Repairs Design Furniture

Pennation nozzles are an economical decision of household and economic problems. Sawing log on boards using chainsaws Raysmus for chainsaws with your own hands

Bar and boards are common materials used in the construction of houses. In the absence of funds on finished materials, they can be made independently using chainsaws. Before cutting the log on the boards with their own hands, it is worth learn more about the features of this process.

Advantage of a chainsaw log saw

Cool on the boards can be carried out with the help of tools such as electro- chainsaw and additional devices designed to simplify work. During the choice of certain products, it is necessary to focus on the amount of alleged work. Stationary sawmills are distinguished by high cost and are purchased only if it is planned to organize business to create boards.

The most affordable tool for work is chainsaw. Such devices have several advantages over electrical:

  • chainsaw can use anywhere, regardless of the availability of the power grid;
  • the tool is suitable for working in conditions of high humidity;
  • professional chainsaws significantly exceed electric power;
  • you can use chainsaws continuously for an hour.

For sawing logs on the boards together with a chainsaw, a special frame is used, which is fixed on the device and allows you to create one thickness boards. It is also necessary to fix a log to the log in one position. In addition, the guide will be required.

Since household gasoline saws are not designed for a larger load, for sawing logs it is worth using professional tools. When choosing, you should pay attention to devices, with a capacity of more than 7 horsepower. Before work, the fixed frame is adjusted in accordance with the selected width of the boards. To create a frame, you can use legs from school Party or metal corners.

Types of workers' nozzles

The choice of nozzles for work depends on the volume and type of work. The following devices are applied with chainsaw:

  • drum Debarker, which is necessary for removal from logs of a bark;
  • lightweight nozzle for sawing logs;
  • standard nozzle used to create boards.

Nozzle for longitudinal sawing

When using such nozzles, sawing occurs in a horizontal direction. It is fixed on the tire using special clamps and allows you to create boards of equal thickness. After the work, the boards are dried, and then can be used during construction.

Lightweight nozzle

Such devices are used often, but they should be applied only in the case when boards for fences or sheds are created. This is due to the fact that the fastening of the tire nozzle occurs only on the one hand.


Nozzle for removing the bark with logs is used at the expense of clinical transmission. Attachment occurs with belts - for this, special pulleys are applied. It is worth noting that the workability of the nozzle can be changed, since the speed of rotation of the shaft depends on the size of the pulleys.

Features of saw cutting when using chainsaws

Create additional equipment for sawing logs simple enough:

  1. To create support, a frame is used, which can be created from the legs of the school desk. The most suitable are pipes with a square cross section of 20 × 20 mm.
  2. When building a frame, it is necessary to create 2 clamps, and on one end fasten the cross. On this element should be holes for tie bolts. The middle creates a protrusion for the tire.
  3. In order to cut the log along, it is necessary to construct the support frame, the width of which should be no less than a length of 8 cm.
  4. For the convenience of work, the handle must be welded on the frame.
  5. Before working, it is necessary to carefully check whether the frame on the tire is securely secured.

Use the homemade tool is simple enough. Before sawing, you need to install 2 goats - they will be used as a log support. In addition, a metal rack or a flat board is prepared, which will serve as a guide element.

Sawing technique along

Most sophisticated stage Process - make the first speaker. For this you need:

  • install the master ruler, which consists of two boards, which are bonded between themselves at an angle of 90 degrees;
  • after that, it is necessary to place the sawn log on the supports and fix it;
  • then it is important to check if the log is smoothly located;
  • at the next stage, it is necessary to secure the leading ruler on the supports using self-tapping screws;
  • after that, you can start creating the first sleeve.

Features of transverse breakdown

Transverse cuts applied only to create wood or interior elements. Working is carried out in several principles:

  1. The log in front of the work is located in a horizontal position on the supports. The height of its location should be 0.5 m.
  2. After that, it is necessary to completely clean the log from the crust.
  3. At the next stage, it is necessary to make a label on the whole log, located from each other at an equal distance.
  4. Then, on the created marks, you can carry out sawing.

For transverse cuts, specialized devices are not required.

Security rules for work

To avoid injury, it is necessary to comply with the basic recommendations:

  1. Before using the benzoinstrument, you must carefully read the instruction that is included.
  2. Since the chainsaw is a dangerous tool, work should not be able to intoxicate or during illness.
  3. Keep the saw you need both hands. Reliable grip will allow you to control the movement of the instrument and maintain its position with unexpected jerks and in case of recoil.
  4. In arms during operation there should be no fuel mixture or oil, as it reduces the reliability of grip.
  5. It is unacceptable to use a saw in case it is damaged, not fully assembled or not adjusted.
  6. During work on the site there should be no children or animals.
  7. In the absence of special skills, you should not use chainsaw on the stairs and other unstable surfaces.
  8. Do not make a sawing on the elongated hands and above the shoulder level.

Subject to the described rules, the risk of injury is significantly reduced.

For processing logs on tape sawmaker It is necessary to adhere to the adopted technology. Thus, you can get the maximum number qualitative materials - Board and timber. But it should be previously familiar with the basic rules of cutting.

Types of saws of wood

At the first stage, the logs are formed. For this, two parties do sections. In some cases, processing is performed from four sides. There is a preliminary map of the tape cutting of the workpiece, which indicates the dimensions of the components.

The determining parameter when choosing a scheme is the direction of the processing of the log. In particular, the movement of the cutting edge relative to the annual rings. According to this, sawn timber various qualityHaving a unique appearance. Not only their aesthetic qualities depends on this, but also the price.

Distinguish the following types of saws:

  • tangential. The incision is performed on tangentially relative to the annual rings. As a result, there are oblong patterns in the form of arches, rings;
  • radial. It requires perpendicular processing for annual rings. A feature is a uniform drawing;
  • transverse. Processing occurs across the fibers, the cutting pattern is a smooth cut of annual rings;
  • rustic. It can be done at any angle, contains a certain number of bitch, swamp or other defects similar to them.

Often in the woodworking industry are used waste ribbon sawing Logs - Glaska. On the one hand, a flat plane, and the other remains untreated.

To compile the most accurate cutting, it is recommended to use special programs. They take into account not only the dimensions of the source material, but also the wood.

Sawing on a sawmaker with a log rotation 180 °

To form a maximum number of boards, it is recommended to use the technology at which some ribbon processing processes rotate 180 °. This allows you to achieve the maximum number of sawn timber various types cuts.

The processing principle is to perform the initial cuts along the edges of the logs at an angle of 90 ° relative to each other. They will serve as a basis for further tape cutting. Works are carried out on the equipment with the vertical location of the cutting elements. The diameter of the trunk should be at least 26 centimeters.

Phased procedure for performing work.

  1. Face treatment with cut crumpled part. As a result, two boards are obtained.
  2. Turning blanks 90 °. Crop is performed from the opposite part. The number of products varies from 3 to 4.
  3. Return 90 °. The main part of the source material is processed. Depending on the planned, 7-8 blanks may turn out.

Despite all its positive qualities, this method has one significant drawback - low speed production. It is recommended to apply on the equipment, which provides a block of automatic change in the position of the log regarding the cutting part of the machine.

The detailed scheme is most often used for the manufacture of rustic boards to which reduced quality requirements are presented.

Sawing on a sawtur with a log of 90 °

For the manufacture of tangential and radial boards, it is recommended to use another technique. It consists in planned log ribbon processing with simultaneous analysis of defects. Thus, you can get products of the required quality.

After removal, the billet is placed on the feeding bed sawing machine. Then you need to perform the following steps.

  1. Removal of the primary neck. It is performed until the base width is 110-115 mm.
  2. Remove unedged Board Thick about 28 mm.
  3. If the number of defects on the surface exceeds the required level, the material turn is performed 90 °. With a sufficient high quality of the board, the following is sliced.
  4. Repeat operation.

Such a technique is applicable to machining installations that have one cutting surface or there is a function of temporary dismantling the rest.

With a sufficiently large number of defects, you can not postpone the workpiece, and to process it with a reversal by 180 °.

The above-described ribbon processing technique can be applied to create any configurations. wooden products. Often the core area is used to form a bar, and the rest of the parts are for the manufacture of boards. But there may be exceptions - it all depends on the required form of blanks.

The quality of the work affects the current state of the sawmills, the sharpening level saw and the processing speed. These factors must be taken into account before the start of the manufacturing process. If necessary, prevention or repair of equipment is performed.

The video material shows the sawing method of logs on a homemade belt panel:

Sawing the log on the chainsaw board is quite convenient and simple method Work with wood. Thanks to the presence of various nozzles, the master gets materials having a smooth and smooth surface. Make boards easily independently access specialized stores.

Advantage of a chainsaw log saw

The method of cutting logs using chainsaws has several advantages.

The ability to work under any conditions - chainsaw is not afraid of moisture, so specialists can cut the logs during the rain, equipment will not deteriorate in this case.

High performance - it is allowed to carry out work on the tree throughout the day, but it is necessary to consider that the capacity of the device is obliged to be at least 7 horsepower.

Autonomous device - the equipment works on gasoline, does not depend on electricity, workplace Mounted on any plot, where it will be more convenient to carry out the process.

Convenience in the work - chainsaw is equipped smooth launch and adjusting the speed of the chain, the specified conditions provide a qualitative result of beginners in this case.

The undoubted advantage is that the equipment is much cheaper than a small panel. During the breakdown, repairs costs cheap, does not take much time.

Types of workers' nozzles

Sawing logs of chainsaw is carried out different ways, Masters work with a tree along the fibers, as well as across it. It all depends on what nozzles are used in a chainsaw.

Nozzle for longitudinal sawing

Used for sawing the log along, the process passes in a horizontal position. After work, the master gets the same thickness at the product. Finished materials Subjected, after that boards are used in construction.

In appearance, the device is a frame small sizesIt is attached to the bus on each side.

Sawing lightweight nozzle

The method does not differ in high performance, but is used quite often. The fastening of the element is carried out on the one hand, but the blanks are a bit uneven. Such materials are necessary for the construction of sheds or fences.

Drum Debarker - Owliver

With the help of such a nozzle, it is easy to dissolve the log, it works at the expense klinorem transmission. It is attached to belts on both sides, for this, special pulleys are used. The speed of rotation of the shaft depends on the size of the pulleys, so the performance of the nozzle is easy to change.

Such a technology forces the masters to closely monitor each stage of the process, some specialists during this sawing use assistants. But this option requires increased security measures.

Features of the self-made sawing option

Slide the log on the boards is easy tool made with your own hands. Equipment manufacturing simple:

  • As a support, it is necessary to apply a frame from the school desk or a pipe with a cross section in the form of a square, the optimal size of 20 × 20 is allowed, and more.
  • To build two clamps, on one end, mount the crossbar with two holes under the coupling bolts, in the middle to make a protrusion for the tire.
  • For longitudinal sawing logs on the board it is important to make a support frame, its width is obliged to be less than a length of 7-8 cm.
  • Then two elements of 10 cm long elements are welded to both sides, the bolts are made, the handle is attached in the middle for the convenience of work.
  • After that, the clamps insert into the grooves, the tire is installed, everything is carefully fixed.

Work with homemade tool It is easy, for this you will need two goats, they will serve as a support, and it is also necessary to prepare a metal rail or board, the element will be a guide element. Bottom is stacked log, the required height is regulated.

Equipment sawing logs along

The longitudinal saw is carried out using a horizontal nozzle. To get smooth boards, it is important to apply a specially prepared guide, its role plays a metal rack or high strength board.

Complex in this process - make the first speaker, for this it is necessary:

  • Mount the master line, it consists of two boards bonded with each other at an angle of 90 degrees.
  • Establish log on supports, firmly fix its position.
  • Check exactly whether lies in a log using a level.
  • With the help of screws, consolidate the leading ruler to the supports.
  • In the horizontal position, fasten another guide, the element will rest in the ground, but at the same time fix the log.
  • Split log.

During the second cut, experts can not apply the leading line, the received board will be the guide. The second cut is carried out perpendicular to the first.

Secrets of transverse breakdown

The transverse saw is used to obtain firewood or decorative elements interior. Sawing is carried out according to the following principles:

  • Log in a horizontal position on a tree support, the height should be 0.5 m.
  • Clean it from the bark.
  • With the help of an ax or saws to make small marks along the entire length, they should be located at the same distance from each other.
  • By cuts to make cut.

For transverse cuts, no use of special devices or nozzles is required. For such work, an ordinary chain is perfect for such a work, but its rings must be durable.

Safety technique

When working with a chainsaw must comply with safety regulations, they will avoid injury and unpleasant situations:

  • It is impossible to allow people, especially children on the work site.
  • When working S. disk saw Be sure to put on it a special protective cover.
  • During the sawing process, the logs should be used by protection against sawdust and noise.
  • It is necessary to have a first-aid kit with medicines to handle the wound during cuts.
  • In the heated tank, chainsaws can not pour gasoline.
  • It is necessary to apply chainsaw only by destination, it is forbidden to include it on full powerIf it is not in work.
  • The installation of logs is carried out only on the right side.
  • During working with equipment, it is strictly forbidden to crush it with effort.

Under the safety of safety, work will be simple, and as a result, it turns out the material of high quality without harm to health.

Chainsaw is universal equipment that is easy to use. His masters can use on panstone, in a private house. In addition to receiving boards, applied to repair work Economic buildings I. wooden elements Decor. There is no big number of boards at the same time, it is enough to take a pair of logs.

Video: Forest sawing on chainsaw board

Leading manufacturers of household and professional chainsulas offer a number of recent models with universal properties. Presented by a wide selection of chainsaw nozzles help to use the working features of the tool with greater efficiency.

A significant part of a fairly expensive domestic instrument is involved from time to time. The use of chainsaws as a drive for several types of interchangeable equipment allows me to mechanize labor-intensive economic work with less material resources.

The list of operating capabilities chainsaw is expanded and successfully implemented by removable additional equipment. It includes nozzles and adaptations of the most detailed destination.

Most of the assortment of nozzles is focused on the complete set of branded models. The possibilities of budget chainsaw in this regard are very limited.

  • Even a small set allows me to mechanize a significant part. housework associated with special processing of wood and metal, drilling wells, leaving for decorative shrubs.
  • The use of saws as a boating motor, trimmer for maintenance of lawns, benzorosis or household compressor.
  • The effectiveness of the use of interchangeable equipment contributes to stable traction characteristics and economy of power units, adaptation of branded chainsaws to complex climatic factors.

In practice, it is proved that the chainsaws of leading brands can be successfully operated in a wide temperature range.

Combination of ush and petrol

The universal nozzle of the Bulgarian is activated from the leading edge of the leading asterisk through a clinorem. The device is fastened on the saw blade housing with studs intended for fixing the saw bus.

The diameter of the emery circle is selected depending on the power of the engine and the features of the upcoming work. The nozzle of the ESM-1 gas is perfectly copes with the abrasive sharp natural and artificial tiled facing materials, metals, stripping welding connections.

USM-1 works with standard and diamond circles with a diameter of up to 20 cm, with a planting hole of 22 mm. The abrasive nozzle for cutting metal can be a good replenishment of the toolkit of the homemade workshop or equipment of a small car service.

Chainsaw as a drive for a light boat

The popular nozzle "Boat Motor" is activated by gearbox and pulley extension, which is mounted instead of a drive sprocket. Depending on the engine power, equipped with a two or three-bladed boat, can dial up to 20 km / h.

Drill and compressor equipment

Easy design and comfortable ledge winter time Used in fish farms for supplying air to frozen reservoirs. The effectiveness of the use of combined equipment was confirmed in practice.

Easy, compact and fairly productive iceberry - enters the set of equipment for winter amateur fishing. As a result of natural selection, high demand for the most successful developments has stabilized.

In particular, MB-2 Motobur MB-2 is characterized by excellent operational properties. The nozzle is driven through a downgrade reducer, which reduces the rotation speed of the shaft to 150 rpm. This model differs from similar analogs, minimal installation time, ranging from 5 to 10 minutes.

Replaceable nozzle Compressor on operating parameters is inferior to many mobile units household class. Nevertheless, for aeration of small grooved reservoirs, the operation of pneumatic paint spripers and the sprayers of its productivity is enough with a margin.

Replaceable equipment for working with wood

Milling and drum nozzles for removal wood crust And stripping construction wood from surface irregularities, represented by several species.
The most famous models of the Coroed and Debarker, with a working capture from 80 to 100 mm. Nozzle Corodette specializes in an extended cutting of construction wood. With it, you can strict logs, cut cups and mounting grooves.

Equipment used by B. wooden construction For pre-upset processing of business wood. The products are completed with removable knives that are easily dismantled for sharpening the cutting edges and a set of elongated threaded fasteners. The "Coroed" nozzle is activated from pulley, which is installed instead of a drive sprocket.

With the corresponding power of the power drive, the nozzles for removing the bark can be used to remove knots, sharpening stakes, creating angular locks log cabins.

With an accurate tuning, the shift device of the core can be used as a planer nozzle. The quality of surface treatment of construction wood is determined by sharpening the cutting edges of replaceable knives.

Fixtures for longitudinal sawmilling of construction wood

In the standard embodiment, for the longitudinal and diagonal cutting of wood are used with a specific sharpening angle. No less efficient and produce special devices.

Sufficiently durable in operation nozzle for longitudinal sawmills, which perfectly copes with sawing logs and boards, costs about 2000 rubles. it approximate cost four silent chains, whose service life is very limited.

Replaceable equipment of the household category

This list includes devices designed to care for decorative shrubs and lawns. The nozzle "Crustorez" will help to put in order live fence Or in a short time, we clear the plot from the young row.

Removable nozzle Rotary type trimmer is inferior household lawn mower Just for the convenience of control. Its design allows the processing of lawn space with enough high quality and extremely short time.

Traction devices

A wide functional is characterized by a cable "winch" installed on a powerful chainsaw. The traction force of the nozzle varies in the range of up to 2 tons, the range of up to 30 meters.

In the operational capabilities of the traction device:

  • trelevka filtered trees;
  • pulling out stuck vehicles;
  • lifting work and movement of non-standard cargoes with wolves or with rinks;
  • plowing heavy soils on unavailable land plots for tractor techniques.

Willingly compliment their cars with chainsaws with winch equipment Motorists living in the regions with bad roads.

Chainsaw as a pumping unit

The autonomy of the gasoline drive is highly appreciated in areas of irrigation agriculture. Compact and mobile pumping units are effectively used to supply water to sites located on a high distance from power sources.

Such devices are particularly demanding in private and small farms in the production of farms, for watering seeds, as well as water intake from wells and artesian wells.

Alternative development

As the popularity of replaceable equipment for chainsaws, its new options are being developed. The list of proposals was replenished with several types of drill-cutting nozzles. The device is a rotating conical rod with screw cutting.

Advantages of replaceable nozzles

In the first case takes place significant savings Tools on acquiring a set of household tools of various purposes.

  • The price of several nozzles is 2-3 times less than the cost of the standard set. According to the functionality, many branded models are not inferior to highly specialized household counterparts.
  • Replaceable nozzles for chainsaws occupy less space, the operational replacement of the standard sawn tire by any interchangeable equipment in the presence of skills and the corresponding tool is made for several minutes.
  • The use of nozzles increases the payback of chainsaws several times. The tool, which is most often used for the billet of fuel wood, can be used to solve many household and building problems.


Technical I. performance features Chainsaws are focused on the specified level of workloads and special modes of operation. Some of the owners of prestigious professional chainsaw opposes the use of nozzles.

The refusal is motivated by the need for long-term engine operation at maximum turnover, in some cases - the shortage of the rotational torment, forced by a reduction in the interrontundric resource.

As a result of the research conducted safe for the resource and the technical condition, the plates were recognized by the models of cable winches, dialorators, rover and compressors.

  • In particular, work with corner-grinding machines, the air intake filter is intensified.
  • Installation of boating equipment and pumping nozzle assumes for a long time operation of the high-speed engine chainsaws at the maximum mode.

These disadvantages are partially or fully compensated by the increased wear resistance of modern power units, an increase in the real motion resource chainsaw from 1500 to 2000 or more hours. On the durability of the engines also positively affect the use of heat-resistant corporate engine oils.

More recently, the chainsaw was used only for cutting logs across. Craftsmen could with her help to make boards, bars rectangular shapeAll sorts of wooden sculptures. Outows it was not the floor. Experience required, skill, talent. Today, manufacturers of chainsaws offer as a supplement various nozzles that turned the tool in universal devicewith which you can cut not only wood, but also others construction MaterialsFor example, a stone. The article will deal with one question - how to cut the log on the boards using conventional chainsaws.

For cutting logs you will need special nozzle As a metal frame, which two bolts are connected to the gasoline saw housing. The connection site is bolts that fix the working body (tire) inside the tool itself. Nuts need to be unscrewed, install the frame on them, turn the nuts on the bolts that come with the frame in the configuration. They are wider, which increases the clock area, increases the reliability of the fastener of the frame to the chainsaw housing.

Such a nozzle can be made with their own hands from profile pipe. The main thing is the accuracy of the size of the frame.

Split technology

One frame-nozzle in the process of cutting logs on the boards could not do. Because it needs an emphasis for her, especially when the upper part of the log with the bark is seed. That is, when the operation of the transformation of the log in the bar is carried out. Extra device made of two boards will be required.

Two boards with a thickness of 40-50 mm fasten each other so that they are in perpendicular planes. The device is fixed to a log with self-assembly, from the ends to support additional stops from the same boards. At the same time, the mount is produced so that the upper edge of the vertical board is below top edge logs. That is, the distance between the edges determines the thickness of the cutting pump.

It remains to install chainsaw so that one part of the frame rested into the transversely installed board. This will be support. The main plane of the frame will be restarted into the vertically installed part of the device.

The chainsaw turns on, the logs begins along with the mounted cut thickness. The main task of the manufacturer of works is not to redirect the instrument with the pressure of the hands. Saw, more precisely, the chain, herself will cut, you need to push it a bit. After cutting, the wooden device is dismantled, the log is rotated 90 °, installation is made reference installation, the entire cutting process is repeated.

Attention! Wooden device It is used only for cutting a hill.

As soon as the log to turn into a bar, cut it on the boards without using a wooden device. Bar - sawn timber with a rectangular cross section, he has four external smooth surfaceswhich can be rested by chainsaw with the frame. It is easy to press the frame to press the plane of the cut and move the tool along the workpiece. On the frame there is a thrust element located perpendicular to the entire design, shifted across the cut. With it, the thickness of the cutboard is exhibited.

In order to be clear how the log sawing is made on a chainsaw board with a frame nozzle, see the video below.

Another variant

There are similar nozzles on the market. a large number of. All of them are suitable for sawing logs on the boards, everyone has a similar design. But there are differences. The photo below shows adaptations for chainsaws, to work with which is not required additional devices or tools. In essence, this is a miniature manual sawmill, which is based on a gasoline saw.

The design is supplemented with guides and wheels, which move along the surface of the log, reducing resistance. The wheels are two pairs, they are located on the opposite sides of the workpiece. It is convenient, easily, plus - the quality of the sliced \u200b\u200bmaterial increases.

The nozzle is attached to a chainsaw in the same way as in the previous case. The main requirement to work is to accurately install the saw so that it is in a horizontal position. And although the oblique cut is the same, more convenient and easier when the tool is located exactly.

Homemade nozzles

The masters have long learned to make a lot of them. On the Internet, a huge variety of frame structures that allow chainsaw to cut the logs on the boards. there is simple options Hand-type, there are large complexes from the beds that guide, with which the tool moves or rises / lowers the log. One of them on the video below:

Please note that the design is collected from metal profilesWhat makes it reliable and stable. At the same time, the machine (in a different way it is simply impossible to name) is equipped with mechanical gearboxes, which simplify the processes of movement of the billet and chainsaw. There is no effort with your hands, it is enough to twist the handle from the gearbox. At the same time, the thickness of the boards is customized with a lift of the log, and not a gasoline tool.

Another option is a nozzle that helps make cuts not in the horizontal plane, but in vertical. The design is simple, but it is more difficult to work with it, because you have to apply effort to keep chainsaw. Additionally, the device has to prepare a metal bar or a board that is attached to a log in the longitudinal direction. It is on her who rests the frame-nozzle when it is conducted.

In addition, this option is more dangerous, because it does not hold anything cut off. She can touch his leg when falling. So the process must be taken carefully. The video below clearly shows how this option works.

Another installation, which the manufacturer called the carriage. To do this, there was such a framework of a profile pipe and several wheels, which will give the device some mobility in terms of movement along the billet barrel. They are peculiar stops that do not allow to shift a chainsaw from side to side.

Addition to the carriage use the usual aluminum staircaseperforming the role of the guide element. It is attached to a log of clamps on nails or self-tapping screws.

Please note that the width of the staircase must coincide with the distance between the carriages of the carriage located on its different ends. The staircase is necessarily exhibited in a horizontal plane. construction level. Align in lining under it with different thickness with pieces of boards.

The cooked chainsaw with the carriage is installed on the stairs. Include the engine and hands pushed along the workpiece, cutting its upper part.

Side the process is visible better. A carriage with wheels is visible here, the staircase, lying under it in a log, how the cutting process is performed.

The design of the adaptation of this type is quite complex. But from many homemade options Hand type it is better, more convenient, more reliable. There was an opportunity to adjust the height of the cut horizontal, setting the previously staircase along the horizon.

Generalization on the topic

As it turned out, ordinary chainsaw - Universal tool. If you correctly pick up the nozzle, it can replace a large number of tools. Moreover, some nozzles are easy to make with your own hands, the benefit of their designs can be found in free access. The Internet is just shot by variations.