Repairs Design Furniture

Cutting round wood: Card cutting, necessary tool. Useful output of sawn timber cutting of round forest on a belt sawmill

Round forest lumber output coefficients

In the report of the Timber Committee of the European Commission / FAO ECE / TIM / DP / 49 on timber recalculation coefficients in different types of forest products, there are in particular lumber output coefficients from round timber. These data are based on the experience of 16 states, it may well serve as guidelines for woodworking enterprises as world standards.

Lumber covers a significant part of solid wood piloproducts. They include a wide range of products from unedged, freshly spilled to edged, dry, calibrated and planed lumber. The type of product produced has a significant impact on the yield coefficient of finite peoproproducts from round timber. So from one cubic meter of round wood, it is possible to obtain 0.8 m3 of the unedged lumber and only 0.4 m3 of dry edged, sorted and planed lumber. Therefore, various countries were asked to provide their coefficients for the release of various categories of peopods to understand why national lumber output coefficients differ so much from each other.

For example, in Germany for the production of 1 m3 of coniferous sawn timber, 1.67 m3 of round forest is required, while in the USA 2.04 m3. At first glance, it may seem that sawmill in the US is less efficient compared to Germany (the above coefficient indicates that for the production of the same volume of sawn timber in the United States is required by 22% of the round forest). But with a more attentive consideration of the production of the same types of sawn timber, such as draft and dry lumber, it turns out that lumber output coefficients in these countries are similar. This means that the differences in the coefficients of the lumber output are to produce various types of finished products. Obviously, in Germany, razers of rough processing are more produced, while in the USA - dry and planed.

Some countries note that the production of sawn timber in their countries is accounted for in a freshly smelted form to avoid double measurement of volume for dry and planed lumber. It looks contrasting compared to other countries, first of all for the Scandinavian region and North America, where the volume of sawn timber is most often given by its final processing. This, for example, can lead to the fact that the coefficient of the output of draft freshly sponsored lumber may be 1.57 (64%) or 1.75 (57%) for dry lumber or 2.27 (44%) for planed and finally treated sawn timber, As shown in the diagram below.

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The edged board is one of the most common sawnwood in the construction. It is used for external work, during the construction of wooden houses, interior decoration, the manufacture of wooden fences. The board is cut out of the logs and is additionally filled around the edges. This gives the sawn timber not only a commodity look, but also retains it from various pests. As a rule, the width of the edged board is twice the thickness of its thickness.
The highest demand in construction is the board made from coniferous wood - spruce and pine, Siberian larch. For the production of furniture, more expensive and durable varieties of wood are used - oak, alder, ash.
The quality and cost of lumber depends on many characteristics: varieties of wood, its humidity, processing and sawing technology. Therefore, it is important to competently calculate the yield of the edged lumber in production.
Depends on many factors: from the specification, the fortifications of the board, the diameter of the sawmaker.
For example, from the round forest of coniferous rocks, the output of the edged lumber on the belt saws is usually 55 - 60%. On disk saws, this percentage increases to 70-75%.
The outlet of the edged board of deciduous rocks (aspen, birch, linden) is always very low for all types of pylora. Approximately 35-40%. This explains the curvature logs of hardwood. You can only lift the interest output only by installing additional equipment - multi-step, edded and underground machines. The output, in this case, will increase by about 20%.
Generally? Prices for lumber fluctuate greatly, and many forestry industrial companies provide a cutting board, price noticeably below the market. However, before you buy lumber from such sellers, you need to think about which pitfalls can be buried here. Often the cost of the board is reduced at the expense of low quality sawn timber. Thus, the most acceptable to acquire the cutting board in those companies for which the sale of the tree is not new to the novelty.

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Before sawing, the rounder is required to make calculation of how much volume will remain for further operation, and how much material will be recycled. This is important because it affects the final cost of products. The amount of option received will fully depend on which wood species are used. In this case, there are certain measures to increase the coefficient of output of the lumber after cutting.

What is the percentage of output and its dependence on the diameter of the sawn timber

To deal with this, it is necessary to reveal the very concept. The percentage of lumber outlet from round forest is an all useful tree after cutting. The rest is waste, which are sent for further processing to obtain materials such as MDF, DVP, chipboard. It is worth understanding that the volume that will be obtained as a result of the cutting of the tree is calculated for each individual diameter and the selected sawing option.

It is worth understanding the question of why the parameter in question depends on the diameter of the forest. Here everything is extremely simple: the smaller on the cutting tree, the higher the value of the volume. Of course, much will depend on the technology of cutting and on what sequence was cut. The correct sequence will be presented in Fig. 2. At the same time, it is worth understanding that small lumber is obtained from small wood rocks, and a thick board and a timber is made from the large forest. It is also worth considering the average diameters with exemplary costs of volumetric flow rate:

  • 14 - from 45 to 50%;
  • 20 - about 52%;
  • 25 - an average of up to 57%;
  • 34 - such a diameter has a timber wood, which is characterized by the highest value of the bulk share equal to 66%;
  • if the forest has a diameter of more than 40 cm, then there is a sharp decrease in the materials obtained.

The volume of waste after sawing

In order for the finished products to have a big percentage, it should be correctly calculated and prepared. And the workflow itself should be carried out in full compliance with technology. It should take into account that the round forest of coniferous and deciduous trees will give a different output of sawn timber from the unedged board in m 3.

Note! Coniferous wood is considered the best option due to the fact that they have a direct barrel and a relatively larger diameter. In addition, such a forest is not extent to the process of rotting, which leads to a smaller number of marriage.

When working with deciduous breeds, 2 methods of processing are used:

  1. Using the ribbon panel by 375 or 363.
  2. In the collapse. Such a technology provides for the cutting of the semicrus, which is subsequently passed through the multi-power device.

In this case, the first method allows to obtain approximately 40-50% at the output. But the technique in the collapse is different somewhat large volume - up to 70%. The lack of such technology is that the costs of it are relatively large. When sawing round lumber in a length of 3 m, it is possible to notice a fairly high level of marriage. In this case, the remaining wood will not be immediately useful due to the fact that it requires an additional processing process.

When sawing the forest, it is important to immediately calculate what consumption will be, as it will have an impact on the cost of sawn timber. The output of finished products may be different. It all depends on how quality the forest is used whether measures to optimize cutting are applied. There are special measures to increase the efficiency of work, make the output better, and the quality of sawing is higher. Before sawing, it is necessary to calculate everything. It is not as difficult as it may seem, but the flow rate of the round forest will be optimal, profitable for obtaining an excellent result.

Options for cutting round wood.

How to increase the efficiency of cutting

In order for the lumber output to be significant, it is necessary to use special measures to increase the efficiency of the process:

  1. The calculation should be carried out only when using special programs, manually it will have a low performance, the percentage of marriage will be large.
  2. Pre-rounding must be sorted so that the processing is carried out correctly.
  3. For cutting it is necessary to apply high quality equipment. Otherwise, the amount of waste will be large, and the quality of the resulting lumber will become low.
  4. It is best to first cut a wide sawn timber, the treatment of narrow leaves more time.
  5. The logs are not recommended to take long.
  6. Before work, configure the equipment.

The output of finished lumber may be different. It must be remembered that at the first stage the boards are obtained, then they are sorted. As a result, the percentage decreases even more, for example, for deciduous breeds, it can be only 10-20%.

How to optimize the cutting

Sequence and sizes of cutting round forest.

To make the output of sawn goods above, the cutting process must be optimized. This applies primarily to those billets that are significant curvature. To cut a round forest curve, you need to perform a number of actions:

  1. First, only a suitable forest is selected for work. If there are rotes, seedlings, cracks on the ends on the remaining logs, then it is necessary to reflect some sites.
  2. If a rotten core is detected during operation, then it can be carefully removed, after which it is possible to cut the remaining part. This will avoid large losses, get boards with a length of 1 m with the necessary quality.
  3. It is recommended to use logs with a large diameter so that the output percentage is higher. The coefficient can be 1.48-2.1, but it all depends on the diameter, the quality of the roundabout, sorting, equipment. For framework workshops, such a coefficient will be 1.48-1.6, and for lines with milling equipment - 1.6 for a large forest. With a diameter of the rounder from 12 cm, the coefficient may exceed the mark of 2.1.

Waste volume after sawing

To make the finished board with a great percentage, it is necessary to prepare everything correctly, work should be carried out only in accordance with technology. Round wood coniferous and hardwood gives a different way out. In the latter case, the volume is less, even if used special accessories. The cutting of sawing is considered more convenient, since she has a straight line, and the log has a larger diameter. The coniferous forest is not as susceptible to rotten, so marriage is less. For deciduous breeds, 2 technologies are usually used:

Varieties of sawn timber from round forest.

  • with the help of the belt panel on the Z75, Z63;
  • in the collapse, when a semicircular is cut into the core of the material, passed through a multi-step machine.

The volume in the belt sawmill is 40-50%. When using the technology into the collapse, the output is different, it can be increased to 70%, but the costs of such work are higher. If a round forest is to be cut, the length of which is 3 m, then you can see that the percentage of marriage is quite large, and the remaining material requires processing. This concerns the bulk of the bulk of 22x105 (110, 115) x3000 mm. There are a lot of such marriage options. For example, it can be wormworm, which is no longer suitable for most works.

After sorting the volume of hardwood material, which refers to a variety of 0-2 will be only 20-30% of the amount that is obtained after sawing. This means that from the total mass of the harvested round forest, the output of a normal board will be only 10-20%. The remaining materials mainly go on firewood. The coniferous rounding the output will be different, but attention should be paid to which the average values \u200b\u200bof the resulting volume are observed.

Lumber output

To access the lumber is optimal, it is necessary to take into account numerous conditions. For correctly calculations, you can consider an example of the release of round wood. The data was obtained on the real experience of specialists and in the indicators of the pilots. This makes it possible to compare the percentage ratio, calculate the optimal averages.

Softwood has the following way out:

Chalk title in a sawn log.

  1. For unedged boards and other umbered materials during sawing, the yield will be 70%. This is the number of material obtained during processing, the amount of waste will be 30%.
  2. For edged material when using pylomas at 63, 65, 75, there will be a smaller output of sawn timber, in total in the area of \u200b\u200b45%. In belts, the output is usually up to 55-60% of the finished material. If you use the effectiveness to improve efficiency, then 70% can be achieved, although it requires extensive experience.
  3. From the disk sawmill, it is possible to obtain a sawn timber in an amount of 70-75%, although it may be 80-75% when using efficiency methods. But you need experience.

According to GOST 8486-86, for a grade of 0-3 percentage of output, without taking into account the sorting, is approximately 70%.

Another 30% can be left to the rejection of the finished material. The material being discarded is not discarded, it is used to make other types of sawn timber, which allow for a certain marriage.

At the round forest of hardwood, another percentage of exit is observed:

  1. Unedged material - 60%.
  2. At the edged - up to 35-40%, since the curvature of the source forest of hardwood is usually large.

The output can be enhanced, for this applies additional equipment. It can be a special multi-step machine, an edge cutting machine, a subgrile machine. In this case, it turns out the output of the lumber to increase by about 20%. The percentage given is based on the data on obtaining a grade board of 0-4. When sorting varieties 0-1, the percentage of sawn timber is 10%. To obtain a cube of the finished edging material from hardwood, it is necessary to break 10 cubes of the original round forest.

The output of sawn timber from the round forest may be different. It all depends on the starting breed of wood used by the sawmills. Special measures to increase efficiency allow you to get a greater percentage than it is possible, but for this you should have some work experience.

Sawing lumber - The fundamental process in wood processing. First, you need to remind several terms that are used in the woodworking industry and which are defined by GOST 18288-87. Production of sawmill terms and definitions:

Lumber. Materials that have one or more even parties. Depending on the ratio of length to the width and number of parallel sides, a timber, bars, boards, cliffs and sleepers are distinguished.

  • Brucki - Thickness less than 100 mm, the width does not exceed the double thickness. This category includes racks, only linear dimensions are significantly less.
  • Bar. - The thickness is more than 100 mm, the width does not exceed the double thickness.
  • Boards - The width exceeds two thicknesses, can be edged (all four sides are cut) or unedged (the sides are not trimmed).
  • Shpala - This is a bar with strictly defined dimensions, it is used during the construction of railways, it is rarely used.
  • Lagging - The most familiar name "Gorny", the outer side of the whip, has only one smooth surface. Most often used for further processing in chip.

Methods of sawing wood

This is a very important factor, the general output of lumber and their quality depends on the selected method. Depending on the direction of cutting to the annual rings there are two ways:

  • Radial. The highest quality sawn timber, have excellent structure and high physical strength indicators. Saw moves perpendicular to annual rings.
  • Tangential. It gives a significantly greater output of lumber, but their quality is somewhat lower. The saw moves in parallel to the annual rings or in the tangential direction.

The selection of a specific method sawed against the final use of sawn timber and a whip state. On the Internet you can meet "strange articles" about sawing in a circle and so on. In fact, the absolute majority of whips during sawing are in the same position, as a result, part of the sawn timber has a tangential cut (approximately 2/3 of the total), and the remaining lumber have radial cuts. Tangentially sulfates the top and bottom of the log, only its middle is cut radially.

At the request of the customer or, taking into account its own production, the whip can be cut off lateral sides, then connt chase at 90 °, the sawing is made again. As a result, part of the winds of unedged tangential cut, and the rest of the boards will be edged with radial saws. Once again we repeat that methods of cutting are selected in each particular case separately, taking into account the above factors. Currently, there are three types of pilots, each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Frame sawmills

These are the first mechanisms that began to be used for mechanical sawing wood. Today, in our opinion, undeservedly "out of fashion". Consider objectively their advantages and disadvantages.

To be clearer, you need to learn about the principles of work. On the frame saw in the vertical position, several saws (from ten or more, it all depends on the sizes of the bed), the distance between the saws is set once, the sawing is carried out by the vertical movement of all the saws with simultaneous whip feed.


  • You can completely mechanize the whole process
  • Piloram is easy to device and maintenance
  • Performance is at a completely acceptable level.
  • For one pass, the whole whip saws
  • All received umbered boards can be made edged at the same time and also for one pass.
  • The edged board is high quality
  • Saving time


  • It is believed that these panels are translated into sawdust a large amount of wood. But this is true only in relation to obsolete models. Previously, the saws were made of not very high-quality steels, the thickness of each saw was up to 3 mm, plus the separation divorce, the propyl increased to 5 mm. Today, by reducing the thickness of the saw and the corner of the divorce of the teeth, the thickness of the propyl decreases significantly. We cut the thickness to be comparable with the belt panel below, you will learn what their manufacturers are silent.

Belt sawmills

They are considered the most perfect equipment, the most productive, the amount of sawdust is minimal. We will also discuss it, but for a start, we will briefly describe their device and the principle of operation. The cut is made by closed high-speed saws, the thickness of the saw is small, the sawing width decreases. Colley occurs due to the progressively / return movement of one saw along the whip. Honestly, we do not notice any advantages (for the buyer), and there are disadvantages. In order not to be unfounded, we will tell about the intricacies of the cutting process.

Pilorams require a very careful attitude towards themselves. Incorrect sharpening of teeth, improper tension or selection of cutting speed (all these parameters are selected taking into account the type of wood) lead to the fact that lumber is obtained by a wavy surface. The wave height can reach several centimeters. And such a waviness even one board negates all the "advantages of thin sawing". A wave on the sawn timber is visible vice processing and reduces the timber variety. The classification of wood defects is described in detail in the article of the same name.

These pilots have quite low performance, requires a lot of physical labor. For example, if your whip has a diameter of 100 cm, then calculate how many passages there / back to do to cut it on the boards with a thickness of 2 cm, and the frame sawmate will break it in one pass. In addition, each suction board must be manually removed from the sawmills and stored in a separate place. At the same time, after each cut, it is necessary to set the saw level again. Very high degree of danger during operation. The risks of injuries during work on such a panel are increasing in geometric progression - this is a break of a saw at high speeds, and the presence of metal objects in the body of the tree (and this happens not so rarely). Problems with cleaning sawdust. They are scattered along the entire length of the sawmills, remove them for a long time and difficult.

Of course, about such "subtleties" manufacturers of belt pilots "Stimpy" silent. We advise during the selection of the sawmills to take into account the maximum number of factors: the required volume of lumber, the presence of qualified personnel, the characteristics of lumber and their requirements for their quality. After all, professional workers on the belt sawmaker produce lumber 1 varieties in accordance with GOST.


  • Relatively inexpensive
  • Sawing and horizontal and vertical directions
  • Large whip thickness, up to 400 mm
  • Low percentage of waste
  • Pilate Clean


  • Low performance
  • Increased degree of danger
  • Complex setting
  • High qualification staff
  • Be sure to "rest time" from 8 to 10 hours
  • Cleaning

Disk sawmills

Disk saws differ from the belt and frame (multi-power) panel, the quality of the edges and parallel to the plastic. The sawn timber produced on the disk panel is rightfully considered the best, but only from the point of view of the consumer. The main fact that makes timber produced on the disk sawmaker are not available for consumption - this is a high price. High price does not allow competing in the building materials market, despite the superior quality of the board and the timber produced by this method. This circumstance is connected with three facts affecting an increase in the cost of lumber from the disk sawmill:

Summarize: When choosing a edged lumber, it is necessary to take into account not only the method of sawing lumber, but also the qualifications of personnel serving this equipment. You can buy good quality lumber from a proven supplier by reading the products on the products offered on the manufacturer's website or arriving at the finished product warehouse. Tree-stick company is ready to offer its services in accordance with the price list specified on our website. We implement only high-quality products of our own production or purchased from proven suppliers. Mandatory quality control.