Repairs Design Furniture

Modern ideas of apartment repairs from professionals photo video review. Repair of the future: New technologies in finishing works New decisions in the decoration of apartments

The use of new technologies for the repair of apartments and houses greatly simplifies and speeds up this process. In addition, modern materials and innovations allow us to turn the routine work into a real creative process.

Designing the building, developers are always thinking about his durability. After all, no one wants to spend money on reconstruction. Dutch researchers have found a solution to this problem. They developed a unique invention ─ white cement, spontaneously regenerating with a lactic acid calcium and certain bacteria.

The latter absorb calcium and produce limestone, restoring microscopic damage. Scientists specifically chose with row-shaped bacteria for these purposes, capable of surviving several decades without oxygen and food.

With the help of innovation in the construction of private houses it is possible to build inexpensive, lungs and warm walls. For the manufacture of non-removable formwork uses warm polystyrene foam. The main advantage of the method is the high speed of the workflow. Applying such plates, a large house can be raised in a couple of weeks. This concerns even houses with a complex layout.

Also, the use of a non-removable formwork allows you to save on the insulation, because the plates and blocks are already equipped with a layer of heat-insulating material. The main disadvantage of technology is only that the concrete must be uniform.

This is a Russian invention, suitable for building a private home personally. Application technology is suitable for the construction of columns and pile foundations. At the end of the pile there is a domed thickening. Thanks to this form, it is possible to use pile foundations on bright soils.

The main working tool will be a car with an adjustable discovery blade on a long six. It is designed by experts for this method.

At the construction site, hollow blocks are formed, from which the walls of the foundation are erected. For these purposes, formwork modules are needed. Periodically, they should be rearranged and fixed where the wall installation is planned. The next step ─ into the module is loaded and the drying is waiting for it. Next, you must disassemble the modules and their permutation to another area.

Advantages of technology:

  • reduction of land work;
  • it is possible to design houses from different materials;
  • minor financial costs;
  • reducing the risks of uneven appeals.

This is one of the most relevant areas that is of interest to building organizations and the largest manufacturers. The concept of it consists in maximum optimization of residential space in terms of energy efficiency and ease of use.

The "heart" of the system is an electronic device that controls all the economy. Innovation is used to form a single structure, in which elements of ensuring comfort and functionality are involved:

  • electrical devices (load distribution and voltage change in the network);
  • lighting devices (timely shutdown of devices);
  • monitoring and safety systems (fire safety, protection against hacking, video surveillance);
  • communication systems (heating, ventilation, air conditioning).

Smart Home has all the prospects to turn into a standard for human dwelling. At the moment, the development of fully autonomous houses is being developed without the need for their service person.

Finishing facades

All sorts of innovations regularly replenish the ranks of finishing materials. If the facade finish is required, you can find very interesting solutions for facing the external walls of the building.

They are made of phlizelin and polypropylene. This is a certain system that includes two components: wallpapers and special dispersion glue. They are durable, wear-resistant, do not contain harmful substances. If you need to close small cracks or hide external defects on the walls, then this is an excellent option.

Construction mixes

Using acrylic mixtures and calcite and marble fillers for the manufacture of decorative plaster, you can do the following:

  • change the color and texture of the walls;
  • form the desired surface relief;
  • mimic natural stone.

Such coatings have durability, moisture is not afraid and do not fade under the sunny rays.

With plaster materials, only a highly qualified specialist can work, able to form wall texture and capable of doing part of the work manually.

In the building market, water-soluble acrylic, water-soluble and water paints with a huge palette of colors and shades are presented.

Hinged decor

Framework technology finishes can radically change the appearance of buildings. For example, thermopanels with imitation of natural stone are able to simply transform the old slag surface. It acquires the appearance of ancient masonry made of natural stone. Also, for the original design you can use other options:

  • tile from porcelain stoneware;
  • plastic siding panels;
  • wooden facing panels.

Wall decoration

Everyone is used to that the walls in the rooms must be saved by wallpaper or painted paint. But thanks to new technologies in repair and finishing, many alternative ways have appeared.

They are made of environmentally friendly material based on natural fibers of cotton and cellulose. As an additional components, the chopped bark of trees, dry algae or various dyes are sometimes added.

This is an excellent option for people suffering from allergies. Liquid wallpaper covers are not terrible mold, fungi and bacteria.

Careful wall preparation is not required, which is also their dignity. On the contrary, they are able to disguise small irregularities, making the walls more neat. After applying to the wall, the liquid wallpaper resemble fine-grained solid foam. Universal building materials are used for finishing in hotels, offices, administrative and residential buildings. The term of its operation is about 30 years.

Bamboo wallpaper

They are made of fully natural material (narrow rains of an exotic creek are pasted on rice paper). They are separated by a variety of rooms: residential and bathrooms, loggias, balconies.

The following parameters are characteristic of them:

  • strength;
  • wear resistance;
  • ecology.

Bamboo wallpaper not scary humidity and temperature differences. Color can be chosen to your taste: vanilla, pistachio, chocolate, green, turtle, wenge.

Heat wallpaper (blooming)

Such wallpapers have the ability to react to changes in the air temperature. They contain a thermocracy that is responsible for the visual effect of the additional details of the drawing. On the canvases usually depict plants that, when increasing the temperature, begin to flourish (first turn into buds, and then in flowers). This is an original and unusual option that creates the effect of "living walls". Since "bloom" usually occurs at high temperatures (25-30 degrees), it is better to hinder not the whole room, but focus on one wall (solar).

Floor materials

The floor is an important element of interior design, therefore it is necessary to approach its choice. The latest technology in the repair affected the materials that are used to finish the floor. Manufacturers offer the following options:

  1. . This is a mixture of polymer water-soluble resin and mineral filler. The technology of manufacturing such a coating is very simple. Main costs are required for preparatory work (the required solid and even base). The low-grade and fast-hardening mixture allows you to make the perfectly smooth floor. Then you can put a parquet board or laminate. Embodiments There are many, including with original patterns and patterns.
  2. Corkl. This young type of floor covering has already been widespread. It is environmentally friendly, possesses moisture resistance, easy to care, well kept noise and warmth. In addition, the plug beautifully looks, soft and pleasant to the touch. Of the minuses ─ high price and erasing the protective layer over time. Also, it is easy to damage, moving furniture. It is worth refusing to use the coating in the presence of pets, as it is injured by claws.
  3. Ultra-duty multilayer linoleum. The new material has an additional polyurethane coating, which significantly increases the life of the product (up to 15 years). Additional advantages of such a linoleum are high noise and thermal insulation.
  4. Parquet coatings of headboards. This type of finishing material is collected from the parquet board, but it is much easier to lay it. The advantages of such a coating are long service life and increased strength.
  5. Glass floor. It is made of several layers of tempered glass, between which, on request, you can place photos or color films. Sometimes glass niches are equipped with backlight for a more impressive effect. Put such a floor worth it is expensive, but there is a budget alternative - glazing only individual sections. The glass floor is usually laid out in public places (for example, in entertainment centers).
  6. . This trendy coating gives the room uniqueness and sophistication. He has many advantages: antistatic properties, moisture resistance, wear resistance. Among the disadvantages - the appearance of scratches from sharp objects, pets of domestic animals.

New technologies in repair and construction radically change the idea of \u200b\u200bfunctional, safe and comfortable accommodation. Development concerns all existing niches: from the methods of laying the foundation and power tools to finishing materials.

Construction technologies are continuously improved. New discoveries differ in the scope of use, but the developers pursue a common goal: to make the construction process is easier, and life in the construction of a new sample is more comfortable and modern. Let's consider the most interesting know-how 2017.

Salt blocks

The author of the idea was the architect from the Netherlands Eric Jobers. The building material looks unusual, but very impressive. Salt from water is extracted using solar energy. For particle bonding, natural starch obtained from algae is used. In fact, waste-free production. Such blocks can be used even in countries with a dry climate. The mixture is suitable for designing flexible arched structures. To protect against external factors, blocks are coated with an epoxy resin composition. It remains to wait whether the novelty will be widespread.

Plates of Isoplat

Invented in Estonia by Skano Fibreboard specialists. This is a natural thermal insulation material made of fibers of coniferous trees. They are pre-wrapped in boiling water, pressed and cut into sheets of different thickness. To make moisture resistance, the plates are treated with paraffin. Isoplat has high vapor permeability and sound insulation, protects against wind, retains heat. Thanks to the fibrous structure, the plates are fireproof, resistant to the effects of pests and simplest (mold, fungi). Elements are connected to each other by the type "Schip-groove", suitable for insulation of the roof, floor covering and frame. The width varies from 60 to 120 cm, thickness - from 12 to 50 mm.

Everblock Lego Blocks

Externally, they really look like elements of a popular children designer. Perhaps they were inspired by an engineer from the US Arnon Rosan. The blocks are made of foam concrete and are connected by the type "Schip-groove" without using adhesive compositions. You only need to process vertical seams. The water permeability of the material is less than 3%. For the construction of two-storey and more buildings, the Lego block is reinforced through the technological holes. The most common block size is 25x25x50 cm.

Light blocking glass facade

Facades of transparent glass easily skip the sun's rays, increasing the temperature in the rooms. Development of scientists from the Institute of Frankfurt allows you to regulate the light-permeability of glass. Theoretically, the facade consists of a variety of round segments. Each contains a tissue disk with wires from titanium and nickel alloy - they have a form memory and react to ambient temperature. If the temperature drops in the room, the material is folded, returning the glass transparency, when the temperature increases, it darkens the glass.

"Live tile"

Liquid tiles that reacts to steps or touch by changing the drawing. The surface is made of tempered glass. It can be separated not only floor coverings, but also walls, countertops. She absorbs well, suppresses vibration. You can almost silently stable on such a tile. Of the shortcomings - instability to high loads, fear of sharp objects (chips can remain). But such a tile looks great.

Covering concrete Shotcrete

The brains of the team of scientists from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Conductive concrete, which absorbs and reflects electromagnetic waves of different origin. Magnetite has come to replace the standard filler concrete - a mineral of natural origin, which has excellent ferromagnetic properties. There are also metallic and carbon components. Initially, the material was designed for running hair, but can also be used in residential premises. It can be applied by spraying.

Thermal wallpaper

Their chip is that when the air temperature changes in the room, the drawing on the canvas is changing. The invention of the designer from China reacts to a change of thermal regime. Under the influence of heat on the wall buds appear, and then blooms. On the surface of the inventor inflicts special thermocheries. Wallpapers react to the sun's rays, and on touch, but moisture is afraid, they cannot be washed.

Flexible Woodskin Tree

Surprisingly flexible material that can be given any abstract forms. Consists of sandwich tiles. A polymer mesh, composite nylon composition and plywood is used. The novelty is produced in rolls and sheets. The form is attached with special three-dimensional machines, connecting small elements with each other. The thickness of the sheet may vary from 4 to 30 millimeters.

Heep wool insulation

The novelty, which has been available in Russia since November 2017. Environmentally friendly fiber is well insulates noises, it does not burn, suitable for insulation of any premises. Oregon Shepherd has been producing two types of insulation - BATT and LOFT. Also, the insulation is good in that it absorbs harmful substances secreted by furniture, synthetic finishing materials and other elements of the interior.

Stucco, which regulates humidity

Condensate is a problem, familiar to many. The developers from the Swiss company STO AG presented an innovative material. The plaster effectively absorbs the extra water vapor from the air (per 1 sq.m. about 90 g). The thickness of the applied layer is up to 2 centimeters. No condensate, no mold and fungi, but there is a flat eco-friendly coating.

Naturally, the developers are not going to stop at what has been achieved and new interesting discoveries are waiting ahead. Perhaps they will change their lives for the better!

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

Each of us wishes to live in a comfortable apartment. For this reason, from time to time it is necessary to repair our own housing. It should be noted the fact that the repair process is an extremely responsible moment that requires a proper approach. By the way, due to the fact that technology repair apartment Requires a special approach, many people refuse to repair their own forces. It is argued by increased labor intensity. However, in this case, it is necessary to understand what if you came up for repair on your own, you must bring the case to a logical end.

If you decide to change, then in this case it is necessary to clearly plan each repair step. All people who have decided on this step deserve the deepest respect.

Further in our article proceed to direct repairs. Immediately, we note what is distinguished cosmetic and overhaul. Of course, the overhaul is much better, but for such pleasure you will have to lay out a lot of money. It is important to assess the feasibility of major repairs. For example, if carrying structures in good condition, then in this case it is advisable to resort to cosmetic repairs. This type of repair is not as expensive and is held if you just decided to update the interior of your room. For the organization of repair, you can contact professionals that will make all work in the best possible way. The second option is an independent repair. Remember that new technologies in the repair of apartments are a guarantee of a good result.

Apartment repair technology do it yourself

Let us turn to consideration apartment repair technologies do it yourself. At the initial stage it is necessary to produce drawing up the estimates. That is, the selection of finishing material is predetermined and calculations are carried out, which are coordinated with the customer. Each repair begins with the preparation of the estimate. This documentation should contain a list of necessary materials. In addition, it takes into account all prices to calculate the total value. Most often, experts help the customer with the choice of necessary materials. At the same time, the price monitoring is carried out for certain materials. Many specialists provide services for the delivery of materials on the object, but in this case you will incur additional costs. Also, the technology of repairing an apartment with their own hands implies a detailed planning of all activities that will be carried out during repair. At the initial stage of repair will be developed stylistics of the future interior.

Another equally important stage - black work. As you understood, at this stage, it is proceeded to direct repairs, namely, they make dismantling of old coatings as in the photo. After carrying out the garbage, it is proceeded to align the surface.

Last step - finishing. After all the work is completed, you need to proceed to finishing the room. The finishing finish begins with the ceiling and wars cleaning the floor covering.

A person is typical of the desire for comfort to live in the cozy, it is required to follow the condition of housing, as need to be repaired.

New materials and technologies

The construction market offers great opportunities for apartment repairs, modern materials appear, new technologies are being developed. Construction innovations include:

  • "Liquid wallpaper" - decorative finishing finish;
  • stretch ceiling:
  • 3d bulk floors;
  • "Liquid" glass - universal waterproofing.

New technologies greatly simplify and speed up apartment repairs, make it possible to turn the house in the "candy". The smart home system becomes more and more popular, it allows you to monitor the processes passing in the apartment in automatic mode, and use the housing life system to the maximum.

Repairs in the apartment begins with alignment of walls and ceilings, modern plaster mixtures based on Gypsum "Rotband" are ideal for this purpose. This stucco is elastic, has an excellent adhesion with concrete surfaces, it does not crack and does not compress, its main advantage - quickly dries.

Decorative finish

The new word in the finishing surface of the surfaces is a decorative coating of natural fibers of cellulose and cotton, the so-called "liquid wallpaper". They are powder, it is breeding it with warm water to the thickness of the putty and apply a spatula on the walls, and then roll up with a roller. Due to the convenience and simplicity of working with this material, you can slightly reduce the time of repair of the apartment.

The dried coating forms a flat textured surface. With the help of pigments, wallpaper can be given any color palette, in the avant-garde interior it will be unlisted with bright color spots, for the living room in a classic style, it is possible to choose a finish with silver or gold threads.

Liquid wallpapers have many advantages:

  • create smooth, without seams surface;
  • antistatic, do not attract dust;
  • secure in terms of ecology;
  • resistant to ultraviolet.

Defects are easily eliminated, the damaged area is cleaned, a new composition is applied and roll up with a roller. The coating can be completely removed from the wall, soak and apply to another surface without prejudice to quality.

Decorative finish in the interior involves ample opportunities for creative ideas. Wallpapers can be applied graded, with a smooth transition from light to dark or make a drawing, using additional components to change the texture. Thanks to modern materials and innovations in the construction sphere, the repair of apartments from routine dirty work can turn into a creative process.

Old furniture, boring colors, uncomfortable zoning, scattered things, because there is no place to store them ... It's all can really interfere with living. At some point it becomes completely unbearable, and the person takes a volitional solution: change is necessary. We will help you! Fill you with inspiration, we will collect a collection of cunning solutions, impressive interior changes and photos of excellent ideas for repairing an apartment.

Cooking photo before and after repair

The photo "before and after" is clearly shown, how much can transform any room good, constructive ideas and a couple of interesting techniques. Colors, materials, new gender and functional furniture will change the apartment so that you will not know her. Narrow premises will seem wider, dark will become pleasant, and on the same Square there is a place for all things. Magic? Not at all! Only skillful planning of the room and the right furniture.

Design project from All Design

Repair of white minimalistic kitchen

Would you like a minimalistic decoration of the apartment? Great idea! Stylish, functionally, nothing superfluous. White color characteristic of minimalism is a wonderful choice for small rooms in need of an optical increase.

Repair kitchen in modern style

Having made a choice in favor of minimalism and white, look for furniture simple forms and clean lines. To avoid the feeling that you are in the operating room, lay accents using wooden elements - parquet board or laminate, wood furniture. Live plants perfectly fit into the situation and add comfort.

Design project Kasia Orwat.

Photo of white kitchen before and after repair

In narrow rooms, light plays great importance. White walls and reflective surfaces will not allow one solar radiant to slip away. Our advice: Avoid the vertical location of dark colors, place the dark surfaces only in the horizontal direction.


The idea of \u200b\u200brepairing an attic floor in Scandinavian style

The attic floor is often related to disregard, without using it. But the mansard rooms have its own charm, its own personality. From a technical point of view, it is necessary to thoroughly consider waterproofing and window holes, if any.

Design project Superpozycja Architekci.

Big black and white kitchen in modern style

Each housewife dreams of a big beautiful kitchen with everything you need. Thinking on the design of your new stylish kitchen, proceed from the architectural features of the room and take into account the location of drainage and ventilation.

Design project Kliff Design.

The idea of \u200b\u200bmodern repair of a small narrow room - photo "To" and "after"

Often, the layout of the rooms in our apartments leaves much to be desired. Output one - fantasy and creative approach. Light pastel tones gave a room freshness and a relaxed mood. Our advice for narrow premises: Discard high furniture like furniture walls and bookcases, visually they take too much square.

Design project PracowniaPolka.

Bedroom repair idea in Scandinavian style

In Scandinavian style, the light stands at the head of the corner. In no case can not allow dark furniture to pick up at least a part of the existing lighting. The dominant color is white. Several accents of gray and greens of plants divert the interior and make it cozy.

Little Bedroom Repair Idea

Minimalism is the perfect solution for the interior of a small room. The same wall color and ceiling, painted in white parquet and gray textiles create a single image. Tip: Replace the handles on the cabinets with a pressure mechanism for opening doors, as on the photo represented. Laconic facades were almost merged with the wall, from which the room seems more.

Design project Archideck.

The idea of \u200b\u200brepairing a little nursery. Photo "To"

Most often in the nursery, we need to find a place for the bed, and for the table, and for the closet ... and often it happens that, placing a bed, we can no longer find a place for the rest. Our advice: Do not buy finished furniture. Order the manufacture of furniture intended for a particular room.

Furniture, custom for very little children. Photo "after"

In the manufacture of furniture to order, you will proceed from the individual characteristics of the room and the needs of the person living in it. You will have the opportunity to optimally use every centimeter of space. In the photo from above, you see the built-in wardrobe and shelves in the headboard, made according to an individual project.

Design project Czysta Forma.

Children's in contemporary style with orange accents

At a certain moment of life, all children are suitable for that stage when a person has his own look at what the room should be. The child appears constant and serious hobbies that are interesting for him. And in adolescence, when the time of wallpapers with bears, the child wants to participate in the equipment of his own room. A good solution for the furnishings of a teenager room is a functional furniture with simple, but practical design and color accents, placed using individual elements of furniture and textiles.

Design project MEBLE VOX.

Repair of a children's room for two children. Photo "To"

In the design of nursery, it makes sense to abandon thematic wallpapers and furniture, which in a few years will cease to be interesting for the child. Our advice: Chairs, bags and docking perfectly fulfill the role of multifunctional furniture, which will definitely have small family members in the shower.

The idea of \u200b\u200brepairing a children's room. Photo "after"

With the help of accents in the design of a nursery, you can beat the child's hobby. At the same time, it is necessary to think about how these accents can be changed in case of a change in the interests of the owner of the room.

Design project Tutaj Concept

Toilet repair idea: photo "To" and "after"

Previously, this toilet was a pitiful spectacle - small, narrow and dirty. Designers lengthened the room and managed to find a stylish combination of all kinds of techniques: gray-blue colors, the floor is decorated with a tile with an ornament, one wall is painted in a calm gray tone, two others are placed with photo wallpapers that create an endless perspective.

Design project Ale Design.

Little bathroom. Photo "To"

A narrow bathroom with an inconvenient layout and a protruding tap is not the most attractive sight. Messarly scattered things do not add beauty to her. Our advice: Combine two well-combined colors.

Bathroom repair idea. Photo "after"

In this project, the designers combined white and wood, placing them on all surfaces. Glossy options were chosen for white tiles and furniture. Together with the mirror, reflecting the light, they make the room lighter and visually increase it.

Design project Bluecat Studio.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe interior of a small bathroom in pastel colors

Design project is designed to repair a small bathroom with a limited budget. The white and blue interior looks fresh and modern, and the bathroom turned out to be cozy and beautiful.

Design project Studio Monocco.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe interior of the bathroom - indirect lighting and combining materials

The idea of \u200b\u200bindirect lighting is very popular and creates wonders, especially in small rooms. Create glowing "ribbons" on the long elements of the bathroom - on the bath itself, washbasin or closet. Glossy surfaces will strengthen the aesthetics of the effect, reflecting the soft light.

Design project Abo Studio.

Bathroom Repair Idea - Little Bathroom in Minimalist Style

The win-win option is the interior of the bathroom in black and white gamma. This design project is interesting for extravagant black floors and unusual for the bathroom of the wall texture under the brick.


Bathroom interior idea in white

You have a very small bathroom, but you would not like to give up the bathroom. Little bath, designed for seating, can be output from position. Our advice: Choose narrow furniture and light tones.

Interior of a small bathroom with storage location

Even in the smallest bathroom, a place to store various things. Stone standing under the trifles and compact built-in lockers with glass facades will also be in the way and will be presented with a narrow room with a favorable side.

Design project A1 Studio.

Optimal use of a small bathroom space

Of course, if you still have a washing machine in a small bathroom, the room will become even smaller. In this case, you need to find a very clever solution. Designers entered the washing machine in a range of built-in wardrobes, combining the entire lower level under one tabletop. At the top placed a mounted cabinet to the entire wall with mirror facades. The whole interior is designed in a gray-white gamma, which could look pretty boring if not bright green accents, placed using textiles and trifles.