Repairs Design Furniture

Farm for grass. The process of manufacturing fuser with their own hands of various species. From washing machine

Such adaptations like a homemade feeder and feed grinders will help much faster and more convenient to provide livestock with the necessary number of food. The presence of such tools is especially important if there are many animals, and their food should be different in quality and grade degree.

The bubble and other tools can be made with their own hands from undergraduate items or unnecessary parts of household appliances.

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    Creating electrical sorts of washing machine

    In order to make this unit, you need to use some materials that can be learned from old home appliances. Before starting the work on creating electrical feeds, you will need a washing machine from which the engine and drum will be needed.


    Such characteristics like width, height and length of the slit should be the same as the motor shaft. After the measurement was performed, you need to start drilling the extreme sides of the drum. Here you need to create three slots for bolts - 2 identical and 1 smaller in size, as in the figure above.

    One of the walls should have an output (for emission of feed) as an additional part of the iron, which is separately attached to the drum. It will be published a finished product. The following drawing can see this design.

    Fragment for emitting feed from drum

    This completed the main stage. Now you need to start working with the cutting part of the device.

    Blade device

    The cutting part should be fixed on the electric motor shaft using bolts. For this design you need to use 2 knives:

    1. 1. The first includes a propeller with a slight concave blades. It must be set closer to the bottom of the drum. His tasks: Reinforcing the feed up and pushing the crushed particles from the bubble.
    2. 2. The second knife is the main cutting element, it can be made of the blades of the old saw. The following drawing shows how the blades look like.

    The knives are a bit curved. This increases the performance of electrocrums. After completing the creation of the blade of the device, you need to start making support.

    Stand of electrical bubble

    Support in this device is a metal design that resembles a stool. It is to attach to the collected design with bolts.


    In the picture above, you can consider the stand in more detail. It can be not covered with additional iron sheets.

    On this work on the creation of electrical feeds from the washing machine is completed. As a result, it turns out an effective bubble of a washing machine. This device is capable of treating much more feed than ordinary hand tremors.

    Cubezka - Sketchy Image of the Final Result

    Production of a shredder from a cylinder or durable bucket

    When working on the creation of the device, you first need to separate one part of the gas vessel from the other, using the grinder, so that we have two almost the same cylinders. Next, you should take one half and prepare an iron form for the blades, as presented in the following image.

    Bottom balloon

    By completing these manipulations, you can move to work with blades. To do this, they will need a little bend. Then to attach knives with screws to the prepared iron disk, which should have pre-made gaps.

    The figure below shows in the finished form, how this fragment should look like.

    Cutting elements

    After creating the cutting elements for the cormisions from the cylinder, you should cut the opening with the help of a grinder. It is necessary to do it on the side of the gas vessel.

    Under the disk with the blades shown in the image above, you need to install the iron stand with a cut out of the opening, which externally should be similar to the stool for connecting the disk and the cutting elements with the engine.

    The cylinder with a disc attached to the iron stand and the motor under it

    Motor, in turn, is installed under the iron stand. Thus, it turns out a device for grinding feed. It is necessary to attach a bucket to it, where the finished product will be roaming - as in the image above.

    How to make a boggle feed?

    The disk device can be made at home from the angular grinding machine. For this there are different drawings, but the most popular is the diagram of the boggle.

    Scheme of bubbles

    On the side of the left, you can see all the necessary structural elements:

    • bucket;
    • chopper;
    • bunker;
    • bulgarian;
    • cap;
    • cutting element;
    • stand;
    • exit for eating food.

    Electric contour includes a bucket made of high-quality steel. On the image, it is schematically represented under the digit 2. At the bottom of this item, drill a hole in the center with a diameter of 1 cm - in the diagram This item is marked with a number 3. In the bottom of the bucket, there are also holes on the edges (two on the right and left), the size of which should be 15 mm.

    Next, you should prepare a stand - its parts are marked with numbers 4 and 6. Then make on its base (number 4 in the diagram) of the holes - just like on the bottom of the bucket on the extremes. After that, bind two of these objects with bolts. Next, you need to connect the motor from the grinder (digit 7) with the disk (number 5). At this, the main stage of the work is completed. It can be proceeded to create an opening opening of feed.

    It is necessary to cut the hole on the bottom of the bucket and insert the item, which will be designed for eating for animals (it can be seen on the diagram at number 2, near the base under the number 4 on the location of the cut). The chopper must contain a cover with an additional hole in the center (number 1). It is placed in the feed for subsequent processing. If necessary, the central part additionally closes the smaller lid so that the raw materials during processing does not fly out. This creation has been completed on this.

The bubbler can be made of any girlfriend. At the same time, the savings will be quite tangible. For example, a homemade bubble can be made of a gas cylinder or a bucket, an old washing machine, a grinder and a lot of others. It's easy enough to do it, having appropriate drawings at hand.

Production of a gas cylinder or bucket

Corrugated farming in the household an indispensable device. With its help, it is possible in the shortest possible time to grind the raw material provided for the preparation of feed mixtures in cattle and poultry. The crushed food is much faster, which allows you to speed up the process of household growth.

Sometimes the cost of the device, with which the cattle and poultry can be provided with high-quality crushed feed, is not available for a farmer. But, analogue can be done at home from the girlfriend. For example, feed chopper can be made from a gas cylinder or bucket.

Herrase, the bubbler is made of half the gas cylinder, replaced with a solid bucket. To begin with, two parts must be made from the cylinder. From one of them, it will be necessary to cut down the bottom, after which the slopes will do over the entire surface. They should be in a checker, about 10 millimeters wide. In order to prevail the necessary forms to be needed by a disorder, with the help of which the lower part of the slots remains smooth, and the upper acquires a rounded form. With this, the homemade chopper feed will have the appropriate notch.

Both edges of the gas cylinder should be arranged using steel strips, for fastening which rivets are optimally suitable. In order to in the homemade chopper of feed, which can be made from the gas cylinder, it was possible to stretch the rods from steel, and two more, having a hole with a diameter of 10 millimeters, should be added to the existing strips. For reliable fixation, the strip is recommended to weld.

By completing these manipulations, you can move to work with handles. To do this, they will need to bend. On that part that remained smooth, you need to put the housing with bearings. The final stage of the manufacture of the borders from the gas cylinder is the construction of the stand. It is recommended to make a tree. The table is suitable for a tree table, which will be necessary to install a self-made design of a gas cylinder. It is necessary to install the box to install the box in which raw materials for grinding will be laid. At the bottom of the bubble, the container for crushed raw materials is installed. It may be the second part of the gas cylinder.

Bulgarian border

The chopper of the feed, the grass cutter can be manufactured at home from the Bulgarian. It is simple to do it, having a visual example in the form of devices that can be different. As an example, you can consider the following drawing.

The bubganka contour provides for the use of a bucket made of stainless steel, in which it is necessary to do the holes, with a diameter of 15 millimeters. The bottom of the bucket will also have a hole, the diameter of which is 1 centimeter. At the next stage, the grass cutter, the grinders of the spam from the grinder will be equipped with a frame. It is possible to make it using welding and metal corners. Flanz and glands are needed in order to make reliable fastening of a bucket and frame. Thus, the electric grass, feed grinders acquires the rolling part - the drum, which is the main element of the self-made design.

Future electric grass, the fuser should be equipped with a bunker, which is placed raw materials for recycling. You can make it from the bucket, from which it takes to remove the bottom. The operation of the electric feed grinder comes from the grinder, the fastening of which is carried out with the help of bolts to the flange, located behind the design. Electric tongue, the fuser can work with different performance, which depends on how the speed of the Bulgarian.

Cubes of washing machine

If the previous options for making homemade devices for grinding feed pets and a bird could be made without drawings, then the grass, the borders, made from the washing machine, cannot do without them. An example of how the drawing can be, the following image will be:

Herrase, her own hands, made of a washing machine, provides for the use of the engine and a tank. The initial stage of work is to do in the rear wall of the tank from the washaned machine of the opening machine, in which the engine shaft can easily be placed. Fastening bolts include 4 holes that will be needed at the edges. Next, it is necessary to determine the place to do the hole through which the crushed raw material will enter the receiving bunker.

The grinding instrument should be attached to the bolts to the motor shaft. This device will work with greater performance if it is prudently provided with two knives. One of the knives is recommended to be installed at the bottom of the structure. His work lies in lifting the placed raw materials, as well as the promotion of the already crushed material in the bunker. The purpose of the second knife is directly grinding feed, herbs.

As a support, it is necessary to use a metal structure resembling a stool. To it with bolts and need to attach the finished design. For the economical grinding of raw materials, the grass can be equipped with a lid preventing empty consolidation of raw materials. But, it should have a hole through which the raw materials will come for processing.

Grinding placed in such homemade design of raw materials depends solely on how much time its processing was carried out. For convenience in operation, a hole, through which the crushed raw material comes out of the bunker, can be closed with a damper, which will allow you to control the degree of itching.

The option of making a homemade device for grinding feed, herbs, rooted plates from a washing machine can be called the most optimal. After all, working for an hour, the bubble is able to recycle up to 100 kilograms of feed. High operating capacity allows you to make performance high, despite the fact that the manufacture of the device occurred at home.

Corresponding to the bubble is certainly worth it, because using it can be crushed with raw materials in a matter of minutes and prepare feed mixtures on it, which will contain all the necessary livestock, vitamins and useful substances. In the absence of a desire to spend money on the purchase of a finished model of feed chopper, it can be done independently, while the quality of the product at the output will not suffer.

As a visual example, you can use the following videos that will demonstrate the principle of work of popular models of feed grinders collected at home. However, in case you decide to purchase ready-made equipment, you can familiarize yourself with the model number of reliable feeds.

Video review

The feed is pretty simple, with their own hands. At the same time, it is necessary to show a little smelting and work with your hands. In fact, you can make the design from old and unnecessary things. A good feed chopper can turn out of the washing machine. In this article we will tell you how to feed pets without much difficulty.

Cormor Torka

The easiest option of the bubble, which can be made with your own hands, is a tyrota ordinary. It should be clarified that this product is suitable only for small households. In order to make this design, you will not even need drawings.

We take a sheet of stainless steel, approximate size - height 50 and width 30 centimeters. Punch with holes, according to the same principle, as in a conventional grater, which is available in any kitchen.

The upper part of each hole must be bent. For greater convenience, the design needs to be supplemented with a wooden frame. Manual feed is ready to work. The whole process of manufacture will take you no more than an hour, but the benefits of feeding animals will be quite noticeable.

Bulgarian border

For the manufacture of this model, you will need a metal bucket. It is recommended to use a stainless steel shoulder, galvanized can enter into a reaction with some feeds, and your animals will receive food poisoning.

In the walls of the bucket, you need to make holes, with a diameter of about 1.5 centimeters. The edges of the holes can be beaten as in the previous version. In the bottom of the bucket, there is also a small hole of approximately 1 centimeter in diameter.

After that, with the help of metal corners and electric welding, the framework is constructed. The punched bucket is attached to the frame using the flange and the glands. There should be a movable drum, it will be the main working part of the bubble. By the way, instead of a bucket, you can use the drum from the old washing machine, having previously done in it holes.

Above the drum is installed a receiving bunker for feed. It can be made it from metal sheets or from another bucket, which needs to cut off the bottom. In order to give the drum the necessary speed of rotation, to the rear flange, with the help of a bolt, attach a grinder. After checking the reliability of the connections, you can proceed to the tests, a simple borrower from the grinder is ready.

Feed weight falls asleep on top, in the receiving bunker. Under the action of its own weight. Raw materials pressed on the drum, which performs the fracture function. The shredding rate is adjustable by turnover of the grinder. So that the grinding mass does not fly randomly from the drum, you can construct a small door on the door hinges.

It is worth noting that instead of the Bulgarian you can adapt an ordinary handle. In this case, you will have a large copy of the economic meat grinder, only instead of the minced meat, will leave the crushed com for your livestock.

Before starting work, it is recommended to prepare drawings. The performance of such a design will be directly dependent on your capabilities. If you make certain efforts, about 50 kilograms of feed will be guaranteed.

Cubes of washing machine

This is a more complex option, so before starting to work, it is necessary to make drawings. From the washing machine you will need an engine and a drum.

In the rear wall of the drum, you need to drill a hole, the diameter must match the motor shaft. At the edges, four holes for fastening bolts are made. A small hole is cut in one of the walls, through which the finished feed will be thrown away.

The cutting part is attached to the electric motor shaft with bolts. It is worth noting that for such a design you will need two knives. The first has the kind of propeller with a slightly curved blades. It is installed closer to the bottom of the drum and its goal is to throw the feed up and pushing the crumpled particles from the bubble.

The second knife is the main cutting tool, it can be made of the canvas of the old saw. The ends of this knife must be slightly rejected towards the bottom, it increases the design performance. Sharpening is better to do with double-edged.

The product is installed on a metal support made in the form of a stool, and is attached to bolts. So that during the work of the feed, they are not spilled in different directions, it is recommended to make a lid with a hole for raw materials.

It is worth noting that the faction of feed, directly depends on the time of their location in the working area of \u200b\u200bthe corrosion. The outlet is recommended to supplement the damper and make a small bunker, where the chopped mass will fall.

According to farmers, such a bubble is guaranteed to crush about 100 kilograms of feed per hour. This design is well suited for grinding various vegetables and herbs.

As you can see, make a cormor with your own hands quite simple. It is worth noting that these are valid models that are successfully used in farms. You can try to reproduce one of them on your compound or take these options as a basis and construct your own variant of the feed grinder.

Each farmer who owns at least a small livestock, the need for fresh feed, which is eating young and adults are more willing to eat.

It is for this that shredders for the creation of fine food.

Use of aggregate in agriculture

All major rural farms have choppers for straw, twigs to prepare feed mixes for and other animals. Often such aggregates are very powerful and are designed to work with large volumes of feed. For small farms, where the livestock animals is small, the use of such cars will not be justified. Undoubtedly, many firms are engaged in the production of low-power grinding shredders, but often their price is too large for the average consumer, and this led to the fact that many people began to collect herbal choppers with their own hands.

How to make a garden chopper

Herbal pulp, made personally, has many advantages. Its production is noticeably cheaper than buying a factory, since the necessary spare parts and parts can be found at hand. Such a device can be collected for the preparation of some particular feeds. And then we will look at several types of homemade shredders.

The easiest way: we use drill

The design of the combine using a drill is as close as possible to the design of a conventional kitchen blender. You will need a drill with a capacity of at least 620 W, preferably a metal bucket (for grass) and a tree with a knife. The basis of the design of such a shredder is a rod, the length of which is from 30 to 40 cm, and the diameter from 10 to 12 mm, at the end of the straggle should be a thread of about 40 mm for mounting the blade (knife) between several nuts. The knife can be made from an old hacksaw blade, sharpening can be both one-sided and double-sided, or you can buy a knife for a motor spit.

Did you know? You can build a design for fixing the bucket - this will make it easier for the grinding procedure.

From vacuum cleaner

The work of such a mechanism resembles the principle of work kitchen combine.Its advantage is great performance and stationarity. It is also envisaged that the ground product will be out of the hole located below, in a pre-substituted bucket.

For this unit, you will need a vacuum cleaner, and more precisely its body: the most appropriate will be the old Soviet Vacuum cleaner "Typhoon", but for the absence of such you can adjust the other. Also need an electric motor in 180 W and more: it can be removed from an old washing machine. Blades, as in the past case, can be made from an unnecessary hacksaw blade. Threaded sleeve for mounting knives nuts need to be cut on the machine, its length is 40 mm.

It is necessary in advance in Badier, which we made from the vacuum cleaner housing, cut a hole for a caul-like platform on which it will stand. The engine is attached to the Badier bottom, and then the knives are fixed using nuts 32 mm. A hole for the output of the grinder should be 7cm in size for 7cm and located under knife or side below.

Important! For greater sustainability, the Badue needs to be welded to the frame.

From washing machine

The chopper from the washing machine is completely identical to the one that is done from the vacuum cleaner Difference is only its size. Here, as a container is used cut (as you comfortable) the body of the washing machine, and the sleeve must have a length of at least 5 cm.

Important! In order not to overload the engine, you should not lay too much herbs.

For a container where the grass will be loaded, in principle, any metal cylindrical vessel of a large volume can be approached, even a large pan can come together. As mentioned, as a knife, you can use conventional wooden hacksaws, which were unusable, but, based on feedback from various forums, the best option will be self-made knives from the band sawmills. And to reduce vibration during work, you can cross two knives crucifably.

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The content of livestock implies proper care for it, consisting in regular cleaning of their contents, as well as proper nutrition. After all, not only animal health depends on the quality of the feed, but also their productivity. Acquisition of finished feeds can fly "in a penny", so the optimal solution will be the purchase of grain mills, borders and herbers in one device.

Grainbridge, bubble and grass in one device

The grainbill, the bubble and herbersque in one device is a rather multifunctional device that allows processing the most different raw materials. The design of such an appliance allows the grain, corn, barley, and grind grass, root and vegetables.

Depending on which raw material is crushed, will be different and performance indicator. As a rule, the grinding of grass takes longer, respectively, the performance will be slightly lower.

It has been scientifically proven that crushed feed is better absorbed in the body of animals, significantly increasing their productivity.

Ready-made variants of food chopper

In the Russian market of agricultural products, there are quite a few different variants of such devices that combine several appointments in themselves. Consider the most popular devices, including the grass, the borders and the grainbill.

Electromash IKB-003

IKB-003, manufactured at the Electomash factory, is a chopper of feed, but combines several additional functions in itself - grass tremors and grain crusts.

The design of the unit, as well as the grainwork for farmer and households is quite simple, which allows to exploit it to people who are not possessing special technical skills.

With the help of this device, it is possible to grind a rather wide list of all kinds of raw materials: potatoes beets, hay, carrots, grain, barley, etc. In the design of this device, removable sieve and lattices are provided, changing which, you can use the unit as a grass or grain crust.

Specifications IKB-003:

  • power consumption indicator - 1150 W;
  • rotation - 12 thousand revolutions per minute;
  • total weight - 8 kg;
  • the length of the unit is 36 cm;
  • the width of the unit is 31 cm;
  • the height of the unit is 31 cm;
  • productivity (for grain) - 240 kg / h;
  • performance (for rootepodes) - 900 kg / h.

A distinctive feature of the ICB-003 is that it has enough long work without stopping - about 6 hours in a row. Considering all this, the price of this device, which is approximately 3,700 rubles, seems extremely attractive.

IK-07 feed

IR-07 refers to the category of fuses, combining additional functionality. With it, it is possible to grind not only finished feed, but also such raw materials, like grain, legumes, vegetables and fruits, potatoes, grass, etc.

Motoblock is one of the most widely used types of equipment for their care. There is what kind of oil must be poured into the fiberboard.

The process of planting potatoes requires a lot of time and significant physical forces. With the potatoes for MTZ 82, work will be much easier and the productivity of the landing will increase.

Minitractor is very popular and widely used in housing and communal services, construction sites and agriculture. Minitractor scout is strength, efficiency and durability.

In the design of this device, a universal knife is used, which is suitable for grinding herbs and rooteploods. At the same time, the device supports the inertial release of the recycled grain, which significantly improves the quality of the grinding.

  • power consumption - 1500 W;
  • total weight - 7.5 kg;
  • the length of the unit is 31 cm;
  • the width of the unit is 31 cm;
  • the height of the unit is 34 cm;
  • productivity (for grain) - 350 kg / h;
  • productivity (for grass) - 150 kg / h;
  • performance (for rootepodes) - 600 kg / h.

The cost of this device is about 2800 rubles on average.

Crusher Bison 2A.

Bison grain mill 2a also combines the grassland, and the fuser. Thanks to such a multifunctionality, this unit is among the most sold in the agricultural sector.

One of the main features of this grain mill is considered to be its unpretentiousness to the surrounding conditions, which is expressed in the ability to function in a fairly extensive temperature range - from -250c to + 400c.

Such reliable and unpretentious are bumblebees, Khrush, Cyclone, Kolos.
In the design of the bison 2a, two removable sieve of different diameters are used - 2 and 4 mm respectively. Due to this, you can adjust the degree of grinding, making grinding more rude or, on the contrary, small.

In order for the device to perform the functions of the bubbles, you need to take knives for grinding the grain and sieve, replacing them with a special grater that comes in the kit.

Specifications IR-07:

  • power consumption - 1800 W;
  • total weight - 17 kg;
  • the length of the unit is 44.5 cm;
  • the width of the unit is 51.5 cm;
  • the height of the unit is 29.5 cm;
  • performance (for rooteplood) - 650 kg / h;

The cost of this model is about 4500 rubles, depending on the sale region.


Elycor 4 is a multifunctional device capable of grinding grass, root crops and grain crops. The device of this unit is quite typical for such devices, including a grinding chamber and a bunker for the loaded raw materials.

Also included are removable sieve of various diameters, as well as a disk grater that allows you to grind feed and grass.

Technical characteristics of ELIKOR 4:

  • power consumption indicator - 1700 W;
  • total weight - 16.5 kg;
  • the length of the unit is 51.5 cm;
  • the width of the unit - 29.5 cm;
  • the elevation of the unit is 75 cm;
  • productivity (for grain) - 180 kg / h;
  • performance (for rootepodes) - 480 kg / h;
  • performance (for grass) - 380 kg / h;
  • rotation - 3 thousand revolutions per minute.

The price for this unit is about 6500 rubles.

How to make electric feed vegetable cut your hands

Grainmill, a bubble and herriazka, made by their own hands, can practically do not yield to ready-made shopping options. The main condition in self-assembly is the presence of a rather powerful engine, with which the device would function.

It is not surprising that the craftsmen learned to fit the grinders and washing machines for grinding various raw materials by small alterations in the design. Consider both methods in more detail.

Manufacture of Bulgarian

Bulgarian is an integral part of any farm, especially in rural areas. If there are more than one such tool available, then one of them can be adapted to the feeder.

The algorithm of actions, at the same time, will be the following:

  • To begin with, we need a sheet of fairly durable plywood. This material will act as the basis of the unit on which other work units will be installed.
  • In our plywood you need to make two through holes, in one of them fasten the grinder, and in the second - the reservoir for raw materials.
  • Bulgarian attached to plywood using bolts and metal brackets. Next you need to make a knife, which will stand still on the place of the Bulgarian disk. This knife should be double-edged.
  • At the bottom of the plywood must be attached to some mesh for sieving recycled material. For this purpose, a colander or an old pan is suitable, at the bottom of which a lot of holes need to drill.
  • A 5-liter plastic bottle can be used as a raw material reservoir.

In principle, these are all work on the manufacture of a self-made device. As we see, the cost of making is minimal.

Manufacture of washing machine

The design of the washing machine is very suitable for the conversion of it in the feeder, combining the functions of the grass and grain crust. This refers to the old models of washing machines with vertical loading.

The work process will be as follows:

  • The design of the washing machine must be equipped with an additional engine that must be attached at the top, under the lid itself. It is installed on a metal corner with bolts.
  • We make a double-edged knife of such sizes so that its edges do not touch the walls of the washing machine.
  • The second such knife must be installed below, where the factory engine washing machine is located. At the same time, both knives are spinning in different directions so that the quality of the grinding is better.
  • In the upper lid of the washing machine, it is necessary to make a hole through which you can float material for processing. It is also necessary to provide some funnel to make the grain and other raw materials wake.
  • At the bottom of the washing machine, you also need to cut a hole so that the recycled raw material is full.

This unit of the washing machine will work on the principle of the coffee grinder. We do not publish concrete drawings, because there are quite a lot of washing machines, each has its own specific design, etc.

It is important to understand the principle of action of such a device itself, after which it is very easy to implement it in practice.


Multifunctional devices have always possessed a special value.

In the agricultural sphere it is visible more clearly, because in this area there are quite a lot of specific work, and it is good when there is a device that can simultaneously cope with several.

Instruments that combine the functions of the tremorski, grain crusts (sorrobridge) and the borders belong to the number of similar devices. They have a fairly simple design and an intuitive principle of action, which makes it possible to make them independently.

At the same time, the costs are the minimum, which is an additional advantage.