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Emotional stress, leading to neuroses. How to quickly relieve stress: simple tips

- this is a consequence of not only emotional, but also physical overstrain, but emotional stress this is one of the causes of stress. A person in his life experiences different emotions, without which it is impossible to imagine the existence of humanity, and life without emotions cannot be called complete. Some emotions make us happy, others, on the contrary, carry negativity, forming the basis of our actions and encouraging them, defining stage of emotional stress ... affects not only the mental health of a person, it can cause a number of somatic diseases and exacerbate those already having chronic ones. Therefore, it is very important to be able to With catch emotional stress to maintain mental and somatic health.

Emotional stressIs a mechanism capable of activating and mobilizing all the intellectual and physical resources of the body, aimed at solving certain problems with minimal information and a short time frame. In accordance with a particular situation, excitement is converted into emotions, which in turn are converted into sensory (sensory) and motor (motor) actions. The difference between the means of achieving the set task and real methods (availability of information, time and energy) depends on how high the motivation of certain motives is, how much the .

Emotional stress goes the way of development in several stages:

1st stage- mobilization of activity. At this stage, physical and mental performance significantly increases, allowing you to solve complex and non-standard tasks with significant time constraints. If such mobilization of the body turns out to be deficient for the body, then emotional stress goes to the second stage.

Stage 2- sthenic negative emotion... For the second stages of emotional stress characterized by the ultimate mobilization of all internal resources of the body, manifested in anger, anger, obsession and rage. If the body feels a lack of internal resources, then the third comes stage of emotional stress.

Stage 3 - asthenic negative emotion expressed by the state fear and anxiety , horror and melancholy, a sense of hopelessness. At this stage, the body gives a signal of danger, indicating that all internal reserves are exhausted and you need to look for other ways to achieve your goal, or abandon it, otherwise the fourth comes stage of emotional stress.

Emotional stress, having reached its climax, threatens not only with mental and neurotic disorders, but also causes a number of dangerous somatic diseases or seriously exacerbates existing chronic diseases. First of all, the nervous one suffers, cardiovascular and digestive systems.

Knowing about the consequences of emotional stress, you need to learn to manage this state and in a timely manner, until it reaches the dangerous fourth stage - neurosis.

How to relieve emotional stress?

If you feel that you are slowly turning into a "ball of nerves", then it's time ... First of all, physical activity will help you, and it is not at all necessary to be an athlete or torment yourself with grueling trips to the gym. A light morning jog or a special complex is quite enough. physiotherapy exercises , having accustomed ourselves to which we will receive a sufficient dose of the "happiness hormone" endorphin, the action of which in the body will help to reduce emotional stress and prevent development burnout syndrome , which is most often experienced by people who are in a state of constant stress . Emotional stress perfectly removes water, regardless of whether you are taking a contrast shower, or choosing the time to go to the pool. Relieve emotional stress walks help well, walks on fresh air away from the city.

If you are ready to "explode" right in the workplace, then try to relax and sit back, remember the most pleasant moments of life, or dream about the upcoming vacation, distract yourself with any thoughts not related to the source emotional stress.

Distribute your time rationally, combining work and rest, and at home after a difficult day at work, make the most of various relaxation techniques: meditation, yoga, arrange for yourself sessions of psychoemotional unloading to calm music, inhaling aromas mint, sandalwood, pine forest or lavender. Avoid conflict situations Houses and in labor team, solve the working moments as they come, without taking on all the load at the same time, rationally distributing it, look for other ways to solve certain labor problems.

A state of emotional stress often deprives healthy sleep, thereby accelerating the development of the fourth stages of emotional stress- neurosis. If you feel difficulty falling asleep , frequent night waking, early awakening or superficial sleep, which does not give morning vigor, makes it impossible to restore energy and strength, use decoctions of sedatives to combat any manifestations of insomnia medicinal plants. Relieve emotional stress and to protect the cardiovascular system will help tea from the leaves sage, fruits hawthorn and rose hips, herbs oregano, flowers chamomile, mint, lemon balm, Valerian officinalis , motherwort herbs ... In the absence of time to prepare broths, take herbal preparations based on sedative herbs that allow you to restore high-quality sleep, maintain the work of the cardiovascular system, and protect from depressive or hysterical neurosis, to prevent a malfunction of the vegetative nervous system leading to the development vegetative neurosis .
Drugs Valerian P and Motherwort P, which include plant materials, the effect of which is enhanced by vitamin C, which has an antioxidant effect and increases level of stress resistance manufactured in an easy-to-take tablet form. Innovative drugs Motherwort P and Valerian P are produced using the technology cryo grinding at ultra-low temperatures, which gives them a significant advantage over other herbal preparations produced using high-temperature processing of plant raw materials, which significantly reduces medicinal properties medicinal herbs, including when preparing infusions or decoctions.
Thanks to these advantages, the innovative product Valerian P was awarded gold medal at the exhibition "Medicine and Health" in Perm and the quality mark "Penza Brand".

If you feel like emotional stress is growing, then a biologically active innovative complex will come to your aid Nervo-Vit which became one of Top 100 Products of 2012 made using cryoprocessing, including collection best sedative herbs based on cyanosis blue, the sedative effect of which is 10 times higher than that of valerian.
In addition, cyanosis is a powerful anxiolytic that allows you to relieve fear, anxiety, horror and melancholy, which are signs of the fourth stages of emotional stress... To achieve faster anxiolytic and sedative action of cyanosis blue as part of Nervo-Vit, motherwort and lemon balm , and a longer sedative effect is provided by valerian medicinal, which has the ability to prolong the action of other sedative medicinal herbs when combined. The action of the plant leaves in the composition of Nervo-Vit enhances vitamin C.

Relieve emotional stress, overwork when performing difficult mental tasks or muscle tension with high physical activity will help an innovative vitamin complex Apitonus P based on royal jelly (consisting of about 120 nutrients) and pollen (the richest source of enzyme complexes, nonessential and irreplaceable amino acids, macro- and microelements, vitamins of the main groups),
whose action is enhanced by a powerful antioxidant complex: dihydroquercetin (natural reference antioxidant derived from the bark conifers), vitamin C and vitamin E protecting our body from premature aging, preventing the occurrence of psychosomatic diseases.

For those who prefer traditional technologies for the production of herbal preparations, herbal remedies are recommended, produced in the usual form of pills - Dragee Sage P, Dragee Valerian P , Dragee Motherwort P and dragee series "Evening": Dragee series "Evening", which include a collection of sedative medicinal herbs: Dragee Evening VCM (valerian, hop, mint), Dragee Evening Plus (valerian and motherwort) and

Emotional stress is a set of emotional experiences that reduce the emotional background and the motivational sphere of the individual. The state of emotional stress is accompanied by a feeling of helplessness of a person in front of life circumstances, his own uselessness, a feeling of loss of the meaning of life or the purpose of activity. The work is carried out formally, interest in others is supported by social demands, apathy gradually begins to fill all areas of life. In the affective sphere, there is irritation, suspicion and nervousness; various personal accentuations can be activated. The feeling of causeless anxiety and anxiety increases.

Fatigue is growing, which does not go away either after rest or after a night's sleep, but increases even with minimal physical exertion. Appetite may disappear, insomnia may occur, and a desire to take off and relax with the help of alcoholic and narcotic substances may appear. When using various stimulants (even coffee), their effect is not pronounced, and sometimes the opposite.

Usually, this state is caused by the long-term suppression of negative feelings or problems, but when a person is faced with such, the adjustment may be quite serious. In many cases, prolonged nervous tension leads to the development of stress, with all the ensuing consequences. If we ignore this symptomatology, then various ones develop, the therapy of which also includes drug correction of the condition.

The human psyche is designed in such a way that it is in a normal state only in constant improvement. During long periods of stability, emotional stress begins, accumulates, which is associated not so much with the external situation and the conservation of emotions, but with irritation from the lack of movement.

Causes of emotional stress

The state of emotional stress in most cases is caused by a person's inability to express their emotional and sensory experiences. This is usually about recycling and splashing negative emotions that have the most destructive effect on the psyche. It is in expressing such feelings that many people have difficulty. This is due to social norms of behavior, prohibitions on expression and discontent. Many with childhood it is suggested that one should not be angry with certain people or resist some actions. and character leads to the creation of an outwardly positive and desirable image - a person. Who does not cry, does not get angry, does not take offense, who is able to forgive everything and enjoys what is unacceptable. The problem is that simply concealing such experiences do not disappear anywhere and begin to destroy not only the psyche, but also the physical health of a person. Instead of refusing to acknowledge certain feelings, it is necessary to teach children to express them in a constructive way, without holding them inside.

In addition to such internal factors that are absorbed in the very early age, there is also an external influence. So, stressful situations and the constant discomfort caused by external events leads to emotional stress. This includes an unloved job, a bored husband, annoying children, noisy neighbors, construction site outside the window, unfulfilled dreams. Many of these factors are not even consciously noted by a person when he is trying to figure out the reasons for his own irritation, but they continue to act. And if you can change your way of reacting and manifesting emotions in a few months, then some external circumstances do not lend themselves to our influence.

The difference between our idea of ​​what the world should be and what its manifestations we are faced with is the most powerful factor that provokes emotional stress. These differences can arise on the basis of objective or invented differences. So, it is quite logical to expect support and attention from loved one and when betrayal or ridicule occurs instead, tension arises. But it can also be illusions that cause more and more claims to the world - for example, the desire for everyone to have dinner at a certain time or understand your words the first time.

Additional factors that make a person more susceptible to events and lead to overexertion are increased fatigue, any dissatisfaction. The physical state plays an essential role in the regulation of emotions, therefore, if there is a slight emotional shock with a balanced sensation of the body, it can go unnoticed. Conversely, a passing remark a stranger can lead to severe emotional breakdown amid lack of sleep and hunger.

How to relieve emotional stress

Removing emotional stress implies serious internal and external work, a subtle feeling of one's needs and capabilities, as well as patience, since it is impossible to remove in a couple of minutes what has been accumulating for months. Get involved in restructuring your own life and reducing the stress of everyday situations. The strategy of small tasks is perfect for this - when one large work is divided into several components. A person's perception is arranged in such a way that if the plan is global (for example, to buy an apartment), then such a goal will not cause anything but panic, and postponing the implementation will cause an increase in internal tension. Many small tasks should be set that will eventually lead to what you want. They can be performed periodically and not feel the pressure arising.

Reduce the level of uncertainty as much as possible - ask people for deadlines, look for detailed information, make comparisons with similar projects. The more you are aware of the real state of affairs, the less the difference between your expectations and reality will be. In addition, it allows you to optimally plan your own time and processes. Think over possible options development of events and their actions in them. This will take you away from empty daydreaming, increased anxiety and panic expectation. When the situation turns not into the chosen most positive option.

If you notice an increased level in yourself, which is not based on objective reasons, then it is worth working with your states. To do this, you can compare the emerging situation with similar, but already successfully ended, and what is now perceived as a tragedy is good to put mentally next to really bad things (for example, excessive worries about possible criticism of your report can be compared with the illness of a loved one - the level of anxiety should fall ). There is also the opposite strategy - bringing the significance and importance of the experienced situation to the point of absurdity. By spinning in your head the degree of influence of your failure on the presentation to the point that after that the sun can go out and the whole universe will die, you will notice an emotional change in perception.

Increasing your physical activity is a great way to process many emotions. Moreover, the type of activity can be selected in relation to the emerging negative emotions. If this is, then start running, if - sign up for boxing, increased - you go to the pool. You also need to listen to your own body - if you want to stretch, then do not force yourself to lift the barbell. In the process of sports and physical activity, there is not only a working out of emotions, a surge of excess adrenaline, but also the production of positive hormones, which stabilizes the emotional state.

If you notice the growing emotional stress, then you can reduce it right at this moment with the help of breathing techniques. This can be exercises from yoga or vaiveishen, just an alternation of deep breaths and sharp exhalations - there is no definite recipe, it is worth trying. However, it definitely helps to transfer attention from the process of thoughts to the process of breathing.

To release accumulated emotions, you can look for various optimal ways that will not harm people and relationships, it is good that this process took place in the presence of a psychologist. You can throw out emotions on your own through sports, dancing, singing, drawing (and even coloring), modeling. All types of creativity are perfect as a way to express your inner state, and even in the form of art.

Look for activities that bring you relaxation, work to bring more spontaneity into your life and find reasons to be happy every moment. Strive to reduce the amount of your own control. Reduce it only to the necessary things, while not touching other people's lives and beliefs. The fewer things you need to keep in your field of vision, the more moments for relaxation, and the world will not collapse without your intervention, rather it will breathe more freely and easier, just like you yourself.

Ways to relieve emotional stress

In psychology, many methods and techniques have been developed that help relieve or reduce the level of emotional stress. Some of them need to be performed only with a specialist, but there are a number of techniques available for independent use.

So, a change of activity is very effective, and it is necessary to choose something that requires strong muscle tension or physical activity. The duration of such a shift can be from five to fifteen minutes. You can do the necessary minor chores around the house - washing your shoes or dishes, taking out the trash, ironing your shirt. In the office, you can go for lunch, bring paper, water flowers. If possible, then the simplest and most effective is to go out for a walk at a fast pace, it is good to combine this with breathing exercises.

Fit different types... You can draw or glue collages, you can compose drawings using computer programs- here you can throw out anger, and annoyance, and dreams. You can also visualize in your imagination - it is better to work with energy. When you feel tension, it is worthwhile to imagine it as a liquid of a certain color and imagine how it flows out of you, through your feet into the ground. This technique is very grounding, especially if it is possible to take off your shoes and completely touch the ground with your foot.

Analyze the situation. When something makes you seriously worry, you can decompose the situation in writing by answering the questions: what hooked you, what conclusions can be drawn, what led to the occurrence of such a situation, what it affects, what could provoke other people, how to avoid or how to use for yourself. In the process of such analysis, you not only acquire a strategy for coping with similar incidents in the future, but also stabilize your emotions in the present.

Get rid of sad thoughts, surround yourself with positive people, sharing sadness with whom you can transfer the perception from the tragic to the comic perspective. Plan your day in such a way that there will always be a place for something that pleases or gives comfort, and try to put it on the evening - such an arrangement will help to accumulate strength on calm days and neutralize negative impact into unsuccessful ones.

The modern world confronts man a large number of tasks and goals, which together are stressful factors and provoke a state of emotional stress. It reflects the psychophysiological readiness of the body to find internal resources for the implementation of the outlined plans. Such a load cannot be beneficial, therefore it leads to the emergence of a feeling chronic fatigue... To avoid the occurrence of regular psychological stress leading to serious neurotic disorders, you need to learn to deal with your own negative emotions and understand the reasons that provoke them.

Modern man should know methods of dealing with stress.

Causes of occurrence

Most psychologists are inclined to believe that the reasons leading to such experiences are of 2 types:

  • external;
  • internal.

Internal reasons include the problem of inability to throw out emotions and experience them within oneself. Most people who face this problem are pessimistic or have low motivation and deep-rooted complexes. The primary consequences can manifest itself in the form of mild internal tension and discomfort, but if this condition is prolonged, then it can develop into a dangerous form of mental or physical illness.

People who have experienced a deterioration in health due to psychoemotional stress most often suffer from problems of the cardiovascular system. During the study of the problem, cardiologists concluded that people who cannot cope with such an emotional ailment are at risk, since the likelihood of coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis, as well as periodic hypertension (hypertension), increases. When emotional stress reaches a critical point, along with a change in the rhythm of cardiac activity, the blood supply also changes.

It is important to understand that in moments of strong internal feelings a colossal load on the heart arises, sometimes leading to irreversible consequences.

TO external reasons include stress factors - incidents leading to the experience of acute negative emotions. These are the situations that directly affect privacy person. They are associated with those locations to which the most time is devoted and whose psychological climate is most important for emotional comfort. Mostly it is everyday problems, working environment, relationships with close people and relatives, interpersonal conflicts that have not been resolved for a long time.

Preventing emotional stress

Feeling emotional stress on your own is easy enough. A feeling of heightened discomfort arises when a person may be completely healthy physically, but he characterizes his state of mind as satisfactory and feels the need to quickly get rid of the feeling of emotional oppression. The most destructive way to get rid of the problem is to completely eliminate all stress factors and go to the zone of psychological comfort, when any collision with the object of provocation of internal tension affects the nervous system adversely.

In order not to have to resort to such drastic measures, it is enough to learn how to prevent the symptoms that characterize emotional stress and prevent the further development of neurotic disorders. There are several rules of mental hygiene, following which you can achieve a stable balanced state and reduce the risk of stress factors:

Control methods

Even if all means of psychohygiene are directed against the onset of psychoemotional stress, no one is immune from encountering unforeseen circumstances that have a strong destructive effect on the nervous system. It often happens that the mental state is exposed to stress factors and in order to cope with stress, you need to resort to the help of special exercises that help to achieve a calm perception of the surrounding reality. It is worth changing your attitude to external manifestations that cannot be influenced. This is the first major step in helping to remove high level voltage.

Yoga is great for relieving stress

There are several bodily exercises that relate to yoga and help relieve emotional stress. It has a beneficial effect on the work of the central nervous system, restores the body after overwork and long-term performance of monotonous work.

When an adult is experiencing emotional stress and his mental state is not stabilized, the adrenal glands produce adrenaline, which activates all the internal resources of the body and encourages him to act no matter what.

To prevent critical harm to physical health, it is necessary to use up the produced adrenaline as soon as possible, for this there is a bodily technique. To relieve the growing psycho-emotional stress, you should follow a series of simple actions that will help get rid of the feeling of fatigue:

  1. Move one hand over your head and lightly touch the opposite ear with your fingers.
  2. Bring the middle and index fingers of the other hand to the tip of the nose.
  3. Change the position of the hands: right hand rises to the nose, and left hand to the ear.

This elementary and effective method treatment allows you to combine the activities of the cerebral hemispheres.

There is a way to deal with emotional stress in the form of breathing exercises:

  1. Bend your elbows and clench your fingers into a firm fist.
  2. Stomp your feet vigorously, straining your entire body and taking deep breaths and exhalations.

Such a stress management tool will be most effective if the person performing this technique has the opportunity to scream loudly. This helps to shed the emotional shackles as much as possible and feel relief.

It is worth paying attention to the method of dealing with nervous tension in the form of muscle stretching:

  1. Stand on your feet and straighten your back.
  2. Take a deep breath, as you exhale, rise on your toes.
  3. While inhaling, raise both arms, while exhaling, lower and tighten the muscles strongly.
  4. Lean forward, mentally relieving stress.
  5. Maintain this position for about a minute and try to stay in it, but relax as much as possible.
  6. Abruptly return to the starting position, make movements that animals often perform after bathing, that is, shake off "invisible drops" from themselves.

This technique is recommended to be performed several times at a slow pace, until a feeling of pleasant freedom from accumulated tension appears in the patient's body. These recovery methods are recommended for relaxation, it is useful to have a cup of herbal tea and take a cool refreshing shower.

Sand therapy session

It is impossible not to mention the diagnosis and at the same time the treatment of psychoemotional disorders associated with the use of sand therapy. It was studied by the famous Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung at the beginning of the 20th century. He noticed that this method of dealing with emotional stress and mental disorders has a tremendous effect, and interaction with sand gives a very important experience reflection (self-knowledge) and helps to release tension within oneself.


Tactile contact with animals deserves special attention. It has been proven that the biofield of pets has a beneficial effect on the fight against the state of apathy caused by chronic fatigue. This is a quick way to recuperate and create a positive outlook on the environment.

Pets help relieve stress

Exercise stress

Many people find salvation from psycho-emotional stress in sports, since there are a large number of its types, everyone can find something to do for themselves.

The main thing is not to become addicted to sports and not consider it the only key to managing emotional problems: constant muscle tension not The best way get rid of chronic emotional fatigue.


What would be the means to deal with psycho-emotional stress nor was it chosen, the main thing is to achieve the set goal and to reveal the essence of the problem, which was the root of emotional troubles. It is important to learn how to manage personal time and learn to distinguish between the processes that are carried out during the day. Time management techniques are great for this. In the concept of emotional stress, everyone puts their own meaning in accordance with the situation that led to this reaction. But everyone who faces this problem should immediately bring their perception to a higher, conscious level.

Usually, when we are upset, we begin to hold our breath. Releasing your breath is one of the main ways to get it out of your head.

Put aside all the problems that bother you. You can return to them whenever you want, but there is no problem in giving yourself a break. Breathe slowly, calmly, and deeply for three minutes. You can even close your eyes if you like. If you like, count to five as you inhale, and to seven as you exhale. (Cost more time to exhale creates a gentle, calming effect.) Imagine that when you enjoy this deep, unhurried breathing, all your worries and troubles disappear.

Taking a break is a relaxation technique. But at the same time, it can also work as a means of distracting attention, taking thoughts away from our problems for at least a few minutes.

  1. Simple statements.

Repetition of short, simple statements can help you deal with emotional stress. Here are some examples:

  • I feel better now.
  • I can completely relax and then quickly pull myself together.
  • I can control my inner feelings.
  • I can handle the tension whenever I want.
  • Life is too short to be wasted on all sorts of worries.
  • Whatever happens, I will try to do my best to avoid stress.
  • Internally, I feel that everything will be all right for me.

Try to come up with your own wording. Keep them short and positive; avoid negative words like "no" and "fail". Repetition is very important. Repeat your statements aloud several times each day, or write it down on paper.

  1. Magic word.

Interrupts the automatic flow of thoughts with a soothing word or phrase.

Please select simple words type: peace, rest, calm, calm down, balanced. Instead of words, you can read: 1001, 1002, etc., or use phrases like: "deep and even more deep relaxation" ... Let thoughts rush through your head, do not let them take possession of you. Close your eyes and focus. Repeat a word, phrase, or count to yourself for 60 seconds. Breathe slowly and deeply.

  1. Stress relief at 12 points.

Do the following exercises several times a day. (Always be mindful of your physical capabilities.) Begin by rolling your eyes smoothly — twice in one direction and then twice in the other. Fix your attention on a distant object, and then switch it to an object located nearby. Frown, straining the muscles around the eyes, and then relax. After that, work your jaw and yawn widely several times. Relax your neck by first shaking your head and then rolling it from side to side. Raise your shoulders to ear level and slowly lower. Relax your wrists and move them. Clench and unclench your fists, relaxing your hands. Now turn to the torso. Take three deep breaths. Then gently bend back and forth in the spine and from side to side. Tighten and relax your glutes and then your calves. Roll your feet to loosen your ankles. Squeeze your toes so that your feet are curved upward, repeat three times. (If you find it difficult to move your whole body, you can try to moderately tense and relax each body part separately.)

  1. Self-massage.

Even during a busy day, you can always make time for mini-recreation and relax. You can lightly massage certain points of the body. Do not press hard, you can close your eyes. Some of these points are:

  • Brow area: Rub this area with slow circular motions.
  • Back of neck: Squeeze gently several times with one hand.
  • Jaw: Rub on both sides where the back teeth end.
  • Shoulders: Massage the top of your shoulders with all five fingers.
  • Feet: Rub your aching feet.

A more penetrating version of self-massage consists in simultaneously stroking the tense muscle with your hand and imagining the heat emanating from the hand and penetrating into the tense area. The most powerful, energetic approach is to lightly spank yourself from head to toe. It both relaxes and gives a certain boost of energy.

  1. Breathing at the expense of 7-11.

Helps to relieve strong physical stress without leaving a stressful situation.

Breathe very slowly and deeply so that the entire breathing cycle takes about 20 seconds. You may feel confused at first. But don't strain yourself. Count to 7 as you inhale and 11 as you exhale.

The need to draw out the breath so much requires full concentration. A deep breath softens the tension that inevitably appears in the intercostal muscles. Exhalation stretched over time relaxes the abdomen. If you feel a little dizzy the first time you try this method, shorten the cycle time and breathe less deeply the next time.

  1. Warm up.

Some people find it easier to release tension while moving than at rest.

Try to express your feelings in physical exercise by doing gymnastics or aerobics, dancing or fighting an imaginary opponent. Even short strenuous action (like a few squats) will tone you up and change your mood. Brisk walking and running are effective. That being said, of course, take care not to overwork yourself.

  1. Questions to yourself.

Neutralizes happiness blockers by creating new perspectives in situations of pressure.

When you suspect that you are exaggerating the significance of a problem, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is this really such a Big Deal?
  • Is anything really important to you at risk at this time?
  • Is it really worse than what it was before?
  • Will this sound just as important to you in two weeks?
  • Is it worth it to worry like that?
  • Is it worth dying for?
  • What's the worst that can happen and can I handle it?
  1. Distraction.

Distraction is a form of positive distraction that blocks out stressful thoughts and feelings.

Concentrate your attention on a neutral object for a few minutes. Below are four possibilities:

  • Write down 10 names of objects or things that you dream of. These may not necessarily be important things, just ones that give you pleasure, such as a home celebration.
  • Slowly count items that are emotionally neutral: leaves on a flower, specks on a square of tiles, letters on a printed page, etc.
  • Train your memory by remembering 20 actions you performed yesterday.
  • Take two minutes to list the qualities you like about yourself, and give examples of each.
  1. Self-perception.

Stop for a moment and think about what you should like yourself. Say it out loud or think to yourself: "I take care of myself, my well-being is very important to me. I want to support myself and do my best. the best way... I want a really good life for myself. I am always on my side "... The feeling of self-support will increase if you hug yourself or just clasp your hands, as if reinforcing words of approval.

  1. Your valuable qualities.

Counteracts the inherent tendency to criticize oneself, reinforces belief in oneself with concrete, positive statements.

Make a list of your most valuable qualities. You can add some of the following points to it:

  • I take care of my family.
  • I am a good friend.
  • I've achieved something in my life. I help people.
  • I want to be successful
  • I admit my mistakes.
  • I try to behave intelligently.
  • I try not to commit more mistakes that I did before.
  • I'm pretty attractive.
  • I am talented in some areas.
  • I try to live in moral purity and be kind to people.
  • I began to understand myself better.

Write this list on a piece of paper and carry it with you at all times. When you feel overwhelmed, take it out and focus on your strengths... Give examples of your positive behavior. Better yet, tell them out loud or write them down. All of this will greatly enhance your self-confidence.

  1. Non-resistance.

If you are annoyed by a person or some specific situation try to think of it as a source of unpleasant energy. This negative energy affects your senses as well as loud sounds to your ears. Then imagine that you have become invulnerable: imagine a shield in front of you, from which the energy hurting you "bounces off". Or that you "lost" it, that it passed through you completely painlessly, like cosmic rays constantly piercing our body. And if someone tells you unpleasant things, criticizes, imagine that negative words "fly" over your head, without even touching you.