Repairs Design Furniture

Useful tips for home with their own hands. The most useful tips for home with our own hands. Useful articles for home

Do not throw out the old meat grinder

When you need to smell a lot of glasses when repairing a garden house, harvest a sufficient amount of smelting flagella, srolling the smelting through the old meat grinder.

Lana Ishhanova, Volgograd

If there is no stove in the country

You can cook at the fire, but it is long. I propose my proven method.

Dry red brick drop out per day in kerosene. He is lit for a long time, the weather does not affect.

S. Shagiahmetova, Krasnoyarsk Territory

How to make a garden bench

The bench is made of seed boards, its sizes can be different.

First, two sidewalls are made of the same sizes, the width of which should not be less than 20 cm. Height is selected as needed. Then the fastening rectangle is harvested, which is fastened with nails or screws. After the lid is naked, which is made longer than the frame of 5-10 and wider 3-5 cm. Nails are nails so that the lid connects all parts of the frame.

Yusup Gelazov, Ulyanovsk region.

Country tools rack

I propose to make a pencil rack. It will be possible to put all the tools of labor.

Dimensions - at your request. The base is determined by the edges, it is possible to paint in any color to taste. Furniture varnish suitable for covering the rack. The rack can hold the bags in the vertical position.

At a distance equal to the width of the bag, they are attached on the hoop rack, to which the bags can be attached with clothespins, ties or rubber bands.

N.V. Popov, P. Bethlitsa, Kaluga region.

Water in barrels leave for the winter

My advice to those who prefer to leave water in barrels for winter.

Warm toilet frame

Not everyone has a toilet in the house, and the frame offered by me, I think, it will be useful to everyone who has "convenience on the street": it does not "cool" and is not covered by it.

It is easy to make it: take a pressed plywood with a thickness of 10 mm and cut the frame for the size you need. Then, on this frame, with the help of PVA glue, make a foam with a thickness of 40 mm or 20 mm in two layers. This frame can be put on the stool or bucket.

V.P. Belev, pos. Oktyabrsky, Krasnodar Territory


Of the five-liter bottles of water, a spacious feeder for birds is obtained. It is necessary to cut on the sides of the bottle of two rectangular holes, and cut out pieces to attach to the leukoplasty as visors over them. Paint a bottle of oil paint in bright colors, hang onto a tree, pour food for birds, and your feeder is ready.

A.A. Zakharin, p. Kopev region, Smolensk region.

Repair the slit

I close the gaps in the wooden facilities at the cottage: I pour out hot water with hot water, I get all the gaps. Just and quickly.

YES. Kilina, Novokuznetsk

An interesting system of watering

Not everyone likes to drag with buckets.

I want to offer readers homemade smoking. For smokehouse, you will need: an old pan with a wide bottom, a cover from it, a ceramic electric spiral with a spiral, with a fork and a cord, steel wire for skewers. And if there are ready-made skewers, they are suitable.

In an aluminum pan, just above the bottom it is necessary to make a hole for the wire. The hole should be large enough to pass through it freely the wire. It is necessary to make 10 vertical propilov - on the metal - on 5 on each side - on the walls of the pan until half the height of the pans.

Treat all burrs and sharp edges with a file.


The width of the propilov should be such that the skewers are easily invested and removed.

Then it is necessary to turn the wire inside the pan, attach to the contacts of the ceramic tile and exhibit. Ceramic tile must freely lie on the bottom of the pan, and the wire must be sufficient length so that the entire heating element can be easily obtained, clean from sawdust and put back into the pan.

From steel wire, make skewers more diameter pots so that they do not fail inside. You will also need wood sawdust. They will be coals. Birch or hawthorn are well suitable. And pine and firing are not suitable - too resinous.

In this powerful smokehouse, raw foods are preparing, and they dig for quite a long time. And in our smoke, we do not save, but bring to smoked state, and the process lasts 20-25 minutes. Smoke during this time he has time to soak the product. At the same time there will be a unique smell and a specific taste.

The spiral will grow up, and the sawdust will not be lit, but to smoke, actively highlighting the smoke, which will go through the slots, and therefore it is worth putting in the garden. For smoking, sausages, cheese, sausages are suitable.

After the end of smoking, turn off the slab (let the spiral cools) and get a long cord from the pan from the pan (here is a long cord), shake the treated sawdust. Everything, smoking again ready to work!

G. S. Yakovlev, Perm


We take 200-300 g of pork, cut on 6-10 pieces and fry in a pan in the usual way with spices and salt. Then we put on the pieces of meat on the skewers, we put on the surface of the tile. Handful of sawdust, insert the skewers in the slots, close the pan with a lid and turn on the cord into the outlet.

Collection of metal chips do it yourself

It often happens that after drilling a metal, for example, the drill in the country, even after cleaning, the smallest particles of metal chips remain.

They are dangerous in that at 2 any moment they can suddenly rush into the skin. I propose a simple device for clean cleaning of steel shavings, including the smallest dust.

Take the cardboard box from the milk, kefir with a volume of 1 l or 0.5 liters. Cut two sides, as well as two holes, as shown in the picture. Inside the box, put a magnet, for example, from the old dynamics, with the tweeted item tied to it (domestic magnets bonded in a briquette with scotch or related).

Take a box with a magnet for the top ears and take the closest above the places where there is or could the chips remain, even if it is not immediately visible.

Previously, the mistress knew a lot of tricks who helped relieve homemade or make cleaning home better. Today there are also a lot of similar recommendations, so we will consider the most useful tips for the house that can be useful to everyone.

Cleaning of the apartment

Clean things

Assistance in the economy

Tricks in the kitchen

But useful tips for home and family who will help to become a good mistress in the kitchen. If you are preparing vegetable soup, do not add spices, especially the bay leaf. Better finished dish supplement chopped with greens.

So that cutting boards from wood remained clean, they are treated with vinegar mixed with water.

Fast cool cooked compote helps a saucepan with salted cold water larger.

In addition to ordinary tricks, there are very useful tips for the house, which are also easy to implement. For example, often after a feast on the table there is a small amount of wine. In order not to pour it, run over the molds and put in the freezer. Preparing some kind of dish, you can use frozen wine or add it to sauces.

Each hostess periodically burns rice, what to do? Relinted from the burner lift will help the piece of white bread laid from above.

It is important for your country plot to attract birds that fight insects and caterpillars. They need to be appreciated in winter. To do this, the feeder is made from the usual glass jar. It must be hung on the branch horizontally with the help of ropes. Cut is ready.

We in stock have more useful tips for the house. With your own hands you can make many interesting things. If you have children, then a problem with scattered toys you know. You can make a bright box with your own hands, in which the baby will fold his belongings. You will need old postcards, glue and cardboard box you need. Beautiful postcards neatly plunder the box. It can be left at home, but you can take to the cottage so that your croche is to up in nature. So that she served longer, it can be shattered with a wide scotch.

Listed above useful tips for the house are simple, but at the same time, if you remember them, you can significantly alleviate your life.

Useful tricks for home. Secrets of housekeeping

Any job, including home, requires a lot of effort. To simplify it, there are useful tricks for the house. These are those things that make everyday affairs and care easier.

A few examples

Make useful things with your own hands

Anyone is nice to look at your own creativity, and it does not matter what it can be. The main thing is that it was done with the soul and pleased the owner.

Useful homemakes with their own hands can be made of girlfriend, for example, you can make an original shelf from the used tin jars. It is possible to use it for storing small things. But the main thing is that it is impossible to fantasize about the size and form of the future masterpiece. First, the jars must be prepared, remove sharp edges if they are, then in each drill holes at several points, depending on how they are located. Fastening can be carried out by bolts or self-drawing to each other. You can bother with a regular screwdriver to the wall, driven by a dowel in it.

Useful homemakes with their own hands are invented by homemade masters not only from various materials, but also for different needs.
These can be devices for the cottage or urban apartment.

Cleaning is not the most favorite occupation of the majority of women, but they spend it and know the secrets of rapid cleaning at home, and most importantly - without loss of quality. There are many ways to help young hostesses.

Clean the iron from the stains on the sole will help a simple way.
You need to try the salt, scattered on a sheet of paper. If the iron is equipped with a steamer, then you do not even have to touch the surface, it is enough to bring to salt the sole and turn on steam. After that, the dirt will fall on the salt, and the ironing surface will be well-groomed and smooth.

Remove the wool from the furniture to help kitchen rubber gloves will help, it will stick to them and will just be able to wash his hands.

Gas burners are strongly polluted, but it is difficult to clean. You can try the following method. Put the burner in the cellophane package, pour a quarter of a cup of ammonia, leave for the night. After that rub the usual sponge.

Wooden boards in the kitchen always in the go. To contain them clean, you can use this means. Employed the board from pollution with a solution of two tablespoons of vinegar and water, after it should be wiped with half lemon, dipping it into salt.
Next, rinse the board with water and label vegetable oil into it with a towel. Such useful tricks for the house will allow a wooden board to serve for a long time.

Not easy business - cleaning oven. Simplify the task of soda and vinegar. First you need to clean the surface from the sera, and then abundantly scatter soda. Vinegar should be pouring into the sprayer, and from it to spray soda. To achieve the desired reaction of these substances, after left for 20 minutes, and then remove the composition of simple movements.

You can clean the blinds with the help of a simple sock, put it on your hand, moisten in acetic solution in half with warm water and wipe the surface to the desired result. Traces from the marker can be removed using useful tricks for the home: with the help of an ordinary toothpaste, the track is cleaned with a simple paper towel or cloth.

You can save a kitchen sponge from microbes using a microwave. Place the washup in it for a couple of minutes, which will make it safe for further use. It is important that the sponge is not dry. Using these little tricks for the house, you can significantly save the time of cleaning and not to feel like an eternal cute.

Kitchen utility

There are useful tricks for the house designed for cooking to comprehend all of them on their own, not one year.

To beat eggs into a magnificent foam, proteins are pre-cooled and a little citric acid is added, but the yolks are better to beat warm, with the addition of sugar.

To get a beautiful crust on meat, it, before starting roasting or baking, is deceived by honey.

To the bow stops to be pattering, you need to cut it. After - pour boiling water for a couple of seconds.

So that the eggs do not burst during cooking, they first need to be insolent with cold water.

Any rice will become crumbly after cooking, if you pre-dock it half an hour in cold water. - To give transparency, you can lower the croup for a couple of minutes in boiling water.

Pasta and rice will not stick together if they pour some vegetable oil into the pan or after readiness to rinse with plenty of cold water.

In order for salt in Salonka, it is always crumbly, you can put several rice grains into it. He will absorb extra moisture.

Give a good appearance with faded bow or parsley will help a solution of a low concentration vinegar.

If vegetables omit immediately into boiling water, then after cooking they will be significantly tastier. But if you start boiling them in cold water, then the broth will turn out.

Any vegetables are boiled on a moderate heat and add salt only at the end. Thus, it is possible to prepare carrots, you can not longer than 15 minutes, then she will not lose their taste.

Milk does not fake on medium heat in a saucepan, rinsed with cold water.

Applying home tricks, useful tips and the accumulated experience of many generations, even a beginner hostess will feel confident.

Distribution of its time


Interesting devices and useful tips for home.

Useful advice

In order not to litter your home or apartment with small things, there are various devices: organizers, lockers, shelves, and so on.

But the problem may be that it does not always have enough money or it is difficult to find a suitable device suitable for sizes. And then to the aid may come fakes with their own hands and our usefuladvice .

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Studs are constantly lost? This problem can be easily solved by attaching magnetic tent. With the help of glue or nails to any wooden object of the house.

The hosts often have a problem - constantly loses the washcloth was lost somewhere. Just nacerite plastic pockets On the crane near the sink, the problem will disappear.

In this case, such pockets are cut out of a plastic bottle from under shampoo.

Very convenient tool for storage of canned food are racks. Perhaps you have such old racks, if not, you can purchase them in a shopping store.

Reliable headphone organizer is obtained if you glue two clothespins.

If you attach a small rack with a pre-installed rope, As shown in the photo, you will get a hanger for small things.

Organizer with his own hands

Here is like convenient organizer You can make your own hands from old small boxes.

If you have a small child, you probably met with the problem of toys scattered around the house. The figure shows one of the solutions of such a problem. Just attach plastic trays on a wall or wardrobe.

Interesting shelves for iron toys You can make a magnetic tape.

Such a stylish wardrobe can be built do it yourself From baskets and folders.

In order for the house there was no disorder, you need to put every thing in your place immediately after it happened to use it. It goes first, you need to bring the room and all things in it in this is the state of "order". It is better to do it, so that everything literally lay on the shelves, look in today's review.

1. Storage packages

Box with polyethylene packages.

So that plastic bags are always at hand and did not occupy a seat on the windowsill or in a box, store them in a cardboard box attached to the outside of the door of any kitchen cabinet. By the way, paper towels can be stored in the same way.

2. Order in the refrigerator

Storage of products in the refrigerator.

Save the place and bring in order to the refrigerator will help inexpensive plastic containers. With their help, products can be sorted, divide into groups and control food reserves. In addition, such containers can be labeled using stickers to help easily find the right product, as well as leaving what food you need to eat first.

3. Nominal containers

Personal containers in the bath.

In the family bath, hygiene can be stored in separate nominal plastic containers. Such a trick will allow to hide the items of their own personal hygiene and teach households to always put their funds in place.

4. Styling tools

Storage of bad and hairdryers.

Clear, hairdryer, electric shaver, nippers and some other things can be stored on a stand for wine bottles. Such a stand is best placed on the bedside table with a mirror or on a washing machine.

5. Economic supplies

Storage of brooms, scoops and mops.

The most common shopping hooks will help to clean up the cabinet or storeroom. Just hang along one of the walls the easiest railing and fasten to him. Meltels, scoops, mops, umbrellas and any other things that can be suspended.

6. Charging station

Place for charging gadgets.

So that the cords for charging gadgets are not lying scattered around the apartment and did not spoil the appearance of the room, take the rule to charge all devices in one place. To do this, stretch into one of the sliding cabinets a bedside tube carrying and charge your devices there.

7. Basket for pillows

Basket for bedding.

Put a spacious wicker basket from the bed, which can be used for storing ornamental pillows and bedspreads at night. In addition, this basket will become a wonderful alternative to the bedside table and is suitable for storing a variety of things.

8. Organizer for trifles

Fabric organizer for trifles.

The remains of the fabric can be used to manufacture the original organiser, which can be placed on one of the walls of the bed and use to store a mobile phone, console, books and glasses.

9. Protection of shelves in the refrigerator

Shelves covered with film.

Buy the roll of the cheapest linen and shut down all the shelves and containers in the refrigerator. When the oil can be contaminated, it will be necessary to simply change. Such a cunning will always keep your refrigerator clean and greatly facilitates the process of its washing.

10. Shell in the sink

Stand near the shell.

The old and long-used stand for the cake can be turned into a comfortable shelf for storing a sponge, soap and detergents for dishes.

11. Fixing of wires

Fastening wires.

With the help of binder and one single bolt, you can attach and fix all the wires to one of the walls of the desktop.

12. Cabinets for equipment

Technique in the cabinet.

If possible, try to hide rarely used techniques in cabinets or retractable lockers. For example, you can install a large box for a printer and scanner in advance. Such a trick will allow to save space on the table and protect the equipment from dust.

13. Storage of covers

Container for covers.

A small grill for dishes will turn any plastic container in a comfortable stand for storing covers from all kinds of jars and tanks.

14. Storage of bags

Storage bags in the closet.

A rod for hangers in the closet can be successfully used to store bags, umbrellas and caps. To do this, hang several household hooks on the bar and hang on them anything.

15. Storage of toys in the bathroom

Containers for toys.

With the help of the simplest railing, screwed near the bath, and several small plastic containers can significantly increase the possibilities of a small bathroom. Such storage system can be used to store children's toys, shampoos, washcloths and cosmetic accessories.

16. Organizer for the press

Storage of newspapers and magazines.

Keep newspapers, magazines and accounts in a convenient organizer, to make which you can from several plastic bottles screwed to a small piece of plywood or wood.

17. Organizer for Linen

Laundry locker.

With the help of multiple cardboard strips, the drawer can be divided into small cells and turn it into a functional and convenient organizer for storing underwear, tights and socks.

18. Storage of detergents

Storage of detergents on the door of the locker.

Increase the possibilities of a small bath will help the simplest rag organizer for shoes. Just cut a small part from it and attach to the inside of the door of the locker. Thus, you will receive several additional compartments for storing cosmetics, detergents or personal hygiene.

19. Storage Pot and Frying

Storage of pans in the kitchen.

Place a large dishes on a small kitchen is very difficult. In such a situation, the space is to maximize. For example, attach several hooks to the eternity and use them for storing massive saucepan and pan.

Apr 14, 2017 Sergey

And let's talk today about our life? I know, I know, for women there is no harder conversation than a conversation about cleaning, but nevertheless I decided to consider useful tips for home with your own hands.

Council First

How to wash the microwave and remove the burnt food from there?

We take a sponge for washing dishes and good watered with it. Then a corner of dishes on it and achieve foam formation. We put the sponge into the microwave and pump it within 30s. Then we get and wipe the same hot sponge the entire inner surface of the microwave.

Tip Second

How to achieve perfect purity of glasses?

Wash the glass in the usual way using funds, but at the very end, before wiper dry, use the newspaper when the glasses is wiping. Glasses of your windows will glisten, here are the liftshaks for the house with their own hands the wrong from the old times will be very useful in the modern world.

Council Third

Protection at a distance

To protect the table silver, and it is still preserved in some families, you need to wrap in a gauze or a napkin a piece of chalk and park it in the table box.

Fourth Council

How to remove a terrible stain with a new shirt?

Here imagine the situation, you put a new blouse to work and immediately managed to put a stain on it. How do you ask? Yes, very simple, especially when you dine in a terrible hurry. Personally, I came to the rescue, which I selected and generously looked into the stain. After a few hours, the chalk absorbed all the fat, and I covered the stain.

Council Fifth

Ah these horizontal blinds!

Each owner of such blinds has repeatedly encountered a problem - how to wipe all the lamella, without taking off the blinds from the window. The answer lies in the old sock without - stretch it into hand and voila - ready special rags for blinds.

Council Six

Get rid of smell on the mattress

Here we had a new and beautiful mattress, and after several years, he became ugly and smell a little badly. Well, after the games of a small child with juice in the hands and from a permanent lopanery snubs in bed. We take the traditional soda and scatter it on the bed, leaving for a couple of minutes. Then just a vacuum cleaner and the mattress returns to a quite acceptable view.

Seventh Council

Stain on the carpet

My girlfriend has exceptionally light carpets and a small child, very loving juice and candy. Therefore, catch a lifehak from it - how to remove the stain from the carpet - we take 1 part of the vinegar and 2 water (see your spot), and then we integrate this mixture on the spot. Cover it with a damp cloth, and then stroke the iron.

Council eighth

Let's continue the topic of smells - how to eliminate the unpleasant smell in the apartment?

For this, a vanilla concentrate is useful for us (there are quite grinned pastries and an oven. 1 Spoon of vanilla concentrate We can soluble in water and put it in a preheated oven.

Soviet ninth

Clean the wooden board

To clean the wooden cutting board, you need to pour salt and get into it the lone of lemon in it, and then carefully suck the board.


How to protect the crane from stains?

Yes, it is easy - take the wax paper and rubbing the crane thoroughly after cleaning. A peculiar fat protection will help longer to keep the shine and the purity of the crane.