Repairs Design Furniture

Production of a plant for a motoblock with their own hands. Homemade potatoes for minitractor drawings. Homemade potatoes - substantial savings of your funds Saluing for potatoes do it yourself drawings

Many dackets arrange the garden on the household farm, where such a popular vegetable culture is planted like potatoes. Even in a small area, planting this vegetable manual method takes a lot of time and strength, requires a certain degree of endurance. In addition, planting potatoes is manually - the time-consuming process, and it will not be possible to postpone it for a while. Potatoes must be planted quickly until the necessary moisture evaporates from the ground.

But if you need to plant a seed potato garden with a size of 40 acres and even more, a tractor with a plow can come to the rescue or indispensable on the household plot. For planting potatoes with it, you need to additionally purchase such a plating device as a mechanized planting for potatoes.

Construction of the trailer device

The potatoes used for planting potatoes significantly facilitates the process and allows you to make it pretty quickly. Such an additional device for the motoblock was invented, designed and designed to simplify the planting of potato tubers as much as possible.

Thanks to the universal structure, the design is suitable for motor blocks of any type and consists of the following parts:

Planting process

Planting potato tubers is made in a furrow done in advance with a motoblock. Thus, first, with it, you need to plow the garden, then you need to attach a trailed potatoes on the motoblock, put the tubers in its bunker and plant the potatoes.

At the same time, to cut the grooves and landing with potato potatoes is impossible using an ordinary household motor-block. Such operations are able to perform only a powerful diesel fiberboard or mini-tractor.

Varieties of potatoes

The market presents potatoes of several species that differ in shape and size, functionality. Spilled and span prices for such devices. You can purchase both expensive multifunctional models and inexpensive budget devices.


Potatoes of small sizes are used to plant seed potatoes on a household site or in the country garden.

The design of the device is equipped with a regulator of the landing depth of potato tubers and the height regulator formed by raising the soil.

Small-sized potatoes are suitable for motor-blocks of both domestic and foreign manufacturers.

The weight of the device on average is about 20-25 kg. The volume of the hopper is up to 34 liters. With it, you can handle rows of a width of 60 to 75 cm and plant 6-7 potatoes per meter. The landing rate is 0.2 ha / h.


Such potatoes have a spacious tank with a volume of 44 liters. These are quite big heavy sources, their weight is 41 kg, and productivity - 0.2-0.25 ha / h / h. Such plantations are aggregated with medium and heavy motoblocks.


Apply to the processing of large areas. They have a large-sized bunker, the potatoes in which falls asleep with the help of a dump truck. Attached to the tractor. These are powerful expensive aggregates used in rural and farming.

Cost of devices

The potatoes differ in price. Large and multifunctional devices are more expensive than small-sized sunels.

The cost of different potatoes depends on factors:

Making your own hands

You can choose potatoes and other necessary attachments in a specialized store, and you can make such a device and at home. It is only necessary to have some skills to perform fitter work and acquire the necessary materials for the manufacture of a fitting unit for a motor-block.

Tools and materials

To make potatoes with your own hands, you will need to purchase:

Before starting the assembly of potatoes, you need to carefully examine the drawing, think over the size of the future device and its appearance, the method of attachment to the motoblock. The dimensions of the plant should not be very large so that the design does not come out too cumbersome.

The volumes of the bunker for filling tubers are determined based on the calculation of the double length of the bed. The capacity of the container should be enough to go through the fuel with a bunker filled with potatoes, two furrows and return to the re-loading site.

Stages assembly

Making potatoes occurs in several stages:

  1. Designing Rama - The most simple part of the tax collection phase. For the construction of a frame from a round or square profile, two long blanks are cut out for its longitudinal part, and two shorter for the transverse part of the frame. The optimal size of a frame base is 60 by 20 cm. The places of future welding of metal parts are cleaned with the help of sandpaper or a file, processed and produce welding. The seams are also cleaned with the help of emery.
  2. Manufacturing bunker. The metal sheet is cut into the necessary parts with the help of a grinder. Details are purified by sandpaper, processed and welded in the form of an inverted pyramid. The process of manufacturing the potato capacitance can be simplified using the tank from the failed washing machine as a bunker. The container body is trying to the designed frame, determining the optimal place to locate the axis of the roof of the plant so that the center of gravity of the bunker with the potatoes loaded into it was 6-10 cm ahead of this axis. Such a constructive solution will reduce part of the load from the motor-block when working.
  3. Mounting axis for wheels and bearings. At this stage, it is necessary to place and try on areas for fastening bearings and mounting axis. Bearings are placed on the frame using metal corners. For the structural strength, it is better to choose steel parts. After that, the frame must be rotated, and to the corners to firmly attach the pipe with welding. The cooking seam is fixed using the lining. The pipe will be located in the pipe. In its cavity, support bearings are fixed, placing one by one.
  4. Fastening vertical racks. Two metal racks weld to the base of the frame, having them vertically. These elements of the design are based on the attached bearings that support the top axis of the stars holding a chain elevator. Bearings are attached using clamps. So that there is no dirt and soil into the bearing inside the bearing, you need to choose those that have a closed closure design. The optimal solution is to close the axes by safety anthers. After that, determine the locations of the upper and lower stars using a plumb. Bulgarian make a cutting pipe at the base of the frame. Then install the lower stars on the axis. A chain is put on the design and pull it up very much. Determine the place for fastening the upper axis and the stars. Install the axis and bearings for the upper node and mount the device on vertical racks.
  5. Fastening the kers. To improve the feeding of potato tubers from the bunker, you need to partially add the chain transmission. When the motoblock is working, the roaster of the plant will rotate the stall when moving. So that the wheels are not turned into too soft soil, special soils can be put on the tires. Such overhead nozzles are more convenient to use than the designs of potatoes, having heavy spiny metal wheels. And it is also necessary to take into account that the more the diameter of the wheel will be, the easier it will move the plant.
  6. Installation of buckets for feeding tubers. When designing potatoes, it is better to use a chain, an axis and bearings from the car engine than the details from the bike. Such a system has a double row chain, its dimensions and stars are suitable for the plant in the best possible way. To the chains you need to attach or weld the rings from steel wire-rods in such a way that they do not make it difficult to move the movement of the upper and lower stars. They will function as buckets, taking potato tubers from the bunker.
  7. Installation device for trailer. With it, the potatoes will be attached to the motoblock. To do this, details for fasteners are welded to the front of the frame. Most often it is supplied near through holes. Such a constructive solution helps to choose the optimal height of the handle for attaching to the motoblock.
  8. Cut hole for buckets at the bottom of the bunker. Through it, the mackers will come inside. Two plates weld at the bottom of the hopper. With their help, he will be attached to the frame of the plant.
  9. Attach a tuber. A pipe is attached to the bunker to lower the tubers in the furrow. It is made of metal. Part of the drain pipe can be used as such a device. Its lower part is best completed by the corner element that the tuber's arrival will be sent.

After collecting the potatoes or the purchase of the factory model, you need to prepare to work with this device: pick up the tubers of the same size, wash and clean them from dirt, determine the optimal motion speed of the motoblock.

After the potatoes are planted, the device needs to be cleaned from dirt. So it will last much longer.

Moto-block potatoes: drawings, sizes, photos, video manufacturing.

Potato landing manually, the process is tedious, because after plowing the garden of the soil quickly loses moisture and need to plant the tubers as quickly as possible if the landing site is large, the planting process can delay for several days.

The planting process and potato plant will pass much faster, because you can immediately put the plant and guide discs to fall asleep soil.

If the motoblock is quite powerful, you can immediately install the sleep in front of the plant that will make a furrow for the planting of potatoes.

On the Internet there are quite many options for potatoes, we consider the optimal proven option with a simple design.

The design of the potatoes consists of a bunker for potato tubers, which is mounted on a steel profile frame. In turn, the frame is installed on the axis with a pair of metal wheels with primers.

On the axis, welded the stars, which drives the chain with the bowls. With the moves of the bowls raise potatoes from the bunker and on the guide tube we throw them into a furrow.

Homemade potatoes for a motoblock.

For the manufacture of homemade potatoes, you will need:

  • A couple of axes.
  • Bearings.
  • Chain from the car engine.
  • Two stars for the chain.
  • Wire with a cross section of 6 mm.
  • Sheet metal with a thickness of 2 mm.
  • Profile steel pipe.
  • For the bunker any cone-shaped container.


  • Welding machine, electrodes.
  • Bulgarian with cutting circle.
  • Electrode, rolled.
  • Other plumbing tools.

Potato melting scheme.

The figure shows the scheme of potatoes under the fiberboard.

Drawings of potatoes for a motoblock.

The calculation of the gear mechanism of the chain rotation with the cups of potatoes.

The frame of the potatoes is welded from the profile pipe, the tank from the Soviet washing machine "Riga" can be used as a bunker or a similar cone-shaped container.

Bearings with the bottom axis and the leading stars under the chain and vertical racks under the top axis with the stars are attached to the frame.

Rings of bucket rings from 6 mm wire are welded to the chains on the sides, the burshing of the buckets are necessary so as not to prior to the connections between the chain links.

In order for the tubers prematurely fell out of the ladle, you need to install the guide tube, as an option, you can use a plastic drainage pipe with a diameter of 100 mm.

For filling of the furrows, two rotary disks are installed with the possibility of adjusting the corners.

Installation scheme of plant on a motor-block.

Homemade potatoes in the video.

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Spring is not only the time of growing seedlings from seeds, but also the time of preparing potatoes to landing. Find out, how to make potatoes with your own hands. Blueprints, Photos and video will help you with minimal effort to build an additional fixture for a motor-block or tractor. Can bring pleasure if you will maximize the use of new equipment and technology.

Double row potatoes for a minitractor: do it yourself

Sadders, who know not at the difficulty of cultivation of the garden on the household site or have their own small field, will be happy to facilitate their work with the help of different devices designed to simplify and speed up some time spent and working forces.

Photo how to make the most soot for potatoes

If you are planning to plant potatoes in the spring with minimal effort, you will receive a two-row potatoes for a mini tractor, which can be collected with your own hands, without spending on expensive finished equipment.

Stock Foto Two-row potatoes for minitractor

The process of working with such an aggregate for planting potatoes looks like this:

  1. Discs at the bottom of the device will leave the groove.
  2. In the conveyor in the tanks for the tuber will get potatoes and put it in the ridge.
  3. The earth is immediately falling asleep.
  4. If you install an additional box, you can immediately fertilize the landing.

See useful video with dimensions: homemade two-row sugue on the T-25

The potatoes of a two-row or one-row is attached to a minitractor, but if you make a design according to the drawings, it can be fixed on the fiberboard. Depending on the power of the tractor, two-row or single-row potatoes are chosen. Of course, it is more profitable to use a two-row model to accelerate work.

Homemade potato melting for a minitractor in the photo

Homemade potato melting consists:

  • from bunker for planting material;
  • rama with wheels;
  • cups for digging channels;
  • special attachments with bowls to capture tubers;
  • discs for falling asleep furrow.

How to collect two-row potatoes yourself

Assembly of potatoes for mini tractor should be started with the installation of the frame. It is made from Schawler number 8. Two spars are fixed to the frame for welding subsequent details and strengthen them with three crossings.

Detailed drawing of potato potatoes for minibll

In front of the spars, fastenings are welded to them, with the help of which the plant will be cling to the tractor. The nearers are then reinforced by two inclined metal bars, which subsequently weld the bunker for the planting material. From the bottom to the frame it is necessary to attach the plow, or the couch, the axis for one wheel.

Drawing of potatoes for minitractor and motoblock

The potato tank is made of plywood pieces with a thickness of at least 1.5 cm. First, the parts of the desired shape and size are pumped, then the metal corners are connected with each other. Phaneur is impregnated with oil and paint the water-making paint. From the inside it can be chipped by softening material, for example, rubber to avoid damage to tubers.

Purchased potato melting for a minitractor in the photo

Under the container for potatoes, the pot from the washing machine is perfect. The wheels for the plant is better to make wide, so as not to dry the loose ground. The role of a seeder will perform a metal pipe with a hole at least 10 cm. You also need to provide a workplace for the helper, which will follow the process.

Photo of homemade double row potatoes

Now you know how to do homemade potatoes for minitractor do it yourself. Video and drawings from this article will help you keep accurate sizes, taking into account the model of your mini tractor. Most often, potatoes are made for T-25 or MTZ -82 tractor, so consider and you are a model.

Hinged equipment For various agricultural equipment allows significantly expand application These aggregates in rural areas. The presence of a motoblock or a minitractor (for example,) does not yet mean that you will be done with absolutely any tasks on Earth.

For example, haircut lawns, or planting potato tubers will be unavailable without applying additional equipment.

In many ways, the Earth is processed precisely for planting in her potatoes, because it is not called "second bread". Of course, many are accustomed to doing this manually, but, having a minitractor or a motor-block (for example,), you can think about making potatoes with your own hands.

It's pretty painstaking, so you need certain knowledge and skillsbefore starting to work.

For example, read the article about a description of the model range, the main characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of models.

A - represented by detailed instructions, how to independently make a snow blower to the motoblock.


Many wonder - how to make potatoes with your own hands, the drawings of which are on the Internet? Indeed, the network has enough recommendations with a detailed description and dimensions, following which, you can make enough workable unit.

In this case, it will be approximately as follows:

    • You need to start, of course with Manufacturing frame designon which the remaining components will be attached. To do this, we need Schwellors number 8, of which two longitudinal spars are welded, interconnected by three steel stripes.
    • Ahead of the design you need to weld the arch with fastening forges, going to the centerpiece.
    • Strengthen the frame can be Two steel beams Inclined type that need to be consolidated by the second side to the middle of the arch. Next, you need to fix the limit of the subject, made from the 5x5x0.5 cm corner. Breeping it to the spar personally.
    • Need to inclined beams private bracket Plastic type. It is to these beams that the tank for potatoes will be connected.
    • For the reservoir we will need ordinary plywoodwhose thickness will be approximately 12 mm.

      Cut all sides of the bunker, and then secure them with each other with steel corners. By the way, it will not be superfluous to handle the box of olifa to protect it from moisture exposure.

    • Inside the tank can be installed Rubber sheetsSo that potatoes do not damage his wall while driving. Next, secure the bunker to the bracket using two bolts.
    • Next you need to fix to the bottom of the frame wheel axle and ripper. In principle, you can see the drawings of potatoes made with your own hands, for greater visibility.
    • The wheel axis is a design made from different parts. As a basis, you can take a conventional tube of steel, at the ends of which you need to install the pin. Here, the exact dimensions are difficult, depending on which diameter of the pipe you use.
    • therefore , Tsapy. You need to fit under these sizes on the lathe.
    • In the steel tube you need to drill holes in which special pins with spikes will be installed. At the end, they need to be fed.
    • Wheel axle need to fix With the help of steel clamps, with M16 bolts in the amount of 4 pieces.

  • As a wheelbase, you can use wheels from the old technology of agricultural destination. If so are missing, then you need to work a little in this regard.
  • On wheels need Private hubs, where then you need to put a pair of bearings. Next, put the bearings on the spikes, protect the gasket from the felt so that it is unnecessary not contaminated.
  • Details holding rippers are presented in the form of a square from steel rods, cooked with each other. At the ends of the square you need private Oboy from sheet steel 6 mm. Inside them will be located the racks of cultivator blades.
  • Sower For this unit, it is made of steel pipe, the diameter of which is 100 mm. At the same time, the thickness of the pipe wall should be at least 3 mm so that the design is not bent during the work process.
  • The bottom of the pipe is welded BorozdorezMade of sheet steel 6 mm thick.
  • Be sure to attach to the frame seat For a person, as well as a foot stand.

    The seat framework itself is made of corners cooked with each other. The seat can be made from ordinary boards, which are tightened with something soft - foam rubber, for example.

Basically, sizes of homemade potatoes are specified approximately, on the basis of a specific case. In any case, this scheme is working, so you can safely construct the unit, based on these parameters.

Similarly, self-made potatoes are made for t 25, because there is no definite value from what will perform the role of the main traction - the motor-block or minitractor. Of course, different power indicators will be different, but the design of the potato virtually identical.

In general, the process of planting potatoes using homemade potatoes looks like this:

  • In the tank for tubers potatoes fall asleep. From above you need to put a couple of bags with potatoes, so as not to waste time when the tubers in the bunker are run.
  • One person sits on the seat located on the potatoes, and the second one - either on the minitractor, or on the motoblock (see).
  • Movement should be carried out at speeds. Not more than 1 km / h.
  • Man sitting on potatoes alternately thorning tubers in the tuber, Located on both sides.
  • After entering the tubers in the wells, they need them fall asleep Earth. It was for this that the disks that close the holes of the Earth were designed, making rotation.

You can change the depth of removing the upper layer of the soil, which these discs produce. For this you need:

  • Adjust the stepladders, carrying out the support of the supports to the racks, weakening them.
  • Can be a little change the corner itselfunder which these discs are located. To do this, you need to turn them a little in the right direction.

After completing the planting process, It remains to remove those traceswhich left the fiberboard and potatoes. In this case, disintegrators will help us, i.e. Cultivator blades located on racks. By the way, the degree of their immersion in the ground can also be adjusted.

The homemade potatoes with detailed dimensions can be an excellent way to save its funds, which would inevitably be if the potatoes were acquired in a specialized store.

Considering that the average cost of this unit is about 15 thousand rubles, That kind of savings looks particularly justified. At the same time, there are no special costs for the necessary materials in the manufacture, because the components are used from the old, which served their aggregates.


The manufacture of potatoes seems to be quite difficult on its own, so you need to weigh everything "for" and "against" before being taken for work. Definitely independent assembly will help you Save your savingsbut will require you a considerable number of technical knowledge and skills.

But, if you are confident in yourself, and more than once they have made any adaptation, then the assembly of self-made potatoes will become quite understandable and feasible. In addition, it is fascinating enough, like all the cases produced by your own hands.

In general, any man will appreciate the results of work, as well as the manufacturing process itself.

In this article, I will tell you about my potatoes made by my own hands, which I have been using for several years. Since I constructed it, about planting potatoes "under the shovel", forgot at all. First of all, I will tell about the principle of its work, as well as the design itself, with the photo and of course the video!

The principle of work potatoes.

So, the principle of its work is, when moving a minitractor, the beats of potatoes rotate, together with which the axis rotates with the leading star welded on it. Another star is located vertically above the lead star. There is a chain between these stars, on which the so-called blades are welded to capture potatoes from the bunker. That's all its principle of work. Now let's talk about the design itself.

The design of potatoes.

For the manufacture of the frame, we will need a profile, take for example 60 × 30, the wheels can be made from the gas cylinder, just cutting out a steam rings from it 100 mm, this will be our future wheels, or from the pipe, with a diameter of about 400 mm.

Attention! Before cutting a cylinder, first get rid of gas residues in it.

The leading star will need, approximately 270 mm and 40 teeth. Such stars stood earlier in the "Niva" combines. The second star will need 15 teeth. For them, select the chain. For two bunker potatoes, we naturally, a couple of stars of 40 teeth, a couple of stars of 15 teeth and a couple of chains.

The blades are made of wire (round) 10 mm, the circle with a diameter of 50-60 mm and the two arcs cross will be welded, so that the potatoes would not fly and not stuck in the blade. There are cases when seed potatoes are small and the blade captures two tubers, so that it would be avoided, you need either potatoes more monotonous size, or a man should sit on the potatoes and a finger to look like an extra potato, as in our case.

The blades are welded with a step of 270 mm, the distance between the plated potatoes will depend on this step.

Bunkers are made of frame, and a sheet metal 1.5 mm. In order for potatoes to fall exactly in bed, with the outside of the bunkers, the pipes with a diameter of 100 mm with a slot under the chain are installed.

The cultivation of potatoes is very hard work. Its landing, emphasis and cleaning requires large physical exertion. Especially the problem is exacerbated if the landing area exceeds 15 acres. In order to at least simplify a job, you can automate this process. If the farm has a motoblock or mini tractor, the work can ease automatic potatoes and potatoes. Such specific equipment is purchased with a motoblock, but sometimes prices for it exceed the cost of the motor-block itself, making it not too affordable for a wide range of users. The exit from this situation can be the manufacture of these devices with your own hands. They are quite complicated, so for their production it is necessary to know the foundations of mechanics, have experience of welding and mechanical assistance. How to make potatoes and potatoes with your own hands - further in the article.

The potatoes is a trailer for the motoblock. The principle of its work is based on the automatic supply of planting material from the bunker to the furrow. Following the motoblock, thanks to the plow installed on the frame, the device makes the moon of the depth. Then the chain conveyor, which rotates due to the rotation of the wheels of the potatoes, the planting material is supplied from the hopper well. After that, two disks installed in the tail part of the frame burst the well with ground potatoes.

The dimensions of the potatoes are selected individually depending on the power of the motoblock. Thanks to the exact selection of the distance between the supplies of the conveyor, you can achieve a uniform boarding of tubers throughout the row.

The main parts of the potatoes of the Motoblock made by their own hands:

  • Frame. It establishes all the working elements of the unit. The frame is made in the form of welded metal structures from the profile pipe. This material has sufficient strength, while having a small weight. In the nose of the frame, a trailer is installed, which provides a clutch of the unit with a motoblock.
  • Bunker. Designed to load the planting material into the unit. Performed in the form of an inverted pyramid. This form is needed so that the potatoes constantly face down. If this fails, then some bowls of the conveyor when moving will be empty, which will lead to an uneven landing. For the manufacture of the bunker uses a thin sheet metal.
  • Chain conveyor. It is performed from a motorcycle or cycling chain with welded on its surface with bowls. Cased conveyor driven asterisk installed on the wheel shaft. From above connected with a tensioned asterisk.
  • Plow. Installed before the mechanism of supplying the planting material. His task is to produce the deepening, in which potatoes will be planted.
  • Disk harrows. Installed at an angle to the axis of potatoes in the tail part. They are needed to bury well with planted potatoes.

Making potatoes with their own hands

Make an independently potatoes in the household at home is quite difficult. Some operations (welding and turning works) will have to do in production conditions. Before starting work, it is better to make drawings of potatoes for a motoblock with their own hands. This will help calculate the amount of material and determine the most optimal sequence of work.

To make this work it will take:

  • A sheet of steel thick up to 2 mm for welding a bunker.
  • Pipe Profile cross section 25x25 mm for welding frame frame.
  • Chain motorcycle or cycling.
  • Two identical asterisks with a diameter of 80 mm.
  • The axis of the wheel (will have to be pulled under the size of the used bearings and the inner planting diameter of the asterisk).
  • Wheel hubs for mounting drive wheels.
  • Cultivator discs.
  • Borozdowel (plow). It is necessary to make it from a piece of solid sheet metal, since it will be high pressure on it.

Order of work:

  1. The first thing is welded a frame frame, on which all working parts will be installed. It is welded from the profile pipe. Conveyor racks, spars are welded to the frame to give stiffness design. Also welded a tap for clutch with a motoblock.
  2. On the bottom, the fastening structures of the plow, disks, clips and bearing housing are welded.
  3. Next is the assembly of the shaft. On the shaft with a key, the drive asterisk of the transport conveyor is attached and secured. The shaft itself is installed in the bearings. On his ending the wheel hub is mounted.
  4. The next step is made by the manufacture of conveyor bowls. They are made of thick wire Ø 6 mm in the form of a ring with a diameter of 60 mm (the average size of the planting tuber). A piece of wire is welded to the ring, making the bowl deepening.
  5. The finished bowl is welded to the attachment. The latter is welded to the links of the chain. Depending on the diameter of the drive asterisk, the wheels and the length of the chain can be experimentally determined by determining the installation step of the conveyor bowls so that the distance between the landing tubers was from 25 to 30 cm.
  6. After the chain of the conveyor is ready, proceed to the installation of idle (stretch) asterisks and the tensioning device potatoes made by their own hands. The principle of its work is the same as the principle of tensioning the circuit of the bicycle.
  7. Next, the bunker is mounted. It must be mounted in such a way that the working part of the conveyor passed through it and captured the planting material. In this case, the chain should not cling to the walls of the bunker, as this can lead to its destruction.
  8. After that, you need to install the chain. To turn it through the hump hole, the chain must be disconnected. After that it connects and is installed on the workplace.
  9. The idle side of the conveyor is closed by a slit of thin galvania. This is done so that potatoes do not fall in the wrong place when crushing the conveyor.
  10. Next, drives are mounted. They are attached to special sectors that allow you to change the angle of attacks and angle of inclination if necessary.
  11. The last step is installed drive wheels.

Principle of operation and design of potatoes

The work of the potatoes is to lift the roots from the depth and separation of them from the tops and soil. In the use of potatoes there are plays and cons. The most important of them is the quality of harvesting. Here is the main thing - to properly configure the unit. Otherwise, you can leave up to 20% root in the ground, and such losses will be able to reduce all the efforts made to "no".

Potatoes are different types that differ in both the principle of operation and the complexity of the design:

  1. Fresh-type potatoes. The easiest type of device, which is characterized by ease of manufacture and use. Such a potatoes is a steel boom, which at an angle enters the ground and raises the tubers together with the soil. In the rear of the boom, a fan of steel rods was installed, through which the soil is sieved, and the tubers are discarded to the sides.
  2. Vibration-type potatoes. More complex structures. The principle of their work lies in the screening of tubers on a special vibration table. Thanks to this, the soil cohes up, and the potatoes itself is laid out with a ribbon along the row. The vibrotol actuator is carried out from the driving parts of the motoblock. Alone, such structures are rarely manufactured due to their complexity and the need for a wide range of mechanical assistance.
  3. Conveyor-drum type. The most complex aggregates. The principle of their action is as follows:
  • A special device captures the soil with tubers and directs them to the conveyor.
  • The latter raises the tubers with the ground and directs their rotating lattice drum. There they are separated from the soil and fall into a special bunker.
  • The advantage of such a potato chill is that potatoes do not need to be collected from the row.

Production of a ridicule type potatoes with their own hands

The design of such potatoes is the simplest and most often manufactured at home. To carry out this paper:

  • Lap of cultivator. It is she who will be the most important part of the aggregate.
  • Circle with a steel diameter of 8-10 mm for the manufacture of sifting veser.
  • Steel sheet with a thickness of 4-5 mm for the manufacture of the hitch with a cultivator and the adjustment device. It is necessary to change the angle of the arrows attack.
  • Bolts fasteners.
  • Screed screw.

Order of work:

  1. To begin with, you need to fight steel bars to the arrow of the cultivator lama. It is necessary to do it with a periodicity of 40-50 mm. The length of the fuel should be the same, respectively, if the rear edge of the arrows is at an angle, the length of the rod will be different - the farther from the center, the shorter.
  2. After that, the welded rods must be cut up at an angle of 30 °.
  3. Next, two holes are made in the paw to fasten it to the bracket and the adjusting screed. Bracket and screed are welded to the hitch plate. Due to shortening or lengthening the paw screed will move forward-back, thereby changing the angle of attacks of potatoes.
  4. The last stage the potatoes are ground and painted.

When it is used, it is important to monitor the state of the front edge. It should be well sharpened. Otherwise, the pressure on the arrow will be too high, which can damage the design.

Parameters of potatoes are brewing depending on the type of soil treated. What it is denser, the stronger should be the design.

Potatoes do it yourself, sizes: drawings, pictures, photos

The cultivation of potatoes is very hard work. Its landing, emphasis and cleaning requires large physical exertion. Especially the problem is exacerbated if the landing area exceeds 15 acres. In order to at least simplify a job, you can automate this process. If the farm has a motoblock or mini tractor, the work can ease automatic potatoes and potatoes. Such specific equipment is purchased with a motoblock, but sometimes prices for it exceed the cost of the motor-block itself, making it not too affordable for a wide range of users. The exit from this situation can be the manufacture of these devices with your own hands. They are quite complicated, so for their production it is necessary to know the foundations of mechanics, have experience of welding and mechanical assistance. How to make potatoes and potatoes with your own hands - further in the article.

Principle of operation and device potato

The potatoes is a trailer for the motoblock. The principle of its work is based on the automatic supply of planting material from the bunker to the furrow. Following the motoblock, thanks to the plow installed on the frame, the device makes the moon of the depth. Then the chain conveyor, which rotates due to the rotation of the wheels of the potatoes, the planting material is supplied from the hopper well. After that, two disks installed in the tail part of the frame burst the well with ground potatoes.

The dimensions of the potatoes are selected individually depending on the power of the motoblock. Thanks to the exact selection of the distance between the supplies of the conveyor, you can achieve a uniform boarding of tubers throughout the row.

The main parts of the potatoes of the Motoblock made by their own hands:

Frame. It establishes all the working elements of the unit. The frame is made in the form of welded metal structures from the profile pipe. This material has sufficient strength, while having a small weight. In the nose of the frame, a trailer is installed, which provides a clutch of the unit with a motoblock.

Bunker. Designed to load the planting material into the unit. Performed in the form of an inverted pyramid. This form is needed so that the potatoes constantly face down. If this fails, then some bowls of the conveyor when moving will be empty, which will lead to an uneven landing. For the manufacture of the bunker uses a thin sheet metal.

Chain conveyor. It is performed from a motorcycle or cycling chain with welded on its surface with bowls. Cased conveyor driven asterisk installed on the wheel shaft. From above connected with a tensioned asterisk.

Plow. Installed before the mechanism of supplying the planting material. His task is to produce the deepening, in which potatoes will be planted.

Disk harrows. Installed at an angle to the axis of potatoes in the tail part. They are needed to bury well with planted potatoes.

Making potatoes with their own hands

Make an independently potatoes in the household at home is quite difficult. Some operations (welding and turning works) will have to do in production conditions. Before starting work, it is better to make drawings of potatoes for a motoblock with their own hands. This will help calculate the amount of material and determine the most optimal sequence of work.

To make this work it will take:

A sheet of steel thick up to 2 mm for welding a bunker.

Pipe Profile cross section 25x25 mm for welding frame frame.

Chain motorcycle or cycling.

Two identical asterisks with a diameter of 80 mm.

The axis of the wheel (will have to be pulled under the size of the used bearings and the inner planting diameter of the asterisk).

Wheel hubs for mounting drive wheels.

Cultivator discs.

Borozdowel (plow). It is necessary to make it from a piece of solid sheet metal, since it will be high pressure on it.

Order of work:

1. The first work is welded a frame frame on which all working parts will be installed. It is welded from the profile pipe. Conveyor racks, spars are welded to the frame to give stiffness design. Also welded a tap for clutch with a motoblock.

2. The mounting structures of the plow, disks, cable and housing of the bearings are welded.

3. Dale is made of the shaft. On the shaft with a key, the drive asterisk of the transport conveyor is attached and secured. The shaft itself is installed in the bearings. On his ending the wheel hub is mounted.

4. Announced step is made by the manufacture of conveyor bowls. They are made of thick wire Ø 6 mm in the form of a ring with a diameter of 60 mm (the average size of the planting tuber). A piece of wire is welded to the ring, making the bowl deepening.

5. The manual bowl is welded to the attachment. The latter is welded to the links of the chain. Depending on the diameter of the drive asterisk, the wheels and the length of the chain can be experimentally determined by determining the installation step of the conveyor bowls so that the distance between the landing tubers was from 25 to 30 cm.

6. After the chain of the conveyor is ready, proceed to the installation of idle (stretch) sprocket and pulling the potatoes made by their own hands. The principle of its work is the same as the principle of tensioning the circuit of the bicycle.

7.Del the bunker is mounted. It must be mounted in such a way that the working part of the conveyor passed through it and captured the planting material. In this case, the chain should not cling to the walls of the bunker, as this can lead to its destruction.

8. After this is necessary to install the chain. To turn it through the hump hole, the chain must be disconnected. After that it connects and is installed on the workplace.

9. The shooting side of the conveyor is closed by a fountal galvanized chute. This is done so that potatoes do not fall in the wrong place when crushing the conveyor.

11. The next step is set by drive wheels.

Principle of operation and design of potatoes

The work of the potatoes is to lift the roots from the depth and separation of them from the tops and soil. In the use of potatoes there are plays and cons. The most important of them is the quality of harvesting. Here is the main thing - to properly configure the unit. Otherwise, you can leave up to 20% root in the ground, and such losses will be able to reduce all the efforts made to "no".

Potatoes are different types that differ in both the principle of operation and the complexity of the design:

1. Cartoofelects of a fitted type. The easiest type of device, which is characterized by ease of manufacture and use. Such a potatoes is a steel boom, which at an angle enters the ground and raises the tubers together with the soil. In the rear of the boom, a fan of steel rods was installed, through which the soil is sieved, and the tubers are discarded to the sides.

2. Cartophiecopes of vibration type. More complex structures. The principle of their work lies in the screening of tubers on a special vibration table. Thanks to this, the soil cohes up, and the potatoes itself is laid out with a ribbon along the row. The vibrotol actuator is carried out from the driving parts of the motoblock. Alone, such structures are rarely manufactured due to their complexity and the need for a wide range of mechanical assistance.

3Transport drum type. The most complex aggregates. The principle of their action is as follows:

A special device captures the soil with tubers and directs them to the conveyor.

The latter raises the tubers with the ground and directs their rotating lattice drum. There they are separated from the soil and fall into a special bunker.

The advantage of such a potato chill is that potatoes do not need to be collected from the row.

Production of felled-type potatoes do it yourself.

The design of such potatoes is the simplest and most often manufactured at home. To carry out this paper:

Lap of cultivator. It is she who will be the most important part of the aggregate.

Circle with a steel diameter of 8-10 mm for the manufacture of sifting veser.

Steel sheet with a thickness of 4-5 mm for the manufacture of the hitch with a cultivator and the adjustment device. It is necessary to change the angle of the arrows attack.

Bolts fasteners.

Screed screw.

Order of work:

1. For the beginning it is necessary to weld steel rods to the arrow of the cultivator lama. It is necessary to do it with a periodicity of 40-50 mm. The length of the fuel should be the same, respectively, if the rear edge of the arrows is at an angle, the length of the rod will be different - the farther from the center, the shorter.

2. After this welded rods, it is necessary to get up at an angle of 30 °.

3. Dale in the paw is made two holes for fastening it to the bracket and the adjusting screed. Bracket and screed are welded to the hitch plate. Due to shortening or lengthening the paw screed will move forward-back, thereby changing the angle of attacks of potatoes.

4. The next stage the potatoes are ground and painted.

When it is used, it is important to monitor the state of the front edge. It should be well sharpened. Otherwise, the pressure on the arrow will be too high, which can damage the design.

Parameters of potatoes are brewing depending on the type of soil treated. What it is denser, the stronger should be the design.

Potatoes do it yourself, sizes: drawings, pictures, photos

11712 08.10.2019 6 min.

Hinged equipment for various agricultural equipment makes it possible to significantly expand the use of these aggregates in rural areas. The presence of a motoblock or a minitractor (for example,) does not yet mean that you will be done with absolutely any tasks on Earth.

For example, haircut lawns, or planting potato tubers will be unavailable without applying additional equipment.

In many ways, the Earth is processed precisely for planting in her potatoes, because it is not called "second bread". Of course, many are accustomed to doing (for example,), manually or with help, but you can think about the manufacture of potatoes with your own hands.

The case is quite painstaking, so you need certain knowledge and skills before starting work.


For example, read the article about a description of the model range, the main characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of models.

A - represented by detailed instructions, how to independently make a snow blower to the motoblock.


Many wonder - how to make potatoes with your own hands, the drawings of which are on the Internet? Indeed, the network has enough recommendations with a detailed description and dimensions, following which, you can make a sufficiently efficient unit.

The algorithm of action, in this case, will be approximately following:

  • You need to start, of course, from making a frame structure to which the remaining components will be attached. To do this, we need Schwellors number 8, of which two longitudinal spars are welded, interconnected by three steel stripes.
  • Ahead of the design you need to weld the arch with fastening forges, going to the centerpiece.
  • You can strengthen the frame with two steel beams of inclined type that need to be consolidated by the second side to the middle of the arch. Next, you need to fix the limit of the subject, made from the 5x5x0.5 cm corner. Breeping it to the spar personally.
  • To the inclined beams you need to weld a plastic type bracket. It is to these beams that the tank for potatoes will be connected.
  • For the reservoir, we need a regular plywood, the thickness of which will be about 12 mm.

    Cut all sides of the bunker, and then secure them with each other with steel corners. By the way, it will not be superfluous to handle the box of olifa to protect it from moisture exposure.

  • Inside the tank, you can install rubber sheets so that the potatoes are not damaged about its wall while driving. Next, secure the bunker to the bracket using two bolts.
  • Next, you need to fix the wheel axis and ripper to the bottom of the frame. In principle, you can see the drawings of potatoes made with your own hands, for greater visibility.
  • The wheel axis is a design made from different parts. As a basis, you can take a conventional tube of steel, at the ends of which you need to install the pin. Here, the exact dimensions are difficult, depending on which diameter of the pipe you use.
  • Therefore, the pin should be adjusted under these sizes on the lathe.
  • In the steel tube you need to drill holes in which special pins with spikes will be installed. At the end, they need to be fed.
  • The wheel axis must be fastened with the help of steel clamps using M16 bolts in an amount of 4 pieces.

  • As a wheelbase, you can use wheels from the old technology of agricultural destination. If so are missing, then you need to work a little in this regard.
  • On the wheels you need to fight the hubs, on which then you need to put on a pair of bearings. Next, put the bearings on the spikes, protect the gasket from the felt so that it is unnecessary not contaminated.
  • Details holding rippers are presented in the form of a square from steel rods, cooked with each other. At the ends of the square, you need to quickly welcome with sheet steel 6 mm. Inside them will be located the racks of cultivator blades.
  • The sower for this unit is made of steel pipe, the diameter of which is 100 mm. At the same time, the thickness of the pipe wall should be at least 3 mm so that the design is not bent during the work process.
  • Barrozdorez is welded from the bottom, made of 6 mm thick steel.
  • Be sure to attach the seat for a person for a person, as well as a foot stand.

    The seat framework itself is made of corners cooked with each other. The seat can be made from ordinary boards, which are tightened with something soft - foam rubber, for example.

In principle, the dimensions of homemade potatoes are approximately on the basis of a particular case. In any case, this scheme is working, so you can safely construct the unit, based on these parameters.

Similarly, self-made potatoes are made for t 25, because there is no definite value from what will perform the role of the main traction - the motor-block or minitractor. Of course, different power indicators will be different, but the design of potatoes is almost identical.

In general, the process of planting potatoes using homemade potatoes looks like this:

  • Potatoes fall asleep to the tuber tank. From above you need to put a couple of bags with potatoes, so as not to waste time when the tubers in the bunker are run.
  • One person sits on the seat located on the potatoes, and the second one - either on the minitractor, or on the motoblock (see).
  • The movement should be carried out at a speed of no more than 1 km / h.
  • A man sitting on the potatoes alternately throws tubers in the tuberproofs located on both sides.
  • After entering the tubers in the wells, they need to fall asleep the earth. It was for this that the disks that close the holes of the Earth were designed, making rotation.

You can change the depth of removing the upper layer of the soil, which these discs produce. For this you need:

  • Adjust the stepladers, carrying out the support of the supports to the racks, weakening them.
  • You can slightly change the angle itself, under which these discs are located. To do this, you need to turn them a little in the right direction.

After the completion of the planting process, it remains to remove those traces that left the motoblock and potatoes. In this case, disintegrators will help us, i.e. Cultivator blades located on racks. By the way, the degree of their immersion in the ground can also be adjusted.

The homemade potatoes with detailed dimensions can be an excellent way to save its funds, which would inevitably be if the potatoes were acquired in a specialized store.

Given that the average cost of this unit is about 15 thousand rubles, this savings looks particularly justified. At the same time, there are no special costs for the necessary materials in the manufacture, because the components are used from the old, which served their aggregates.


The manufacture of potatoes seems to be quite difficult on its own, so you need to weigh everything "for" and "against" before being taken for work. Of course, self-assembly will help you save your savings, but will require you a considerable number of technical knowledge and skills.

But, if you are confident in yourself, and more than once they have made any adaptation, then the assembly of self-made potatoes will become quite understandable and feasible. In addition, it is quite exciting, as well as all the cases produced by their own hands.

In general, any man will appreciate the results of work, as well as the manufacturing process itself.

Potato landing has always been a time-consuming and heavy process. However, today thanks to the development of technology, agricultural works are significantly facilitated. Now, thanks to the motoblocks, mini-tractors and all sorts of attachments, there was an opportunity to improve soil treatment, get a higher harvest and reduce the cost of the product, with less costs than earlier. Among the farmers and owners of small land plots are very popular with motoblocks for which various attachments can be installed, including potatoes.

Motor-mounted potato potatoes makes it easier to facilitate the work on planting roots and process a large area than before. Below will be discussed about the types, equipment device and how the potatoes can be made for the motoblock with their own hands.

Elements of the device

Motor-block potatoes can be made independently, especially since this does not need any particular tool, and drawings of the device, photos and videos on this topic on the Internet abundantly. For the manufacture of this type of attachments, the following details will be needed:

  • frame for fastening all the elements of potatoes;
  • bunker for planting material;
  • system of gears, resulting in the mechanism of planting tubers;
  • the mechanism of explosion, preparing the wells and instilled them after landing;
  • configuration mechanism;
  • wheels.

This is a necessary minimum of details in order to make a homemade unit for planting potatoes. Many craftsmen constantly upgrade this type of attachment, adding the capacity for fertilizers or trying to increase productivity, set two planting modules. However, all this sometimes leads to an increase in the mass of the motoblock, and accordingly the increase in the load on it and the reduction of its performance. For this reason, it is necessary to choose the type of construction and materials in full accordance with the power of the unit.

Device and manufacture of potatoes

Homemade potatoes in principle is a trolley on wheels attached to the motoblock. It is just at first the design of a potato landing device looks simple, but it has some nuances. Motor-block potatoes is installed on a chassis from a channel with two longitudinally located spars connected by three crossings. In the front of the frame there is a fork and arch. On the sides of the chassis installed racks of close-up disks and support mechanisms for the supply of planting material.

The wheelbase consists of two wheels with soils. Between the wheels there is a 60 mm thick disc with four evenly located semicircular grooves, the dimensions of which should allow even large potatoes. Also, instead of a wheel with grooves for planting potatoes, a system of gears, circuits and trays located on it can be used.

Motoblock potato - drawing number 1
Motoblock Potatoes - Drawing №2

Moto-block potatoes - Drawing №4
Potato Motorcraft for Motoblock - Drawing No. 5
Motoblock potato - drawing number 3

As the drawing shows, there is another important element of the device - this is a bunker that is located above the wheels. For the manufacture of tank for potatoes, it will take 3 mm sheet metal. The narrow neck and bottom of the bunker, in order to avoid damage to the rootepodes, should be applied to rubber.

The wheel with the grooves should be covered with a special shield, which will prevent the spontaneous path of potatoes until it gets into the ground.

The frame of self-made potatoes should be strengthened with steel strips, which must be placed from the middle cross to the arch. Also need to be welded extra corners and overlays made of steel thickness of about 4 mm.

On the Internet you can find a lot of drawings and stock footage with the most different patterns of potatoes.

Operator seat and axis

To spars, it is necessary to attach a support and a footboard of 5 mm steel. The head of the height must be done taking into account the growth of the operator and so that the use of potatoes does not cause difficulties.

The seat is made of a metal corner of 45x45x4 mm. Boards are attached to the frame, which are lined with foam rubber and tighten with a leatherette or strong tight fabric. You can do the simplest, as shown in the photo, but in principle, for more convenience, you can use the old car chair purchased on the authoring unit. However, in most cases, potatoes are made without seats.

The frame is fixed with a wheel axis and bracket for fastening rippers. For an axis, a metal thick-walled pipe is used, along both edges that are spikes, fill on the lathe and fixed with steel pins.


Special wheels for potatoes

Wheels for homemade potatoes should have special primer. It is desirable to take any, suitable in size, wheels from agricultural machinery.

The hubs that hold the wheels must have two bearing, and are protected from dirt gaskets from felt. The mounting axis to the frame is carried out by two metal plates and four bolts or corners and welding, as shown in the photo.


For the ripper holder, a metal rod is used, along the edges of which the rockets hold the stands of the paws are installed. The rod is made of a metal corner 50x50x5 mm, but it is best for strength to use a square pipe. Obiama makes from metal 5 mm plates.


For the manufacture of potatoes, minimal costs are needed. To do this, it is necessary to take 100 mm pipe with a wall thickness of at least 3 mm, at the bottom of which borozdorez is mounted.

Drives for injection of potatoes can be taken from the seeder and set two bearing instead of one. Bearings must be installed in such a way as to exclude dirt entering the node.

The video shows how in reality the potato planting motor potato potatoes assembled with her own hands.


Since the potato melting weighs decently, when it is joining it to the motoblock, it is necessary to establish a counterweight, which will give stability and will not allow the motoblock to go up.

On the potato mild, it is necessary to install the operator's chair and stand under the feet.

The potatoes operates as follows:

  • a seed material is laid in the bunker, and on top there are additional bags to constantly not interrupt the refueling;
  • the operator sits in its place and starts planting potatoes, moving at a speed of no more than 1 km / h.

After entering the planting material in the soil, it is necessary to fall asleep the earth. It was for these purposes that the sealing discs were invented, which rotated, shifted the top layer of the soil and fall asleep root.

As you collected with your own hands, the aggregate for planting potatoes is not only a significant savings, but also the unit made under you, as well as more reliable than purchased, as who will do bad. In addition, this is a good opportunity to feel like a real Kulibin, making your own changes in the ready-made projects.