Repair Design Furniture

DIY decorative frame for photography. The most original do-it-yourself photo frames - design ideas. DIY super fashionable frames using decoupage, quilling, origami techniques

It's always nice to look at photographs that capture memorable moments from your life. Whether it's a wedding celebration, the birth of a child, or just a photo on a bench in an autumn park.

And so that valuable frames do not disappear, we try to save them carefully, a photo frame may be suitable for this. You can buy it in the store, but it's much more pleasant to do it yourself.

Recommendations for making a photo frame with your own hands

In order to make a frame, you do not need expensive materials, most likely you have everything you need at home.

Initially, it is necessary to decide what the base of the frame will be made of.

Suitable for this:

  • Colored or plain paper;
  • Durable cardboard;
  • Fiberboard, wood, etc.

For those needlewomen who have more experience, it will not be difficult to make a base for a photo frame from an old watch case, a box of matches, branches, rods, plastic forks or spoons, discs.

The greater the variety of materials at hand, the more interesting the work will be. The most popular materials are wood and cardboard.

Paper photo frame

If you have wallpaper cuttings available, they can serve as a good basis for making a volumetric photo frame. Also, plain colored paper is suitable, which, if desired, can be painted in the color you need.

A newspaper might work for this too. Using knitting needles, twist it into a tube, weave a frame, then form a frame and paint with bright colors.

Cardboard photo frame

Cardboard will serve as the most reliable base for a photo frame. Draw template details for the future frame. If you are planning to hang the photo frame on the wall, fix a small loop made of thick threads to the back wall.

If you want to admire the photo on your desktop, make a trip. Decorate the cardboard with flowers, stars, hearts, butterflies, which are prepared in advance from multi-colored paper.

Do not forget that the excesses in the design can look ugly. If the paper contains a beautiful drawing, then you no longer need to add decorations.

Photo frame made of wood

If you decide to make a wooden frame, then for this you will need twigs and branches. First, think about what size the photo frame will be, because the width and length of the source material will depend on this.

Organza or rope will serve as a fastening element. The work will not take much time, and the manufacturing process will be entertaining and interesting.

Weaving from willow, willow or vines requires certain skills, so this work is not possible for everyone.

An excellent material for a photo frame can be ice cream sticks. With the help of them you can create your own unique creative masterpiece.

Photo frame from other available means

Save colorful cards as they are great for decoration. Master the quilling technique and bright works will delight you for a long time.


You can also use multi-colored napkins, cut them into small squares, twist them into small lumps, attach them to the base with glue. This work is not difficult, but painstaking even a child can do.

Various pieces of fabric are also suitable for decoration. For example, if you decorate a cardboard frame with denim, it will look very stylish and creative.

You can also attach puff pastry figures to the photo frame. Unnecessary markers, plastic tubes, pencils, shards from a broken vase, discs and much more can be used for decoration.

Natural materials look more natural and natural (dry leaves, flowers, cones, shells from nuts, wood shavings, multi-colored small stones, shells), they are perfect for decorating photo frames.

Experiment with food, decorate the frame with rice, buckwheat, peas, beans, corn or sunflower seeds.

Use pasta when decorating (horns, stars, noodles or spaghetti). To make the frame look more colorful, it must be painted with colored paints.


From all that has been said, we can conclude in order for the photo frame to turn out beautiful and unique, for this you will need any available material, your imagination, idea and desire.

DIY photo frames


It is difficult to find a home or office where there is no room for paintings and photographs. But simply attaching a picture or a masterpiece of art to the wall will be ugly and ridiculous. It was in order to arrange photographs and paintings that frames were invented. With their help, you can refine the interior and add comfort to the premises. There are millions of frame options in stores now, but it is not always possible to find the one that suits your home. That is why we will tell you how to make a frame with your own hands, while spending a minimum of money and effort. You need to start by choosing a design for your future craft.

Decide on the choice of design

What you need to pay attention to when choosing a design for a frame:

  • whether it will fit the general interior of the room;
  • the frame should be in the same color scheme with the image, and not with the walls;
  • the frame should complement the image.

To achieve the desired result, you need to carefully consider the material from which the frame will be made.

Material selection

There are no particular restrictions in the material. The only thing that remains unchanged is the base on which the decorations will be glued. It should be dense, strong and not soaked with glue. For the frame, thick cardboard and, of course, wood are well suited. Moreover, the wooden frame itself is already a complete craft. It can be opened with varnish and will be appropriate for any interior.You can decorate the product with any available means. It can be pasta, pebbles, clothespins, buttons, beads. But do not forget that the chosen material should complement the picture. So, for example, shells are suitable for a seascape, and a frame made of pasta with the addition of cereals is perfect for the kitchen.

Let's focus on the two main materials from which frames are most often made - wood and polyurethane foam.

Wood frame

Wood is the classic material used to make picture frames. Such structures are durable, suitable for almost any picture and room design.

To make a wooden frame, it is not necessary to go into the forest for wood, then process it and cut out the planks. You can go to a hardware store and buy wooden skirting boards there. They are perfect for such a product.

What you need:

  1. Wooden plinth. Its length and width should correspond to the size of the painting. Therefore, be sure to measure the picture before buying a skirting board and do not forget that the frame will be longer than the canvas.
  2. Well sharpened knife.
  3. Scissors.
  4. Sandpaper.
  5. Furniture adhesive. PVA will do.
  6. Hacksaw.
  7. Small nails.
  8. Hammer.
  9. Ruler. Better if it is corner.
  10. Cardboard or plywood.

What to do:

For a richer look, you can use carved wooden skirting boards. Their price corresponds to the type, so you will have to pay a decent amount for such material for the frame, but at the end of the work it will be worth it.

Polyurethane foam frame

For women, "polyurethane foam" sounds menacing, but do not be afraid, because this is ordinary foam, only stronger. Ceiling plinths are made from it, which are now used for apartment renovation. Their price is low, but the variety of patterns is impressive. There is no difference in manufacturing with a wooden skirting board. But do not forget that this is not a tree, so you should be careful with polyurethane foam. Any blow can lead to dents, atoms and completely break the entire structure.

What you need:

  1. Ceiling plinth.
  2. A hacksaw or sharp knife.
  3. Glue.
  4. Ruler.
  5. Plywood or cardboard (depending on the size and strength of the katrina).

Despite the fact that progress does not stand still and digital cameras have long replaced film ones, we continue to arrange and hang frames throughout the apartment, which to this day are the best decoration for photos. Large and small, simple and whimsical shapes - all of them are designed not only to match the interior, but also to reflect our mood.

That is why we propose not to depend on the whims of designers, but to rely on your own taste and try to arrange a photo in accordance with it.

1. Store your old credit cards? And you are doing the right thing! After all, they will still be useful for decorating your favorite photo! True, for this, the credit cards will have to be cut into small pieces. But these are already details ... (ideafrom here )

3. Thrifty needlewomen will like the simple frame design option from what is at hand. It could be buttons, old jewelry, coins ... or spools of thread! Such practical free frames look great not only as a photo frame, but also perfectly fit into any interior. (original idea )

4. Artfully laid out around the frame coffee beans of different varieties - a wonderful design, which has another unique property - a delicate aroma. ( )

5. Do not rush to burn or throw away old "women's magazines". Thanks to their bright pages, they can be a great decor for a photo frame. (idea withsite )

6. An amazingly delicate vintage photo frame is made from a piece of old wire. (original article )

7. Sweet tooths will be delighted if they receive a beautiful and quite edible photo frame for the holiday. (originalidea )

8. Ice-cream lovers will now eat it with double pleasure, because sticks painted in different colors make a bright summer photo frame. (MK )

9. Few can resist the temptation and do not collect shells or pebbles on the seashore. But what to do with them later? To put in jars and keep carefully as a memory? Better to decorate your photo frame with stones and shells! (idea )

10. A glamorous frame is obtained if you decorate it with ... ordinary buttons. This option does not look primitive, especially considering that the proposed design option for a photo frame does not require special investments, and those who have a stock of buttons will get it for free. ( )

11. Do not scold your children for breaking pencils often! Lushe, use their addiction and decorate the frame with "stubs". It looks very unusual and colorful! (details )

12. Cute and very miniature photo frames are made from bottle caps. ( )

13. Old CDs are excellent material for decoration. Its strength and lightness will be appreciated by many needlewomen. (MK )

14. For young ladies who adore everything cozy and homely, volumetric frames made of textiles will become a godsend. (original MK )

15. This unusual frame will be able to contain photographs of all family members, because there are as many as 12 cells in it. Have you guessed? It's made from an egg container! ( )

16. The most precious thing in our life is children. And their photos also deserve a decent design. (idea

I want to offer you, in my opinion, an interesting and entertaining topic:

"DIY photo frames" - a bright decor for the best pictures.

DIY photo frames are a great way to add personality to the frames of your favorite pictures. Thanks to the author's decor, each photo becomes not only a memory of special moments, but also harmoniously complements the existing interior. Bright frames for baby pictures and romantic decor of love story photo frames create a special atmosphere of home comfort.

Photo frame "Heart"

You can make a heart-shaped photo frame by following the diagram below. You can make this frame in any color.

We will need:

Pencil, scissors, ruler

2 matching paper designs

Watercolor paper (or other, but thick enough)

Window plastic (optional)

Sewing machine

Cord (or tape)

White acrylic paint (optional)

Lace, ribbons, flowers, buttons, acrylic drops, half beads, hole punches

Draw a heart on the background paper with a pencil and cut it out. We apply it to the front paper and circle it one more centimeter. Cut out.

We take a sheet of thicker paper (watercolor, for example), circle a small heart on it and cut out 0.5 cm less than the intended outline. With a pencil we outline a window for the future photo and cut it out.

From the bottom of our hearts we “shake” a large heart in our hands and glue it in several places along the contour to the heart with a window. Sew along the contour of the figure and the window on a sewing machine, slightly stepping back from the edge. We cut out the window from the "zhamkan" piece of paper, cut off the excess at the edges, try it on to the background heart and admire the beauty!

If you have thin plastic, for example, packaging from something, cut out a rectangle from it, slightly larger than your window, and carefully glue it from the inside of the window along the contour. We glue the lace on which the frame will be held, its ends should be located a little further from the center than the sides of the window. We glue both hearts together, leaving the distance between the ends of the lace intact, here we will insert a photo. Next, we will decorate at your discretion.

Our heart photo frame is ready!

Spring motive

This frame has a spring theme. She looks gentle and romantic.

You will need:

Simple frame

Artificial flowers

Glue gun (can be replaced with PVA glue).

Divide the flowers into inflorescences.

These petals must be glued to the frame with a glue gun or PVA glue.

To make it easier, try starting glueing the petals from the corner of the frame. Next, gradually fill the frame with petals.

It is worth noting that the petals need to be glued tightly to each other, so your flower bouquet on the frame will seem more magnificent.

Use tape, lace, or pretty paper to tape over the edge of the frame.

"Forged" photo frame

Usually, forged frames are not only expensive, but also cannot always be actively used due to their considerable weight. However, it is difficult to argue that such metal frames are very beautiful. If you are a fan of the art of forging, you can make a “forged” photo frame with your own hands, without using metal.

We need:

Wooden photo frame

Wood decor

Spray paints (black and bronze)

Cover the wood frame with wood decor.

Paint the entire frame along with the decorative elements with black paint.

Now the frame has acquired a metallic sheen and looks like a forged one.

Photo frames from magazines

We need:

Old photo frame
- magazines with glossy pages
- knitting needle or wooden stick
- colorless varnish
- scissors
- stationery knife
- glue

Cut the magazine page lengthwise into two halves. Starting at the corner, roll the paper around a stick or knitting needle to create a tight tube. Secure the paper with glue and remove the knitting needle. Create the required number of blanks.

Think about how you will place the tubes on the workpiece. They can be cut to size in advance, or you can use a clerical knife in the process of attaching the blanks to the base. After all the tubes are glued, let the frame dry, then apply two to three coats of clear varnish.

Marine motives

In summer, you can bring beautiful shells from the sea and use them to decorate a frame, which can be made from thick cardboard, from a paper box with thick walls or from plastic.

Think for yourself how to lay out the ornament on the frame. Maybe you should overlay the entire frame around the perimeter? Or, conversely, you can decorate only the lower left side with a shell pattern, then you will get an original asymmetrical pattern.
Try to make a preliminary sketch on a piece of paper before gluing the shells to the frame - what kind of pattern will you get? Or draw some rough sketches and think about which one is better.
You can choose a contrasting background for the frame, on which light shells would look good. You can paint some seashells to give the whole frame a more elegant look.

Glue the shells with universal glue and varnish.

Photo frame ideas do it yourself

Photographs are a repository of a variety of moments. They keep life itself. That is why always, even in the era of digital technologies, people put on the table, place on the walls photos related to this or that event or person. But one does not want to enclose dear memories in a template frame at all. Therefore, the decor of photo frames has always been, is and will be in demand. Decorating frames with your own hands is within the power of almost everyone, it is fascinating, makes you feel like a real creator.

As a basis for the work, you can take a cheap purchased frame or cut it yourself out of cardboard.

Types of photo frame decor

  • the first most common way to decorate a photo frame: stick something on it. And this "something" is an endless sea;
  • paste over in decoupage style;
  • paint in an original way using a variety of techniques;
  • the frame can be sewn from soft materials;
  • cover with knitted fabric;
  • decorate with fabric;
  • picturesquely wrap with twine, various threads, braid, lace;
  • make from wood twigs;
  • it can even be baked (with salted dough).

The list can be continued indefinitely, it can only be limited by the limit of the imagination given to you.

Pasted decor

You can glue a lot to the frame, everything is determined by the taste and imagination of the master.


Frames for photos decorated with buttons will look original, especially if you pick them up in the same color. However, this is not a prerequisite. The desired color uniformity can be achieved with acrylic paint. For example, buttons covered with gold paint will transform an old photo frame that did not manage to get into the trash bin beyond recognition beyond recognition.

Beads, rhinestones

Over time, such things accumulate in abundance in every woman. All this can become a unique collection of materials for decorating with your own hands an elegant frame with your favorite photo, it is worth sticking them on a pre-planned drawing, ornament.

Tip: you can use whole brooches, beads, beads, pearls, interesting pieces of glass, fragments of broken dishes, mosaic elements.

Natural materials

Tastefully executed decor of the frame in a natural style always attracts attention. After all, we are all children of nature.

Coffee beans, lentils, acorns

Everything can go into action and create unique compositions.
Coffee beans will come in handy not only to make an invigorating drink, they turn out to be an excellent material for decorating photo frames with your own hands: they have a wonderful smell, original texture, noble color, they do not deteriorate. The work will also not take much time: it is not so difficult to cover a standard photo frame with coffee beans using a glue gun or PVA glue, which in a new guise is guaranteed to become a leading interior accessory.

Tip: to make the frame made with your own hands fragrant, buy anise and star anise stars and find a place for them in the general decor.


This is one of the grateful materials for decorating a photographic frame with your own hands. For decoration, you need shells of various shapes and sizes. In addition to shells, it is appropriate to use interesting pieces of glass, sea stones and other finds made on the sea or river bank in the inlay.


When creating an exclusive frame with your own hands, paper can be used, which, in the usual situation, faces the sad fate of waste paper. Frames for photographs, decorated with paper tubes of newspapers and magazines that have done their job, are very original.

They can be either short (glued with the butt) or elongated - used in a horizontal position.
Another decor idea: birch bark is a very effective type of natural materials. Cut a piece of birch bark into five strips. Four will become the actual frame, the fifth can be made a stand.

Salty dough

You can turn an ordinary photo frame into a designer one using salted dough. Everyone has their own ideas: someone will decorate it with flowers, and someone will blind the name of the child shown in the picture. But first you need to make this very dough: knead it from a glass of salt, two glasses of flour and water. Having achieved the consistency of plasticine, start sculpting the conceived decorative elements right on the corner of the photo frame - this way the dough will take the desired shape at the base, and it can be glued to the right place without any problems. Place it in the oven for 20 minutes. Cool it down, glue it to the frame and start painting with any paints. You can even limit yourself to one of the aerosol cans. The final stage is varnishing (it is better to make two layers) and drying.

Childhood entourage

If the family has daughters, the number of decorative hairpins and elastic bands grows exponentially. Lovely knick-knacks, decorated, for example, with flowers, with the implementation of this idea, can get a second life. Cut flowers from annoying rubber bands. Glue the larger ones on the upper corner of the frame, place smaller copies below.

As a result, a real flower cascade will appear. You can only glue the flowers along the top, leaving the bottom of the frame intact. After completing this process, place the work under the load for several hours. When the flowers are white, the part of the frame remaining free from decor should be covered with silver paint, or green, if they evoke associations with a spring meadow.


Before starting work, prepare:

  • frame (not necessarily new, you can just get bored);
  • a sheet of sandpaper;
  • glue (if there is no decoupage, dilute PVA glue with an equal amount of water);
  • brush;
  • decoupage napkins, cards.

After that, proceed to the decoupage process itself:

  • Sand the old photo frame. A new one, if it is not lacquered, does not need to be processed.
  • First, you need to cut out the desired area from a napkin or map, having previously measured the frame itself, not forgetting the margin necessary for processing the edges.
  • Using a brush (you can use a sponge), carefully apply the glue to the front side of the frame. Then place the prepared image in the right place and smooth it, making sure that all air bubbles come out from under the glued fragment. Do this starting from the center, gradually moving towards the edges.
  • Then literally for two minutes you need to put a frame under something heavy, for example, under a massive book.
  • To remove excess pieces of tissue paper, use a nail file to slide along the edge of the photo frame (the pressure angle should be 45). In the same way, remove the remnants from the central part.
  • Finally, apply another layer of glue and set the frame to dry.

A rich assortment of decoupage napkins will definitely allow you to choose the means of implementing the idea and create a unique piece.

Another option for decoupage photo frames

Add paints and varnish to the previous set of materials.

Bold and non-trivial

  • For people who value originality, even a bicycle wheel that has served its day can become a frame for photographs: select pictures of a general theme, think over a plot, insert a photo between the knitting needles or fix it with clothespins - the original decor is ready.
  • You shouldn't wonder how a hunting enthusiast will react to a portrait presented to him in a frame made of spent cartridges. Of course, with sincere gratitude.
  • Option for anglers: attach hooks or brackets to the fishing rod, use a string or not a thick cable with original sea knots to hang frames with photographs on them, add a couple of floats.
  • Even an ordinary glass jar can become a creative frame for a photo: place a photo of the appropriate size in the chosen container, decorate the empty space in it with sand, shells, starfish, LED garlands or any other entourage close to the subject of the picture.

It is impossible to describe all the ways to decorate photo frames with your own hands: every day the ranks of lovers of this democratic type of needlework are replenished, new ideas are born, which, in turn, become an incentive for further ideas. The creative process never stops.