Repairs Design Furniture

Bathroom in a private house - stylish design and interesting design options (135 photos). Interior Bathroom Country House Design of a large bathroom in a private house

August 15, 2016
Specialization: master of internal and outer decoration (plaster, shtclowing, tile, plasterboard, lining, laminate and so on). In addition, plumbing, heating, electrician, ordinary lining and expansion of balconies. That is, repairs in the apartment or house was turned "turnkey" with all the necessary types of work.

Now we will try to figure out how to equip the bathroom in a private house, I do not offer a specific project - sizes can be different. However, such a room in any case will have common characteristics, as there is a water supply and sewage.

In addition, a ceramic tile will be used in 99% in the plumbing room. I want to tell about it, as well as show the video in this article.

Bathroom arrangement

Stage 1 - Sewerage

As a rule, it should be started not from the water supply, but from the sewage:

  • regardless which the sizes of the bathroom in a private house are, you need to withdraw the sewage to the street, where you need to equip either a cumulative capacity or septic tank;
  • when laying pipes, it is best to avoid straight corners, as it creates a threat. Therefore, if there is a need to rotate 90⁰, then you can use two fittings on 45 ° or three to 30 °;
  • in addition, if the pipeline portion exceeds 5-6m, then it is necessary to install a revision. If there is enough fitting in the house for this, then on the street you will need an observation well;

Table of required slopes

  • when laying a sewage with your own hands, the instruction requires to observe a specific slope, which is listed in the table above;
  • the fact is that an increase or decrease in the slope leads to the fact that hard preciputes will not be frozen - the water will simply leak on them, without flushing from the wall of the pipe;
  • you noticed that there is no 32nd pipes in the table, which is used for dishwashers and washing machines. But in such cases, the stock will be forced, so that, with the technical necessity, construction admits even a small confouction;

  • for a drain, you can, of course, you can do the cesspool, but it is not hygienic, and the smells of it will spread on the estate;
  • therefore, I want to tell how to equip a homemade septicity from concrete rings - it is much cheaper than buying it in the store;
  • the first two tanks that you see on a schematic image serve as coarse filters - heavy particles here just settle on the bottom;
  • the third capacity is already like a fine cleaning filter - but it is best to shut up to the layer of sand - there are no wastewater to disturb you;

  • if we build a septic tank, we should not forget that this is a potentially dangerous object for the environment. In this regard, it must be installed at a certain distance from other objects;
  • these distances are indicated on the schematic image at the top and if you adhere to them, then you will not have any problems with SanEpidemstron or with your neighbors;

  • in addition to the remoteness of the septicity from various objects, you should produce waterproofing each container, and it is best to do it by a reception, in any case, he has the lowest price;
  • if you live in the northern region of Russia, then you will most likely get a question how to insulate the pipes, since in some places the depth of the soil reaches more than two meters;
  • special cylinders from mineral wool, foam and extruded polystyrene foam are sold in stores, but this is quite expensive. I prefer to simply wipe the pipes of mineral (basalt) cotton, and on top to close the insulation to the rubberoid for waterproofing .

When laying pipes in a trench, you should fall asleep its bottom of sand, put the pipeline under the desired slope and fall asleep with sand with a 50-100 mm sand. After that, ridiculously paint the sand with water, and it will immediately sit down (for 20-30 minutes), after which the pipes can be drunk.

Stage 2 - Water pipe

For water intake (if, of course, there is no centralized water pipeline next to your house) you will need a submersible pump for a well or well. The power of such an aggregate will depend on the amount of water consumed in your family, but to approximately imagine volumes, you can use the table below.

Water consumption for an hour different bathrooms

We will assume that you have chosen the pump you need and taking into account the flow rate (dynamic level) to ensure uninterrupted water supply. You will also need to install a pumping station, where the backup tank, sensors and automation will be installed.

It is convenient to do this in a pit that can be equipped in a house or any of the economic buildings. So, you can hide the entire station so that it does not interfere.

Regardless of the distance of the well to the house and its depth, you will have to build an electrical cable for the submersible pump. It is most convenient for splicing to use a terminal box with four outputsHow it is shown on the top photo.

But this is not always possible and sometimes you have to make the connection directly into the trench. To do this, use heat shrinkages - such insulation does not miss moisture and with a calm conscience can be used under the ground.

To connect the pump to the distribution unit, the polyethylene hose with a diameter of 32 mm is uniquely used (some apply metalplastic, but I do not advise this). The size of the backup tank is of great importance - the more its capacity, there will be less than the number of starts and turn off the engine, but for household purposes, you will not need more than 100.

The factory sensor settings provide for the launch of the pump at 2 atmospheres, and its stop is at 3 atmospheres. But if you want to increase this gap, you can put an inclusion by 1.5 atmosphere, and shutdown is 5 atmospheres.

Cross section Depth of welding landing (mm) Heating time (sec) Cooling time (sec)
20 From 14 to 17 5-6 2-3
25 From 15 to 19 6-7 3-4
32 From 16 to 22 8-9 4-5
40 From 18 to 24 12-13 5-6
50 From 20 to 27 18-19 6-7
63 From 24 to 30 24-25 7-8
75 From 26 to 32 30-31 8-9
90 From 29 to 35 40-41 9-10

Depth and time soldering depending on the size

If the heating is used polypropylene pipes up to 90 mm in diameter, then the 20-yd pipe is usually used for water supply. Pay attention to the depth and time of the welding shown in the table above. This is very important, since the insufficient depth and time of excerpt will make a soldering weak, and the bust of these parameters will lead to the influx in the middle of the pipe and the narrowing of its diameter.

All PPR pipes are divided into ordinary - it PN -10. and PN-16. (designed only for cold water) and reinforced - this PN-20. and PN-25. Of course, you can use different markings for cold and hot water pipes when you make repairs in the bathroom.

But the fact is that PN-20 is a universal pipewhich maintains the working pressure of 20 bar, 2 MPa or 20.4kgs / cm2, with a rated temperature of 80⁰c, therefore, it is suitable for both DHW and heating. Personally, I use it, both for cold and hot water - it is very convenient and reliably. Such a pipeline can be hidden under plaster or drywall without any concern.

The principle of fixation of pipes: brown color indicates a wall, gray - shit, red - pipes. White - Suspensions, Cross - Screws

If there is plaster in the bathroom, the pipes are hidden in the shoes, as shown on the top image, as it is possible to build a bath with a beautiful design only with hidden communications. To hold the PPR in the channel they are pressed with perforated belt suspensions. But if you have a plasterboard, then the shtrtoba is not needed, and the pipes can be pressed directly to the wall with the same suspensions.

Stage 3 - Electrician Wiring

I will say right away that there is no such thing as the optimal size for the bathroom - it all depends on the possibilities and desire of the owners. Also, the amount of lighting devices that can be overhead and embedded, wall and ceiling depends on the size.

Of course, the embedded lamps look more beautiful, but for this you need a sufficient height of the room, which will make the suspended ceilings with a depth of 7-10 cm to fit the inside of the cartridge.

If an electric boiler is standing in the bathroom, then the connection is made in a separate wire (the copper is suitable for this, the section 2-2.5 square) and exactly the same wire will be needed for the washing machine of the machine.

Both of these instruments should be protected by automatic switches that are triggered when overloaded or short circuit. If the washing machine is included in the rosette, it is not needed for a boiler - enough machine gun, as the socket starts to melt from weakening the terminals.

Stage 4 - Smooth Walls

The principle of the installation of lighthouses - white color indicates profiles, and blue - threads

We continue to consider the topic as in a private house to make a bathroom, and for laying the tile we need a smooth rough surface - it can be either plasterboard or light-made plaster. On the circuit at the top you see the rules for installing beacons.

They are fixed on a cement-sand solution at a distance that at least 15-20 cm less than the length of the construction rule that you will use at the moment. Capron threads are tensioned diagonally and horizontally so that they do not touch the profile ridge (distance 0.5-1 mm).

The same principle can be used to set the beacons to the floor, under the tie, as well as the frame from the CD profiles under drywall, only here the step will be 40 cm - 4 CDs per sheet. Under the tile in the bathroom use moisture-resistant sheets (G Clac - they have a green color), although, in the extreme case, the walls (GLCS) can be used.

After installing plaster beacons, it is possible to start the next day. The main thing is to grab the cement-sandy solution, but not earlier, otherwise you will eat profiles by rule.

The mixture is thrown by a trowel or a spatula between the two lighthouses and then tighten it from the bottom up, cut off excess. But after the passage there will be holes and furrows, which immediately need to be embedded and undergoing the rule again, until the surface becomes smooth. Such passes can be 5, and 10, but the better you see the sand for the solution, the smaller the amount will be.

Some wizards do not consider it necessary to pelt the surface under the tile after it is plastered, but I think it is wrong. After turning the cooler or half the world, it becomes smooth and convenient for further finishes.

The grout usually makes the next day or after 4-5 hours - when any irregularities occur from the floor, a shuffled solution is selected, slightly wet and close the errors. You do not need to wait long for laying a tile - you can install it immediately after the grout, but for the screed you need to wait 5-6 days so that it can be walking.

In the case of plasterboard, everything is somewhat easier and faster, since there are no "wet" works, but there are problems with hanging cabinets, mirrors, boiler or the same sink. Therefore, to create a solid base, you can use boards or OSP, as shown on the top photo.

Wood is fixed flush with profiles and you can twist fasteners. But for the boiler, because of its large mass you need a more reliable fastening, so the board is screwed directly to the wall with anchor bolts, but necessarily flush with profiles.

Stage 5 - wall decoration, floor and ceiling

When choosing a ceramic tile, you should check its quality and this is not only an appearance, but also the quality of the plane. That is, the tile must be perfectly smooth.

To verify these parameters, you need to press two tiles to each other by facial surfaces - if you find the clearance of more than 1 mm, then you are defective products. When laying such a tile will be "teeth" - the edges will perform, or it will turn out to be convex, which is also not quite beautiful.

In addition, diagonal can be shot down by the tile. To check - apply two copies of the same surfaces with the same surfaces, put them with an end to a flat surface (for example, on the table) and check the height of the angles.

If you have noticed the discrepancy at least 1 mm, then this means that the diagonal is shot down and you will have to play crossbars when installing - seam will not be very smooth. Of course, such errors hide the grout very well, but people have different and a millimeter failure for some may be a real problem.

Ceramic tiles are put on the "Wizard" or "Ceresit CM 11" tile glue and for this convenient to use a comb spatula with a depth of 10 mm (after installation, the layer is compressed to 5-6 mm). It is best to start from the second row, having calculated it so that the top row is uncircumciated - so much more beautiful.

But the lower row is best installed after you are offered the floor - cut slices will block the edges of the floor, especially since there can be a special plastic corner or plinth.

I want to say that the projects of bathrooms in a private house, as in the apartment, allow the installation of ceramic tiles to the ceiling. To do this, the drywall is best used as a draft surface, as on top photography.

Of course, there will be a big load here, so the CD profiles are best set no 40 cm, but after 30 cm, that is, 5 pieces per sheet. Such a structure fully copes with a load from ceramics and glue, which is proven by my many years of experience.

The stamps of the seams can be done immediately after you remove the spacer cross, and it is made with a special soft rubber spatula, as shown on the top photo. After the shutter, spend on the seam with your finger - the mixture is slightly drowned, and the seam will look smooth and beautiful. When you make a grout, then you should wipe the tile in 20-30 minutes - otherwise the solution will freeze and remove it will be extremely difficult.

The ceiling can be simply covered by overlaps, but you can also make it suspended to apply embedded. Suspended ceilings can be made of drywall, PVC panels or rails, as on top image. In addition, tension ceilings from PVC (matte, semi-wave or glossy) will look at the bathroom in combination with the tile.

Stage 6 - installation of sanitary nodes

The toilet should be selected by the type of release, and this is directly related to how you failed the fanker - from the wall or from the floor, at a right angle or density. To connect, you can use a plastic (PVC) corner or corrugation.

It will depend on your desire, but the corrugation fits more for oblique releases. If you laid a ceramic tile on the floor, you should not install the toilet earlier than 5-6 days - When the solution is fresh, then the tile can crack or the dowel simply will not keep, as it will be absent.

The toilet is best installed on silicone - first, the sand can fall under the sole, and it will creak and, secondly, the sole itself may be uneven and it will be fused.

To do this, put the toilet to the original position, to circle the base with the marker, as well as mark the holes for the toilet dowels. After that, displacing the toilet to the side, apply silicone from the indoor edge, and drill holes under the dowel.

Be careful when tightening the toilet bolts - you can overcertay them, and then the ceramics cracks.

It makes no sense separately to describe the installation of each plumbing node - this is done quite simple. I just want to say that in cases where the bath is made of acrylic, it is best to install it on bricks, and not on her native legs - so it will be most stable. To create stiffness, you should inflate foam on bricks, install the bath on them and score in it, so that the foam does not move it from the spot.

A few more words about installing the shower room - although it is not stated in the instructions from the manufacturer, it must be installed on silicone. That is, silicone is flashed between the wall and the pallet, between the wall and vertical guides of the frame for doors, as well as between the pallet and the lower arc salazzo, as shown in the photo at the top. Such precautions allow you to avoid leaks.


In fact, such sanitary nodes in the private sector provide for a huge number of options, as there is a space for activity - the premises are usually large enough. Perhaps you have some kind of interesting design option - write about it in the comments.

August 15, 2016.

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There were already those times when people could do in the house without amenities and arranged them on the street. Now it does not matter, this is a house outside the city or within the city or is an urban apartment, each dwelling today is equipped with a bathroom.

Planning the future house, a lot of attention is paid to these premises, because by making it right once, in the future you can only enjoy the visit to this room. When the bathroom layout is planned, it is necessary to rely on the size of the future room allocated for it.

In a private house, such a room can be done quite large so that it can be easily able to make a bath complex or a small SPA zone. It opens a huge selection of options and can be installed with the selection of style or the convenience of alignment of plumbing, as it likes to like the owners of the house.

For the bathroom did not deliver unforeseen hassle in the future, first of all, it is necessary to think about its location. If there are additional floors in the house, it is better to make a room of hygiene on each of them. It will be convenient to families with young children and if there are people with disabilities in the family.

It is better to have such a room closer to the kitchen, in which there is already a vent. This will help save on an additional discharge. Having arranged the bathroom on the upper floors, you need to provide such a place where it will not be above the residential premises.

It will be good to make a window in the room - this is an additional ventilation and saving light during the daytime. Planning the hygiene room is more convenient not from the front of the facade of the house, it is better if the window will go to the courtyard.

Basically, the bathroom planning is carried out on the basis of which plumbing will be installed in it, which will depend on it. Of course, room dimensions are a purely individual choice, but still, it must comply with the basic requirements and standards established for all residential buildings.

In essence, the arrangement of the room of hygiene in private homes is not much different from the arrangement in the city apartment, unless it is not necessary to consider centimeters of space to install furniture and plumbing.

But, in private households, you will have to think about summing up communications, water pipes and sewage arrangement. Be sure to think about the correct location of the engineering system, the supply of electricity of risers and ventilation. In the presence of appropriate qualifications, all these works can be made with your own hands, otherwise entrusting such responsible works to professionals.

In the indoor of hygiene, the center of attention is always a bath. It is usually installed tightly adjacent to the wall, but if possible square meters allow, it can be installed in the center on the podium or make it built into the floor. It will depend on the planning of the room and from its design.

What color to choose?

The choice of color palette will play its role in the design of the premises. To visually make the room spacious and volumetric, then shades should be light and air, you can add images of water or sky.

Beige and brown tones will make space visually slightly smaller, but will make the atmosphere warmer and more cozy.

Capture colors will help remove monotony, and one-standard materials can be diluted with contrasting inserts.

In addition to natural lighting from the window, the main top lighting will give the room a little space, and the backlight as point lamps will help to illuminate individual zones and give the room a little romanticity.

If you correctly plan the room, select the desired forms, the size, color palette and materials for its finishes, then you can get the result that will be very happy with warmth and comfort.

Bathroom Design in your home - Video

Bathroom in a private house photo gallery

Modern housing is impossible to imagine without a beautiful bathroom equipped with hot water and plumbing devices.

Turn the bathroom to the personal comfort zone

The bathroom is quite difficult to correctly pick up a suitable color gamut and interior style, as this room has some features that distinguish it from other rooms in the house. This is relatively small size, large humidity, sharp temperature differences and so on. Therefore, the bathroom should be approaching well and very carefully.

Bathroom interior design in country houses: design ideas

The choice of style is the most important stage of repair work in any room. For the bathroom, too, you need to choose the design style corresponding to the unified interior of all rooms. Consider the features of popular bathroom interiors in the house.


This is the most famous bathroom design in a private house. In this embodiment, the design of the walls, gender and the ceiling is performed by wood. If there are windows, they drape them with curtains in a cell. The external design of the room is advantageously highlighted by chess towels, velvet bathrobes and other "devices". Suitable in this style will be wood racks and fluffy carpet of black tone.

Give the bathroom deliberately rude view


It assumes the design of the bathroom in the house of the tile of restrained colors, the presence of stretch ceilings, exquisite furniture, diode and suspended lamps. Excessively complement the interior of bathrobes and pure towels of pastel or snow-white tones.

Rococo or ampir

This design in the bathroom of your own home is suitable for luxurious mansions whose owners may not save on comfort. Here, any details of the interior are distinguished by a luxurious gloss, high cost and catchy. Often used bronze or clay sculptures, gilding, elegant devices.

Ampire style is distinguished by whimsical bends of lines and a rich finish

Perfectly fit into this style of decoration Golden large mirror in a chic frame, luxurious chandelier, elegant floor lamp, bath on sculptural gold legs.

When combing an amber and snow-white tone, the room will acquire an elegant and luxurious charm.

Rococo fill the bathroom shades of gold, amber and ivory

High tech

This modern design direction is chosen by supporters of minimalism and use of advanced technologies. Here the metal tone is dominated, cool colors, snow-white spot highlighting. Also, this direction is characterized by a minimum number of furniture and simplicity of finishing materials.

Haytech combines straightforward shapes, panoramic windows and restrained color gamut

In the bathroom in the style of Haytech combines glass partitions and glossy tile

To equip a stylish bathroom design in the house, if you show fudge and a wonderful harmonious taste. A competent combination of all elements of the interior decoration in the design of the bathroom makes it possible to reach comfort and beauty in the most needed room where the day of any family member begins.

Harmoniously combine in the design of the bathroom elements of different styles

Bathroom finish in a private house: planning features

In the suburban housing there is a lot of square to create an exemplary bathroom. This is a great case to embody the designer projects and your own courageous ideas.

Bathroom design project in the house

The execution of various construction work is impossible without a detailed project. The main superiority of individual household is the fact that it is quite possible without the help of specialists to distribute the appropriate zone for the kitchen, rooms and toilet.

Good design is based on accurate drawing with the location of the main nodes.

One of the main premises in the building is the bathroom. When the design project of the bathroom in an individual house is being developed, the main factors of building and planning the rooms are taken into account.

In a private house, it is better to immediately schedule other than the main bathroom, in case of receiving guests.

When planning in the house of one or more bathrooms and their square, the following conditions should be taken into account:

  • the floors of the building;
  • the number of people living in the building;
  • the possibility of posting visitors for a few days.

In the bathroom at home with a large family, the second washing machine is unshiving

Take into account when developing a bathroom project, the following layout features

  1. A small family of 1-2 people is quite a common large bathroom, where there will be a necessary furniture, bathroom, washing mechanisms, drawers and lining dryer. In this case, the bathroom room is better placed near the residential room. For comfortable movement, it takes 2 entrances in it - in the room and corridor.
  2. In a two-or three-story building, it is best to provide for the location of the bathroom and toilet for guests on the 1st, and for the hosts for 2 or 3rd floor.
  3. In a private house, there is always the possibility of installing a sauna that gives great opportunities for the recovery of the entire body and relaxing in a comfortable setting. The sauna can be a small, calculated for 1-2 people, but necessarily decorated with a good tree, the evaporation of which bring tremendous health benefits.
  4. Separately, you need to say about modern hydrobocoxes, in which, through automatic change of temperature modes, you can get a huge relaxing effect.

In a large house you can plan a spacious bathroom

Bathroom arrangement in the house

During the equipment, the bathrooms takes into account not only their method and location, but also technical equipment, and in addition, the presence of all communications. To form a design project of a bathroom in a private house, you can invite a qualified designer or architect, which all aspects of the bathroom finish understand and prompt what special equipment should be bought.

The device is a good bathroom requires professional designer services.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe guest bathroom can be small sizes equipped with a shower, toilet and a clothesline. Everything that belongs to the host toilets depends on the individual wishes and capabilities of the owners. Often bathrooms for the family are equipped not only with a bathroom or shower, but also a sink, urinal, bidet, designs for storing objects and other things.

Make the guest bathroom modestly but tasteful

Bathroom lighting

An important value for the interior design of the bathroom is a system of lamps or lamps. Modern mirrors, which are decorated with walls and furnishing for bathrooms enhance colors, and give the effect of auxiliary lighting. Often bathrooms of individual houses have natural lighting, but when solving, mounted a beautiful backlight, it turns out a more profitable interior option. To create a modern design of the bathroom in a private house, you need to maximize the progressive lighting devices and the technologies of the smart home.

Lighting should emphasize the beauty of the bathroom interior

Special attention should be paid to the installation of an exhaust structure for conducting, which will not allow moisture to penetrate the house.

Bathroom decoration rules in a wooden house

The interior of the bathroom in a wooden house can be done in a kind of manner and luxurious style, using bright creative colors, introducing their own designer finds and lifehaki. However, it is possible to create a cozy room, only observing the basic principles of the design of the premises.

The texture of logs and boards made of natural wood successfully fit into the bathroom interior

In a wooden house, a bathroom in the style of chalet looks natural

Principles for which the interior of the bathroom is arranged in a country house from a tree.

  • The color palette should not be very saturated or black.
  • It is necessary to make waterproofing of coatings, allowing to keep all the surfaces from the fungus.
  • For the repair of the floor is allowed to use a tile, laminate or high-quality parquet board.

Speecually looks in the bathroom from a tree of natural stone

The bathroom is distinguished by significant dampness, which adversely affects log structures. For this reason, before starting construction or repair work, it is better to apply on all the wooden surfaces that protect the tree from the blotch.

It is also necessary to take into account that wood is scrupulous to sharp temperature drops, under the influence of which it is capable of changing the form. This problem is possible to solve with insulation inside the building.

Designing Create a luxurious bathroom design of a private house, some factors affecting the installation of detergent and plumbing equipment should be taken into account.

The bathroom in a private building is built or repaired with the following conditions:

  • the presence in the premises of the water supply;
  • equipment of the building by the sewage drain;
  • ventilation system in the bathroom;
  • the presence of lighting devices;
  • the presence of comfortable plumbing.

Inside the building, everything should be proportionally. For example, a bath in a wooden house from a bar is desirable to be separated by a cafeter, wood moisture-resistant breed or wrapping. Tile mosaics are installed on a specific base, which includes floating fasteners.

The decoration of the bathroom cafeter will be a practical and beautiful solution.

The beautiful interior of the bathroom in a private house may differ in originality and exclusivity, because it is possible to create full-fledged widescreen compositions from the tile, smoothly flow from walls to the floor and reflecting marine topics or beautiful natural landscapes.

Photorealistic image on a tile in combination with a harmonious color gamut

As it belongs to practicality, the tile has long ago showed itself as high-quality, highly reliable and long-term material. It is absolutely not afraid of water, very strong and easy in cleaning.

Tile protects the bathroom from dirt and dirt

Beautiful bathroom in a private house

The inner decoration of the bathroom should be externally attractive and internally convenient for the owners.

The bathroom must be decoration at home

As a rule, the area of \u200b\u200bhousing in a private house gives you the opportunity to install not only the usual plumbing kit and the clothesline, but the dryer, lounge wardrobe, chair and other details of the furniture.

In the large bathroom you can install all the necessary furniture

In the huge area of \u200b\u200bthe bathroom, lingering basket is usually hidden in the corner or closet. If the family has children, you need to provide portable steps, so kids will be able to get to the sink.

One of the key components of the internal exterior is a mirror located above the sink. Of course, it is not necessary to release a towel dryer, hooks and other small elements.

In the bathroom, small but important details born comfort

Studying the interiors of bathrooms in a country house, competently constituting the design project, applying their own lifhacks and progressive innovations in the design, you can independently create a luxurious bathroom in your home, which meets the high level of comfort and has good functionality.

Put simple and functional furniture in the bathroom.

If you adore vintage style to screw the bathroom with rare furniture

Having provided for all aspects, "lent" from professional designers a number of extraordinary ideas, a bath in a country house can be turned into a unique place, which will inhale a new fresh wave, creating the owners comfort and the possibility of relax in the silence of their own home.

Video with bathroom design ideas in the house

For owners of their own home there are many opportunities to realize their ideas. An individual bathroom design in a house with a window can be responsible to the most courageous solutions. There are practically no restrictions, especially if the repair is performed from scratch.

Finishing the bathroom in a private house is performed using new building technologies. The bathroom may look no less aesthetic than a bedroom or living room.

There is not much time in the bathroom, but it is in this room that you can completely remove the load of the past day.

Types of planning

The bathroom with a window in a private house is usually located closer to the bedroom, on the upper floors. This solution is very convenientit allows you to:

    save electricity day;

    oK spend room.

First, the project of the future bathroom is performed. Computer programs allow it to perform it in a 3D image.

The size of the bathroom can be different, depending on the preferences, dimensions of future furniture and plumbing.

But no less than it is SNIP:

    width 0,8 m;

    depth 1,2 m.

A large bathroom room is divided into separate zones. The traditional way is the use of partitions, niches and shirm:

    Sliding partition The glass is installed between the sink and the bathroom. It gives the room a special light, increases space.

    Niche From drywall can be decorated with vases and statuette.

    Zoning With the help of color, it is performed using materials of various shades and textures. With the help of light, the most favorable sides of the room is distinguished. Spearly can be increased.

The window in the bathroom gives additional lighting room, and visually increases space

Bathroom in wooden building

Bath design in a house built from wood has significant differences. It is very important to thoroughly think over all the details, the condition of the whole house depends on it.

Bath in such a building is better installed on the first floor to avoid additional load on the floor. On the second floor you can arrange a shower cabin.

Properly performed sewage and drainage system will protect the room from excess moisture and deformation. The arrangement of the bathroom in such a house begins with waterproofing. The large humidity and temperature differences destroy the tree and other materials.

It is necessary to strengthen the structure of the floor so that it can withstand the plumbing and furniture items.

As a finish, tile, linoleum or moisture-resistant laminate usually choose.

In a wooden house from a bar, an interior wall decoration is not always done, it is enough to treat their moisture-resistant materials.

On our site you can find contact with the construction companies that offer an internal redevelopment service. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".


Bathroom projects in a private house include plan of basic communications:

    holding electric wiring;

    security water supply;


Natural wells and wells are used as water sources. Water from them is served using pumps. Heating is carried out in boilers or boilers. Water removal occurs on the system of sewer pipes.

Communication systems can be masked with beautiful decor elements. Pipes are placed in the wall or in the screed. Outside, only the counters leave.

The electrical wiring is cleaned into special grooves in the walls and on the ceiling, it allows you to protect the wires from moisture.


The design of the bathroom in the country house should provide for ventilation. Also, the room can be used in a natural way through an open window.

It is necessary to establish an exhaust for air circulation. Hood is produced with two channels, one of which is equipped with an adjustable diffuser. Through it, the air penetrates the room. Such a system allows you to prevent the maintenance of the room.

    Ventilation system prevents The formation of fungi and mold.

    Provides Fresh air access.

No ventilation in the bathroom will accumulate moisture, and over time the walls will be covered with mold.

There must be a clearance at the bottom between the threshold and the door, it will ensure air intake.

Incorrectly performed ventilation system leads to the accumulation of excess condensate and the destruction of finishing materials and furniture.

The ventilation system is masked using plasterboard and plastic boxes.


The walls of private houses are external, so they need to be insulated.

For these purposes, polyurethane foam, foam, cork or mineral wool are used.

For additional heating, a heated towel rail, batteries and a warm floor system are installed.

The insulation of the bathroom significantly increases the degree of comfort, also prevents the formation of mold.

Ways finish

The surface of the walls can be separated using panels and drywall. These materials are much cheaper than ceramic tiles and stretch tissues. They look beautiful and aesthetic.


You can use a wooden finish.

Registration is performed in various styles:

  • scandinavian;


View from the windows of the bathroom on the forest in the house in the mountains

All materials are treated with moisture-resistant composition that gives sustainability to possible deformations and humidity.

For finishing use the following materials:

    whole array tree;



    parquet board;

    glued bar;


We successfully apply moisture-resistant materials with a tree content. They imitate valuable breeds, correspond to their texture and color.

Walls and ceiling are fronted with veneer or bar from which partitions are performed for individual zones.

The floor is laid out with a laminate or parquet board.

In the houses built from the log, they carry out additional processing of walls with special compositions.

Ceramic tile

Widely used tile. This is a universal way of finishing for the design of the bathroom in a country house. He is still popular and occupies a leading place.

Possess basic advantages:




    simplicity of care.

Decorative tile is most often used to enjoy the bathroom.

Separate tile applies for gender. It is performed with grooves for which water flows. For walls, glossy ceramics with a water-repellent surface are used.

A wide color gamma is presented, which will satisfy absolutely any requests. Light tones are capable of significantly expanding space. The mirror tile possesses the same properties. Very nice and originally looks like a photo gallery.

The ceiling is separated by a water-repellent polystyrene tile.

The design of the bath with a window in a private house is performed using a mosaic. It consists of fragments of the pattern, which are connected on the wall and make up a specific pattern. This floor looks very elegant. Mosaic on the ceiling looks especially luxurious.

You can lay out geometric shapes and various images. This option is well combined with a monophonic tile, it gives a feature of the room and the interior.


This finish is emphasized by a special luxury. Marble cladding guarantees elegant beauty and durability. It is not available to everyone, it costs very expensive. Combined with other materials it turns out a luxurious interior for quite reasonable money.

The marble decoration is a special luxury, it costs expensive, but the reliability and durability of the material is worth


You can finish with water-repellent wallpapers. Effectively use them with tiles or stone. Excellent watching photo wallpaper 3D.

You can choose an image of a starry sky, sea depths, colors and grass or other natural landscapes.

For the bathroom use only water-repellent wallpapers

With the help of wallpaper, the room also zonates, this visually increases the space.


Walls can be covered with modern materials specially designed for wet rooms. With the help of paint create no less sophisticated interiors. It is necessary to thoroughly align the surfaces before painting, remove all cracks and flaws.

The choice of paint is very large, and in quality and price can always find optimal option


Lighting is performed by connecting several luminaires, they are mounted in the ceiling. In a large room, you can hang a beautiful chandelier in the center, the brain on the perimeter. Where the light penetrates well. It will give the room comfort and a special pleasant atmosphere.

Lighting is not in the last place, especially if women live in the house

Installation of sanitary ware

First you need to think about how plumbing will be located. In the large and spacious room, the bath is well installed in the center. If the room is small, the equipment is placed along the walls. Middle sizes are suitable.

Plumbing should be selected in the same style as the materials.


A large bathroom in a private house allows you to choose a comfortable and beautiful furniture.

Normal set:

    cabinets for linen;



For young children, you can pick up stable chairs and steps for convenience. An important attribute for the bathroom is a mirror. It is placed on the sink. You can put a chair, it will give a special comfort to the room.

Video Description

Beautiful bathroom overlooking nature - Design design examples in video:


To create a unique interior use beautiful decor elements.

For these purposes are suitable:

    marine shelli;



    chandeliers and sconce;

    vases with flowers.

Decor enlivens and adds grace even the most modest bathroom

Mirror of large sizes in a beautiful frame will become the main subject of the interior. Walls to decorate the walls with the sea scenery. For decoration of the frames and small parts, shells and pebbles are perfect.

In the center of the room you can hang a beautiful chandelier, on the walls - small lamps.

A bamboo decor is often used. It combines well with the same partition.


The bathroom is one of the main places in the residential room. Modern equipment allows a person to take different hygienic procedures at home. The private bath can turn into a spa with hydromassage, a jacuzzi and a contrasting shower. It is more pleasant to spend time in a beautifully furnished and comfortable room. Room design is worth paying special attention.

Counting a country house in which they are going to live constantly, hardly someone will agree to stay without amenities. Now any accommodation is required to be supplied with a bathroom.

Planning the future housing, it is worth paying attention to this question: how to make a bathroom in the house? At the same time, it is important to properly plan, equip and arrange this room, based on the dimensions allocated to it.

How to make a bathroom in a private house convenient and functional?

Building private housing, you can make a bathroom large, where the sauna or a sauna, a SPA zone is free. A large space will allow the owner of the country house to receive many options for design, alignment of sanitary equipment and household appliances. For prompts, they can turn to the photo of the bathroom in the house that the Internet is quite easy to find.

But first is worth considering where to place the room with the bathroom. If the building is large, you can equip the bathroom on each of the floors, which is convenient for large families. Usually designers offer to accommodate this room next to the kitchen with ventilation.

Do not have a bathroom on the upper floors above ordinary apartments. It is more convenient when such rooms go one above one. Indeed, in each of them you need to install sewer and plumbing pipes that are convenient to collect entire risers.

Beautiful and functional when the plumbing room has a window. Then the owners save electricity and receive additional ventilation. Naturally, such a window should go to the courtyard.

In order to determine the sizes, you need to clearly know what plumbing you want to see here, plus comply with the necessary requirements and standards working in the construction of residential buildings.

To equip the hygienic room in a private house, unlike the apartment in the city, you must sum up the communication: water supply and sewage, electricity and ventilation.

If you have the necessary qualifications in these issues, the bathroom in a private house do it yourself, in another case, it is worth contacting the specialists.

Building materials for bathroom

This room is distinguished by high humidity, so it is worth choosing materials based on this. Very often used ceramic tiles. It is not afraid of water, serves a long time and has the most diverse design. It can be combined with waterproof paints, using decorative plaster, plastic and wood panels, stone, giving the bathroom an unusually attractive look.

Budget version - PVC panels. They are practical, cheap, offered completely different colors, are easily replaced by damage.

If the walls are perfectly smooth, you can use the paint, previously progressing them. To make the walls more original, you can use different shades and stencils.

Construction organizations can offer the use of glass and vinyl wallpapers, wood panels and lining. The latter should handle specialists protecting moisture.

Plumbing equipment and furniture

To create a standard hygiene room, choose a bathroom or shower room if it is combined, add toilet and bidet. Furniture take functional - these are various bedside tables, lockers, shelves.

If the room is large enough, it can be divided into the varying zones: shower, bathroom, sauna. It is necessary to make a plan in advance so as not to overload the space, ensure a free approach to plumbing and household appliances.

Design ideas in the bathroom under construction of a private house are very diverse, because here you can provide niches, built-in wardrobes.


Sex covering of high humidity should have special characteristics.

The most expensive coating is a porcelain stoneware, it is beautiful, moisture consists and long-term.

The glue stopper covered with varnish pushes water, does not rot, its surface is warm and pleasant to the touch.

The tile is most in demand with a large selection of colors and sizes.

Linoleum is a budget coating. It is characterized by simplicity of laying, waterproofing properties. It is not durable, but since he is cheap, it can often be changed.

Lighting in the bathroom

Bathrooms require basic bright lighting. Near the mirror you can hang the lamps with a comfortable design, allowing to change the direction of light. Make an additional backlight, which illuminate certain zones.

It is nice to have both natural lights emanating from a street window. On the top floor with a slope of the roof, you can make a window in the ceiling.

Proper layout layout, color palette, finishing materials, high-quality selected Santechpribers, allow you to make a bathroom warm, cozy and functional.

Stock Foto Bathroom in the house