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The first round-the-world voyage made by Russian sailors route. A round-the-world expedition of Kruzenshtern and Lisyansky. Cycling around the world

A number of brilliant geographical studies are known in the history of the first half of the 19th century. Among them, one of the most prominent places belongs to Russian round-the-world travels.

At the beginning of the 19th century, Russia occupies a leading place in organizing and conducting round-the-world voyages and ocean research.

The first voyage of Russian ships around the world under the command of Lieutenant Captain I.F.Kruzenshtern and Yu.F. Lisyansky lasted three years, like most of the circumnavigation of the world at that time. This journey in 1803 begins a whole era of remarkable Russian round-the-world expeditions.

Yu.F. Lisyansky was ordered to go to England to buy two ships intended for circumnavigation of the world. These ships, "Nadezhda" and "Neva", Lisyansky bought in London for 22,000 pounds, which was almost the same in gold rubles at the exchange rate of that time.

The price for the purchase of "Nadezhda" and "Neva" was actually equal to 17,000 pounds sterling, but for their corrections they had to pay an additional 5,000 pounds. The ship "Nadezhda" has already counted three years from the date of its launching, and the "Neva" only fifteen months. "Neva" had a displacement of 350 tons, and "Nadezhda" - 450 tons.

In England, Lisyansky bought a number of sextants, lel-compasses, barometers, a hygrometer, several thermometers, one artificial magnet, chronometers by Arnold and Pettivgton, and more. The chronometers were checked by Academician Schubert. All other instruments were the work of Troughton.

Astronomical and physical instruments were designed to observe longitudes and latitudes and the orientation of the ship. Lisyansky took care of purchasing a whole pharmacy of medicines and antiscorbutic drugs, since in those days scurvy was one of the most dangerous diseases during long voyages. Equipment for the expedition was also purchased in England, including comfortable, durable and suitable for different climatic conditions for the team. There was a spare set of linen and dress. For each of the sailors, mattresses, pillows, sheets and blankets were ordered. The ship's provisions were the best. The rusks prepared in St. Petersburg did not deteriorate for two whole years, just like the solonia, whose ambassador was made by the merchant Oblomkov with domestic salt. The crew of the "Nadezhda" consisted of 58 people, and the "Neva" - of 47. They were selected from volunteer sailors, of whom there were so many that everyone who wanted to participate in the round-the-world voyage could be enough to complete several expeditions. It should be noted that none of the crew members participated in long voyages, since at that time Russian ships did not descend south of the northern tropic. The task that faced the officers and the team of the expedition was not an easy one. They had to cross two oceans, go around the dangerous Cape Horn, famous for its storms, rise to 60 ° N. sh., to visit a number of little-studied shores, where mariners could expect uncharted and undescribed pitfalls and other dangers. But the command of the expedition was so confident in the strength of its "officers and enlisted personnel" that it rejected the offer to take on board several foreign sailors familiar with the conditions of long voyages. Among the foreigners in the expedition were the naturalists Tilesius von Thielenau, Langsdorf and the astronomer Horner. Horner was of Swiss origin. He worked at the then famous Seeberg Observatory, the head of which recommended him to Count Rumyantsev. The expedition was also accompanied by a painter from the Academy of Arts.

The artist and scientists were together with the Russian envoy in Japan, NP Rezanov, and his retinue aboard the large ship - "Nadezhda". "Hope" was commanded by Kruzenshtern. Lisyansky was entrusted with the command of the Neva. Although Kruzenshtern was listed as the commander of the "Nadezhda" and the head of the expedition for the Naval Ministry, in the instructions given by Alexander I to the Russian ambassador to Japan, NP Rezanov, he was called the chief chief of the expedition. This ambivalent position was the reason for the emergence of conflicting relationships between Rezanov and Kruzenshtern. Therefore, Kruzenshtern repeatedly sent reports to the Office of the Russian-American Company, where he wrote that he was called upon the highest order to command the expedition and that "this is entrusted to Rezanov" without his supervision, to which he would never agree that his position "does not consist only to watch the sails, "and so on. Soon, the relationship between Rezanov and Kruzenshtern aggravated so much that a riot occurred among the crew of the" Nadezhda ".

The Russian envoy to Japan, after a series of troubles and insults, was forced to retire to his cabin, from which he did not leave until he arrived in Petropavlovsk-on-Kamchatka. Here Rezanov turned to Major General Koshelev, a representative of the local administrative authority. An investigation was appointed against Kruzenshtern, which took on an unfavorable character for him. Given the situation, Kruzenshtern publicly apologized to Rezanov and asked Koshelev not to give the investigation any further steps. Only thanks to the courtesy of Rezanov, who decided to discontinue the case, Kruzenshtern avoided major troubles that could have fatal consequences for his career.

The above episode shows that the discipline on the ship "Nadezhda", commanded by Kruzenshtern, was not up to par, if such a tall and highly empowered person like the Russian envoy to Japan could be subject to a number of insults from the crew and the captain of the "Nadezhda". It is probably no coincidence that the “Nadezhda” during its voyage several times was in a very risky position, while the “Neva” only once sat on a coral reef and, moreover, in a place where it could not have been expected by cards. All this leads to the assumption that the generally accepted idea of ​​the leading role of Kruzenshtern in the first Russian round-the-world trip does not correspond to reality.

Although the first part of the journey to England, and then across the Atlantic Ocean, bypassing Cape Horn, the ships had to make together, but then they had to separate near the Sandwich (Hawaiian) Islands. "Nadezhda", according to the plan of the expedition, should have gone to Kamchatka, where she had to leave her cargo. Then Kruzenshtern should have gone to Japan and delivered there the Russian ambassador N.P. Rezanov with his retinue. After that, "Nadezhda" had to return to Kamchatka again, take a load of furs and take it to Canton for sale. The path of the Neva, starting from the Hawaiian Islands, was completely different. Lisyansky was supposed to go "to the northwest, to Kodiak Island, where the head office of the Russian-American company was at that time. The Neva's wintering was supposed to be here, and then she was supposed to take a load of furs and deliver it to Canton, where she was assigned the meeting of both ships - "Neva" and "Nadezhda". From Canton, both ships were to head to Russia past the Cape of Good Hope. This plan was carried out, albeit with retreats caused by storms that separated the ships for a long time, as well as lengthy stops for necessary repairs and food restocking.

Naturalists who were present on the ships collected valuable botanical, zoological and ethnographic collections, observed sea currents, water temperature and density at depths of up to 400 m, tides, low tides and barometer fluctuations, systematic astronomical observations to determine longitudes and latitudes, and established the coordinates of the whole a number of points visited by the expeditions, including all the harbors and islands where there were parking.

If the special tasks of the expedition in the Russian colonies were successfully completed, then the same cannot be said about that part of the expedition's plans, which was associated with the organization of an embassy in Japan. The embassy of NP Rezanov was not crowned with success. Although he was surrounded by attention and all kinds of signs of honor and respect upon his arrival in Japan, he failed to establish trade relations with this country.

On August 5, 1806, the Neva arrived safely at the Kronstadt roadstead. Cannon salutes from the Neva and reciprocal volleys of the Kronstadt fortress rang out. Thus, the "Neva" was in the voyage for three years and two months. On August 19, the "Nadezhda" arrived, which was sailing around the world for fourteen days longer than the "Neva".

The first Russian voyage around the world marked an epoch in the history of the Russian fleet and provided the world geographical science with a number of new information about little-explored countries. A number of islands that were visited by Lisyansky and Kruzenshtern were only recently discovered by seafarers, and their nature, population, customs, beliefs and economy remained almost completely unknown. Such were the Sandwich (Hawaiian) Islands, discovered in 1778 by Cook, less than thirty years before they were visited by Russian sailors. Russian travelers could observe the life of Hawaiians in its natural state, not yet changed by contact with Europeans. The Marquesas and Washington Islands, as well as Easter Island, have been little explored. It is not surprising that the descriptions of the Russian round the world travel, made by Kruzenshtern and Lisyansky, aroused the keenest interest of a wide range of readers and were translated into a number of Western European languages. The materials collected during the journey of the "Neva" and "Nadezhda" were of great value for the study of the primitive peoples of Oceania and the northern part of the Pacific Ocean. Our first Russian travelers observed these peoples at the stage of tribal relations. They first described in detail the peculiar, ancient Hawaiian culture with its immutable laws of "taboos" and human sacrifice. The rich ethnographic collections collected on the ships "Neva" and "Nadezhda", together with descriptions of customs, beliefs and even the language of the Pacific islanders, served as valuable sources for the study of the peoples inhabiting the Pacific islands.

Thus, the first Russian trip around the world played a major role in the development of ethnography. This was largely due to the great observation and accuracy of the descriptions of our first travelers around the world.

It should be noted that numerous observations of sea currents, temperature and water density, which were carried out on the ships "Nadezhda" and "Neva", gave impetus to the development of a new science - oceanography. Until the first Russian round-the-world voyage, such systematic observations were usually not made by navigators. Russian sailors proved to be great innovators in this regard.

The first Russian voyage around the world opens up a whole galaxy of brilliant voyages around the world under the Russian flag.

During these voyages, excellent personnel were created of sailors who acquired long-distance sailing experience and high qualifications in the art of navigation, which is difficult for the sailing fleet.

It is interesting to note that one of the participants in the first Russian round-the-world voyage Kotzebue, who sailed as a cadet on the Nadezhda ship, subsequently himself made an equally interesting round-the-world voyage on the Rurik ship, equipped with the funds of Count Rumyantsev.

The expedition on the ships "Neva" and "Nadezhda" laid a new route to the Russian North American colonies. Since then, they have been supplied with the necessary food and goods by sea. These continuous long voyages revived colonial trade and in many ways contributed to the development of the North American colonies and the development of Kamchatka.

Russia strengthened its maritime ties with the Pacific Ocean, and foreign trade developed significantly. By means of valuable observations along the long-distance voyages, the first Russian round-the-world voyage laid a solid scientific foundation for the difficult art of long-distance navigation.

Russian travelers. Russia was becoming a great maritime power, and this posed new challenges for Russian geographers. V 1803-1806 was taken from Kronstadt to Alaska by ships "Hope" and "Neva"... It was headed by Admiral Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern (1770 - 1846). He was in command of the ship "Hope"... By ship "Neva" commanded by captain Yuri Fedorovich Lisyansky (1773 - 1837). During the expedition, the islands of the Pacific Ocean, China, Japan, Sakhalin and Kamchatka were studied. Detailed maps of the explored sites were compiled. Lisyansky, having independently traveled from Hawaii to Alaska, collected a wealth of material about the peoples of Oceania and North America.

Map. The first Russian round-the-world expedition

The attention of researchers around the world has long been attracted by the mysterious area around the South Pole. It was assumed that there is a vast southern continent (names "Antarctica" was not in use then). English navigator J. Cook in the 70s of the 18th century. crossed the Antarctic Circle, came across impassable ice and declared that sailing further south was impossible. They believed him, and for 45 years no one undertook South Pole expeditions.

In 1819, Russia sent an expedition to the southern polar seas on two sloops led by Faddey Faddeevich Bellingshausen (1778 - 1852). He commanded the sloop "East"... The commander "Mirny" was Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev (1788 - 1851). Bellingshausen took part in the voyage of the Krusenstern. Lazarev later became famous as a combat admiral, who brought up a whole galaxy of Russian naval commanders (Kornilov, Nakhimov, Istomin).

"East" and "Peaceful" were not adapted to polar conditions and differed greatly among themselves in seaworthiness. "Peaceful" was stronger and "East"- faster. Only thanks to the great skill of the captains, the sloops never lost each other in stormy weather and poor visibility. Several times the ships found themselves on the brink of death.

But still Russian expedition managed to break through to the South much farther than Cook. January 16, 1820 "East" and "Peaceful" almost came close to the Antarctic coast (in the area of ​​the modern Bellingshausen ice shelf). Before them, as far as they could see, stretched a gently hilly, icy desert. Perhaps they guessed that this is the southern continent, and not solid ice. But proof could be obtained only by landing on the shore and making a journey far into the depths of the desert. The sailors did not have this opportunity. Therefore Bellingshausen, a very conscientious and accurate man, reported in a report that he was visible "Continent of ice"... Subsequently, geographers wrote that Bellingshausen "Saw the mainland, but did not identify it as such"... And yet this date is considered the day of the discovery of Antarctica. After that, the island of Peter I and the coast of Alexander I were discovered. In 1821 the expedition returned to its homeland, making a full voyage around the open continent.

Kostin V. "East and Mirny off the coast of Antarctica", 1820

In 1811, Russian sailors led by Captain Vasily Mikhailovich Golovkin (1776 - 1831) explored the Kuril Islands and were taken prisoner by the Japanese. Golovnin's notes about his three-year stay in Japan introduced Russian society to the life of this mysterious country. Golovnin's student Fyodor Petrovich Litke (1797 - 1882) explored the Arctic Ocean, the shores of Kamchatka, and South America. He founded the Russian Geographical Society, which played an important role in the development of geographical science.

Major geographical discoveries in the Russian Far East are associated with the name of Gennady Ivanovich Nevelskoy (1814-1876). Rejecting the court career that was opening before him, he achieved the appointment as commander of a military transport "Baikal"... On it he was in 1848 - 1849. sailed from Kronstadt around Cape Horn to Kamchatka, and then headed the Amur expedition. He opened the mouth of the Amur, a strait between Sakhalin and the mainland, proving that Sakhalin is an island, not a peninsula.

Amur expedition of Nevelskoy

Expeditions of Russian travelers, in addition to purely scientific results, were of great importance in the mutual knowledge of peoples. In distant countries, locals often learned about Russia for the first time from Russian travelers. In turn, the Russian people collected information about other countries and peoples.

Russian America

Russian America ... Alaska was discovered in 1741 by the expedition of V. Bering and A. Chirikov. The first Russian settlements on the Aleutian Islands and Alaska appeared in the 18th century. In 1799, Siberian merchants, engaged in trades in Alaska, united into the Russian-American Company, which was assigned a monopoly on the use of the natural resources of this region. The company's management was initially located in Irkutsk, and then moved to St. Petersburg. The main source of income for the company was the fur trade. For many years (until 1818) the main ruler of Russian America was A. A. Baranov, a native of the merchants of Kargopol, Olonets province.

The Russian population of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands was small (in different years from 500 to 830 people). All in all, about 10 thousand people lived in Russian America, mainly Aleuts, inhabitants of the islands and the coast of Alaska. They willingly drew close to the Russians, were baptized into the Orthodox faith, adopted various crafts and clothes. Men wore jackets and frock coats, women wore chintz dresses. The girls tied their hair with a ribbon and dreamed of marrying a Russian.

A different matter - the Indians who lived in the interior of Alaska. They were hostile to the Russians, believing that it was they who brought previously unknown diseases to their country - smallpox and measles. In 1802 the Tlingit Indians ( "Ears", as the Russians called them) attacked the Russian-Aleutian settlement on about. Sith, they all burned and killed many of the inhabitants. Only in 1804 the island was conquered. Baranov founded the fortress Novo-Arkhangelsk on it, which became the capital of Russian America. A church, a shipping yard and workshops were built in Novo-Arkhangelsk. The library has collected more than 1200 books.

After Baranov's resignation, the post of chief ruler began to be occupied by naval officers, who were inexperienced in commercial matters. Fur wealth was gradually depleted. The company's financial affairs were shaken, it began to receive government benefits. But geographic research has expanded. Especially - in the inland areas, which were indicated on the maps with a white spot.

The expedition of L.A. Zagoskin in 1842 - 1844 was of particular importance. Lavrenty Zagoskin, a native of Penza, was the nephew of the famous writer M. Zagoskin. He described his impressions of the difficult and long expedition in the book "Pedestrian Inventory of Part of Russian Possessions in America"... Zagoskin described the basins of the main rivers of Alaska (Yukon and Kuskokwim) and collected information about the climate of these regions, their natural world, the life of the local population, with whom he managed to establish friendly relations. Written lively and talented, "Pedestrian inventory" combined scientific value and artistic merit.

I. Ye. Veniaminov spent about a quarter of a century in Russian America. Arriving in Novo-Arkhangelsk as a young missionary, he immediately took up the study of the Aleutian language, and later wrote a textbook on its grammar. On about. Unalaska, where he lived for a long time, a church was built by his efforts and care, a school and a hospital were opened. He regularly conducted meteorological and other field observations. When Benjaminov was tonsured a monk, he was named Innocent. Soon he became bishop of Kamchatka, Kuril and Aleutian.

In the 50s of the XIX century. the Russian government began to pay special attention to the study of the Amur region and the Ussuri region. Interest in Russian America has declined markedly. she miraculously escaped capture by the British. In fact, the distant colony was and remained unprotected. For the state treasury, devastated as a result of the war, the annual large payments of the Russian-American company became a burden. I had to make a choice between the development of the Far East (Amur and Primorye) and Russian America. The issue was discussed for a long time, and in the end an agreement was concluded with the US government to sell Alaska for $ 7.2 million. On October 6, 1867, the Russian flag was lowered in Novo-Arkhangelsk and the American one was raised. Russia peacefully left Alaska, leaving future generations of its inhabitants the results of their labors on its study and development.

Document: From the diary of F. F. Bellingshausen

January 10 (1821). ... At noon the wind moved to the east and became fresher. Unable to go south of the solid ice we were meeting, we had to keep going in anticipation of a safe wind. Meanwhile, sea swallows gave us a reason to conclude that there is a coast in the vicinity of this place.

At 3 pm we saw a blackening spot. I knew at first glance through the chimney that I could see the shore. The sun's rays, coming out of the clouds, illuminated this place, and, to the general delight, everyone made sure that they could see the bank covered with snow: only talus and rocks, on which the snow could not resist, turned black.

It is impossible to express in words the joy that appeared on the faces of everyone when they exclaimed: “Shore! Coast!" This delight was not surprising after a long uniform voyage in endless perilous dangers, between ice, with snow, rain, slush and fog ... The coast we found gave us hope that there must certainly be other shores, for there is only one in such a vast body of water it seemed impossible to us.

11 January. From midnight the sky was covered with thick clouds, the air was filled with mist, the wind was fresh. We continued to follow the same course to the north, so that, turning, to lie closer to the shore. In the course of the morning, after clearing the cloudiness sweeping over the coast, when the sun's rays illuminated it, we saw a high island stretching from N0 61 ° to S, covered with snow. At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, having approached at a distance of 14 miles from the coast, we met solid ice, which prevented us from approaching even closer, it is better to survey the coast and take something of curiosity and preservation worthy in the museum of the Admiralty Department. Having reached the very ice with the sloop Vostok, I brought them to another tack to drift in order to wait for the sloop Mirny, which was behind us. As Mirny approached, we raised our flags: Lieutenant Lazarev congratulated me via telegraph on the acquisition of the island; on both sloops they put people on the shrouds and shouted a mutual "hurray" three times. At this time, it was ordered to give the sailors a glass of punch. I called Lieutenant Lazarev to my place, he told me that he saw all the ends of the coast clearly and well defined their position. The island was very clearly visible, especially the lower parts, which are made up of steep rocky cliffs.

I called this island the high name of the culprit for the existence of the Russian military fleet - the island.

By the beginning of the 19th century. Russian possessions in the northwest of America occupied vast areas of Alaska. Russian settlements on the western coast of the mainland reached the place where the city of San Francisco is now located.

The way overland from the center of Russia to its Far Eastern outskirts and especially to Russian America was far and difficult. All the necessary cargo was then sent along the rivers and by tug on horseback through the vast expanses of Siberia to Okhotsk, and then by sea on ships. The transportation of goods was very expensive. Suffice it to say that a pood of rye flour, which cost 40-50 kopecks in the European part of Russia, brought to Alaska, was estimated at 8 rubles.

The difficulty of communication also complicated the management of these territories. It happened that the order of the government reached Kamchatka or Alaska when it was already losing its force and was canceled in the center as outdated.

There was an urgent need to establish regular voyages of Russian ships from the Baltic ports to Russian ports in the Pacific Ocean. And so in 1802 the Naval Ministry accepted the proposal of Lieutenant-Commander of the Russian Fleet Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern to organize the first Russian round-the-world expedition.

The whole life of Kruzenstern was associated with the sea and sea service. He studied at the Naval Cadet Corps. During the Russian-Swedish war, the young man was appointed "for the midshipman" on the ship "Mstislav". Soon Kruzenshtern was promoted to warrant officer, and then for his courage in taking an enemy ship - to lieutenant. In 1793, a capable officer among the "excellent young officers" was sent to England.

During his long voyages on British ships, Ivan Fedorovich visited the coast of North America, India and China.

Appointed as the head of the round-the-world expedition, Kruzenshtern took an old friend, with whom he studied together in the Marine Corps, Yuri Fedorovich Lisyansky as an assistant.

He was also an experienced and educated officer of the navy. He began to study in early childhood at the Naval Cadet Corps. Lisyansky took part in all the main battles with the Swedish fleet and was promoted to lieutenant. Like Kruzenshtern, Lisyansky was sent to England to serve in the navy. On British ships, he sailed off the coast of Africa, Asia and America. Lisyansky returned to his homeland four years later.

Two small ships with a displacement of 450 and 370 tons were bought for the round-the-world expedition. The larger of them, which was led by Kruzenshtern himself, was called "Nadezhda", and the smaller one, commanded by Lisyansky, was called "Neva".

In the naval ministry, Kruzenstern was advised to recruit a team for such a long and responsible voyage from experienced foreign sailors. But Ivan Fedorovich, highly appreciating the Russian sailors, rejected this proposal.

The youngest participants in the voyage were Warrant Officer F. F. Bellingshausen, who later became famous for the discovery of Antarctica, and O. E. Kotsebue, the future navigator around the world.

The Russian ambassador NP Rezanov went to Japan on the "Nadezhda" to establish diplomatic ties with this country.

The expedition had important scientific tasks: to explore the Far East coast of Russia, check and update nautical charts, and conduct oceanographic observations on the way (measuring the depth of the sea, water temperature, etc.).

In August 1803 "Nadezhda" and "Neva" left Kronstadt. The expedition was seen off by all the residents of the city and the teams of Russian and foreign ships standing in the roadstead. Such a solemn farewell was not accidental: Russian sailors set off on a journey around the world for the first time.

Ten days later, the ships reached Copenhagen. Here, foreign scientists were admitted to the expedition: an astronomer, two naturalists and a doctor of medicine.

On the way to England, the "Nadezhda" and "Neva" were caught in a severe storm, during which several foreign ships were killed. But Russian sailors endured this baptism of fire with honor.

Russian ships, having visited England, entered the vast Atlantic Ocean.

The transition to the Southern Hemisphere was marked by a flag raising and a cannon salute. The entire crew put on full dress uniforms. The sailors staged a performance: the mythical sea king Neptune greeted the sailors who arrived in his domain. Sailor Pavel Kurganov, having tied his beard made of tow, with a crown on his head and a trident in his hands, portrayed the king of the sea. He ordered to subject to sea "baptism" those who first crossed the equator. With cheerful laughter and jokes, the sailors bathed all participants in the voyage, except for the chiefs - Kruzenshtern and Lisyansky, who had previously sailed in the Southern Hemisphere.

Since the voyage of the "Nadezhda" and the "Neva", this maritime holiday has become a tradition in the Russian fleet.

Approaching the shores of Brazil, Russian sailors refined the map.

At the end of December 1803 "Nadezhda" and "Neva" entered the harbor of St. Catherine Island. This small island is separated from the mainland of South America by a narrow strait.

Russian sailors saw a lot of unusual things. The island was covered with luxurious tropical vegetation. Here, January is the hottest month.

In the forest, the sailors caught unprecedented motley parrots, monkeys, and once even brought an alligator onto the Neva ship. Naturalists have collected rich zoological and botanical collections in tropical forests.

The ships stayed in the harbor for six weeks: two damaged masts were replaced on the Neva.

Then the expedition headed to the tip of South America, circled Cape Horn and entered the waters of the Pacific Ocean.

The weather was overcast. A strong wind blew. A light rain was falling. There were often thick fogs over the sea. Soon the ships lost sight of each other.

"Neva", as agreed earlier, went to Easter Island, and "Nadezhda", having changed the route, went to the group of the Marquesas Islands.

In mid-May, the "Nadezhda" approached Nukuhiva Island. It was a blessed corner of the earth, covered with coconut palms; a breadfruit grew in the woods.

Three days later, the Neva also arrived at the island. Lisyansky told Kruzenstern that during a three-day stay at Easter Island, he clarified the coordinates of this island and made a map of it.

The expedition stayed at Nukuhiva Island for ten days. The most friendly relations were established with local residents. The islanders helped the Russian sailors to store fresh water and various products. Kruzenshtern and Lisyansky made the first geographical description of the island.

Lisyansky compiled a concise dictionary of the language of the islanders. He was assisted in this by the Englishman Roberts and the Frenchman Carbi - the shipwrecked sailors; Having lived on the island for many years, they perfectly knew the customs, life and language of the local residents.

Naturalists have amassed rich collections, which contained many new plants unknown to European scientists. The members of the expedition made sketches of the area, and one of them recorded the songs of the inhabitants of the island.

At the end of May, the ships crossed the equator for the second time - now from south to north.

"Nadezhda" went from the Hawaiian Islands to the shores of Kamchatka, and "Neva" - to Alaska.

In mid-July, the "Nadezhda" anchored at Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. The ship stayed in this harbor for six weeks. During this time, they unloaded the goods, replenished the stocks of provisions and put the ship in order.

Fulfilling the task of the Russian government to visit Japan, the ship headed south. The voyage took place in difficult conditions: there were fogs and heavy rains. Not far from Japan, "Nadezhda" was caught in a terrible typhoon.

“One must have the gift of poetry in order to vividly describe its rage,” Kruzenshtern wrote later.

And in the hour of great danger, when, according to the head of the expedition, "the ship was left without sails to the mercy of the fierce waves, which, as it seemed, were threatening to swallow it every minute," the whole crew courageously helped to take the ship out of the area where the hurricane was raging.

In October, the Nadezhda arrived at the Japanese port of Nagasaki. Local authorities greeted the Russian sailors unfriendly. First of all, they offered the sailors to hand over the guns and, in general, all firearms and gunpowder. Only when this condition was met was the ship allowed to enter the harbor. I had to stand here for more than six months. The Japanese forbade sailors not only to go ashore, but even to travel around the bay. The Russian ship was surrounded by patrol boats.

During this period, Japan lived in isolation, isolated from the whole world and did not want to have any relations with other states. She traded only with China and with a group of Dutch merchants. The Russian envoy did not manage to agree with the Japanese government on the establishment of diplomatic relations.

From the Japanese emperor, the Russian envoy Rezanov was given a letter stating that Russian ships were forbidden even to approach the shores of Japan.

Returning from Nagasaki to Kamchatka, Kruzenshtern led the ship across the Sea of ​​Japan, then little known to Europeans. On the way, he explored and described Tsushima Island, as well as the strait between this island and Japan. In addition, the mariners explored the entire coastline of Hokkaido Island, which was dashed on the maps of that time.

The determination of astronomical points and the cartographic work of Russian sailors off the western coast of Japan made it possible to create a map of these unknown places.

In the group of the Kuril Islands, Kruzenshtern discovered four rocks, near which the ship almost died. He called them "Stone Traps".

From the Kuril Islands "Nadezhda" went to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Having replenished the supply of water and provisions, Kruzenshtern also made a scientific voyage to the shores of Sakhalin. He described the eastern coast of Sakhalin and for the first time accurately mapped it.

While trying to pass between Sakhalin and the mainland, Kruzenshtern met a vast shoal on the way. Then he came to the erroneous conclusion that Sakhalin is a peninsula and is connected to the mainland by an isthmus.

Only 44 years later this mistake was corrected by another Russian traveler - G. I. Nevelskoy.

In late autumn, the Hope arrived in Macau, a Portuguese colony near Canton (Guangzhou). The “Neva” also came there in early December, which for almost a year and a half - about seventeen months - made its independent voyage.

During this time, Lisyansky explored the nature of the Havana Islands, got acquainted with the life and life of the islanders, visited the coast of Alaska and Kodiak Bay. With great joy and triumph the Russian people in Alaska greeted the first ship from their homeland, which passed such a distant sea route from Kronstadt.

Just these days, on the Sitkha Island (Baranov Island), the Indians, incited by the Americans and the British, attacked a Russian settlement. Lisyansky, along with the entire crew, had to defend his compatriots.

For more than a year "Neva" was located off the coast of Alaska and carried a security service. Lisyansky wasted no time exploring the Sitkha Islands, Kodiak and the American coast. He made a map of these bridge.

In September 1805, the Neva, loaded with valuable furs, departed from the shores of Russian America and headed for China.

To the west of the Hawaiian Islands, sailors began to notice floating algae, fish and birds appeared here - signs of a nearby land that was not on the map at these latitudes.

Lisyansky carefully guided the ship, and yet the Neva unexpectedly ran aground near an unknown island. It turned out to be uninhabited. There were many seals and birds on it, who were not at all afraid of people. At the insistence of the Neva's crew, the island was named after the commander of the ship Lisyansky, and the shallow, on which the ship landed, - Nevskaya. The ship safely floated and arrived in China.

In February 1806 "Nadezhda" and "Neva", loaded with various Chinese goods - tea, silk fabrics, porcelain, etc. - left Canton (Guangzhou) on their way back.

The ships went together to the coast of South Africa. At the Cape of Good Hope, during the fog, they lost sight of each other.

Kruzenshtern rounded the Cape of Good Hope and arrived at St. Helena Island. Here he learned that Russia, in alliance with England and Austria, is at war with France. Fearing a meeting with French military ships, Kruzenshtern led the ship away from the shores of Europe.

In August 1806, the "Nadezhda" dropped anchor in the port of Kronstadt. The Russian voyage around the world, which lasted three years and twelve days, ended safely. Lisyansky was the first to greet the sailors on the Nadezhda ship: he had brought the Neva to Kronstadt two weeks earlier.

The first round-the-world voyage of Russian sailors was a new page in the history of geographical science. Kruzenshtern and Lisyansky clarified the map of the world, replenished it with new islands and removed the lands marked there, but non-existent from the old maps. The collections collected by the expedition were of great scientific value.

During the voyage, observations were made over the temperature and density of water at different depths (up to 400 m), over sea currents, etc. As a result of the trip, the sea route from Kronstadt to the shores of Russian America was mastered.

In honor of the first Russian circumnavigation of the world, a medal was struck with the inscription: “For a trip around the world. 1803-1806 ".

Kruzenshtern wrote a book about the expedition - "Travel around the world in 1803, 1804, 1805 and 1806 on the ships" Nadezhda "and" Neva ", with an atlas on 104 sheets. In addition, IF Kruzenshtern compiled an atlas of maps of the southern seas, which was the most accurate and complete at that time; it was used by sailors and geographers all over the world.

Lisyansky also described his voyage - in the book "Travel around the world in 1803, 1804, 1805 and 1806 on the ship" Neva ". Both books have been translated into foreign languages ​​and published abroad. They are read with interest even now.

Domestic sailors - explorers of the seas and oceans Zubov Nikolay Nikolaevich

2. Around the world voyage of Kruzenshtern and Lisyansky on the ships "Nadezhda" and "Neva" (1803-1806)

2. Around the world voyage of Kruzenshtern and Lisyansky on the ships "Nadezhda" and "Neva"

The main tasks of the first Russian round-the-world expedition of Kruzenshtern - Lisyansky were: delivery to the Far East of the goods of the Russian-American company and the sale of furs of this company in China, delivery to Japan of the embassy, ​​which had the goal of establishing trade relations with Japan, and the production of accompanying geographical discoveries and research.

For the expedition, two ships were bought in England: one with a displacement of 450 tons, called "Nadezhda", and the other with a displacement of 350 tons, called "Neva". Lieutenant Commander Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern took command of the "Nadezhda", and Lieutenant Commander Yuri Fedorovich Lisyansky took command of the "Neva".

The crews of both ships, both officers and sailors, were military and recruited from volunteers. Krusenstern was advised to take several foreign sailors for the first round the world voyage. “But,” writes Kruzenshtern, “knowing the predominant properties of the Russians, whom I prefer even to English, I did not agree to follow this advice.” Kruzenshtern never regretted this. On the contrary, after crossing the equator, he noted the remarkable property of the Russian person - it is equally easy to endure both the most severe cold and the searing heat.

71 people went sailing on "Nadezhda" and 53 people on "Neva". In addition, the astronomer Horner, the naturalists Tilesius and Langsdorf, and the doctor of medicine Laband took part in the expedition.

Despite the fact that "Nadezhda" and "Neva" belonged to a private Russian-American company, Alexander I allowed them to sail under the military flag.

All preparations for the expedition were carried out very carefully and lovingly. On the advice of GA Sarychev, the expedition was equipped with the most modern astronomical and navigational instruments, in particular, chronometers and sextants.

Unexpectedly, just before leaving for the voyage, Kruzenshtern was ordered to take to Japan Ambassador Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov, one of the main shareholders of the Russian-American company, who was to try to establish trade relations with Japan. Rezanov with his retinue was placed on the "Nadezhda". This task forced us to reconsider the work plan of the expedition and, as we will see in the future, entailed the loss of time for the voyage of the "Nadezhda" to the shores of Japan and anchorage in Nagasaki.

The very intention of the Russian government to establish trade relations with Japan was quite natural. After the Russians entered the Pacific Ocean, Japan became one of Russia's closest neighbors. It has already been mentioned that even Spanberg's expedition was tasked with finding sea routes to Japan, and that the ships of Spanberg and Walton were already approaching the shores of Japan and were conducting friendly exchange trade with the Japanese.

It happened further that on the Aleutian island of Amchitka about 1782 a Japanese ship was wrecked and its crew was brought to Irkutsk, where they lived for almost 10 years. Catherine II ordered the Siberian governor-general to send the detained Japanese home and use this pretext to establish trade with Japan. Lieutenant Adam Kirillovich Laksman, chosen as a representative for negotiations of the Guards, on the Ekaterina transport under the command of navigator Grigory Lovtsov set off from Okhotsk in 1792 and wintered in the Nemuro harbor on the eastern tip of the island of Hokkaido. In the summer of 1793, at the request of the Japanese, Laxman moved to the port of Hakodate, from where he traveled by dry route for negotiations to Matsmai, the main city of the island of Hokkaido. During the negotiations, Laxman, thanks to his diplomatic skill, achieved success. In particular, paragraph 3 of the document received by Laxman stated:

"3. The Japanese cannot enter into trade negotiations anywhere, except for the one designated for this port of Nagasaki, and therefore now only give Laxman a written form with which one Russian ship can come to the aforementioned port, where Japanese officials will be located, who must agree with the Russians on this subject ". Having received this document, Laxman returned to Okhotsk in October 1793. Why this permission was not used immediately remains unknown. In any case, "Nadezhda", together with Ambassador Rezanov, was supposed to go to Nagasaki.

While staying in Copenhagen (August 5-27) and in another Danish port, Helsingor (August 27-September 3), the cargoes were carefully shifted on the Nadezhda and on the Neva and the chronometers were checked. Scientists Horner, Tilesius and Langsdorf, invited to the expedition, arrived in Copenhagen. On the way to Falmouth (south-west England) during a storm the ships parted and arrived there "Neva" -14, and "Nadezhda" -16 September.

From Falmouth "Nadezhda" and "Neva" sailed on September 26 and on October 8 they anchored in Santa Cruz Bay on the island of Tenerife (Canary Islands), in which they stayed until October 15.

November 14, 1803 "Nadezhda" and "Neva" for the first time in the history of the Russian fleet crossed the equator. Of all the officers and sailors, it was previously only crossed by the commanders of the ships, who had previously sailed as volunteers in the English fleet. Who would have thought then that seventeen years later, the Russian warships Vostok and Mirny, circumnavigating the world in high southern latitudes, would discover what the sailors of other nations could not manage - the sixth continent of the globe - Antarctica!

On December 9 the ships arrived at St. Catherine Island (off the coast of Brazil) and stayed here until January 23, 1804 to change foremast and main masts on the Neva.

Having rounded Cape Horn, the ships parted on March 12 during a storm. In this case, Kruzenshtern pre-appointed successive meeting places: Easter Island and the Marquesas Islands. However, on the way, Kruzenshtern changed his mind, went straight to the Marquesas Islands and on April 25 anchored off the island of Nuku-Khiva.

Lisyansky, unaware of such a change in the route, went to Easter Island, held out under sail from April 4 to 9 and, without waiting for Kruzenshtern, went to Nuku-Khiva Island, where he arrived on April 27.

The ships stayed near the island of Nuku-Hiva until May 7. During this time, a convenient anchorage was found and described, called the port of Chichagov, and the latitudes and longitudes of several islands and points were determined.

From the island of Nuku Hiva, the ships went north and on May 27 approached the Hawaiian Islands. Calculations of Kruzenshtern to buy fresh provisions from local residents were not crowned with success. Kruzenshtern held out on the Hawaiian Islands under sail on May 27 and 28, and then, in order not to delay the fulfillment of his task - visiting Nagasaki, went straight to Petropavlovsk, where he arrived on July 3. Lisyansky, anchored off the island of Hawaii from May 31 to June 3, set off according to the plan to Kodiak Island.

From Petropavlovsk, Kruzenshtern went out to sea on August 27, passed south along the eastern shores of Japan and then through the Vandymen Strait (south of Kyushu Island) from the Pacific Ocean to the East China Sea. On September 26, the Nadezhda anchored in Nagasaki.

Rezanov's embassy was unsuccessful. The Japanese not only did not agree to any treaty with Russia, but did not even accept the gifts intended for the Japanese emperor.

On April 5, 1805, Kruzenshtern, having finally left Nagasaki, passed through the Korea Strait, climbed the Sea of ​​Japan, almost unknown to Europeans at that time, and put on the map many notable points of the western coast of Japan. The position of some points was determined astronomically.

On May 1, Kruzenshtern passed through the La Perouse Strait from the Sea of ​​Japan to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, performed some hydrographic work here, and on May 23, 1805, returned to Petropavlovsk, where Rezanov's embassy left Nadezhda.

The circumnavigation of the world by Kruzenshtern and Lisyansky on the "Nadezhda" and "Neva" (1803-1806).

On September 23, 1805, after reloading the holds and replenishing provisions, the Nadezhda left Petropavlovsk on a return voyage to Kronstadt. Through the Bashi Strait, she proceeded to the South China Sea and on November 8 dropped anchor in Macau.

After anchorage at the Hawaiian Islands, the Neva set off, as already mentioned, to the Aleutian Islands. On June 26, Chirikov Island opened, and on July 1, 1804, the Neva anchored in the Pavlovsk harbor of Kodiak Island.

After completing the instructions given to him, performing some hydrographic work off the coast of Russian America and accepting the furs of the Russian-American Company, Lisyansky on August 15, 1805 left Novo-Arkhangelsk also for Macau, as it was previously agreed with Kruzenshtern. From Russian America, he took with him three Creole boys (father Russian, mother Aleut) so that they received a special education in Russia, and then returned to Russian America.

On 3 October, many birds were seen on the way to Canton, in the northern subtropical Pacific Ocean. Assuming that there was some unknown land nearby, proper precautions were taken. However, in the evening "Neva" still ran into a coral aground. At dawn we saw that the Neva was located near a small island. Soon it was possible to get off the shallows, but the oncoming squall "Neva" again inflicted on the stones. The refloating and lifting of the cannons, thrown into the sea with floats to lighten the ship, delayed the Neva in this area until October 7th. The island was named Lisyansky Island in honor of the commander of the ship, and the reef on which the Neva sat was named the Neva reef.

On its further journey to Canton, the Neva withstood a severe typhoon, during which it received some damage. A significant number of fur products were tarnished and then thrown overboard.

On November 16, having rounded the island of Formosu from the south, the Neva entered the South China Sea and on November 21 dropped anchor in Macau, where the Nadezhda was already at that time.

The sale of furs delayed the "Nadezhda" and "Neva" and only on January 31, 1806, both ships left the Chinese waters. Subsequently, the ships passed through the Sunda Strait and entered the Indian Ocean on February 21.

On April 3, being almost at the Cape of Good Hope, the ships parted in cloudy weather with rain.

As Kruzenshtern writes, “On April 26th (April 14, St. Art. - N. 3.) we saw two ships, one at NW, and the other at NO. The first one we recognized as "Neva", but as "Nadezhda" walked worse, soon the "Neva" again went out of sight, and we did not see it before our arrival in Kronstadt. "

Kruzenshtern appointed the island of St. Helena as the meeting place in case of separation, where he arrived on April 21. Here Kruzenshtern learned about the severance of relations between Russia and France and therefore, leaving the island on April 26, in order to avoid a meeting with enemy cruisers, chose the path to the Baltic Sea not through the English Channel, but north of the British Isles. On July 18–20, the Nadezhda anchored in Helsingor and on July 21–25 in Copenhagen. On August 7, 1806, after a 1108-day absence, "Nadezhda" returned to Kronstadt. During the voyage, the "Nadezhda" spent 445 days under sail. The longest trek from St. Helena to Helsingor lasted 83 days.

After parting with Nadezhda, the Neva did not go to St. Helena, but went straight to Portsmouth, where it stood from June 16 to July 1. Having stopped for a short time on the roadstead of Downs and in Helsingor, the Neva arrived in Kronstadt on July 22, 1806, having been absent for 1090 days, of which 462 days were under sail. The longest crossing was from Macau to Portsmouth, it lasted 142 days. No other Russian ship has made such a long sailing trip.

The health of the crews on both ships was excellent. During the three-year voyage on the "Nadezhda", only two people died: the envoy's cook, who suffered from tuberculosis even when he entered the ship, and Lieutenant Golovachev, who shot himself for some unknown reason while staying near St. Helena Island. On the Neva one sailor fell into the sea and drowned, three people were killed during a military skirmish near Novo-Arkhangelsk, and two sailors died from accidental illnesses.

The first Russian circumnavigation of the world was marked by significant geographical results. Both ships, both in a joint voyage, and in a separate one, all the time tried to arrange their courses either so as to go along the "untouched" paths, or so as to go to the dubious islands shown on old maps.

There were many such islands in the Pacific Ocean at that time. They were charted by brave sailors with poor navigational tools and poor methods. It is not surprising, therefore, that one and the same island was sometimes discovered by many navigators, but was placed under different names in different places on the map. The errors in longitude were especially great, which on old ships was determined only by reckoning. This is how, for example, longitudes were determined during the Bering-Chirikov voyage.

Sextans and chronometers were on the "Nadezhda" and "Neva". In addition, relatively shortly before their voyage, a method was developed for determining longitude on ships from the angular distances of the Moon from the Sun (otherwise - "the method of lunar distances"). This greatly facilitated the determination of latitudes and longitudes at sea. Both on the "Nadezhda" and on the "Neva" they did not miss a single opportunity to determine their coordinates. Thus, during the voyage of the "Nadezhda" in the Sea of ​​Japan and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, the number of points determined astronomically was more than a hundred. Frequent determination of the geographical coordinates of points visited or seen by members of the expedition is a great contribution to geographical science.

Due to the accuracy of their reckoning, based on frequent and accurate determination of latitudes and longitudes, both ships were able to determine the directions and speeds of sea currents in many areas of their navigation by the difference between the numbers and observed places.

The accuracy of the reckoning on the "Nadezhda" and "Neva" allowed them to "remove from the map" many non-existent islands. So, upon leaving Petropavlovsk to Canton, Kruzenshtern arranged his courses with the expectation of following the paths of the English captains Clerk and Horus and inspecting the space between 33 and 37 ° N. NS. along 146 ° east meridian. Near this meridian, several questionable islands have been shown on their maps and on some others.

Lisyansky, upon leaving Kodiak for Canton, arranged his courses so as to cross the then almost unknown areas of the Pacific Ocean and go through the area in which the English captain Portlock noticed signs of land in 1786 and where he himself, on the way from Hawaii to Kodiak, saw a sea otter. As we have seen, Lisyansky finally succeeded, although much to the south, to discover Lisyansky Island and Kruzenshtern's reef.

Both ships carried out continuous and thorough meteorological and oceanological observations. On the "Nadezhda", in addition to the usual measurements of the temperature of the surface layer of the ocean, the Six's thermometer, invented in 1782, was first used for deep-sea research, designed to measure the highest and lowest temperature. With this thermometer, the vertical distribution of temperatures in the ocean was investigated at seven locations. In total, deep temperatures, down to a depth of 400 m, were determined at nine locations. These were the first in world practice to determine the vertical distribution of temperatures in the ocean.

Special attention was paid to observations of the state of the sea. In particular, the stripes and spots of the rough sea (rifts), created when the sea currents meet, were thoroughly described.

The glow of the sea was also noted, at that time still insufficiently explained. This phenomenon was investigated on the "Nadezhda" in the following way: dots that glowed when the shawl was shaken; the strained water did not provide the slightest light ... Dr. Langsdorf, who tested these small luminous bodies through a microscope ... discovered that many ... were real animals ... "

It is now known that luminescence is created by the smallest organisms and is divided into constant, arbitrary and forced (under the influence of irritation). The latter is discussed in the description of Kruzenshtern.

Descriptions of the nature and life of the population of the localities visited by Kruzenshtern and Lisyansky are very interesting. The descriptions of the Nukukhivs, Hawaiians, Japanese, Aleuts, American Indians and inhabitants of the northern part of Sakhalin are of particular value.

On the island of Nuku-Khiva, Kruzenshtern spent only eleven days. Of course, in such a short time, only a cursory impression could be created about the inhabitants of this island. But, fortunately, on this island Kruzenshtern met an Englishman and a Frenchman, who had lived here for several years and, by the way, were at war with each other. From them, Kruzenshtern collected a lot of information, checking the stories of an Englishman by questioning a Frenchman, and vice versa. In addition, the Frenchman left Nuku-Khiva on the "Nadezhda" and during the further voyage Kruzenshtern had the opportunity to replenish his information. All kinds of collections, sketches, maps and plans brought by both ships deserve special attention.

Kruzenshtern, during his voyage in foreign waters, described: the southern coast of Nuku Hiva Island, the southern coast of Kyushu Island and the Vandimen Strait, Tsushima and Goto Islands and a number of other islands adjacent to Japan, the northwestern coast of Honshu, the entrance to the Sangar Strait, and also the west coast of Hokkaido.

Lisyansky, while sailing in the Pacific Ocean, described Easter Island, discovered and put on the map Lisyansky Island and the reefs of the Neva and Kruzenshtern.

Kruzenshtern and Lisyansky were not only brave sailors and explorers, but also excellent writers who left us with descriptions of their voyages.

In 1809-1812. Kruzenshtern's work "Travel around the world in 1803, 1804, 1805 and 1806 on the ships" Nadezhda "and" Neve "in three volumes with an album of drawings and an atlas of maps was published.

The books of Kruzenshtern and Lisyansky were translated into foreign languages ​​and for a long time served as navigational aids for ships sailing in the Pacific Ocean. Written on the model of Sarychev's books, in content and form, they, in turn, served as a model for all books written by Russian navigators of the subsequent time.

It should be emphasized once again that the voyages of the "Nadezhda" and "Neva" pursued purely practical goals - scientific observations were made only along the way. Nevertheless, the observations of Kruzenshtern and Lisyansky would do honor to many purely scientific expeditions.

I must say a few words about some of the problems, which unfortunately partly darken from a purely maritime point of view, the brilliant maiden voyage of Russian sailors around the world.

The fact is that it is no coincidence that two ships were sent on this expedition. Just as during the organization of the sea expeditions of Bering - Chirikov and Billings - Sarychev, it was believed that ships, sailing together, can always help each other in case of need.

According to the instructions, separate sailing of the "Nadezhda" and "Neva" was allowed only during the visit of the "Nadezhda" to Japan. This was justified by the fact that Japan, according to the previous agreement, allowed only one Russian ship to enter Japan. What actually happened?

During a storm at Cape Horn, the "Nadezhda" and "Neva" parted. Kruzenshtern did not go to the meeting point agreed in advance, in case of separation, - Easter Island, but went straight to the second agreed meeting place - the Marquesas Islands, where the ships met and went on together to the Hawaiian Islands. The ships left the Hawaiian Islands again separately, carrying out various tasks. The ships met again only in Macau, from where they went together to the Indian Ocean. Not far from Africa, ships again lost sight of each other during a storm. In such a case, the place of meeting was the island of St. Helena, where "Nadezhda" entered. Lisyansky, carried away by the record for the duration of sailing, went straight to England. Kruzenshtern was wrong, not going to Easter Island, as it was stipulated. Lisyansky was also wrong, not having entered the island of St. Helena. The references to parting due to the storm are not very convincing. Storms, fogs off the coast of Antarctica are no less frequent and strong than in the Indian Ocean, and meanwhile, the ships of Bellingshausen and Lazarev, as we will see later, never parted while circling Antarctica.

This text is an introductory fragment.

TRAVEL AROUND THE WORLD IN 1803, 1804, 1805 AND 1806 ON THE SHIPS "HOPE" AND "NEVA" observations were made according to


Chapter Five The Last Voyage around the World Share with Goldney, who contributed about £ 4,000. Art. In the new venture, there were many interested parties from the most famous families in Bristol. Among them were merchants, lawyers, and Bristol's alderman Betchelor himself. Contributed my share and

6. Golovnin's circumnavigation on the sloop "Kamchatka" (1817-1819) In 1816, it was decided to send a military vessel to the Far East with the following tasks: 1) to deliver various materials and supplies to the ports of Petropavlovsk and Okhotsk, 2) American company

11. Around the world voyage of M. Lazarev on the frigate "Cruiser" (1822-1825) and the voyage of Andrei Lazarev on the sloop "Ladoga" to Russian America (1822-1823) 36-gun frigate "Cruiser" under the command of the captain of the 2nd rank Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev and the 20-gun sloop "Ladoga", which

13. Around the world voyage of Kotzebue on the sloop "Enterprise" (1823-1826) The boat "Enterprise" under the command of Lieutenant-Commander Otto Evstafievich Kotzebue was entrusted with the delivery of goods to Kamchatka and cruising to protect Russian settlements on the Aleutian Islands. At the same time he

14. Wrangel's voyage around the world on the "Meek" transport (1825-1827) A military transport "Meek" (90 feet long) specially built for the upcoming voyage under the command of Lieutenant Commander Ferdinand Petrovich Wrangel, who has already completed a round-the-world voyage

15. Stanyukovich's voyage around the world on the Moller sloop (1826–1829) Following the example of the previous voyages around the world, in 1826 it was decided to send two warships from Kronstadt to guard industries in Russian America and to deliver cargo to the port of Petropavlovsk. But

16. Litke's voyage around the world on the Senyavin sloop (1826-1829) The commander of the Senyavin sloop, which went on a joint voyage around the world with the Moller sloop, Lieutenant-Commander Fyodor Petrovich Litke made a round-the-world voyage as a midshipman on Kamchatka in 1817-1819 years. Then

17. Voyage around the world of Gagemeister on the transport "Meek" (1828-1830) The military transport "Meek", which returned from a voyage around the world in 1827 in 1828, was again sent with cargo for Petropavlovsk and Novo-Arkhangelsk. Its commander was appointed Lieutenant Commander

19. Round-the-world voyage of Shants on the transport "America" ​​(1834-1836) The military transport "America", which returned in 1833 from a round-the-world voyage and was somewhat altered, on August 5, 1834, under the command of Lieutenant Commander Ivan Ivanovich Shants, again left Kronstadt with loads

20. Junker's circumnavigation in the transport "Abo" (1840-1842) The military transport "Abo" (length 128 feet, displacement of 800 tons) under the command of Lieutenant Commander Andrei Logginovich Juncker left Kronstadt on September 5, 1840. Going to Copenhagen, Helsingor, Portsmouth, on the island

2. Sailing of Kruzenshtern on the ship "Nadezhda" in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk (1805) The ship of the Russian-American company - "Nadezhda" under the command of Lieutenant Commander Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern came to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky on July 3, 1804. Overloaded and replenished

3. Sailing Lisyansky on the ship "Neva" in the waters of Russian America (1804-1805) The ship of the Russian-American company "Neva" under the command of Lieutenant-Commander Yuri Fedorovich Lisyansky, leaving Kronstadt with the "Nadezhda" on July 26, 1803, came to the Pavlovsk harbor of the island

On August 7, 1803, two sloops left the port in Kronstadt. On their sides the names "Nadezhda" and "Neva" flaunted, although not long ago they bore other names - "Leander" and "Thames". It was under the new names that these ships, bought by Emperor Alexander I in England, were to go down in history as the first Russian ships to circumnavigate the globe. The idea of ​​the round-the-world expedition belonged to Alexander I and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Count Nikolai Rumyantsev. It was assumed that its participants will collect as much information as possible about the countries that will be on their way - about their nature and about the life of their peoples. And besides, it was planned to establish diplomatic relations with Japan, through which the travelers' route also passed.
Yuri Lisyansky, captain of the sloop "Neva"

Conflicts on board

Ivan Kruzenshtern was appointed captain of the "Nadezhda", and Yuri Lisyansky became the captain of the "Neva" - both at that time were already quite famous sailors who had been trained in England and participated in sea battles. However, another co-director, Count Nikolai Rezanov, who was appointed ambassador to Japan and endowed with very great power, was "hooked" on the ship to Kruzenshtern, which, of course, the captain did not like. And after the sloops left Kronstadt, it turned out that Rezanov was not Krusenstern's only problem. As it turned out, among the members of the Nadezhda team there was a well-known brawler, duelist and lover of eccentric antics Fyodor Tolstoy in those years. He never served in the navy and did not have the necessary education for this, and got on the ship illegally, replacing his cousin, who bore the same name and surname and did not want to go on a long journey. And the brawler Tolstoy, on the contrary, was eager to sail - he was interested in seeing the world, and even more wanted to escape from the capital, where he was threatened with punishment for another drunken brawl.
Fyodor Tolstoy, the most restless member of the expedition During the trip, Fyodor Tolstoy had fun as best he could: he quarreled with other members of the crew and pitched them against each other, joked, sometimes very cruelly, over the sailors and even over the priest accompanying them. Kruzenshtern several times put him in the hold under arrest, but as soon as Fedor's imprisonment ended, he was taken to the old. During one of his stops on an island in the Pacific Ocean, Tolstoy bought a tame orangutan and taught him various pranks. In the end, he launched the monkey into the cabin of Krusenstern himself and gave her ink, with which she ruined the captain's travel notes. This was the last straw, and in the next port, in Kamchatka, Kruzenshtern dropped Tolstoy ashore.
Sloop "Nadezhda" By that time he had finally quarreled with Count Rezanov, who refused to recognize his captaincy. The rivalry between them began from the very first days of the voyage, and now it is already impossible to say who was the initiator of the conflict. In the surviving letters and diaries of these two, directly opposite versions are expressed: each of them blames the other for everything. Only one thing is known for sure - Nikolai Rezanov and Ivan Kruzenshtern first argued about which of them was in charge on the ship, then they stopped talking to each other and communicated with the help of notes transmitted by the sailors, and then Rezanov completely locked himself in his cabin and stopped answering to the captain even for notes.
Nikolai Rezanov, who never made peace with Kruzenshtern

Reinforcements for the colonists

Autumn 1804 "Neva" and "Nadezhda" were divided. Kruzenshtern's ship went to Japan, and Lisyansky's ship went to Alaska. Rezanov's mission in the Japanese city of Nagasaki was unsuccessful, and this was the end of his participation in the round-the-world expedition. At that time, the Neva arrived in Russian America - the settlement of Russian colonists in Alaska - and its team took part in the battle with the Tlingit Indians. Two years earlier, the Indians ousted the Russians from the island of Sitka, and now the governor of Russian America, Alexander Baranov, was trying to reclaim this island. Yuri Lisyansky and his team provided them with very important assistance in this.
Alexander Baranov, founder of Russian America in Alaska Later, "Nadezhda" and "Neva" met off the coast of Japan and moved on. "Neva" went ahead along the east coast of China, and "Nadezhda" explored the islands in the Sea of ​​Japan in more detail, and then set off to catch up with the second ship. Later, the ships met again at the port of Macau in southern China, for some time they sailed together along the shores of Asia and Africa, and then the "Nadezhda" fell behind again.
Sloop "Neva", drawing by Yuri Lisyansky

Triumphant return

The ships returned to Russia at different times: "Neva" - on July 22, 1806, and "Nadezhda" - on August 5. The members of the expedition collected a huge amount of information about the many islands, created maps and atlases of these lands, and even discovered a new island, called Lisyansky Island. The previously unexplored Aniva Bay in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk was described in detail and the exact coordinates of Ascension Island were established, about which it was only known that it was "somewhere between Africa and South America."
Thaddeus Bellingshausen All participants of this round-the-world trip, from captains to ordinary sailors, were generously rewarded, and most of them continued to make a naval career. Among them was midshipman Faddey Bellingshausen, who traveled on the "Nadezhda", who 13 years later headed the first Russian Antarctic expedition.