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How to find a job like: five real steps. My story. How to find and get a good job

There was a moment in my life when I was sitting at home without work. As I tried, everything could not find my niche. At one of the forums, I came across the advice on a successful job search. Here they are, subsequently, and helped me cope with the search.

Tip number 1. Act in all directions.

I somehow have been looked at searching through Internet newspapers. Taking advantage of advice, I connected to the search for relatives, friends and acquaintances. All-all noticed! Suddenly hear somewhere or accidentally stumble upon a job offer. I bought local newspapers, called, sent a summary. Went on the websites of companies, watched vacancies.

Tip number 2. Determine the scope of activity.

Initially, when I was looking for a job, I did not think about something defined. I thought I would find something and good. It turned out that to look for "I do not know what" is very difficult and almost impracticable.

I thought. Then, based on his life experience, specialty obtained at the institute and your own preferences, I still decided on the direction of finding a job. This, indeed, significantly simplified my task!

Tip number 3. Do not hurry, but to prepare well.

Finding a potential employer, I was not always confident in my abilities, but always went to the interview. Sometimes, even quite quickly, agreed to the conditions of the meeting, which I was appointed.

Once, I called one company and I was appointed a meeting after 2 hours. Do I need to tell how I was going?! Naturally, I looked not very, and I did not offer work. Although resumes and took.

After this incident, I am thoroughly preparing at the interview. I decided that I should have at least a day to prepare for the interview.

Tip №4. If not very interested the employer - continue searching!

I realized that it was not worth spending time and walk on the interview, if there is no true interest in the proposed work. Especially if time fails. And since I wanted to find a permanent, well-paid work, I carefully chose the employer.

Tip number 5. We are looking for no "for a while", and "forever"!

This is another motivation. I subconsciously thought that we had to go to all interviews and to take for what was offered. After all, if you don't like it, you can always go to the search for new work. And it was one of my main mistakes. You need to search for the work constant, the work "forever"!

And, you know, when I began to stick to these tips, I turned out for a short time to find "my" job. I am very glad that it came across these tips on time.

And what advice can you give, so that the job search did not drag on?

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Can't find a worthy job? Scroll useful Sovietsthat will help get a job about which you dreamed about!

Sometimes the job search becomes something very tedious for a person, not only in physical, but also psychologically.

Find a job It is possible only if you can save and positive installation in any situation.

True, in fact, most often, people are much harder to protect themselves from negative emotionsEmployed-related, especially when literally at every step comes to work on work.

How to learn to always stay in the fighting mood and not to lower your hands?

How to find a job worthy of you?

We bring to your attention a few inspirational ways to help you quickly get a job on that position to which you are applying for!

So, read and remember!

1) Properly compiled summary - help you find a job!

And in the event that it has already been drawn up, it is necessary to carefully reconsider it and, perhaps, partially remake.

If a person is patiently fulfilling one after another, all the points of the list, he will not have a feeling of "stagnation" in search for work.

Sooner or later this method Be sure to benefit.

"Valuable jobs for job search!"

Turn on!

5) You can find work at various events!

Visiting events.

Another interesting occupation for those who are looking for work is to visit all sorts of exhibitions and events dedicated to employment.

In such places you can not only easily find a job, but also get acquainted with important people, Communication with which will bring a lot of experience and knowledge.

Most importantly in search for work - Never give up!

A person who will not neglect the above councils and will be the correct summary, will write an interesting accompanying letter, it will be determined with the direction of its activities, it will give new goals for itself and will visit as many exhibitions and events as possible, it will definitely get a good job for excellent work.

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Dismiss? Did you get under the reduction? Decided to change the profession or place of work? Now you will learn how to find new jobwithout risking with its own well-being.

Work on combination

There are different situations, for example, you want to increase your income and are looking for additional source Earn money. Let's figure out how to find a new job, being in an old place.

There are professions and posts, partition on which is prohibited by law. Probably, you were warned about it at the stage of acceptance to work, so think a hundred times before looking for work on the side. At the same time, keep in mind that the partification is not one-time, but regular work in its free time. It is governed by labor legislation.

A situation is possible when the prohibition of partnership is a whim of the employer. Usually this moment is fixed in labor agreementBut does not have legal force. Most often, the employer knows about the illegality of this restriction and looks at the partners through the fingers, because in case of a challenge, the truth will not be on his side.

The only thing that threatens you in the case of exposure is spoiled relationships with the bosses. Weigh all "for" and "against". Think how much you value this place and whether it is worth holding it if the employer violates your rights.

Internal and external combination

So where to find a new job? There are two options for you: explicit when the employer is aware of your plans, and the secret when you decide to hide from the authorities you have the second job.

In the first case, an excellent part-time version may be working in your company - this is called internal part-time. Write your desire to lead your desire, you may be going to meet.

If you decide not to advertise the search for the second job, none of the employees should know about your intentions, the probability that the information will reach almost one hundred percent.

Change profession

At any age, with any position and income level, a person can solve change profession. According to statistics, about 40% of Russians are ready for such dramatic changes.

The first thing you should be confident that this is not a momentous impulse, caused by fatigue or disagreements with the bosses, but a weighted and deliberate decision. The sharp change of the profession is a complex process, and if there is a lot of experience in a certain sphere beyond the shoulders, it is doubly difficult.

The main mistake of most applicants is that they do not know what they really want. Forums are littered with posts, where people who spent dozens of years in some sphere are asking advice on changing the direction. Can someone better know you yourself, what is your calling? We will not discuss the technology of identifying hidden talents, there are many good material. Let's talk better about the pitfalls.

You must understand: any field of activity is a rin. The longer you go on it, it is deeper and the more difficult to get out of it. Did you score a certain professional weight, have a reputation and customer base? Maybe you should think about your own business?

In a new place you have to start with scratch, perhaps with the lowest payable position. It is possible that you will learn the Azam in young colleagues, and your manager will be much younger than you. Are you capable of adapting in such conditions? Can be initial stage to feed a family?

Safety bag

If you are not afraid of difficulties, you realized risks and ready for change, try to realize our ideas with the least loss for family budget and nervous system. Maybe, good option There will be a job search in adjacent areas. So you can use accumulated knowledge and experience.

An excellent option will be a part-time job in the desired area or combination. When the situation in a new place is strengthened, you can dismiss from the main work and completely surrender to your favorite business.

Useful will be visiting seminars, pass extra education, especially if your current work has nothing to do with the activity you plan to do.

Dismissal due to staff reduction

Yes, it happens. Reducing even successful specialists. The first thing that every employee thinks, who has received a warning from the employer and recovered from the strike: "I will find a new job?".

The main thing is not to fall into the despondency. The first place where it is worth looking for work is your field of activity and related directions. Along the way, let's notify all your relatives and acquaintances about what is in search.

If, despite the dismissal, the relationship with the employer is good, agree with him about the possibility of excavation on interviews in working time. Most often, management goes to meet an employee. In some companies, this moment is negotiated in the employment contract.

It is notemly to think about the action plan in case you cannot get a specialty. Remember your hobbies and talents. Perhaps the time came to turn the hobby into a profession? Prepare several summary options in the directions in which you could implement yourself.


If you do not suit the working conditions, it is worth starting searching for a new place, but dismiss until you find the appropriate option, no need. You can put under your blow financial welfareIf the search goes longer than you planned.

Safety technique

Some are trying to blackmail the leadership hinting at possible care and trying to achieve improved working conditions or increase wages. It can work if you are a really valuable and indispensable employee. Otherwise, you can immediately point out the door for which applicants are already waiting for your position. Start searches, without becoming the company's employees and visiting interviews in their free time.

If you decide to "burn bridges", then create a small financial supply that will allow you to hold out in the process of finding a job.

Job search

Speed \u200b\u200bis one of the main criteria for the effectiveness of your efforts. The more active you show yourself, the faster it is employed. Often people left without work, with heads are immersed in households, taking over the responsibilities of housewives. It can like first time, but, in the end, can lead to serious psychological problemsThis is especially true for men.

Do not panic and do not fall into the despondency if there are no deeds. You can find a new job in 40. As you set yourself, it will be your search.

Below are some tips on how safe and quickly find a new job.

Cheat sheet applicant

  1. Try to increase the chances of success, omitting all familiar and relatives about what is in search. This simple measure can save you from further trouble, perhaps someone from close friends or relatives will help to find a new job.
  2. If you have already left without work, put up in the center of employment at the place of residence. This will provide you with a little search and useful information About new workplaces in your area. The employee of the Center will regularly inform you about holding job fairs and meetings with employers. Along the way, on the basis of the center you can undergo free advanced training courses or master the new profession.
  3. Do not relax, save your work mode: Stop at the same time, plan a day and try to clearly follow the schedule. Aware that the search for a new place is now your job.
  4. Do not waste time for communication in social networks, computer games And reading articles like "How to find a new work on Feng Shui" or "How to attract the job?". Landing the trousers in the zone of wealth and shamanic rituals will not increase your chances of success.
  5. Create for each direction of activity, which is considering as a possible, your version of the resume. Place them on all portals for finding work, which can only be found.
  6. If there is a need to limit the resume of the company in which you work in this moment. It will not give a hundred percent security guarantee, but there is a chance to stay unnoticed. You can not specify in summary and last place Work, indicate only the scope of activity and experience.
  7. Do not search for work from the work computer and do not use the service email to send. In many companies, the Security Service regularly checks what employees do in working hours: control outgoing files and history of visits to third-party sites.
  8. Learn to cut off the suggestions of fraudulent companies. If you, after reading the text of the vacancy, could not understand what the organization was engaged in and you still promise fabricants, do not waste time in vain. As a rule, such firms are positioning themselves as transnational corporations, which on the eve of the establishment of world domination allow you to jump into the last car and grab your piece of cake.
  9. Train, buy experience. Try to walk on all the interviews that you are prescribed. You will learn correctly and confidently communicate with representatives of HR services, to answer uncomfortable questions, passing testing, to make failures and refuse yourself - it improves self-esteem.
  10. Great temptation to take the first job offer? Agree if it really complies with your requirements. Otherwise, you miss the chance to find good work. You lose mobility and you will not be able to walk during working hours on the interview, every time you will explain to a potential employer, why recently settled, you are looking for a job.

Find a job in such a megapolis like Moscow is not so difficult. First of all, it is necessary to study vacancies in the "Work and Salary" newspapers, "from hand to hand", etc.

It is much more difficult to decide where it really wants to work: on the street, in the office, at the plant at the machine or at the computer.

It is from the choice and will depend on the earnings. In addition, earnings depends on the knowledge and from the ability to properly present yourself.

Is it easy to find a job in Moscow? For young, hardworking and active people who have a huge desire to work and strive for this - there is nothing impossible, even taking into account their schedule.

It is important to assimilate for yourself that you should not feed large hopes Regarding the easy profit.

In nonresident, not in the passport register, for example, the earnings will be much lower than that of citizens who have such a document.

Nevertheless, this is not a fact - possessing qualifications and skills required by the authorities, possessing qualifications in one of the most popular vacancies - to count on a good, highly paid job, can any citizen, and not only from Moscow.

The newspapers almost always require such workers as a driver, janitor, manager, cook, waiter, seller. Therefore, for whom purpose: Find a job in Moscow is a priority, it is worth paying attention to this category.

Popular vacancies in Moscow - what professions are needed by the capital

Desire to sell, assist and consider income - the most popular classes that are chosen by Moscow residents. However, on the other hand, professions such as sales manager, secretary and accountant are not only the most desired vacancies, but also the most popular vacancies among employers, otherwise, demand gives rise to an offer.

One of the five most popular vacancies in Moscow was the vacancy of the secretary - the clerk who took the first place in this list. Oddly enough, 100% of applicants who claim this position are a female representative.

Today, the list of the five most popular professions in Moscow looks like:

  1. Secretary - 15 thousand vacancies
  2. Sales Manager - 13 thousand
  3. Accountant - 11 thousand
  4. Seller - 7 thousand
  5. Lawyer - 6 thousand

Find a job with one of these specialties in Moscow is not difficult.

It is easy to see that among these vacancies are typical women's professions. And even the profession of a lawyer today is also fairly in demand among women. More recently, only a strong floor claimed this position, and now - 57% of the ladies.

Here is a list of vacancies in Moscow C - numbers - show the number of topical ads.
Very much free places in the spheres of transport and logistics, in the automotive business, in production.
The State Service and the highest management find their employees clearly not on the bulletins of the announcements, however, it is logical - there are not much vacancies here.

How to find a job in Moscow - readers' stories

Editor's Note: We have a little confirmed history: mistakes, vocabulary.

Timur (arrived from Uzbekistan): Although they say, there are some visiting in Moscow, without registration to find work is very difficult. Education, skills, work experience, personal qualities, all this ceases to interest the employer when he learns that you came from Uzbekistan.

The work is offered a second-rate and pay an order of magnitude lower than local. The place of the loader in the supermarket I got "inheritance" from the countryman, while took with test time And put all the time in uncomfortable shifts. Through time, weighted and moved to the staff of the hall, but then the Russian speech helped me without an accent, and for many this is a problem.

Much depends on the personality of the employer, a good relationship With the guide - the pledge of career growth!

Job manager in Moscow

Evgeny (recently graduated from the university, manager): Even before receiving a diploma, the vacancies market began to monitor and was confident that without any problems I would find a job for myself. But having received the cherished document in the hands was disappointed. First of all on several sites, and lost two weeks waiting.

Then began to look suitable options Among the vacancies on the same sites. Several times hit dubious employment agencies, sometimes real enterprises were met, but the ad text was different from the actually proposed working conditions and salary. A couple of times I even went to the interview, but to no avail.

Without work experience, it is impossible to get a job with a worthy payment, but to work experience for a penny is not at all the prospects that I outlined myself, learning for five years in the metropolitan university. As a result, I took me to the work of the mother's friend, as it is strange for the metropolis where it flies work force From all over the country and from abroad.

Work in the hospital

Katya (came from Saratov): Salary of budget workers in our country is worthless small, but they also differ in different regions. In our native Saratov, I worked for 0.7 nurse rates and no improvements of my financial situation Not foresaw. Having heard the stories about the transcendental earnings in private medical institutions of the capital, I decided to change the place of work.

But in Moscow, no one was waiting for me. An old diploma Honey college was not enough to match the vacancy, qualifications confirmation courses were required. But in the urban hospital there was a vacancy of the junior honey of an employee, simply speaking. Work may not be such a prestigious, but the salary for 8 shifts per month is more than 20 shifts to lunch in Saratov.

With the authorization of the leadership, I changed the shifters and worked two days through six. Removed apartment in the area and once a month went home.

After half a year, with the help of the leadership at the expense of the hospital, the very courses were held, and transferred to the position of nurses. Money on Moscow standards are good, and for the province is very big. Now three years need to be worked out in this hospital, and then in a private clinic you can try happiness.

Good day, dear friend!

We have repeatedly said that sending a summary through HR-departments can turn into such a dragomotine that it is easy to store in the liters of Validol.How to quickly find a job? Actimmediatelyand directly. Without intermediaries.

With a good scenario you can negotiate with the LPR(The decision makes the decision) for one call.

With a bad, it will take some time. But compared to traditional way Sending a resume in HR-departments or through a work site is still faster at times.

With direct search, such options are possible:

  1. You learned the direct phone LPR and call him.
  2. You do not have a LPR phone and you are calling the secretary, assistant or to the Call Center.

Today we will analyze the second option in detail and consider several scenarios- legends.

The sequence of your actions can be approximately as follows:

  • You find a published vacancy that you are interested in the work site. Direct the summary and the accompanying letter.
  • Press the company and go to the company's website.
  • There you can see the phone number.

Call? Wait ... First we take a papers or open the file on the computer. Record in the sign. Here we will write the results of our calls and the number of companies. Otherwise, you just get confused, for one call is most likely not limited to.

Before starting the challenge campaign, it will not be superfluous to prepare morally.

1. Firstly, positive attitude towards a person with whom you will talk . If you think that the secretary or the employee of the collector center is a frozen failure, the attitude will have to change. Your God knows what ways, but is transferred to the interlocutor. Even by phone.

2 . Second - readiness for unexpected, and sometimes unpleasant turns . No one is able to predict how the channel can turn your conversation, so you need to be prepared for everything.

In fact, you are acting the same methods as sales managers who are tired of all worse than bitter radish. "Send" you will often. And this is normal. Yes, yes, it is important to understand that the method of direct calls brings success on the principle "than more Fishing - The greater the fish. "

3. Calm and confidence . First of all, confidence in the correctness of your actions. A calm and confident tone acts trouble-free.


So, you dial the company number.Your task is to find out what is the name of the head of the vacancy and achieve to connect to it. Or gave a contact phone.

The result of your communication largely depends on the features of the interlocutor and its instructions. Sometimes with the manager you are interested in will immediately connect, sometimes it will be firmly refused.

However, most often the result depends on your style of communication and the legends that you use.Be energetic and persistent. Many people are simply inferior to that.


No, not Caracalpak legends Ukuum Bukiyev :) Legends in our case, - small storiesthat will help you overcome the "Secretarian barrier" and go to the manager you need.

1. "Forgot, what is the name"

"A head of your company called me, a man ... It seems the head of the department ... the marketing department, he introduced himself, but I forgot - it seems Ivan, I did not remember exactly ... Be kind remind his name Patronymic"

"And if it does not complicate how to contact him, we did not agree ..."

2. "I want to write a letter"

Ask the geographical address of the company, then the index, then the name of the patronymic of the person who you need and whom you supposedly want to write. Then clarify the surname.

3. "Magazine employee." Presents a journalist. You write an article on a specialized theme and want to get an expert opinion. The opinion of the manager you need.

4. "Continuing contacts". Tell me, that I have already collaborated with this person, but subsequently the contacts were lost. Would you like to resume dialogue and ask the heads of the manager or connect to it.

5. "Interrupt Communication". Tell me that you communicated with a person by phone, but the connection as it came out interrupted in the midst of the conversation. You did not have time to say the main thing and even write down his phone number.

"On the goat curve"

Such a common name combined several more ways to get to the head of the vacancy. They are even easier, for legends may not be required at all.

a) through the departments of the company

With the personnel department or the selection typically connect without any questions. Ask the secretary to connect with the HR-Department. For example, for some vacancy. You are connected, they say that they are just mistaken or connected you by mistake. You need such a person.

Employees of departments, unlike secretaries, are not accustomed to "fight back" and easily shake contacts.

b) through another employee of the company

Find the contact of any employee of this company. Call and asking: "Is it a marketing department?" You say "no." You apologize and ask to give the number of marketing department. Along the way, you learn what the name of the manager you need (if you do not know) and his phone.

c) call in after-school time . For example at 8.00 or at 21.00 o'clock. Some leaders are already in place or still in place, while the secretary "Mitka is hijacked."

Watch the brains can easily come up with my legends and ways to find out what the person needs the right one and get to the "body."

The next stage is communication with the LPR himself (by the head of the vacancy). How to communicate with him we discussed in article . Let's go back to this issue. Follow the news.

In conclusion:

Skill to call anywhere and confidently communicate with anyone it is difficult to overestimate. The people I advised, who used the method of direct calls said that they completely got rid of different complexes related to telephone communication. And not only telephone.

Insecurity, pressure remained in the past. Appeared skill. Skill to open those doors in which most people are timidly knocking, or even bypass. And continue to "chew cacti".

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