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As the cracker is manifested. How does the man's cancer behave? The behavior of the lover of cancer of a man. Behavioral reactions of a man-cancer who fell in love

This zodiac representative refers to water elements, full secrets and mysteries. A typical representative is usually secretive and few lettee in his circle.

Although the concern is a concerning the moon, in the structure of this zodiac sign, Jupiter is very strong. Therefore, the representative of this sign is characterized by a caste, he will surely take care, but neither about someone, but only about "his". So that people who entered his circle are very lucky.

Representatives of this sign of the zodiac are very emotional, but they try not to show their senses because of their excessive vulnerability.

It is very difficult to guess what a man born under this sign. But the craws themselves are very developed by intuition, and if his girlfriend has a new fan, he immediately guesses it.

How does a man's cancer behave

If the cancer fell in love with you, and you, too, have a response feeling, most likely, on your part it will not remain unnoticed. Although the man's in love under the influence of this constellation will try to hide his sympathy until his chosen is admitted to him in the fervent passion, or at least will not show it with all his behavior. And everything is exclusively due to their incredulsion.

But as soon as all the points above I are placed, the man Cancer stuck you with his romantic attitude. He almost every day will swear in his love, wear his choices in his arms, give flowers and other gifts (although the moon sometimes makes him home to greed).

Features of the behavior of the loving cancer

Cancers at the same time and mysterious, and landed, and their behavior when love is sometimes not amenable to any logic. But some moments can still be noted. So:

  • Like representatives of other "water" signs, they are very jealous, besides, they are excellent psychologists. Therefore, if you were lucky enough to fall in love with such a man, not and worry out. And the true betray, he is unlikely to forgive you, since this step you will encroach on his safety.
  • Lovers Men Cancels change. From nature, they are not very bold and decisive, because Moss is not very cozy in the structure of this sign. But the man's in love is cancer will definitely rise to protect his chosen, even if he will have to confront stronger opponents.
  • Men crayfish are often not punctual, since they have all the time anywhere happened with time. Saturn - the planet, which is responsible for him - in this mark it is also necessary (it is in it in imprisonment). Therefore, many crayfish are not serious and are not responsible for their words and actions. But the typical representative of this sign of the zodiac will never come to a date with a delay, and, if explained in love, never takes a single word back.
  • If you decide to marry a representative of this sign, know what he needs your love, protection and maternal care. But it will not be a game in some gate - they are able to give their wife a sense of security and surround it with the most tender warmth and attention. They also have a very strong connection and mom, sometimes even up to dependence. Therefore, if you want peace and peace in the family, be prepared to establish friendships with mother-in-law.
  • In Love Cancer is able to prepare a romantic dinner for you, but he is in dire need of approval of his chosen. Be sure to praise his culinary abilities, and he is yours forever!

In conclusion, you can add that, despite all the oddity of the behavior of a man of this sign of the zodiac, they will look at your reaction and draw conclusions. So, dear women, all in your hands!

M.uchodia under the sign of the zodiac cancer ... How do these people behave when falling in love? What is the behavior of a loving man of cancer, how does he behave - in love? In this article we will consider the peculiarities of the behavior of this sign in a state of love.

  • He does not speak about love immediately, but himself believes in the intuition of women. It hopes that the only one and herself guess.
  • Often talks about love when it already admitted. Before confession, he continues to be slightly clamped.
  • Maybe suddenly, invite somewhere, or dinner romantic cooking. So suddenly that it can cause shock.
  • It becomes very, very nice. In a state of "not love", cancer can not be so.
  • If the cancer is very sociable - sociability will take a circuit. It may turn into a few.
  • Colors tasks. But it will be very upset if it does not gues the choice (with taste) of colors. Cracks do not like failures.
  • When the compliment wants to do - flies, but will do, because it will not be able to express admiration.
  • If anyone says that it is cold, he will be ready to even tie the sweaters or socks.
  • It should not offend in love with cancer. Hurry - you will hear that he has no money for gifts.

Than in love with cancer - the jealous

He may have hated himself for jealousy, but it will not be able to control it. His phrase - "There is no medicine from jealousy."

  • Do not joke that love for it has no reciprocity. Jold - regret. It may even lead to hysterics.
  • Behind the beloved and on the edge of the world will go if it feels reciprocity. For him, reciprocity is important. He is so reciprocity ....
  • If the cancer fell in love - will follow the beloved if that will give a reason for suspicion. So it is better not to do this.
  • There will be cancer to check the phone (calls, messages, phone book). And he will never assume that it is ugly somehow.
  • He will get sick - says not immediately to not worry. If you are the love of his life.
  • Never give no reasons for jealousy. He even has thoughts will not change the one in which he is in love. Even when the girls are located in the company, it will be demonstratively to stay from them.
  • It will be painfully any attention of a man who will give him a passion.
  • He will radically change all its habits. Quickly, but will change. And it will be used to change, although not without difficulty.
  • He does not make a quarrel. They are not only furious, but also annoy. Cancer believes that lovers quarrel should not be in general!
  • Cancer will always seek to prove love, knowing that no evidence is required.

And how are your lovers' men - are cancers behaved? Comments and reviews:

Zabiyakina Oksana:

I did not wait for any gifts from my cancer. Although he, of course, did not promise me anything. It is a pity that the fact that women go crazy from gifts is not taken into account.

Rumalina Julia:

Me, in general, the men are annoyed - crayfish. They are not punctual. And on dates to your beloved can easily be late. As if you need so!

Zykina Anna:

I have a brother - cancer. ABOUT! This is a brother! Fell in love with one .... So on her hands it was wore on the eighth floor. Not because we have a terrible elevator. Just he loves romance. This is probably "contagious," because I am. Although not cancer on a horoscope, and my boyfriend is not buried in your hands.

Kuzmich Nadezhda:

Character - horror. He kills all romance in relationships. You dream only that some changes in the character occurred. Not what you dream, but pray! But this does not happen.

Loboda Zhanna:

When we met - he was the most ideal. But everything changed after the registry office. Its as if under the mel! He began to shout at me, never go anywhere now .... And we are not talking about love almost. If I hear something, then only "I want you." I did not think that it could sound so insulting.

Lisitskaya Valeria:

Good they .... Cracks! Just approach is needed unusual. Not everyone to seek it, unfortunately. Will not withstand the search for "suitable". And in vain will not stand it! Much will lose because of their impatience.

Wandering Veronica:

Jealous they like! For that, I do not always love them. I always do not like! I left three crayfish so much. Got because. Let's better go on football when they begin zealous attacks.

Vennitskaya Olga:

Cool you, Lerka, about a football! I would also go there when jealous. But tickets, however, are expensive. I go, by the way, in the circus, as an option. My cancer is the most perfect man. We are five years old in marriage, and he has not changed a bit. Already trembles from love to me! I wish everyone to love everyone! To be happy - happy! Like me….

Moon Marina:

I do not believe in ideality. I already "smiled." And, to taste, she does not suit me. Cancer, at the beginning of the relationship, very beautifully cares. And then all this beauty "eaten" weekdays.

Bohan Marina:

Two weeks cancer will be silk. And then he will show himself with negative sides. He will believe that he and so love. He's self-confident!

Mirletskaya Natalia:

Come visit, and personally meet with super cradfish! Next - judge yourself. I do not want you to think that I specifically intercept her. I don't do anything specifically.

Bellevich Valentina:

Tell the address, please, I will come! I do not wait for comparison to some spend, because it is weak to believe that cancers can be praised for something. And to intercepted - and suppressed! Sorry me, signs of cancer! Brutally I, of course, with them. But right, not false.

Stotskaya Anastasia:

I have a lot of new and unexpected learned for myself from this article. But a lot of negativity "sprinkled" to this sign. Do not "throw" under one comb all! It is not right! It is unpleasant! Correct! Be cooler than you are! Cancer is a good sign. M in love, and not in love. Believe me because of my life experience! She is unshakable! Yes, and my girlfriends are satisfied with their guys - crayfish. Feel in love with cancer - believe in good, understand how I was right. And I'm not always the right, but often.

Man-cancer, it is very sentimental, gentle and always impeccably dressed gentleman. They are polite and consistent, gallant and sensual, but their mood is changing as the Phase of the Moon. When sadness and apathy leaves you a more sensitive and balanced man.
Mysterious and mysterious man-cancer do not hurry to open your heart, usually he is looking for stable and reliable relationships.. The man-cancer acts leisurely and confidently, he is able to close with a woman who will take its sensitivity and varying and will appreciate all its positive qualities. Cancers choose women perfect on their ideas, intellectual and attractive, which will pay due attention.
Typical cancer is pretty hidden and understand that he is in love, it does not just happenBut still, according to some features of his behavior, you can solve his feelings.

  1. First of all, a man-cancer in love is surprising shy and gentle. His behavior is changing and you may seem that he is too clumsy or silent, in fact it says that he is not indifferent to you.

  2. A man-cancer can not talk long about his feelings, but if he is in love, then will try to be always near, help with advice or maintain in a difficult moment. If he is ready to meet you from work, every day to accomplish your home, then all this says that you are not just a girlfriend for him, but everything is much more serious.

  3. As a rule, in love with man-cancer, it becomes very jealous, He will not tolerate the presence of a competitor next to his chosen. His aggression and anger, may be incomprehensible to others, although the inamant cancer considers it quite normal.

  4. Love Men Cancer can easily define. Pier and devouring you with the eyes of cancer, while trying to look into your eyes when talking, without thinking about the fact that it can embarrass his chosen.

  5. If a man-cancer is in love, he surrounds you care and attentionwill be interested in your problems and affairs. But he will not tell about his difficulties, since in such cases he tries not to worry the subject of his adoration.

The man of this sign of the zodiac, as a rule, is striking his beloved by his touching behavior and devotion, he is always Galanten, and it is not possible to chant them. Representatives of this sign of the zodiac are often alolyubsIn any case, often change partners, it is not about them. It is worth considering that if you like to smell with men, do not like stormy emotions and do not tolerate frequently changing mood, but man cancer, it's not your man. Make conclusions yourself.

Emotions and feelings for him are the most important criteria when choosing a partner. It is able to quickly fall in love, get used to, during meetings to transfer the entire range of emotions. Also quickly can be attached, especially through intimate relationships. Some women agree to get stronger to tie a partner to themselves. But this move does not work like a man with cancer. If the relationships are filled with spiritual feelings, emotions and end closeness, he will get used to the woman stronger.

The attachment of the loving man of cancer is strong, deep, but emotionally not stable. Thoughts may appear that the chosen one can leave, break away, throw. Sometimes it may not correctly interpret the situation, to dramatize, creating an image of the victim. He is intended to be offended, remember the past, often a raised mood alternates with a sample, vary, when it closes in himself, as if he was hiding under his shell, I didn't close anyone.

With him you can know the lot of emotions and feelings, in relationship it focuses on emotions. And what they will be in a few hours, he himself does not know. But you should not be afraid, its fast change of emotions. In any case, it will be tied to his beloved for a long time, and it's difficult to go to break the relationship.

Defenseless, fragile mood

He is so emotionally perceived the world around us that by chance said the rude word or a remark is deeply injured. He is wounded, man, although trying to show himself calm that no one needs. In fact, he needs a woman caring, kind, sympathizing like a mother who can understand him, support, console, help.

Romantic, dreaminess

He is characteristic of dreaming of an ideal woman, fantasy about the future. It will sincerely hoped that the chosen is ready to accept him as it is, with all his good and bad qualities. If he sees that he became for his favorite most important person in life, it will open more. He is very important an emotional connection.

His ideal is loved

  • Gentle
  • Emotional
  • Understanding
  • Sensitive
  • Serious
  • Permanent feelings
  • Thoughtful
  • Sympathy

If a woman wants to receive:

  • Passionate feelings
  • Surprise
  • Change
  • Love passions and experiences

In this case, the relationship with it will be at risk. It will be difficult for him when a woman shows:

  • Cold
  • Surprise
  • Indifference
  • Frivolism
  • Inconstancy

Passion in love relationships, of course, can refresh feelings, but they must be moderately. The incessant passage of passions is difficult for him to withstand, he wants more peace, spiritual, emotional, where there is an understanding, spiritual heat, caress, tenderness.

He fits more woman if she wants -

  • Calm and measured family life
  • See near the understanding and gentle man
  • Sue with him sincere talk
  • Surround his caress, tenderness, care
  • And in response to receive a lot of care, tenderness, caress


As already mentioned, he wants to lead a calm and measured life, any fundamental changes in life, extreme situations, the sharp feelings will not like him. If his familiar, favorite lifestyle changes, then it will become cold, closed.

He will not like it, the name of the chief destroys his family values.

  • Shows impermanence and frivolity
  • Provokes him to the thrill
  • Criticizes it
  • Annoyed about his relatives and loved ones

In vain to think that criticism can be pushed it to decisive actions. No, this will not be. Susceptibility to someone else's influence, plus live imagination and strong emotionality can lead to unpredictable results. In any case, the opinion of the beloved may change. Especially acute it is experiencing when it criticizes his relatives and loved ones.

Care, guardianship

One of the pronounced qualities of all cancers, to take care, attention. He will want as much as possible how much it is possible to make relationships and her life is comfortable, so that his beloved felt safe, did not need anything. In some cases, it can express anxiety to the communication of the elect, try to limit it, and everything for her peace of mind.

Man Cancer How to understand that he is in love - the behavior of the in love men of cancer

The emotions of the in love Men roar are very gentle, thin, sincere. Especially this will like impressionable women who value constant care, attention, mental warmth. Its emotions can be compared with the beautiful song, with a twieight birds of the summer day, they are clean, without false, disinterested. With his emotions, he can slowly catch a woman in his heart, in her heart and leave his mark there for a long time.

In his emotions there are no hidden motives, calculating. They are digitally clean like a child. In his emotions, he is able to give himself his heart and reveals the soul. Waiting for the same sincere attention, understanding and tenderness.

He is trusted to trust the chosen, so it can be so easy to show all his weaknesses, he is alien to play fictional roles. He, such as it, will always be.

It is important that the woman understands this and appreciate, otherwise to be offended and closed in himself. There will be doubts, concerns why to open their feelings in general, show emotions to others, if no one appreciates.

Do not forget that it can be easily injured, offended. It does not know how to argue and aggressively defend your opinion. But closed, it will begin to painfully worry every word, a deed. Just for him, the statements are more suitable that words can hurt like a sharp knife. Or, that words are so heavy, cold, like stones. The predisposition to spiritual pain and the inability to defend, one of its weak qualities of character.

Any manifestation

  • Cynicism
  • Cruelty
  • Aggression
  • Surprise
  • Rude
  • Mocking
  • Irony
  • Yazvity
  • Criticality
  • Mercy

Can destroy his bright idea of \u200b\u200bperfect love. Together with it, sublime emotions and feelings are destroyed.

Man cancer in bed

A man of cancer in bed is greater than the value attaches not to the sexual act, but atmosphere where it happens. It is desirable that she was cozy, homely. No less important tenderness, caress, even more intimacy itself. Affectionate views, gentle touch, light kiss are capable of exciting his imagination. It will upset if the woman wants sex and ignores his tenderness.

A woman who does not hide his natural passion, and he will not like the hot temperament. But if it is inexperienced in love affairs, it will give him more to him.

Compatibility of a man of cancer with a woman will be good if;

  • She always wanted to become a housewife
  • Family values \u200b\u200bare of great importance for you.
  • Maternal instinct is developed, I want to take care of, take care, help
  • Want to get care, understanding, support
  • Like finely sensing men, emotional, soft, gentle
  • Appreciate the ability to be affectionate and caring
  • Restore restraint and coldness
  • Want the man to be true and devoted
  • Imagine yourself chapter family

Compatibility of a man's cancer with a woman will be difficult if:

  • I want new acquaintances with men, flirting, communication
  • Treat everything logically, without emotions and feelings
  • Believe that a real man should be restrained in emotions
  • Do not like those who quickly change the mood
  • I don't want to give birth to children, there is no desire to be a mother
  • No desire to have a relationship with his relatives and loved ones
  • Appreciate in men independence, independence, balance, calm

Where to meet a man's cancer

It is best that he feels in a friendly, sincere, pleasant atmosphere where you can relax, nothing to worry about anything and go to fantasies, pleasant memories. Many among men of this sign are houses, the best and safe place is a cozy house.

The most common places where he likes to be

  • Small cozy cafe
  • Secluded places
  • Reservoirs, sea beach, he can walk alone along the shore, admire sunset
  • Family celebrations, holidays
  • Meetings with relatives
  • Cinema, melodrama
  • Wherever you can experience sentimental, thin emotions

In appearance to find it difficult, he does not tend to dress brightly, does not like to stand out. But according to his emotional expression of the face, dreaminess, sentimentality to distinguish from others will turn out quickly.

Different from others he is a manner to communicate

  • Politely
  • Tactfully
  • Delicate
  • Soft
  • Uncertain
  • Emotional
  • Touching
  • Sentimental

He can notice beautiful details, nuances that would not be noticed. Already at the very beginning of dating, it is capable of tied to a woman. The fleeting novels will not suit him. And parting very wounds his soul.

How to fall in love with a man of cancer

Its like a magnet attracts women

  • Tender
  • Soft
  • Delicate
  • Friendly

But there are exceptions when it may be interested in opposite. They say that opposites are attracted.

Then he can pay attention to a woman

  • Arrogant
  • Rude
  • Worm

Only one should not specifically demonstrate such qualities, they will not lead to anything good. If he chooses such women, then the cause of his choice clearly lies in spiritual, psychological injury since childhood. With such a chosen, he will never be happy. If it chooses it, then only because he likes the image of the victim, respectively, and to choose the one that will give him suffering, experiences, torment. It will have to make a lot of effort so that it realizes that such a relationship will never be full and truly will be happy with a similar woman, with whom a lot of things are common, a lot of things unites.

Man cancer in a relationship with a woman


Behavior of the Loving Cancer Men

It is important that he felt a relative soul in a woman and opened emotional. One sincerity in dealing with it is not enough, it is necessary to show cordiality, goodwill, softness. Next, you must try to contact your connection, and turned into love. Emotional interdependence will help to get close together. When you can feel that you can not with each other and how you need each other.

For your beloved, he will make a lot

  • There will always be true to her faithful
  • Give her passion, tenderness and romance
  • Surrounding unforgettable feelings and emotions
  • Will always understand her, avoid scandals
  • Will show the maximum of tenderness, spiritual warmth and care

How to marry a man of cancer

He will quickly make a proposal if he sees that for the chosen

  • A family
  • Family values
  • Wants to be mothers
  • Give birth to children

No less important is the warm relationship with his relatives and loved ones, especially with his mother. In general, to enter into marriage, there will be no problems. He already thinks about him at the beginning of relations and represents the chief of his future wife.

If he exists insecurity and is in no hurry to make an offer, then in communicating with it more often the topic of family values, it is necessary that he himself wants to create a family with you. To all of the above, also add that you are important to feel necessary, beloved. But no one will love as children and beloved husband. And no one can be needed than the favorite and close, when I really want them to always be there. Such sentimentality will affect his heart and if he really loves, he will not pull it away for a long time.

Male cancer in marriage

Life with a man in marriage will be filled with emotions, feelings, tenderness. He likes to spend more time in the family, at home, he, in fact, a real household. Family problems are worried about more than communication with acquaintances, and retell the latest news and gossip. But on the other hand, for family life, he sometimes lacks realism, especially in the case when the living imagination takes into immense expanses of emotions, feelings, to the detriment of realism.

Relationship with man cancer in the family

Each sign of the zodiac has its own good and bad sides of nature. If we talk about cancer, it is not created for harsh life, intrigue, he has no need to assert themselves at the expense of others, it is not typical of him to shine in public, flirting, strives for extreme situations.

He needs a calm family life, where he could relax and continue to work for the benefit of the family. True, among the representatives of this sign, there may be even unnecessary emotional specials, which are difficult to concentrate on the realities of life. And then the woman will have to exercise more practicality, think about himself and about him.

Other representatives of this sign are more practical, do not rush to goal, paying attention to all the nuances that can help him achieve their goal. All so that he does not do, should benefit family, wife, children. Here he has no equal in care, in help, in support. He is not necessary to ask for a long time to help, he himself will notice what to do and suggest help. He will never leave her beloved alone, will try to do not need anything and felt comfortable not only in material, but also in the emotional plan.

What a man loves cancer in relationships

A man of cancer in relations likes to feel necessary, he needs himself that he is understood and accept what he is, they are waiting, they love, care. The more closely his connection with his family, the lucky and confident he feels herself, the more his self-esteem rises.

A family

Relations with a male cancer in the family will develop depending on his relationship with the mother, how harmonious they are and could he show independence. If the influence of the mother is great, then he will compare his wife with his mother, to evaluate how the wife is preparing and how much mother did better. If he is inclined to listen to the Mom tips, then, depending on her molding to the bride, he will have family relationships with his wife either improve or worsen. It is representatives of his signs of the zodiac that is influenced by the mother, and it will, respectively, through the son will influence his family, to his choice, on his children, his wife.

If he is more independent, it is capable of taking care of himself, well contains a family, a house, then his relationship with her mother will be filled with tenderness, warmth, love.

In marriage from it, it turns out a magnificent, gentle, kind, caring husband. Able to give out entirely without a residue, without requiring anything in return. His feelings are deep, constant, there are no windiness in them. They will live only for the family, solve all family problems, take care that every family member is cozy and comfortable at home. Fully comply with the partner.

House of Cancer

His attitude to the house is traditional and endowed with great, deep meaning. This is not just a dwelling, where you can eat, sleep, watch TVs. And this is the place where he will feel safe, where a calm psychological atmosphere reigns, respect family values. For him, all that is connected with his family has great importance, may store family relics, items, things that enjoyed in his family, and pass them by inheritance as relic. This can also include family jewels, vintage books. He is interested in the past, the story of a kind.

His ideal is a spacious house, with many buildings for various needs. The house is well suited near the reservoir, where he can walk the coast, look at the sunset and be in the challenges of his native element - water.

But even if it is a small apartment, he needs his own corner, his personal space, where he can retire and make a favorite thing.

Often he can shift many duties around the house, and silently work for the benefit of the family. He perfectly copes with the upbringing of children, grandchildren, constantly indulging them, take care, though sometimes his concern becomes excessive, and in response to her discontent gets. Why is offended that his care is not appreciated.


The best rest for him is to be alone when no one touches him, does not bother where he can retire. To restore his strength, we need a secluded rest, then it fade fastens lost energy. Especially his useful rest on the shore of the reservoir, next to his element - water.

Help well to recover

  • Reading
  • View sentimental films
  • Lyrical music
  • Saint conversations

Friends of cancer

Have a lot of friends familiar, spend time well, I am not interested in verbal. People converges with caution, sometimes may not trust immediately. Time is needed to confidence.

A true friend in his understanding:

  • Reliable
  • Patient
  • Constant
  • Responsible
  • Sympathy
  • Able to listen and help

Usually take care of friends just like behind the family. It will always help, notice that it will not be so, tells how to improve, change how to quickly achieve results. He gives the impression of a good-natured, friendly, caring person. But with those who did not have a relationship, the opinions of him will be not the most beautiful. Although it happens with everyone, it is impossible to all like it. And the cancer just will never do, will not adapt completely under others, strive to please. It is emotional and behavior depends on emotions.


In the choice of clothing, it is not whimsical, there are no special overestimated needs. It can wear the same thing for a long time, because they get used to one things and change to another no desire. If clothes are worn long enough, it is perceived as its own, native, closer to the body and mile look at it. As for the new clothing, even if he bought it, he would not feel that she was native, his own. He needs time to get used to it. Streets they buy rarely, only as needed.

But even if I bought new clothes, it is not in a hurry to throw out the old one, can save it just in case, can come in handy. It happens in time, it will completely forget about it, but only a few years later, having conducted a revision, it discovers what has long been worn. All the old, for him inextricably linked with the past, with his story, that it is extremely important for him and expensive.


Food is especially attitude. He will like to eat in a pleasant, home setting, not rushing anywhere. Due to attachment to mom, dishes often prefer what she was preparing. Mine food for him the most delicious, best, will always stand in the first place. New dishes get used to a long time.

It may take delicious food, not paying attention that it is less useful. Sometimes it can love troubles, poor mood is sweet or drowning with alcohol to calm down. As a result, manifests itself on the face and body in the form of excess weight.

Breaking relationship with man cancer

In truth, he does not tend to throw women, as he is tied to them very quickly, herself strongly, only the idea of \u200b\u200ba possible break, even if the relationship with it is complex. Although it happens until the time. Everything has its own limit, the main thing is not to crime borders, do not destroy the relationship, where there is already one emptiness and the land with passions.

But on the other hand, the gap can not begin in the physical plane, but in spiritual, in the spiritual plan. After all, for him the main thing is all sincere, where the most subtle emotions. Remember the proverb where it is fine, there and breaks? Here it also takes about it.

The first signs of rupture

  • Emotional coldness
  • Closed
  • Indifference

If noted that I stopped managing

  • Care
  • Attention
  • Emotions
  • Tenderness
  • Affection
  • Talk on souls
  • Ignore your questions

Preventing easier than to return, restore lost, so it is important to prevent the situation when it is emotionally distinguished. It closes in yourself, do not exacerbate such situations, it is really good for you.

Alive emotionally, it is difficult for him to believe that love ends, feelings disappear, everything collapses in his eyes, everything went to his eyes, he walked, she was stubbornly trying for the sake of family and all this at a great moment is destroyed in his eyes. Of course, here you can find a lot of logical explanations. It is difficult for him, since the thoughts under the authority of emotions.

It's a terrible thought that it will be alone again, no one needs anyone, no one will be near. The decision to part comes in extreme cases and after long, painful thinking, when no arguments, requests, words do not help restore full relations.

Especially if a woman is

  • Without end makes sharp remarks, hard criticizes it
  • Ground, mocking, reproaches
  • Coldly applies to it, without emotions
  • Considers emotionality and softness in men by the lot of weak
  • Seeks to independence, freedom and does not want to contact family problems
  • Family values \u200b\u200bto her alien and not needed at all
  • Think old-fashioned and stereotypically annoying

When he thinks about leaving, he seems to be removed from reality and is somewhere far away, but not here. You can immediately determine what emotions is experiencing how carefully he listens to his wife, whether there is a desire to talk to her.

Sometimes it is not able to endure his wife, he himself can become picky, unbearable, as if to push it into extreme measures, quickly divorce, make it a guilty of the breaking of relationships.

But when the relationship broke down the fault of a woman, it will be very difficult to return it, because he will not forget about the causal pain, about the suffering, experiences. No such behavior for forgiveness, and confidence, especially. The most effective way to return it in this case, to switch more of his attention to the past, when everything was fine with you, on sentimental memories. He has a habit of idealize the past, remember the brightest moments from the past, and want again to return everything, as before. This is where you can play and wrap in your favor, try to return that emotional atmosphere from the past, which is close to him and his heart.

If the rupture of the relationship occurred in his fault, then return it easier.

  • How would you happen to meet him in favorite places
  • In communication, focus on emotions, feelings, tell me how it lacks your life
  • The more sentimentality, the more convincing will be conversation and you can penetrate his feelings
  • Tell us how you remember those beautiful moments spent together and on much ready, just to return those beautiful moments.

He reacts very strongly to everything that concerns the past. And even if you left, it still deep in the soul will want to return to the arms of your beloved again.


He trusts too much beloved to jealous her. If he is sure that she loves him, he will still be that she likes someone. On the contrary, it will raise his self-esteem. And even if they say about treason, it will not immediately believe.

If you are convinced of treason, the relationship deteriorate immediately. Will behave so that the wife felt his guilt, will begin to bring it with reproaches, complaints, discontent, so that she understands which pain it caused him.

Treason from his side is very rare, but happen. Usually it happens if another woman was able to give more than a wife, he feels better with her, happy. But on the other hand, it will be difficult for him to break the relationship. And they can continue long enough, despite the fact that he will be hard for two families.

In this case, it is necessary to surpass the rival, give what he is missing. Unless of course he is dear to you.

Man cancer in marriage will be happy with a woman:

  • Emotional
  • Romantic
  • Gentle
  • Understanding
  • Able to sympathize, support, comforted, calm down
  • With traditional family values

Man cancer in marriage will be unhappy with a woman if she is

  • Mock, ignore his emotions, feelings
  • Mock and criticize his softness, vulnerability, impressionable
  • Cold and elfness to handle it
  • Militant to his family
  • Be inconstant, frivolous, surface

It is worth noting that this article contains just a description of the sign of the zodiac, that is, only the position of the Sun in the zodiac sign is described. When, as there are many other planets and aspects of those participating in the formation of character, behavior, habits, a person. If you need assistance to an astrologer or want to learn more detailed information about yourself or about the person you are interested in, take advantage of astrological services on our website.

Astrological services are developed by professional astrologers. And you will help you learn more specific and interesting information, taking into account the provisions of all planets, aspects based on your individual horoscope. Before ordering, you can see an example of the horoscope.

For a man born under the sign of cancer, openly admitted in love - a very harsh test. Representatives of this zodiac sign often try to hide their feelings until the latter, even if it brings them to torment. Nevertheless, you will certainly notice some signs that a man-cancer is in love with you. Such people appreciate tenderness and affection, so they themselves seek to contact the disclosure. Easy embarrassment, the desire to always be nearby, compliments, touching marks of attention - all this cancer that helps such men conquering women.

When a man, born under this sign of the zodiac, was seriously passionate about the girl, he tries to withdraw everything about her attitude towards him. It is necessary that at the time of recognition the fear of getting the refusal was minimal. Before you begin to conquer a woman, such a person will try to communicate with it as closely as possible, reduce the psychological distance and carefully observe her reaction to different words and actions. However, such actions, albeit preparatory, also often help to conquer the heart of the girl if she notices how the man is ingenious in the search for reasons to see and spend more time.

What techniques are conquering loved ones

Male crayfish very highly appreciate comfort, so they will try to provide their beloved ideal, from their point of view, the situation. With their chosen, they are attentive and helpful. To conquer the heart of the girl, a man-cancer can try to predict all her whims, fulfill all the desires, even trifling, conquer its location with small surprises.

Cracks - romance. If a representative of this sign of the zodiac fell in love with you, you can wait for an invitation to dinner for candles or walks under the moon. Give and luxurious, charming bouquets - also in their spirit. Finally, conquering the heart of his beloved, in love with cancer can even write poems. However, if such a person is not yet sure that he will answer reciprocity, he will send flowers from and poems anonymously in the hope that his beloved guess and make a step towards all.

Male crayfish will readily work "vest" for their loved ones. They are always ready to listen and support the girl who likes them. Such people prefer to seek confidence at first, and then love, and it is good for them.