Repairs Design Furniture

Device roofs on wooden houses. Roof of a wooden house: device, design and insulation. Video - Leveling Slinge

Although in connection with the constant development of production technologies, new modern building materials are constantly emerging, wooden houses still remain very popular. Wood is affordable and relatively inexpensive material, and if it is properly processed, the house will serve for many years. In addition, wooden buildings have a beautiful appearance and are environmentally safe. One of the main elements of any house is the roof, since the durability of the entire structure depends on its quality and reliability, and how comfortable in it will live. In order for the roof to perform its purpose for many years, it is necessary to properly build a truly system, choose and lay the roofing material, and also well insulate the entire design.

Wooden House Roof Device

Single or flat roofs in wooden houses are rare, as moisture is delayed on them, which in time leads to the destruction of the building. In addition, such a structure looks ugly and more like a barn or utility room.

For a wooden house, experts recommend two, four-tight or multi-tape roof. Any of these designs has an attractive appearance, it allows you to effectively remove precipitation, equip the attic room, make the right heat insulation, and the presence of sills protects the walls of the house from moisture.

Basic knots and elements of the roof of a wooden house

If you have certain skills and the desire to work, then the roof of the wooden house can be made independently. In this way, you will not only save significant funds, but you will be well aware of its device, so if necessary, you can simply and quickly perform repairs.

The roof of a wooden house consists of the following elements:

  • roofing material. It may be different, and its choice depends on the wishes and capabilities of the owner;
  • vapor insulation layer. It serves to prevent the formation of condensate and is located on the side of the room, protecting the insulation from waggered and wet air steam;
  • layer of insulation;
  • grub. It uses a wooden bar for its creation, it can be rarefied or solid, it all depends on the type of roofing material used;
  • slinge system. This is a roof frame, in which, depending on the design, such supporting elements, like rafter legs, vertical racks and soars, tightening, grandmothers, struts, and horseradish;
  • maurylalat. This is a horizontal bar, which stacked around the perimeter on the walls of the house, serves as a support for rafters and evenly distributes the load of the roof on the walls of the house. In wooden houses, the Mauerlat function usually performs the last series of wall timber, logs or boards.

Each element of the roof of a wooden house has its own purpose, and the absence of any of them will adversely affect the strength and reliability of the rafter system.

The wooden roof has several groups of nodes:

The connection of the rafter and Mauerlat can be performed with a rigid or sliding node. Note that in some cases a hard fastening can lead to the deformation of the walls of the house due to the arising space loads.

Features of rigid nodes:

  • the leg is made on the leg, which corresponds to 1/3 of the thickness of Maurolalat, after which they are fixed with each other with several nails;
  • a retaining bar is attached to the rafter foot, the length of which is 1 m, and metal corners are screwed down for fixing his legs.

When creating the sleeve rafters, sliding nodes are usually used. Stropil farms for several years will settle, so it is impossible to create hard nodes, otherwise the walls will be deformed.

Features of sliding nodes:

If the spills are large, then the need to lengthen the rafter legs. You can do this in several ways:

  • oblique harbor - ends of the legs are spliced \u200b\u200bat an angle of 45 degrees with bolts;
  • the butt jack - the ends are peeled at right angles, after which they are connected using overhead;
  • channels - ends are drowned at an angle, after which the flashes are connected.

In order for the roof of any design to be smooth, the rafter legs must have the same length. If you have little experience in performing such work, it is better to make a template and create all other elements on it.

Video: Fastening of the rafter system

The better the roof of the wooden house

When creating a roof of a wooden house, roofing material is of great importance. Its selection should be done before creating a rafter system, since the cross section of rafting beams depend on the weight of the roof, as well as the type of dohes - solid or sparse.

Several types of roofing can be used.

  1. Ondulin. This is one of the most popular materials for the roof of a wooden house, as it is relatively inexpensive, it is an alternative to the sector, but has a smaller weight and a more attractive appearance. Sheets are easy and flexible, so they are comfortable to cover curvilinear surfaces. The warranty period of Ontulina is at least 15 years.

    Ondulin is an easy, practical and inexpensive material with a warranty service life of 15 years and more

  2. Metal tile. Light material that can have a variety of coloring, shape and appearance. The service life can reach 50 years. Mount the metal tile is simply, but when working on the roofs of a complex form, a lot of waste is obtained. The roofing sheet may have a thickness of up to 0.5 mm and to be covered with polyester, purally or plastisol. Between the metal and the polymer coating there must be a buffer layer - if it is not, then the plastic will very quickly get caught. If the roof is bad and soundproofed, then during the rain in the house there will be heard his noise.

    Metal tile has a small weight, long service life and externally resembles natural tile

  3. Professional flooring. In principle, this material differs from metal tile only by appearance and lower cost. It is also often used to cover the roof of a wooden house.

    Professional flooring in its characteristics is similar to metal tile, but it has a less attractive appearance

  4. Flexible tile. These are flat sheets of small size having a curly cut in one edge. From the inside of the sheet there is a self-adhesive layer, which provides its reliable fixation. With the outer side of the tile is covered with a spript, which gives the material the necessary color and protects it from the negative effects of external factors. In this case, we need a solid drying, and if the angle of the slope is small, then also a lining carpet. In addition to the self-adhesive layer, each tile is fastened with roofing nails. Flexible tile is comfortable to cover the roof of a complex shape, while the amount of its waste will be minimal.

    Flexible tile weighs little and easily mounted, but for its laying you need to do a solid doom

  5. Cement-sand tile. Its durability will largely depend on the quality of the covering layer of the glaze. Such material has a lot of weight, therefore requires a powerful rafter system.

    Cement-sand tile should be covered with a high-quality layer of glaze, otherwise its service life will be small

  6. Ceramic tile. For wooden houses, it, like cement-sand tile, is rarely used, more often it is used for stone buildings.

    Natural tile has a lot of weight, so it is usually used on stone houses with a powerful rafter system.

  7. Wooden tile. This is a natural material that looks very beautiful, but that such a roof has a long service life, it will have to periodically process with translucent oils. In this case, the wooden tile will take 30 years and more.

    If the wooden tile periodically process special means, its service life will increase significantly

  8. Cink Steel. Like a copper roof, it is rarely used, as it is rather expensive, but it is difficult and requires the use of special equipment.

    Galvanized or copper strips are expensive and difficult to fit, but allow you to cover the slope with a solid sheet, which is why the tightness of the roof is improved

Problems of complex roofs in a wooden house

When choosing a shape of a roof of a wooden house, it is necessary to take into account not only its aesthetic characteristics, but also efficiency taking into account the weather conditions of the region in which the building is located. The most common problem that occurs with a wooden house is shrinkage of walls. It will depend on the type and quality of the wall material. The maximum shrinkage gives a brica, the massive bar it will be smaller, and the glue bar is minimal.

When creating a roof of a complex form, special attention should be paid to the places of its compound with fixed elements (pipes, ventilation outputs, etc.). In these places, compensation nodes are defined, the size of which depends on the height of the walls, that is, from their absolute shrinkage.

The presence of an attic room on the roofs of a complex design not only facilitates the moisture relief, but also allows you to effectively insulate the underfloor space, and it is also easier to carry out prophylactic inspections of the status of the solo system.

If necessary, combine in a single whole different types of roofing complex roof

For the roof of a complex shape in a log and brusade house, specialists are not recommended to do the frontones. If the roof is covered with a natural tile, then shrinkage at home is faster and evenly, so the tenants will be able to quickly begin to begin its interior decoration, which is performed after a complete shrinkage of the walls.

For a complex roof, the presence of a large number of Röbembers, endands and tongs. This solution is suitable in the case when on the same building it is necessary to combine different types of roofs. This is a great option that will allow you to highlight the structure against the background of other buildings or neighboring houses. A large number of funds can create certain problems, since in these places moisture and garbage usually accumulates, so they should be very thoroughly hydroizing.

The main problems that occur when erecting a complex roof on a wooden house:

  • mounting complexity;
  • high consumption of materials;
  • mandatory attic;
  • a large number of problem areas - endands and places of adjoins, in which you need to do good waterproofing.

However, high reliability of such structures, their effective confrontation with wind and snow loads, the presence of additional residential space, the ability to combine together different types of roofs, as well as a beautiful and unusual appearance make complex roofs popular and in demand.

Wood insulation in a wooden house

There are different types of thermal insulation materials, but they all must comply with certain requirements:

  • safety for humans and the environment;
  • low thermal conductivity - not more than 0.04 (W / m ∙ ° C);
  • low weight so that the material rendered the minimum load on the rafter system;
  • ability for many years to keep the shape and remove moisture, otherwise the wooden elements will begin to be damaged;
  • good sound insulation indicators to protect not only from cold, but also from extraneous noise;
  • high fire resistance.

The insulation of the roof is carried out only after the shrinkage of the house will occur, not earlier than one year after the end of construction. For non-residential roof, it is enough to warm only the ceiling, if the undercase will be used as a residential room, then a complete insulation of the roof is carried out.

The insulation of the roof of a wooden house mineral wool from the inside should be performed in the following order.

  1. Check the condition of the roof - if there are leaks, they are eliminated, the old roof is better to overlap completely. Damaged elements of the rafting system should also be replaced.

    The condition of the roofing material and the elements of the rafter system is checked - if necessary, they are replaced or repaired

  2. Mounted waterproofing layer. The most affordable and cheap material will be a waterproofing film. A more expensive and high-quality option is a superdiffuseous membrane, you can immediately lay the insulation immediately and do not make a controller for ventilation.

    The waterproofing layer protects the insulation from the moisture coming from the environment.

  3. Put insulation. The thickness of its layer is usually within 15-25 cm depending on the climatic conditions in which the house is located.

    As a heater, mineral wool and foam or at the same time both of these material are most often used.

  4. Tensioning vapor insulation material. In the regions with hot summer, it is better to lay the heat transfer film that will protect the undercase space from overheating. The film is placed by a reflective layer outward.

    Parosolation protects the insulation from moisture coming from the inside of the room

  5. Put the finishing material.

The insulation of the roof can be performed using a ceramisit, which is not damaged by rodents and has good thermal insulation characteristics. To do this, it is necessary to close all the slots using the rubberoid (the waterproofing film does not fit). A layer of claymps is poured on it, which is also covered with rubberoid, and then placed roofing material. This is a method suitable for roofs with a small or zero tilt angle of the slope. On the steep roofs, the ceramzite will not hold on.

With the help of clamps, you can warm only flat roofs and rods with a slight angle of inclination.

It is possible to warm the roof and liquid foaming. This is a simple and effective way, since the thermal insulation material using special equipment is applied directly to the insulated surface. The whole process takes a little time, but the cost of such insulation will be high.

For insulation of liquid foams, it is necessary to use special equipment

The insulation of a wooden house with expanded polystyrene is not the best option, and if you have chosen it, you need to take a material with a gramifications of G1. It is not afraid of moisture, resistant to the amazing fungus and mold. Warming with polyfoam is also carried out as well as mineral wool. All joints are well filled with mounting foam.

Regardless of the material selected, you must adhere to the installation technology. If you doubt your abilities, it is better to invite specialists to fulfill such works.

Video: Wooden house roof insulation

Wooden house roof finish

The roof finish of the wooden house is the responsible stage, which must be done carefully and efficiently. The lifetime of the roof depends on the correctness of the finish, its protected from wind and precipitation, as well as the appearance of the house.

The roof finish includes insulation of the roof, the trimming of the frontones, if there are, and the swing of the soles.

We have already described the insulation process, now consider other steps of the roof finish. The frontton is called the upper part of the building of the building, which is limited to the roof or, by other words, this is the wall of the attic. You can finish the finish the same as the walls of the house, and you can use other materials that differ not only by the view, but also in color.

Fronton finishing work is performed in the same sequence as when finishing the walls of the house. First, the logs or timber are treated with antiseptics that protect the tree from rotting and damage to the fungus. After that, the frame is mounted, if necessary, the insulation is stacked and the finishing material is stuffed.

For the front of a wooden house, such finishing materials can be used:

  • siding - metal or polymer panels, which are mounted using special locks, have a low weight and a wide variety of color;

    With siding can be discussed both the frontones and walls of a wooden house.

  • PVC panels is a more economical option, but its marrow-resistance indicators and strength are lower than that of siding;

    Application of PVC panels is an economical option for the finishing of a wooden house.

  • wooden lining - it is used when the house must be inspired and at the same time save its common style.

The eavesover can be performed not only natural wood, there are other materials that are perfectly combined with walls and roof of a wooden house. When using bouncing boards, the following points should be taken into account:

  • to protect against moisture and insect boards used to binder cornice, it is necessary to periodically process special means;
  • from the negative impact of external factors over time, the boards may be deformed;
  • frequent contact with water and temperature drops lead to the loss of the initial appearance, they become less attractive.

To binder wooden house, modern materials such as metal products or metal siding can be used. They have low cost, a variety of color, low weight, simply mount them. To ensure ventilation during the arrangement of the eaves between the professional flooring and the wall, the gap of about 12 mm is left between the wall and siding - 15 mm, and if they are laid by the boards, then between them leave a distance of 5-10 mm.

Cyding, Metal Poll, Massive Board or Sophyte can be used to binder

There is a special siding, which is designed to cover the eaves - Sofit, it can be both vinyl and metallic, its main difference is the presence of ventilation holes.

Correctly performed fading of the oops of the roof allows you to solve the following tasks:

  • maintain heat indoors if a residential attic is created;
  • give a building a beautiful and finished look;
  • protect the wooden elements from rotting due to the free movement of air through the ventilation holes;
  • reliably protect the roof from the wind, rain, snow, significantly improving its thermal insulation characteristics;
  • prevent penetration of birds, small rodents and bats, which can damage the roofing material and insulation.

The frontal sweep has a weak place - protruding parts of the root. When finishing the roof, they are cut, and an end board is nailed to the cropped edges, which is then covered with roofing material.

To finish the roof of a wooden house inside, various materials can be used:

  • wooden lining, plywood, wood massif - It can be both coniferous and deciduous breeds;
  • the stucco on the grid from duncar is almost not used, but decorative Venetian plaster came to replace;
  • plasterboard sheets;
  • stretch ceiling - It can only be mounted after a complete shrinkage of the walls;
  • plastic lining.

Video: Eaves

Repair and replacement of the roof of a wooden house

Durability and reliability of the roof largely depends on the state of the roofing coating. There are no eternal materials, so after a certain time, any owner of a wooden house faces the need to repair the roof or its complete replacement. If you monitor the state of the roof, then you can do with small repair, which is to close the cracks or holes, as well as in replacing the damaged elements of the rafting system. If you do not follow the roof covering and its frame, then the need to overhaul or complete replacement of the entire structure may occur.

After inspection of the rafter system and roofing, you can decide on the list of necessary work. It may be necessary:

  • complete or partial replacement of roofing material;
  • replacing the roof and doom;
  • full roof construction replacement.

During the repair or replacement of the roof, a large problem can be possible precipitation that damage the walls, the ceiling of the house and its inner finish. Perform such work is best in the summer when the probability of rains is minimal.

If only the roofing material is replaced, you can change the roof of parts to protect the house from precipitation. If there is a need to protect against moisture, the narrow section is easier to cover than the entire surface of the roof.

If it is necessary to replace the roofing material to do it better than the parts, if necessary, it was possible to quickly cover the roof from the rain

If it is necessary to replace the root, it is necessary to remove the roofing material across the entire width of the skate, so it is necessary to pre-acquire the flicker of the appropriate size and when it is rain to cover her roof. The complete replacement of the rafter system should be performed quickly, so it is better to invite the brigade of experienced workers to fulfill such work, which will be able to do everything in a few days.

To replace the roof of the house, you must invite the brigade of experienced workers to do everything quickly and efficiently

There are many ways to repair a roof of a wooden house without its complete disassembly. One of these options is the coating of a slide with one piece of roof. In this case, the shelves of roofing material are pre-connected on the ground, after which the finished strip is supplied to the roof and immediately covers a part of the slope for the entire length. Such a solution has the following advantages:

  • significantly reduced the timing of laying roofing material;
  • improved installation quality;
  • it simplifies the mounting of the roofing material to the cut;
  • increases the tightness of the roof.

You can buy a sheet of professional flooring, which corresponds to the length of the roof slope, but in this case there may be problems with its transportation.

Repair the roof without complete disassembly is sometimes possible to replace the weak bearing parts. To increase the strength of the rafter feet, it is possible to strengthen their boards on both sides.

If the house is covered with slate and there are small cracks or holes in it, they can be eliminated, without removing the sheet from the roof.

Often the roof repair is crying with aesthetic purpose to change the old coating on modern. There are many roofing materials, with which you can completely transform a house, but their installation must be performed in accordance with the developed technologies or invite specialists for this.

Video: Wooden house roof replacement

The roof of a wooden house is subjected to intensive loads, and so that it can withstand them, its creation should be based on professional calculations. A properly completed rafting system will be able to withstand the weight of roofing pie, as well as snow and wind loads. It is necessary to periodically monitor the condition of the roofing material and the carrier roof structure, and if necessary, to repair them immediately. With proper care, overhaul or replacing the roof will not need, it will be reliably serve for many decades.

The house from the tree assumes that the roof designs will be made of this material. Typically, such roofs are created with a slope, but flat types of them can be used. It is also worth noting that the flat roofs are inappropriate to apply where a large number of snow falls, and they have the second drawback. This type of structures does not allow to build a attic, which means that the number of residential premises in a country wooden house will be less. When it is planned to build a roof for a wooden house, choose one of the following options:

  • Single. It is suitable for a small building and most often used for any economic structures. Such a roof can be used for a bath or garage. The main advantage is that it requires the minimum number of building materials.
  • Double. The attractiveness of this option lies in the fact that it allows you to solve several problems immediately appearing when it is required to make a roof for a wooden house. The first feature of such structures is that they can be created taking into account the climatic features of the construction area. For example, where a large amount of snow falls, it is best to use a significant angle of inclination of the skates. If winter is warm, then the skates are very cool not required. The second positive moment is the possibility of creating a warm attic. In fact, this room turns into another large room, expanding residential space.
  • Four-page. Such roofs are also called Valm, as they have side skates - Walves. The first thing to say about the roof of this type is their complexity. A wooden double-tight design can also build a non-specialist, but a four-tie roof, even if there is a calculation and drawing, it will be difficult to collect. Of course, difficulties in the installation process are compensated by an excellent appearance and sufficiently high reliability.

It must be said that there are other options for the roofs, for example, a four-tie, which is a particular case of a buffer roof. It has rises of equal area and is suitable only for buildings having a square base.

For such structures, you should withstand a bias within 10-20 degrees if a profiled metal sheet is used, and 25 degrees for metal tile. In general, for each material, you should choose the corresponding slope, but you need to remember the fact that the snow load depends on this parameter. The more the tilt will, the faster the snow will come down from the roof under their own weight.

We must not forget about the gaps between the rafters and the roofing material, since they can solve the problem caused by increased humidity. These are the ducts, for natural ventilation, which creates suitable conditions for removing the moisture condensed in the underlined space.

A single roof has the simplest construction of rafters from all possible. In this case, the rafter legs are based on Mauerlat on both sides. The timber is laid on the bottom and over the top wall, after which the wooden elements are securely fixed. It must be said that the maximum length of the rafter foot is 4.5 m, if it has been manufactured from solid wood. When it is planned to build the roofs where the longer rafter will need, it is better to choose a two-tie variety or any other option.

Slinge system of a two-tie roof

In addition to separation on the types of roofing, there is also a breakdown by subspecies. So duplex roofs can be:

  • symmetric;
  • broken;
  • asymmetric.

Symmetric structures are created in different ways, the choice of one of which depends on the distance between the walls. If the width of the house is only 6 m, then it is enough to install a beam and tightening. The reiglel is usually done closer to the skate node, and the floor of the attic room is stacked on the tightening. For the house, the walls of which will take apart from each other, it will be necessary to use a pitch and a rack called a grandmother. She supports the ski knot, and the soot hold rafters. These three elements (grandma and 2 pan) are combined in the lower part and draw on a tightening strictly under the skate node. Sometimes they are by using one rack, which supports the connection of the rafter legs with each other, but this approach is permissible only when there are no more than 7.5 m between the walls.

There is another variety of hanging rafters, which involves the use of sleepers. The latter are special wooden elements that are used as an alternative to tightening. In this case, the beams of the overlapping are based on the sleepers connected. Their length does not exceed 1/3 distances between the walls, so the lower part of the rafter does not require any additional retainer. Holding occurs due to a pier connecting the rafter foot and a sleeve.

All designs described above can only be used in conjunction with Mauerlat. Of course, an additional timber is not required in the house of the logs, since its role takes on the last row of logs.

Another variant of the device of the attic room is the use of a broken rope roof. It allows you to get quite a lot of space for the attic device, however, the design of it will require more materials, time and skills. The upper part of the roof is formed by using hanging rafters. They are connected in a skate and supported by a grandmother that relies on the tightening. The lower parts of the rafter feet are connected to the tightness, and it rests on the rack. The height of the racks defines the height of the ceiling in the attic. The racks themselves are installed on the ceiling beam, which is the basis for the creation of the floor in the room.

Side skates are formed by sprinkling rafters. The rapid legs of the upper part are connected to the angle of design formed by the tightening and racks, and the bottom with the beam overlap. To increase the reliability of the roof, a pitch can be used that enhance the lower pair of rods.

Alternatively, sinks often apply contractions. So-called horizontally wooden bars connecting the construction and a rafter foot. Another option is additional racks that rest on the beam of overlapping in those places where the bearing walls are located under it. Such an approach provides the ability to unload overlap.

Four-sheet roof rafters

The hollow roof is more difficult than usual, since several types of rafters are used here, and the connection is not always simple. Moreover, in some cases, the length of the finished elements is not enough, therefore prefabricated structures are created that require additional amplification. The support for the roof is Mauerlat, which crashes the beam and rafting legs. The rafter system consists of:

  • Diagonal rafters. They are also called the covers. They are directed towards the corners of the construction and act as a support for the upper parts of the hip rafters.
  • Nonigar. These are shortened rafters, which are used on parts of the main rods for the Valm device.
  • Racks and saws. Here, they perform the same function as in other cases: ensure the reliability of the roof and protect against accidental damage with increasing the load on the design.
  • Lee, runs and riglels. These elements are also necessary. Without them, the installation of the roof of a wooden house would be very difficult.

The run is a support beam that will be located parallel to Mauerlat. This element is an additional support for rafting legs, so it is placed so that it allows you to remove part of the load. In the case of a holm roof, the run can be installed during the creation of a skate assembly, but already tent structures can be erected without it.

The optimal distance between runs and Mauerlat is only 4.5 m. Compliance with this rule allows you to do without additional racks. Shpreengels or structures, called shprengel farms, can also be used. In the latter case, we are talking about Shprengele, which is connected to the base not only with steel brazing and a pair of straight brackets, but also two wooden elements.

When installing a four-page roof, a number of simple rules should be observed:

  • To create an emergency rafter, it is necessary to use a dual design from the same material, which goes to create all other elements.
  • Splicing the top parts of the emerging rafters are best where the highest load is applied, as well as strengthen them with the help of pods and vertical racks. The racks themselves have so that they are perpendicular to the direction of the rafter foot.
  • Sound rafters need to be manufactured with a small amount of length. In the event that it turned out to be too large, it is easier to cut. Empathy such elements are not recommended, since each joint is a potential weak place.
  • The most responsible components must be enhanced by metallic perforated fasteners or fixed with a rod.

One of the important elements of the rafter system is Mauerlat, which we will tell below.

Maurylalat and its installation

The task of this element is the distribution of the entire weight of the roof along the wall of the building. To achieve a positive result, it will be necessary to securely secure the timber. It is best to use a 15x15 cm cross section, however, you can choose 15x10 or even 50x150 boards.

Stropile legs can be fixed in several ways:

  • with copper;
  • braces;
  • corners;
  • wire-rod.

Each of these options is used in conjunction with the propuls in Mauerlate, due to which the strong connection of the two elements is achieved.

A combined method of installation is often used, which involves the use of two types of fasteners, one of which is a wire-fiber. Such a roof easily takes even strong winds, so it can be used in areas with a sufficiently harsh climate.

The conjugation itself rafters can be rigid or mobile. The hard version involves the absence of a rafted movement. Mobile compound, on the contrary, makes it possible to move a rafter foot along any line. For this, a special fastener is used.

The construction of the roof for the house of the tree is not a simple task, however, if it is solved, the construction will last for a very long time, since it is the problem with roofs that are among the most common causes of major repairs.

The roof in the house plays an important role in the structure of the whole design. Its main task is to protect the house from the effects of unfavorable phenomena, as well as perform a fencing function. To date, a large number of different structural elements and materials are represented from which the roof can be performed. For example, a wooden roof is famous for its practicality, long service life and environmental friendliness. In this article we will tell, from which the device is a wooden roof, and also we will analyze its design.

The roof is the main structural elements of the structure, which is located above the attic overlap. The roof device of the wooden house is based on different types of the solo system. The rafter system for a wooden house is an individual structure that is performed based on the type of roof, its size and shape. The wooden system contains the following elements:

  • sails - perform the protective function of the walls from moisture ingress;
  • mobyl - an integral design element;
  • roofing Konk - serves as a place for connecting two slopes, the lamp is stuffed directly on the construction itself;
  • the doomle is installed perpendicular to the rafter feet, the load is loaded all the roofing overlap;
  • the tightening is the main element of the rafted, which fixes them and does not give them to disperse;
  • stropile legs - ensure the stiffness of the structure, is responsible for the inclination of the roof and determine its appearance;
  • mauerlat - serves the foundation of the whole structure, ensures uniform load of the whole roof on the wall of the structure;
  • roofing boiler and racks - provide additional stability and reliability;
  • the run is a building element connecting the rafting legs (distinguished by the ski and side run).

In addition to all the above-mentioned elements, the design of the roof of a wooden house includes separation, stretching and additional racks that allow you to properly distribute the load on the bearing elements and exclude the formation of excess pressure on them.

Important! Roofs of wooden houses are mounted exclusively made of dry wood, the humidity of which should not exceed 15%. When using raw wood, a wooden roof can be deformed.

Types of roofing structures

Wooden roofs depend on many factors. In the process of building a house with their own hands, the shape of the roof plays an important role, it is for its construction and the provision and the necessary materials for the solinge system are selected and acquired. Factors affecting the roof view:

  • The correct calculation of the house of the house and the selection of high-quality building materials is precisely from these components the strength of the structure depends;
  • The level of losing climate precipitation, if in the area where the house is built, the minimum amount of precipitation, the bias of the structures are minimal, if the level of precipitation exceeds the norm, the slope is performed high and pointed.

For information! When choosing roofing materials, various materials should be taken into account at a certain angle and without indents, i.e. Not lower and no higher.

Types of roofs of a village house may be as follows:

  • walm;
  • single;
  • double;
  • flat;
  • mansard;
  • tent;
  • multi-type.

For information! Wood coating is used for all types of roof: single, double, buckle.

All listed types of structures allow you to increase their operational qualities, namely:

  • provide excellent overlap thermal insulation, because The tree is well kept warm;
  • performing self-cleaning when snow dropping, a triangular wooden roofing device allows you to smooth snow and reduces the load on the entire design;
  • the presence of a large slope allows not to stir the water, which eliminates the damage to the wooden system;
  • long plugs allow you to remove the liquid from the walls and increase their service life, as well as reduce the level of damage to the carrier elements of the structure;
  • wooden roofs of the design do not require a large cash investment to perform repair work.

Most often for wooden structures, such construction materials are used as:

  • slate;
  • ondulin;
  • metal tile;
  • rolled roofing material;
  • bituminous roofing material.

If the structure is supposed to be massive, experts recommend using lightweight materials, such as ondulin or metal tile. Such materials exclude the formation of additional load on the structure.

Roofing device

The photo shows a rafter system of a wooden house.

Wooden roof designs are performed with certain rules. Step-by-step roofing consists of:

  • Installations of litters, they are fixed in parallel lateral walls of the structure, for this use a sequence of 15x15. If the length of the bar is insufficient, it can be increasing from segments and combine construction spikes;
  • Laying racks with mandatory observance of a step that must correspond to the step of the rafter system;
  • Fixation of extreme rafters on Maurylalat, using support on the racks;
  • The upper corners of the fronton are fasten with a skate run;
  • Installation of ordinary rafters, they are fixed on Mauerlat, support racks and skate elements;
  • Fronton cover.

When the whole rafter system is assembled, the next stage of construction works consisting of:

  • mounting the crate;
  • styling pie;
  • stacking roofing.

For information! Roofing cake can consist of several different layers. This feature depends on the use of an attic room, if it is planned to use a attic, as a residential room, it is better to inspire it.

It is worth noting, the rafter system can be performed in two versions:

  • Inclined - consists of one or more intermediate supports on the bearing structures;
  • Hanging - consists of a support on the walls of the structure than they cut a little. To avoid destruction or disruption, the jumper should be jumped and fix it at the ends of the rafter. The main task of the jumper is to restrain the structure.

The roof device in a wooden house can be performed with their own hands, however, the manufacture of wooden roof structural elements is better to trust specialists. A properly manufactured rafting system will allow reliably to protect the house from negative factors and will significantly increase the service life of the entire roofing system.

All photos from the article

No one else wondered that the house could be without a roof - the most important part of housing, which is given a lot of time, knowledge and strength during construction. This work is engaged in real professionals who know all the subtleties of the construction of such structures. However, if you gain the necessary information, many will be able to perform the roof device of a wooden house with their own hands, with knowledge of the case.

A variety of pitched roofs

The roof of the house is a complex design, the visible part of which can be one or another form. It is selected depending on the preferences of the owners, the number of drop-down precipitation and the acquired building material.

The choice may fall to one of the following options:

  • A single-piece roof is distinguished by a slope in one direction and relies on two opposite walls to each other.

Useful: such a overlap, the price of which at the construction stage is minimal, often arranged over any construction of a non-residential sector.

  • The duct (plug) is the most popular and common, applied in any buildings; 2 roof planes are mirrored.

Roof construction and its device

Types of rafter systems

The device of a wooden roof is not possible without creating a frame, mostly wooden, consisting of a large number of products and parts. During the construction of the most popular structures, rafters are applied. Curvas or hanging or wooden farms.

The system includes the following structural elements:

  • stropile legswhose task is to take over the roof loads;

  • mauerlat - laid on the walls of beams, which redistribute the load and serve as a support for the above-mentioned bars;
  • racks that are wooden vertically directed straps;
  • tie, opposing the efforts of the design for stretching;
  • the lamp that is perpendicular to the harrowing feet.

Erecting the attic roof

Many owners of their own low house, you want to have a living space that is located above the ceiling.

The device of a naked roof of a wooden house is performed in the following sequence:

  1. the pre-laid beams are installed racks that are fixed to beams using brackets or carved spikes;
  2. alternately mounted the upper bar and Mauerlat;
  3. the installation of rafter feet made from boards, the dimensions of the sections of which are 15.0x5.0 cm;
  4. if the size of the rafted is longer than 6 m, the beam of the skate is mounted, which they have the ability to rely on. Otherwise, the bar does not apply, and at the very top of the stretching;
  5. mills are attached to which the heating boards are fixed;
  6. to rafters in places, which are provided for by the project for windows, bars forming openings are nailed;
  7. it is satisfied with the lamp, which stretches the waterproof material, which is a hydrobarier;
  8. in conclusion, as the instruction says, thermal insulation is attached, the roof is stacked and a horse is created.

Construction wood material with time gives a shrinkage, so this factor must always be taken into account when building the roof.
Otherwise, not avoiding distortion and deformation of the structure.

Table. Wood sewage shrinkage coefficient

Roof insulation device and its overlap

At the end of the work, a warm roof of a wooden house is performed, for which the "pie" and vaporizolation, as well as a heater, which can be rolled or plates from mineral or glass gamble in the classical scheme. Between the layers, you need to leave a small gap for ventilation, thanks to which the condensate will not be able to destructively influence the materials.

After the work done, the entire design from the inside is shedding plywood or plasterboard sheets.

The point in the construction of the roof is set by laying roofing material, which can be:

  • bituminous
  • rolled,
  • ceramic tiled
  • slate
  • metal tile,
  • ondulin.

It looks particularly beautifully a wooden house covered with the most harmonious products with respect to it.

In this case, the roof device is performed with a variety of suites, which differ in each other with dimensions, methods of manufacture and wood of wood.

  • The trunkery is wedge-shaped plates of wood, which are manufactured by drinking and combined with grooves and spikes.

  • Syndel - plates resulting from splitting logs and externally similar to shapeless tile.
  • Lemeh is a modification of a shindel, a distinctive feature of which is a shape of a shovel with a beautiful bottom edge.
  • TES is made from coniferous trees, is a cutting board with a groove on the end;
  • Dranca is unchaltered, relatively subtle suites, obtained by the splitting of olhovy and aspen blanks.
  • Ships resembles the previous roofing product with a reduced length.

Many options - it remains only to choose.


The owners of a wooden house need to be fully responsible to the roof device - it is not only a representative part of the construction, but also retains housing from destruction, as well as warm and comfort in it. In the video presented in this article, you will find additional information on this topic.

Roof mounting is a complex multi-step process. To assemble and set the solo system yourself, it is necessary to carefully study the methods for connecting the elements, calculate the length of the rafter and the angle of the slope, select the appropriate materials. If there is no needed experience, it is not worth it for complex designs. The optimal option for a residential house of small sizes is a two-screw roof with their own hands.

The standard roof of this type consists of the following items:

Mauerlat is called a timber laid on the walls along the perimeter of the construction. It is fixed using steel rods with thread or anchor bolts. The timber must be made of coniferous wood and have a square cross section 100x100 mm or 150x150 mm. Mauerlat takes on the load from the rafter and transmits it to the outer walls.

Stropile legs - These are long boards with a cross section of 50x150 mm or 100x150 mm. They are attached to each other at an angle and give the roof a triangular shape. The design of their two rafter feet is called a farm. The number of farms depends on the length of the house and the type of roofing. The minimum distance between them is 60 cm, the maximum is 120 cm. When calculating the step of the rafter feet, not only the weight of the coating should be taken into account, but also the wind load, as well as the amount of snow in the winter period.

Located in the highest point of the roof and most often is a longitudinal bar connecting both skate together. From the bottom of the bar support vertical racks, and the sides are attached rafters. Sometimes the hob consists of two boards, which are naked to the upper part of the rafter on both sides and are connected at a certain angle.

Racks - vertical bars with a cross section of 100x100 mm, located inside each farm and employees for transmission of the load from the run of the skate on the bearing walls inside the house.

The pumps are made from crashes of timber and are installed at an angle between racks and rafyles. The side faces of the farm are strengthened by the sink, the carrying capacity of the structure increases.

The tightening is the beam connecting the lower parts of the rafter, the base of the triangle of the farm. Together with the pink, such a beam serves to harden the farm, increases its stability resistance.

They are called a long timing with a cross section of 100x100 mm, laid along a central carrier wall, which is based on vertical racks. Liezhane is used when installing the sleeve rafters, when the run between the outer walls is more than 10 m.

The pebble is the boards or a timber stuffed on the rafter. The lamp is solid and with gaps, depending on the type of roof. It is always attached perpendicular to the direction of rafters, most often horizontally.

If there is no more than 10 m between the outer walls and the carrier wall is arranged in the middle hanging rafter system. With such a system, the upper ends of adjacent rafters are drowned at an angle and combine with nails, excluding installation of racks and a skate timber. The lower ends of the rafting legs are based on the outer walls. Due to the absence of racks, the attic space can be used to arrange attic. Very often, the function of the fumes perform the beams of overlapping. To harden the design, it is recommended to install the upper tightenment at a distance of 50 cm from the skate.

If there is a central support wall, the arrangement is more justified sloping System. They laid a litter on the wall, the support racks are fixed on it, and the skating racks are nourished. This method of installation is quite economical and more simple in performance. If the ceilings in the interior are designed at different levels, the racks are replaced with a brick wall that divides the attic into two halves.

The roof mounting process includes several stages: Mounting Maurolalat to the walls, assembling of rafter farms, installation of rafted onto floors, a skate device, fastening the crate. All wooden elements before the start of the assembly are carefully treated with any antiseptic composition and dried in air.

To work, you will need:

  • bar 100x10 mm and 150x150 mm;
  • 50x150 mm boards;
  • 30 mm thick boards for crate;
  • ruberoid;
  • metal studs;
  • electrolovka and hacksaw;
  • a hammer;
  • nails and selflessness;
  • corolon and construction level.

In wooden houses The functions of the Mauerlat perform the logs of the last row, which significantly simplifies the workflow. To install the rafter, it is enough to cut on the inside logs of the groove of the appropriate size.

In brick houses Or buildings from blocks Installation of Mauerlat occurs as follows:

Brussia Maurolalat should form a regular rectangle and be in one horizontal plane. This will facilitate the further installation of the roof and ensure the design necessary stability. In conclusion on the bars make marking under the rafted and cut out the grooves in the thickness of the bar.

When choosing a hanging rafter system, it is necessary to collect farms on the ground, and then set over the floors. First you need to draw up the drawing and calculate the length of the rafter feet and the angle of their connection. Typically, the angle of inclination of the roof is 35-40 degrees, but it is reduced to 15-20 degrees on open, highly blown areas. To find out where to connect rafters at what angle, the angle of inclination of the roof is multiplied by 2.

Knowing the length of the run between the outer walls and the connection angle of the rafter, you can calculate the length of the rafter feet. Most often, it is equal to 4-6 m, taking into account the cornese swelling of 50-60 cm wide.

The upper ends of the rafter can be copp in several ways.: Vangest, jack and "in paw", that is, with a cut-out grooves. Metal lining or bolts are used for fixation. Next, the bottom and upper tightening are mounted, and then the finished farms are raised up and installed above the overlaps.

The first farms are mounted: with a plumbing plumbing, it is set vertically, adjust the length of the overhang and attach to the Mauerlat with bolts or steel linings. In order to in the process of installation, the farm does not move, it is strengthened by temporary bruse bruises. After installing the extreme rafters, the rest, observing the same distance between them. When all farms are fixed, take the board with a cross section of 50x150 mm, the length of which is 20-30 cm greater than the length of the eaves, and nourishes it along the top edge of the skate. The same is done on the other side of the roof.

The first option: on a rafter foot at the place of adjunctions to Mauerlat, a rectangular groove on 1/3 of the width of the bar is cut out. Rates from the top of the box of 15 cm, the steel crutch is driven into the wall. The rafter is set in terms of the level, the grooves combine, then they attach the clamp from the wire from the top and attract the beam close to the wall. Wire ends securely fix on crutch. The lower edges of the rafters are neatly cut off with a disk saw, leaving SCL 50 cm.

The second option: the upper rows of walls are laid out with a stepted cornice of bricks, and Mauerlat has a heaven with the inner surface of the wall and cut into it under the sling. The edge of the rafter hand is cut along the level of the top corner of the cornice. This method is easier than the rest, but the soles turns out too narrow.

The third option: ceiling beams are produced by the edge of the outer wall by 40-50 cm, and the rafter farms are installed on the beams. The ends of the rafter feet are trimmed at an angle and rest in the beams, fixing metal linings and bolts. This method allows you to slightly increase the width of the attic room.

Device of the rolling line

1 shows a word of subposses of a rafted in a legend, laid on intermediate supports, and FIG. 2 - Opporting a rafter foot on Mauerlat

Procedure of work when installing the revolving line system:

When the main elements are fixed, the surface of the rafter is treated with antipirens. Now you can proceed to the manufacture of the crate.

For the crate, the timber 50x50 mm is suitable, as well as boards with a thickness of 3-4 cm and 12 cm wide. Under the crate, the waterproofing material is usually placed to protect the solo system from wetting. Waterproofing, the film is fired with horizontal stripes from the cornice to the ridge of the roof. The material is sprinkled with 10-15 cm, after which the joints are fastened with scotch. The lower edges of the film must completely close the ends of the rafter.

Between the boards and the film, it is necessary to leave the ventilation gap, so first the film is stuffed with wooden slats with a thickness of 3-4 cm, having them along the rafted.

The next stage is the sheathing of the rafter system by boards; They are stuffed by perpendicular to raids, ranging from the roof eaves. Not only the type of roofing coating is affected by the shaft step, but also the angle of slope: the greater the angle, the more distance between the boards.

After the installation is completed, the crates are proceeded with the trim and soles. It is possible to close the frontaths by boards, plastic panels, clapboard, waterproof plywood or professional flooring - it all depends on financial capabilities and personal preferences. The trimming of the side of the rafter is attached, nails or self-tapping screws are used as fasteners. Sails are also fed by various materials - from the tree to siding.

Video - Two roof with his own hands