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The impact of emotions per person K. Isard. Effect of emotions on the functional features of the human body in terms of Ayurveda and Eastern Medicine

Emotions play an extremely important role in human behavior and activity.

Reflective-valued role of emotions.Emotions give a subjective color to what is happening around us and in ourselves. This means that on the same event, different people can emotionally react completely differently. For example, the fans will lose their favorite team disappointment, grief, the fans of the opponent's team are joy. A certain work of art can cause different people Right opposite emotions. No wonder they say: "There is no comrade for taste and color."

Emotions help to evaluate not only these actions and events that are currently or occurring, but also future, including the process of likely forecasting (anticipating pleasure, when a person goes to the theater, or waiting for unpleasant experiences of the exam, when the student did not have time to prepare him.)

Managing role of emotions. In addition to reflection surrounding man Reality and its relationship to a particular object or event of emotions are important for managing human behavior being one of the psycho-physiological mechanisms of this management. After all, the emergence of a particular relation to the object affects the motivation, the decision-making process or act, and the accompanying emotions physiological changes affect the quality of activity, human performance. Playing managing behavior and human activity role, emotions perform a variety positive features: protective, mobilizing, authorizing (switchable), compensatory, signal, reinforcing (stabilizing),which are often combined with each other.

Emotion protective function associated with the occurrence of fear. He warns a person about real or imaginary danger, thereby contributing to the best thinking of the situation that has arisen, a more thorough definition of the likelihood of achieving success or failure. Thus, fear protects a person from unpleasant consequences for him, and possibly from death.

Mobilizing Emotion Function It manifests itself, for example, in the fact that fear can contribute to mobilizing human reserves due to emissions into the blood of an additional amount of adrenaline, for example, with an active-defensive form (escape). Promotes the mobilization of the forces of the body and inspiration, joy.

Compensatory function of emotions It consists in compensation of information that lacks deciding or making a judgment about anything. The emotion arising from a collision with an unfamiliar object gives this object the appropriate color (a man who met a good or good) due to its similarity with previously encountered objects. Although, with the help of emotion, a person makes a generalized and not always reasonable assessment of the object and the situation, she still helps him get out of a dead end when he does not know what to do in this situation.

The presence of reflective-estimated and compensatory functions has a possible manifestation and authorizing the functions of emotions (Go to contact with the object or not).

Emotion signal function Related to the effects of a person or an animal to another object. Emotion, as a rule, has an external expression (expression), with which a person or an animal informs another about its condition. This helps mutual understanding when communicating, preventing aggression from another person or animal, recognizing the needs or states available in this moment In another subject. Even a kid who uses it for achieving its goals is about this function: after all, crying, cry, sufferer Mimica causes parents and adult sympathy, and other children have an understanding that they did something bad. The signal function of emotions is often combined with its protective function: the awesome view of a minute of danger contributes to the intimidation of another person or an animal.

Academician P.K. Zanochin stressed that emotions are important for consolidation, stabilizing the rational behavior of animals and humans. Positive emotions arising from the reaches of the goal are remembered and with the appropriate situation may be removed from memory to obtain the same useful result. Negative emotionsRemoved from the memory, on the contrary, warn from re-making errors. From the point of view of Anokhin, emotional experiences entrenched in evolution as a mechanism that

holds life processes in the optimal boundaries and warns the destructive nature of the lack or excess of vital factors.1)

The disorganizing role of emotions. Fear can disrupt the behavior of a person associated with achieving any goal, causing a passive-defensive reaction (stupor with strong fear, refusal to perform the task). The disorganizing role of emotions is visible and with anger, when a person seeks to achieve a goal by all means, stupidly repeating the same actions that do not lead to success.

With a strong excitement, a person is difficult to focus on the task, he can forget that Emu should be done. One cadet of the flight school with the first independent flight forgot, how to plant a plane, and was able to commit it only under the dictation from the ground of his commander. In another case, due to strong excitement, the gymnast (champion of the country) forgot, going to the projectile, the beginning of the exercise and received a zero assessment.

The positive role of emotions is not associated directly with positive, but negative with negative. The latter can serve as an incentive for human self-improvement, and the first to be a reason for complacency, compretability. Much depends on human purposefulness, on the conditions of its upbringing.

one). Druzhinin V.N .. Psychology. St. Petersburg: Peter 2009.- p.131.

Emotions are an integral component of the human reaction and other higher animals on environmental factors. They appear constantly and affect the behavior and actions of any thinking creature all their life, so the fact that not only the spiritual state of a person, but also its physical health depends on the emotional background, is obvious.
In itself, the word "emotion" occurred from Latin "emoveo", which means excitement, shock, experience. That is, it is logical to perceive emotions arising in us as fluctuations that pass throughout the body affecting all organs and systems that bind them together.

Starting with the most antiquity, scientists interested in medicine observed a correlation between the prevailing emotional state and human health. This is written in the treatises of Eastern Medicine, the works of hippocratic and other ancient Greek scientists. Also, we can trace the understanding of the connection of emotional and physical health in the people thanks to the famous sayings: "Joy is pursuing, and the mountain is old," "like a rza eats hardware, the sadness corps the heart," "Health cannot be bought - the mind gives him", "all diseases from nerves. " These statements urge to pay attention to the degenerate effect of severe emotional loads on the nervous system, which negatively reflect on the health of other organs and systems.

IN modern science The relationship of physical health and emotions confirmed the neurophysiologist Charles Sheryington, the laureate of the Nobel Prize. He brought regularity: the emerging emotional experiences flow into somatic and vegetative changes.

- Physiology of influence of emotions on the body.

The reaction to the world around us, first of all, occurs in the central nervous system. The receptors from the senses are fed to the brain signals, and it responds to the emerging stimuli, forming a set of teams to help in overcoming the emerging obstacle or consolidate the correct action.

- Impact scheme negative emotions.

With negative emotions, for example, in response to the insanity, aggression arises, supported by a hormone of Noradrenalin adrenalines; With a feeling of danger, fear arises, supported by adrenaline; The appearance of an opponent or a competitor for resources is the cause of jealousy and envy. Regular irritation constructly converts the usual, controlled emotions into something more: in the first case, aggression will develop in hatred, in the second - fear of anxiety (the state of the victim), in the third - in irritability and discontent.

- Scheme of the action of positive emotions.

Positive emotions are accompanied by the release of hormones of happiness (endorphin, dopamine), they give an euphoric effect that makes a person try more to get joy and calm again. Sereotonin works in a similar way, the level of pain and physical factors depends on the level of which in the blood (it is thanks to him, children so easily forget about injuries and capable for a long time Do not notice obvious damage, such as cuts, gaps, etc.).

- Physiological manifestations of emotions.

Hormones prepare the body to the answer to irritation: the rhythm of heart abbreviations is accelerated, the vessels are expanding, characteristic facial expansion, abdominal muscles are reduced, breathing is rapidly, the evacuation function of the gastrointestinal tract is stupid, "goose skin" appears (adaptation to air temperature), heat, nervous excitation.

When the boundary of regular influence is overcome, it means that the person independently coped with the problem that constantly called the corresponding emotions. When a certain limit is reached, individual for everyone, the body itself takes the body control levers. Thus, with the new appearance of an irritant, the conscious part of the person loses control. In this case, a person begins to behave like an animal, is able to harm himself or others, that is, emotions can not only harm physical bodyBut also seriously appreciated spiritual health.

In the case of constant emotional influence, be it positive or negative, the body is self-disgraced, as a person ceases to pay attention to his primary needs. The constant strong reaction (excitement, concern, fear, euphoria) depletes the body as it becomes cause.

Each of us knows that arising due to any emotion events are helpful for the formation of mood. And on the mood, in turn, the ability to cope with those or other problems depends. The vigor of the Spirit is always accompanied by success and joy, and depression and fatigue - diseases and misfortunes.

Eastern medicine has an extensive knowledge base for the search for the relationship between individual internal organs and external manifestations of their state. For example, it is the eastern doctors that created bioactive points, urine analysis system, type and color of the tongue in the language, are determined by which changes in the person, one or another disease can be detected.

How negative emotions affect health:

Anxiety, anxiety, depression - these emotions are quenched by the manifestation of energy in a person, forcing the surrounding world. The consequence of constant deterrence becomes challenges with almonds (tonsillites) and throat (bronchitis, laryngitis) up to the loss of voice;

Jealousy - the excitement caused by the desire to limit the freedom of near the person and greed, provoke insomnia and frequent migraines;

Hate - the sudden tides of energy, overwhelming the body, splash to no avail, loosening the human psyche. He often suffers from the slightest failures, and the wrong impulsive behavior leads to problems with bubble, stomach and liver.

Irritation - When a person annoys each trifle, we can talk about the sensitization of the body caused by weakening protective functions. It is not surprising that such people are tormented by frequent attacks of nausea (physiological response to poisoning), with which no drugs do not cope;

High-resistant and snobism - the arrogance provokes constant discontent with the people around the things and people, which is why problems with joints, intestines and pancreas appear;

Fear - appears in people for whom the main goal is survival. Fear absorbs energy, makes a man cynical, closed, dry and cold. Suspiciousness and confidence in the hostility of the world provoke arthritis, deafness and senile dementia from such a person;

Insecurity - a sense of guilt for each protest and error overloads thoughts and causes chronic headaches;

Sadness, boredom, sadness - such emotions stop the streams of energy in the body, provoke stagnation, loss of motivation. In the desire to protect yourself from risks and new attachments, a person goes into his own sadness and loses the opportunity to get bright positive emotions. As a result, it overtakes constipation, asthma, immunodeficiency, impotence, frigidity.

Negative manifestations of emotions also include excessive joy, since because of it, the human energy is dissipated without a trace, lost and spraying. Because of the constant losses, the person is forced to look for new pleasures that he is again not able to hold. The cycle is closed, and life turns into a constant search for entertainment, which leads to anxious states (the fear of losing access to the desired), despair and insomnia.

Of course, it should be borne in mind that disposable, rare manifestations of negative emotions are quite normal reaction on problems that every person have. To a certain extent, they are even useful, since, firstly, they are able to push a person to an important solution and stimulate the desire to correct problem situation In the right side, and secondly, they are a contrast, against the background of which positive emotions become more desirable and better with tangible.

Problems bring long emotional impacts, which over time become pathological. It is they who undermine the body from the inside and are able to make a person with defenseless in front of the environmental factors, creating the ground for the development of all sorts of diseases.

Emotions (from Lat. Emovere - to excite, worry) is a special class of processes and states related to assessment of significance for individual factors acting on it and express primarily in the form of direct experiences of satisfaction or dissatisfaction of its current needs. They serve as one of the main mechanisms for regulation of activities and accompany almost any manifestations of human activity. The basic form of emotions is the emotional tone of sensations, which is genetically determined experiencing a hedonic sign, accompanying vital impressions, for example, taste, temperature, pain. Another form of emotion is affectants representing very strong emotional experiences associated with active behavior to resolve an extreme situation. Unlike affects, emotions actually have a pronounced binding to sufficiently local situations that was formed in a lot. Their occurrence may occur without the actual situation of their education, in this aspect they act as activity. main feature Human emotions are that in socio-historical practice, a special emotional language was developed (the language of images), which can be transmitted as a certain generally accepted description.

The most essential characteristics of emotions are their modality (positive and negative) and intensity.

One of the most notable functions of emotions is an assessment of what is happening in external or inner world A person is good for a person or bad, harmful or useful, like him or not. Depending on the modality of the assessment of the situation by a person, he will either avoid it, or try to be in it, act. The basis of such an assessment may be subjective expectations and goals.

A person tends to strive for certainty in the interpretation of what is happening. In a situation of uncertainty, anxiety increases, and a person can sometimes choose anything in return for continuing uncertainty.

Emotions also sign about the importance of what is happening for a person: more significant causes stronger emotions. Usually, a person will vividly respond to everything that happens with people close to him, and, as a rule, is sufficiently inspirious to what happens with random passersby.

These functions of emotions reflect well and explains the proposed P.V. Simon information theory of emotions. According to it, "Emotion is a reflection of a human brain or animals of any relevant need (its quality and magnitude) and the probabilities (possibilities) of its satisfaction that the brain is assessed on the basis of genetic and previously acquired individual experience."

The information is understood to reflect the entire set of means of achieving the goal: the knowledge that the subject has, the perfection of its skills, the energy resources of the body, the time, sufficient or insufficient to organize the relevant actions, etc. The stronger the need, the stronger the emotion that it causes. The more the difference between the necessary and sufficient means, the same is stronger than emotion. When there are all the necessary funds, the subject quietly satisfies the current need, without experiencing special emotions about this. If the difference is less than zero, that is, we learn that we have not enough opportunities to satisfy our "Want", we are upset (u< 0, то есть эмоции отрицательные), и чем больше эта разница, тем эмоции сильнее.

The increasing probability of meeting the need encourages a person to rejoice in anticipation of the achievement of the goal. So the prognostic function of emotions is manifested, which allows to anticipate the development of events.

The most important moment In the process of performing professional functions, the need is the restraint of the employee's action. The restraint function is performed by a relatively distant goal through an emotional-volitional action.

Will is the specific need to overcome obstacles, which is always incremented to any other need that initiated the behavior and the need for overcoming. The volitional action contributes to the transformation of the need, steadily dominating in the system of needs of this person, in external behavior, in the act, into action. If there is a need for an obstacle to its satisfaction, two independent brain mechanism is activated: the nervous apparatus of emotions and the structure of the overcoming reaction. Positive value Emotions lies in hypercompensator mobilization of energy resources, as well as in the transition to those forms of response that are focused on a wide range of presumably significant signals.

At the same time, the various needs coexist are excited by different emotions, and usually the strongest emotion determines the direction of human actions. In this case, due to the fact that emotion depends not only on the magnitude of the need, but also on the likelihood of its satisfaction, the behavior of a person sometimes reoriented to a less important, but it is easier to achievable goal - a person chooses the "blue hand" instead of "crane in the sky."

P.V. Simonov also notes that with the implementation of biological needs is mainly due to the emergence of emotional states of the type of affects. Social and ideal needs stimulate the appearance of feelings and emotions.

Another function of emotions is mobilization, switching all organism systems to "emergency" mode, bringing it into a state of high availability to action. So, the emotions of rage, fear help in a fight, pursuit, when escape from danger, in situations where limit voltage and returns to all forces are required.

Emotions are regulated as the transition of the body from the state of rest in the state of activity and back - in favorable conditions Configuring the body to demobilization - restoration and accumulation of forces. Emotions produce the instant integration of all the functions of the body.

An important role, according to S.L. Rubinstein, play emotions in the processes of knowledge. Emotions are involved in the processes of training and accumulation of experience (including professional). Emotionally painted events are better remembered. Strong express emotions can distort the processes of perception. Emotions also affect the imagination and fantasy.

Another emotion function is communicative. Emotional bonds are the basis of interpersonal relationships in the professional sphere. An important role in communicating belongs to the expressive function of emotions, which has not lost its value and after the appearance of speech. Emotional expression remains one of important factorsproviding so-called non-verbal communication. Emotions can be expressed with the help of facial expressions, pantomimics, exclamations, voice expressions.

And one more emotion feature is due to the fact that, by A.N. Leontyev, they "put the task of meaning." Signaling about something significant, emotions can cause complex work Consciousness on explaining, approval, reconciliation with reality, or condemnation of it and even suppression.

The behavior of man largely depends on its emotions, and various emotions affect behavior in different ways. There are so-called lunatic emotions that increase the activity of all processes in the body, and asthenic emotions that are inhibited. Stenical, as a rule, there are positive emotions: satisfaction (pleasure), joy, happiness, and asthenic - negative: displeasure, grief, sadness. Consider each type of emotion in more detail, including mood, affect, feeling, passion and stress, in their influence on human behavior.

The mood creates a certain tone of the body, i.e. its common attitude (hence the name "mood") on the activity. The performance and quality of human labor in good, optimistic, mood is always higher than a person configured pessimistically. A person configured optimistically, always and externally attractive to others, than that which is constantly a bad mood. With a smiling pre-kind person surrounding with a great desire come into communication than with a person who has an unkind face.

Affects play a different role in people's life. They can instantly mobilize the energy and resources of the body to solve a sudden problem or overcoming unexpected obstacles. This is the main vital role of affects. In an appropriate emotional state, a person sometimes makes such that he is usually not capable of. Mother, saving a child, does not feel pain, does not think about danger to his own life. She is in a state of affect. At such a moment, the mass of energy is consumed, and very uneconomically, and therefore, to continue normal operation, the body requires rest. Affects often play a negative role, make human behavior uncontrolled and even dangerous to others.

Even more significant than the sentiments and affects, the vital role of feelings. They characterize a person as a person, sufficiently stable and have an independent motivating force. The feelings are determined by the attitude of a person to the world around the world, they become moral regulators of the actions and relationships of people. Education of a person from a psychological point of view There is a large extent that the process of forming its noble feelings, which includes sympathy, kindness and others. The senses of man, unfortunately, can be lowlands, such as the feelings of envy, anger, hatred. Aesthetic feelings are highlighted in a special class, which determine the attitude of a person to the world of beautiful. Wealth and variety of human feelings are a good indicator of his psychological development.

Passion and stress in contrast to sentiment, affects and feelings play in life mostly negative role. A strong passion suppresses the rest of the feelings, the needs and interests of a person, makes it one-way restricted in his aspirations, and stress generally actually acts on psychology and behavior on health. Over the past few decades, a lot of convincing evidence has been received. Famous American practical psychologist D. Carnegie in his very popular book "How to stop worrying and start living" writes that on modern medical statistics more than half of all beds in hospitals are engaged in people suffering from emotional disorders that three quarters of patients with cardiovascular, Gastric and endocrine diseases could well cure themselves if they had learned to manage their emotions.

The behavior of man throughout the day like a rainbow varies from bursts of joy to unreasonable sadness. All his actions and deeds are controlled by many factors. It may be the change of weather, and the specificity of the situation, and just a pleasant or not pleasant news. These factors cause certain emotions in humans, a specific attitude towards a particular event. They are the main lever in the formation of behavior.

Depending on which emotions at the moment over a person are dominated, behavior may be adequate and correct, and maybe an alogichic for a situation.

The famous psychologist K. Izard offered as a fundamental to highlight 10 emotions. According to his theory, interest, fear, joy, surprise, anger, suffering, disgust, contempt, shame and embarrassment are determining in human life, its activities and behavior.

Behavior, in turn, is of great importance for a person in terms of survival. With the help behavioral reactions Man avoids dangerous situations and adapts to a changeable external environment. For example, a person under the influence of fear emotion is not sure and strongly tense. All his actions are reduced to attempts to get away from the frightening situation. A person can make rapid acts. In most cases, the actions are performed automatically, unconsciously. Visually a person seems to be tense and crucified. Pupils are expanding, and the skin becomes pale. Increases sweating. Distinctive feature A person in a state of fear is a change in the voice associated with difficulty breathing.

Satisfaction of interest is an important need for a person's life. Thanks to the feeling of emotion of interest, people know deeper the worldMeeting with new facts and objects, removing personal benefits from this. The thoughts and attention of the person of the person are directed to the subject of knowledge. He looks carefully and hears. All internal forces are aimed at the process of touching and understanding the object of interest.

Joyful man Intensively gesticulates, performs fast and energetic movements. He feels easily and cheerfully. The influx of blood to the brain is activated by mental activity. A person who feels the emotion of joy, says lively and quickly concerned. Productivity of work increases significantly. For joyful experiences Increases body temperature, eyes shine, she shines her face. The activity of external secretion bodies is enhanced - tears appear, the salivation increases.

Emotion of surprise Recognize the easiest. It arises in response to any unexpected event or action. The surprised man is tense, widely opens his eyes, wrinkles forehead and raises eyebrows. Surprise is short-term.

It is difficult to confuse a person with someone in anger. All his actions and even the expression of the face show aggression. A person strains and becomes impulsive. His movements become more active, and confidence appears. Thinking, memory, imagination does not function, as it should be. The face acquires a reddish hue and a stone appearance.

During the experience Suffering a person is experiencing physical and mental discomfort, pain or even flour. This state is extremely unpleasant for him, as they say external manifestations in behavior. Physical activity Reduced, may grow into complete lack of movements. Thinking and attention is significantly reduced. Man apatic and is not able to adequately assess the situation.

Emotions of disgust When a person observes a phenomenon or process that is unacceptable and unpleasant for him. There are no generally accepted criteria for determining the ugly and unpleasant. One person is experiencing disgust looking at the insect or rat, and the other such a feeling causes a certain food product. All actions of a person, his facial expressions and gestures are aimed at avoiding contact with the subject of disgust. Mimic is prevailing the nose and eyebrows, lowering the corners of the mouth.

Contempt In its manifestation, it is similar to disgust. They differ only in the hostility. So the disgust can be experienced exclusively for subjects or phenomena, and contempt concerns exclusively people. In addition to the main manifestations, contempt is characterized by the presence of sarcasm and irony in words, as well as demonstration of superiority over the opponent.

Emotion shame There is due to its own actions that do not meet generally accepted standards and stereotypes. A man experiencing shame is tense, silent. His movements are composed. The face is blushing, the look is lost and lowered at the bottom. Thinking brain activity is activated.

EmbarrassmentThe emotion is similar to their manifestations with a sense of shame, only does not have an explicit negative color.

Depending on what effect, emotions are produced on the body they are raven and asthenic. Stenical emotions are strong feelings that lead all the resources of the body into the mobilization state. They stimulate human activity. Asthenic emotions, on the contrary, suppress the processes of the body's vital activity.

It should be remembered that no matter which emotion is experiencing a person, serious physiological changes occur in the body. The values \u200b\u200bof such processes for the body can not be underestimated and ignored. Long exposure to emotions forms a certain mood of man. And if it wears a negative color, such an impact can lead to mental and physical disorders.

Emotions have a generalized impact, and each of them affects differently. Human behavior depends on emotions that activate and organize perception, thinking, imagination. Emotions can overshadow the perception of the world or paint it with bright colors.