Repairs Design Furniture

Series n 44t layout with dimensions. P44T Little lineup line. Interior design in modern style

One of the most sought-after housing projects in the market of metropolitan new buildings and in the Moscow region was the P-44T series. The houses of this type were actively built up as new areas (Lublin, North Butovo, Novokosino, Maryinsky Park) and the demolition locations of the Old Housing Fund in the Old Building Areas (Medvedkovo, Lefortovo, Schukino, South Chertanovo, etc.). A total of the six hundred of houses in this series in Moscow, and about two hundred - in the Moscow region.

The P-44T houses are advantageous from the buildings of the base version of P-44 (built until 1999) by the glazing of loggias, the presence of semi-rockers and erkers, improved thermal insulation of external panels and an improved water supply system, the placement of the ventilation opening in the hallway.

In general, the homes of this series are considered a very successful engineering and architectural project, respond international standards On fire safety and over capital (1st grades), and therefore continue to actively build at present. The strength of the construction of houses is also evidenced by the fact that the developer indicates "100 years" as a settlement service life of the house. Attractive is a combination of relatively low cost square meters and sufficiently high level of comfort, as well as with high speed Construction of apartments of the P-44T series.

Outdoor decoration and design features of the series

The series of multisective houses of the P-44T is easy to learn about the aesthetic finish of the facades "under the brick", which enlisters the appearance concrete construction. Outdoor finish At home, it is usually performed in dark orange or light-sanded colors, and finishing the lower floors, erkers and semi-ereters in a gray-white color scheme.

The indisputable advantages of high-rise buildings of the P-44T series are: high level noise insulation in the outer panels, the presence of the heating devices of individual regulators, modern fire Systems, devices for alerts about fires, floodings, responding to the opening of the doors of technology, basement, electrical, elevator shaft). Due to the fact that concrete panels have the most smooth surfaces in comparison with panels in other high-rise buildings, the costs of interior decoration apartments.

However, individual feedbacks indicate that there are cracks on the joints of the panels at the shrinkage at the shrinkage and sometimes there are depressurization of "seams". Therefore, when buying an apartment, you must pay attention to the quality of the installation of panels.

Features of planning apartments

As in most modern new buildings, in the houses of the P-44t rooms isolated. In addition, in some homes, the apartments are placed on this project. mansard floorAttractive for many potential property buyers.

The step of the transverse walls is increased to 4.2 m, and the thickness inland walls - 14 cm and 18 cm, provides good sound insulation between rooms. Apartments have separate bathrooms (with the exception of combined bathrooms in one-bedroom apartments). Available to buy an apartment with a ready-made municipal finish.

Disadvantage of P-44T like others panel housesIt remains the presence of a large number of bearing walls inside the apartments, which does not allow to make redevelopment at the request of the owners of the housing. It is strictly forbidden to cut the windows blocks or take openings in the bearing walls in the homes of this series.




Alternative name:
Construction regions:

Moscow and Moscow region

(Coptevo, Sviblovo, Medvedkovo, Izmailovo, New Kozhukovo, Nekrasovka Krasnogorsk, Lobnya, Balashikha, Railway, Lyubertsy, Khimki, Moscow, Odintsovo, Solnechnogorsk, in the village. Bear lakes, der. Brikhovo, pos. Blue)

Construction technology:
Under the construction period: Modern
Year of construction: From 1997 to the present
Movement Perspective: Demolition is not provided even in the long term
Number of sections / entrances: From 1 to 8 (there are combinations of entrances of different series - P-44T, P-44K, P-44TM / 25 in the same house)
Number of floors: 9-25 (the most common options - 14, 17)
Ceiling height:
2.70-2.75 M.
Balconies / Loggia:

Above the 2nd - 3rd floor there are glazed loggias in all apartments.

In 2- and 3-room apartments there are erkers and semi-eircers.

Combined - in one-bedroom apartments, separate - in 2- and 3-bedrooms.
Garbage chute:
The garbage chute equipped with a loading valve on each floor

2 elevators: passenger (400 kg) and cargo-passenger (630 kg).

In 20-25-storey entrances - 2 cargo-passenger and passenger.

Number of apartments on the floor:
Apartment Square:
Total / residential / kitchen
1-room apartment 37-39/19/7-9
2-bedroom apartment 51-61/30-34/8-13
3-room apartment 70-84/44-54/10-13
Natural exhaust with a box in the hallway
Walls and cladding:
Exterior walls - three-layer zhb panels (concrete - polystyrene - concrete) thickness up to 30 cm increased thermal insulation
Emergency and interroom carriers - R / b-panels thickness 16 and 18 cm. Large sized overlaps with a thickness of 14 cm in the width of the rooms
Facingoutdoor Walls "Under Brick", Basic Colors - Dark Orange, Light Sand
Roof type:
Flat-pitched or tile-scope roofing of brown or green (manufactured by Braas DSK-1).
MNIITP (Moscow Research Institute of Tyology and Experimental Design)
Improved noise insulation of outdoor panels and "seams", regulators on heating devices, copper wiring, use of technology closed junction, compliance with international standards for capitalization and fire safety, modern systems security.
Unsatisfactory quality installation of exterior walls in separate sections.

Igor Vasilenko

P-44T layout with dimensions

Planning apartments in p44t with redevelopment options

Planning two-room apartments Series p 44t

Dispense dial

Usually there is an area of \u200b\u200babout 60-64 sq.m. The kitchen has a large erker, and each of the rooms on the spacious balcony. In fact, this is the same treshka only with a "sealing" eleven-straight room and adjacent to the site of the corridor.

Linear dial P-44T

Square of unilateral two-bedroom apartments fluctuates in the area of \u200b\u200b52 sq. M (51-53 sq. M). They are small corridors and balconies.

One-bedroom apartment P-44 t

Oder Square in P-44T is about 36-38 sq.m. In them little balcony And combined bathroom.

Three-bedroom apartments P-44T

By squares and configurations three-bedroom apartments In the P-44 series, the largest scatter is observed (from about 73 to 86 meters). Planning solutions There are also a lot. Kitchens in treshki corner sections do not have erkers, and their area usually does not exceed 10 meters. At the same time, 3 bedroom apartments in ordinary and end sections of the P-44T can boast kitchens with the Erker and with total area from 12 to 14 sq.m.


IN panel house P44T, there are two options for two-bedroom apartments. Large two and a small dial - on the other in the people, it is called double line . Since all windows from the rooms and the kitchen come out one way. The total size of a small two room apartments 52.3 sq.m. In different panel houses of the P44t series, there may be small differences in size. The distance from the floor to the ceiling is 2.70 - 2.75 m with big room Located the entrance to the balcony, which from behind its form got the name of the boat. I suggest to make a walk around the apartment and try to identify the pros and cons. And let's start with the hallway.

Hallway size 4.8 sq.m. Plus Corridor 2.17 sq.m. The total amount is almost 7 sq.m. When we went to the hallway - we seem to fall on the intersection. As he wrote above, the whole big and small room is visible without even entering the apartment. Because of this, many are trying to arrange the bed on the other side of the room.

And here is so seen everything from the small room.

We enter the apartment and understand that from all sides wherever you look inlets and exits. And there are only two small zones at the entrance, where at least something can be put from furniture. One corner to the right of the entrance door.

And if you look at the photo of the hallway on the other hand, we can see another corner. Here they are the most chassis, for cabinets, hangers and other interior items.

Passing through the hallway, we get into a small corridor leading to the kitchen.

It is often in the corridor near the wall, the place is used for shallow lockers, or shelving for storing cans and canned food.

But others like to arrange a small library in the corridor. An example of such a small cabinet for books.

And someone uses this part of the corridor for other purposes. For example, you can hang on the wall a large mirror

Or from drywall make interesting shelveswhich put flowers.

Bath and toilet

bathroom size 2.87 sq. M. Bathroom Square, bath size 160 * 70 can be installed both along and across. The photo shows how the bathroom looks like with budget repairs From the developer in new buildings.

And if all this is demolished and make a normal repair - that's what a bath can happen

The toilet is separate, the area is 1.05 square meters. meter. Pay attention to what big doors in the dressing cabinet. If you have to replace some kind of hose or kranbucks - it will be very convenient to bring suite.

But there are errors when repairing some tenants. This time does not attach much importance and set small hatches, thereby creating a problem with the maintenance of a home water pipeline. The following is an example of such a hatch. But some manage to put a hatch even less than this.

So what if you are going to make repairs in the toilet, consider this moment. And on next photo it is seen proper size door.

Toilet combining with bath- For larger space in the bathroom, you can combine two rooms in one general. True, there are many supporters who for such an association, and someone against. The photo shows an example, such a common bathroom.

Kitchen with semi-rocker

the main territory of the hostess in the house. There is a triangular erker. For some Erker in the kitchen, this is good, and others do not know how to beat it. Kitchen size with an erker 9.55 sq.m.

Cranes and sewer tubes are bred into the kitchen.

In principle, the kitchen turned out to be successful. All the same 10 squares, it should be enough to do from the kitchen comfortable zone Rest and reception.

Here round tableI would not advise putting to the wall. On site near the wall, the table loses both in practical and in designer decision. Such a table loves to stand separately. What would have access to it from all sides. He would more reach the kitchen of the two-bedroom apartment. But the TV on the wall took his place right.

Little roomthe size of a small room is 11.3 sq. M. Bearing walls between the kitchen and between the big room. Wall from the hallway - partitioned. It can be dismantled and move the door to the room. The room turned out is poor and cloth. We are not particularly walking. Basically used in two versions:

2 Children's room for both so for two children.

An example of a bedroom room for parents. The bed takes half of the space.

And in the same room wardrobe with sliding doors. Here in principle, everything that gets in this room. And there is nothing more for the bedroom. For what bed.

And this is an example of a children's room.

Large room - large room size 18.8 sq. M. Normal standard room, as in many panel houses. Also in the room there is an access to the balcony. All walls bearing, it is impossible to demolish.

A comfortable place for the cabinet is considered near the door, short wall Rooms.

Summing up, it is safe to say that a small line of the line - perfectly suitable for a family having one child. If you have two children and more, then you need to consider when buying an apartment in the P44T panel house more spacious options. Such as a dispenser two-time or if there is an opportunity to buy a trip.

See photo Apartments in Panel House P-44T

Interesting designs and repairs in two-bed line

In the household building houses there is a huge proportion of the population of Russia and other countries of the post-Soviet space, and they all face repair sooner or later. Since apartments in each series of buildings have the same planning, there are the most popular and successful solutions For the premises of each series. In this article we will talk about the features of the design of two-bedroom apartments P44T and give some recommendations.


There are only two types of doubles with two in the construction of this series:

  1. The so-called "dispenser". Both rooms are arranged symmetrically, in each of them there is a loggia. This option is considered less convenient, because in the design of 2 room apartments P44t "Spaschonka" it is harder to redecessing.
  2. The following variety of such dwellings is characterized by the presence of erker in kitchen zone. This version is easier to rebuild yourself, as in the design of 2 room apartments P44t with the Erker, it is possible to easily arrange a dressing room.
  • For the first type of housing, a successful idea will be removed the door between the kitchen and the hallway. Thus, the kitchen becomes lighter and spacious. It does not hurt the use of the same floor finish in the kitchen and in the hallway, it will also unite all the space together.
  • If you have children, highlight them one of the rooms, and in the second, create a bedroom and a living room at the same time.
  • For the second type of this dwelling produce a special kitchen furnitureRepeating in the form of the Erker. You can place along the window table top, thereby exempted working surface, And you can purchase or order a table that will fit as it should. In any case, it is possible to be interesting to beat this feature.
  • In addition, for such a housing, the union of the hallway and the kitchen will also be a great thought.
  • In the hallway, in the space between the bathroom and entrance door perfectly fit a small wardrobe, and before entering the most big room, Dressing room. This will avoid bulky cabinets and an untidy look.
  • Use light colorslungs natural materials, competent lighting. This will allow you to visually expand the metrar and make the place of residence much more cozy.

Try to combine all housing zones in one whole due to the overall style decision.

In the houses of P44T, the design of a two-room apartment as a whole does not differ from any other, with the exception of the above mentioned points. As it is impossible to understand all the intricacies of such a complex process as the design of the future appearance Purpose, we advise you to attract a professional designer. Our company employs only the best and talented employees who will help you make the interior truly comfortable, stylish and reliable. Not one year will please you with the result. Only a real professional is able to recognize all true desires and the needs of all members of your family. If you do not want in vain to spend money on the materials and the work of the builders, the designer you need.

New buildings of the P-44T series - one of the most common in major cities Russia. Despite the good source apartments, you can make housing even more comfortable and thought out by redevelopment.

Most walls in the apartments of the houses of the P-44T series are carriers. Since 2007, they began to build houses with niches in the bearing walls in the apartments above the sixth floor, in those places that were the most sought-after redevelopments. These niches can be re-equipped in the doorway without additional strengthening of metal structures. In the houses until 2007, it is still realistic to agree on such an open. GUP MNEITP, the author of this series of residential buildings, prohibits the opening of openings in the bearing walls in the not provided forces and cut the windows blocks in houses built after 2007.

Today we will look at the options for redevelopment of a two-bedroom apartment with an area of \u200b\u200b60.3 m². We took them on the portals of the idea of \u200b\u200byour home, housing use and MVK service to analyze successful and not very solutions.

Source planning

The layout implies two isolated rooms, a kitchen, a spacious corridor and a separate bathroom. The kitchen has a ferry, in the rooms a balcony and a loggia. One of the variations of the original layout has an erker in the bedroom.

Option 1

What changed:

  • Association and expansion of the bathroom. The enlarged place will allow you to place a cupboard and washing machine. Adopt a weighted solution: ".
  • The partition in the bedroom is completed, which allows you to easily arrange the entrance to the room and make a niche for a small wardrobe or wardrobe with access from the room.

Coordination: Bearing partitions are not affected, the wet zone is not transferred - it will not agree to be coordinated.

Modification of the same solution, only without the construction of walls in the bedroom. Demonstrates the possible location of furniture with such redevelopment.

Option 2.

What changed:

  • Union of the bathroom. Without expansion, as in the last variant, but it became more spacious.
  • The partition between the corridor and the kitchen was dismantled and moved by making an additional niche in the kitchen: a certain plus for a small kitchen.
  • A piece of corridor burned to create a storeroom: comfortable spot For storage.
  • Organized the doorway between the kitchen and the living room. This is a necessary measure to create a storeroom, but now the living room has become a passage: guests or relatives will not be comfortable in it, this room is also not converted this room into a nursery or bedroom.
  • A sliding partition appeared in the bedroom, allowing it to divide it into two zones. For example, a bedroom and a nursery or bedroom and an office.

Coordination: dismantling of nonsense partitions and the installation of the new is not difficult to coordinate. Organization of the doorway in carrier wall May cause the complexity of coordination in apartments where niche is not provided in this place, but it is still possible to agree on the change.

This solution is very similar, only instead of increasing the kitchen space, an increase in the bathroom is chosen, and the storage room is less:

Option 3.

What changed:

  • The bathroom was combined and expanded at the expense of the corridor. We are not sure that such a big bathroom will be functional: the past version with the pantry likes us more.
  • Creating a doorway between the kitchen and the living room, as in the past version.
  • Two partitions erected in the bedroom to make a more convenient input and create a niche for a closet or bed. This is a logical solution that does not require special costs.

Coordination: The bathroom occupies part of the corridor, which means moving the wet zone: it must be hydroizing, then the coordination of redevelopment is possible. Doorway similar to the past version. The construction of partitions in the bedroom does not cause problems.

Option 4.

What changed:

  • Dismantling partitions between bathroom and toilet for bathroom expansion. The toilet is organized by building a septum in the corridor. A good optionIf you need a spacious bathroom, but this is more suitable for a separate toilet.
  • The construction of the sliding partition in the bedroom is similar to option 2.
  • Doorway between the kitchen and the living room, similar to the options 2 and 3.

Coordination: Again the wet zone moves to the corridor, and in this case there is also a need to stretch plumbing communications. This is a difficulty for both implementation and coordination, but it is realistic to solve it.

Option 5.

What changed:

It additionally demolished the partition between the corridor and the kitchen and the possible location of the furniture is shown:

Coordination: Only disassembling non-carrying partitions. When escalating the waterproofing of the bathroom, the coordination will be easy.

Option 6.

What changed:

  • Expansion of the bathroom at the expense of the corridor.
  • Creating a spare toilet with the entrance from the kitchen. In our opinion, this is not too practical solution.

Coordination: It is necessary to coordinate the transfer of the wet zone in the corridor and make waterproofing, the layout is harmonized.

Option 7.

This apartment is from the basic modification, houses of the P-44 series. P-44 and P-44T, a similar planning of two-bedroom apartments, only reduced the merar and no erker in the kitchen and balcony. We consider it because of an interesting redevelopment, which can be partially implemented in the P-44T homes.

What changed:

  • Transfer kitchen in the corridor - interesting solution. The dining area in this case is organized on the site of the living room, which is located in the room, which in the past versions were given under the bedroom.
  • The bedroom movement here is possible because instead of the kitchen there is a large bathroom with a seating area and a window: paradise for fans of water procedures. It turns out a private bathroom adjacent to the bedroom and the passage of only it cut into the wall.
  • A guest bathroom is provided in the corridor.
  • Doors to the bedroom and living room are shifted so as not to make the space in the kitchen very close.

Agreement: here a lot complex solutions, such as kitchen transfer in the corridor and bathroom in the kitchen. For the P-44T series will be difficult and coordination large number door openings. Advanced such redevelopment is possible not in all cases.
