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How to successfully undergo a trial period. Order of dismissal on probation (nuances)

Some applicants are confident that after a successfully passed interview and a concluded contract with an employer, you can relax. As a result, from the first days of the test period, they allow a lot of fatal slippers, and then reopen the rows of unemployed. RJOB found out what newcomers are fired.


We are all different: some are part of the case for a couple of days, others will need weeks and even months. Of course, during you will not be waiting for labor feats. A reasonable employer will always give time for adaptation and disclosure of personal potential. However, it is not worth tightening.

"New employees spend a lot of time adapting and imposing in office. This may be negatively affected by further work. Be proceed to your immediate duties as soon as possible. Try to be as active as possible, and when something is incomprehensible - ask your colleagues, they will not refuse a newcomer in help, "he advises Anastasia Borovskaya, Director of the Russian School of Management.

Zero ability to adapt

There are newbies that allow other extremes - ignore the importance of adaptation in a new place and come to someone else's monastery with their charter.

"Make sure you know what a dress code is acceptable to your new company and how colleagues communicate with each other (including in business correspondence). Violation of the internal norms and standards may adversely affect the passage of the test period, "comments Ani Arevikyan, Consultant of the recruiting company HAYS in Russia.

Catherine Hot, head of the WYSER consultant group (International Personnel Holding GI Group),advises not to forget that you have fallen into a new organization with

"You can no longer act and act just like at the previous job place. I am talking about the model of communication with colleagues and a leader and the format of the proposal of initiatives for its part. The result is important, but even more importantly, how exactly new worker It reaches it. If in the first three months the employee did not find understanding and support from his head, then the probability of conflicts is very high. It is not that you need to be friends with all. Build communication with focus on effective interaction and collaboration, "recommends an expert.

Out, extra weekend and late

Baby's disease, current pipes in the bathroom, car accident - good reasons in order to consult from work. But do not forget that during the trial period you are under close attention, and several seasons in a short period of time will not add points to you.

"In the period of trial period, it is important to show your performance and desire to be part of a new company. The ration and additional weekend do not always demonstrate - often for the employer it is a call about what you are not motivated enough, "says Ani Argers.

The same applies to the deceptions. Even insignificant question your organizational abilities.

"If during the trial period you are still late, make sure that your head is warned, and the reason for the delay is respectful," the Ani Argers advises.

Violation of professional communications

Gossip, quarrels, talk about personal, discussion of the authorities are evidence of non-professionalism of the employee who are director leadership.

"Do not discuss personal life and, especially, personal problems. From a professional point of view, such conversations will not help you. Excessive openness can even push new colleagues. Do not criticize the company, employees and projects. On the test date Few people really understand all the subtleties of the business and internal processes Companies. Most likely, you will find yourself wrong and make a negative impression on management, and on colleagues. Do not try to overestimate you. Be natural and open. No need to drive yourself into the framework corporate cultureif it is not close to you. It will open anyway, "said Anastasia Borovskaya.

Summary in Public Access

It happens that after entering a new place, the employee forgets to remove the resume from the job search site. And sometimes he leaves his details deliberately - in case, if something interesting is coming. It is a pity, such "prudent" workers do not understand that the HR service in the new company can stumble upon this summary and make the appropriate conclusions.

"Regardless of whether you are satisfied with the new employer or not, remember that you need to give time and yourself, and the company to understand whether you approach each other. Changing day by day. If you place your resume in open sources on the second week of work, then lose yourself the chance in case of changing the situation to stay in the company and enlist the confidence of the head, "says Ani Argers.

Lack of necessary knowledge

Which of us did not make painful your ability to interview? But the risk of being outdoled in lies is very large! In order not to get to heighten, fight the temptation to point to your non-existent skills and quality.

"In one of the companies, notes that the passing test term designer constantly appeals to the training tutorials to fulfill the elementary task - its competence caused questions, as a result he was dismissed," recalls Anna Suslova, Softline Ventrue Partners.

Of course, no one is immune from errors on the probationary period. But to minimize their quantity forces to everyone. According to Ruzalina Tukhbatulina, HR specialist JivositeThe decision on the termination of the employment contract is taken earlier than the allocated time, if there are gross violations - untimely fulfillment or failure to fulfill the tasks, systematic sabotage of management requests, low or absent involvement in any project or company activity, the inconsistency of the results of the work that the candidate stated itself summary.

Oleg Matyunin, managing partner of the law office of Moscow "Matyunins and partners",notes two groups of errors on the probationary period - employees committed by employees and leadership.

"The first testify to the incompetence of the employee and are expressed in the non-fulfillment or improper performance of duties enshrined in the employment contract. Employer errors are strategic errors, systemic (surface selection and thoughtless personnel alignment, blurred fixing labor functions). The success of the testing also affects the legislation features, the quality of local regulations and real relations within the organization. According to Article 70 and, taking into account the provisions of Article 71 of the Labor Code, formally the minimum test term can be equal to four working days (of which three days to prevent the unsatisfactory result), and the maximum possible duration of the test for individual categories of managers cannot exceed six months - Oleg emphasizes Matyunin. - As for local acts (provisions, regulations, instructions), the subject must clearly submit that he must and what should not do: often one, but asked for another. "

The expert also advises to pay attention to the fact that when terminating the employment contract in connection with the unsatisfactory test result, the employer must indicate the reasons. illegally.

When using the materials of the site, the author's instructions and an active link to the site are required!

Finally you go to new job! The proposal is made, the contract signed, numerous interviews remained behind. However, now you will be waiting for an equally important period - a probationary period, during which you and the employer will look close to each other and make a decision, whether you have the choice made.

Take advantage of Antal Russia's advice to successfully pass this responsible stage.

1. You will not have a second chance to make the first impression, so prepare for a meeting with new colleagues.

  • On the first day it is necessary to pay special attention to appearance, as there are many dating.
  • Think over short story About Me. At first, when you meet you, you will often ask to introduce yourself to the team, in front of the entire office, before the board of directors, etc. A good impression is left by people who know how to be concisely talking about themselves. It should not be just a listing of previous places of work, and something else about personal hobbies, some interesting Facts About Me.

2. Check out the corporate standards (dress code, work schedule, etc.), values \u200b\u200band mission of the company, Code of Conduct. Follow them in your work.

  • If there is no high load objectively, try to follow the working schedule, both by the time of arrival and in time of care from work so as not to cause unnecessary questions and doubts by the leadership and colleagues.
  • Learn how to contact you / You / by name.

3. Prepare everything in advance required documents For HR before going to work. Perhaps additional references or permissions are needed, the preparation of which requires time.

4. In the first days, discuss with your supervisor, which tasks must be deciding which KPI to fulfill to successfully undergo a trial period.

  • It is not necessary to issue it with signatures and seal, it is enough to send a short summary of agreements on e-mail Leader and ask to comment, whether everything is fixed correctly.
  • Tasks will be many different, but it is important to properly arrange priorities, including taking into account KPI, for which the assessment will take place.

5. Calculate your strength, do not let the promises, do what you can not do. Speaking to speak argumental "no" will later be very difficult to change the model of behavior and vision of yourself in the eyes of the leadership and colleagues.

6. Adjust efficient working communication with all stakeholders (colleagues, management, related departments, suppliers).

  • If you are a manager / manager, show a reasonable initiative, go first for contact.
  • Show neatness in relationship with colleagues. Before disclosing your bright personality, understand the internal structure of the company and the interaction scheme.
  • Be polite and friendly. Do not criticize colleagues and predecessors, if possible, preserve the neutral position as much as possible.
  • In the process of transferring cases from predecessor or colleagues, absorb facts, and not emotions.

7. Do not abuse memories about the previous company. All ideas that are expressed should be the most specific, not abstract.

8. Do not be afraid to ask, but write out important information not to asked, thereby annoying people, but return to the records.

9. It is important to ask and give constructive feedback. Do not wait for the end of the trial period to find out what the head of your work thinks. Initiate such a meeting in about the middle of the period to discuss how the process of "entry" is being held.

10. Try to convey to leadership and colleagues information about what benefit your work benefits companies, note the positive changes that have occurred thanks to you, but choose the shape and time of this information correctly. It is important not to overdo it so that it does not look boasting and did not cause a negative reaction.

Remember that the probationary time is mutual process. He is needed not only to check you, but also for you to make sure that you have chosen the right employer.

* The trial period is governed by laws 70 and 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

For search for a new job, a lot of strength is applied to find a worthy vacancy, complete interview And check for competence, and eventually hear: "We are waiting for you in the workplace on Monday at 9:00." It would seem that at this moment you can relax, believing that all obstacles to the desired work were passed. But there is still ahead passage of probation - no less responsible period, which is also important for subsequent successful work In the organisation.

According to Article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a trial period is to verify the compliance of the employee of the commissioned work, which is established by agreement of the parties and is necessarily indicated in the employment contract.

Success when passing the test period is not only in the conscientiousness of your work, but also how competently you can enter the team. so how to pass a trial period at work? 10 rules Passing the test period below will help you do it.

Passage of probation:

1. Do not be late

Have you noticed that your new colleagues are not particularly punctual, and the boss generally comes to the office to dinner? May be. But this is not at all reason to behave the same way. You have a novice and should show yourself as disciplined as possible, even if no one is watching for your arrival. The lateness should not enter your habits at all, and when the test period is passed, the more impossible to afford to relax.

2. Do not hurry

On the first day you want to make an impression on the authorities and prove that you were not in vain? Do not hurry, look. Initiative is good, but no one loves anxiousness, and the new chef is waiting for you, rather, stealing and disciplines, not instant innovations. Especially, if you start immediately promote your ideas, you will show the willy unill of what you do not like the order at the company, and thus set up a team against yourself.

3. Record names

Please accept the fact that your name and face will not remember immediately, but you, on the contrary, you need to "learn" all colleagues as quickly as possible. Attentive people like everyone, so write the names, positions and rooms of the rooms and try as often as possible to contact people by name, and not "sorry."

4. Leave on time

The boss loves workaholics, but if you immediately begin to sit at work late, it is rather will cause suspicion. You do not cope with your duties in the time allocated for this? Or are you just going to sit on the Internet for free? Or maybe for some reason you want to stay in the office alone? In any case, it does not paint you. Yes, it is necessary to cry, but only when it is really necessary. At any enterprise there are "shock" seasons, and the rest of the time there is a working schedule and a normalized working day.

5. Forget "your charter"

Remember the proverb about someone else's monastery? To the new place of work, it refers to full. To already during test time passing To join the team, it is necessary to maintain his vowels and unlawful rules and not neglect the company, if you are called in it. Even if you don't like something - do not rope, try to do it gently and delicately do in your own way, but do not exhibit it at the bottom, because your "courage" will not define.

6. Do not shift

No one makes you be a gray mouse, but immediately slip new colleagues. Do not get carried away by bright outfits, do not make funeral makeup, your appearance It may be individual, but in no case should be shocked. To get the right to complete self-expression, you must first conquer sympathy or at least respect for colleagues. Wait until you conclude urgent labor contract while the team gets used to you, and before that time, try not to annoy them self-advertising and self-esteem.


Do you have hard to get used to the new place? Scary that you can not cope? We miss old work? Whatever you bothered, your new colleagues should not know about it. Do not show your depression, do not complain about conditions and do not sigh, remembering, "how good it was there." Otherwise, sooner or later your bosses will have a question: if you are so bad here, why did you come?

8. Be a "robot"

Yes, we are all people, and everyone has personal problems. But, unfortunately, to solve them everyone will have to be different. So, older staff probably won the confidence of the authorities and can "in-define" to ensure the day or two. Another thing is a newcomer on a probationary period, he has not yet earned the right to be a person, and if he got sick of the child or broke through the sewer, he must "destroy" the situation without prejudice to work. If something is happening quite extraordinary, explain to all the boss and promise to work out lost time. And let us understand: such incidents are an exception, not a rule.

9. Do not talk

Personal conversations B. working time Do not allow yourself even old men. First, it distracts, secondly, annoying others who work while you chat. And for the passage of the test period Such a luxury is not allowed. Remember - cattleness, spelliness, verification evil!

10. Rest of unnoticed

Making short breaks in work is normal. We need rest to all people, and all the bosses understand this perfectly. However, while you are in the office "on bird rights", it is better not to cure with anyone's eyes with your rest. Do not tighten the surroundings, do not get carried away by tea drinking, do not put the solitaires on the work computer. Yes, at first you will have to lie, but it's a trial period - who told you that it will be easy?

And most importantly - do not forget that the trial period is passing not only in relation to the company, but also the company in relation to you. Remember that you are a wonderful specialist that your employment opportunities are not limited to this company only. Such a set will improve your chances due to the fact that:

Your possible flaws will be more compensated by professionalism;

Confident behavior decorated with a sense of self-esteem is perceived by both professionalism;

It is in confident and solid state that you intuitively choose that line of behavior that will contribute not only to the successful entry into the company, but also a professional and career Growth (increased service, promotion) In it.

Successful to you passing a test term!

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In the labor contract, there must be a point on the passage of the test period (IP) indicating its duration.

If the enterprise has existed not for the first year, then its defined algorithm is usually developed for new employees during the test period. For this, manual, a special position is developed.

The Labor Code has established some categories of workers for which the test period is prohibited:

  • pregnant women;
  • young people who were not 18 years old;
  • specialists who are issued in the order of translation received by the competition and some others.

What is the Regulation on the procedure for the passage of IP?

This document paints very detailed general provisions On the procedure for passing the test period and the order itself is specifically described.

  1. Problems and objectives are indicated, the criteria for which the subject will be evaluated.
  2. The terms and reasons for which it is possible to reduce them is determined (its duration cannot exceed 3 months - Art. 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
  3. A curator is assigned, an individual plan is drawn up for a period of checking professional benefits.
  4. The procedure and term of reporting on the test results are prescribed.


The trial period always starts from the very first working day.. It is impossible to establish it if a person has already worked for some time at the enterprise (at least a few days).

How to get?

To complete this test period, I don't need anything special, it is only required to fulfill in good faith and qualitatively perform all the tasks that leadership. It is worth carefully examining their job descriptions, their duties, do not be shyful to ask the Council from experienced colleagues.

To competent criticism, you need to listen, adequately respond to it and correct your shortcomings and errors. For each employee, for this period, a specific individual plan is which the control objectives are indicated.

Work plan

  1. What it is?

    This is a document containing several thematic sections, each of which includes the following questions:

    • Specific task for employee (professional).
    • The timing of its execution (accurate number of hours or days).
    • Actual result.
    • Expected Result.
    • Curator comments.
  2. Who is?

    Usually, the preparation of such a plan is engaged in an experienced employee of the personnel department or the immediate supervisor.

  3. What is it needed for?

    The plan is drawn up in order to understand whether this worker is capable of effectively and competently fulfill its job responsibilities, and in order to avoid possible conflict situations.

Sample Test time task (Sample plan) can be downloaded below:


It is allowed to put tasks only those that meet the official duties of the subject. It is also necessary to take into account the possibility of an objective assessment on the results of their implementation.

Adaptation of employee

Adaptation in any team - the process is not easy, because new person Pouring into the current team. Of course, he needs to help not leave without support and at the time of the trial period to appoint him to help the curator.

Who watches a newcomer during this period?

To participate the observation and control of the correctness of the tasks can be attracted:

  1. the immediate supervisor of the test employee;
  2. mentor;
  3. curator;
  4. observer.

It is also allowed, the creation of commissions, but this practice is usually suited only for large enterprises.

What do you look at?

Throughout this period, watch for:

  • the ability to quickly master various skills and learning;
  • the quality of the performance of official duties;
  • desire and ability to quickly correct errors;
  • observance of labor discipline and internal regulations;
  • as a person copes with unexpected problems and with stress;
  • communication, the ability to communicate.

Thread ending

Certification at the end of this time period, perhaps the most perfect option Its completion. I.e, new employee It goes exactly the same check (compliance of the post), as well as everyone else, according to the Regulation on the Certification, developed in the organization.

When does it end?

This period is considered complete when the time period is completed, established for IP (it is indicated in the employment contract).


The results at the end of this test may turn out to be both positive and negative. Well, of course, a negative result is much less common, because it is usually already in the first 3 - 4 weeks it becomes clear - whether a person with the tasks assigned or not. Therefore, most often with an unsuitable employee who does not "do not pull," part earlier.

Attention! In the event that in the process of testing the employee understands that this place does not suit him in order not to pull the time in vain, you need to prevent the employer in writing (in writing) and quit.


The most important document is a report on passage.which is prepared after the end of the test. It just reflects the ability of an employee to fulfill their job responsibilities.

  1. Who writes?

    A report is usually a curator assigned to the subject.

  2. How to make it?

    The report is easy, it should clearly comply with a specific test plan developed earlier. It follows it in detail, for each task set in terms - how it is made which errors were made as they corrected. Conveniently in a similar report, use the score of the scores, it will look more objectively.

  3. What period?

    The report must be prepared no later than 2 weeks before the expiration of the valid period.


The characteristic of the employee after the test period is its immediate supervisor. It reflects not only his business qualities, but also the ability to work in the team, mobility, social adaptation, level of culture and stress resistance. Next, this characteristic is attached to the report (according to the test results).

Conclusion about passing

Conclusion - this is the final document, it is prepared on the basis of the two previous (report and characteristics). In this document, analyze and summarize all the results. labor activity During the designated period.

An example of the conclusion about the passage of the test period can be downloaded below:

This conclusion prepares most often specialist in the personnel department or one of the experienced qualified colleagues of the new employee.

Employer actions after

At the end of the test period, after all the necessary documentation was prepared, the employer studies it and further decides - you need such an employee or it does not fit. Accordingly, further events depend on this solution, either dismissal, or a person becomes an equal member of the collective.

How is the employee after the test?

It often happens that the probationary term has already ended, and the employee continues to work, this means (according to Art. 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) that the test has been successfully completed. That is, it turns out that the employer may not notify a person about it. But it is better to do it, to set up your employee for successful activities in the future.

If at the end of the test period, unsatisfactory estimate was obtained, a person must be warned 3 days before the date of dismissal (Art. 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), in writing and under the painting.

The reason for dismissal necessarily should be legally competently formulated. It is best to reinforce it documented, it may be acts about non-fulfillment of duties, complaints from customers as well office notes or reports, which during the check period were made up by a curator and direct boss.

Do I need to make an order about the end?

Such an order is needed only if the trial period ended early (it was reduced).


Practice most often shows that the probationary time is still needed. Not so easy to choose a qualified, intelligent suitable for specific work Employee. After all, a person in an interview can interest, make a very good impression, but how he can cope with specific official duties - It is possible to understand only in business.

Curious information

Russians with income more than 45,000 rubles. Less frequently, others break up with the employer on a probationary period in their will (18%), but more often than others - on the initiative of the company (9%). Employees with low earnings, on the contrary, are more often dismissed (22%), incidental trial period among them - 6%.

The trial period - the time interval defined by the labor legislation necessary to the employer to clarify the professional suitability of the employee. The expiration of the period involves the need to make a decision worthy whether the test employee will work in this company. There are two options: the first one - the employee continues to work further, the second - the employee is dismissed. Consider in more detail whether it can be dismissed after the trial period and on what grounds.

Nuances of the design of the employment contract relating to the probationary period

When making a new employee to work, the employment contract is signed with it and a special order for adopting it is published. These documents contain information on the conditions on which the employee will work in the company. If the employer wants to check the professional benefit of a new employee, then he must specify the passage by the test term by an employee. This fact should be reflected both in the order and in the employment contract. Test time is regulated by Article 70 Labor Code (TC) of the Russian Federation.

If the contract does not have a prescribed point on the passage of the test period, it is officially believed that the employee is accepted for a permanent job without checking. It really, even if in order to work on a job, otherwise said. This provision was recorded in a letter of Rostrud dated 03/11/2010 for No. 642-6-1 and in Art. 57 TK RF.

Options for dismissal when tested

The initiator of the cessation of working relationships between the company and the employee can be any of the parties. This right is recorded in the TK RF. When dismissal during the passage of the test period there are some nuances. The dismissal procedure in this period is simplified.

For example, in order to terminate the contract, it is necessary for 3 calendar days to prevent the other side in writing. An employee does not need to work out 2 weeks, mandatory for labor legislation when dismissing on general basis. After 3 days, he will be given a full calculation and a workbook was issued.

The video discusses the features of dismissal on the initiative of the employer

Grounds for the dismissal of the employee when tested

Some facts

60% of the dismissal during the period of the test period occurs on the initiative of the top managers themselves and only 40% - on the initiative of employers.

Art. 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes that all provisions of labor legislation and other legal acts containing norms are applied to the employee undergoing the test. labor law. In this regard, reflecting on the topic, it is possible to dismiss a person on a probationary period, we come to the conclusion - it is possible, if there is a reason.

To the common reasons for dismissal refers:

  • The employee does not cope with the obligations assigned to him;
  • Absentee;
  • Non-compliance with the employee of the established security rules;
  • Neglect of labor discipline rules;
  • Non-professional behavior / behavior, discrediting reputation of the enterprise;
  • Declections of commercial / service secrets.

The reason will be legal if the employer has confirming its evidence. For example, the employee signed official instructions and security technicians, but does not comply with their provisions.

Attention! An employee passing a trial period can independently quit. For this, he does not need special justifications.
Another basis for the dismissal of an employee who does not require evidence is the liquidation of the organization, the reduction of the number of state.

Dismissal during the period of probation

As already mentioned, one of the parties, who decided to interrupt labor relations, should notify in writing about the other side for 3 days. If the employer is the initiator of the dismissal, he, besides the notice, should provide an employee of the substantiation of his decision.

The following factors can be reasons for dismissal:

  • violation of labor discipline, including absenteeism;
  • the incompetence of the employee in its professional duties;
  • inadequate relations with the rest of the labor team.

The calculation is provided to an employee on the last day of his work. Output benefit The calculation is not included.

It is important to know that if the above items are violated when dismissal, the employee has the right to protest dismissal on the trial period at the initiative of the employer in court. And the employee has the right to count on the success of this enterprise, because there will be a violation of the Labor Code.

Documents required to substantiate dismissal when passing a trial period

The legality of dismissal under existing premises is regulated by Article 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. All reasons for dismissal must be confirmed by written evidence. Without their presence, dismissal is considered illegal, and the employee can appeal him in court.

Evidence of unsatisfactory testing of tests are:

  • acts about the worker allowed;
  • reporting notes on non-fulfillment or poor-quality fulfillment by a candidate of their working responsibilities;
  • negative characteristics from the employee responsible for observing the passage of the candidate of the probationary period;
  • if there are extracts from the control journal for testing;
  • complaints of members of the team;
  • complaints of customers in the book of complaints and suggestions (if available);
  • orders, acts, notifications about disciplinary penalties (if they were).

Dismissal immediately after graduation

In the absence of notice of dismissal from the employer, the first day following the end date of the trial period is considered the first day of work on an ongoing basis. The head or department of personnel is not obliged to notify the test employee about the deadline for its verification.

If the employer decides to dismiss the candidate, then it is obliged to notify him about it for 3 calendar days. Dismissal with the wording that the candidate could not stand the test may occur no later than the date following the end of the trial period. Thus, the last day of receiving a notice of legitimate dismissal with the above-described wording, for the employee is the date 2 working days before registered in the order and the term of the end of the verification.

Recall that the employer must substantiate his decision. Specifically, it can be a reason for dismissal, you can read in the previous section.

There are also a number of cases when the decision to dismiss during the test will be considered illegal. For example, rules prohibit the pregnant woman to dismiss a pregnant woman, which is written in the first part of Article 261 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Dismissal, initiated by the employer, with last 1 day since the end of the test period, must be carried out on general reasons.

The wording that the worker did not stand the check during the passage of the test period, in this case it is illegal. Therefore, the employee in this situation should be dismissed only on the general basis, according to the TK RF. A different development of events can cause the employer's legality to appeal in court.

The standard procedure for dismissal on general reasons provides:

  • the development of a 2-week period after receiving a dismissal notice;
  • obtaining a complete cash calculation, including the output benefit.

Order of dismissal

Some facts

Less frequently, the Russians are older thanks to employers on probation years older than 45 years old (14% - by their will, 4% - by the will of the employer). Among 45-year-olds are also the most large percentage of applicants who have never arranged to work with a trial period (13%).

The correctness of the procedure for holding the dismissal of the employee during the period of the test period or immediately after it is of great importance. Failure to comply with any item can be a reasoned reason for appealing dismissal in court.

Consider the procedure for dismissal:

  • the employer must send a written notice of dismissal in 2 copies no later than 3 days before the end of the trial period;
  • the employee must familiarize himself with the notification and put his signature on an employer instance. If a dismissal person does not want to accept a notice, this fact must be fixed in a special act in the presence of 2 witnesses;
  • next, the employer must issue an order for the dismissal of this employee with the transfer of facts that served to rupture labor relations with it;
  • the company's accounting should be calculated on the last day of the stay of the dismissed employee at work:
    • give wages for spent time
    • give compensation for unused vacation;
  • the personnel department or the head of the enterprise should contribute the formulation about the reason for dismissal (unsatisfactory test results), and issue it a dismissed employee.

Stages of dismissal officer on testing

Interesting details

According to the research center, the survey among employees and employers has shown that dismissal during the trial period three times more often occur at the request of the employee than by the will of the employer. For 19% of the respondents, the trial period ended with the termination of the employment contract on their initiative, for 6% - by decision of the employer. Most applicants managed to undergo a trial period and stay at work in the company (66%). Applicants who managed to get a job without trial period, only 8%.

It is worth considering not only in detail whether they can dismiss during the trial period, but also to familiarize themselves with the instruction on the reduction:

  1. Collection of documents confirming the validity of the dismissal of the employee passing the test.
  2. Drawing up a written notice to terminate the employment contract containing the causes of dismissal. Registration of notifications for established rules. The direction of his employee is at least 3 days before dismissal. Getting from an employee of a receipt to receive or draw up an act of refusal failure in the presence of witnesses.
  3. Registration of the order of dismissal during the probation period. It must be brought to the dismissed face under the signature.
  4. Calculate for 10 days. Paid not only wageBut compensation for vacation time if the employee worked over 15 days.
  5. Making a citizen's personal card and his labor record record that the employment contract with the employee is terminated during the passage of the test period. Employment history Personally transmitted to the dismissed employee.

When dismissing an employee passing a trial period, it is important to take into account the following nuances:

  • It is not possible to work out within 14 days, 3 days are given to complete labor relations;
  • If an employee is dismissed, who has been commissioned certain documents or equipment, then the procedure for the transfer of cases in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • All the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation on the dismissal of employees during the passage of the probation period are the same for private workers and state companiesenterprises.

If an employee believes that dismissal is illegally, and the reason is unreasonable, he can appeal the decision of the employer and recover in the workplace.

ABOUT important nuances When dismissing employees is told in the video

Prohibition of dismissal on probation

Dismissal on the probationary period is impossible under the following conditions:

  1. During pregnancy. Art. The 70th Tk of the Russian Federation establishes that the condition for the passage of the test period for pregnant women is impossible for inclusion in the employment contract. If the pregnancy has become known after taking a test, it stops, and the woman begins to work without a trial period.
  2. In maternity leave. On the probationary period, the employer is obliged to issue a woman maternity leave, while ensuring the necessary payments. He has no right to dismiss the employee.
  3. Pensioner. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts containing the norms of labor law are not provided for the dismissal of a citizen on a probationary period due to the achievement of the retirement age. The dismissal of the pensioner can only take place on general reasons.
  4. It is impossible to dismiss a person who dwells on sick leave.

In disagreement with dismissal, the employee has the right:

  • To achieve recovery at work through negotiations with the employer, indicating the articles of labor law, which he violates.
  • Contact a motivated complaint into an employment inspection.
  • Go to court.

If you have any questions about the dismissal after the trial period, write in the comments