Repairs Design Furniture

How to make a cultivator with your own hands: a few simple manufacturers. Handmade cultivator for the gardener - a tool of essentials of a plow from a bike

Sometimes vegetables and fruits are really more profitable to buy in the store. But as products grown with their own hands, always more confidence. In addition, work on Earth increases vitality, if you fulfill it with the mind. But hard physical work is not always useful, especially for those who are used to working only in the office. In order for the spring hassles to be pleasant and not too burdensome, it is necessary to acquire the means of small mechanization. Modern technique can, of course, buy, but it turned out that it was simple to do, for example, a cultivator simply. Make sure that.

Tornado is the name of the manual cultivator, which can and need to make it yourself. Having such a device resembling curved forks, you can forget about endless battles with weeds. Tool's teeth under the angle are in the ground, after which the tornado you need to turn and raise. To do this, do not have to make excessive efforts, because instead of the usual handle in the tornado there is a lever.

Tornado cultivator attracts that it is easy enough to use and work with it does not require any significant effort

Everyone is good by this wonderful root dealer, but acquaintance with his shopping price may completely repel the desire to become his owner. However, there is nothing complicated in this device. Tornado cultivator can be made independently and even several different ways.

Spring Tornado Steel

We will need a steel tape with a length of 50 cm, 1-1,5 mm thickness and 2 cm width. For our purpose, it is best to use spring steel. Bend tape in the form of a loop and fastened to a wooden cutting of the tool. The length of the cutting is determined depending on the growth of the owner: work tool must be convenient. You can make a lever, the same as the store root dealer. The working steel loop should turn out to be a diameter of 20 cm, which is a little less than the width of the parties. The edges of the loop are sharpened with a file from two sides.

Weeds - forks in the side

If a tornado looks like a pitchfork, then why do not make a hand-made cultivator from this to all gobblers and do it yourself? We buy ordinary forks in the economic store and give the teeth to the teeth the desired bending with the help of a hammer. In general, the tool must resemble a kind of corkscrew. It is important not to hurry and act carefully.

For the lever you will need a semi-meter segment of the plastic pipe. We buy in the store and plastic handle-nozzle for a cutting machine, which is used for forks or shovel. The tube is cut along, we put on the handle and fasten the tape so that it does not slide. Now the resulting lever appeals about 25 cm from the cutting on both sides.

It is logical to make the fork-like part of the tornado exactly from the Vil - well-known to all gardeners tool that everyone has

An important part for a tornado cultivator is its upper lever: due to the lever, you can make minimal efforts, do hard work

Option # 2: Bicycle Base Plate

Cultivator-flattened helps to cope with weeds and will greatly facilitate the life of any gardener. It is more complicated than a tornado, but not much.

To create a flat cut:

  • an old bicycle, which no longer uses direct appointment;
  • head from the ease of the cultivator or the working surface of the two-handed saw;
  • drill, Bulgarian, keys, drills, bolts and so on.

Rama and one wheel will come in handy from the bike. A cultivator head is attached to the frame. In the same capacity, the cutting part of the two-handed saw, a small plow or steel spicy rods, made independently, can be used. The handles for controlling the mechanism are made of aluminum or steel pipes. The trim of the pipe is approximately 2.5 cm with a diameter, it is useful as a transverse jumper.

The plane can be made on the basis of an old bike using a two-handed saw as the cutting part, ironically called "friendship"

No particular difficulty in the design of this convenient tool, it can be done, having a suitable material at hand

The design should be rigid, so the nodes are tightened by bolts. The medium-sized wheel must be fixed on the frame with lock nuts. It turned out a homemade cultivator, which is very functional and convenient to operate.

Option # 3: Disk rotary cultivator

Do it yourself a rotary cultivator is not easy. There are also special skills and good physical training. If all the listed qualities are in stock, you can try to build this tool that will be much more efficient than all previous ones. With it, it is possible not only to cultivate, but also to harrow the earth, cleverly breaking big kisa.

As part of a disk rotary cultivator: 1 - disk, 2 - axis. 3 - sleeve, 4 - Large bracket, 5 - Small bracket, 6 - stock, 7 - Pipe, 8 - pen

The working bodies of this cultivator are convex discs that must be welded to the bushings, put on the axis. The axial ends are fixed with linings that are fixed in a large bracket. After that, a hole is cut into the upper part of this bracket. Handles with a crossbar are fixed. A small bracket is to be preserved a rod 25 cm long and a diameter of 24 mm. It screws the rod 16 mm diameter. Part of the rod is over the crossbar.

The desired spherical shape of the disk in 4 mm thick is not so simple. To do this, you need to be cleverly controlled with a hammer. A strong and accurate blow to the center of the disk converts it into a bowl. Here on this work and you will need basic physical efforts. Special lamb nuts, located on the crossbar, regulate the angle of inclination of spherical disks regarding the direction of the cultivator itself.

Option # 4: Production meat grinder to help us

The entire inventory is simple enough. But in the conditions of his own workshop, a homemade electric cultivator can be made. This once again proves that the possibilities of domestic masters are almost endless. To implement this idea it will take the old production meat grinder. On its basis and will be constructed an effective electric assistant gardery.

Electric cultivator can be made on the basis of production meat grinders: It will turn out a fairly powerful unit that will serve several years

Everything is not so difficult, as it seems, if there is a welding machine and a master who can use it for its intended purpose. Two corners should be attached to the gear card. The corners weld the pipes with the bend to be used as handles. There is another segment of the pipe between the resulting handles - the struts that gives the desired strength.

The corners will have to prigera and axes for the wheels of the cultivator. Wheels pick up medium size so that they were comfortable in work and did not fall into the soil.

The main detail of the design is the shaft. Hold it to be from ordinary scrap. The connection is carried out as the original: in the slot. The nozzle of the meat grinder is powered by a sledgehammer, after which the sleeve remains with thick walls from the cast iron. It is placed in it, the workpiece, to which the screws in the shape of the screw are welded from the scrap. They are cut out of automotive springs. Other variants of the material for soils were used, but they turned out to be non-visual.

The soils are located at an angle of 120 degrees. They need to be screwed in the direction of rotation, then it will be easier for them to enter the ground, and the cultivator itself will be easier to manage. The engine of the machine is connected according to the "Triangle" scheme, the start - condenser. Engine switch for convenience is installed on the cultivator handle. The device will serve for a long time, if before starting work, lubricate the mating of the homemade shaft in the cast iron sleeve any waste oil.

Carefully consider what machines should be and how they should be located: the efficiency of the device and its durability depends on this

The quality of the processing of the Earth depends on the speed of moving such a cultivator. Fast plowing will be rude, and with slow - the earth can be literally processed to the state of dust.

Option # 5: Child bike and washing machine

Do not rush to throw out an old bike and served your washing machine. These things can still come in handy if a desire to make a cultivator with their own hands, spending at least the means.

Now you know how to make a cultivator yourself. It remains to apply your knowledge in practice.

To date, each dacket dreams of facilitating its not easy work at the expense of all sorts of moto-blocks and moto-cultivators. The use of mechanical cultivators increases productivity and reduces the time for the soil processing several times.

Such units are multifunctional and you can perform all work related to the processing of the Earth. But such cultivators sometimes cost no small money and for transportation to the place of work you need a car, and to store the room, there will be no dacket in the apartment to store a cultivator. It turns out for a simple person. But still there is a solution to this problem. The author decided to make a handmade cultivator from an old bike without costs and investments. This design solves a number of problems if the summer house has a small plot for example, the standard Soviet six hundred and four weaves.

And so what is this design. Bicycle frame with a wheel, the frame as it can be turned down the place where the seat was located, and the place where the pedals were looking up and in that place the author welded the handles. The lower part, where there was a seat, will serve as a holder for the cutting paw of the cultivator. That is essentially the whole genius of this design. Now consider in more detail, as he made his invention, and that it took.

Materials: Bicycle frame, wheel, cultivator paw, 16 mm pipe.
Instruments: Welding machine, Bulgarian, hammer, set of keys.

To the place where the pedals were welding welded the handle.

And at that place where it was the seat inserted a cultivator paw. That's the whole design, easy and accessible to each dac. And this is the author already on his household plot is experiencing his iron horse.

In the spring, for most inhabitants of our country, a labor garden epic begins. Well, how else is otherwise. After all, those lucky people who have summer cottages as a result of their work, then the whole winter is powered by high-quality vegetables, berries and fruits from their garden. With proper storage, you can use vegetables and fruits in the fresh form. For such hardworking gardens and this article is intended. The shovel and the rank matter is certainly good, but too tedious. Although for young people, perhaps even useful for physical development. With a row, all groups of muscles work shovel. It turns out double use: and the body will strengthen, and with the garden parents will help.

But, this work is still easy to relieve using a homemade cultivator from an old bike. To whom allows the family budget, he certainly can buy a mechanical cultivator of factory production. But for homemade workers who prefer to do everything with their own hands, may be interested in information about the homemade manual cultivator. By the way, this device, if it is a little modified, can also serve as a light plow. Naturally, such a homemade plow a hard ground will be plowed almost impossible, but, let's say, the beds that each year were drunk and equipped with manure, it is quite aimed at processing. And so, for simple explosion and cleaning from weeds, this homemade cultivator can even be useful.

Homemade cultivator manufacturing technology

So, proceed to the manufacture of the cultivator. For its foundation, we can use the old bike frame. At the top of the frame, we attach two handles that can be made of metal tubes. The ends of the tubes are flattened. They drill holes in them. Next, with the help of bolts, fasten these handles to the bike frame.

At the bottom of the frame, the cultivator head is attached, which can also be made independently using the steel plate to which pointed metal bars are welded (I think, old rakes can also approach), or buy a ready-made cultivator head in the agricultural store.

All nodes of the homemade cultivator are mounted with bolted joints. Bicycle wheel is attached to the frame with locknuts. It is better to take a medium size. Well, perhaps, that's all. The diagram shown in detail shows from which the homemade cultivator consists, and how its nodes are connected to each other.

Such a cultivator is very convenient to remove weeds and handle potato beds. Also, as well as stated above, it is possible to attach a small light plow to him instead of a cultivator head, and rushing her garden beds under vegetables. Good luck!

It is interesting:

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Each gardener cultivates the land at the cottage. The word "cultivation" came to us from the Latin language. In translating it means - to process, cultivate. But it is. In the process of cultivation, the soil is treated, cultivate it in order to get rid of weeds. But the purpose of cultivation is not only in the weeding. After the cultivation of the soil becomes loose and more saturated with oxygen. The cultivator is treated with the soil before sowing and after the harvest is collected. Another cultivator needs to handle outwards, dip and transplant plants. The cultivator is a very convenient device, it will facilitate the work and reduce the time of the soil processing in the garden, flowerbed and any other site.

Modern cultivator can be bought in a specialized store. But such a technique can easily be collected with your own hands. It is only necessary to find a clear instruction, the necessary parts and tools and proceed to work.

To begin with, you should know that cultivators are divided by the type of power:

  • manual;
  • petrol;
  • electric.

They are also divided by weight and power. There are ultralight cultivators, mini, they weigh no more than thirty kilograms, ideal for small garden sites and giving.

There are light cultivators. Their weight is more than thirty, but no more than sixty kilograms. Such cultivators are used in large areas, on plowed fields and virgin. Medium cultivators weigh up to one kilogram. Well, the biggest cultivators are heavy. Their weight is greater than a hundred kilograms. Using such cultivators on large fields and landmarks.

There is another classification of cultivators - by appointment:

  • universal - are used for soil processing on any plot, aisle, they are used for weeding;
  • special - for processing a certain variety or culture;
  • creaters - these cultivators are designed to handle soil and gradually adding fertilizers;
  • presense, steam - for harrowing any soil before sowing, suitable for cottages;
  • proprietary - for weeding the rods in the fields where the crops have already risen.

There are cultivators for processing one row, mini cultivators for cottages and cultivators for processing several rows at the same time. They differ in size, because for one row, the cultivator is much smaller than for processing several rows.

But the most suitable for processing the garden and flower is a standard manual cultivator. It is lightweight and convenient to use. Also, he takes little space, it has a little weight. There are garden cultivators, they are also small sizes, ideal for giving.

Advantages and disadvantages of cultivators

Each of the types of cultivators has its pros and cons. Electrical cultivators lungs and small sizes. They do not need to refill, because they work on electricity. They are also pretty simple and easy to use, but are not suitable for giving, on which there is no electricity.

The disadvantages include what they work only on the territory where the power cord pulls out. Also, electric cultivators do not possess high power. With such a cultivator, you can handle the flower beds and the soil of greenhouses, but they are completely useless at large sites. After all, the length of the cord determines the place where the soil can be treated with this cultivator.

The cultivator who works on gasoline (gasoline cultivator), a little more advantages. It is convenient to process large areas with it, because such a cultivator has high power and functionality. The disadvantages include complexity in maintenance, high weight and fuel refueling. And the more powerful such a cultivator, the more fuel you need to refuel it. Gasoline cultivators are often called asteris.

Handmade cultivator - do houses

Such a cultivator is the most useful thing in the farm. He has a lot of positive sides:

  • lack of lower shifter loads
  • easy use
  • efficiency,
  • availability,
  • compactness.

With such a cultivator, you do not remove weeds around the site, and it is frozen by the soil very high quality and does not turn it out. But the cultivator is designed to handle small sites and only on plowed land. It is perfect for giving.

Initially, it should be understood, for what purpose you need a cultivator. After all, the choice of a certain cultivator also affects the set of cultures that are planted on the site, and the structure of the soil of the region itself. If you have a small plot, then the powerful and bulk cultivator will occupy a lot of space. He will only harm, will not benefit from him.

It is best to create a cultivator with your own hands, so you will save your money and acquire an assistant in the farm. Some cultivators can be created from undergraduate tools, some need additional details for some, but their cost will not exceed the cost of a whole cultivator in the store. Cultivators who are created with their own hands, ideal assistants in the garden and are suitable for giving.

The smallest cultivator

"Smaster kid" is a small homemade cultivator, it can be called a mini cultivator. It captures only twenty centimeters of the territory, but it is very convenient to work with such a cultivator. All you need to do is to attach several carved metal sprockets to the axis, and then fasten the comfortable handle. That's ready new assistant in the farm. It is easy to handle aisle with him at the time when the harvest has already ascended. It is his mini-size prevent damage to the desired plants. Also, if the asterisks are well sharpened, then they cut the weeds without any problems. At the same time, the weed does not cling to the cultivator and is not distributed throughout the site. Suitable for cottages, because it is convenient to transport it.

Simple cultivator - "Tornado"

Another simple cultivator that can be made personally has the name "Tornado". Such a cultivator is ideal for processing light soil. And it is made from the most common forks or spring wire, it can also be called a mini cultivator.

  1. In order to make such a cultivator, you will need a wooden stalk-handle that will need to be modified. The wooden handle of your new cultivator should be strengthened. To do this, use a metal or plastic tube, cut along. It should not be much more than a wooden handle. After the pipe is cut, wear it on a wooden handle and adhere to it. So the handle will become much stronger, and with such a cultivator will work easier.
  2. Then proceed to the manufacture of the main part of the cultivator. You take a pitchfoon and hammer, you also need a picture or drawings of the original cultivator "Tornado", because you need to repeat all the bends.
  3. From a strong impact of the hammer of the teeth, the Villa will bend in the other direction in which you send them. But do not overdo it.
  4. After the base of the cultivator is created, attach it to the handle and can handle the soil with your new cultivator.

You can also make a treasure of a cultivator from thick spring wire. This option will take more time and effort. But the result is worth it.

Cultivators of an old bike

For another version of the cultivator, which can be created with your own hands, we need a part of the bike. So, if you have an old and unnecessary bike - make your cultivator and do not waste money for the purchase. This is the perfect assistant in the country.

  1. To the frame of the old bicycle, the cultivator head is fed, it can be part of an old cultivator, iron rods or a small plow, a supa.
  2. A comfortable handle for controlling the cultivator is made of segments of iron pipes or from another metal. There is a cross between the handles.
  3. The assembly of all parts of the cultivator is carried out between themselves with bolts, nuts on which are dragged as much as possible, so that the whole system was solid or all the details can be fixed using welding. This option is much more reliable than the previous one.
  4. After the basis is ready, the wheel is attached to it, it should not be too big so that the plow is good in the ground. And not too small, then you will have to make more efforts when pushing than it is required with the medium-sized wheel.

If you have an old medium-sized wheel, you can make another version of the home cultivator. Just attach curved metal handles to the wheel, which is also attached to a small plow, it is attached behind the wheel, closer to you. And here is the home homemade handmade cultivator.

Disc cultivator with your own hands

There is also an option of a self-made hand cultivator, which is made from steel disks. Total disks should be five, the teeth are attached to three of them, with the help of which the soil will occur. Such discs can be made independently or order. After all, they are made on the lathe. Two disks will be smooth, and in three other special teeth or curved nails will be enshrined. When the discs are ready, they are alternately dressed on the axis, then bearings and washers are put, and after the whole design is attached to a wooden handle. The soil is cultivated with these teeth, they alternately belong to the ground and loosen it. Also, these teeth cut the roots of weeds. Because of its weight, this manual cultivator does not require special use of force. The only drawback is that periodically will have to clean the teeth from weeds. After all, a cut grass clings to the teeth and is distributed throughout the plot.

The rotary cultivator can be made with their own hands, such a kind of cultivator is designed for harrowing, smoking the soil after plowing. He is something similar to a disk cultivator, but wheels in it of a different form - they are hemispherical and convex. Also, they are not five, but only four. At the same time, each pair is attached to its own axis. Also, the base remains movable, which helps to change the angle of inclination of the discs if necessary. The basis will be metallic, it can be attached to a comfortable wooden or metal handle, on which there will be screws to adjust the corner of the disks. Fully metallic cultivator of this type will be heavier, so if you do not have the power, make a wooden handle. This cultivator is comfortable by the fact that the grass will not cling to the discs.

Convenient chainsaw cultivator

If you have an old chainsaw, which you have not used for a long time, do not hurry to throw it out or sell. From its serviceable parts, you can make a great hand cultivator with your own hands. This option is suitable for those who understand the technique. You will also need to purchase some materials, lubrication and fuel. After all, this cultivator is gasoline, that is, it works on a gasoline or a friend of it.

  1. First you need to make a frame for a motoblock from the corners. In shape it will be cubic.
  2. The engine is further attached to the top of the frame of the future cultivator.
  3. Pens make metal pipes, with such handles it is very convenient to process the soil.
  4. You will also need two stars, one for the intermediate shaft, and the other will be the lead. It is because of these parts a cultivator is called an asterisk.

The disadvantage of this homemade cultivator is that it requires constant refueling.

Do-it-yourself electric cultivator

If there is a desire, at home, you can create an electric cultivator. But it should be borne in mind that he will break the land with large pieces, it is when fast work. If the soil is treated with such a cultivator slowly, then the cloves will be smaller, and the earth will become softer and plowed. It should also be remembered that the territory of the work will be limited to the long electric cord.

  1. In order to make such a cultivator, you need two metal corners that are attached to the reducer. They are attached to them handles curved, for greater convenience.
  2. The same corners are attached to the axis for the wheels. Wheels for this cultivator use medium sizes. After all, it will not work very comfortable with big, and the small will fall.
  3. Next, you need to connect the shaft with a conventional electric meat grinder. It will be necessary to split the standard nozzle and insert the prepared screw into the resulting hole.
  4. Further, for greater convenience, you can transfer the power button from the meat grinder itself to the handle of the cultivator, and everything is ready.
  5. It is necessary to replace the power cord on the meat grinder, because the standard cord is usually very short and not suitable for work.

There are many more options for making cultivators with your own hands. You just need to show a little fantasy and smelting. After all, having an old, but working motor from the washing machine, you can also create a well-working electric cultivator. It is only necessary to find the details of the old bike and connect them together. You can also add batteries, and you will have a homemade battery cultivator.

After all, not always all work can be done with a large and professional cultivator. Sometimes it is much easier to treat with a manual cultivator of the aisle and at the same time not harm the plants.

As soon as spring comes and snow comes, everyone is beginning to wait for warm weather. Many want to quickly work out their sites to prepare the ground for abundant yields. And here the manual cultivator is useful to each dacket and gardener. After all, if before boarding the soil, in the flooded oxygen, the plants will grow much faster. Yes, and when working with a cultivator, no special application is required, while the performance of work is made much faster. With the cultivator that adults and children will be able to work with the cultivator. It takes a little time for training. The main thing is to follow all instructions in the manufacture of a manual cultivator.

With a manual cultivator, you not only swell the earth before landing, convenient harrows for planting seeds are created with it. Also, the cultivator can be used in the fight against weeds, when everything herself. After all, there is no desire to pull the grass manually. And processing the garden you need often.

For the cottage, any of the hand cultivators created by their own hands are perfect, homemade. After all, they are quite small sizes and they are very convenient to work. In one mini cultivator you will find a great assistant at the cottage.

It is not always advantageous to buy vegetables and fruits. After all, there is no guarantee that store vegetables are grown in compliance with all technologies. And after all, there are much more pleasant vegetables that grown by you on your garden or dacha. Moreover, if you go to gardening right and with the mind, even the mood rises. Also improved your physical health, because constant physical exertion appear. In order for gardening and gardening to be conveniently engaged, you should buy or make some tools yourself. If you understand the technique, then there is nothing complicated, you can easily collect a homemade tool for the processing of the Earth and the removal of weeds. If you do not particularly understand, choose the type of manual cultivator with a simple design. If you want to create a sophisticated cultivator yourself, ask your friends to help you. Together with friends, it will be much more interesting and more fun to create such a useful technique.

Everyone who has experience is familiar with hand-made busting technologies.

In order to facilitate this process, you can make a snake from a bike with your own hands.

Operating principle

How your labor costs will decrease, just understand. The principle of operation of the self-made ridder for potatoes is easy.

Did you know? In Europe, potatoes began to grow in the middle of the XVI century.

The main part of the unit, which deepens to the ground by 10-15 cm, is made of conical shape or in the form of an arrow tip. The blades are placed under the angle so that the Earth in the aisle moved to the desired width and poured a row. Width will depend on the width of the row.
This part is attached to the cycling frame with the wheel. It is the wheel that the entire unit is managed. And most easily facilitates the work of the wheel, which moves ahead.

In this way, the process of emphasising potatoes is performed by the following actions:

  • deepen into the ground;
  • move it with the wheel;
  • by steering, manage the unit.
The process of emphasising the potatoes is more easily, than if you were done by hand, the sap is plunging each bush separately. The work goes much faster and better. Such treatment is suitable for plantations planted by the row and ridge.

How to make a sapper for potatoes do it yourself

How to make a sake for potatoes with your own hands, you can understand by reading our article. Make it easy for the owner who has the necessary tool, an unnecessary old bike, section and, of course, desire.

Materials and tools

For the manufacture of hand-made potatoes, the cultivator part is needed, first of all. Here you can use the finished section of an ordinary tractor cultivator, you can cook a cultivator, placing the blade at the desired angle. It will take the frame of the old Soviet bike with one wheel (26-28 inches).
From the wheels it is better to remove the rubber, leaving the rim "naked". Metal is better crashed into the ground, so the finished unit is easier to manage. On the frame there should be a steering wheel.
Naturally, you will need both cycling keys and wrenches.

Manufacturing process

The manufacturing process will consist of several stages.

Important! In the process of manufacture, adhere to safety equipment.

  • The first stage is preparatory.
First of all, we prepare a bicycle frame. We remove the rear wheel, pedals, saddle and steering wheel with it. From the front wheel, remove the camera, leaving only the rim. Prepare the section of the tractor cultivator to fastening the rear wheel place. To do this, you need to fasten the fastening to the section, if the "native" does not fit.
If there is no cultivator section, you need to prepare metal to cook it yourself.
  • The second stage is the manufacture of an aggregate.
The mounting for the rear wheel must be cut, leaving only the "triangle" frame. On the cropped place for the rear wheel, in bulk to the fastening of pedals, screw the section of the tractor cultivator. Tightly tighten the nuts with the appropriate wrench (most often they need two: one to support the bolt, the second is to twist the nut).

The removal of this section must be adjusted to conveniently go at a distance from the rank. In place where the saddle stood, install the steering wheel. Tighten the cycling key tight. Height adjust under its growth.

In addition, it is necessary to tighten it very tightly or tighten to brew the front fork so that it stood "Dead" and did not turn. If there is no finished cultivator section, then it must be welded. Here the calculation is special. It is necessary that the width of the rank was on 2/3 of the width of the row. The angle of welded blades should be unshentable to capture the ground well (approximately 80-90 °).

Important! In disruption of welding safety techniques, the following injuries are possible: electric shock lesions, slag burns and metal droplets, mechanical injury.

On the front you can wear a belt to work together. For the belt pulls the first, manages - the second. In order for the occupier easier to crashed into the ground, the load can be attached to it.