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How to attract work in your life - a cheat sheet from seven points. How to quickly find a good job with a conspiracy

Well-being, wealth in the family is often dependent on the availability of good work. Even if the family is not poor, the money will end sooner or later, therefore it is very important to have a good source of income. Job search - the case is very responsible, and not always good place guarantee knowledge, skills and skills, sometimes it all depends on the luck.

If a lot of candidates, it is very important to please the employer, show yourself from the best party. Help in this can do white magic rites.

Why exactly white magic

Many know that magic is white and black. If the latter is intended to use people for their own purposes, then white magic contributes to the improvement of human life, she protects it from the influence of black magic. It can be said that white magic is creative, safe, unable to suppress the will of the other. Therefore, these rites are suitable in order to find a good job.

But those who intend to conduct rituals, it must be remembered that white magicians should not have bad habits, i.e., you should forget about alcohol, smoking, foul language, you need to strive for harmony, to be in a good mood, without leaving anger and anger.

Ritals that make it easier to find jobs

To find a new job, you can use the ritual to attract work. It can ease the search, will not just find a good place to find a good job, which you like to choose. We'll have to go there every day, so it is necessary to take care in advance that the new place attracts not only money.

Rite with envelope

Before you start to find a job, you can spend the next ritual. For this ritual, any day and time is suitable, but it is best to read a conspiracy after sunset. You can start training in advance.


To do this, take a piece of paper, handle, sit down and think what new work you want to find. It is important to fill in this sheet a few points, responding to a number of questions:

  • What work attracts you for?
  • What salary will arrange you? (It is impossible to write the maximum, there must be exact numbers).
  • Which team should be in a new place (it is impossible to answer "how it will turn out").
  • What career growth do you want to be in the future?

Before writing answers to questions, you need to think carefully, you can give yourself an extra time to think (day or two).

Reading conspiracy

Once all items are filled, you need to put this sheet into a clean envelope and write a date on it. This should be the number when you assume that it will be possible to find a new job. On this day, the envelope will be printed. After that, you need to wash my face with ice water three times, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy:

"I (name) is the smartest. I (name) is the most successful. I (name) the most necessary. From morning the threshold, I will not choose a hundred roads, but one, but the most faithful. And be neither short, nor long, nor stony, nor the terrible sword, without robber, solaries and envious of evil, people and dying spirits. I'll go through it to the hill. On the hill of oak, on the dryer, in the chest of gold. I worship the giant and say, pouring out: "Batyushka-oak, give me mine, kindergarten, happiness, good, I know how to spend it, not to put it, be sure." Slounding the oak branches, the chest will give to me, and with him the key from twenty and two more kingdoms. I will be rich, I will be lept, I will be in honor of my husbands and virgins. I will work, while I want, and I get a lot of silver. Come on working towards me as a sister, and not as Likha's trouble. What said, turnover, and the angel my keeper is the lie. Amen. Amen. Amen".

In order for the words of the conspiracy to work, and soon managed to find a good job, a number of conditions must be performed. You need to wipe the face with a towel and hide the envelope, after which it is important right to go to bed. No TV, computer or books - only sleep.

In the morning it is necessary to read the "Our Father" and start finding work. It is best to do it to breakfast, especially since now the Internet makes it possible to search for work at any convenient time.

To find a good job, you can go to the forest and read the plot there. Job search is better to produce after the new moon, on Friday. On this day, you need to go to the forest, without communicating with anyone. It is advisable to find a place in the forest where two hemp stood nearby. One of them needs to sit down and talk words of conspiracy:

"I, the slave of God (name), sit on another stump (transplant) and get a good place on another day right, right, right!"

Then you need to get up and, without looking around, go home. This rite will help to find a good job in the near future.

Conduct this ritual only on the growing moon. You need to take one dollar, essential oils of clover, mint and cedar, green envelope and pen with a paste of golden color. On the bill, which is a symbol of the new endeavor, you need to write a cooked handle:

"Now I have a job that is simply created for me. I am happy and succeed, my work is paid well. "

After that, essential oils are dripping on every corner of the bills, it saming three times. This bill must be removed in the cooked envelope, and then under the pillow, where it should lie before receiving work.

In the church you need to buy the icon of the Savior and the Virgin, as well as 6 large candles. It is also desirable to score holy water. For the rite you will need clay dishes, in which the holy water is poured. In the morning (in the gap between the sunrise and noon) you need to take these icons and put in front of them on the candle. Also, the vessel with holy water is placed in front of them.

"Virgin Mother, yes God-Father! Give a blessing to good work. Amen".

After that, you need to drink three throat of this water, and the rest is kept until the evening in the same place. Before bedtime, she needs to wash. Candles must be exhausted to the end. This rite repeat three days in a row until all 6 candles are used. Now you can search for work. When it is found, you need to thank God for His mercy.

Rituals that will help you like the bosses

It is important not only to find a suitable place, but also to ensure that you are taken to it, because Competition can be big. With the help of a special ritual to work, you can increase the chances of receipt of a new place.

Conspiracy to hire

Before you go to get a new place, you need to say:

"I do not walk on foot, I do not hurry a short on a black cat, a gray dog, a red roostech. He was not to refuse me, God's slave (name): neither on Monday, nor on Tuesday, and on Wednesday, nor on Thursday, nor on Friday nor on Saturday. Take, damn, my care. So as no one opposes me words, no evil and no. They did not move to the tongue, respected me and loved me. Cross with a cross, dealing with a good end. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracy to back up the employer

Three times read

"I go to the bar, not junk and not old. I go to fit, the owner is noticeable. My face was nice, my soul was not caught. I would have been surprised at me, the owners smiled, I died with the words. He would not start the soul of baptized. Lord Jesus Christ. OUR YOUR YOURSELF, VERY MILT FOR ANY HOUR. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Or you can pronounce other words, before this kisses a piece of bread:

"As from the century in the age of God, the bread is honored, it is served with a bow and take it, so I would be, the servant of God (name), I was happy to take, I was delivered to the honorary work. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen.

Conspiracy on the mirror

So that this plot worked, you need to find a mirror (round for a woman and square for a man). If there is no such house, you need to go to the store on Tuesday and without trading, buy yourself a mirror. The delivery is also not recommended. Before going to get a new place, you need to bring the mirror to the lips and say:

"The mirror, my light, lit my way to work now! The age of grateful (on) I will! Timi-Tityan! Amen!"

Now you need to kiss yourself in the mirror, three times, and shove it into the pocket of the sweater with a reflective side on yourself (you can in a bra).

Today, I, Mag. Sergey Artgrom, will tell about what household conspiracies when searching for a new job you need to read and how to properly use the power of the magic to yourself. Magic is able to help solve social issues. After reviewing this material, you will understand that magical assistance in search of work can be very simple, and at the same time efficient. And the first example: a conspiracy that needs to be read by going to the interview.

Conspiracy with a device for work - so as not to refuse and took

"I go to the bar, not junk and not old. I go to fit, the owner is noticeable. My face is nice, my soul has not picked up. I would have been surprised at me, the owners smiled, I died with the words. I would not have been baptized my soul. Lord Jesus Christ, God, hind us in every hour. Amen. Amen. Amen".

An effective conspiracy for the search for highly paid work is essentially universal. It can read not only those who practice witchcraft through, but also magicians working with the Slavic gods, and Warlocks. In the last two cases, only the last line of conspiracy change, turning not to Christ, but to the strength that they work with.

What could be the consequences of the conspiracy in order to work?

And can unwanted and negative moments arise? I, Mag. Sergei Artgrom, would answer so on these questions: depending on how to perceive changes. Sometimes events may look like negative, but the final result is positive for a person. Sometimes the events develop imperceptibly as a sprout underground. But, on the last time, this sprout appears on the surface, and this is good.

Can a home conspiracy, which is designed to help solve the problem with work, do not work? Maybe quite. Usually this happens in cases where you have a magic negative, say, damage to the closure of paths, or evil eye. In this case, the output can be only one: before making magic rituals for well-being, read a strong conspiracy to hireOr doing other positive witchcraft, it is necessary to find out if there is a negative on a person, after which complete cleaning.

Independent conspiracies to call for work

Before you go to the employer, your potential bosses, read an independent conspiracy three times to find high-paying work:

"I do not walk on foot, I do not hurry stuck on a black cat, a gray dog, a red rooster. There was no refusal to me, God's slave (name), nor on Monday, nor on Tuesday, nor on Wednesday, nor on Thursday, nor on Friday and neither on Saturday. Take, damn,. So that no one opposes me against me, no evil and none, I would not move to the tongue, respected me and loved me. Cross with a cross, dealing with a good end. In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

This conspiracy in finding good work is very effective, and, it works not only when working to work, but also in completely different household situations. If you need an effective conspiracy so that the Son is to work, this ritual can give a good result. But, in my opinion, Maga Sergey Artgorome experiences and deep conviction, one-sole magic conspiracy on the search for monetary work It is often not enough. Just because any action there is always opposition, various external factors that can become an obstacle to get the desired one. And therefore, independently make rituals comprehensively. In this case: for general well-being, to attract good luck in finding work, and money.

And if you have intention to change the place where we work, it will not be superfluous to read a conspiracy to receive another work. Very can come by the way a witchcraft spell on respect and love of people:

"At sea, on the ocean, on the island of Buyan, it is standing about five walls, stands wall on twelve knives. These twelve knives have thirteen watchmen. I'm going to those knives, to those thirteen guarded. I look, looking and see Judas. You, Judas, were offended and cursed, from everywhere you, Judas, chasing, your face was spoiled. Take you to themselves my grief so that I was miles to me. In now, forever, infinitely. The word strong is said. Amen".

What are the conspiracies to read in the search for good work

To look like an employer to want to take on a revenue position to make you a person more successful than you were before, try to make this white one conspiracy before interview to the desired job:

"I will become, the servant of God, (name), in the morning, blessing and crossing. I will come out in a clean field, I will see for all four sides: there is a holy church on the east side. How to look at this church and charge, so it would be on me, the slave of God (name), they watched and the old old women, old old men, little guys, red girls, young men, good, well-known are good. Be, my words are strong and strong, like dungeon keys. Amen".

This magic spell on employment, works as a magnet for the necessary people. You get attractive in the eyes of others. You can read directly at the interview, looking at a person, from which your employment depends on the solution.

In the same way, it works and quick conspiracy to take on a good job.

"Colive, the people, good people, to the Holiday Holidays, Holiday. How they look at the crosses and on the poppy, to the mother of the Most of the Virgin Mary, for different images, so there would be a slave of God (name) looked and watched old old men, young men, old old women, young muladts, red girls, small guys. So would be the slave of God (the name of the employer) looked and looked, so I would, the slave of God (name) seemed the most beautiful sun, cleaner, clean silver. Be, my words, forever irregular. The key into the water, and the castle on the hand. Amen".

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, Magician Sergey Artgrom, I recommend to wear a proven mascot for attracting the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. The cash amulet is made strictly individually, under the name of a particular person and his date of birth. The main thing is right to immediately configure it in accordance with the sent instructions, is equally well suited for people of any religion.

Effective conspiracy to take advantage of

Sometimes simple words have a great witchcraft strength. Many conspiracies aimed at solving social issues work on the personal power of the artist. In other words, how much you yourself are inserted into the magic process, such and will return.

"Drinking, work, be me, the servant of God (name), in the hunt. Nestlodelo Marie, give me strength to all zhniv. In the eyelids. Amen".

Strong conspiracy on the search for monetary work

To find a good job, we carry in each pocket in the penq. It must be a surrender obtained when buying salt, bread and milk. But ask the seller to give you the surrender of it, it is impossible. In this case, the magic conspiracy works by analogy with a protective ritual for the Fart, when the found coin is coin. It is found on the street, and not coming to you in a different way.

Before putting coins in a pocket, it is necessary to read the words of the conspiracy for each visit: " Dali, did not ask. Waiting for help from higher strength. May it be so" For an interview to a person, from whom your employment depends, you need to get to half the afternoon on an odd day, and threshold to cross the left foot. At the same time, it is mentally able to say an independent conspiracy in an interview to work rich, monetary: " All data the highest powers with me».

If you go to the church before moving with the employer, and put 3 candles there: in front of the icon of Nicholas, the Mother of God, and for health and enemies, it will become a plus, will reinforce the magical impact on the director of the company. An independent conspiracy to find a highly paid job, can show the result you will be surprised.

Read the effective white plots to get on the right job

If your goal is fully formed, and you know exactly what organization you want to get a job, try your happiness along with an independent plot to work in order to take after interview.

Text plot for rapid employment This read in the morning dawn:

"Skindowelo Marie, for me, the servant of God (name), entitled, for me, the servant of God (name), they are called, so that I have a job, what I want to regret me, do not sorrow. In the eyelids. Amen".

And a strong conspiracy with a job interview, read during a conversation with a potential boss, or immediately after it, at the time when he will decide:

"Lord Isus Christ, water in wine Prelimal, prettry mine, the slave of God (name), the troubles are empty in the cottones are gold. Let me find a good job. Amen".

But this very simple plot to take on a good job is done at any time of the day. In the left hand, clamp pebbles with sharp edges. Cross, and immediately pebbles through the left shoulder in the corner of the room, and say so:

"Pebble - in a corner, a line in the forehead, and to me, the slave of God (name) - for noble wealth, for a good job. In the eyelids. Amen".

Pebble, used in a strong conspiracy on a device for a good job, do not touch for one month. He must stay there, where he fell. After this time, it can be attributed and quit at the intersection. But it is not necessary to throw out the window, it's not necessary to throw off my luck.

i will go expensive - not expensive, driving - not driving, catering - not a casual. And I will go to look for dats in the cheese Bor, in a clean pitch. I step in step, and I will find a virgin, and the other step, and I will find the Chervonchik, and the third step, and I will find half. Speeds to have, and I swam. So that I live-wait. Yes, burn not to know. Amen".
Cream remnants can be offered to their home or drink, adding, for example, in coffee. Look to bed, beat the pillow, but tell me: " Korovka-Mother, you gave me cream, give and work a new, profitable yes good" After that, turn around three times and read our "Father". Making this strong conspiracy to hire, on the growing moon. The real result should be within one lunar month.

What is a powerful conspiracy to receive a favorite work

Strength is in magic of noviov. This ancient magic will help in search of a new job, and will also help return to the previous one, in this there is a need. And here is an example of a strong conspiracy so that they are taken on the previous job, or to search for a new one. Having arranged to work, tie a node thread with witchcraft words spells for a device for good work:

"How tightly this node is tied, so I would have, the slave of God (name), the matter soon and firmly developed, yes to work."

Tie 3 knots, for each repeating conspiracy. Put the threshold on the threshold, cross, close the door, and go to work in full confidence right, and in success with your magic.

One has a good luck in the affairs, while others are trying to attract it to their lives. Many reflect on how to attract good luck in work. People use the most incredible ways to attract, often forgetting that there is not enough committing a certain ritual. Without active actions, nothing will work.

About luck and good luck

Good luck in the work can be defined as a positive result of any case, for which you neither take, everything would always be able to. Specialists of any organizations from ordinary employees to managers are dreaming of good luck.

Most of them believe: a constant luck is the wings of the favorites, to attract good luck, you need to make magic actions. Rituals support the faith of a person in what everything will be in operation.

Methods of attraction

There are various ways to attract good luck in the work. Some of them are simple, do not require great efforts, others will have to spend time, strength and money, but the result will not make himself wait.

  • psychological;
  • magic;
  • prayer;
  • rituals and conspiracies;
  • items for good luck.

Materialization of thought

The path to any case begins with faith in his success. It has long been known that thoughts are materialized. If you give yourself an installation on a good, provide an internal positive attitude, you can easily attract good luck, which will open up large professional horizons.

To attract good luck, use certain tips. In any activity, money should not be an end in itself, you need to relate to them as a way to improve life.

Do not envy more successful people, condemn, be angry with them, negative feelings harm you, and not the rest, impede luck. It is necessary to communicate with those people who inspire, can convey professional experience, teach something useful.

You always need to be grateful for the help, success in work, for the fact that everything is possible for every day. Even in a bad need to try to see positive moments.

If something in the work does not get laid, then you should not throw things, you need to try again. People prone to self-criticism, depressive state, need to work on self-esteem. Confidence in their forces, the abilities helps to do more, you need to try to get rid of thoughts that lead to a dead end.


You need to repeat them several times a day out loud or about yourself. It is more important not the quantity, but a person's faith in their reality and achievability, without this, they lose meaning.

The most popular affirmations include:

  • i'm always lucky;
  • i can handle difficulties;
  • i will succeed;
  • the boss will be pleased with my work;
  • i can make a complex and responsible task;
  • i have a lot of talents that need to be revealed;
  • my colleagues will keep me in everything;
  • i can attract interesting people to myself;
  • the most favorable contracts go to hand;
  • i will always have money.

Design workplace

There are several rules for places where you are constantly working. The space around us is invisibly affected by success in affairs.

1 Inslace Rule: In the workplace there should always be an order.

This not only accelerate the workflow, but also attracts positive energy. All boxes, folders, paper need permanent sorting, they must be carefully decomposed, unnecessary need to be thrown away.

The more plants in the workplace, the better, you can put a monetary tree. Put various talismans and souvenirs on the table, which attract good luck.

Help in finding work

Good luck is necessary not only to those who work successfully, but also those who are in finding the work of the dream. To search for success and crowned with success, follow the rules:

  • it is preferable to look for a job in those professional spheres where knowledge and skills will be useful, it is useless to try to get a job in which you do not understand anything;
  • if you found a vacancy that you dream to occupy, then for a few days constantly mentally imagine that we got this work;
  • before the interview with a potential employer, do an autotraining, which is instilled positive and confidence;
  • eriprate the willingness to start work immediately, not be afraid of difficulties;
  • you can not be lazy - the job search is also the work to which it is necessary to treat painstaking and thoughtfully and see the final goal in front of him;
  • before the interview, it is advisable to repeat effective affirmations;
  • wear an interview Amulet / Talisman, who gives calm;
  • during communication with the employer, smile, emit confidence and good nature;
  • do not concentrate when looking for work on thoughts to get more money.

Much depends on the applicant whether it will be stubborn, active in finding work will show its advantages. Magic rituals will only be associated with his own efforts.


Many people are trying to grab luck by the tail, but she constantly eludes them. The reasons may be much, they are both objective and subjective.

The most common are fears, the feeling of incompleteness of big money, the inability to dispose of capital, missed opportunities, competition, the wrong calculation of their resources.

What else can be more beautiful than a favorite job that gives pleasure and brings wealth? When you are doing your own business, you serve the world, you fulfill your destination. After all, we all come to this world for what to show their uniqueness, to reveal their abilities with the help of creative activities.

But how to find it? How can you attract the work of your dreams? Read more.

We define what kind of work you want

The attraction process begins with the search for a truth target. Therefore, sit in a relaxed atmosphere, relax and think about what you would like to really do, so that your soul is glad. So that the work gave you positive energies. It can be anything. For example, growing colors, photographing, writing, your business or something else. The main thing is not to chase in other people's standards and ideas, but to hear yourself, understand your uniqueness and allow it to be expressed by a magical way.

Therefore, do not rush in this step. Pretty listen to yourself and understand your true desires and goals.

Hello, dear readers. Often in our life there is a need to search for new work. At the same time, some seize a lot of resumes are grabbed for any vacancy, but it cannot be adequate.

And others, and so working on a decent position, constantly get even more tempting proposals. What is the secret and how to attract work and money?

I suggest today to talk about all sorts of ways to attract monetary work: from psychological plants to magical rituals.

According to my observations, most often the difficulty of finding work is experienced by people who:

  • You do not really know what they want. Agree, there is a huge difference, do you look for a temporary job to get rapid income or your life vocation, let it be time to the detriment of high salary.
  • Not enough motivated. It often happens that a person is looking for work not from personal convictions, but, for example, because the wife or parents "washed". And at the subconscious level, he does not want to change anything at all. It is not surprising that in this case no profitable proposals will follow, and luck will not smile.
  • Inadequately evaluate their abilities. If you underestimate yourself, you miss a lot of vacancies, initially programming yourself on the fact that you cannot cope with the task. Overestimating your knowledge and skills, you risk not finding work due to the constant discontent of the proposed salary that does not correspond to your overestimated expectations.

It is the internal uncertainty in the plans, goals and evaluation of oneself prevents the desired result.

Principle of visualization

Therefore, starting to find the work, it is necessary to honestly admit, you need it to you or your loved ones and clearly determine what you want to get.

Will you work with a specialty or do you need a cardinal change of activity? What is priority for you: high salary or good relationship in the team?

Treat everything, up to the number of income, size and frequency of the award and the availability of social suites. After all, even such a trifle as the presence of a dress of code, maybe someone can drive someone into a serious depression.

It will notice that it will be not easy to mentally answer all the questions, but to record your wishes on paper in detail. So you streamline your thoughts and focus on all the details.

It is also recommended to make a collage of magazine clippings, clearly illustrating your new job place. Hang it, for example, on the inside door of the cabinet. Then every morning, dressing, you will visualize your dream in thoughts. And our thoughts, as you know, material.

Attraction of cash flow on Fen Shui

Fans of this Chinese teaching accurately know how to help you quickly get a highly paid vacancy.

For this in response, the energy of qi, living only in a clean house. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to clean the room from the rubble, dirt and dust. Ruthlessly get rid of all unnecessary things and clothing that you do not use.

At the same time, it is not enough just to take them to the balcony. To make money to find the way to your home, it should be free from negative energy of unnecessary items. Therefore, throw out and crushed.

According to the career corresponds to the northern zone, which should be activated. This can be done with the help of black and blue colors, metal and water. The easiest way to hang in this sector is a black and white picture in a metal frame with an image of an animal or bird.

You also need to put here a glass filled with nine coins laid up an eagle. At the same time, eight coins should be white, and one is yellow.

To attract monetary work, it is necessary to rub this "wealth" daily, and water change. After the desired employment, the glass must be immediately removed.

Additional talismans that help get a good vacancy, are:

  • Metal or stone turtle, which is responsible for the emergence of money and the necessary business connections.
  • Model or pattern of a sailboat floating with her nose to the entrance door. Make sure your boat is not a copy of any famous vessel that has come to the bottom. If this is a model, then put a handful of coins in the bag.
  • Spherical metal vase.

Do not place in the career zone no fire symbols, such as red or triangular items.

Since our task is to receive precisely paid job, it is necessary to strengthen both the southeastern area of \u200b\u200bthe premises responsible for wealth simultaneously with the career sector.

You can do this with the help of all the same water by placing a fountain or aquarium here. Optimally, if nine goldfish will float in it, one of which should be black.

Also, place one of the talismans in this area: a three-year-old toad with coins, goldfish ARACE, HOTE with a cash bag or the image of Chinese hieroglyphs, symbolizing the influx of money.

Folk signs helping to attract financial success

There is a lot of acceptable to preserve and maximize money. Many went to us from observation ancestors, some were invented already in modern times.

In order for monetary signs to always find the way to your home, you need:

  • Do not spend the first earned ruble, but leave it in a wallet for good luck.
  • Hide coins and bills in all rooms except the bathroom and bedrooms. Do not forget to "don" the storage room and the refrigerator to never be starved. Leave several coins and under the entrance rug.
  • Do not take the delivery directly from the hands of the cashier, in order not to get someone else's negative energy. A saucer for money is not in vain. Paying for purchases, bills only in folded form.
  • Do not lift a trifle on the street. If you do this, use the glove or handkerchief, and at home to dock the coins three days in salt water to wash off the negative.
  • Do not bother yourself on Monday and do not take a debt on Tuesday. On other days, take money with your left hand, and give debts - right.
  • Do not put an empty container on the table and not put the keys, monetary signs and hats.
  • More often to sacrifice money in need, especially near the church.

Conspiracies to attract money and work

Some prefer such a way to get the desired employment as a plot. There are a great many, one simple, others are accompanied by a complex ritual.

The general rule of all magical rites conducted to attract financial well-being are their implementation on a growing moon.

So, for the young month you need to rub the wallet with money above your head and say: "Clear month - to the moon, and money to me." Then you should get three bills from the wallet and three coins and put them in a box that put on the windowsill so that it is covered by the light of the month. In this state, leave money to the full moon, after which they can be spent.

Distribute the new handkerchief and read the following words seven times: "There will be me a slave of God, such, successful in the path-road. Where I go - I will find a job, I will not get a failure. "]]

When walking on the interview, always carry this handkerchief with you and try to wipe them input handles into the cabinets of your potential employers.

If you with skepticism include all sorts of conspiracies, you can confine ourselves to pronounced daily positive affirmations that contribute to the involvement of cash energy, for example: "I, as a magnet, attract goodness and money" or "Money love me."

The main thing, while not sitting, folded up, but in practice it is to make efforts to find work and multiplying your wealth.

For example, you can pay attention to, such as:

  • - Also a decent resource for earnings on polls. Each task is about 10 minutes. Payments are carried out on Vabmani wallet or PayPal, the minimum amount is 300 rubles.

Several options for the output of funds, charity and very generous prizes and gifts are available.

This is forgiven and I wish finances always tend to you a confident river. I will be grateful for the recommendation of my article in social networks.