Repairs Design Furniture

Curtains on a small balcony. What are the curtains for loggia and balconies. Curtains for balcony

The curtains on the balcony do-it-yourself professionals consider special types of decor. To get a beautiful and cozy balcony, you need to take into account several important details. Rolled curtains on the balcony are suitable in cases where the balcony is located on the sunny side. If the room is located on the dark side, you can sew curtains to a balcony from a transparent organza.

Interesting detector ideas for balcony

Consider several variants of the porter that are suitable for the design of windows on the balcony. Roman curtains or rolled structures can be hung on the balcony not in all cases.

Tip! When selecting curtains on your balcony, consider the purpose of the room, as well as the type of glazing.

Using blinds

You can hang such curtains on the balcony, fixing them on the window door itself or on the wall. If you wish, you can choose such structures that suggest the decoration of each window opening separately. Such lamellas can be adjusted by controlling the degree of illumination of the room.

If you hang such curtains, you can not be afraid of sudden temperature drops. Among the positive characteristics of the blinds offered by modern producers, we will also note their long operational period.

Attention! Among the main shortcomings of modern lamellae, we highlight the noise during ventilation, as well as problems with the full opening of the window sash.

Roll curtains

Such curtains on the balcony are made of fabric. In order to open a similar design, it is placed in an additional box, or roll. The canvas are fixed separately on each window sash. Rolled curtains are good because they have increased resistance to atmospheric precipitation, do not accumulate dust, do not change their original color during operation.

Plastic, aluminum, wooden options for roll structures - the optimal option for decorating windows on the balcony. Such curtains on the balcony do not need special additional care, sometimes they can sometimes wipe them with a wet cloth.

Tip! When selecting the material from which rolled curtains will be made, do not forget to take into account the overall interior design of the apartment.

Roman curtains

Similar option for window openings is suitable for luxurious loggias. Such curtains stitched with their own hands, with a neat assembly, form beautiful and smooth folds. Manufacturers of finished designs offer options with manual and automatic control. Romanesque Curtains will be able to hang any hostess, spending a minimum of physical effort. Roman curtains are perfectly combined with light tulle. When choosing them, you can significantly save space on the balcony.

In order to find out what best to choose the options for curtains for windows on the balcony, find ready-made options, carefully examine the proposed video fragment

Tip! Romanesque curtains can be made with their own hands, saving money resources significantly.

Option curtain on loggia

Let's analyze some of the novelties offered by interior specialists for decorating windows in such a room. To begin with, we will highlight the main types of fabrics that are optimal for use in balconies and loggias. In the presence of a spacious room, you can use a battle, tumul, silk, brine, curtain, organza.

If the balcony room is combined with a room, in this case, you can choose the cores as the main interior item.

For a loggia, which is in the dark, a special design of the window is necessary. Professionals recommend chosen for windows lightweight, transparent materials that have a large and openwork pattern.

Tip! Pick up such a cloth that can be easily wrapped.

Space adjustment option

For those owners of the property, which are planning to visually adjust the size of the loggia or balcony, interior professionals recommend choosing the curtains of the pastel gamma. Such colors are ideal for decorating window openings on the balcony or loggia.

Last year, the leading position in the world of interior art belonged to the loft. This style is considered to be an industrial direction, which assumes a sharp, rough version of the windows.

Tip! With proper processing, you can combine elegant curtains with this coarse interior style.

If the designer project involves combining the room with a loggia space in the style of "Loft", in this case you need to choose contrasting transitions for the curtain.

In the case of a standard loggia finish, you can choose a modern chart with bright photo printing. It is the curtains for the loggia and balcony, according to the interior professionals, became a fashion trend of last season.

For spacious loggia professionals advise to select bright types of porter for window design.

How to make curtains for the balcony do it yourself

If you wish, you can make Roman curtains for the loggia on their own. On numerous design sites, you can pick up unusual and classic versions of such curtains, based on their own fashion masterpiece.

Among the demanded design options, two types are distinguished. Single models are suitable for translucent or transparent tissues having unusual drawings. Even novice hostesses will be able to make them. Double Roman curtains sew for those loggias that are located on the sunny side.

When choosing a color of the curtains for its loggias and balconies, professionals recommend the owners of urban real estate to be guided by their own taste preferences. With the help of Romanesque curtains, you can decorate any, imperceptibly fasten the manufactured construction.

Tip! For fixing it is better to choose a window frame or a wall above the window.

In order to get the desired result, not only to protect the loggia and the room from scoring sunlight, but also to make home comfort and harmony space, we offer some useful tips offered by professional decorators.

First you need to carry out measurements of the window opening. Next, you need to strike the fabric that will be used to sewing the curtains. After drying, stroking the fabric, you can proceed to the selection of the model. If your plans enters the tailoring of the Roman porter, you need to decide on the number of folds that will be made on the curtains.

First, on the inside of the curtain, you need to accurately accumulate folds, then start crossing. To the finished tissue design you need to navigate the bar, insert a special weight loss to the cutter.


In order to pick up beautiful and comfortable curtains for his balcony or logizia, you need to carefully examine all the options offered by professionals, and only after that begin to implement the planned plans.

Loggia in a modern apartment often plays the role of an extra room. In addition to small sizes, it is distinguished by spacious windows, almost completely replacement walls. Decorating such window designs The task is quite difficult. Therefore, we collected for you a selection of photos with the ideas of the curtain design for the loggia in various styles.

What is useful to know when choosing a curtain for loggia

The windows on the loggia differ from the usual. First, they are much more. Secondly, they consist of a large number of sash. Thirdly, the illumination of not only the loggia itself depends on them, but also the room adjacent to it.

Based on the above, when choosing a curtain for a loggia or a built-in balcony, it is advisable to consider the following nuances:

  1. 1 on the loggia, especially if it is connected to the kitchen, it is important to provide free access to the windows.
  2. 2 Preference is better to give models that are mounted directly on the sash. They do not "eat" and without that small space and make it possible to fully exploit all the elements of the window structure.
  3. 3 Width of the loggia in typical apartments does not exceed 120 cm and does not allow to decorate its interior, including windows with a scope and pomp. They are relevant curtains without excesses in the form of frills, ruffles and lambrequins.
  4. 4 window openings overlooking the north side, it is better to decorate the curtains of warm shades. If the windows look at the south and most of the day the loggia is heated, choose the curtains of the cold tones.
  5. 5 curtains on the loggia and in the adjacent room should be in one color scheme and combined in style. It is desirable that they were the lighter for the loggia that in the room located behind it.

The most popular models of the curtains for decorating loggias and built-in balconies are shown in the photo below.


Due to the minimalist design, high level of light absorption and attachment capabilities directly on the sash, are ideal for non-standard windows.

I wonder the rolled curtains on the strings that you can easily sew yourself.

Recently, their new variety is especially popular - made of fabric with transparent and opaque stripes. Alternating or combining strip, you can adjust the level of illumination in the room.


Making the loggia, choose horizontal models. Unlike vertical structures, they are as well as rolled and roman curtains fixed directly on the sash. This installation completely eliminates the problems with opening and closing windows.

It is convenient and that in the interior they are often combined with curtains and curtains. Such a combination allows you to solve the problem of compatibility of the interiors of the loggia and the adjacent room with it.


In the closed position, fit to the window and occupy a minimum of space. In the open - lifted up and resemble elegant drapery.

Such duality, as well as a wide selection of materials for their manufacture, allows them to use them for any interior styles.

It is easy to combine with other types of curtains and successfully reorganize the loggia, combined with the room.

Curtains and Gardins

Curtains or curtains from monophonic, light cloth weeds are suitable for loggias with glazing to the floor.

Curtains are dense, almost non-transmitting lights curtains are suitable only for loggias overlooking the south side. On the north windows it is better to hang translucent curtains.


And finally, I would like to note bamboo curtains that differ from other types of curtains are not design, but the material of manufacture.

Most often they are Roman and rolled. For loggia, bamboo curtains are good in that we gently scatter the sun's rays and create a comfortable lighting. In addition, they pass the air even in a closed state and do not interfere with the natural ventilation of the room.

Loggia, perhaps, the only residential premises in an apartment that can do without a curtain, but it is still not necessary to refuse them. After all, with the curtains, it will turn into a full room and becomes a place where you can comfortably relax from the daily bustle.

The warmed and glazed balcony visually increases the space of the room, makes it possible to be on the balcony at any time of the year and allows you to be closer to nature. No matter how beautiful it is inside the room, the beautiful interior of the balcony attracts first. For complete comfort, details are needed in design. Therefore, use various types of curtains for the balcony.

It is the curtains that make a room more attractive, the balcony is protected from prying eyes, as well as protected from too much sunlight.

Curtain selection rules

Balconies are of different sizes and non-standard forms, as well as it is important to be their window processes, layouts, sizes. Therefore, to choose the curtains to such windows - the task is not from the lungs.

There are several rules for choosing a curtain to a balcony:

  • When buying Gardin to the balcony, it is worth paying attention to what the windows come out of the parties. The windows that go south will appropriate to arrange dense curtains. If the windows come to the north, it will be appropriate to decorate them with light translucent curtains.
  • In any of the rooms, you can choose absolutely any curtains, but curtains on the balcony, you should pay attention to the volume and dimensions of Gardin's data, because in this room there is every centimeter.
  • It is not often possible to find suitable curtains on the balcony in size, volume, beauty. In this case, the curtains will be more logical. It will be something more expensive than ordinary curtains, but the master will do everything to your taste and wishes so that your curtains are the most beautiful and pleased with you and your guests.

It is important to remember how beautiful your curtains would have been, they should not close the entrance to the balcony and not be a barrier to the window.

It should also be noted that in addition to beauty, the curtains must protect against prying eyes and excessive sunlight. It is necessary to consider when choosing a curtain on the balcony.


Types of curtains on a balcony and loggia

There are many varieties of curtains on the balcony. It can be conventional curtains from mounted conventional fabric, dense curtains in several layers, blinds and curtains. Now we will look at the most common types of Gardin on the balcony.

Already the name of the data curtains speaks by itself, about their origin. Ancient Rome was born such a kind as drapying. In so type of curtains, they are raised up with smooth horizontal folds, something similar to ship sails. The canvas can be made of synthetic and natural tissue, it is attached to the eaves.

Bottom attached plank counterweight. The fabric itself is divided into several tapes. Rings are attached to these ribbons through which cords for lifting and lowering the Roman curtains are fought. With a raised state, they do not interfere with free access to the window.

Pluses of Roman curtains:

  • High price;
  • Small fabric consumption;
  • Simple mount to the ceiling under different types of glazing;
  • Combination with sliding classic curtains;
  • Universality.

This type of curtains that can displaced along the window without obstacles. Planks that can be attached from below and from above, give the curtains evenness and smoothness. They can be collected both in different directions and one.

Pros of Japanese curtains:

  • Many color solutions;
  • Ease of care;
  • Compactness;

Such curtains are the most simple and easy-to-use windows on the balcony. The fabric of such headsets is wound on the shaft, in the upper and lower parts of the window.

The main feature of such curtains is the absence of a cassette in which curtains collect.

Pluses of rolled curtains:

  • The smallest number of parts that may be broken;
  • Ease of installation;
  • Easy to maintain.

This type of curtains is universal. Such curtains can be applied to any interior in the loggia. Classic curtains give great opportunities for the originality of the design of the balcony window, you can use any fabric, texture, shades, combine different furniture.


If your classic style balcony, then the asymmetric type curtains are suitable on the chalks. It is such an asymmetry that will give some acute to traditional interior design, and the fastening method will not give obstacles to using the balcony. Asymmetric curtains are an unusual design element.


But in the case of their proper selection, they will change the interior of the whole room significantly. The possibility of such curtains is the different length of the panel. The right side of the curtain is shorter, and the left side is longer. You can vice versa.


The material of such curtains is Silk. Along the entire length, they have been laid many times. With the help of such a cord, the curtains are fixed at this height or are collected from the very edge of the cornice. Very often they are made from light organza, batista, tulle, silk, veils and reinfection space.


Such curtains have long been well known to everyone. They can be applied to the loggia and a balcony of a short or long length and combine with Tyul or just leave one tulle.

The main advantage of such curtains is the low price and the appearance of the material and the ability to hang them yourself.

Such curtains can be beautiful and easy to drag. The main minus is that such curtains need to be constantly erased and stroking, and also relates to them very carefully.

If the output to your balcony is located in the hall, curtained or glazed, in this case the window can only be decorated with a tulle from a veil or light organza.

On such a window does not suit the canvas dense curtains, and it doesn't make sense to divide them into two parts, as they will look very inappropriate on the window.

Molding under such curtains most often choose metal or plastic recordings. This is done in order to need to open the door to all power, it will not be difficult and tulle will not be damaged.

It is important that the shade of the curtains approached the interior of the room itself. The snow-white shade is completely optional in such cases.

Fashionable thing and innovation in 2017 - dense curtains or cheese. This kind of curtain is rather unusual and looks original and interesting. These are thin and flowing threads that make an extraordinary game of light in the room. You can make your window as a monophonic and connect. more than two shades. In addition to ordinary flowing threads, beads, flowers or many other decorative elements can be combined.

Such curtains are very practical, because you will not deliver inconvenience to the balcony.

Video on how to care for the filament curtains:

Curtains blinds

Such curtains are modern, do not occupy a lot of space and very convenient to use. They differ from other types of curtains by the fact that they are durable, practical, easy to care, and also have a wide selection of colors.

Blinds are divided into two types:

  1. Vertical. They consist of synthetic or natural strips. Fixed on the ceiling, but you can also on the window opening. Regulated the degree of illumination with light. In such models there is a movement mechanism. With such a blind mechanism, you can move in different directions that you need before opening the window.
  2. Horizontal. Such curtains are made from a thin panel of wood, plastic, metal or dense fabric. Their location is horizontal. They can be pure and white and multicolored, with a glossy surface and matte, with patterns, drawings, photopropritations. When rotating strips changes the light flow.



This kind of curtains made of tissue canvas, which has already passed special processing and packed in a box of aluminum or plastic. Such curtains are tightly adjacent to the window. The mechanism of their attachment is special.

Rolled curtains are collected in the roller-chain mechanism, which is why the material of such curtains is always perfectly smooth. They are made of natural and artificial materials.

The main disadvantage of such curtains is their price. But it is always justified by their quality, durability and ease of use.


Such curtains are translucent or transparent, miss the light, make it scattered, soft. They can be secured by semi-rotated and thereby free space for the windowsill. More often the types of such curtains are very uncomfortable in use, but the loggia will be appropriate.

Today, the balcony becomes not just a warehouse in an apartment or at home, and sometimes takes on the function of a separate room: a cabinet, a gym or recreation area, a continuation of the kitchen or zone for children. In any case, you need to hang curtains to the balcony to save the coziness, set the eaves or other design with the curtains on the balcony door or the one that leads to the loggia.

It is important to provide convenient access to the balcony or to open windows so as not to damage the curtains and create a homely cozy atmosphere.


Fabric or nonwoven curtains become an important decorative element of the balcony, but this role is not the only one:

  • First of all, the curtains protect guests from sunlight and bright rays, from the views of neighbors and passersby if the apartment is at a low floor.
  • Curtains as decor should be chosen if the balcony has a size of more than 5-6 square meters and is used often. If the loggia is used to store things, but set them all the same, give preference to simple and functional models that will not pass bright sun rays and will protect people from a prying view.
  • Often balcony curtains or those used in the room have a total color gamut to create a single interior. But this is just a recommendation to facilitate the choice.


  • The windows on the balcony often have non-standard dimensions, which may complicate the search for curtains suitable by parameters. To solve this task, you can order curtains to order: it can do a little more expensive, but you will get the desired result and the most functional design for each window opening.
  • Balcony curtains should not be too voluminous or have a lot of decor; Similar fabrics are better to choose for a living room or room. An exception will be a spacious balcony where guests are gathering or a family almost daily or several times a month.
  • If the side of the balcony is southern, that is, solar, it is worth staying on dense tissues of bright or dark shades, which will curtail the curtains when necessary. For the northern side, designers recommend using tulle, blinds only bright shades in order not to darken the space.

  • The curtains are hanging in glazed loggias or on the balcony door, and they are selected based on the interior of the room (living room, kitchen, bedroom, children) or selected separately.
  • Depending on the balcony, the length of the curtains is selected: for a small balcony it is worth choosing short-lived curtains, tulle or blinds, so as not to clutter the room, and long curtains from light fabrics will be looked in a large square of the balcony.

The balcony design also affects the choice of curtains: if you are planning to pick up the model of the curtains for the gym or workshop, choose the most simple kind of blinds or Roman curtains. For a balcony-living room or dining area, you can choose curtains like french.


The most popular type of curtains for the balcony - rolled models, the design of which is a roll with the material, the movement of the hand is lowered down or rises upstairs.

Classic curtains will become a worthy choice for a spacious insulated loggia. Fissure curtains are installed on the cornice, which will require additional work and will be appropriate on the balcony with an area of \u200b\u200b6 squares.

There are models with a fastening on velcro or those that are selected due to the additional velcro belt.

Tulle will be appropriate on the balcony or kitchen with a balcony door.

Such curtains can be used as an independent decor element and in the block with curtains.

Roman curtains are dense vertical elements, rather memorizing the combination of blinds and ship sails. A similar type of curtains for the window opens up due to a special fastening.

As a basis in Roman models, it takes a dense more often natural fabric, and the materials of flax, dense cotton look especially interesting.

The curtains of the rising sun, or Japanese models are the elongated stripes of their PVC or other synthetic material length until the middle of the window and below, which are ideal for the loggia. Japanese models are distinguished by high quality and density, they are unlikely to spoil the scoring sun, and they will especially become relevant in the Asian interior or a balcony in modern style, Loft, High-tech.

The French curtains are famous for light textures, they often produce them from silk, but you can fantasize and choose a model from any flowing material.

It is important that they have laces to adjust and have been seized.

The lambrequin in the kitchen with a balcony door will be not only a decor of the room, but also a functional thing. A similar model is worth choosing for large kitchen rooms from 10 square meters, otherwise the design will visually make it even less.


An alternative will be the choice of translucent light-colored curtains in length in the floor or slightly shorter.

Roller reminiscent resemble Roman counterparts, fasten the windows on top and sink vertically due to the lace.

An interesting model will be the "Day-Night", during the daytime they have lumens, they also close completely and do not miss light from street lamps.

How to choose

Regardless of the selected model, there are several rules that must work after installing a cornice with curtains or any other design.

  • Curtains in the kitchen with a balcony door should not prevent the free opening of the door, choose the curtains are not solid, and consisting of two parts to provide free access to the balcony and not too long.
  • Choose the curtain material on the basis of external conditions: if they are hanging on the loggia on the south side with a bright scorching sun, then choose the materials of synthetic origin resistant to UV rays.
  • Natural fabrics will be appropriate on the balcony on the north side of the apartment, give preference to light shades to visually make the space lighter.

  • For a modern small loggia, choose Japanese, rolled or roman curtains that are convenient for their opening and occupy the minimum amount of space. They will be appropriate for sliding windows, this will require a separate element for each window so that the curtains easily function.

  • For the French window, choose the light curtains in the floor, which will make the interior harmonious and concise. For the design of the spacious premises will be appropriate lambrenes, and for small - Roman, rolled or Japanese models.
  • Curtains for the hall are traditionally luxurious and long, consisting of several layers: curtains and tulle. In this case, the decor of the balcony with curtains becomes inappropriate if the room is small. An alternative solution will be the use of concise structures like Roman models or rolled products.


Successful idea will be the installation of blinds on the balcony and the choice of traditional curtains in the kitchen.

Multicolored blinds will become a "highlight" of a balcony with panoramic windows.

Light translucent curtains are well suited for modest in the size of the kitchen, and the cords on the curtains allow them to fasten them in the right position and make an output to the balcony free.

The room will look more comfortable if the curtains are in it. With the help of a color and stylistic solution, the curtains are selected completely to any atmosphere at home. Compared to living rooms and other rooms in which tissue curtains pick up, more practical options are chosen to the balcony / loggia.

Features of the selection of curtains

With the purpose of the curtains, not only with decorative purpose, but also could protect you from sunlight, as well as strangers, we recommend that you consider:

How lit room is

What are his dimensions

What colors are decorated

Are there any particular features

Choose dark and dense fabrics for those curtains that will hang in loggias overlooking the west / south. Through white or other bright curtains in the room will come through a lot of air, without absorbing UV rays. If the windows north, the best choice is transparent variants of light curtains. They will allow to skip a lot of light into the room.

If the balcony is planned to decorate heavy curtains, it is important to take into account the first thing its area. After all, if he is six square or less, it is absolutely no need to choose this option here. Choose light fabrics. Thanks to them, the space will look more. For loggias with fairly large dimensions, you can choose beautiful Gardin options. On which there are folds and beautiful garters.

It is important to choose a color scheme, especially when combining a loggia with a room. When evaluating a residential room, as a rule, people make evaluation of balcony spaces. That is why fabrics and their colors should be harmonious with each other, and with a common interior of housing.

When choosing a curtain, you should consider how the window is done. It should be free access. Accordingly, the simplest option is Tulle, which beautifully hides the room from third-party views and interestingly decorate the window.


Today there are many ways to decorate the window on a six-meter loggia. For example, it can be French curtains from silk, which look like a cannut of silk. It is moving with a horizontal way. The cords of the fabric fix perfectly at any height that you will need. Perform such products from veil, tulle, organza, baaptist.

To hide from the eyes and the sun, choose Roman curtains. Represented by a dense tissue web, which is equipped with horizontal layouts. When using half transparent material in such models, the rays of the sun, passing through it, will be scattered with soft rays, and the room will be securely hidden from third-party views.

If you need to make it so that an extra place was released for VAZ with flowers, better Roman curtains - not to find anything. After all, they can be raised / lowering on any height. If the loggia that is combined with the dining room / living room, long variants of the Roman curtains that create a special situation in the interior can be hung on the windows.

Rolled curtains are canvas from rigid tissues that are placed in a frame of plastic or aluminum. They produce such products strictly in accordance with the dimensions of the window opening, respectively, they are able to fit perfectly into the window design. To lift the cloth and fix it, you should use specials. Latches that equip such products.

A good version of Japanese curtains that are comfortable to move aside. They are made from velvet, linen, cotton, tapestry fabric. They will not take a lot of space, perfectly decorating opening windows.

Also an excellent version of the decoration of the six-meter loggia is pleated, which makes pleated materials. They are specifically impregnated by specials. Compositions from which dust does not accumulate on surfaces. This allows not too fast to pollute the curtains, compared to other curtains. They are attached to themselves, because there are specials to them. Brackets. These are wonderful options for loggias, combined with kitchens / rooms.

For connoisseurs of classics, we recommend designing windows with high-quality tissue curtains. The texture is selected the most suitable, as well as colors. In this case, the window is not only original decorated, as the curtains hide the room from strangers. Multiple fabrics look interesting, from which the whole hardin is sewn, fixed on the window with curtains, rings, homemade loops.

Accordingly, the curtains for the loggia can be chosen among the widest diversity. It is important to take into account the design of the color, the style of housing, preferences, functionality. Choose dense fabrics to protect the room from sunlight. To decorate space, light tulle is suitable. Perfectly protect against third-party blinds.

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