Repairs Design Furniture

Kitchen and living room separated by sliding doors. Kitchen with sliding door. Conveniently

The kitchen of our house has "strategic importance". Best noticing themselves, we spend most of your time in it. Therefore, the convenience and beauty of its interior is of great importance. And the dream of any mistress is big and spacious kitchen. But what to do if this room does not differ in a large quadrature?

The simplest I. effective decision There will be a kitchen combining from the living room, that is, the creation of the so-called studio. To do this, you can remove the wall (or part of it), separating these two rooms and decorate the arrow forming the opening. But in this case there will be no opportunity to again divide the living room and the kitchen. And the need may arise, for example, so that the living room does not get the kitchen smells or to create a more intimate setting in the living room.

Therefore, the best option will be sliding doors between the kitchen and the living room, the photos of which are presented below. With their help, if you wish, to separate these rooms from each other or again transform space into the studio.

A significant advantage will also be the fact that they take up little space, allowing you to save interior space (and this is especially important for small premises), and become an integral part of the interior, complementing it as an element of decor. In addition, they are absolutely safe, do not begin to creak over time, and nobody will clap. The pluses can also be attributed to the ease of construction and a large assortment Materials I. possible solutions And ideas when installing the sliding partition between the kitchen and the living room. And, which is important, its installation will not take a lot of strength and time, and if necessary, the replacement does not need to be overhauled.

Varieties of sliding partitions. Materials used for making them

Sliding doors are single-handed, two-dimensional and so-called "harmonica". Single doors are best used for small rooms. Their compactness will significantly save space. When installing there is no need to install the door frame, so it does not require much effort. But much attention should be paid to the quality of the opening of the opening.

Duplex partitions are a wide opening, which is ideal for the premises of a large area. This type of partitions between the kitchen and the living room (photos can be seen below) not only functional and convenient, but also is a bright decor element. Both sash with such a design are opened in different directions. Duplex doors give the premises a very elegant and welcoming appearance.

Harmonic doors are folding doors working on the principle of blinds. Their installation allows you to save up to 1 square space of space and therefore is one better options For small-sized premises.

By design, type of construction and execution materials Sliding partitions are:

  • glazed;
  • deaf;
  • stained glass;
  • transparent;
  • opaque;
  • radius

The selection of this or that type of sliding partition between the kitchen and the living room depends on the taste of the owners, the functions that it will be, as well as from the design and size of the premises.

Diverse and selection of materials for production sliding structures. In the manufacture of cauldons, a profile can be used, which is facing veneer from the valuable tree species, aluminum profile (anodized or decorated with film under the tree), as well as steel. To fill the doorway frame, you can use:

  • glass of various types (both frosted and transparent, original decorative stained glass windows and more);
  • veneer;
  • laminated chipboard;
  • various types of decorative plastic;
  • such natural materials like rattan, reed, jute, bamboo, silk and so on.

What materials to choose depends on the functionality, the premises themselves and their design. Well, of course, from the preferences of the owners themselves.

Main features of the design of sliding doors

Sliding doors are one or more canvases that are freely moving on special seals, closing or opening the doorway. The canvas are a frame with insert. Door rollers moving on guides are equipped with special bearings and spring, ensuring the smoothness and ease of course, as well as the durability of the partition. Designs can be like rail, so suspension and folding.

Attention! In the place of placement of "pocket" of the sliding partition should not be ventilation canals, pipes, chimneys, as well as other structures that can interfere with the door movement. And the width of the door sash should be larger the width of the outlook itself.

Gypsum County Partitions

Highly popular with the manufacture of stationary partitions is used by drywall, which has a low cost, as well as simplicity in installation and operation. From drywall, you can create various interesting forms (strict and sharp, soft and smooth). It is used, both in its pure form, and is perfectly combined with many other materials.

The partition between the kitchen and the living room made of drywall (below can be viewed photos), decorated various species textured plastecrockers, It is covered with wallpaper or film that gives visit a unique interior and a wonderful look.

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20-09-2015, 15:39

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For opening in the miniature kitchen, sliding doors are perfect. Such designs are hiding in a special niche (cassette option), you can also make a canvas that are inserted into the closet, or place it along the wall. Often the partitions are distinguished by the overall space of the kitchen-living room into separate areas.

The black and orange design of Lacobel shares the room into the kitchen and the dining room area.

Design features

The sliding system is fundamentally different from swing models. It is absent door boxno loop. Such doors consist of a decorative P-shaped box framing the opening, or from a special cassette that allows the canvas to completely drive into a niche in the wall.

The main elements of such a design: canvas and special guides. The door can be made of an array of wood, chipboard, fiberboard, MDF, also these materials are combined in certain models, combined with glass elements.

For opening, set certain accessories - the "coupe" knobs. They are mounted flush with the web, so the accessories does not interfere with the movement of the system.

Sliding partitions are more expensive than a swollen system by about 25-200%. Such a difference explains the presence of a retracting mechanism (in addition to the box and the door itself). The difference in price also affects professional installation ( independent installation undesirable).

Sliding doors-harmonica occupy a minimum place in space.

Between the kitchen and living room

The door of the tree under the tree repeats the texture of the facades headset. The design separates the kitchen-dining room from the living room space.

The partition between the living room and the kitchen in the overall space.

The wooden model with glass is perfectly combined with the interior of the house in the country style.

Neoclassical sliding option consisting of two canvases with glass inserts. Installation of the cassette system is the most time consuming, since part of the wall must be dismantled, then insert a cassette from the metal, special guide parts, only then the wall is sewn with GLC.


Most often, the guides are fixed only in the upper part of the opening, so as not to disturb the integrity of the floor.

Glass partition with pattern.

If you plan to put a design, consisting entirely of glass web, in which case it will not work sliding mechanism. For combinations of glass with other materials (wood, MDF, chipboard, fiberboard) this option is appropriate.

The classic door opens, driving into the space between the refrigerator and the wall - perfect option For a small kitchen.

The modern model moves along the wall, opening access to the cooking zone.

Is such a mechanism convenient?

For everyone, this question is individual. From possible minuses need to be noted throughput Similar models - the smell and noise from the kitchen will not work. If this moment is not applicable, in this case performance features Systems will only delight you.


The popularity of sliding doors in our country is much lower than the familiar swing. Such models are expensive, and the installation is more complicated. But those who decided on this innovation in the interior, appreciated the advantage of such a decision. Sliding doors will harmoniously fit even in small-sized apartment Or they can effectively zonate a large room.

Important advantages of sliding doors

Such doors have a whole number of benefits:

  • sliding doors are capable of two rooms and even in the room to separate the bedroom zone from a dressing room or a cabinet, while not occupying an excess place, which is very important in apartments with a small square;
  • in the studio apartment, in which there are no deaf partitions, such doors, together with stationary elements, successfully replace part of the walls and provide insulation;
  • kids' parents well know that children can pinch your fingers with a swing door, and the door swung from the wind can hit them strongly. Design sliding models Much more secure, especially since modern and high-quality fittings allows them to securely fix it;
  • the door canvas can be wooden, veneered, from MDF or glass, can consist of several panels and even be a colorful panel to which you can admire when the door is closed. In this way door leaf It may become a highlight of any interior.

Options for using sliding doors (photo)

Most often, with the help of sliding doors, we separate the living room and the kitchen, separate the dining room from the living room or the spacious hall from the living room. It is very convenient, because if there is a celebration of any event or a noisy crowded youth party in the house, the hall with a living room can represent a single space sufficient for a large group of people.

IN one-room apartment can be separated using sliding door sleeping place. If, for example, a married couple lives in the apartment, one can calmly watch TV or work on a computer while the other sleeps or resting. And in the bedroom can thus arrange a dressing room or an office. In the bathroom or combined bathroom, the sliding door is suitable for the shower.

Answers on questions about sliding doors

Questions and misconceptions about the use of sliding doors a lot:

  • The sliding door is considered expensive. Of course, if you compare the price of the sliding door and the cheap model of a swing type, then the first is definitely more expensive. But with the unbasted doors of the average price category, there is no special difference in price. In addition, the sliding door can be from a single material, without inserts and luxurious spectacular elements of glass causing the rise in price. But the accessories in such doors is always in relevant and has more serious functions, and thus cannot be cheap.
  • Saving space.Quite often to give up the purchase of furniture, which is wonderful for the kitchen or room, due to the fact that it will not be possible to close swing door, Or constantly you will have caution to bypass it. Sliding doors will help to cope with that problem.
  • Mounting complexity.That the sliding door is difficult to install, they usually say those who establish the sake of savings interior doors Alone. But any door requires a professional installation, and it is in that case that works and looks much better. And the installation of sliding doors will necessarily be offered a trading company that implements them.
  • Lack of choice.This erroneous opinion arises from those who take into account only classical models. Modern sliding doors are suitable for any interior can be performed under any finish and width of the opening.
  • In the same erroneous opinion, the confidence is that the sliding doors skip the smells and any noise is heard through them. In fact, if the door is a high-quality and modern sliding mechanism, then no good insulation in such a design. And to cope with smells in the presence of modern hoods and mounted fans simple enough.

The choice of sliding doors is extensive. For preferring interior in neutral colors, it is possible to choose veneered doors, from natural tree, laminated with wood texture, and for bright interior In juicy colors you can choose the door colorful canvas. It is desirable that all doors in neighboring openings, regardless of whether the sliding or swing, had the same or very similar canvas. Then a single line will be traced in the interior.

Sliding doors - 100 photos