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I do not have time: we are looking for reasons and effective solutions. What to do if you do not have time to do work on time

Personal efficiency: Tips of the psychologist Olga Yurkovskaya

A typical complaint of my subscribers: "I do not have time, I look at my life and understand that the achievements in it is zero. And after all, I, like everyone else, 24 hours in the days. Plans are hute, and in reality, I do not have time to have any useful, I do not go anywhere. I live every day in a circle, wake up, to work, pick up a child, cook to eat, wash-remove - on weekends in a movie or in a circus. And such plans, such dreams - just where to find time and opportunities for their implementation? And forces where to find, here's another ... "

Start with a simple but very effective exercise. Each half an hour, write the result that your activity brought. I will clarify: not what you did, namely the result. If you leafed the ribbon in social networks, so write: "No result." Have you prepared lunch? Record: "Borsch, pasta, compote for three coming days." If you sat at work and drank tea with colleagues, do not hesitate, write down: "No result."

So you find out what you do in fact and what result your classes bring. Analyze the consumption of your time. Many are very surprised when they begin to count how many hours it went to useless, in general, activity. And as lost time, you can turn into resources for the future. Such an analysis gives a wonderful chance to change life dramatically, without changing in life, neither work or social status, no other as global things.

After all, you can abandon useless, stupid and robust occupations that neither the mind or the heart. The same brush in Facebook news feeds from perfectly unfamiliar people - what is it? Time spent in vain. It does not bring money, it does not delve pleasure, moves towards the long-term result does not give.

Now replace it, let's say on the online lesson on learning the language. Or to practice work in Photoshop. If you know that you have a tedious standing in traffic, prepare - download audioors and listen while you are on the road. Replace useless time spending on constructive. Study and take steps towards your long-term plans and dreams here and now, and do not wait for a miracle that suddenly your life will suddenly stop being a routine wheel.

Secret Pushkin.

Stop himself constantly scolding that you do not have time to do "global affairs", marking in trifles. I watch this picture everywhere, many people stick themselves and are engaged in self-dispatch reflection: "In my years, Pushkin was already a court poet! Kennedy became president! Schwarzenegger Star on the Alley of Glory opened. And I? I can not achieve anything, although I all said that I had potential, talent and prospects. Where is all this? "

"All this" - in the clock of your busy time. You work eight hours a day, spend time on the way to work and to the house. Domestic: kitchen, cleaning, accounts. You de facto perform the functions of the kitchers, housekeepers, housekeeping, babysitting, tutor for a child, and if there is a "special" husband and waitresses with an additional intima option. Consequently, from your 24 hours in the days there are two hours. After double work, after her husband, children, boss and customers. Accordingly, to write poems, paintings or election programs, you need to go out in a third shift. It is logical that you cannot do this physically or morally. You already want to relax, and not continue to work. And well, if it's time for rest at all. It happens that there is only time for sleep, and that is not enough long.

And all the people who admire the world and which diligently lead as an example, they lived in a completely different life. If we suddenly invent the time car and move Pushkina, say, in modern Moscow, put to work in the Clerk office and give him a housewife with three children, we will not wait for him from it. But he will live, most likely, until sixty, until it dies from a typical infarction.

Creative people usually come from rich families. They did not work, did not provide a family and did not work on the weekend. They had full house Servants, nannies and governess for children, cooks and cleaners. They had more than enough money and time to devote themselves creative, intellectual activity.

Opponents may object to, they say, not all outstanding personality were aristocrats. But this does not mean that they worked the art between the sowing and repairing the lapes. Creative people have always had patterns who not only supplied money, but also took over the responsibilities for providing life. If you read the works and biographies of many authors praising on the literature lessons, you will find an interesting trend: Writers from the most rhytholic populations and revolutionaries, not particularly embarrassed, came to their rich friends, were located with full comfort And lived, as in the sanatorium, on all ready. Of course, in such conditions it is very good to compose verses or think about high.

You are deprived of this option, you do not have the opportunity to stay visiting rich friends and engage in creativity, for example, poems to write from boredom. Therefore, it makes no sense to compare ourselves with people who lived in another social layer in another material situation. This is a deliberately losing party.

Your task to compare yourself with me yesterday and every day try to make at least a couple of steps towards your dream. Look at your time spending, do the exercise that I voiced above. And do not fulfill, and do it every day. Put a repeating alarm clock and once half an hour remind yourself of the need to write down what you were busy. Maximum a week later you will make steps to the transition to a qualitatively different standard of living. You can, without changing anything fundamentally, to do more things and have time to do not only "live a day", but also lay the next stone in the construction of your own happy future.

Optimize your time

Start delegate cases that take your time. Challenge them to others and do not break over a thousand pieces for the sake of small things or stereotypes. For example, linens And a bunch of things can be given in the laundry, rather than washing and ironing personally. Hire a cleaning lady who boosts the whole apartment at the weekend is not so expensive. If you constantly save a penny and spend time, you do not draw money, but life will pass by.

Organize yourself so that the priority resource is the clock and days of your life. For example, do not run into the supermarket after work. You know perfectly well that there you will be waiting for the crowding and queue at the checkout. Do not waste the day off for the city in a major shopping center - Two hours in traffic jams and completely spoiled mood. Once a week, choose a time when there is no peak hour, and when there are few people in the store. Begin Products on long term, decompose in containers, partially freeze. And all, cooking will take you several times less time. Consider the delivery option. Consider how much you will spend time and gasoline when independent trip - It is quite possible, delivery will cost you cheaper.

Refuse to do business who are unfortunately steal your life. Chat with colleagues, games and empty disputes on social networks, reading a secular chronicle (if it is not included in your professional duties). Dedicate the vacant time to self-development. And for the year you will achieve the results, which were silent for five years.

And last secret: go time for physical recovery. Your brain will not work effectively if your body is tired and feels bad. Go to the massage and any form of fitness - on dancing, on yoga or on power training - any lesson you like. You will have more energy for the accomplishment, you will be less tired and tired more.

Somehow passerby, watching the woodcase, noticed
that he rubs the tree with a completely blunt ax.
Wanting to help, he suggested that he put an ax,
after all, a sharp ax is better cut.
What got a simple answer:
« I have no time to sharpen an ax,
i need to cut

"I don't know how I manage it, but I'm pursuing a mess everywhere. I can not regularly clean in the apartment. In the workplace chaos, I can not find anything. Constantly forget everything. FROM external species Also all the time something is wrong. Be sure to eat some kind of defects: then the head is not washed, then the button broke away, then the shoes are dirty. I am constantly late. I eat something, on the run, I do not pour, I miss the gym, I do not call back on time. And at the same time, everything is not enough time. How tired of all this chaos, when everything rolls out of the hands and not enough forces. And so I want to catch everything in life, see everything and try everything. And the diary to lead - only time to lose!

In fact, a huge number of cases are performed, but some small, unimportant. Life is increasingly reminding running with obstacles to rough terrain. And it is felt that in this stream a secondary is lost the main thing, then for which it costs to live. "

If you know this condition, then let's figure it out why it arises and how it can be overcome.

Why are we melted?

To end a permanent hurry and confusion in your life, to "put out your ax", psychologists advise goaling, management time, diary and diary. Yes, that's just in such people usually do not have necessary for all this perfection and thoughtfulness.

According to the system-vector psychology, Yuri Burlan, 24% of people are prone to such a lifestyle - representatives of the so-called skin vector. They are from nature with high mobility, an excellent response and need for change. Their species role is to produce food and everything else, to maintain the extracted and optimized already created, saving time, energy and resources. Also, the peculiarity of the leather is discipline, self-limiting and the logic of thinking.

Why does it happen that these disciplined people behave so insufficiently? Why do they melt, and they all fall from the hands? Because their innate properties were not implemented due to, for example, loss of work, divorce with her husband or crisis in the country. Any situations associated with material losses cause them ultrastrass.

The mobility given by nature in this case is manifested as excessive fussiness. A person grabs for everything, and stress blocks the ability to soberly separating the main one from the secondary. As a result, such people are filled with all sorts of affairs. They and five minutes can not sit without a case. Because of this, the sleep is given less time, and the fatigue accumulates.

Is there a way out?

Is it possible to do something about it? Just understand your nature and learn to realize your desires in the right direction! Since material success and career growth are very important for the leather, he needs to be a maximum of himself in society: to be a merchant, entrepreneur, lawyer, an engineer, inventor. This is his profession. And receive reward for their good work. Then he will not get into stressful situations Financial restrictions. And if sometimes it will happen, it will be able to get out of them quickly.

The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan helps in this with great efficiency, which is talking about the many reviews of the training listeners on this technique. You can read these reviews on the portal system-vector psychology Yuri Burlan.

Once a month, free introductory online lectures are held, on which a separate occupation is assigned to the skin vector. You can register here:

The article is written using materials.

Question to a psychologist:

Hello, I'm not sure that such a question should be asked exactly a psychologist, but maybe you at least a good advice to me. Tell me how to be. I do not have time for anything. When I come home from work, I feel like a squeezed lemon and I don't want to do anything, I can lay the clouds with the clouds in the clouds or sit in social networks. At work there is no such big load so that I am right tired there before it is impossible, it is often that I am at all sitting in a day and I do some things or communicate with my colleague. At home, too, not so much business - I live with a guy and we have 2 cats, with whom not so much trouble. We have no scandals, everything is quite calm and adequate. I'm terribly annoying such my disadvantage. I have already tried many times since the beginning of the week start new life, I prepared, did other households, I did a charging, but by the middle I start to dwell, the whole fuse disappears, I start to get tired, the desire to do something just disappears. I have almost no friends who would have pulled me somewhere, most free time I spend at home, maybe it is somehow connected. I tried to go to the dances in the hope that it is at least something like that, it became even worse, with dances I come as a corpse and go to sleep right away, I don't even sleep, not to put the strength, not to mention the desire to cook or make cleaning, for example. I have already tried both vitamins drink and on fresh air I am about an hour a day, make up lists of affairs on the day, as a result, everyone also takes out because they all almost do not give a special result. I am angry with myself to the impossibility, constantly for such irresponsibility and barriers to King, but there is no longer anything from that. Tell me how to be, there may be any "magic" methods to activate and finally do something and generally enjoy life. Because of such a common impressibility, I am in constantly tension that I will not have time, I'm afraid to take responsibility for something at work, I feel some kind of vegetable that can not anything. Help please advice.

A psychologist answers the question.

Hello, Alain.

Chronic fatigue is an indicator. that a person lives in other people's eyes, ideas and desires.

Your dream and desire are the source of energy for life.

Every person has its own desire that heats him gives strength and inspires to actions.

When a person goes to call her desire, then the forces are growing. Support for action is pleasure. When a person in life enjoys the concept of "must", then the forces begin to leave him, the basis of all actions is irritation.

This usually happens when in childhood the concept of "desire" and the concept of "should" replaced.

It all starts with the duty that the child gives, independently he wants or not. In order for the child to fulfill the instruction, it is suggested in the process of execution of the order. interesting games Or they say that it is pleasant and useful for himself. Over time, the child gets used to doing what should, but learned to find benefit for himself and considers it his desire.

And he does not know their true desire. Energy is spent, but not replenished.

There are always solutions:

1. Leave as it is and waved on your hand.

2. Think over such topics: what is the desire, what my desire what is true desire. Determine your desires and make them visualization, to raise mood and strength.

3. Now at this stage the engine of all actions is a debt, you can work with it. The sense of duty is a product of education.

With any action, to pronounce about yourself, and it is possible in a rumor (as convenient): But it is possible, if you want, but it is also different. Allocate the time to aware of your actions and the true desire to manifest itself. Strength will grow.

So it often happens that we promise to do some kind of work on time and do not have time. Especially when you need to do not be one small task, and some large amount of work, for two weeks, month or two. The reasons do not have time can be a lot:

  • External circumstances that prevented
  • Habit to postpone all at the last moment
  • Optimistic estimates regarding labor intensity,
  • Parkinson's law worked: the work took everything all the time
  • The initial data came late.

And when you already understand what we clearly do not have time, throwing thumbnails: "What to do?"

Here is a step-by-step instruction:

  1. Look at the work done and calculate mistress metrics in expectations about working capacity.
  2. Rate the remainder of the work and calculate the date of completion of the remaining work (completion forecast)
  3. Meet the client and tell the situation about the status, and the forecast of completion.
  4. Coordinate the action plan for docking deadlines. If the term is important, then select priority work from the residue and reduce less important.
  5. Meet or convene with the client about the status of work on a daily basis - this will increase transparency, and transparency will increase trust.
  6. After completing all the work, collect together and disassemble why the lag has happened in terms, and what needs to be done so that this is not in the future.

Calculation of metric

To make a good prediction of the completion of the work, you need to understand how mistaken we are when evaluating. An error may be in an optimistic estimate, or a new job has appeared. Therefore:

1. Remember the estimated labor intensity of the work that was performed, and the actual time that was spent on the performance of work. Based on this data, calculate the accuracy of the rating:

K \u003d Planning_Teer capacity / Actual_Thether

2. Look at the work done, and determine how much work was added and was not scheduled, calculate the impact of the uncertainty factor:

FN \u003d Added_Rotion / Scheduled_Rot

3. Take the rest of the work and calculate the completion forecast, taking into account the metrics received:

Forecast \u003d (residue / k) / FN

We will have the most realistic number of days necessary to complete all works. If the uncertainty factor will occur again. If you think that the new work is not added, and then there will be no problems, it can not be considered:

Optimistic \u003d balance / k


Consider on the example.

  • Suppose we took an order which was estimated at 20 people / days.
  • In the process of working on the order, it turned out that there were new tasks with an estimate of 5 days.
  • We have spent 3 weeks for 3 weeks, and made work for 8 days from the planned volume.
  • We left until 1 week. And we understand that we do not have time to do work on time.

We consider:

K \u003d (8 + 5) / (3 * 7) \u003d 0.61 FN \u003d 5/8 \u003d 0.62 residue: 12 people / days forecast \u003d 12 / 0.61 / 0.62 \u003d 31.72 calendar days. (We made a conversion in calendar days when calculating "K") optimistic \u003d 12 / 0.61 \u003d 19.61 calendar days.

Thus, we turned out a pessimistic forecast for the completion of work - 1 month if the law of Murphy occur again, and the optimistic forecast is approximately 3 weeks. If there are no problems. It is these numbers that need to be discussed with the client.

How to avoid

In order for the situation to be repeated, it is best to evaluate risks and factors that may affect the increase in work in the early phases of discussion.

For this, you need to build a plan not in the form "First we do it, then this, then it is," and reveal obstacles "What prevents to get the customer's money right away?". As soon as we recorded the first obstacle, we form an intermediate purpose that you need to achieve to overcome the obstacle, and ask the question: "What prevents achieving this goal?". We write an obstacle and to it an intermediate goal. We have a tree from steam obstacle-goal. If you are all done correctly, then such a plan will have much less uncertainty than plan "We make two times, three."

When the plan is formed, make all the tasks in Bipulse, the tool will calculate the full work capacity. On the calendar plan BIPULSE will show the critical chain and the calculated, recommended start date of work taking into account the time reserve, which is 50% of the duration of all works. If you see that it was necessary to start "yesterday", then you will be able to negotiate at the start of more realistic timing.

In the process of performing tasks, the system will measure the accuracy of the estimate (K) with making forecasts for the completion of work. And also, to evaluate the deviation from the schedule and recommend what to do. If you see that the warning lights up "Apply a change plan" This means that it is time to call the client and negotiate changes in the amount of work or terms.

I am surprised by the phrase "I do not have time." Such a phrase has to hear quite often, and from people of various professions, classes and statuses.

This is a strange phrase. How can you not have time to do anything at all? It turns out, you woke up, but did not get out of bed, and then the night came? I can not believe.

I understand that most people who utter this phrase are greatly exaggerated. But after all, something they mean, when they grabs the head with a groan "I don't have time!"

It seems to me that such a feeling occurs according to one of the following reasons:

  1. You think (it seems that it seems) that you have too much affairs, and under any circumstances do not cope with them;
  2. You do not have time to make those cases that are really important to you, for example, do not have time to communicate with close people or engage in your hobby.

I will consider both options.

Long list of cases

The feeling that you do not have time to have nothing, it often occurs when you just do not control your affairs. That is, while life flows calmly, you easily lead the usual current tasks without using any lists of cases, diaries and other things. But as soon as a new or simply unplanned business appears (for example, new responsibilities at work or a sudden arrival of relatives), the feeling of overload increases dramatically.

An example of such a state is student sessions. I remember my condition well during such sessions: after a slow rhythm of current classes, it is suddenly changing everything, and you are trying to surrender what I have not passed that I forgot that I forgot to reckon in the past, and to learn what I did not know. At some point, the nerves surrender, and panic sneaks: how can I learn all the subject two days before the exam, if you can't remember anything in your own lectures?

This condition was treated surprisingly easy. As soon as all things requiring decisions were discharged on a sheet of paper, anxiety melted in her eyes: the affairs turned out to be at all so much, as it seemed, and the time allocated on them even with a margin.

So a simple list of cases is quite effective tool For the initial treatment of the state "I do not have time." Of course, the list of cases will not save them from the need to perform them. But it will help to appreciate whether the amount of tasks is really so great, as it draws its irrepressible imagination.

What is the most important thing in your life?

I believe that the feeling that you do not have time to have nothing, it occurs not only in the regime of zeietic. It happens that things seem to be a little, and at the end of the day still the impression remains that you did not have time. This, in my opinion, just the situation when, performing many important tasks during the day, we, nevertheless, do not make anything that is very important for us, for our life.

Do not have time to communicate with relatives? Maybe regularly delay at work and see native only sleeping? If this is the case, and the reason for this is the most insane, about which it was concluded above, then when Zeietot will be safely passed, you can fill in a lack of communication. Well, if you delay at work - and there is your life, then or change the job, or at last your work so as not to linger on it, beloved, over an hour in a day. However, perhaps, the work is for you the means of "escape" from ... something. You know what it is.

Do not have time to do your favorite hobby or develop any skills? I will surely believe. But if the development or hobbies are really important to you, then I advise you to distribute time so as to devote to this at least half an hour a day. Do not seek to take a whole day off or free evening. Even half an hour a day, but regularly, will deliver a lot of pleasure.

Do not have time to watch your favorite program on TV? Do you need it? TV takes too much time to regret that you do not have time to watch it. Well, if the transfer is really a favorite (I hope it is a useful gear, not the TV series?), Find, finally, write it to your absence and view at a convenient time for you.

If I start to hear from myself myself, this strange phrase "I do not have time!", I start to evaluate what exactly I do not have time to do during the day, weeks or even a month, since I get the impression that I do not have time at all .

For example, if I returned home for several days late and do not have time to clean the apartment and cook food, I catch myself thinking that I miss something in this life. I can not say that I am a fan of cleaning and cooking, but it is necessary to do it and this is important for me. Having found the source of his feeling of "failure", I calm down, I plan when I can fill the gap in the cleaning of an apartment or a different business, and no longer worried about it.

Realizing which non-affected things that are worried about and create a feeling of "failure", you will almost certainly be able to allocate time for their execution. And then you can breathe more freely: "Didn't I spend anything? Not! It's not about me!"