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Impulsiveness: causes of impulsive behavior. Impulsive behavior

Psychology impulsiveness is considered as a predisposition to a spontaneous, lightning reaction to any external or internal irritants without taking into account possible consequences. As part of this concept, they speak impulsive behavior, when a person acts thoughtlessly, but later it is often repents in the deed or, on the contrary, further exacerbates the situation. This feature Character can manifest itself both in childhood and in adulthood due to increased emotional excitability, overwork, emotional overvoltage, as well as some diseases.

Such qualities as impulsiveness, initiative, flexibility of behavior, sociability are inherent in the main extroverts. The concept of impulsiveness can be opposed to reflectivity - a tendency to thoroughly think about the problem and weighing the decisions made.

In psychology and psychiatry, impulsivity is also interpreted as painful form Conduct at which a person performs certain actions, obstructing irresistible attractions, that is, almost unconsciously. It turns out that impulsive people are reduced by self-monitoring, and their actions are more automated.

Impulsive behavior and its types

The impulsivity is manifested by difficulties in confrontation with some momentary motivations, which in the end almost always lead to troubles, both for the patient himself and for its closest environment. Several examples of painful impulsive behavior can be given:

  • kleptomania - painful thief relief;
  • game - Pathological attraction for gambling;
  • impulsive purchases - the acquisition of unnecessary things, concern to purchases;
  • pyromania - an insurmountable thrust for ancestral;
  • impulsive sexual behavior - uncontrollable, excessive sexual activity, which can manifest itself not only in sexualism, but also voyeurism, fetishism, egsibilation and other inclinations;
  • impulsive food Behavior - Compulsive overeating, anorexia, bulimia, etc.

The above disorders are often found quite often among adults and adolescents, and leads to a significant reduction in the quality of life. However, elevated impulsiveness is fairly easily eliminated using competent cognitive-behavioral psychotherapeutic work.

Impulse behavior in childhood

The impulsivity in children is also a feature of the nature consisting in actions on the first motive due to the influence of any emotions or irritants. In view of the age underdevelopability of behavior control, such a feature is often found from preschoolers and junior schoolchildren. With adequate development of the child, such a form of impulsiveness is fairly easily adjusted, but it is possible that as we recruit this feature of the behavior will return again.
In adolescence, impulsivity often becomes a consequence of emotional excitability, overwork, stress.

Most psychologists consider the impulsive behavior of small children as a normal phenomenon, since due to age and a number of other objective factors, it is impossible to require full control of their own behavior. The central nervous system is actively formed in the first few years of life, and more or less regulate spontaneously emerging pulses, the child starts only for eight years. In fact, the lack of arbitrary regulation of behavior is simply a natural age feature.


The diagnosis of impulsivity is performed by a psychologist or psychotherapist with the help of special questionnaires and tests. The final diagnosis is set if the patient's condition satisfies the following criteria:

  • impulsive behavior is constantly repeated, despite negative consequences;
  • the patient cannot control its own behavior;
  • the patient is literally an irresistible desire to make an impulsive act;
  • after performing impulsive action, the patient feels satisfied.

The impulsivity is the state with which it is necessary to fight, first of all, to improve the quality of life of the patient himself. Depending on the reasons that caused impulsive behavior, and personal characteristics of the patient is selected individual technique Treatment.

Methods of struggle

So, the most preferred method of correction The psychotherapist always determines strictly individually, considering many factors, including features of development nervous system patient. In some cases, competently selected pharmacological therapy with the use of antidepressants and neuroleptics helps to get rid of impulsion. Medicines are prescribed in cases where impulsiveness is a manifestation of any mental personality disorder.

Various psychotherapeutic methods also help to deal with impulsive behavior. Cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, which is most effective when conducting individually, is not excluded and visiting group classes is not excluded.

Impulsiveness B. childhood Also can not be allowed on samonek. And although as the child's behavior aggrees, the main task of adults is to form its ability to properly proportionate its own motivations and expected results. That is, the child must understand that all his actions will entail certain consequences. At the same time, it is important to develop a system of encouragement so that the child has a concept about the "right" behavior. In fact, the adult sends a child in right direction And gradually shifts responsibility for his behavior. It is worth noting that the most big mistake Parents are that they are trying to "extract" their own child, taking it by self-control through punishments. This strategy is radically incorrect and can lead to the development of serious mental abnormalities in the future.

Of great importance in the correction of impulsiveness in preschoolers and younger students have joint games, imposing the containment of motivations and take into account the interests of the other participants. In the future, more and more contribute to the normalization of behavioral activity will be educational activities.

Sometimes it happens when we describe a character of some person, we use the word "impulsive". But the question arises about whether we know the true meaning, do we understand what is impulsiveness.

First of all, it should be noted that this personal quality forces a person, even if it is unknowing for himself, to take actions that are not subjected to preliminary lifting, weighing all "for" and "against". Unfortunately, under the action of impulsiveness, minute emotions, a person can adopt a fateful solution.

Psychology impulsiveness implies a peculiarity of human behavior, which is inherent in the inclination to make decisions, act on the first impulse, under the influence of circumstances or emotions. The impulsive individual is not inclined to think about their actions, but immediately responds to them and subsequently repent of the perfect. The reason for the appearance of it in adolescents is as a consequence from increased emotional excitability. And in adult impulsivity can manifest themselves when overwork, certain diseases and affect (that is, with a strong, but short-term, emotional experience, which is usually accompanied by relatively sharp internal and motor mental manifestations of individuals).

The impulsivity is a certain antonym to the concept of "reflexiveness". Reflexivity - the impulsivity is a hypothetical determination of the measurement of the cognitive style of the individual. It is based on observation, on the basis of which the conclusion was concluded that in solving problems of people can be divided into two types. The first type is prone to fast responseWhen taking into account the first thing that came to mind (impulsiveness), while, the second type shows a tendency to be more systematic, that is, before making any actions, they thoroughly think about the problem.

As a rule, a impulsive man after a while begins to regret the perfect act, which previously led to the destruction of any relationship. Depending on the personal qualities, This person may or ask for forgiveness, or further aggravate the situation.

Test for impulsiveness

In order to determine the presence of impulsivity, specially created tests are used (for example, the impulsion questionnaire X.Aizenka).

In the questionnaire below, the subject must be put next to the statement "+" or "-", depending on that I agree or not.

For "+" for questions 1,2,4,5,7,9-12 and 15 and for negative answers to №3,6, 8,13,14, 1 point must be put. Total than more quantity Calculated points, all the more impulsiveness has been expressed.

It is necessary to remember that it is impossible to unequivocally assert that impulsiveness is something negative in personality. Do not forget that the human nature is multifaceted and in most cases unpredictable.

The impulsivity factor relating to temperament and manifested by actions that are committed unexpectedly and inadequately circumstances.

A brief sensible psychological and psychiatric dictionary. Ed. igisheva. 2008.


The character trait expressed in the tendency to act without sufficient conscious control, under the influence of external circumstances or emotional experiences. As an age peculiarity manifests itself mainly in children of the age of preschool and school junior, which is due to the insufficient development of control over behavior. With normal development, such a form of impulsivity is quite successfully adjusted:

1 ) in the joint games of children, where the execution of role rules requires the containment of direct motivations and take into account the interests of other players;

2 ) Somewhat later - in the activities of the study.

Upon reaching the age of adolescence, the impulsivity can again manifest itself as an age peculiarity associated with an increase in excitability emotional at this age. Special tests and questionnaires are applied to the diagnosis of impulsion, for example, the impulsion questionnaire S. and X. Iizenkov.

Vocabulary practical psychologist. - M.: Ast, Harvest. S. Yu. Golovin. 1998.

Impulsiveness Etymology.

Comes from Lat. Impulsus - push.




The tendency to act without sufficient conscious control, under the influence of external circumstances or by virtue of emotional experiences.


As an age peculiarity, impulsiveness manifests itself mainly in children of preschool and younger school age, which is due to the insufficient formation of the behavior control function. In normal development, such a form of impulsiveness is quite optimally adjusted in the joint games of children in which the execution of role-playing rules requires the containment of their immediate motivations and take into account the interests of other players, as well as a slightly later learning activities. Upon reaching adolescent age, the impulsiveness may again manifest itself as a age-related feature, already associated with an increase in emotional excitability at this age.


Special tests and questionnaires are used to diagnose the impulsion, such as Matching Familiar Figure Test Cagan and the impulsion questionnaire X.Aisenka.

Psychological Dictionary. THEM. Kondakov. 2000.


(eng. impulsivity; from lat. impulsio -push; in a figurative sense - the motivation, reason) - the peculiarity of human behavior (in sustainable forms - the character line), which consists in proponationact on the first impulse, under the influence of external circumstances or emotions. Pulsive man Does not think about their own acts, does not weigh all the "for" and "against", he quickly and directly reacts and is often as quickly repeated in his action. From I. should be distinguished, which also suggests a quick and energetic reaction, but is related to the situation and the adoption of the most appropriate and informed decisions. I. predominantly peculiar to children of preschool and partly junior school agein connection with the weakness of the control of his behavior inherent in this age. Joint gamespreschoolers, requiring the containment of immediate motivations, subordination to the rules of the game, accounting for the interests of other players, contribute to the overcoming of I. In the future, there is another major role in this regard . In adolescents, I. is often a consequence of increased emotional excitability, characteristic of this age. Senior schoolchildren and adults of I. are observed with a large fatigue, affect or some diseases of N. from. Cm. .

Addition Ed.:1. I. Together with an antonymic term "Reflexivity"indicates one of the intended measurements of complex construct "Cognitive Style". To identify and measure the I. Developed a number of tests and questionnaires, in particular Matching Familiar Figure TestKagan and the impulsion questionnaire S. and G. Iizenkov. When performing the test test, the subjects are classified by speed and accuracy of answers to 4 categories: decisive tasks slowly and accurately belong to the category "reflexive"; quickly and inaccurate - "impulsive"; Dr. Options (quickly and accurately and slowly inaccurately) form a pole characteristic, which is called "efficiency".

2. B. lately Another meaning of I. (and impulsive behavior) appeared - preference less valuable, but closer on the onset of the onset (less delayed) reinforcement: "Better the tit in the hands than the crane in the sky." Vs. The choice (more delayed, but more valuable remuneration) is characterized by the term "self-control". Studies of these forms of behavior are conducted on animals and people. This value is permissible to designate the term "motivational I." (In order not to be confused with the "operating I." described above). (B. M.)

Great Psychological Dictionary. - M.: Prime-Evro. Ed. B.G. Meshcheryakova, Acad. V.P. Zinchenko. 2003 .


   IMPULSIVENESS (from.261)

Self-control is not just an important dignity of personality, but, essentially, prerequisite Normal life and communication. Not only does not own a person who does not cause sympathy among others; It sometimes falls into awkward and unpleasant situations due to insufficient self-control. And vice versa: the one who can compete his motives with the requirements of the situation and public standards is achieved great success on life path And he deserves universal respect.

Parents, of course, would like their child to go on the second path and learned to own himself. Everyone knows on his own experience, which is not always reasonable and useful to succumb to suddenly arising. No one wants his child to become a slave of his moods. We strive from the small years to instill a child sober and suspended behavior, appealing to his mind and common sense. Alas, it is almost never possible to the extent that I would like. Children often behave impulsively and spontaneously, in no way agree to measure seven times, then cut off. Particularly said belongs to preschoolers. But the schoolchildren sometimes grieve parents and teachers are unreasonable, hasty actions. In fact, this is a common misfortune that many adults takes out of themselves (after all, it is a children's impulsiveness often underlies what is customary to regard as whims, disobedience, etc.). Is it possible and do you need to take some measures in this regard? If so, what?

To begin with, let's try to imagine psychological mechanism Selfontrol. This is one of those abilities that significantly distinguishes a person from animals and allows him to take the right to take the highest level in an evolutionary hierarchy. The behavior of animals is dictated mainly by the simplest motivations. Only at sufficiently high levels of evolution appears the ability to more or less arbitrarily regulate their actions.

This experiment is indicative. The hungry animal (chicken) was placed in front of a transparent obstacle in the form of a M-shaped plexiglass wall. Behind the wall lay the food bait. After seeing her, the chicken was rushed forward, stumbled upon the barrier, but again and again made unsuccessful attempts to achieve the goal. Animals on more high level Organizations (dogs), pretty quickly found the opportunity to get around the barrier. True, the barrarity device forced for a short time to turn to the bait back and release it from the field of view. Only enough highly organized animals were capable of it.

The experience described is visual, although a very simplified illustration of the mechanism of arbitrary regulation of behavior. The spontaneous pulse pushes forward, to the target, although it is often immediately becoming clear that such a straight goal is not to achieve, you can also bother (sometimes it is known in advance). Only a partly by respiring the ariser arising and even for a while "turning out" from the goal, you can find a workaround, but acceptable and reliable way. The ability to do not occur immediately both on the evolutionary staircase and in individual Development Child. The baby simply does not know any other behavioral regulators except their needs. Only over time the world opens in all the variety and complexity that he gradually begins to take into account.

No one will argue that the psychological world of the child is different than the world of an adult. Before you master the skills of conscious behavior, the child must pass the famous path. And we, adults, in each case you need to make aware of which site of this path is a child. Parents sometimes hurry the events and believe that if the baby has learned to keep the spoon and lack boots as an adult, then and otherwise he must behave "right." BUT small child This is also not able. And it is impossible to force it, you can only teach, and gradually, consistent with the rhythm of his steps on the life path.

There are objective, purely natural factorsnot allowing to require a small child of complete arbitrariness of behavior. In the first six to seven years of life, the process of active formation of the central nervous system is carried out (it continues in subsequent years, but less pronounced and actively). In early I. preschool age In the brain, the nervous excitement noticeably dominates braking; Their famous balance is achieved only about seven-eight years. In other words, the child has not yet formed that psychophysiological mechanism, which would allow to suppress and regulate spontaneously emerging impulses. Therefore, parents requiring complete self-control preschooler must realize that they wish impossible. You can, of course, rigidly extinguish the child in such a way that the regulatory brake will be a permanent challenge to punishment. But parents, sincerely loving their children, will never agree to go on this path.

The lack of arbitrary regulation of behavior, such an annoying in an adult man, at a certain stage of the development of the child acts its natural age feature. And with this feature, we like it or not, you have to be considered. The power plant of "rational" behavior is not only unpromising, but also is fraught with serious emotional and behavioral problems.

Thus, in the first years of the child's life, its impulsiveness is natural and practically does not give in to correction.

Does this mean that parents can sit back in anticipation when their child itself will grow to a well-known deadline to conscious discipline? No, it is, of course, primitive and incorrect simplification. Refusing to influence the child (if it is possible at all), we never get conscious and sober behavior. Without having to hold the habit of keeping yourself, a person can stay a blank float, aimlessly faded in life whirlpool. How does he gain the necessary skills?

Adults must be aware that a small child is not yet quite capable of arbitraryly regulate their behavior. Therefore, the function of the regulator originally belongs to the adult, in the first months of life - fully. As the child develops, the adult has the right to expect a gradual redistribution of responsibilities. But it is notable to repeat: these expectations should not be hasty and excessive. The formation of arbitrary regulation of behavior is a gradual process, and must be patient to follow its tempo. Useless attempts to speed up it. However, it is unacceptable and to let the process on samonek: so just nothing will come. The influence on the child is not to decide everything for him, and not to prematurely require him of his own personal responsibility. Directing the steps of the child, the adult gradually shifts the responsibility on him (after all, immediately the baby does not master the fullness of such a cargo!). The main thing in this process is the phased formation of the ability to proportionate its motives and the likely results, actions and consequences. In each specific situation Adults should encourage the right steps of the child, once over time giving him to understand the need to take into account various conditionsrules and circumstances. Any other path leads in another, alas, an undesirable direction.

Popular psychological encyclopedia. - M.: Eksmo. S.S. Stepanov. 2005.


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