Repairs Design Furniture

Chandeliers with Edison's lamp as shine. Nostalgia in the interior, Edison light bulb. Innovations for greater efficiency

Edison light bulbs: retro style in modern accommodation October 13th, 2015

Allow you to bring an unusual note to the interior of housing. Naturally, we are not talking about museum exhibits, but about new lamps manufactured by old drawings. Today light bulbs Edison has gained tremendous popularity. They are used to add different styles Design, screwing up into the sconces, flooring, chandeliers.

Miniature artwork

There are several variations of Edison light bulbs:

  • oblong;

  • barrel-shaped;

  • round;

  • reminded candle.

Cheap Edison light bulbs buy which is the easiest way online, can work out five thousand hours and even more. It is noteworthy that the brightness of their glow can be adjusted. All that is needed for this is to install a switcher with a dimmer.

Shine edison lamps not very bright, but they have the original and very beautiful view. These structures can be admired by the clock, looking at the fancy bending threads of incandescent. No wonder designers call Edison light bulbs by the work of art. Using them, you can decorate any room. Fortunately, these products are harmonized with all existing interior styles and have a standard base, which eliminates the need to additionally acquire some special lighting devices for them.


The production of Edison bulbs today are engaged in specialists in the United States and Denmark. Each of these products takes place in production several checks, which completely eliminates the receipt of marriage. Edison's high-quality light bulbs, made by Danish and American masters, can be safely used in:

  • apartments and houses;

  • clubs;

  • catering establishments;

  • outlets.

In the US, the Edison lamps are manufactured by Ferrowatt, using old drawings of 1910-1930. In Denmark, the same products creates a Danlamp plant. There also follow the old technologies.

On the market today you can meet not only Danish and American, but also Chinese products. To the latter should be treated with caution - a lot of marriage comes across among goods from the subway.

Main advantages

As we said, Edison's light bulbs are very beautiful. They are mainly used not to illuminate housing, but for its decoration. To admire these products is as pleasant as, for example, being for the mountains of the Sun or Flame of the fire. It is for this that Edison's lamps like all people without exception. The infant light bulbs work without transformers, they boast a high color rendering index, a variety of forms and sizes, an unusual incandescent thread. These structures do not contain mercury and other harmful substances.

Easy is beautiful - this is the motto of minimalist supporters. Minimalist lighting B. last years Evoids great popularity. Edison's light bulb is a new direction in the field of lighting. This is one of the latest trends in the design industry, which is very popular among those people who want to decorate the interior in a traditional or eclectic style, as well as in styles vintage and retro. Such structures exceed themselves as an element, giving the room lightness and warm breathing, as well as vintage style.

Edison Light Bulb - Modern Option

These modern light bulbs perfectly reproduce the original model developed by the ingenious inventor of many technical devices and devices Thomas Edison. Imitation of retro incandescent lamps, creates a unique character and a very original appearance. Modern stylized lamps are made on the basis of the method invented by Thomas Edison in the nineteenth century, while the design most corresponds to the original, so they look different from modern electrical light sources.

Oginal source forms have aesthetic advantages over modern modelsthat can be attributed only to the category practical accessories, not interesting add-ons to the modern interior. A glass bubble can take various forms - from spherical, to a slightly expanded to the end, and slightly oval.

Some of them have very large diameterwhile others have extracted shape And resemble a slim thread. Cylindrical models are also very popular, which are well suited for both small rooms and open spaces. Edison's light bulb is an excellent choice for people who do not blindly follow fashion, and are always guided by their own taste.

The heart of the flask is the filament of the decorative form, which usually takes the shape of the spiral. Some models are also equipped with several threads, which, in combination with a large diameter of the flask, give a very strong light. In combination with a tinted glass bubble, you can get an amazing visual effect. The warm light generated by such a lamp will give the room cozy, mild character.

Edison's bulbs are decoration by themselves, so we should not worry about their presentation - there will be enough pendant with a wicker cable or other decorative cord.

People with artistic taste who want to decorate their interiors can choose wires different color in accordance with the design of the room and lamps with original designwhich additionally emphasize the shape of the thread and create a unique design. The lamp can take such forms as a square, trapezoidal, as well as please decorative form A diamond containing a plurality of pentagonal faces.

Regardless of whether you want to decorate the room in a traditional style, modern, classic, or arbitrary, such designs always justify your expectations.

Light bulbs can be suspended to the ceiling on a straight cord or hanging on decorative nodes, in the form of garlands, assembled into a beam and in many other options.

The concept of using such a variant of the lamp in the interior is based on the principle of minimalism from Mist Van der Roe, which proclaimed that the details are distinguished by the perfect design from the good. Lamp and color cable in the foreground will be a real pearl of the interior.

These lamps will delight those who like to experiment and update their interior using new ideas and various equipment. You can simply change the color of the cable and the suspension version and get a completely new lamp!

The current selection of the bulbs allows our interiors to shine literally. They complement any modern interior. What to pay attention to, choosing a suitable design for internal lighting?

The choice may be different, depending on the shape and power. The current range of electrical goods stores is not limited to incandescent lamps, LED retro lamps, halogen and luminescent models are also popular.

Ordinary light bulbs also underwent metamorphosis and themselves are modern, stylish lighting.

While in the old years, the naked light bulb under the ceiling was synonymous with poverty (or repair), today retro style lamps may well be a source of light worthy of even penthouse and testifying the taste of the owner of the apartment.

The lamps have changed beyond recognition, not only from the point of view of many forms and colors. Power consumption has been reduced to a minimum, with the same amount of light, in addition, the devices increased the lifespan.

Depending on the type of lighting (top, central, lateral), you can choose a light bulb that will match the conditions in the best possible way.

If sconies hung on your walls, you can replace them with stylish light bulbs in retro style, stylized to flames of candles. This will give the interior with a warm atmosphere, while the effect will be more pronounced when you choose more yellow. Edison's lamps in retro-style can just hang from the ceiling above the bed or near your favorite chair in which you read books.

They can replace the central lighting in the room. In this case, instead of a chandelier from the ceiling hangs a lot of light bulbs on long wires, sometimes assembled into a bundle. Here will also be useful to lamps in retro style, while it is better to choose a lot of low-power light bulbs.

We can independently choose the bulbs you like, which will be characteristic of each type of interior design.

The light can present the interior design in a completely different version, radically changing its quality. With help lighting devices visually expand or narrow space, create accents, manage with visual perception. Edison lamps, with a figure-located tungsten thread in the flask, are appropriate not in every interior. They have no excesses. No, except for an expressive drawing of thread spirals from which it is impossible to take eye.

Edison Lamps - all the essence in the spiral of incandescent

The famous American inventor took up the improvement of an electric incandescent bulb in 1879. Thomas Edison understood: so that the glass light bulb shine for a long time and brightly smooth, non-moving light, it is necessary to find special material For inner thread. After spending thousands of dollars and having done experiments with 6,000 thousand substances, Edison made a discovery by supplying his light bulbs. screw base and threads of charred bamboo fibers.

The first to apply tungsten threads in incandescent lamps and twist them in the form of a spiral suggested Russian electrical engineering Alexander Lododgin.

The incandescent lamp does not have a single inventor. Her story is an amazing chain of discoveries made in different time different people. But there would be no merit of Lodrug's merit, thanks to aggressive advertising company Edison and the formation of the production of light bulbs on the stream, it is his name that the incandescent lamps are called to this day.

Edison Lamps in modern reading

The main designer trend among the lamps remains Loft, modern and minimalism. An example is the Lama Edison, a ramp, round, long and "standard" form. Pulsating in the dark space on the long cord in the cartridge from brass, they create a warm and relaxed atmosphere. They are used where it is necessary to emphasize the vintage atmosphere, tied by invisible threads the historical era and the present.

Bought light bulbs with the finest heat threads not for the sake of savings. The brightness of Edison lamps is less than that of traditional incandescent lamps. The amount of tungsten threads does not affect the power (and now the price is still like!) The lamps decorate the interior for contemplating the warm vintage energy that they give.

In the updated "Park" retro lamps handmade, lamps with a peculiar luminescence and form, have common features for all models:

  • edison cartridge from copper or brass E27;
  • bulk glass flask;
  • incandescent threads with warm, smooth luminescence and high color rendering index.

When organizing lighting, retro lamps embody various designer ideas. With their help create "islands of comfort" in the house, restaurant or cafe. And sometimes used for general interior lighting. Designers, inspired by the work of the 18th century, create industrial lamps and chandeliers adapted for interiors of the 21st century, decorating with them galleries, showrooms, offices, clubs and stylish apartments.

For products that are made exclusively, manually, there are no copies. Careful study of all parts, without saving on quality, gives a storm result - each of the Edison lamps comes out with his character, with its temperament, with his soul.

Today, this is a sought-after element of the interior, conquering more and more admirers. Edison lamp is far from the only example when the negative suddenly becomes incredibly popular.

Characteristics and features

From the habit of hiding the light bulb in or the sconce departs more advanced advanced designers. Today, much more attention is paid than before. This happens because the light plays a huge role in the interior. Bright example It is Edison's light bulb, which is characterized by some features.

In addition to unique designer solutioncapable of implementing interesting ideas With this element, the lamps have many other advantages:

  1. they are environmentally friendly, since they do not contain mercury;
  2. easy to use, they can be connected to a standard cartridge;
  3. have natural color reproduction;
  4. allocated by the variety of forms and sizes, opening the horizons with creative personalities.

The disadvantages include quite a high cost and short service life. Prices vary in the range of 300-1700 rubles per 1 unit. Compared to the difference in colossal.

On the other hand, Edison lamps do not need an additional lampsure. But due to the lack of an additional surface, as it happens when used, the heated flask is not protected.

Important! If the light bulb is too close to the passage or low above the head, care must be taken, trying not to burn about the hot glass.

Tip! To use as the main lighting, you must combine several light bulbs in a bundle to create enough light. The bunch of 5-10 units looks no less interesting than the usual one.

  • The use of incandescent lamps is widely used in Scandinavian countries. In the cold northern climate, it is especially pleasant to feel a warm glow. According to residents, such lighting resembles a sunset or flame of fire. Due to the thin, figurine-located threads, the light is obtained very soft and romantic.
  • IN home interior Unusual light sources are most often used in the bedroom, on. Special golden flasks add warmth, making the recreation area more cozy. Such lamps are more common when classic style registration in the interior.

Idea! The stylization under ancient, adding heat and comfort to the bedroom in the bedroom in this way. You can with the help of a retro lamp hanging from the ceiling.

The Edison light bulbs in the dining room or in the kitchen, while creating an atmosphere of a welcoming bar or strict. In this case, the appearance of the light bulbs is of great importance.

You can also make a garland in quality. Under New Year Such a solution will be appreciated by adults and children. In the summer, you can decorate the garland, gorgeous lighting will add new paints to twilight.

Choose lamps under the design

The choice of light bulbs depends primarily on the design of the room. Such details complement the overall idea, in parallel performing their main functions. It is necessary to take into account the type of lighting depending on the side it, the top or central. Right choice It will help to eliminate the shortcomings, and create accents.

The original appearance creates a special atmosphere, so Edison lamps need to be used in the interior with caution, because they are appropriate not everywhere.

Tip! Figured tungsten threads thanks to the expressive drawing instantly attract attention and have the ability to control visual perception. If you carefully work out the location, then such light sources will give you a great result!

Tip! When choosing a bulbs worth paying attention to the marking. With it, the voltage is determined when used. Even to insignificantly exceed this indicator, the service life can be reduced by a third or more.

In addition to the appearance, it is worth paying attention to the power and type of base. By matching the power of the Edison lamp, the usual brightness of the first will be significantly less. This is due to the fact that the vintage thread in bright light is less noticeable, and therefore its extraordinary appearance is lost. With the power of the Edison lamp at 100 W. Equivalent of a standard lamp-seemingly 50 watts.

The use of any lighting devices requires compliance with the basic rules:

  1. When operating, it is advisable to use cartridges that meet the requirements of the GOST.
  2. You cannot unscrew the lamp in the rolled state, you must wait some time until it gets completely cool.
  3. Retro lamps are sensitive to any movement, so move the lamps better in the off state.