Repairs Design Furniture

We make a bedroom on the balcony - we draw a sleeping place. Bed on the balcony and other ways to make a bed there is a bed folded on the loop balcony

We understand how best to set up a bedroom on the balcony, how to choose the right design for the bedroom of this kind, how to choose the furniture, and which bed is better to use for such a room. What are the pros and cons of this type of sleeping space. Read to the end and you can easily choose the design of the bedroom in the shower, understand the necessary legal moments and make a final solution. Do you really need it.


Bedroom design on the balcony

When planning a bed, it is important to choose the right furniture and, in general, to stylistically arrange the room. It is worth paying attention to what the room is bordered by a balcony (bedroom, living room, etc.), as it affects the style of the future bedroom.

The style of the room largely depends on the adjacent room source

The design of the bedroom on the loggia is starting with the search for the mood to follow the style of the whole room. The use of light paints helps to create an illusion of space expansion. If you combine the right colors with good lighting, it will give the room a view of a spacious and beautiful room.

Combination of the right color and good lighting will help make your room spacious and beautiful source

Also, do not forget about the blinds and curtains, since the advantage of a large amount of light can be a disadvantage in the morning, or at night, when they turn on lights, or headlights. When choosing these devices is repelled from, style that you will use to make up your sleeping space on the balcony. For example, for the style of Modern, laconic blinds are more suitable, and Provence is better combined with light curtains.

Selection of furniture and bedroom beds on the balcony

It should be taken into account that there are few spaces, and therefore each item should be both stylish and functional. Therefore, nothing superfluous is needed.


As for the bed, the best option, of course, will install a single bed or folding sofa, as it will, again, will help save space. If you allow your finance, a fairly good option will be, a bed under the order.

A good option will make a bed under the order source

This option is much better because the bed will be made based on the size of the bedroom balcony, and perfectly fit into the situation.


The use of a double bed is also possible, but only if the balcony is wide enough. Get ready for anything, one way or another, such a bed is likely to take most of the space.


For this task, it may also be suitable for an ordinary mattress installed on a special framework. Especially good, such a solution is suitable for rooms in a modern style.

The design of the bed perfectly fits into the room's interior source

Since, as mentioned above, standard storage furniture is not very suitable due to space deficiency, advise the use of suspension shelves and corner lockers. Their use is quite profitable and ergonomically, as they occupy little space and, usually, are located at a distance of an elongated hand.


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Use decor

Decor, this is the last stage of the arrangement of the room. Let's look at a few tips.

The bed can be made a beautiful blanket, and the shelves are supplemented with their favorite book, photo, painting and many others. The color carpet will fit well for the insulation of the floor, and will also serve as a decoration of the room and make it more cozy.

Using plaid fitted under the style of the room, and different interesting things on the windowsill Source

Such small things are important because they are sense of individuality and something "their".

Small things give the feeling of individuality, and good stylize your room source

Advantages and disadvantages of the bedroom on the balcony

Such a designer decision is quite interesting, but it is worth understanding that, like the rest in this world, he has his own pluses and cons.

The bedroom on the balcony has both advantages and disadvantages. Source

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The most important advantage of the bedroom on the balcony is the decision of one of the main problems - the shortage of residential space. It will be especially useful for a family who has grown children, or simply "replenishment", then another bedroom will definitely become a big plus to the convenience of the monastery.

Main plus bedrooms on the balcony - Saving space Source

To resort to such a decision, it will be a good idea if relatives or friends came to you, for example, who would like to live with you. At the same time, the room, in the future, can be easily redone. Another weighty advantage, is what a solution will always look quite original and unusual.

Another important point is that there are more windows on the balcony, and this, automatically protects you from lack of light at any time of the day.

Such a bedroom is very well suited to lovers of minimalism, because on a sufficiently small space it is placed all the most necessary, and you do not need to use extra details.

Minimalism and good lighting, also the main advantages of the bedroom on the balcony source

But do not forget about the shortcomings:

The most important minus of such a decision is that this part of the dwelling is usually separated from the rest of the house and there is no electricity, nor heating, and therefore, it will have to install everything from scratch.

Also, it should be borne in mind that to carry out such work, you will need the necessary permissions that are not always issued. Of course, it will take enough time, and do not forget that even a glazed balcony does not guarantee complete sound insulation. Therefore, most likely, you will need to lay out money for extra isolation.

Compactness is good, but it comes far away. Many are disappointed, looking at such a small room, where there are often not so many things or fittings.

It is worth thinking about the psychological factor that also enters the game. Often, people are simply inconvenient in such small rooms, and even more so spend the night there.

Video Description

Visually about the bedroom on the balcony, see the video:

Finally decide to make a bedroom on the balcony, we advise you to read the information, about all the nuances of this procedure, which is shown below.

Obtaining all necessary permits

If you have completely decided everything, then the first thing you need a project workpiece, where all the procedures you are going to do are prescribed. With this document you must come to local BTI.


It is worth remembering that the holding of such a restructuring is possible only if the balcony is more than two meters in length.

Also, the necessary factor is the glazing of the balcony. To do this, they advise you to put double double glazing. So you will protect yourself from the Winter Cold. It will not be superfluous, in addition to insulate the room.

Insulation balcony

Features of this procedure are quite individual for each type of balcony. Not only walls and windows are insulated, but such a necessity concerns the floor with the ceiling. At the moment, you can use a wide variety of materials for the implementation of this procedure. As a rule, the most commonly used polyfoam, mineral wool and foil insulation.


As mentioned above, since this room is separated from the rest of the dwelling, you will have to additionally think about installing heating fixtures. The best solution will be installed as a secure convector or radiator. Use on the balcony of electrical heating devices is strictly prohibited.


Also, a big plus will be the use of a warmed floor, which can be put under the tile. Such a solution is the best for this type of premises, but you can also resort to a simpler version - the use of infrared film floor, which is installed under the laminate.


We tried very much for you a useful excursion on the topic of bedroom placement on the balcony to finally deal with all the incomprehensible moments of such a non-standard solution for the bedroom.

Now, viewing a sufficient number of examples of design and furniture design, as well as knowing everything and against, and taking them into account, you can consciously solve whether you really need it.

The organization of the bedroom is the case is not simple, requiring maximum attention to various trifles. This applies not only to the choice of furniture and other objects of the situation, but also the proper zoning of space. Among the most extraordinary solutions - bedroom on the balconyWhat can cause surprise, but only at first glance.

Loggia or balcony is most often a non-residential space that can be used to relax. For sleep, such a place without re-equipment is not suitable, but the question is solved even for open balconies.

All for and against

Before planning a sleeping place on the balcony, we must weigh everything for and against such a solution. Supporters of such a solution are not enough, the main argument is the possibility of expanding the useful space, which in urban apartments is not very much. The use of a balcony for the bedroom allows you to create a well-lit and ventilated space, a special atmosphere of relaxation outdoors, but with home comfort. This is due to the lack of glazing or its large area, which is very different from the room.

The use of the balcony allows not only to resolve the issue with the expansion of space, but also to allocate a sleeping place, ensuring the necessary privacy from the rest of the room. It is not necessary to combine two zones, a balcony unit can be saved that it will save money for re-equipment. But in any case, it is recommended to provide a choice of furniture and textiles that are resistant to bright sunshine. Even for the northern side of the pillow and bedspreads can quickly burn, losing attractiveness and novelty.

Among the main advantages of decisions to decide:

  1. The possibility of expanding the useful space for a small apartment. Such a solution allows you to make a room more cozy, zoning space correctly, highlighting a separate space for sleep and leisure.
  2. Creating a cozy, comfortable atmosphere and protection of the bedroom from the noise of the rest. Such a solution will be in demand for families with young children, allowing adults to relax peacefully.
  3. Improving the ergonomics of the apartment, improving planning solutions. The area of \u200b\u200bthe loggia or balcony is usually incomparable with the rest of the rooms, but can even be used to the maximum. Even with such a lack of space, there is a very convenient place to sleep here, installing a folding bed or a transformer furniture.

The photo of the bedroom, the arrangement of which shows the variety of designs and the choice of furniture, is a very interesting solution from the point of view of the planning of the apartment. But this interior option has opponents. Among the main disadvantages it should be noted:

  • the complexity of gaskets of communications;
  • lack of proper insulation and sound insulation;
  • too small area;
  • special requirements for the choice of furniture;
  • the need to obtain permission to re-equip space.

Solving to equip a place to sleep on the balcony, it is necessary to take into account the lack of engineering networks - lighting and heating. And if no special permissions are required for the installation of electrical permissions, then with heating everything is much more complicated. To install the radiator, it is necessary to obtain permission, and this is only possible when the project is prepared. But even in this case, the permission will not always be obtained.

Against is not only the absence of communications, but also insufficient insulation, noise isolation of space. It is not always possible to isolate a balcony outside, and the fulfillment of such works from the inside seriously reduces the already small area. In addition, cold glazing is often used for balconies, protecting against drafts and precipitation, but not providing proper microclimate. You can change the window profile too far for all houses. The lack of adequate sound insulation can also cause a certain discomfort, since the street noise does not have a full-fledged rest.

Good or bad to equip a sleeping place on the balcony? There is no clear opinion among designers and architects, in this situation the decision is based on the technical capabilities of a particular apartment and personal preferences.

Bed-podium on loggia or balcony

Design photo show features of the choice and placement of furniture. Since a full-fledged situation due to lack of area cannot be organized, preference is given to compact or folding furniture. Usually, only a bed and a couple of wall shelves can be installed on the balcony, it may not be enough for more space. But this question is solved, among the most interesting options is the installation of a podium bed.

This is a low elevation above the floor level on which the mattress is stacked. To increase the functionality of such a solution, storage systems can be embedded in the podium. Boxes may be different, among the most successful it should be noted as:

  • single and multisective compartments, access to which can be obtained by throwing down the board or lamella base, but for this you will have to remove the mattress;
  • retractable boxes (for their device it is necessary to open, such a solution is possible far from all cases).

The design of the podium bed may be the most different, the most convenient will be its arrangement for the combined balcony and room space or with a fairly large area. The height of the base can be different, it all depends on personal comfort and preferences. If there is enough space, then on the sides of the mattress you can leave 25-30 cm base, which can be used instead of a bedside table. Here the table lamp will be comfortable, the shelf is suitable for a book, personal trifles. Such a design allows you to equip an additional place to store some things, without cluttering the balcony of wall shelves or additional bedside tables.

What could be the podium? The style of its design is completely dependent on the features of the interior, but most often it is a laconic, minimalist design and a calm color scheme. Additionally, along the edge of the base, you can arrange a LED backlight, but its brightness should not be too big, it is also recommended to take measures to protect the eyes from light.

Combining room space and balcony

The bedroom design can be different, one of the most successful solutions is to combine the room and an additional space. In this case, it turns out to be a cozy and large room, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich will increase at least two meters. This is enough to make the room more, highlight a separate zone for sleep, leisure, to equip a small space for hobbies.

When choosing an interior for such a unified space, the features of the already existing situation should be considered. But it is best to immediately plan a laconic and simple solution. The color gamut may be different, for the northern room it should be bright, dark tones are allowed for Western and South. If the balcony or loggia goes on the east side, it is recommended to select warm and bright tones.

Sleeping place from the rest of the room can be visually separated, for this you can use various options:

  • the podium bed, which will help to visually highlight the sleeping area without using furniture and other elements for this;
  • decorative coasters for indoor plants, which are best about the head of the bed;
  • the shells or racks will help distinguish between two zones, while providing normal lighting of the room space and creating an additional place to store personal belongings or books;
  • translucent sliding partitions that can be replaced by a dismantled window block.

Summer bedroom for open balcony

White design photo shows an interesting and unusual design option, you can make summer. Such a solution is usually used for unlocked balconies for which the window unit cannot be installed. You can use this space only in the warm season, as it will not work off or protect the balcony from precipitation and the wind.

It is not recommended to have permanent furniture on such space, as it will be very difficult to remove it for winter or protect against rain and snow. The optimal choice will be folding garden furniture, light wicker couches made of artificial or real vines and rattan. With sufficient space on the balcony you can immediately put a small table and a pair of garden chairs, for the design of the wall, adjacent to the room, use vertical landscaping. You can protect yourself from insects and outdoor dust during sleep with the help of light polls used for park and outdoor furniture. They are in a large selection are sold in specialized stores, but you can make such a canopy and do it yourself using breathable fabrics or very small grids for this.

To enhance the comfort of relaxation, it is possible to highlight or install a pair of parking luminaires operating on batteries. The design of such lamps can be diverse, preference is given to models with a steady base (the housing - stakes for the soil in this situation are not suitable). For a small balcony, it is best to use wall-mounted wallpapers or suspended lamps for a spacious balcony or an open terrace, street flooring in a classic or modern style are suitable.

Basic requirements for arrangement

To make a sleeping place, a number of nuances should be provided, among which is obtaining permission to re-equipment. It is especially important for combining the space of the room and the balcony at which the balcony unit will be dismantled and radiators are rearranged. In this case, it is necessary to develop a refreshing project, collect a package of documentation and submit it to agree on BTI. It will be possible to start work only after permission is received. If the resolution is not issued, it is impossible to redevelop. Otherwise, a fine will be imposed on the owner of such an apartment, and all changes will have to be returned to its original state.

When developing a project for redevelopment, a number of requirements should be taken into account:

  • you can transfer a sleeping place only at a balcony length from two meters, otherwise the resolution will not be issued;
  • you can only arrange a bedroom on a glazed balcony or loggia (if a summer bed is planned, then no redevelopment is not about and collecting documents for this);
  • the window block and the wall cannot be demolished if it is carrier (it is necessary to specify this moment in advance);
  • batteries can be transferred not always, in many cases it will only be allowed to remove the window block;
  • planning the heating of additional space, it is necessary to take into account that the electrical heaters can not be installed here, that is, a project of an additional heating device is necessary.

It is the heating that you should pay a lot of attention. Since the classic oil electrograms cannot be used here, and it is not always possible to carry out central water heating, you can use alternative methods. Usually, the heating systems are used for heating, for example, film infrared floors, for the installation of which complex work will not need.

In what situations can be avoided the design of the project? This concerns only those situations where the sleeping place will be temporary or its device does not require changing the technical characteristics of the room.

Stock Foto Sleeping space design on balcony Shows how to create additional space for recreation. It is not so easy to do this, it is necessary to take into account the various nuances, including the choice of furniture, a bedroom device, a balcony insulation. When expanding the room at the expense of the loggia or balcony, it will be necessary to obtain a special permit, otherwise it is easy to start work.

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I have already described - how do it is done. For the same principle and for the same goals - the functional use of small areas I made a folding bed on my loggia.

For these purposes, I associated a frame with a thickness of 30 mM with a thickness of a thickness of 20x650 mm. On the side boards inside the skeleton by means of adhesive attached resistant rails with a cross section of 25x40. For these rails from a t-shocked sheatboard, a thickness of 12 mm collected a bed of bed.

From the bottom to the rake, which will continue to depart from the wall when lowering the bed in the working position, 2 legs secured on the canopy. When lowering the bed, they themselves, by means of canopies, become emphasis and support the framework. To the wall, the frame is attached to 3 canopies.

After the surface of the entire surface, we cover in several layers of varnish so that there were no burstles. I sleep the entire summer period on my "podium" on top of the wooden canvas, the foam foam mattress rushes and everything else at your discretion. After the end of sleep, bedding is cleaned, the bed rises and put in a vertical position. Fixed with folding hooks.

Bedroom equipment on a balcony with a gorgeous view - an original and romantic idea. Located here hot in the evening with a cup of cold tea - almost a dream of every person is hardly. When the idea comes to execution, practical knowledge for calibration turns out to be zero. How to place a bed, and maybe a bedside table so that they fit on such a small plot - the article will help in these nuances. It includes several ready-made design options and placement of furniture so that it is convenient and pleased with the eye.

Sleeping equipment

Before making any actions, it is important to strengthen the balcony and make finding there pleasant, not annoying. The next sequence of actions will help to navigate what to pay attention to when preparing.

  1. Inspection of the base (Plates that holds a balcony) for destructibility. Strengthening the framework, repairs of the base. It is extremely important because the stove extra weight should calmly withstand: otherwise the balcony can collapse.
  2. Planning.Having a clear scheme of the future loggia, you do not need to begin to implement the conceived. As soon as the plan is drawn up, all angles are measured - you can start. Accuracy in this case plays an extremely important role: in case the bed has reached a little more than necessary, the whole plan can collapse.
  3. Communications. Electricity must be carried out if there will be a lover of gadgets, smartphones, laptops to relax there. And you can also think about primitive lighting in the corner of the bed.

These little things can be made if it plays an important role for a person. Otherwise, such benefits can be neglected and charging the devices in the apartment itself.

Choice of furniture

If you can choose furniture and bed in rooms in the rooms - massive, bulky structures, then in the case of the balcony, everything is exactly the opposite. Each meter, what's there, every centimeter is important in this secluded corner! The following points will help competently approach the purchase of furniture.

  • Regular operation.It is necessary to clearly understand why the bed is installed. If you plan to sleep on the balcony every day, you should think about comfort: the transformer bed will cope with this task. It will be comfortable and take a little more place, rather than mini clamshell for those guests that will sleep on the balcony every few months. Therefore, the correct placement of priorities will help save space.

  • Sofa.A competent solution can be the installation on a balcony of a folding sofa or armchair with a sliding mechanism: in the moments of wakefulness, the object of furniture will take quite a few space, giving freedom of movement, and at night will be able to serve a full-fledged bed.

  • Seasonality.To use the balcony in the summer it is appropriate to use a chaise longue: the design quickly understands, while creating a convenient position of the half. In frosts such an accessory will not suit use, therefore should be remembered about the days of the year when buying a particular furniture item.


You can pull the bed with light movement, and after sleeping the same movement to remove it, saving space: Is it not a fairy tale? Since the creation of the first folding bed has passed a lot of time, and the quality of products has improved. Now the folding bed is not inferior according to the characteristics stationary: but this is true only if a high-quality bed is bought from the famous brand.

In the case of the purchase of Chinese low-quality products, the purchase can turn out not a sweet sleep, but a quiet horror: the loops will creak and break at each other case, and one day and can fall off at all.

For this reason, choose a folding furniture is recommended in official giants stores with a guarantee for goods.

There are two types of folding beds.

  • Folding mechanism from above.The design in the assembled form is the semblance of a cabinet to which decor items can be installed. When using the bed, you need to pull the bed for yourself using a repulsive mechanism. Such beds are most often single, so they take less space in folded form and even suit on very narrow spaces.
  • Folding mechanism on the side. As a collected form, it is a chest of drawers to which any items in double quantities can also be installed. Disassembled by removal of the mechanism that puts forward a bed space to the side.

Balcony bedroom design

In the choice of design solutions will not get to raise. In such compressed sizes, it is desirable to choose minimalistic ideas in which one shade of color prevails. From the color scheme, it is better to choose calm pastel colors, because it will compensate for the miser light in the dark time.

Some modern styles are suitable for sleeping corner.

  • Scandinavian.The essence of the style in the interlacing of traditional furniture items of such countries as Norway, Finland, Denmark and Sweden. Dark wood in combination with both straight and curved lines will create a cozy corner for sleep.

  • Natural.It looks good "alive" corner when all colors have green shades, and decor objects are plants. The plant will not only add a particle of nature to the room, but will also contribute to the purification of air in a small area of \u200b\u200bspace.

  • Loft.It is the loft that is partially a balcony - a room that is usually deprived by attention and is not used by a wide range of people as a bedroom. A wooden bed, a few shelves in the form of straight boards - what is needed for the designer gust.

The finished ideas of how to equip the loggia will help you in the device of your corner.

  • Half Square occupies a full-fledged bed with drawers at the base, as well as a small shelf on the other side of the bed. This option is convenient because in drawers under the bed, you can store any accessories for sleep or something else. The second half of the free space can be left untouched so that after sleeping calmly get up from bed.

  • Balcony in green color scheme with an angular bedroom, a bedside table and lighting in the form of paper lamps. It is perfectly suitable for lovers of aesthetically beautiful species. The practical value in such beauty is not so much, but one appearance compensates for this ailment.

  • Installing a mattress on the floor, a large number of pillows with a sleeping place. Several high shelves and a table nearby from bed. Practically and at the same time inconvenient for one reason: wake up overlooking the street will not come out, for the appearance of beauty will have to get up.

About how to make a podium bed on the balcony, look in the video.

All normal people have a bedroom in bedroom, and you will have on the balcony. This does not mean that you are an abnormal person, just now so fashionable. And not only fashionable, but even practical and unusual. Especially when the sun and singing birds outside the window. It would be nice to still have a steep landscape in the form of mountains or the sea, but without it you can do.

Below we present the beds for the balconies that fit perfectly into the interior and carry practical benefits in the form of comfort and the possibility of relaxing outdoors. So…

The first and most popular bed is on the entire floor. In fact, it is even a bed, and the mattress on the floor, which occupies the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe floor.

In order for such an idea correctly implemented, one condition is necessary: \u200b\u200bthe windows must be almost the right floor, also necessarily the presence of curtains or curtains so that the lying person is not visible. Especially cool lying on such a "bed" in the evening, watch the stars.

Another unusual bed on the balcony is from pillows. It is quite difficult to describe the idea itself. It is easier to show it in the photo, and you will immediately become everything clear:

In our view, the lattices on the windows look sadly - they do not miss the light, and if they skip the sun's rays, they make a mesh out of the shade. To read the book, therefore, you will not succeed, so if you realize this idea on your balcony, it is better to do it without lattice on the windows.

The next idea is incredibly bold - a double large bed on the balcony. If you look at, at the bottom even visible boxes under the bed for storing linen and blankets, probably.

Sleep on the balcony of the years, and even together - it's just fine. But how to be in winter? If I like the idea, it additionally requires the installation of heating elements, insulation of walls. In fact, such a bed turns a balcony in a mini-bedroom, freeing the place in the present room - there you can organize a gym (or home theater - imagine how cool it is).

Next photo is a green sofa (or sofa?), Located in the corner of the balcony. Also a bold and good solution implemented in most modern interiors.

Here you can sit, drink coffee and even sleep in the warm season, but not in the cold. The sofa looks quite aesthetically, but there is nothing unique in this decision, so just take a note.

It is incredibly boldly and unusual - a huge hammock bed on the balcony. We do not know how in practice it will look, but in the photo it is just fine.

Lying in such a hammock and enjoy the light of the Sun is one pleasure, but again, for the ideal outside the window there should be a sea, and next to the girls waitress, who, according to your first desire, bring cooling drinks.

And what is it here? The folded bed on the balcony, made by his own hands by a person who have these hands grow out of the right place, and the head is well concerned.

An excellent idea about which you can say for sure: practical and simple. If necessary, the bed is folded to the wall, frees the place on the balcony, is also easily folded and used.

What about the suspension bed on the balcony? The idea is brave, but difficult to implement: it requires a lot of space (you are going to swing), so it is not possible to accommodate this in any interior. However, this decision is worthy.

It was very compact here to post a small bed with a bedside table, where you can put books, a tablet and something else that is usually in a person before bedtime. Here is a practical sleeping place on the balcony, but only for one person.

All unusual beds on the balconies we have shown, all. We will be happy to hear comments.