Repairs Design Furniture

Construction of wooden houses rounded log. Manufacture of wooden houses, cottages and baths. Production of houses from the rounded logs of larch

The specialists of our company build aesthetic, functional and modern houses from a rounded log "turnkey". The production of such structures is carried out from specially selected logs.

Rounding is a tree trunk that is subjected to milling. After machining, the product has the same diameter over the entire length.

Benefits of log cabins

  • High Slub Installation Speed. Construction is carried out in a short time, part of labor costs falls on the installation of the foundation. The design of the house is built in a few days.
  • Environmental purity. Houses are made of natural wood, so they have optimal environmental properties. Living in such a house is not only nice, but also useful for health.
  • No deformation. The material used for the construction of the cottage is fixed on wooden brazed. The logs, unlike the bar, are not curved and do not twist. In addition, special treatment protects the structure from insects, fire, mold and fungus.
  • High heat efficiency. The finished country house perfectly retains heat, so in the cool time of the year, thermal losses are significantly reduced.
  • Optimal microclimate. Our homes are ideal for living. Wood stabilizes the humidity level in the room: it varies from 45 to 57 percent.
  • Aesthetic appearance. Even without finishing the cottage looks attractive and solid. Saturated natural beauty and original wood texture - a unique decoration of such a structure.

The "cozy house" offers more than 50 projects of the estates made from the rounded log. For the construction of structures, ripe wood from proven suppliers is used, which passes careful selection and sorting. All products have a phytosanitary certificate.

Sale of houses from a rounded log is performed at reasonable prices, while we guarantee stable quality and short time of work. The cost depends on the area, architectural features of the structure and used for the construction of materials.

If you are interested in our services, and you want to order a house or ask any questions to managers, use for communication

Estimation of the centuries Our ancestors built houses from wood, using sashbroken logs for this. The need to use natural environmentally friendly materials for the construction of their own dwellings is quite justified. Therefore, the newest methods of wood processing, helping to create rounded logs, have immediately gained popularity, and the number of country houses built from this material is growing from year to year.

Our company uses the most advanced wood processing technology, and the operating system operating in production rejected logs with wood vices. Therefore, the rounded logs manufactured by us fully comply with the regulations of the GOST 8486 from 1986. As a result, an almost perfect wood cylinder with a smooth surface and design parameters is supplied to the construction facility.

Construction of houses from a rounded log

We divided into five consecutive stages at the construction site with the results of engineering and geological studies conducted at the construction site: 1. Development of the project of the house or the selection of a typical project from the directory we have; 2. Fundament device; 3. Cutting a cut; 4. Roofing; 5. Finishing work (with the presence of the customer's desire).

Choosing the design of the foundation

The most responsible part of the house is its foundation. For houses from the log, one of the options of the belt foundation is most economical and least labor: finely breed; Hooded (reinforced). The choice of the proper design of the foundation is carried out after analyzing the results of topographic survey and geological surveys, taking into account weather conditions in the region where the construction of the house is scheduled. The high quality of the foundations manufactured by us is explained not only by the professionalism of its creators, but also by refusing to perform the subsequent stages of work to a set of regulatory strength concrete.

Technology cutting sruba

The houses from the rounded logs are erected according to the technological maps developed as part of the project. On the construction site of the logs are enrolled marked, which makes it possible to exclude their manual fit from the assembly process, thereby reducing construction time. In the process of assembly, the created crowns are fasten using wooden brazing at the minimum acceptable distance. This technology eliminates the risk of sowing walls and guarantees the geometric unchanged of the design being created. To seal interventory space, we use the jute tape. This choice is explained by high content in jute lignin, protecting its fiber from rotting.


Roofing work during the construction of a house of logs is somewhat different from the technology used in the construction of buildings, the walls of which are composed of other building materials. Covering the roof log cabin, it is impossible to connect rafters, runs and frontones into a single rigid design. In the process of natural shrinkage of the walls, the upper part of the roof will fall together with a skate, reducing the angle between between themower and rafters. This will lead to a change in the geometry of the roof, which is fraught with a breakdown of the beelel or the appearance of the gaps. Therefore, the solving system created by us gets the sliding connections to the avoever and is completely independent of the frontones. In terms of roofing, we recommend our customers using soft roofing tiles or metal tiles. These materials are characterized by a relatively low weight, which reduces the load on the walls of the house and the foundation.

Some findings

The use of cylindered logs allows you to create a stable design of the frame of the house. Sealed corner and interventic compounds created in full compliance with the requirements of GOST 30974 of 2002, contribute to the decoration of increased insulating ability and help reduce heating costs during the operation of such a house. The surface of the walls is exceptionally smooth and in most cases does not need additional finish.

Rounded log - building material in the form of wooden cylinders, with a smooth and smooth surface. The cleanliness of the surface is achieved when processing on machines - otlinders, the bark is cut from the surface of the tree trunk, the upper layer of loose wood - swamp. Houses from the calibrated log are distinguished by high operational indicators and a pleasant, original view.

Log doted and its advantages

In order for the log to get its own appearance, it is machined. For this, automated production lines are used, the mechanization achieves the purity of surface treatment and minimum deviations from the diameter.

Quality control covers all stages: from the roll rolls, before delivery to the warehouse of finished products. This achieves a low level of marriage.

The advantages of a rounded log:

  • environmental safety of products;
  • high thermal insulation qualities;
  • strength, durability of material;
  • natural body permeability, wood "breathes";
  • easy construction of a house from a rounded log.

For dense stacking, they are profiled, the "lunar" groove is used, in the form of a semicircular sample in the lower part of the cylinder, which includes the top of the crown. The Finnish Profile is used - a semicircular neckline with additional locks-protrusions and grooves for them in the lower log, this profile is optimal for the northern regions. The difference in the length of the thermal groove, at the Finnish profile it is greater.

The price of a rounded log

Rounded log with basing
Playground (Molding) L \u003d 6m Natural Humidity

Cylindered log: with basing
vented venue and shelling
on the project L \u003d 6m natural humidity

Own production of rounded log

Production of a pinned log in Moscow is not only processing on machines to standard diameter. This is a complex technological process, when it is impaired, the appearance of defects in the wood.

Forest harvesting in the Nizhny Novgorod and Tver region, selection, wood sorting in quality and further processing on the company's equipment reduce the cost, growing the quality of the finished product.

Features of this production:

  • Wood selection for the manufacture of a calibrated log;
  • Control over compliance with technology;
  • Machine Park of the same type, finished products are produced by one standard, which facilitates further work with it;
  • The cost of the logged log, the price is lower at its own production.

A logs with natural humidity are supplied to the production to avoid the appearance of defects, they are subjected to chamber drying. The log profiling, in the Finnish profile version, requires high-quality equipment for chamber drying, possibly the lock of the lock when warming wood.

The company is engaged not only by selling a rounded log at a price below the average, as well as the construction of houses and buildings on a ready-made or newly developed project.

Video: How we produce a rounded log

Why are we?

The company submits to the market of Moscow a rounded log, the price of which is available, and the quality is higher than from other manufacturers. The presence of profile equipment and multistage control guarantees high quality products. We note our advantages:

  • wood selection, own machine park, automation of most processes;
  • wood without defects, even rounded log, the price is more affordable;
  • not only the sale of a rounded log and timber, but also services in Moscow, Tver and areas for the construction of houses, baths, other log cabins, from their own material;
  • selection of wood calibrated logs or timber: spruce, pine, other conifers;
  • online order, with a project selection;
  • services of specialists in the design and construction of the house: from the architect to the working brigade;
  • the construction of turnkey buildings.

Perhaps you will also be interested in the other services we provide:

Additional services

  • Antiseptic processing
  • Development of project documentation (splash)
  • Loading in the vehicle in production is included!
  • Also, the log house can be equipped with jute and ducts, lags, rafters, crate.

Cost of delivery

Delivery 1 Machines (up to 32m3) Lumber - 52 rubles per 1 km (counting in both ends) Delivery 1 Machines (up to 45m3) Lumber - 65 rubles per 1 km (counting in both ends) Shelter by film with film 2 000 rub. / Mash. (at the request of the customer) Prepayment for lumber of natural humidity - 50% prepayment for chamber drying lumber - 70% payment of work performed - phased (on the fact of execution).

The company "Russian choirs" offers a full range of services for the construction of houses from a rounded and chopped log. To install the available prices for wooden houses. We can make your own production: its forest areas under cutting, construction and production base, own platform for the collection of finished projects. Including the production of wooden houses from the rounded log controlled at each stage, starting with the design and ending with the assembly and delivery of the finished Construction construction with full equipment engineering systems.

Production of titled log

The company "Russian choirs" is engaged in the production of a cylindered log from larch and cedar. Environmentally friendly wood of the northern regions is characterized by special strength, reliability and high density. For the production of rounded logs of different diameters, we use the wood of the first grade.

Production of chopped wooden houses of any complexity

We offer both typical projects and individual. In the process of production and construction of wooden houses, we carry out the whole cycle of work without attracting third-party organizations. This means that we are personal responsible for each project, we guarantee high quality logs and consumables, as well as fully control each stage of construction.

Manufacture of houses hand-held from cedar

The advantages of chopped houses and baths from cedar:

  • The dense structure of logs that preserve heat and prevent moisture penetration;
  • High resistance to rotting processes;
  • Healthy fragrance and microclimate;
  • Durability.

Production of houses from the rounded logs of larch

The advantages of chopped houses and a larch bath:

  • Do not rot and do not shine;
  • Have a high strength indicator (109 units. On the brinnel scale), fire resistance and noise absorption;
  • Resistant to moisture and atmospheric phenomena;
  • Create a favorable microclimate;
  • Have low thermal conductivity and effectively accumulate heat.

Manufacture of wooden houses from the company "Russian choirs" is an affordable opportunity to live in an ecologically clean house with an attractive design and unique atmosphere of natural heat and coziness.

SK Ivalis carries out not only the construction of houses, but also production of titled log. Our buildings continue to increase, so we organized our own production of building materials on modern high-tech equipment.

The company is located in the Kirov region. We used to cooperate with local producers, so the local raw materials were thoroughly studied. It should be noted that in its quality, the tree in this region is practically not inferior to the breeds of forests that grow in Siberia, from where we bring cedar and larch. In addition, the Kirov region is a place where excellent woodworking specialists work, well understand how important the quality of building materials is. We attract such people to the production of rounded logs in our organization, not only in this region, but also in others, where our branches are located.

In the Kirov region in the workshops there is a line for processing raw materials of-28c and the Finnish line Roundtec. Of-28c makes roundabout parts, the diameter of which is 160-280 mm. The technological properties of the equipment allow it to be operated under conditions of extreme temperatures (from -16 to +30 ° C) and ensure the correctness of the longitudinal groove of the product. On Finnish equipment, logs are processed with a large diameter (300-340 millimeters).

The performance of both lines is 650 mounted meters per shift. Roundtec it is slightly lower, however, this line creates perfectly smooth details. In addition, it produces logs having a deeper and wide "lunar" groove, thanks to which the characteristics of the heat insulation of the cut are improved, the costs of heating are reduced, and the house becomes more environmentally friendly.

In the production of SK Ivalis, an automatic line operates the sorting of a rounded log. That is, the diameter, volume, length and degree of curvature of each log are not measured manually, but with the help of special electronic devices. All parameters are displayed on the monitor. Due to this, errors in counting and sorting logs are carried out as efficient as possible.

We offer organizations to purchase such building materials such as a profiled bar, eurvagon, plinth, tipped floorboards, glued switches, etc.

Manufacturer's address: Kirov region, town of Tusha, ul. Pervomayskaya, d.16