Repair Design Furniture

Coniferous plant with blue fruits. Conifers: names and varieties. Mountain pine Mugus

Among the plants that adorn our gardens, conifers occupy a special place. They give the garden a noble look and decorate it all year round. They are loved because they are very decorative and set the tone in many compositions. But, conifers are especially popular in winter - on the eve of the New Year. They look spectacular in the New Year's decorations in our apartments, under the caps of snow in large parks and squares, and in very small areas.

As for the planted conifers, then we can say that the sympathies of gardeners are almost evenly distributed among various types of spruces, pines, thujas, junipers and larches. All of them can be called centenarians, many of them even live for more than one hundred years.

Almost all conifers are evergreen. Only some of them, for example, larch, shed their needles for the winter. All the rest renew their needles gradually. Once every few years, old needles fall off, and new young green needles appear in their place.

The variety of conifers allows gardeners to choose the most suitable tree or shrub for their garden.

The following advantages of conifers make them very popular in landscape gardening:

  • They tolerate a lack of light and moisture well
  • Many varieties naturally have the correct shape, and therefore do not need a haircut.
  • Due to the healing coniferous aroma, they are widely used in folk and official medicine.
  • Due to the variety of species and forms, they are actively used in landscape compositions on sites of any size.

If you decide to plant a coniferous plant on your site, you need to approach the choice very carefully.

Key questions to answer yourself:

  • What do you want to plant - a tree or a shrub
  • Is the composition for the ephedra ready
  • Have you taken into account your climatic conditions and soil composition on the site

Coniferous plants go well, in particular with cereals, with roses, etc. If the answers are ready, you can start selecting the variety, type and shape of a coniferous plant.

Types of conifers


An evergreen monoecious and wind-pollinated plant. Its Latin name (lat. Pícea) Spruce is due to the high resin content in the wood. Widespread use in industry due to the softness of the wood and the lack of a core.

Spruce- perhaps the most beloved and widespread coniferous tree in our country. These beautiful slender trees with a pyramidal crown occupy one of the first places in the coniferous kingdom and have almost 50 plant species in their genus.

The largest number of spruce species grows in Western and Central China and in the northern hemisphere. In Russia, 8 species of spruce are well known.

Spruce is considered a fairly shade-tolerant plant, however, it still prefers good lighting. Its root system is superficial, i.e. close to the ground. Therefore, they do not dig up the ground at the roots. Spruce is demanding on soil fertility, loves light loamy and sandy loam soils.

Types of spruce that are successfully used in landscaping the site:

Sometimes it reaches 40 meters. Fast growing tree. Due to the special color of the needles - the top is a shiny dark green, and the bottom - with noticeable white stripes - it seems that the tree is bluish-green. Brown-purple buds give the plant a special charm and grace.

Serbian spruce looks great both in single and in group planting. The magnificent alleys in the parks are an excellent example.

There are dwarf varieties no more than 2 meters high.

(Picea obovata). On the territory of our country, it grows in Western and Eastern Siberia, the Far East and the Urals.

Coniferous tree up to 30 m high. The crown is dense, broad-conical, with a pointed top. The bark is fissured, gray. Cones are ovate-cylindrical, brown. It has several subtypes, differing in the color of the needles - from pure green to silver and even golden.

European spruce, or ordinary (Picea abies). The maximum height of a coniferous tree is 50 m. It can live up to 300 years. It is a slender tree with a dense pyramidal crown. Norway spruce is considered the most common tree in Europe. The trunk width of an old tree can reach 1 m. Mature cones of a common spruce are oblong-cylindrical in shape. They ripen in autumn in October, and their seeds begin to fall from January to April. European spruce is considered the fastest growing. So, in a year it can grow by 50 cm.

Thanks to breeding work, several very decorative varieties of this species have been bred to date. Among them there are weeping, compact, pin-shaped spruces. All of them are very popular in landscape gardening and are widely used in park compositions and as hedges.

Spruce, like any other coniferous plant, becomes especially beautiful with the arrival of winter. Any shade of needles effectively emphasizes the snow cover, and the garden looks elegant and noble.

In addition to the above-described types of spruce, prickly spruce, eastern, black, Canadian, and ayan spruce are popular among gardeners.

The pine genus consists of more than 100 items. These conifers are found throughout most of the Northern Hemisphere. Also, pine grows well in woodlands in Asia and North America. Artificially planted pine plantations are doing well in the southern hemisphere of our planet. It is much more difficult for this coniferous tree to take root in the conditions of the city.

It tolerates frost and drought well. But the pine does not really like the lack of light. This coniferous plant produces good annual growth. The dense crown of pine is very decorative, and therefore pine is successfully used in landscaping parks and gardens, both in a single planting and in a group. This coniferous tree prefers sandy, calcareous and stony soils. Although there are several types of pine that prefer fertile soils, these are Weymouth, Wallich, cedar and resinous pine.

Some of the properties of pine are simply amazing. For example, the peculiarity of its bark is delightful, when the bark below is much thicker than the one above. This makes us think once again about the wisdom of nature. After all, it is this property that protects the tree from summer overheating and a possible ground fire.

Another feature is how the tree prepares itself for the winter season. After all, evaporation of moisture in frost can destroy the plant. Therefore, as soon as the cold approaches, the pine needles are covered with a thin layer of wax, and the stomata are closed. Those. the pine tree stops breathing!

Scots pine... It is rightfully considered a symbol of the Russian forest. The tree reaches a height of 35-40 meters, and therefore is deservedly called a tree of the first magnitude. The trunk circumference sometimes reaches 1 meter. The pine needles are dense, gray-green. The shape is different - sticking out, curved, and even collected in bunches of 2 needles.

The needles have a lifespan of 3 years. With the onset of autumn, the needles turn yellow and fall off.

Pine cones, as a rule, are arranged in 1-3 pieces on the legs. Ripe buds are brown or brown in color and reach a length of 6 cm.

In unfavorable conditions, the Scots pine can stop growing and remain a "dwarf". Surprisingly, different specimens may have different root systems. For example, in arid soils, pine trees can develop a taproot that draws water deep underground. And in conditions of high groundwater occurrence, lateral roots develop.

Scots pine can live up to 200 years. History knows cases when the pine lived for 400 years.

Scots pine is considered to be fast growing. For a year, its growth can be 50-70 cm. This coniferous tree begins to bear fruit at the age of 15. In forest conditions and dense planting - only after 40 years.

Latin name Pinus mugo. It is a multi-stemmed coniferous tree reaching a height of 10-20 meters. Dwarf varieties - 40-50 cm. Trunks - semi-lying and ascending. In adulthood, it can reach a diameter of 3 m. It is a very decorative coniferous plant.

The needles are dark, long, often curved. The bark is brownish-gray, scaly. Cones ripen in the 3rd year.

To date, more than 100 varieties of mountain pine have been registered. And this number is increasing every year. In landscape gardening, dwarf varieties are especially used, which form beautiful compositions along the banks of reservoirs and in rocky gardens.

A magnificent view with a narrow pyramidal crown. Homeland - North America. In our country, it grows well in the southern and middle lane. Grows up to 10 meters. Very badly tolerates urban conditions. Especially at a young age, it often freezes. Prefers places protected from the wind. Therefore, yellow pine is best planted in groups.

The needles are dark and long. The bark is thick, reddish-brown, cracking into large plates. Cones are ovoid, almost sessile. In total, there are about 10 varieties of yellow pine.

A very spectacular variety of pine. Homeland - North America. The needles have a blue-green tint. The cones are large and somewhat curved. A mature tree can grow to a height of over 30 meters. It is considered a long-liver, as it can live up to 400 years. As it grows, it changes its crown from narrow-pyramidal to wide-pyramidal. It got its name thanks to the English Lord Weymouth, who brought her home from North America in the 18th century.

Poorly tolerates salty soils, etc. Relatively resistant to frost, but does not like winds. Weymouth pine is characterized by reddish pubescence on young shoots.

A relatively low coniferous plant - up to 20 m high. It is a slow-growing tree. The bark is light gray, lamellar. The needles are bright green, hard, curved. Cones are yellowish, shiny, long. The crown diameter can reach 5-6 meters.

Some experts consider it pine of Geldreich... Indeed, the similarities are great. However, since there are varieties under both names, we will nevertheless dwell on the white pine. To date, about 10 varieties of this species are known. The Geldreich pine has about the same. Often varieties can be mixed.

This type of pine in the conditions of our country takes root best in the southern regions, as it does not tolerate frost well. White pine is light-requiring, undemanding to the nutrient composition of the soil, but grows best on moderately moist, drained and moderately alkaline soils.

Looks good in Japanese, rocky and heather gardens. Great for both solitary planting and mixed group.


High (up to 60 m) coniferous tree with a conical crown. A bit like a spruce. The diameter can be up to 2 meters. This is a real long-lived plant. Some specimens live for 400-700 years. The trunk of the fir is straight, columnar. The crown is thick. At a young age, the crown of a fir has a conical or pyramidal shape. As they grow older, the shape of the crown becomes cylindrical.

The needles, depending on the variety, have different lengths and live 8-10 years. Fir begins to bear fruit from the age of about 30 years. Cones are erect and long (up to 25 cm).

This coniferous plant does not tolerate frost, drought and extreme heat. The pluses include the fact that it is the most shade-tolerant tree. Sometimes seedlings can appear under the mother tree in full shade conditions. Fir naturally grow better in good lighting.

This coniferous plant is a real find in landscape gardening. Fir is used both for single planting and for decorating alleys. Dwarf forms look great in a rocky garden and on an alpine slide.

Botanical name Abies balsamea "Nana". This coniferous plant is a dwarf cushion tree. Naturally grows in North America.

It is unpretentious in leaving. Loves good lighting, but also tolerates shadows well. For balsam fir, it is not so much frost that is terrible as strong gusty winds that can simply damage a small tree. The soil prefers light, moist, fertile, slightly acidic. It reaches a height of 1 m, which makes it a favorite decorative object in landscape gardening. It is equally good for garden decoration, terraces, slopes and roofs.

Propagated by seeds and annual cuttings with apical bud.

The needles are dark green with a special sheen. It emits a characteristic resinous aroma. The cones are red-brown, elongated, reaching a length of 5-10 cm.

It is a very slow growing coniferous plant. For 10 years, it grows no more than 30 cm.Lives up to 300 years.

Nordman fir (or Caucasian)... An evergreen coniferous tree that came to us from the mountains of the Caucasus and Asia Minor. Sometimes it grows up to 60-80 meters in height. The shape of the crown is neat, conical. It is for this neat appearance that gardeners love Nordman fir.

It is she who is dressed up instead of a Christmas tree for the New Year holidays in many European countries. This is largely due to the structure of the branches - the branches are often located and raised up. This is a distinctive feature of the Nordmann fir.

The needles are dark green with some sheen. Young shoots are light green, even yellowish. Needles - from 15 to 40 mm, look very fluffy. If the needles are lightly rubbed between the fingers, you can feel a specific citrus aroma.

The trunk of an adult plant can be up to two meters in diameter. At a young age, the bark of the Caucasian fir is grayish-brown, smooth. As it grows, it cracks into segments and becomes dull.

The Nordman fir grows rather quickly. Under favorable conditions, this coniferous tree can live up to 600-700 years. Moreover, the growth in height and width continues until the very last day of life!

Depending on the type of soil, the root system can be either superficial or deepened with a central core. The cones of this fir are large, up to 20 cm, located vertically on a short stem.

It has a unique property - the needles on the branches remain even after they dry, up to mechanical damage.

A coniferous evergreen plant belonging to the Cypress family. Maybe as a tree or a shrub. Common juniper (Juniperus communis) grows mainly in the northern hemisphere of our planet. However, in Africa you can also find your own juniper - East African. In the Mediterranean and Central Asia, this plant forms juniper forests. Stunted species are quite common, which creep along the ground and rocky slopes.

To date, more than fifty species of juniper are known.

As a rule, it is a light-loving and drought-resistant crop. Completely undemanding to soil and temperature. However, like any plant, it has its own preferences - for example, it develops better in light and nutritious soil.

Like all conifers, it belongs to centenarians. Its average life span is about 500 years.

Juniper needles are bluish-green, triangular, pointed at the ends. The buds are globular, gray or blue in color. Taproot.

This coniferous plant was also credited with magical properties. For example, it was believed that the juniper wreath scares away evil spirits and brings good luck. Perhaps that is why in Europe there is a fashion to hang wreaths on the eve of the new year.

In landscape design, both trees and juniper bushes are widely used. Group plantings are great for creating hedges. Single plants also do an excellent job of the main role in the composition. Low-growing creeping varieties are often used as ground cover plants. They reinforce slopes well and prevent soil erosion. In addition, the juniper lends itself well to shearing.

Scaly Juniper (Juniperus squamata)- creeping shrub. Dense branches with the same dense needles look very decorative.

Evergreen coniferous plant. Looks like trees or shrubs. Depending on the genus and species, it differs in color, quality of needles, crown shape, height and life expectancy. Representatives of some species live up to 150 years. At the same time, there are specimens - true centenarians that last almost 1000 years!

In landscape gardening, thuja is considered one of the basic plants, and like any ephedra it is good both in group planting and as a solo plant. It is used to decorate alleys, hedges and curbs.

The most common types of thuja are western, eastern, giant, Korean, Japanese, etc.

Thuja needles are soft needle-like. In a young plant, the needles have a light green color. With age, the needles acquire a darker shade. Fruits are oval or oblong cones. The seeds ripen in the first year.

Thuja is famous for its unpretentiousness. She tolerates frost well, and is not capricious in leaving. Unlike other conifers, it tolerates gas pollution well in large cities. Therefore, it is irreplaceable in urban landscaping.


Coniferous plants with needles falling for the winter. This is partly due to its name. These are large, light-loving and winter-hardy plants that grow quickly, are undemanding to soils and tolerate air pollution well.

Larches are especially beautiful in early spring and late autumn. In spring, larch needles acquire a pale green hue, and in autumn - bright yellow. Since the needles grow every year, its needles are very soft.

Larch bears fruit since 15 years. Cones have an ovoid-conical shape, somewhat vaguely reminiscent of a rose flower. They reach a length of 6 cm. Young cones are purple in color. As they mature, they acquire a brown tint.

Larch- a long-lived tree. Some of them live up to 800 years. The plant develops most intensively in the first 100 years. These are tall and slender trees, reaching, depending on the species and conditions, 25-80 meters in height.

In addition, larch is a very useful tree. He has a very hard and durable wood. In industry, its red core is in the greatest demand. Also, larch is appreciated in folk medicine. Folk healers harvest its young shoots, buds and larch resin, from which "Venetian" turpentine (turpentine) is obtained, which is used for many diseases. The bark is harvested throughout the summer and is used as a vitamin remedy.

Photos of conifers

Enjoy the beauty of nature with us

Sometimes, looking at evergreen conifers, people think: why does a person have such a short life on earth? Intelligent beings who can think, feel and create, on average, live 70-80 years, and ordinary trees - more than a thousand. Perhaps someday the dream of eternal life will come true, and then people will be able to enjoy the environment to the fullest. Until this time has come, it is worth getting to know more about different types of conifers in order to decorate your summer cottage with them.

It is these evergreens that harmoniously fit into any landscape design. Their austere and sophisticated forms stand out clearly on the green lawn in summer. And in cold weather, they refresh the country house with rich greenery and a pleasant resinous aroma. Many gardeners grow evergreen beauties on their plots, because their diversity is truly impressive. They are tall and dwarf. They are found in the form of a pyramid or cone. Therefore, the unforgettable landscape of coniferous trees remains in the hearts of grateful people forever. Let's take a closer look at the most popular types.

Among the huge number of coniferous centenarians, unique specimens are especially impressive: the Old Tikko spruce in Sweden (more than 9 thousand years old), the Methuselah pine in the USA (about 5 thousand). In general, there are up to 20 such trees on the planet.

National favorite - spruce

Probably, there is no person on earth who has not heard about this tree. A lot of poems and songs have been composed about him, pictures and fairy tales have been written. The plant is associated with various holidays, customs, and sometimes with bad omens. Because of this, the plant suffers from excessive felling, which brings a lot of grief to nature lovers.

Spruce is an evergreen coniferous tree that belongs to the Pine family, capable of growing up to a height of 35 meters. It has a pyramidal or triangular crown, ending with a sharp top. Branches are located along the entire trunk, so it is practically invisible from the side. They grow dark green needles with a glossy shiny coating, which are much shorter than those of pine.

The tree is found almost everywhere in the Northern Hemisphere. It is the main component of the Russian taiga, where it grows next to oak, pine, hazel, etc. In nature, there are about 50 types of spruce. Some of them successfully take root on the lawns of country houses. The following types are especially widely used.

Spruce roots are close to the surface of the soil, so a strong hurricane wind can knock it down. Therefore, the tree should not be planted near living quarters.


This type of spruce is characterized by a wide conical crown with hanging branches. It is considered slow growing. For 30 years it grows up to 4 meters in height. Plant diameter about 3 m. Prefers shaded areas. Spruce tolerates cold temperatures well. In the summer heat, it needs watering.


The tree has a columnar crown and flowing weeping branches, which, like a train, touch the ground. Grows up to a maximum of 8 meters. The diameter of an adult plant is about 2.5 m.

European Maxwelli

Dwarf shrub in the form of a wide cone. It tolerates winter frosts and shaded places without problems. It grows up to one meter in height. The diameter of an adult shrub is 2 m.

Glauka Globoza

The famous spruce stands out with blue needles. It grows up to 2 meters in height. Used in many countries to decorate urban and suburban landscapes. Due to the fact that the tree lends itself to shearing, original blue balls are made from it, which delight their fans all year round.

Fir - a tree with purple cones

Evergreen representative of the genus "Pine". It differs from its close relatives in the features of the needles:

  • softness;
  • shine;
  • flat shape.

White stripes are visible on the underside of each needle, which gives the plant a festive look. The fir tree is decorated with purple cones, which is its main highlight. It grows slowly over 10 years, after which growth accelerates. Lives for about 400 years. Breeders have developed decorative varieties that are used to decorate urban and suburban areas.

Since the needles of a tree have healing properties, growing a fir in a summer cottage is a great idea. It helps in the fight against colds, sciatica and wound healing.


The tree has a straight trunk and a narrow crown resembling a column. Grows up to 10 meters. The dense branches point upwards, giving the tree a majestic character.


This fir is famous for its long branches outstretched above the ground, which can reach 2.5 meters in length.


The variety is characterized by original silvery needles, the tips of which are painted in a whitish color. Every spring, shoots of a yellow color of a luminescent nature emerge from its buds. This unusual combination creates a stunning view of the country house site. And it lasts almost a whole month.


A dwarf tree that grows only up to 50 cm. The diameter of an adult plant is 1 m. The crown is rounded, slightly flattened. It takes root wonderfully in small areas.

Majestic cedar

Since time immemorial, these trees have been considered a symbol of greatness. In their natural environment, they grow at an altitude of 3 km above sea level and resemble real giants. They grow up to 50 meters. They live for more than two centuries.

Despite its greatness, it is a unique tree, as it can decorate any garden landscape. If you sit it at the front door, it creates an atmosphere of some kind of celebration. On spacious lawns - home comfort.

Some dwarf varieties are used to grow bonsai plants. To create original landscapes, species are widely used that differ:

  • the color of the needles;
  • the length of the needles;
  • the size of the tree.

When choosing a suitable species, it is advisable to first get acquainted with the plant. For home cultivation, the following varieties are used:

Mysterious larch

Many people think that if a tree is called larch, then it is not a coniferous species. In fact, this is not the case. The plant is a representative of the Pine family, but unlike its relatives, it loses its needles in the fall.

Larch grows up to 50 m in height. In this case, the trunk reaches 1 m in diameter. The branches grow in a chaotic manner, with a barely noticeable slope. As a result, a cone-shaped crown is formed. The needles are noticeably flattened, soft to the touch, bright green in color. In the natural environment, there are 14 different varieties. For garden design, the following types are used:

This variety allows you to create magnificent landscapes on the territory of summer cottages.

Dignified pine

Biologists count over a hundred different varieties of such an evergreen. Moreover, a distinctive feature is the number of needles on one bundle. The pine tree often grows up to a height of 50 meters. The straight trunk is covered with reddish-brown cracking bark. Long needles are located on the spreading branches of the tree and have a rich aroma. Pine lives for about 600 years and perfectly tolerates cold and summer heat.

Planting a pine tree should be done quickly, as its roots can dry out in a quarter of an hour. Such a plant does not take root in a new territory.

For garden decoration, breeders have created original miniature species:

Without a doubt, such evergreen living decorations are suitable for creating landscape rock gardens or mixborders. In any case, a pine tree can become the hallmark of a summer cottage.

Her majesty is thuja

An evergreen tree of this type is almost always used to decorate city parks and green areas. Recently, this plant has been widely used to decorate home gardens. It is prized by gardeners for its ability to withstand severe winter frosts, drought and high humidity.

The thuja tree is distinguished by lush branches, on which are scaly leaves of a dark green color. Each year, the plant is covered with miniature bumps that resemble scattered beads on green cloth. In addition to traditional forms, thuja are:

  • dwarf;
  • weeping;
  • creeping.

Most often, for the design of the personal plot, seedlings called "Occidentalis" are used. The tree can grow up to 7 m in height, and create a crown of about 2 m. Another type - "Sloth of Gold" - has a golden shade of needles. It takes root well in shady areas of the garden.

Medium-sized variety - "Columna" amazes with its dark green needles with a glossy sheen. It does not disappear even in winter, for which it is highly valued by lovers of green spaces. "Columna"

Compact type of thuja tree - "Holmstrup" has a conical shape, despite its height - 3 m. It tolerates cold winters wonderfully, lends itself to pruning and is used as a hedge. Another giant - "Smaragd" - grows up to about 4 m. The diameter of an adult tree is up to 1.5 m. The needles are juicy, dark green in color with a shiny sheen. Such a beauty will surely decorate the countryside landscape of connoisseurs of greenery.

Having got acquainted with the majestic conifers, it is easy to find the right option. And let the suburban area turn into a green oasis of joy, where hardy conifers grow.

Conifers in landscape design - video

In the pre-New Year's bustle, people storm the Christmas tree bazaars. Of course, what a holiday without the traditional "fluffy beauty"? The smell of pine needles brings peace, comfort, festive mood to the house. But most of us do not even suspect that one of the most popular New Year's trees is not spruce at all, as is commonly believed, but its close relative, fir. Outwardly, these conifers are very similar, but upon closer inspection, you can see a number of differences.

Description of spruce and fir

Spruce- an evergreen tree belonging to the pine family, the average height is 20-40 meters. Spruce has a pyramidal shape, straight trunk, gray - brown bark. It is a "long-liver" and can reach the age of 500 years.

Fir also belongs to the genus of evergreens, height is about 40-60 meters. The symmetrical pyramidal shape of the fir makes it valuable as an ornamental plant. Lives long enough, fir is known, reaching 1300 years. Fir lacks resin passages, which makes these trees unlike other conifers.


Mostly spruce grows in the Northern Hemisphere. And if in the taiga it forms full-fledged spruce forests, then closer to the Central part of Europe it becomes part of mixed forests. Many types of spruce are named after the area of ​​growth, for example, Serbian spruce, oriental spruce.

Due to the fact that fir is quite capricious and requires certain growing conditions, for example, high humidity and certain soil, it is found in our forests less often than spruce. In addition, fir up to 10 years old grow extremely slowly, the truth is, then their growth is accelerated. This tree is common in the South of Primorsky Territory, North-East China, the North of the United States and Korea.

Needles and cones

The spruce needles are located spirally around the branch, the length can reach 2.5 centimeters, the needles have a four-sided shape.

Thuja tree

If you remove the needles from the branch, you can see the tuberous surface of the shoot. Adherents of a "live" tree for the New Year holidays know very well how thorny the needles of the tree are. Spruce cones grow at the ends of branches, are ovoid.

Fir needles are long, up to 4.5 cm, flat, dark green with two white stripes, narrowed at the base. Its main property, which distinguishes it from other conifers, is its softness and lack of barbness. Fir cones are also quite remarkable: they grow at the very top of the tree and are directed not downward, but upward.

Use of wood

Durable spruce wood is the second most used after pine. It is used in the construction of houses, furniture and even musical instruments such as violins. Due to its white wood color, spruce is an irreplaceable raw material for the pulp and paper industry. In addition, spruce has healing properties, its needles are widely used in medicine as an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and analgesic agent.

I also use fir wood for making paper. In construction and furniture production, fir is not valued as highly as other conifers, because of its fragility and fragility. But due to the property of wood not to give off odors to food products, it is used in the manufacture of barrels for storing these very products. For medicinal purposes, "fir oil" is often used as a medicine against rheumatism and colds.


  1. For ornamental plant growing, fir is more advantageous due to its symmetrical shape and the absence of resin passages.
  2. Due to the fact that fir is more demanding on growing conditions and grows slowly, its cultivation is more costly.
  3. Fir needles are not thorny, wider and longer than spruce, and cones grow up, not down, like spruce.
  4. Spruce wood is more durable than fir wood, therefore it is used more often in furniture production and construction. Both fir and spruce are widely used in medicine and the production of pharmaceuticals.

Thuja: planting and care, reproduction and species

A story about conifers. Reflection. Yatskova O.A.

Senior educator MBDOU number 316

Yatskova O.A.

Dear teachers and caring parents!

Children, these are big reasons. They constantly ask us interesting, sometimes difficult questions. And you don't always know how to answer a child to a particular question.

When my son was just a toddler, he explored the world with great interest. And one day he heard the expression "coniferous trees", without immediately putting it on the back burner, asked what "conifers" were. Of course, every adult knows what it is and what benefits it brings. Like, and I told my son everything. But recently I found an amazing story for children "Conifers" (author's project "Children's Hour", 2012-2016), which will help any parent or teacher very easily explain. I want to offer this story to you.

Coniferous trees. Telling children.

Conifers are trees whose leaves are shaped like needles. They got their name - "conifers" from the word "needles".

Thuja: an overview of the most interesting varieties

The needles are many green needles covering the branches of trees.

Conifers differ from other trees in that their leaves do not fall off for the winter, while all our deciduous trees remain in the coldest season with bare branches.

The needles of conifers are not eternal, they change, but this happens gradually, almost imperceptibly. Replacement takes place sometimes within a year, sometimes every two or three years ...

And since the branches of coniferous trees are of unequal age, the leaves from them fall off at different periods. Therefore, a significant part of the needles is always saved for the winter, and the trees remain permanently green.

Conifers differ from deciduous trees in that their seeds are formed in large woody cones.

The most common of our conifers are spruce and pine. Their leaves are narrow, spiky, and not like the leaves of most other trees.

In addition to spruce and pine, conifers also include larch, fir, cedar, juniper, sequoia, yew, cypress.

Conifers, due to the stiffness of their needles, do not serve as a source of food for the animal world.

Only a few plant species can grow in the coniferous forest due to the lack of sunlight. It's always cool in them.

With regard to conifers, the expression "most-most" is often used. The oldest tree, the tallest tree, the thickest tree - all these record holders among trees are representatives of the coniferous kingdom.

The main types of conifers

Conifers belong to a large and ancient group of gymnosperms, only cycads and ferns are more ancient. Coniferous trees have more than 560 species. These plants are found all over the world, growing both in the hot tropics and beyond the Arctic Circle.

Conifers are quite diverse: conical firs, fluffy pines, spreading spruces, creeping junipers are an integral part of coniferous mixborders, hedges, curbs, alleys, rocky gardens. There is nothing to be surprised at, the varieties of all conifers are an endless source.

An evergreen, large, beautiful tree is always eye-catching because it is the most prominent component of any garden.

Thank you for the attention!

Theme:"Deciduous and coniferous plants." (Grade 1) for children with disabilities

Bernikova Lyubov Vladimirovna, primary school teacher.

C ate lesson: -to acquaint with the variety of conifers;

To teach to determine the type of wood by needles;

- to cultivate a respect for nature.

During the classes.

Repetition of what has been learned.

1. Teacher. - What changes in nature have occurred with the arrival of autumn? How do plants prepare for winter?

Consider the pictures. Try to determine the time of year from different trees.

What is the name of the trees that have leaves? Choose the correct answer:

(conifers, deciduous)

- What is leaf fall?

Leaf fall - adaptation of plants to the harsh conditions of winter

Why do trees need falling leaves?

Protecting the tree from winter drought. (leaves evaporate a lot of moisture)

Ridding the tree of poisonous substances from the earth and air.

Protection of thin and fragile branches from the severity of falling snow.

New topic.

What are the names of plants that have needles?

Compare the blade and the needles.

What is the difference? What kind of conifers do you know?

Acquaintance with conifers.

Even we ate at the beginning

They did not distinguish from pine:

Once the needles stick out-

So these are Christmas trees.

And when they ate on a branch

We got a better look

It turned out that she

Not like pine.

The spruce forest is called spruce forest. Sharp top, expanding to the bottom. Loves moisture. The needles are prickly, solitary. The crown is dense, gives a strong shadow. Spruce lives 300-500 years. Spruce wood is used to make paper and artificial silk.

In spring bloom,

I bear fruit in the summer,

I don't fade in autumn

I don't die in winter

I look like a Christmas tree

But a long needle.

The pine forest is called boron. Pine loves light. The needles are paired. Pine grows in any soil. There is healing air in the pine forest. Wood is a good building material.


a relative of the Christmas tree

Thornless needles.

But, unlike the Christmas tree

Those needles are falling.

People call larch the queen of Siberian forests. In autumn, golden needles fall to the ground like leaves. Hence the name of the tree. The needles are collected in bunches of 20-60 pieces. Photophilous. The wood does not rot.

Fir and cedar are also conifers.

Consolidation of what has been learned. Knowledge check.

Crossword"What tree is this leaf from?"

Answers: 1.Oak. 2.Birch. 3. Spruce. 4. Maple.


1.What sheet has a complex sheet plate?

2. What is superfluous?

3. What is the correct name for a leaf of a coniferous tree?

a) thorn; b) a needle; c) a needle.

4. Which of the coniferous trees drops needles for the winter?

a) pine; b) larch; c) spruce.

Lesson summary. Thanks for your work.

  1. Adapted educational program of basic general education mbsco "Boarding school No. 37 VIII type"

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    ... educational program 5-9 classes for children with violations ... plants Gymnosperms. Pine and spruce - conifers trees. Their difference from deciduous... (correctional) educational institution for kids with limited capacity health "(as revised by ...

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The strict shapes of conifers will always be appropriate in almost any landscape design. In summer, conifers are ideally combined with a green lawn in the yard and other flowering plants, and in winter, conifers are able to save a summer cottage with their bright green color and branching from gray days and lifelessness. In addition, coniferous shrubs and trees can give clean air enriched with healing essential oils.

Modern gardeners can no longer imagine their garden without evergreen trees and shrubs. And there are plenty of conifers to choose from. Below you can find some conifers that will be an excellent garden decoration and fit perfectly into landscape design.

Spruce: description with photo

Fir trees are tall, slender conifers that will look very effective both individually and in compositions. Professionals are able to build whole plants from these plants. coniferous hedges... Nowadays, spruce is not only a tall large crop for everyone, which has delighted us since childhood. In winter, a spruce planted in the yard where you can dress up with Christmas toys... Such a living beauty will certainly delight not only a child, but even any adult. From time to time, the assortment of these conifers is renewed with new decorative species. Most often, the following varieties are used for planting in a summer cottage or a personal plot:

Fir: description with photo

Fir is a magnificent plant belonging to the pine family. In Latin it is called Pinaceae. If we compare fir with other conifers, then it has some differences - purple cones growing upward and flat needles... The plant's needles are soft and shiny. Above the needles are dark green, and below each needle is marked with a white stripe.

It should be noted right away that young seedlings grow for a very long time. Growth begins to accelerate only after 10 years and continues until the very death of the root system. Despite the fact that the fir is a very common tree, many still cannot answer the question whether it is a coniferous or deciduous plant.

The names of the most popular types of fir among gardeners:

Juniper: description with photo

Juniper is at the top of the list conifers with bactericidal properties... The plant is very ancient. Juniper first appeared on the planet about 50 million years ago. Currently, it is customary to refer it to the cypress family. Juniper has about 70 species, among which you can find 30-meter trees, there are also 15-centimeter dwarfs. Each species has its own characteristics regarding not only the appearance, but also regarding the requirements for care and maintenance.

Most often, in summer cottages or in the garden, you can find the following types of juniper:

Before planting a juniper in your garden, it is important to remember that the plant should not be planted near fruit trees, as it is a conductor of a disease such as rust.

Cedar: description with photo

Cedar is a coniferous tree most commonly found in the aristocratic gardens of England. These conifers are able to decorate the landscape gardening in a peculiar way. Often, cedar varieties are used to decorate front entrances. Dwarf cedar trees can be used for bonsai.

Pine nuts, which many love, have nothing to do with the cones growing on the cedar. Real cedar cones are not edible. Edible nuts can be found in the cones of the cedar pine that grows in Siberian forests.

The main decorative species of cedar:

  • Glauka is a tree with blue needles;
  • Strikt - the plant has a columnar crown with dense and short branches that are slightly raised up;
  • Pendula - cedar branches fall down;
  • Nana - refers to a dwarf variety.

Cypress: description and photo

In the wild, these evergreens are capable of growing up to 70 meters in height. Outwardly, the cypress is very similar to the cypress. In landscape design, coniferous low-growing shrubs are often used to create a hedge... Among gardeners, dwarf cypress species, which do not exceed 3.5 meters in height, are in great demand.

The names of the most popular types of cypress:

Before planting an ephedra, you should pay attention to the fact that dwarf cypress species do not tolerate winter well. They will not freeze under a layer of snow, but they can vanish. This is why it is very important to monitor the density of the snow.

Cypress: description with photo

In their natural habitat, these evergreens are trees or shrubs that have a conical or pyramid-shaped crown. The entire trunk of the plant is slender and covered with thick bark. The foliage is tightly pressed against the branches. As early as in the second year, there may be cones on the cypress. Each type of cypress has your requirements for care and cultivation.

The most common types of cypress are:

Larch: description with photo

Based on the name, we can assume that this plant should not be coniferous. However, this is a completely erroneous opinion. Larch belongs to the pine family and belongs to the most common conifers... Outwardly, the plant is a slender tall tree that looks a bit like a spruce. Larch sheds all its needles every autumn.

In favorable habitat conditions, the diameter of the tree trunk can reach 1 meter, and the height of the larch can reach 50 meters.

Currently, there are about 50 plant species. The most popular of these are the following examples:

  • Vinimalis - weeping;
  • Corley - cushion;
  • Repens - a tree with creeping branches;
  • Kornik is a tree with a spherical crown;
  • Diana is a spherical crown, green needles with a smoky shade.

Tuya: description with photo

These columnar evergreen shrubs can now be found practically in all botanical gardens. Thuja belongs to the cypress family. Shrubs very resistant to decay, severe frost and drought.

U thuja powerful superficial root system upward-growing branches that form the shape of a column or pyramid. Also on the bush there are small cones that ripen in the first year of life.

All the most popular types of thuja shrubs:

In conclusion, it is worth noting that when choosing an evergreen tree or shrub for your summer cottage, you need to know not only popular species and varieties, but also understand all the features of growth, development rates, and also know the rules for the care and maintenance of conifers.

Conifers and shrubs: photos and pictures

Evergreens decorate the garden and heal the air. Often, in case of ailments, it is recommended to walk in a coniferous forest or park area. They are hardy and beautiful trees, but they feel a little different in the garden than in the wild. Despite its unpretentiousness, you still need to pay attention to them and provide care.

Conifers for a garden and a summer residence

All conifers are highly decorative, look great in group and single plantings. With a rich green color, they provide year-round attractiveness to the garden. However, not all conifers are evergreen. Among them there are those that shed their foliage for the winter. But for most representatives, the renewal of needles occurs imperceptibly: a new one immediately grows in the place of the fallen one.


Tall conifers can play a major role in garden decoration. They serve as a backdrop for other plants, effective in compositions with deciduous trees and shrubs. Often they are the solo plant in the garden. The small size of the plot is not a reason to abandon tall conifers. In order to decorate the local area for many years, it is enough to plant one tree. In 10-15 years it will become an accent in the garden that will invariably attract attention.

Juniper Skyrocket

Evergreen conifers are an excellent choice for creating hedges, decorating rock gardens and rockeries

A vigorous shrub, notable for its conical crown. At the age of 10, it reaches 3 meters in height. In landscape design, it is most often used in single plantings and as a vertical element of group compositions. With a tree height of 5–7 m, its trunk diameter is at least 1 m.

Sun-loving, does not tolerate shading. Prefers fertile, breathable soils. Winter-hardy, drought-resistant, has a powerful root system. The needles are small, with a bluish tinge. Suitable for urban cultivation.

In recent years, the Hoopsie spruce is considered the favorite of gardeners.

A representative of tall conifers with a luxurious conical crown with blue needles. It grows up to 15 m tall, unpretentious and hardy. The diameter of the trunk of an adult plant can reach 5 m. It differs in the stiffness of the needles, therefore it has a second name "prickly".

Strong branches of spruce are able to withstand a significant snow load. The tree tolerates the difficult conditions of the urban environment, it is recommended for planting in parks and other recreation areas. Remarkably high growth rates: annual growth of at least 20-30 cm. In the garden, it is most effective in single plantings. It is undemanding to the quality of the soil, it does not tolerate waterlogging.

The columnar crown of thuja Brabant allows the plant to be used as a hedge

In the Russian climate, it grows up to 3.5 m. Not suitable for landscaping areas in regions with an arid climate. Moisture-loving, tolerates air pollution well. Recommended for creating hedges in cities and towns. Thuja Brabant can be planted in both sunny and shaded areas of the garden.

The tree is evergreen, the lower branches are located almost at ground level. The needles are bright green, medium hard. The crown is narrow-pyramidal, dense. On average, it grows 10 cm in width and 30 cm in height per year. Fruits are brown cones 8–12 mm long, oval in shape with widening at the base. Looks great in single and group plantings, recommended for the formation of alleys and hedges.

The difficult Russian climate is not a hindrance to the growth and development of the Monochromatic fir

It is known as a tree with beautiful needles, dense pyramidal crown, dark purple oval cones 80–120 mm long. Monochrome fir needles are much larger and brighter than other members of the genus. The average length of the needles is 70 mm. A distinctive feature is the same color on both sides. The fir grows up to 40 m in height with an annual growth of 15–20 cm.

Grows well on sandy loam and loam, prefers places well lit by the sun. Differs in high drought resistance, recommended for planting in the southern regions. Among all types of fir, it has a reputation for being the most hardy and resistant to adverse environmental factors.

European cedar pine looks good and takes root near water bodies

A close relative of Siberian pine, which is often confused with cedar due to its external similarity. It grows up to 25 m high, the diameter of the trunk of an adult plant is 100–150 cm. Shade-loving, but can grow in sunny places. The needles are long, elastic, dark green with a bluish tint on the back of the needles.

European pine blooms in June, fruits are dark brown cones. This tree is a long-liver, its average lifespan is 300-500 years.

The needles of the Canadian yew are in the shape of a sickle

Shade-loving tall plant growing up to 2.5 m tall. The needles are dense, dark green, longer at the base of the branches than at the top. The crown is pyramidal, up to 2 m in diameter.

It lends itself well to forming. The plant is frost-resistant, with an annual growth of up to 5 cm. The bark, branches and needles are poisonous due to the presence of an alkaloid toxin. The wood is hard and durable.

Stunted (dwarf)

Dwarf conifers for the garden are a product of many years of selection of specialists from different countries. Plants of this type are rarely found in nature. Short conifers are one of the spectacular plants for the garden, and at the same time the most problematic. The reason is that with the wrong choice of a place for planting, dwarfs can give good annual growth. The plant in this case may be higher than the standard.

The golden needles of the thuja Amber Glow change color depending on the season

A low-growing shrub with a spherical crown and golden needles. Average height 80–90 cm, annual growth within 5–6 cm.

To preserve its decorative properties, the shrub must be planted in sunny areas of the garden. In the shade, the needles take on a green tint.

Amber Glow has good frost resistance, but requires shelter for the winter. The bush looks great as a soloist and in composition with flowers and deciduous plants. Recommended for heather orchards.

Tuyu Oriental Aurea Nana can be grown in containers to be used in terrace decoration

An evergreen tree with a beautiful ovoid crown, dense and branched. The peculiarity is the pointed crown. Grows up to 170 cm tall. The annual growth is 5–6 cm. The crown diameter is 80–90 cm. The needles are golden-green in the warm season, and with a bronze tint in winter.

The plant is unpretentious, grows well on any soil, except for stony and heavy clayey soils. Prefers places well lit by the sun, moist, breathable soils.

Landing in partial shade is possible. For the normal development of the plant, regular watering is necessary. Small thuja is suitable for the formation of low hedges, in urban conditions it is grown as a curb.

Thuja occidentalis Caespitosa

In 1923, thuja Caespitosa was discovered in the greenhouse of the Irish Botanical Garden in Dublin, its origin is unknown.

One of the shortest coniferous plants, reaching a height of no more than 40 cm. The crown is dense, cushion-shaped, semicircular in shape. Differs in low growth intensity: by the age of 15, it is a tree 30 cm high with a crown width of 35–40 cm. The branches are erect, the needles are dense.

Thuja western Danica

With regular pruning, the crown of Danica's thuja becomes thick

Dwarf thuja, characterized by extremely slow growth. By the age of 20, it reaches 60 cm in height and the same in the diameter of the crown.

In the warm season, the needles of the tree are bright green, with the onset of cold weather it takes on a brown tint. It is recommended to land in places protected from the wind, in partial shade.

For the winter, the plant needs shelter, and in the summer, protection from sunburn. The root system is shallow; in the first two years after planting, regular watering is required. It is recommended to mulch the thuja trunk circle in order to retain moisture.

In modern gardens, thuja western Hoseri is widely used due to its unusual crown shape.

Evergreen undersized thuja, bred by Polish breeders. Has a dense spherical crown.

The plant is multi-stemmed with dense scaly needles, which change from green to bronze-brown by autumn. The tree is frost-resistant, but in the first 3-4 years after planting it needs shelter for the winter.

It tolerates crown molding well, differs in a small annual growth. Planting is recommended in well-drained fertile soils. Tue Hoseri needs regular watering.


Creeping conifers are otherwise called creeping. The most common area of ​​application in landscape design is the decoration of gardens and adjoining territories as a "thorny lawn". Some types of juniper are horizontal and only a few centimeters high and are used as ground cover plants. From creeping conifers of medium height, spectacular evergreen borders are arranged.

Blue Chip juniper ground cover is highly winter-hardy

Juniper horizontal Blue chip is one of the most popular varieties of creeping conifers. A plant with small and dense needles of a silvery-blue color. It grows rapidly, forming a continuous prickly carpet.

The shrub is characterized by an average growth rate, by the age of 10 it reaches 20 cm in height with a crown width of 30-50 cm. Shoots grow evenly in different directions, the tops slightly rise above the ground level.

Juniper Blue Chip is a powerful air purifier, heals the atmosphere within a radius of 10 m from the place of growth. It is widely used to decorate rockeries and rock gardens, it feels good on rocky soils.

It is drought-resistant, but to obtain a high decorative effect, the plant needs watering. The soil must be well-drained, moisture stagnation is undesirable. Photophilous, recommended for planting in rocky gardens, retaining walls and small hills.

The branches of the flat crown of the Green Carpet juniper are pressed tightly to the ground

Dwarf juniper Green Carpet has soft, dense light green needles. The shoots are arranged horizontally, intertwined with each other, covering the ground with a dense fluffy carpet. By the age of 10 it grows up to 20 cm tall. The crown is wide and flat, up to 150 cm in diameter. Planting on sandy and calcareous soils, sandy loam is recommended.

The plant grows well in sunny places, but prefers partial shade. During the summer heat, sunburn is possible. It lends itself well to molding, after which the crown becomes thicker and more beautiful.

Under the dense carpet of Green Carpet juniper branches, not a single weed survives.

Frost-resistant juniper Prince of Wales is unpretentious to soil

The low creeping prince of Wales juniper grows to only 15 cm in height. At the same time, the crown diameter reaches 250 cm.

Effective in group and single plantings, recommended for the decoration of rocky slides and rock gardens. Differs in high winter hardiness, does not freeze out in Siberia and the Far East. When used as a ground cover plant, the recommended planting scheme is 2-3 bushes per 1 m 2.

In the first few years of life, the crown has a cushion shape; later, creeping shoots grow. Fruiting in small pineal berries. In the warm season, the needles are green with a bluish tint, in winter they acquire bronze tones.

In the hot season, the common juniper Depressa Aurea needs abundant watering and sprinkling of the crown

The undersized coniferous shrub of Depressa Aurea has a high growth rate among creepers. Annual growth is up to 15 cm.The maximum height of an adult plant is 50 cm, crown diameter is 200 cm.

The branches are slightly raised up, the tips hang down to the ground. The needles are thick, golden-yellow, brown tones begin to prevail over time. In the cold season it becomes brown. The plant is undemanding to the quality of the soil, winter-hardy, grows well in shade and partial shade.

The slow-growing juniper variety Golden Carpet was bred by breeders in 1992

Juniper horizontal Golden Carpet is one of the most popular creeping plants for decorating rock gardens, garden compositions and the formation of coniferous beds.

The height of the bush does not exceed 15 cm, the diameter of the crown is 150 cm. The needles are dense, golden in the upper part of the shoots, and yellow-green in the lower part facing the ground. Planting is recommended in places well lit by the sun: in the shade, this plant loses its decorative effect. Grows well on any soil, but prefers moist and drained.

Photo gallery: conifers in landscape design

Conifers are widely used in landscape design, not only because of their decorative effect. Representatives of this group are distinguished by good winter hardiness, shade-tolerant, saturate the air with healing phytoncides.

Dwarf forms of conifers are popular in the design of alpine slides

Dwarf species will revive and decorate the rocky hill. The crown of these plants tolerates pruning well and holds its shape for a long time. As an accent, 1-3 medium-sized conifers are planted, emphasizing the decorativeness of the rock garden.

A lawn is often used as a background for a coniferous composition.

Composition of conifers with a conical and spherical crown is a decoration of any area. These plants go well with deciduous trees and shrubs.

When combining conifers and flowers in a flower bed, it is necessary to take into account the plant requirements for the soil.

Single plantings of conifers give flower gardens a note of presentability. With bright green needles, they emphasize and set off the beauty of flowering flower beds.

When creating a composition from conifers, the tallest specimens are placed in the background.

A commonly used technique is a combination of medium and tall conifers with creeping ones. In this way, a spectacular area of ​​taiga is created in the garden.

Conifers tolerate curly haircut well

The art of forming a crown will help to create a plant of unique beauty in the garden. It will become a highlight of any composition, emphasize the respectability and neatness of the site.

Coniferous ornamental plants adorn the garden path all year round

Low conifers with a spherical crown are original thorny flower beds, most effective in single plantings. This technique can be used when decorating garden paths and paths.

Tall conifers can delimit garden compositions

Tall conifers are an excellent background for rock gardens and rockeries, rocky areas, flower beds.

Conifers are widely used in park landscaping

Tall and dwarf conifers are an integral part of large-scale compositions. Looks great against the backdrop of well-groomed lawns.

Coniferous hedges are not only beautiful, but also functional

Linear planting of tall conifers helps to zone the site, create a spectacular, but passable barrier.

Skillful combination is the main requirement for creating a complex landscape composition from conifers.

A flower bed of plants with a different crown shape is highly decorative. Caring for conifers is easy, regular watering and pruning is enough.

Video: coniferous ornamental plants on the site

Evergreens thrive in many climatic zones of Russia. To create durable garden compositions, it is important to choose the right variety of coniferous shrubs or trees, taking into account the requirements of a particular type to the effects of external factors.