Repairs Design Furniture

Designer ideas for the hall. Interior living room in a private house

Social norm square meters For each family member in Russia to a funny small compared with statistical data european countries Or for residents of the North American continent. We, as a rule, the selection of space for a separate living room is a non-disabilities. Therefore, be accepted to develop the interior of the hall, it is worth keeping in mind that someone from households will sleep here.

Taking into account this factor, taking to update the interior of the hall with your own hands, remember that the sofa should easily transform into a good sleeping place, preferably with an orthopedic mattress. The remaining furniture items are selected according to the habits of all family members:

  • will there be a workplace in the hall;
  • is there any need to schedule here spacious wardrobe for clothes;
  • whether your family is used to noisy crowded feasts (this makes the required dining table);
  • do you have a solid library for which you need to arrange storage space protected from dust and direct light contact.

It is from the answers to these questions will depend on the interior of the hall in the apartment, and what furniture to be in the standard 18 square meters. meters.

Zoning the Hall

Now there are no transmissions from the TV screens dedicated to the topic of the interior and repair of premises. The magic word "zoning", which is invited to exercise even in rooms with an area of \u200b\u200b10-12 square meters by a guide thread on them. meters. Is it necessary? If the hall is used only in their direct intended purpose and in it, in addition to the TV and a soft group, no furniture is placed - may not be placed.

Another thing, if you are forced to work in the evenings. Then the interior of the hall should be done in such a way as to burn the table from the total space with a double-sided rack or light curtain.

Outdoor coverage in the interior of the hall

Fashion on the widespread use of carpet outdoor coating Passed. Complexity in cleaning, the presence of static electricity and allergic reactions Forced to get rid of this cozy material.

Pricing access and diversity decorative solutions Made a laminate favorite modern repairs. This material makes the interior of the hall stylish, as in the photo, and corresponding to all fashion trends. Getting Started, you should not save on a special substrate, because the surface before laying the laminate should be thoroughly aligned. The errors will lead to premature exit of their building a new floor. If you have a financial opportunity, it is better to use a natural tree or tube.

Stretch ceiling in the hall

Stretch ceiling is optimal decisionwhen repairs in the hall is done own hands, and sufficient skills to work at the height. Not the fact that careful leveling of the ceiling and its coloring quality materials PVC films will be cheaper. Weight argument against this wonderful invention can only be a catastrophically low height. But even in this case, experienced designers Recommend to use glossy ceilingscreated by which the prospect of more than compensates for "eaten" 5 cm.

The combination of plasterboard structures, built-in lamps and unusual photo printing will make an interesting any lounge. The interior of the room, when focusing on the picture above the head, can be emphasized simple.

Registration of walls

Constantly working designers prefer in their works to combine painting of walls with sticking wallpapers in one room and, even on one wall. Mix of monophonic surfaces, harmoniously combined with areas covered with striped wallpaper, and with emphasis of one section with a large ornament or frescoes, became the usual phenomenon in modern hall interiors.

Finally, I suggest to see the photo gallery of the room interior performed in various styles.

Photo interior hall in the apartment

Interior design is very important for general external view your house. This is especially true, because this room is usually central.

Here, most likely, you will spend most of your time: watch TV, communicate, may have dinner or dinner. In addition, it is in this room that we often accept guests: friends and loved ones.

When you choose style registration of the Hall, then, first of all, pay attention to your own preferences, and not on what dictates modern fashion. After all, it is always necessary to keep in mind that fashion has - these are imposed by someone's ideas about beauty. In addition, it is true that the lady of fashion capriciousness, and to cross the wallpaper and change the furniture every season agree, the occupation is quite problematic. In this case, it is better if you choose a classic design style, because, in this case, you will be sure that the interior will be fashionable and relevant to at least several years.

Designers are always recommended to create an interior in which everything is strictly thought out that no element stands out on a general background so that it is a component of one ensemble. Nevertheless, of course, there are cases when the owners deliberately want to allocate any subject. However, it is worth remembering that it is always necessary to do it extremely gently so that the hall in any case looks very organically and nice.

Interior Hall photo - Furniture

In the choice of furniture you need to take into account that it is not only comfortable and comfortable, but also multifunctionalespecially if the hall is still relatively small. As a rule, in this room there are various upholstered furniture, such as armchairs or sofa, coffee table, Music center or TV.

In order to receive guests, you can put the table in the hall, but it is best, if it is folding or compact, because a huge amount of diverse furniture reduces the space not only visually, but also physically. The furniture is better to position as follows: in the area for rest they are a sofa or chair, on the contrary, the main equipment should be located, for example, television or home theater.

Previously, there were bulky walls in the hall, which, in fact, actually only occupied all the space and collected dust. Now it is more appropriate to choose a lightweight rack where you are placing photos, books, other pleasant glance. By the way, make sure that seating There was as much in the hall as people live in the apartment so that everyone could be located there at the same time and comfortably. In this case, a sofa is a transformer, which, if necessary, will be placed further than a few more people.

Speaking of outdoor coverage, then the carpet or carpet will be excellent output. Then you can walk barefoot even in winter and not afraid of cold or colds. In addition, fluffy carpet "visually warms the room, making it warm and cozy.

The coating can be placed in the center of the hall or over the entire floor area.

Interior Hall photo - Color

When you choose the color of the future room, then focus on your taste, as well as on the basic properties of various colors. For example, red always causes a feeling of anxiety, association with danger, so if you are going to spend a lot of time in the hall, we recommend using a minimum of red accessories. Any bright colors are always attracted to active activity, therefore, you see, it is difficult to rest in a room decorated in red or orange tones.

Interior Hall photo - Accessories and lighting

When you choose accessories for the hall, it is necessary that they are suppressed in the same style and color scheme as the whole room as a whole. This applies to souvenirs, photo frames, vases and other things that you probably want to place in your hall. By the way, it is also very important to draw attention to the color of the curtains. Learn that lonely blinds look not very appropriate and create associations with the work office.

The interior design of the room also largely depends on the lighting. The right light can skillfully hide the building disadvantages, such as uneven walls and emphasize all the obvious advantages of the hall. If the room is divided into separate zones or territories, then you can use additional lighting, such as lamps or any other lamps.

But the most important thing in the interior design is your own comfort and comfort. The most important thing is that you find the situation cozy and comfortable.

Hall in the arrangement of apartments and houses occupies a central place. According to his design, it is possible to judge the ideological topics of the style of the entire interior, about taste and the preferences of the owners, as well as the overall atmosphere around. therefore beautiful design The hall has an important meaning. Let's see what will be relevant in the design of this parade room in 2017.

Design Hall 2017: Modern Ideas

Undoubtedly, modern design welcomes the classics, calm tones and severity of lines. But in the process of creating projects, professionals always find the use of their creative fantasy. So, in the photo the fashionable family of a family type distinguished himself with his special charm, because it has a bright cozy place - a red spherical chair. In addition, velor soft sofa, light fluffy, elegant lamps trapezoids give the room homemade utya and a pleasant family atmosphere.

On the picture - original interior Hall in the apartment. In the center is located coffee table And there are many comfortable places for owners and guests. The intentional combination of different furniture in the style will once again emphasize the ease of the atmosphere. Here everyone can find a cozy corner to taste.

A large square in the hall often encourages the solution of the zoning of the room. So, in the next photo, thanks to the magnificent columns and the sofa, the room is conveniently divided into the zones of the dining room and rest. Expressive accents of bright yellow furniture are arranged everywhere, which creates the unity of style and harmony in the perception of space as a whole.

In this room, quite strict design with a modern accent is clearly traced. The blue-beige tone is ennigitalized the interior and are very relevant today. Also as in the previous example, a luxury sofa performs the function of zoning space.

The highlight of the luxurious two-level houses and apartments is an open rise to the second floor. Due to the high ceiling in the hall a lot of light space and place for the decor.

This room reminds a whole conference room. Space volumes allow you to place multiple sofas in one room zone and long table With armchairs in another.

Here the large room has a peace and pleasant relax. Its feature glazed transparent windows, walls and even doors. It seems that you are in the veranda.

IN modern design Hall racks and cabinets are not so relevant. They came to replace the shelves and wardrobe. In addition, they can still be beautiful decor.

Often in the interior prefer to use the minimum number of furniture, giving preference to beautiful decorative elements. A similar technique sets the rhythm to the interior, makes it filled and completed, while completely without clinging space.

Absolute Symmetry - main idea Design of this room. The sofa is located around the perimeter around a transparent coffee table. All furniture headsets are designed in one stylistic orientation, the symmetry of the forms is observed everywhere. Even small objects and valuable accessories are placed in strict symmetry. But such a rigor does not seem like boring and monotonous, but on the contrary, is associated with the ideal order and impeccable organization of hosts.

The space in this room absorbs its freedom. Special charm is distinguished by the ceiling zone, looking at which, once again, you are convinced that you can not just make a beautiful lighting, but make a luxurious composition of stylish lamps.

Here in the design of the hall the starting point was the reception large number Guests. Therefore, a chic roomy sofa is the first one that designers paid special attention. Big sofas today can be the most different designs, silhouettes and colors.

An expressive accent on a bright background was a luxurious soft corner in combined calm shades. Natural wooden floor introduces an "eco-note" in modern minimalist design. At all times, it is valued high and looks incredibly beautiful and expensive.

The concept of this hall is a game in contrasts and ambiguous minimalism with elegant classic splashes and vintage objects.

The combination of classics and modernity looks quite interesting and harmoniously in modern interior. The optimal addition to massive furniture will be a light background and neutral textiles.

Stone finish is one of the main elements of Loft style. But also organically the stone fits into the interior of the hall with severe modern minimalism.

Maximum softness and comfort you will feel resting in this room. After all, here for this everything is provided - a calm background palette, gorgeous soft places for recreation. For reading the beloved book, it dreamed of her fascinating plot, time will fly here imperceptibly.

Creativity in the design of the hall always has the full right to express itself in all its glory. Most often, this option is chosen by the active hosts. In the photo interior as if plays paints. Such an atmosphere will surely be remembered for guests for a long time.

For those who are looking for a special flavor in design, next project The ideal example is an example. Indian motifs are very actively traced in the room design: orange tone as the main, ethnic patterns on the fabrics, characteristic accessories in the form of statuettes, caskets, aromatic sticks.

Huge room in wooden country house - It is always a luxury. The design of windows with a log finish is reminded by terme, and the fireplace is an integral element of home heat and family coziness. Old and nature smells in this spacious room.

The royal charm has a hall in the next photo. Modern style with tiled flooring, leather furniture and sophisticated to become, thanks to the openwork stairs, it sounds more elegantly and solemnly than we are used to expect from him.

Incredible freedom, lightness and comfort can be felt in the room presented in this photo. Original design The sofa, where not one person can relax, creates a relaxed cozy atmosphere.

Unsurpassed Loft flooded space big room. Brick trim on one of the walls, thematic design of light and a spacious bright sofa - expressive stylish touches Major Loft.

Style mixing is often used in designer receptions. For example, in the photo modern classic And the elements of the loft in the design of the hall looks very presentable.

Original rustic - style in the design of the hall design in the photo. Magnificent fireplace laid out of stone soft furniture, Wood finish, pleasant soft light create an atmosphere of comfort and warmth, despite the abundance of space indoors.

Minimalism is a universal option for a small hall.

Design Hall in the apartment: Actual ideas

Usually in compact rooms, the hall can simultaneously perform several functions - serve as a living room, a living room, a dining room, and sometimes a guest bedroom. How to make a room as comfortable, stylish and practical?

Easy partitions come to the interior walls. Also excellent zoning space can furniture, color and light script.

The interior of the compact hall on the next photo is completely not cluttered with massive furniture and wallpaper with a catchy print - this is another excellent way to unload a small space.

Do not be afraid in a small room, but with good natural light to use deeper dark tones.

A small room in the apartment is maximally filled with light and objects in neutral pastel tones. Excellent solution - use of functional furniture: modular sofa, folding tableCompact shelves.

Given the Square I. architectural features premises, you can create interesting decorative compositions. But remember that each thing in the interior should be useful and functional, and the fabrics and paintings, and even unusual lighting solutions can be perfectly decorated.

Wallpaper 2017

Wide selection modern wallpaper It makes it easy to choose the best option for decoration walls in the hall. The diverse palette of colors and shades, abundance of drawings and textures - everyone will find what the most harmonious will be combined with common style of one or another interior.

A lot of popularity today is photographers in the interior of all rooms. The area of \u200b\u200bthe hall allows the walls on the walls of delightful panoramic photos of stunning species. Photo ideas for the hall, perhaps, have the most extensive theme.

Curtains and Tulle: Fashion trends 2017

Tulle play a big role in the design of the hall. It would seem, just textiles! But if textiles are wrong, then the integrity of the room and stylistic harmony cannot be speech.

The best examples of the decor of the Curtains Hall are presented in the following selection of photos.

Fireplace in modern room design

The fireplace has long ceased to perform only the heating function of the room. Wealth designer ideas Allows you to choose the best home interior options.

Abundance fashionable ideas, creative solutions and non-standard approaches in the arrangement of the hall is the manifestation of individuality and uniqueness. However, if your understanding of comfort fully contradicts extravagant, atypical and bold experiments, do not need to try to be in the trend against his personal aesthetics, blindly following fashionable trends. Always choose what matches your inner perception of space and personal taste.

Tell us about your layout of the hall or what would we like to change the most in the current situation?

What do not say, and the hall is the most important and functional room in the apartment. In it we accept guests and close relatives, arrange family feasts, spending evenings with your loved ones, work and rest. This is a universal room, and the design of the hall in the apartment must be appropriate.

a renovable problem with the owners of standard family nests in high-rise buildings are faced, is the small area of \u200b\u200bthe front room. To expand it, you need to know some design techniques. We will comprehend them today, forming beautiful interior Hall in the house.

Design Hall 16, 18 and 20 sq m

Design for the size of 16 square meters. m.

the main task Here - to make the design of the hall of 16 sq m presentable. Experts advise adhere to a classic or modern laconic style, which are inherent in the clarity of forms. Furniture should be simple and at the same time functional. Instead of a large sofa, you can choose a small folding bedAnd several massive cabinets are intelligently replaced with a spectacular secret.

Spectacle interior design options Photo presented in the gallery tell us that the best flooring is laminate or parquet, visually slightly pulling room. Wallpaper It is desirable to use monophonic and bright. Good decoration And at the same time the magnifier of the space will be the mirror.

Interior of the room of 18 square meters. m.

The color clearance here should be light, but the furniture can be dark shades. The best stylist direction in this case is minimalism or high-tech. A similar interior of the hall in the apartment photo can be estimated below.

In order for the interior of the hall of 18 sq. M I looked harmoniously, you need to competently think about the lighting. In the bright room, the problem of the distribution of the sun rays will solve transparent tulle on the windows, whereas in the living room, the windows of which go to the north side, will need additional lighting even during the day.

The decoration of the hall is 20 square meters. m.

When designing the design of the hall 20 sq. M Special attention should be paid to zoning. The room is usually elongated form It is ideally divided into two parts: the working and recreation area, for example, in the proportion of 1: 2. The area of \u200b\u200bthe room allows you to enter a good furniture ensemble into it. Here as it is impossible to suit classic English or scandinavian style Registration.

To give the brightness room, the wall is permissible to go over the wallpaper of saturated tones with a one-photon ornament or strict graphic pattern. On the floor you can lay both parquet and carpet. Space space will help paintings.

Features of the interior of the little hall

When planning the interior of the hall in Khrushchev, in addition to the small area, there is a problem of incorrect and disproportionate plan. Partially correct the situation will be able to redevelop, combining this room with kitchen or bedroom. So that the design of the extended room looked complete, as demonstrating this photos, it is necessary to properly divide it into zones. Zoning can be made using lightweight updated partitions, flooring and color decoration. It will help the idea of \u200b\u200bdividing the room to the zones and then when redevelopment is not included in your plans.

Making the design of the hall in Khrushchev, try to stick to the idea of \u200b\u200bminimalism, and not only in terms of furniture, but also in the use of new repair technologies. Do not load the room with complex designs from plasterboard, decorative fireplaces, etc. It is enough to simply align vertical and horizontal surfaces and paint them into light tones. If you want to diversify the room unusual solutions, decorate it with mirrors or panels from reflective tiles, bright wall stickers.

When choosing painting walls and ceiling, experts recommend to give preference to different colors of one gamut, but it is better to refrain from contrasts. Make the interior design of the small room is even easier and air will succeed with lighting. The more lamps different size And the power will be in the room, the better.

Interior design hall in the house

The design of the hall in a private house involves greater space, because country housing is usually equipped with several isolated rooms, thanks to which the living room fully implements its main function of the front room. In addition, during the construction of the cottage, the size of the residential areas is adjusted under the individual wishes of the owners, which makes it possible to implement the most bold ideas.

More and more last years Holders of private houses appeal to the Scandinavian style and choose the design of the hall with fireplace and massive furniture. The choice is not bad, especially considering that modern technologies Do not require the organization of complex chimneys, but allow you to limit the healthy imitation of a homely hearth. You can add a classic picture with dry flowers and panels on walls, portraits and landscapes decorated in modern style using computer technology.

So that the room looks like from the picture, do not forget about the basic principles of design. Still, when planning design, one should adhere to one color Gamma., massive furniture Must crosslove with light accessories, and soft carpets and woolen elements must perform the functions of only bright single accents.

Hall Desig: Questions and Answers

Design Hall in the apartment: how to choose a style?

Ampire style with luxurious furniture, multi-layered window design and complex decor - perfect choice For the design of the hall of the Large Square. Mimalism and maximum functionality - distinctive features small living room. However, what will be the design hall in the apartment depends on many factors. First of all, to choose stylistic design Rooms affect its area, as was shown above. Attributes of a lush ampury or deliberate complication of the baroque in a small room will look ridiculous and ridiculous, and only emphasize him small size. And on the contrary, the situation with carefully selected furniture is ideal for a modest room, but gets lost in a huge space. Choosing a specific style of design hall in the apartment, you should also take into account the decorative design of the rest of the premises to be traced a single interior concept.

How to issue the interior of the hall in Khrushchev with a disproportionate layout of the rooms?

Small-sized furniture, small chest of drawers instead of a massive tube under the equipment - optimal option For registration hall in Khrushchev.

Making the interior of the hall in Khrushchev, you need to maximize constructive features Rooms So that disproportionate planning flaws are in dignity. How can I make an incorrect layout room or a facing room with cozy and stylish? Built-in furniture of light shades, cabinets and the use of open partitions will allow unloading space and will ensure the functional places of storage of a variety of things. When creating an interior of the hall in Khrushchev, artificial lighting can also be widely used, which helps visually transform space.

How to arrange the hall of 18 sq m. If it has the shape of an elongated rectangle?

When designing the interior of the elongated form, you can use finishing materials of different shades for adjacent walls.

Sometimes pick up the interior of the hall 18 sq.m. It is difficult due to the disproportionateness of the room, which is an elongated rectangle, in which the size of the adjacent sides differs several times. In this case, a differentiated finish is used, when the long walls are painted in light tones or are covered with wallpaper with a pattern, and the ends of the room are brighter. This makes the elongated room more proportional, and the setting is harmonious. Photo of the interior of the hall of 18 sq.m, where smaller walls are painted into a rich turquoise color, and adjacent - with wallpaper with a vegetable pattern in the same colors, it shows it clearly.

Hall repair: cosmetic or capital?

You can save the hall with new wallpaper on your own, the main thing is to correctly calculate required amount and comply with technology.

Before starting repairing the hall, it is necessary to determine the scale of the alleged work. If you plan to change the design of the hall without significant changes in the design features of the room, then you can cope with your own forces. Punning wallpaper or painting of walls and ceiling - not very complex operations, it suffices to comply with the technology of their execution. In the case when it is assumed overhaul Hall, then the design of the project will be required in which all changes will be reflected. Working out the design options should be taken into account its dimensions, the functions performed and the available cost of building materials.

What style to make a design hall of 16 sq.m.?

The minimum number of furniture, thoughtful color solution Premises and interesting additions allow you to create a harmonious interior.

The style is minimalism - one of the options using which, you can create a harmonious design of the hall of 16 square meters. If the room has the form of the right square, then bright accessories and interesting items will add dynamism. The lounge of the rectangular shape is corrected in such a way that it seems to be visually less long. It is possible to make it using symmetrically located furniture or using different walls of the walls. Nakhodka for the design of the hall of 16 sq.m. Will I. interesting solution artificial lighting: suspended ceiling Simple shapes with built-in luminaires will help visually transform space.

The design hall of 20 sq. M: What can be the zoning options?

For zoning the hall, partitions of a variety of design and a different design for each functional zone are used.

If the design hall is 20 sq.m. It assumes zoning, it can be carried out in several ways. The easiest is the use of various partitions, deaf or open. They not only share the room on the functional zones, but also can serve as additional storage places. Zoning the hall can be done visually using for different parts Rooms are different finishing materials. At the same time, they may differ in both the texture and saturation of shades. Follows only carefully approach decorative decoration and not use for the design hall 20 sq.m. More than 2-3 colors.

What should I consider choosing wallpapers for the hall?

The variety of wallpapers allows the interior of the hall in any style, from minimalism and art deco, to a classic style.

Choosing a wallpaper for the hall, you should consider the concept of stylistic design of the room, its design features and the location of the room relative to the parties to the light. Classic style is distinguished by nobility and restraint, the brightness of the tones and the cordlessness here is inappropriate. For such an interior, wallpapers are suitable with a harmonious combination of flowers and a nonsense floral or fantasy ornament. If the dark room is poorly illuminated, it is desirable to place a hall in bright colors. In the sun and bright room, you can use the wallpaper for the hall of more saturated shades.

Design Hall in a private house: what style to choose?

One of the variants of the stylistic design of the hall in a country house, in which the conciseness of the interior objects and bright accents are harmoniously combined.

The design of the hall in a private house can be performed in the style of minimalism or art deco. Furniture of laconic shape, unusual art objects, designer lamps Even a simple interior is transformed into an exclusive, and the accessories of saturated colors will be added to the interior of the dynamism. If the room is with a fireplace, then the design of the room is carried out with the form and type of finishing of the heating element. For the fireplace of a simple design with deliberately roughly processed surfaces, ethnic style is appropriate, and for a product with exquisite lines it is better to choose the design of the hall in the private house of the Rococo or Baroque epoch.

How to issue a hall: ethnic style and a little exotic

Lovers travel and bring out of their trips. Gifts of various countries can choose for the design of the Hall ethnic style. Animal figures, carpets handmadeinteresting minerals or unusual plants Will become a highlight of the interior. How to arrange a hall in ethnic style? Do not overload the room with a lot of small parts. Unusual furniture For the hall, several items, harmoniously combined with each other will produce a greater effect than the chaotic breakdowns of brought treasures. How to arrange the hall will prompt a sense of measure and monitoring the creation of an interior in the natural conditions of a particular country.

How to make a window in the hall?

One of the options for designing the window in the hall can be the use of curtains from transparent tulle, without curtains from dense tissue.

Even the best interior will remain unfinished if you do not think over the window design. What to choose: Tulle or blinds, the most complex curtains with a lot of folds and accessories or a curtain of a simple form? How to make a window in the hall so that it is combined with furniture, interior items and did not look like an alien background? It is necessary to take into account the style of the room and its color palette, as well as the degree of illumination. For the sun room, you can combine blinds and curtains, especially if it is a bedroom. If the decor of the hall is made in dark or light colors, then make a window in the hall in the hall you can curtains in a saturated color.

Ideas for the hall: what non-standard solutions can be used?

When decorated, it should not blindly copy the glossy picture from the magazine. A little fantasy, an unusual look at ordinary subjects and interesting ideas For the hall will be a highlight of the interior, making it unique. The living room with a laconic furniture will be brighter and more dynamic if you add it decorative panel of ceramic tile Contrast color. Simplicity and comfort of ethnic style rooms can be emphasized. unusual shelves. The embodiment of various ideas for the hall should adhere to a sense of measure and not overload the space by a variety of details. Several decorative techniques are more efficient to the jet of decor.

Beautiful hall in the apartment: Components of the interior

The secret of decorative design of premises is to preserve the balance between the convenience of the interior elements and their decorativeness. The beautiful hall in the apartment is created not only for aesthetic pleasure: in this room rest and take guests. The hall in the apartment is a place of concentration of households in the evenings, and it must be comfortable and cozy. The use of natural materials, a harmonious combination of colors, comfortable furniture and cute baubles fill the room with warmth, creating a unique atmosphere. Drawing up the interior, you need to listen to your desires and then you will have the most beautiful Hall in the apartment.

Some of the options for spectacular wall decoration - their staining special compositions Saturated or pastel tones contrasting furniture and accessories.

Manifold finishing materialspresented in the construction market causes a desire to try everything and immediately. How to arrange the walls of the room so that it is cozy and stylish without significant costs? The easiest I. inexpensive way - Flooring surface with wallpaper. But it is advisable only with smooth walls. The modern hall is decorated and with paint, while the color solution can be combined with furniture and interior items or contrast with them. How to arrange the walls also depends on the style of the interior and the functional purpose of the room. For example, if division is required to zone, it can be done with various finishes surface surfaces.

How to choose a ceiling design in the hall?

One of the options for designing the ceiling is the combination of drywall structures with decorative illumination.

Choosing the ceiling design in the hall, you should consider not only your taste addiction, but also the characteristics of the room. Room S. low ceiling complex structures will do even less, and the concise finish will be by the way. The designer project of a complex configuration can be implemented in the hall of a private house or elite apartment. Here will be appropriate as designs from drywall and their combination with massive lamps. A small room in the apartment of standard square is more expedient to decorate less pompous facilities. In any case, the ceiling design in the hall must be harmonized with interior items and its coloring solution.

How to issue the interior of the hall of 12 square meters. m?

Minimum set of furniture for the living room small square may include folding sofa, Table and Tomb to television facilities.

If the standard room can be furnished with the usual set of furniture, then for the room small sizes It is necessary to carefully think through each item. Interior of the hall of 12 square meters. m. requires an individual approach when choosing a method of finishing and interior items. Small-sized room The hall does not tolerate dark shades and the jet of furniture, so it is desirable to leave in it only the most necessary. Small functional cabinets, possibly built-in type, a sofa of a simple shape and a coffee table - this is enough to set the interior of the hall of 12 square meters. m. You can use multiple accessories as additions, as well as decorative backlight.

  • The main rules for designing the interior of the small hall
  • Best style for a small hall
  • Registration of the typical hall 16-18 m²
  • Useful tips on the design of the hall in the apartment type "Khrushchevka"
  • How to make a small room in a private house?

In typical urban apartments, it is rare to meet a large hall. Usually it is an average room on average 16-18 m2, which simultaneously performs a variety of functions. Often "On the shoulders" of the little hall there is a role and a living room, and a dining room, and a relaxing room. For a harmonious association of all these functions in one small room, it is necessary to make certain efforts. And first of all it is necessary to deal with how best to arrange.

Little Hall It must harmoniously hold the functions of the rest room, dining room, sometimes a cabinet.

The main rules for designing the interior of the small hall

By issuing the interior of the hall, regardless of the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, you need to do everything so that the room is as functional as possible. Any room is a closed space. Your task as a designer is reduced to prevent the deterioration of the situation. Register the interior of the hall, taking into account your own needs (family needs) and preferences.

You can arrange the space of a small room in the European style. Such an interior involves combining the hall itself in one large room Together with the kitchen. A kind of "connector" in this case can be a small partition or an original bar counter.

Figure 1. The design of the walls in white tones visually increase the size of the room.

Conservative and restrained people most often choose classic interior. Avangard likes people with non-standard thoughts and original taste. Romantic Natures should look at eclectics and expressionism. Those who appreciate the natural and natural, probably like the interior of the country style. Lovers of naturalness and simplicity can be recommended by Scandinavian style. It looks very interesting and ease.

Follow the main rules for designing the premises of a similar plan and you are without any problems, create your own comfort island, in which you will be cozy, joyfully and nice.

For example, one of the win-win options for a small room is the interior decorated in very bright, practically white tones. To finishing white color Best of all suitable brown flooring and gray furniture. It will look beautiful and very modern. You can see an example of this design in the image (Fig. 1).

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Best style for a small hall

Owners of apartments with small rooms should immediately refuse Baroque styles and Ampir. Such an interior is categorically not suitable for compact premises. The best option is modern and classic styles, Provence and the like. Minimalism with the compact hall is also not very well combined. Such an interior suggests the presence of space, which in this situation is not. Consider it only to owners of 4 or more room apartments and private houses.

Small rooms are better to make a minimalism in style, not clinging to the decor and furniture space.

Popular worldwide style Provence gentle and very light. The competent use of this style techniques will allow visually to make the room lighter and spacious. It is best to make a small room in neutral and bright colors. You can combine them with a variety of dark shades. A combination of cold and warm colors is allowed. In a small room, the combinations of azure with beige, white with creamy, lavender with brown look very good.

In case the room has a very boring and fading design, add a few bright elements to the interior, for example, colored pillows. It is strictly not recommended to use the old and bulky furniture that was inherited from grandmothers and parents. It is best to equip a compact hall with separate sections, for example, you can buy a pair of bookcases with open shelves and set these products in two corners of the wall, and the central part will remain open. It is not only very comfortable, but also beautiful.

As for the TV, then modern flat models most often hang on the wall, and under them install a tube with open shelves for a player and speakers. You can, if you wish, place the player on a separate shelf, and set the columns on the floor. In this case, you will have to spend some time on the selection of beautiful vertical high columns.

Even a small area of \u200b\u200bthe area is the main central room of the apartment. Therefore, the interior of this room must be issued using materials exclusively high Quality, preferably natural.

Rolled curtains also significantly save space, use them when the small room is cleaned.

The walls are best to go natural two-layer wallpaper. The lower layer of such wallpapers is made of paper, and natural material or vegetable fibers act as the top. Wallpapers from veneer, vegetable, cork, textile and vegetable wallpaper are available. That is, choose you have from anything. Focus on the available budget, your taste and interior of the room.

For the floor, the parquet is best suited, parquet board and laminate. If you are limited in money, use linoleum, stylized under natural wood. Windows decorate curtains from natural material. You can purchase rolled curtains. They will not take a lot of space and do not "download" the interior. Plastic furniture In the case of small rooms under the ban. And in general, in most cases it is not recommended to use in the design of residential premises, the exception is some modern styles.

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Registration of the typical hall 16-18 m²

For zoning room, use partitions or not bulky furniture.

The most often area of \u200b\u200bthe hall is 16-18 sq.m. In the same Khrushchev, the hall is approximately the same area. If you competently come up to interior design, then even this small room can be made quite functional and roomy.

First, think and clearly define the appointment of your hall. The easiest thing is when the room will have only a rest area. If people in this room will and sleep, and sleep, and work, then you need to think carefully. An excellent option is zoning. It is possible to divide the room into several functional zones using podium, partitions, furniture, different flooring and even colors. The most important thing is to approach the process with knowledge and not overdo it.

Choose the style of the room. If you live alone, do the way you like. If you live with your family, you will have to get together, advise and come to general decision. Such styles are currently most popular:

  1. High tech.
  2. Scandinavian motifs.
  3. Japanese interiors.

With help stretch ceiling You can visually expand and lengthen the space of the room. The ceiling can be made dark and light. Dark structures most often look much more stylish and effectively.

Figure 2. For a colorful decor you can put bright pillows, hang unusual lamp And decorate the wall by big posters.

Do not set the furniture throughout the perimeter of the room. The best option for a small room is a transformer furniture. Modern modular systems All allow everything to be made as efficiently as possible and functionally, without cluttering the room. If you wish and the availability of money, even in a small room you can install a beautiful decorative fireplace. There are heaters stylized under fireplaces. The choice is quite big, so you will choose something without any problems.

If you want to make a room with an area of \u200b\u200b16-18 sq. M. More colorful, put color pillows on the sofas, install unusual bright lamps, raise posters on the walls. Good option Using posters is shown in the image (Fig. 2).