Repairs Design Furniture

Plasterboard partitions. Handstocks from drywall do it yourself: step-by-step instructions and some nuances. Installation instructions

It is quite difficult to divide a large room for comfortable zones, without using expensive materials and without resorting to the help of specialists. But you can make partitions from drywall, which are easy to build, the material is inexpensive, and you can get a complete newcomer. Partitions will help make pronounced zones in a house or apartment, they can be created if you want to separate the space, but at the same time spend on this little time and money.

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Why plasterboard

Plasterboard has many applications, but to create partitions it is used most often, so we will tell about the process of building partitions from drywall, which can be made any form and size, it all depends on your imagination. Also, if you need to create a partition in which you can install the door and create noise insulation, insulation, then drywall for this is also perfectly suitable for this. It is very easy to use, you only need to purchase profiles for the construction of a frame, some tool and you can start creating a partition.

Interior partitions from drywall in the place where you need to divide the room on the zones. Perhaps it will be a working office, studio, a game room for children or just a beautiful partition that can benefit the interior design and highlight the room with the original decor. If you are interested in plasterboard products and you want to build some designs in your home, we advise you to read articles about these products on our website.

If you started repairs and make sure to fully separate the room, the use of drywall will become the best option in order to maximize the budget, not yielding as repair. By the way, in partitions you can arrange lighting and insulation, if, of course, it is necessary for you. We just want to point out that drywall is a very universal material that can be used in a wide variety of spheres and areas of construction and repair robot.

It does not have restrictions on applied, so to start working with it to create the necessary design with your own hands, can almost any, most importantly, follow the instructions that are listed below and, if everything has done correctly, it turns out a high-quality and beautiful partition.

Surface markup

You need to decide on the shape of the partition, for this you can see interesting ideas on the Internet, if you are interested in something, you can sketch a similar shape on paper, add your solutions and preferences, after which you start making markup. Also, think and decide whether you need to make insulation in the partition, because it allows it, but these are additional costs. If the insulation is needed, for example, in a private house it will be very useful, as it is much harder to maintain heat in it than in the apartment, then create a frame and generally the whole design is wider so that you can put in it insulation.

In the event that your work is connected with sounds, you may have a musician or sound engineer, it is better to use a soundproofing drywall to create a partition that can effectively drown out most of the sounds that stop bothering both you and the neighbors. Also, in the partition it is possible to arrange a point lighting, which will create a unique atmosphere at night. In addition, such lighting will help easily navigate the apartment, not including the main light, thanks to which it can be saved a little on electricity.

The chosen form must be transferred to the wall and the floor, that is, make it a projection on the surface on which it will be installed. The very first thing to be applied is the contours of the product that will indicate the installation locations of the guide profile, which will greatly facilitate the entire further work. The profile that will be inside, you need to designate exactly the same on the wall. Here be attentive, the location of the guide profile is noted on the wall and on the floor with the ceiling, as it will be directly attached to them. The racky profile is attached to the guide, and not to the surfaces, so it is possible to mark its location on the wall to be easier during the assembly.

If you are going to create partitions Interrooms from drywall with the use of insulation, remember that the frame will need to do much more to be a place for the insulation itself. This means that when markup it will be necessary to take into account the locations of the insulation. Also, we note that it will be difficult to make the backlight in the thin partition, so the light partitions perform a decorative role rather. Already in wider plasterboard partitions, you can create niches, and backlight, and the insulation to place, so decide what you need more.

Calculator components

  • Partition in 1 layer of hypot
  • Partition in 2 layers of hypot

*Attention! All results are approximate - accuracy depends on the material of the walls, states and form of the room

Assembling frame for partition

To work you will need

  • The guide profile (attached to the base), from which the foundation will be built already on which the rest of the profile will be attached;
  • Stretch profile. It will be the main part of the design, they create jumpers between the railway profile rails;
  • Scissors for metal, screwdriver, drill, barn (not required);
  • Profile for folds (preferably to have, but you can use an ordinary profile, just specially cutted). It is easily amenable to begib, thanks to which it is possible to create complex sections of large designs.

Rake guide profile must be installed where you made marking. Use for fastening to the base of the dowel and drill. If it is wooden, then you can use screws and screwdriver. First, set the rails on the ceiling, then using a construction plumb, fasten them on the floor. The plumb must be used to reconcile accuracy, because you could make some errors in the distance at the markup stage, so always check the accuracy. Together with the plumbing, it is better to use a laser level that can carry out perfectly even lines in any direction.

The most important thing you need to remember when creating a carcass. If you create a thin and lightweight - standard partition that will simply perform decorative functions, then make one row of the guide profile. If there is a partition, inside which the insulation, niche, lighting, soundproofing layer, it is necessary to create a second row of the guide profile.

If the partition mounting will occur so that the room is fully divided into two parts, that is, all 4 walls will be involved (it happens that partitions do not touch one wall or have a small height and do not get the ceiling), then the guide profile will have to be located on each Of the 4 surfaces. After installing the guide profile, you can create jumpers from the racking profile. The frame will be like the square cells, and there will be plasterboard sheets and, if necessary, the insulation will be in these cells from the profile.

Among the rails profile can be fastened with self-draws, but you can purchase a special device that will make it easier to facilitate the workman. He squeezes the profile, thereby bonding it. Our remark, the rack profile should be located perpendicular to the guide always (except for additional strengthening at large size), if this requirement is not followed, then you do something wrong, so follow the direction of profiles.

Similarly, the profiles are created and the doorway. If niche is planned in the partition, the framework will need to be strengthened, if it is a simple and light partition, you can do without strengthening, the main thing is that the frame is not rushing. Connect the guide profile to each other, you can additionally strengthen the entire design, but it is necessary to do this only if an additional load is planned on the product (except for plasterboard sheets).

In those places where the project will go bend, it is also necessary to establish a profile. To do this, you can use as a special factory and ordinary, cuts on which are made on their own. The only plus of the factory profile, it does not need to be cut, and you can immediately bend, giving the necessary form. If you decide to independently make cuts on the profile, then for this, take the scissors for metal and shift only 2 sides, not hurt 3rd.

Outside framework cutting sheets of plasterboard sheets

Plasterboard Use based on the type of room (fire resistant or moisture-resistant, also can be used soundproof). Most often apply standard (gray) plasterboard. First, the trim should be made by solid slices of drywall, and only when it is impossible to use whole, you need to use smaller pieces. Try to create as few seams as possible on the product.

The fastening of drywall to the frame is made by the same screwdriver and self-drawing, only they do not need to drag them very much (the limit is 2 mm). But it is not necessary to turn them out so that the caps are not needed slightly sticking. The optimal option can be found by simply by spending a spatula, if it does not cling, then everything is done correctly.

If the redevelopment is not planned in the near future, then the surface will still need to sharpen. But this is only when you are finished with a trim. The most difficult moment of the trim is the creation of bends. Rather, it is easy, it is simply necessary to have a lot of effort. The easiest way is to walk along a roller with spikes, slightly wet it, wait for the softening of the gypsum, fasten the sheet on the frame.

On this creation partition from drywall, it remains to be applied to the surface of the product the plaster to give an impeccable type of construction. Then you can add various decorative elements on the partition, to make pasta with wallpaper or apply paint.

Today, it is possible to change the layout of any room very quickly using non-heavy brick simpleness, but light and strong interior partitions from drywall. Using such frame structures can be changed in a short time and relatively cheap to change the area and the location of the rooms using decorative commonness to break them into zones, plan the interior from scratch into a new building.

Design and design of the interior partition of plasterboard

The bulk of the housing was built in the USSR, when the main goal was not the design and convenience of residential premises, but the number of housing. As a result, the old layout does not meet the needs of a modern person: the kitchen is too miniature, corridors and hallways are very close. Modern new buildings also do not always correspond to personal preferences for the location of the rooms.

Output from the situation, it becomes completely re-emptying by demolishing the old seals and the construction of the interior partition from the plasterboard with their own hands. This is the easiest, fast and not costly way.
In addition to redeveloping, such designs can make a design of a one-room apartment, highlighting areas for relaxation, work, food and sleep.

Study of a studio apartment with a partition from drywall

Objectives that can be solved by setting frames of sacraments:

  • increase the kitchen area by combining the separate bathroom and the displacement of the simpleness, or the studio arrangement;
  • expand the corridor or hallway, "moving" the partition;
  • fully change the area of \u200b\u200bthe rooms, their purpose, or even the location, having demolished all the nonsense simpleness and mounted new;
  • remove unnecessary pantry in the apartment, adding extra meters to the bathroom, kitchen or hall;
  • plan a new location of rooms in the apartment of new buildings;
  • make separate rooms separate rooms.

Using such technology as the installation of the interroom partition from drywall, you can solve almost all tasks for changing the planning of any apartment.

Diagram of the device of the interroom partition from plasterboard

Materials and tools for plasterboard partitions

The construction of light and durable interior partitions from drywall is made on, after which finishing works are conducted. To fulfill such design, you need a specific list of materials:

  • plasterboard;
  • profiles or wooden rails;
  • fasteners: Self-tapping screws, Press washers, Dowels Nails,;
  • soundproofing of interior partitions is provided by mineral wool;
  • finishing materials:, mesh, gypsum plaster mixes;
  • : Level and roulette, Bulgarian and screwdriver, stationery knife with blades, bits, spatulas, Kelma.

These are the main materials and equipment, without which the installation of interior partitions is impossible or significantly difficult.


Plasterboard, which is used in residential construction happens: wall, waterproof and refractory. The wall species is used to finish the walls and the construction of partitions in rooms that will not experience an increased impact of moisture.

Simply put, for residential rooms. It is the cheapest, but it is better to take plasterboard from well-known manufacturers. The cost of 160 rubles or 220 per sheet is 3 meters.

Waterproof sheet, it is worth purchasing for partitions in the bathrooms, bathrooms and kitchens. It costs a little more expensive. Making interroom simpleness is better from the material of famous brands. The refractory drywall is used in the construction of structures in which the likelihood of high temperatures is high. Its price is higher than on previous varieties, so the device of partitions from such material is inappropriate.

The required number of sheets are taken on the basis of the partition length. The standard size of drywall is 2500 × 1250 mm, that is, 2.5 sheets are needed for a common length of 3 meters.

Read also

Installation process of partition with HCL shelves


The interior partition from drywall can be assembled on a wooden frame, however, the material should be well dried, smooth, preferably without bitch and rotated from rotting. Such requirements make it difficult to use wood, besides, "high-quality" means dear. The device is best suitable for partitions from a metal profile. Metal profile will need multiple types.

As with plasterboard, the amount of profile is calculated based on the parameters of the future wall.


The fastener can be divided into two subgroups: for frame and drywall. The elements of the base from the profile are combined with small screws for metal - the press with washers. The guide profiles are attached to the surface of the floor, walls and ceiling dowel-nails. It is important that the fasteners must fit the material of the supporting structures and ensure rigid fixation. If necessary, then acquire the appropriate or anchor.

Mounted Samores with a length of 20 mm (sheet thickness of 12 mm + insert in metal). To secure one unit of material leaves 25-30 pieces of such screws.

Sound insulation material

Soundproofing interior partitions is made by using mineral wool. It is on sale in the form of rolls or sliced \u200b\u200binto squares. The layer thickness will determine the quality of noise insulation. The required amount of insulating material is taken on the basis of the square of the simplest.

Decoration Materials

The partitions made are prepared under the finishing finish: close the joints between the sheets and the surfaces are putty. You need to purchase, primer and gypsum plaster. Reinforcing tape, or serpent, it happens simple and self-adhesive. It is better to acquire the last option, as it is easier to work. The width is chosen for the need.

Plucking Gypsum Carton Partition

The primer is carried out before. It is advisable to buy such a material with antiseptic properties. Plastering mixtures are three species, for the simplest finishing finish under painting or wallpaper, you can purchase a finishing or universal mixture. The number is calculated from the square of the simplest. Puttack consumption is indicated on the package. It is calculated in the mass of the material by 1 mm layer.
When all materials are available, proceed to the assembly of interior partitions.

Installation of plasterboard partition: Step-by-step instruction

The plasterboard partition is based on the algorithm in three stages.

  • mounting frame;
  • finish.

Montage Karcasa

Before you begin to make a intercommercial septum from drywall, you need to prepare a place. Fastening the guide profiles is carried out to the slabs of the overlap, which means it is necessary to remove the flooring and finishing materials from the ceiling.

Plasterboard partition installation process

After markup, the basis is started to make the base from the installation of the UW guide profiles. To do this, on the bearing surfaces, the holes under the dowel of nails are drilled in a step of 30-40 cm. The profile is placed and insert a dowel. Close fastening screws.

If plasterboard partitions are planned with a door, then the installation of the door profile will be required, which is fixed to the guide "clouds". In order for the design loosely withstanding the door mounts, a wooden bar of the appropriate size is laid into it.

After that, we build a frame, setting the racks. The rack profile is connected to the guide rails with a press by washers. The number of racks are placed with the calculation of 3-4 pieces per GLC.

Phased mounting of the frame of the Gypsum Carton Partition

From a rack profile for CD walls or from the same CW, we set the transverse jumpers that are attached to the racks. From the transverse records for this you need to cut the shelves. Fasteners are carried out by self-pressing metal - the press with washers or "clouds".

It is important to remember that if it is planned to hang the shelves or household appliances on the partition, it is necessary to lay wooden bars in the set frame (minimum thickness), and draw the scheme of their location. But if this moment is missed, the acquisition of special types of dowels will be required. And also need to make wiring of wiring under household appliances and lighting. When the frame of the frame is ready, proceed to its trim. Look at the video lesson on the installation of the Gicewall partition.

Plasterton covering

Installation of drywall on the frame of the interior partition is carried out with a gap from the floor and the ceiling by 10 and 5 mm, respectively. Install sheets need stop. The length of the material may not be enough, so then small pieces add, alternating their location at the top and bottom. The step between self-drawing should be not more than 25-30 cm.

When screwing down fasteners, the caps are slightly shaped into the surface carefully, without damaging the cardboard layer. Screw the screws start right to left or vice versa, in no case with the initial fixation of the corners. When one side of the partition was built, lay bookmarks with noise insulation, after which it is embarked on the surface of the opposite surface.

Scheme of the interior septal septum plasterboard

Under the sockets in the material cut holes and remove the wiring in them.

Finishing work

The advantage of plasterboard is that after creating a structure, it is possible to immediately begin to finish. Start work with sealing joints and attachment points. The joints are covered with sickle and spitting the finished mixture. The attachment points are lubricated with plaster plaster. Before putting down the walls are processed by primer and give it to dry for 30 minutes.

Option of finishing and design of interroom partitions from sheets of GLC

The spacure of the surfaces of the partition is carried out by a universal or finishing putty, a layer of 1 mm. For this use spatulas or direct cells. The gypsum mixture will dry for several days, after which it is watched and made the final design of the room. The advantage of such partitions in the speed of their erection, lightness and strength of the structure. You can quickly build beautiful, perfectly smooth walls. A simple work algorithm makes it possible to perform everything yourself without resorting to assistance.

Plasterboard often turns out to be the only available material with which it is possible to redecessing the room. Yes, and it is often possible to give the walls of the divine look only with GLK. The plasterboard wall is good because it can be done independently, without hiring the team of professionals for such work. Maximum may need one assistant.

It can be significantly saved if you buy a screw of 25 with a length of 25, and not 35 mm. According to the rules, the screws after screwing should look at the opposite side by 1 cm, so many try to take 35-milmitic reserves, but it is not always justified. If the thickness of the sheet is 12.5 mm, then adding another 10 mm to which the self-sufficiency should perform, we get 22.5 mm. The thickness of the profile is insignificant, so it can not be taken into account in the calculations.

The minimum thickness thickness of the plasterboard is 4 centimeters. It is necessary to add the width of the guides (27 mm) to the thickness of the plasterboard (12.5 mm). If we are talking about a partition in the room, then you need to add another thickness mock mall, which the wall is trimmed from both sides. As a result, it will turn out 52 mm. Creating a frame of the wall, it is customary to retreat from her about 5 cm to work comfortably with profiles. Otherwise, it will be difficult even to drill holes.

Quite often in new apartments there are too large rooms that would be optimally divided into two smaller premises. Certain with this task help partitions from the hypina. The GLC device allows you to make an excellent partition that does not transmit noise and maintaining heat in both newly formed rooms. Installation of gypsum partitions - the case is simple, so a plasterboard partition is quite often made with your own hands. How to make a plasterboard partition you will learn from this article. Also, you will be able to learn what advantages have a plasterboard partition with their own hands, and familiarize yourself with the subtleties, which includes the installation of plasterboard partitions with step-by-step instructions.

What is this article

Advantages of plasterboard

Before you begin to create a septum of plasterboard with your own hands, you need to answer one important question. How much to separate the room is the best partitions from GLK? The worse other options? The fact is that plasterboard sheets have a number of advantages over other materials.

  • Installation of plasterboard partitions is very easy, since this material is extremely easy to handle.
  • The material is quite easy in itself, which facilitates the device of plasterboard partitions.
  • The installation of plasterboard partitions will require minimal time spending.
  • Due to the cheapness of the material, the device of plasterboard partitions costs relatively cheap. So you can make a plasterboard partition with minimal financial costs.
  • If you think how to make a plasterboard partition as much as possible to the rest of the walls in the house, you can not worry. Plasterboard sheets are practically no different from capital walls.
  • The device of partitions from GLC and GVL allows you to lay all the necessary communications directly through the frame.
  • A variety of niches and designs are well combined with such artificial walls, so the device of partitions from GCL can be called quite flexible.
  • The device of the plasterboard partition creates a much more reliable sound insulation than the usual wall.
  • The device of the partitions from the GLC is the process of non-sharp. Of course, there will create a lot of garbage drying plasterboard or dry-fiber counterparts, but the installation itself does not spread the dirt on the room.

To build a partition with your own hands from drywall, first you need to assemble a metal profile framework. The device of partitions from GCL also allows the construction of a wooden frame, but it is, roughly speaking, last century. Therefore, it is better to put a metal assembly.

Types of profiles for creating a frame

To build a frame necessary for us, simple ceiling profiles do not fit, since the device of partitions from GLC requires more durable mounting. For such structures, special guide profiles are used, which are called Mon or UW. They are of different sizes, but the length of them all is one - three meters. They are used in the same way as ceiling guides.

The rack profiles for partitions are called PS. It is important that the rack profiles have exactly the same width, like guides, otherwise install the frame will not work. It makes no sense to even try to mount such profiles in the apartment together. Unlike guides, rack profiles have a different length - from three to four meters. Other sizes are provided for cases with high ceilings.

It is advisable to choose profiles that differ quite width, but not only if you collect a two-layer trim. Think about it before fixing the framework.

Tools and materials

In order to make the partition, the following will be required.

  • Metal guides profiles
  • Retail metal profiles
  • Tape for strengthening
  • Dowel-nails to secure the hypocrine design
  • Sturred device
  • Two-meter laser or bubble level
  • Plasterboard sheets thick in twelve and a half millimeters
  • A hammer
  • Roulette
  • Stationery knife
  • Screwdriver
  • Perforator
  • Self-tapping screws
  • Self-tapping screws with Pershes-washer
  • Acrylic primer
  • Putty
  • Scissors for metal
  • Spatulas

To calculate the consumption of materials, you can use our calculator:

  • Partition in 1 layer of GLC
  • Partition in 2 layers of GLK

*Attention! All results are approximate - accuracy depends on the material of the walls, states and form of the room

Installation of carcass

Before proceeding with the installation of the frame, you need to make it a scheme yourself in order to have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the device should be the device from GCL. It is done quite easily, you just need to make a carcass tekkart. The technological card must contain all the design parameters. The internal technology drawing technology may differ in all, but it must be present all the important nodes so as not to suffer the device of partitions from GLC.

Next should be marked with wall marking, to visually see what and where to mount. At this stage, the laser level will help us very much, which will allow the walls on the walls and on the floor is a fairly flat drawing so that it can be focused on it during repair. Along the location of the future partition, apply the same lines to the floor, the ceiling and walls that should be in the same plane. When you do it, attach the metal profiles along the lines that form the framework of the frame. Secure them on the wall with the help of self-tapping screws. It is better to use a screwdriver or puncher for this operation.

It is important to remember that the step between the fasteners should be approximately thirty - forty centimeters. It is for these profiles that you need to pay attention to a special wall. Especially on their fastening, since these profiles are as it were for the foundation of the entire frame, which means that they are supporting all the designs and take over the main part of the load from the partition weight.

Next you need to install vertical racks. With their location there is one important nuance. The distance between them directly depends on the width plasterboard Sheet. The fact is that one plasterboard sheet should be located on three rack metal profiles. Two rack profiles are located on the sides plasterboard Sheet, and the third - exactly in the middle. It is very important that two sheets, located nearby, rest on their edges on the same rack profile of the frame. Based on this, you need to determine the distance between them.

The installation of rack profiles can be started from any wall on which the profile performs the functions of the framework of the frame of the frame. From him you need to count on sixty centimeters, half the width plasterboard Sheet. These are those places where the rack profiles must be attached to the ceiling and sexual main profile.

Creating a doorway

For any partition, you need a doorway. You will not completely limit part of the room from yourself? The doorway profiles are experiencing the most intensive load, so it is important to pay special attention to them. You need to install the profiles of the shelf towards the opening. To make the maximum strength and rigidity, you need to insert a wooden bar and consolidate it from the inside with self-draws. The size of the bar, while must fully correspond to the size of the profile, and the attachments of the self-assembly are carried out along the side shelves.

Forms a doorway one cross, which its size determines the height of the future door. For this, the profiles are formed by the opening in the form of the letter P. It must be installed and fasten the legs up. The size of the horizontal rack in this design determines the width of the doorway, which means the width of the door.

If you want to make an army in the doorway, then the form in the form of the letter P is not suitable. Approximately the same design is made, but with the appropriate configuration. You have to bend horizontal rack. To do this, use scissors for metal. With their help, we make cuts on the profile along the entire length. After that, it will easily bend, without losing its strength.

Windows and shelves in the partition

One of the possible non-standard solutions can be the installation of windows into a partition. It is fulfilled. The same principle is used as in the case of a doorway. It is easy to install between the racks horizontal profiles in the size of the window opening. The easiest way to implement this solution is to mount the transverse profiles between adjacent rates, but in this case you are very limited to the size of the window. Standard width will be sixty centimeters. If you want to set a narrower window, you will have to install even vertical horizontal profiles between two horizontal profiles to reduce the width of the opening. To do this, cut the pieces of profiles of the desired size and install them between the diameters. This method will allow you to set as many windows of the desired size, so you have the ability to create a unique design built on small windows.

Installation of the shelves has some technical difficulties, which makes many to give up this venture. Shelves are either built-in or hanging. Hanging shelves set much easier. They are installed in the same way as an ordinary wall, but everything will be more difficult with the built-in shelves. To install them, it is necessary to change the frame structure. The lower part of the partition will have to expand, and it will also be necessary to expand the middle part horizontally. If you have no sufficient tools and time, then you should not try such changes in the design.

Sheaving plasterboard Sheets

The process of plating is quite standard. Plasterboard sheets with self-drawers are attached to the frame on both sides. If there is a need for this, then two layers of plasterboard plaster are installed. In this case, the partition will give an additional advantage in the form of strength, sound insulation and thermal insulation.

Plasterboard sheets will have to cut, and if you did not make any windows and built-in shelves, then the space will need to be left only for the door. Otherwise, you will need to trim the trim so as not to close the opening for the window. This is not a complicated procedure, but it has one nuance. A lot of drywall will go anywhere, since the remnants of the cropped sheets are unlikely to be applied with benefit.

On this, the installation of the interior partition from plasterboard sheets ends. It remains only to put the partition and do designer design. Here you can give the will of your fantasy, or find a favorite style among the examples below.

Some of the above interiors will require not only finishes, but also changes in the structure and design of the partition.

The main task of repairing in apartments and houses is to bring the walls into a normal state. Literally a few decades, almost no one heard about perfectly smooth walls. Aligned, based on the principle of "at least somehow." The position can be corrected by all the rules: remove the old plaster and re-launching the lighthouses. It is reliable and correct, but at the same time is difficult, expensive and long. It is much easier to use dry methods: align the walls with GLC (drywall sheets).

The second task, which is most often solved in the process of repair work, is redevelopment. Old partitions are cleaned, and new ones are mounted in their place. Decorative and interior partitions are also installed using drywall. In this article, we will talk about how to align and install plasterboard walls with your own hands: photo, video.

To begin with, it is worth considering cases when there is a need to align the surface of the available walls. There are several options for fastening plasterboard sheets to the walls:
  1. Based on wooden bars.

It is mounted from jumpers and racks, but attached directly to the wall itself. Too big differences are much more difficult to compensate, you will first have to look for the most speakers on the wall. Then there are two ways: the first - trying to reduce the differences, shining the most protruding places, the second - to focus on them, while making additional bars everywhere.

The main disadvantage of fasteners on wooden bars is that when used is not dry (with a level of humidity above 20 percent), they can "lead" during drying, therefore, the whole design turns. There is also the likelihood of wood destruction by fungi and pests. Despite this, some regions prefer this method as lumber prices are much lower than on profiles.

  1. Installation of sheets on a frame of galvanized profile allows you to get a perfectly smooth surface with any curvature.

Profiles are mounted on special fixators from which the frame is assembled to the facial part of the jumper and the racks lay in the same plane. Since GLKs are at a decent distance from the main wall, between the wall and it can be placed wiring and communications. Another advantage of the frame from the profile is the possibility of laying a sound utor and insulation. A minus of this option - without insulation, he spends well: blows on the walls of the wall, on the sound, similar to the drum.

  1. Installation of plasterboard sheets immediately on the walls.

In other words, installing GLCs on glue. Use "liquid nails" or special mixtures. This method is available if the wall plane is relatively smooth, with minor drops of 2-3 centimeters. A glue is applied to the surface of the wall or sheet (heuchms, if there are drops, and stripes, if the walls are smooth), then the sheet is mounted in place, it is set to the help of the level, is fixed with the backups and wedges.

The last technology is landing drywall on glue, the fastest, however, and it has drawbacks. Not everywhere under the sheets there are glue, so it is quite problematic to hang cabinets on this wall. If you have previously planned to mount something to the wall, install a mortgage bar, as an additional lighthouse when placing a level or put a solid layer of glue. Then the problem will be solved.

Another minus is small drops, the surface is not perfectly smooth (a difference of 2-3 millimeters). Between the "pieces" glue GLCs a little bent. However, this method is great for rapidly alignment of the walls.

Fastening to the frame, plasterboard walls do it yourself: photo, video

So, when sticking a sheet on the wall, no fasteners are required, it will mostly work on a metal frame. Passed fasteners to wooden exactly the same, simply used special tapes for wood.

Purpose of plasterboard sheets and their size

A few words about how to put GLK on the walls and what sizes they are. Standard sizes are: height - 2.5 and 3 meters, width is always 1.2 meters. Sometimes there are "non-standard", a little less than the length. With small sheets, it is much easier to work, but more seams are obtained that you need to close. Glk thickness:

  • 6 mm and 9 mm - designed for curvilinear surfaces.
  • 12.5 mm - Universal material for ceiling and walls.

It is often said that the nine-millionth sheets are ceiling. But there are no such recommendations for manufacturers of such recommendations. Any manufacturer positions thin sheets, such as used to finish uneven surfaces.

Over the entire length of the edges of the sheet, there are vessels that are necessary in order to glue the reinforcing tape and close with putty. It is the party on which there is a SCOS is facial. It should be deployed inside the room.

How to stick lists

If there is a need to poison drywall sheets in height, try to place the joints so as not to form a long line, they are laid with a shift or a rotor, it is desirable that the displacement does not exceed 60 centimeters. Long junctions are cracked places. Shooting seams, almost one hundred percent probability, you get rid of cracks.

If the wall is trimmed by several layers of the drywall, in which case the vertical seams are shifted. From above, the sheet should be installed with a shear half of the width (60 centimeters).

Rules for mounting a wall of plasterboard with their own hands: photo, video

When mounting, drywall sheets pressed to the frame and fasten with special self-tapping screws with flat hats and screwdrivers. If the metal frame is used TN25 screws (25x3.5 millimeters), in stores they are called "for drywall". Color - white or black (it breaks more often), length - 25 millimeters. For a wooden frame, a close-headed screw with a flat head is selected.

It is very important when installing fasteners to spin the screws on the desired depth: the hat should be dried in a sheet, while not breaking the cardboard, it also needs to be twisted perpendicular to the sheet plane, so you reduce the likelihood of damaging the cardboard layer responsible for rigidity.

When assembling the frame on a solid wall, the gaps between the racks should not exceed 60 centimeters. Then it turns out that each plasterboard sheet is attached to three verticals: one in the middle of the profile and two in its edges. At the same time, the border of the sheet falls on the middle of the profile.

Having made an indentation from the edge of 10-12 millimeters, screws screws. They can be shifted or installed above one one. Installation step - 250-300 millimeters. Muffed through the middle profile and around the perimeter.

Another much important point is the height of the installed sheet, it should be shorter from the floor to the ceiling for 10-12 millimeters. Such a gap is required to be left in case of shrinkage so that the partition or the wall has the ability to compensate for the change of height without cracks (especially this is true for panel and wooden houses). Perhaps these are all the main points of work with plasterboard.

Partition for a wall of plasterboard with their own hands: Photo, video

It is a bit more complicated to install the partition, so we describe the process of step by step.
  1. Marking.

First it is necessary to place a place for the partition. It is easiest to do this with a laser level (laser plane builder). This direct is applied to the ceiling, gender and walls. If there is no laser level, you will have to use a plumb and construction level (high quality). Then, with the help of the level, transfer it to the wall. If on the walls of both lines vertical, connecting direct should be located strictly over the line on the floor, this is checked using a plumb. It is necessary to achieve the most perfect coincidence, since the quality of work depends on this.

  1. Collection of frame.

On the planned line on the ceiling and the semi are mounted guide profiles. They have a marking of Mon or UW-profile carrier. Most often are attached to dowels - 6 * 60 or 6 * 40 millimeters, the distance between the dowels is not more than 40 centimeters.

Mon-profile has a standard height of the walls (depth) - 40 millimeters, but can be a different width of 100 mm, 75 mm or 50 mm. From the width of the carrier profile will depend on which thickness of the sound insulation material or the insulation can be laid there, as well as the thickness of the partition.

Racks are installed in the guide profiles. They are labeled PS or CW - rack profile. From the guide it is distinguished by the presence of additional shelves on the walls. These shelves increase the carrying ability, make it more hard. The width of the rack profile depends on the width of the carrier, they must be identical. It is between them that the insulation is established.

Racks to guides are attached in several ways. The first is used mainly by professional builders. They work the rod - a tool that bends and breaks on the side of the metal, fastens two details. Lovers during independent repair work with GLCs are attached to "flea" ("seeds", "bugs") - these are small screws with a screw at the bottom (Tex 9.5). They themselves drill metal, speeding up the assembly process (the holes do not need to sew). On each side, the rack is fixed with two self-draws.

An important point, if you put a partition on the first floor or in a high-rise building, then instead of the ceiling guide and the counter of the rack, apply a special film or some other material that will prevent the appearance of the screens. During walking, there is a oscillation that transmitted profiles, as a result, the profile will rub, and creak appears. In the second option, you need to make a rack for one centimeter in short. It is more correct, since the shrinkage of the house is provided, and there are no annoying sounds.

The next step is to install the grid (no more than 60 centimeters). The distance is due to the width of the plasterboard sheet, which is usually equal to 120 centimeters. As mentioned earlier, it turns out that the sheet is attached to three racks, so there should be 60 centimeters between verticals. If the lapse is more than 60 cm, but less sheet width, between them also put a vertical profile or in this section of the sheet will fade and stagger. Another important point is that the first rack must be attached to the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe extreme profile, because the distance must be a bit less than 57.5 centimeters.

The profile to which you will be attached to windows and doors, it is desirable to strengthen. It is easiest to do this with a wooden bar of the appropriate size. It is fastened with self-draws inside the profile. So that the bar does not twist, it is necessary to use only dry wood. After the racks are exhibited and secured, with the help of jumpers, the designs give stiffness.

Jumpers are pieces of rack profiles that are installed horizontally. As a rule, the jumpers are placed at the height of the docking of two sheets, they must be fixed. Otherwise, with a pitch from 60 to 80 centimeters. If the wall is small, put 80 cm, if small, is enough 60 cm. It is worth noting that the crossbars above the doors are a prerequisite when the HCL is trimmed. They are also desirable to strengthen wooden bars.

  1. Gasket of communications, plasterboard walls with their own hands: photo, video.

After installing all the crossing, you can begin to lay wiring and communications. It is desirable to install all electrical wires in the corrugation. If the partition is mounted on a wooden frame or in a wooden house, it must be made of metal. In houses / apartments from non-combustible materials, in plasterboard walls on a galvanized frame, the use of polypropylene corrugations from non-combustible material (marked "NG") is allowed.

  1. Sheathing heat / soundproofing and plasterboard.

After laying communications, plasterboard sheets begin to mount. They are set exactly as during the trim. At first, on the one hand, then a soundproofer or insulation is installed on the other side of the frames (profiles). Next, the wall is sewn down from the other side. For partitions and walls use the usual insulation.

  • Polystyrene foam. One of the varieties of foam. It is characterized by the cells of the closed form, thereby possesses the best characteristics: fungi do not develop, they do not like rodents, it exits the sound well and has excellent thermal insulation properties, more dense. It can be installed in retire and easily cuts with a hacksaw. Does not support combustion. Minus - high price.
  • Styrofoam. To obtain excellent characteristics on heat and sound insulation of the flowered layer in 6-7 centimeters (density from 35 kg / m3). It does not spend the sound well, keeps warm well, easily mounted and has a low cost. The disadvantages are the fact that during burning it highlights hazardous substances and it loves rodents.
  • Mineral wools. This is a stone wool (basalt it's best), slag or glass gamble. Basalt is environmentally friendly, since they do not contain formaldehyde. It is enough to work with them, it's easy to keep the velocus, it is easy to cut, they are less afraid of moisture, when installing does not need tools for the protection of respiratory tract and skin. Their minus is high cost. The most affordable option from these insulation is slag, the glass gambles are the average price, and, of course, the stone is the most expensive.

In principle, you can use any other insulation, but the above are considered the most effective.

How to cut plasterboard?

Saving walls with plasterboard sheets, you will have to cut sheets, because you can not always install them entirely. This will require a stationery knife, a long smooth subject (rule, level, bar, board, line, and the like) and wooden bar. When cutting out curved lines, the electrolybiz may be needed, but there will be a lot of dust. Sequencing:

  • On the front side, we carry out a pencil line for which the sheet needs to be cropped.
  • Bending a broken piece and cut the remaining cardboard.
Everything really is simple, the main thing is to place correctly, there will be no problems on any problems.

Walls from drywall do it yourself: photos, video tutorials

Unfortunately, not all the features of this process can be described, some better see with their own eyes. Therefore, we picked up a video that relate to the assembly features of working with plasterboard. Most often, the video presented refers to the frame assembly from profiles. As this is indeed one of the most labor-intensive works, and on how correctly the framework will be formed, it depends on how even the partition and wall will be.

How to strengthen the racks in the partition?

This is a non-standard way to assemble the frame, but the racks are really rigid. This method must be used if you build a full-fledged partition between the rooms from the GCC, in this case the gain is definitely not excess. The minus is that it will take much more time, and the price of such a frame is higher.

Which profile is better: corrugated or smooth?

There are various profile models on the market, including with rough sidewalls and walls. With the same metal thickness, it is tougher. As far as he is good in practice, look at the video.