically. Such a diary greatly facilitates the definition of dynamics
indicators in the process of physical education and recreation
activity, increases interest in classes.

One of the new methodological approaches to solving problems
health Control is the diagnosis of the third state, calleddonozologicalwhich received
dissemination in the practice of mass prophylactic surveys of the population (V.P. Treaschaev, R.M. Baevsky, G.L. Apanesenko). Donosological diagnostics is based on the submission of a close connection between the adaptation capabilities of the body and the incidence and allows you to highlight four groups
persons with different levels of adaptation capacity of the body:

1) with satisfactory adaptation to environmental conditions;

3) with unsatisfactory adaptation;

4) with the disruption of adaptation.

R.M. Baevsky proposed as the criterion for the adaptation capacity of the body to determine the index of functional changes (IPI), to calculate which required
only data on the pulse frequency (PE), blood pressure
(Garden, DDA), height (P), body weight (MT) and age (B):
Prefigured screening based on IPI, with all
it provides a systematic approach to estimating the functional state of the circulatory system as an indicator of the adaptive capabilities of the entire body. Based
the obtained IPI value, each individual can be attributed to one of the four groups according to the degree of adaptation; The higher
the conditional Ball of IPI, the higher the likelihood of the development of pathological deviations.

Answering the question: "What is health?" - I want to give one simple answer -refusal of excess. Alas, we have long imposed wrong ideals, including the ideal of excess - eat more and delicious, go to clubs, drink alcohol. Such is the harsh truth of life. Therefore, it is necessary to eat for health and live moderately.
On health and spiritual, and physical extremely negatively affects excessive emotionality and stressful situations. Of course, no one is insured against stress, butman must establish control over his own emotions. Remember that a good doctor is not the one who treats the disease, but the one who does not allow it. The man himself is a doctor, and if he loves himself fully and will take care of his health, then no diseases are terrible to him.


Not all of us we conduct an exclusively healthy lifestyle. How to make sure that you really are a healthy person?

This is what doctors think about this varying specialty, ranging from dentists, surgeons and dermatologists to psychologists and therapists.

See also:What will happen if every day lie down before bedtime? 7 pleasant consequences

If you have all 50 signs of good physical and mental health, you can only envy.

Signs of physical health

1. You have thick hair and strong nails

Copper thick hair on the head and strong, rapidly growing nails in most cases indicate good health.

Conversely, the thinning hair, brittle and fragile nails are often a sign of a substantial deficit of vitamins and minerals, such as iron, vitamin D and other important vitamins.

2. You have a lot of energy

If in the morning you are easily climbed from the bed, ready to go to work or at the gym and meet a new day, you can not worry - you are fine. With many diseases and lack of vitamins, the human disappears, and it constantly feels fatigue.

3. You rarely have headaches, and they are short

Almost every person faces headaches. Often they arise as a result of stress or muscle tension. Periodic headaches - the phenomenon is normal.

However, if ordinary drugs do not help you, headaches are very strong, accompanied by nausea, temperature, confusion of consciousness, weakness, stiffness in the neck, sensitivity to the light - all this is a reason to consult a doctor.

4. You breathe normally, even when they are sick

Free and easy breathing is that many of us perceive, as a matter of course, so far it does not cease to be such.

When a cold occurs in a healthy person, the nasal is concluded, weakness and other symptoms of the disease. However, in a week, plus-minus a few days the state should improve. If this does not occur, perhaps there are some violations requiring access to a specialist doctor.

5. You have a good blood circulation

With good blood circulation, you can periodically fly legs and hands or tingling in the limbs, but such sensations, as a rule, quickly pass.

However, if tingling, numbness and weakness lasts longer than usual, it can talk about pinching the nerve. Long symptoms cannot be ignored, as they can talk about a problem that requires surgical intervention.

6. You have fresh breath

The smell of your breathing is one of the main indicators of your health, as most of the immune functions are associated with the intestine.

Fresh breathing is a good sign of healthy digestion. At the same time, the smell of mouth can tell about a number of diseases: a strong fruit smell may indicate a diabetes, an unpleasant smell of an oxygen is associated with an acid reflux, a fish smell with renal failure, and the sourish - with sleep apnea.

7. The desire to fall asleep in the middle of the day does not occur every day.

You are the ideal when you wake up in the morning, you should feel the tide of energy that is preserved during the day. The lack of urges to fall asleep during the day speaks of healthy work of adrenal glands and a stable level of blood sugar.

8. Your skin looks healthy

The skin is the largest organ of the human body. The condition of the skin on the face and on the neck does not only reflect its genetic features and its health, but also what an external environment has an effect.

Healthy skin looks slightly pink, supplied with blood and with a smooth tone.

9. Your face looks full

Fullness or roundness of soft fabrics of the face indicates youth and health.

And on the contrary, the disease, dehydration, insufficient nutrition is reflected on the face, because of which the skin loses the life tone, it looks loose and flavored.

10. You have clear eyes

Eyes can give a lot of details about human health and his psychological state. They can be rested or tired, bright and cheerful or sad and depressive.

Eye proteins can be white and clean, or with blood vessels or yellow, which may indicate the possible presence of some diseases in a person.

11. You have a normal fat percentage in the body

According to nutritionists, the most important indicator of health is the percentage of fat in the human body. When this indicator increases, your body begins to accumulate more fat tissues instead of muscles.

In turn, the percentage of fat in the body affects the metabolism, blood sugar level, mobility and emotional well-being.

12. You find time on physical activity.

Physical activity is very difficult to replace something. It has a positive effect on all parts of your body: incinerates excess fat, improves blood circulation to muscles and limbs, reduces the level of poor cholesterol, increases blood flow to all muscles and organs, helps to sleep better and contributes to a regular chair.

In addition, systematic physical activity strengthens the heart muscle, which is also an important indicator of health.

13. You pay attention to what you eat

Are you enough eat vegetables, fruits, cereals and dairy products? The answer to this question allows you to quickly find out the quality of your food.

If all these components are present in your diet, you have good nutrition. And all because most people most often misses these moments. According to nutritionists, only 3 percent of the population receives enough nutrients from the above-mentioned sources.

14. You have healthy gums

One of the indicators that your body is in order are gum fabrics. This means that your gums are not inflamed, not bleed, they have a normal texture and color.

Healthy gum tight fabric, has a pyramidal shape between the teeth and evenly envelopes the rounded edges of the teeth.

15. You regularly eat

It is about the fact that you do not have a lack of nutrition, choose balanced food, and do not thrash mindlessly from the attacks of hunger.

Regular nutrition also helps prevent many problems with the gastrointestinal tract, which arise due to chaotic food.

16. You feel full after meals.

Many people are too concerned about their food, cut down the portions of food and are limited to something. This causes a sense of dissatisfaction, and as a result, a person begins to snack a lot or overeat for the night or on the weekend.

The feeling of satiety after meals says that your food brings you pleasure, and in a person who feeds on what he likes, healthy attitude towards food.

17. Your muscles have relief

Do you see your muscles with a naked look? Are they dense and embossed and not covered with fat? All this is signs of health.

Atrophied or weakened muscles on the contrary talk about poor muscular health. Also worth paying attention to the asymmetry of the hands and legs. If, for example, one leg is larger than another, it may say that you are trying to compensate for one side of the body because of some kind of non-selected disease. Perhaps you have some kind of problem with nerves on a weaker side.

18. You easily perform everyday tasks.

Can you easily climb down the hill? What about bringing shopping bags to home? Try to touch your toes to your fingers or stand on one leg, without holding the support. Can you sit on the floor and stand without help?

If you answered "yes" on all these questions, you can say that you are healthy.

19. You have a regular stool, at least once a day

It is very important that you eat and invest in your body, but it is equally important that it comes out of it. An irregular chair may mean that there is some kind of failure in the digestive system. It may be a shortage of magnesium, poor digestion and absorption of nutrients and even emotional stress.

20. You have no shortness of breath in normal activity.

Your respiratory tract is essentially a lot of tubes leading to "balls" - easy. Each person has these "balls" pour, and inside the "ball" there is air and blood. Cells use oxygen from air to produce energy. If you have problems with the lungs, you can feel shortness of breath even when performing conventional routine classes.

21. Your joints do not hurt when you move

To lead an active lifestyle, a person needs healthy joints, bones and muscles. If the joint is not capable of a full range of motion, it can signal the problem.

So, for example, an athlete after injury can return to the sport after his pain disappears, and it is able to perform normal movements.

22. You have a transparent urine

Simple renal health indicator is urine man. The kidneys hold electrolytes in the organism in equilibrium due to the fact that the excess and waste products are filtered. Transparent urine says that you get enough liquid.

At the same time, the appearance of foam or blood in the urine should alert you and become a reason to appeal to the doctor.

23. Do you have a pink language

The norm is considered a pink tint of a tongue with a thin white rode without signs of changing color or prints from teeth.

Any other color or plaque may indicate dysfunction or imbalance in the body. All this will be visible in the language.

24. You quickly recover after surgery

The ability to quickly recover after the operation often speaks of the general state of health. A man is endowed with an amazing ability to restore independently after a survived injury or wounds that have arisen during operations.

The body sends white blood cells and neutrophils to the place of operation to prevent infection, and monocytes regulate inflammation. If a person quickly comes to himself after surgery, it will cope with more complex treatment.

25. Your skin returns to the previous state if it is pinned it

There is one simple and fast turgor test for the skin, which will help you learn, are you healthy.

Spread the skin on your hand on the ankle or leg and see how quickly it returns to the previous state. The delay can signal the dehydration of the body, and if the deepening on the leg remains longer than the usual, it may be a sign of excess fluid due to problems with kidneys, heart disease or liver.

26. You can easily stand out of position sitting with crossed legs without help

This simple exercise was designed specifically to determine the strength and flexibility, as well as to predict the possibility of early death.

To check it, you need to sit with crossed legs and back to get up, without relying. Experts who have developed this test found that people who could not stand out of a sedentary position, 5 times easily died next decades than those who performed this test.

However, it is not necessary to panic, as such a check is more indicative to determine the strength, flexibility and equilibrium of a person. If these qualities are not developed, you have risk of injury, drops and other possible problems.

27. You have a calm dream

This is one of the most important signs of good health and speaks about the normal arterial pressure, the absence of problems with breathing and gastrointestinal reflux. It also signals normal breathing during sleep, which plays a key role for health as a whole.

28. If you have allergies, it's easy to cope with it

A healthy person can have seasonal allergies, but they are easy to pacify with antihistamine. This kind of allergies occur about 20 percent of people, and if they can adjust them with simple drugs, it speaks of good health and a working immune system.

29. You are getting more cold about once a year.

This frequency indicates a normal immune system. At a certain year, you can survive even a few colds, and this will also be the norm. But if you are sick more often, it can already talk about more serious problems, such as allergies or sinusitis.

30. You do not need to greatly increase the sound when watching TV

If no one in your house complains that the TV works too loudly, everything is in order with your hearing.

31. You are not against spices in food

A healthy person loves to cook and add spice to food. This indicates a normal smell and taste. People who have lost smell do not enjoy food or her preparation.

32. You have a lot of saliva

Saliva is responsible for the natural pH level in the mouth and care about the purity of your teeth. A sufficient amount of saliva is a normal indicator and protects you from the occurrence of caries.

33. Your jaw does not click when you open it

The temporomandibular joint, which we use almost all day during chewing, speech and yawns, should not click when you wide open your mouth.

To find a joint, click the ledge in front of the ear and try to open and close your mouth. If you hear cotton or click when opening the jaw, in the present or future you increase the risk of migraine and other types of headaches.

The wrong position of the jaw can lead to squeezing the joint and muscles, and, removing this tension, you can get rid of headaches and significantly improve the quality of your life.

34. Leather around the eyes and on hand is not very thin

The view and feeling of the skin around the eyes and on the back of the palm is a good indicator of your health.

In these areas, the skin is usually thinner than everything, and therefore it first can be noted signs of atrophy (thinning) or photo damage (freckles). Healthy skin looks smooth without protruding blood vessels or spottedness.

35. You have strong teeth

Strong teeth mean good health. A man experiencing stress and anxiety often stifies and creaks his teeth, and may suffer from other problems with the health of the oral cavity.

36. Your blood pressure 119/79 or below

Blood pressure is easy to measure, and it is capable of a lot of talk about heart health and human vessels. If the pressure is high, it can be corrected healthy lifestyle and special preparations.

Women's health

37. You have a regular menstrual cycle

Regular menstrual cycle with a periodicity of 27-35 days testifies to reproductive health. He speaks of the presence of a normal ovulation and a balanced level of hormones.

If a woman is not all right with health because of extra or insufficient weight, it can have more chaotic or absent menstruation. In this case, the ovarian function is broken, ovulation does not occur, or it occurs unpredictably.

38. You have no acnewes

Acne in adult women can be a sign of a hormonal violation. So, for example, the ovarian polycystosis is often accompanied by the appearance of acne rashes, excessive overeximation, hair loss, irregular monthly and infertility.

39. You have vaginal discharge

The discharge from the vagina is a normal phenomenon. During the cycle, vaginal discharges may vary depending on the level of hormones, but they are almost always present.

It is important to pay attention to the color and smell of these discharge. An unpleasant smell or color change on green can talk about infection, while transparent releases are the norm.

40. You cope with spasms

Menstruation is rarely absolutely painless, but they should not cause pain, because of which you are not able to work, walk or talk. Package preparations also help cope with many symptoms during menstruation. However, a strong exhausting pain may indicate an inflammatory process, such as endometriosis and affect your conceitivity.

Signs of mental health

41. You know how to cope with your emotions and emotions of others.

Each of us has the need for attachment, respect, independence and other things. The ability to recognize and express these needs is the way to a happy life. Healthy people are also trying to understand and satisfy the emotional needs of others. They are inquisitive and attentive to the feelings of others. If their actions are offended by another person, they try to fix it and change.

42. You are confronted with your holiday

In the crazy rhythm of life, a person is very easy to come to emotional burnout. Sometimes we watched so carefully for what you need to do that we forget about ourselves and do not realize that the level of stress in our life is shrinking.

One day, you have a nervous breakdown in your empty place, the disease, or you find yourself in the hospital. People who regularly allocate time for themselves and on vacation, remain healthy longer.

43. You are able to establish borders

A person who can establish healthy borders knows when to say "no" and how to take care of your needs. It may seem selfish, but such a skill is an important part of a person's mental health and helps to protect it from offended and emotional burnout.

44. You say what you think

It is important for a person to learn to discuss the problems that it is worried instead of keeping everything inside. Wut in yourself resentment and stress and wear this cargo with you is not useful for your health. It is best to deal with all the difficulties and contradictions immediately.

45. You do not need to be depressed to turn to a psychologist

A healthy person understands that psychological assistance is needed not only to a person with mental disorders. Each of us sometimes you need an unbiased third party to speak your problems and come to reasonable and useful solutions for us.

Health is the greatest gift that a man received from nature. That is why it needs to be protected. Such value should always be protected. Showing care, every person wishes good to others, telling him: "Health to you!"

Basic concepts

What is health? Everyone understands what it is about, but not everyone will be able to define this term. Health condition is defined as presence / absence of diseases, pathologies, disorders and pain. This characteristic is qualitative and has a number of definitions and evaluation indicators:

  • Exterior signs. This is weight, chest volume, growth.
  • Biological indicators. Includes the absence of diseases of both acute and chronic, pathogenic microorganisms, fungi, various tumors and formations.
  • Biochemical. This is the presence of the necessary concentration of hormones, erythrocytes, leukocytes, various chemical and mineral compounds.
  • Physical reflection of health. These are acuity of hearing and view, body temperature, heart rate frequency, blood pressure indicators.
  • Nervous psychic. This is the normal functioning of the nervous system, the state of the psyche of a person, the psychology of his consciousness and behavior.

Health in terms of medicine

When answering the question "What is health" is aware of the concept of compliance with all characteristics of the functioning of the body, established by the standards, in which there are no various deviations and the threat to human life. In medical practice, this concept corresponds to a number of indicators, which indicate the general condition of the body.

Thus, a healthy person is a normally functioning organism, when indicators of the viability and qualitative characteristics of its organs and systems are within the established framework.

beauty and health

Health is also manifested in the appearance of a person. Is it possible to say that beauty is an integral part of this concept? Of course. Without having diseases, pathologies and stressful states, a person looks good and outside. Beauty and health - inseparable concepts. And not the last role in this playing a person's lifestyle. High-quality, proper nutrition, good sleep, moderate physical exertion, the ability to perform walks in the fresh air, the absence of bad habits and stresses in everyday life is all the factors that steadily have a fundamental influence on our health. Heredity is also no exception, as is the state of the world around us.

A very much affects human health. It is not always taken into account when evaluating, but a healthy body has clean and beautiful skin of a pleasant shade. The body does not have both surplus subcutaneous fat and its lack of. All this reflects on the state of hair, nails, the color of the eye, teeth. A healthy organism is always different from having any diseases or pathology. The external beauty of a person does not always talk about his health, but the poor condition of the internal organs and systems is inevitably reflected on its appearance.

Different points of view

Different opinions of scientists on the issue: "What is health?" Some of them talk about the combination of medical and psychological aspects, others - about the ability of the body to adapt to the environment, which, in turn, manifests itself in good health and absence of various diseases and pathologies. C for this point of view there is a new concept and health tasks - this is the maximum performance of the organs while maintaining quality limits and functions. Then this term (or body ability) is considered:

  • in the ability to adapt to the environment, their own capabilities and the limits of the stock performance of systems and organs;
  • in the ability to confront both internal and external perturbations of the body and the environment, such as diseases, aging, mental and physical degradation, various injuries;
  • in the ability to maintain yourself and its natural habitat in its original form;
  • in the ability to significantly expand the possibilities, data from nature, as well as to improve the living conditions;
  • in the ability to independently increase the duration of the full life activity of the body;
  • in the ability to improve these capabilities and properties of the body, as well as the quality of their own life and habitat;
  • in the ability to maintain and protect themselves like, and also to produce offspring;
  • in the ability to create cultural and material values \u200b\u200bfor society.

Balance Health

Concepts of such a concept as health, there is a lot, but the greatest interest causes the balance and adaptation concept. Health understand the body's ability to interact with the environment to maintain and restore the necessary balance. In more detail, this concept is disclosed in the ability of the body to resist infection, maintain a physical norm, emotional stability and stability, the ability to apply knowledge about the health and sense of life, to effectively cope with various stresses. Then human health can be defined as an expression of an instant equilibrium state between the potential and the inquiries. The concept of a resource also appears - this is a combination of available tools and methods to effectively improve the potential.

Malicious effects on health

When a certain impulse or harm factors arise, this means that one of the concepts that we invest in this word varies significantly or somewhat deviates from the norm, thereby disturbing the overall balance. This can be expressed in the occurrence of acute or chronic diseases and states, the accession of various infections, violation of individual organs and systems, as well as the body as a whole or in deviations in mentally emotional state and the ability to adequately adapt to the world around us.

The term "health" is very multifaceted and includes many concepts and values. It is quite difficult to answer in a few words on the question: "What is health?" This is a shaky balance that is very easy to break and is very difficult to restore. Health of the soul and body is an unshakable basis on which the life of a person and its achievements are being built in society.

the natural state of the body, characterized by its equilibrium with the environment and the lack of any painful changes, "the state of full physical, mental and social well-being, and not only the absence of diseases and physical defects" (WHO).

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by definition of the World Health Organization "This is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not only the absence of diseases and physical defects." According to the compiler of the dictionary to achieve strong and harmonious health, it is possible only if there is a good knowledge of the "triune" nature of a person, the knowledge of its three sides or its three modes (modus measure, the way of the existence of something): spirituality, sociality and physicality. These are the main, organically interconnected parties of the holistic human nature. Based on the said, now health can be defined as the process of achieving a person of the state of harmony (measures, norms) within each modus (parties) of its holistic nature and harmony (measures, norms) between its three modes: in physicality, social and spirituality as human essence. What are the indicators, the criteria for each side of the health of a holistic person.

1. Body health of the absence of pain, physical defects, suffering, normal functioning of the body, its physiological shipments, good sleep, appetite, etc.

2. The social health of a person is possible with the normal functioning of his consciousness, his soul, its social, value orientations. Tangible signs of social, public health of people can be considered the absence, or a small manifestation of human nonsense, and the main skill to overcome their egoism in many of its manifestations.

3. Spiritual health. The main criterion of human spiritual health his humanity, the ability to live according to conscience, his comprehensive love and good attitude towards people, to nature, continuous following the highest law of wisdom: "Do others what you want yourself."

Thus, human life according to the laws of love, wisdom, beauty, justice, their harmony is the main path to spiritual, social and bodily health. A person driven by the highest interests and social motifs becomes spiritual and happy, kind and wonderful, able to accomplish wonders.

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