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Report on the incident. Learning to write notes: reports, service, explanatory

The memorandum is a regulatory service document. It refers to the organizational and reference documentation used to implement management functions in the enterprise. The memorandum is used along with other information notes, but in contrast to them its structural design is strictly regulated by labor legislation.

General concepts

The main purpose of the compilation of the report is to inform about the situation and incidents in the organization, on cases of violation of labor discipline or non-fulfillment by employees of their duties. It can be sent to the head of the structural division, the entire company or a higher organization. The memorandum is compiled in such a way that it encourages the actions to eliminate the situation.

The difference between the report, service and explanatory notes

The report of OKUD 0286041 was assigned a report. That is, according to the All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation, it is included in the list of regulatory documents, the structure and design of which are determined by law.

The service note is made up in arbitrary form, and its form is not provided by any OKUD code. It is usually written by an employee of the organization on his personal initiative and concerns information distributed "horizontally", between the staff of the same level, and not "vertically" as a memorandum.

For an explanatory note, the OKUD code is also provided, and, as well as a memorandum, it gives information "vertical", that is, from subordinate to the boss. But it is written exclusively at the direction or request of the head. The content is limited only to the clarification of the circumstances associated with disciplinary disorders.

Classification of memorandums

Depending on the method of classification, the memorandums can be divided into species. If we take the initiator of the design, then you can allocate:

  • reporting notes, decorated in directions or requirement of management;
  • reports compiled on the personal initiative of the submarine document.

If the principle is to adopt content, information and reporting notes are allocated.

Important is the division of reports on the basis of their addressing to external and internal documents.

Structure of reports

Building a memorandum is primarily determined by whether it is a document for domestic use (internal memorandum) or transferred to a higher organization (external memorandum).

Basic requirements are presented to the content of the document. The text is divided into two parts. The first part contains information that caused the writing of the document, and the analysis of the situation has arisen. In the second part, the score should indicate its conclusions and proposals for optimizing the events.

External reports

External report notes are drawn up for the leadership of a higher organization on the official form of the lower organization, where they are issued.

The document is presented to hard requirements for the structural plan. Regulated points notes are:

  • the full name of the enterprise, the document guide;
  • company details: Legal address, phone numbers, email address, OKPO, OGRN, INN / CAT;
  • the full name of the head of the head of the external organization, where the memorandum is sent;
  • initials and surname of the head;
  • the name of the document revealing its main content;
  • text;
  • position of the head of the enterprise, sending a memorandum, its F. I. O. and signature;
  • surname of the artist and his phone;
  • detament date.

The external memorandum is issued in the case of its direction in the superior or maternal organization

Domestic reports

Domestic notes are prepared on standard A4 or A5 paper sheets. The structure of such a document is less strict than for external use, but here the following elements must be present:

  • the position of the head, for consideration of which the document is sent, its initials and surname;
  • the name of the note that reveals its essence;
  • text;
  • the position of the employee issuing a note, with localization of the production site, a workshop or department, its initials and surname;
  • signature of the employee;
  • date.

Internal memorandum is drawn up to submit to the leadership of its enterprise

Rules for compiling, submitting and archiving report notes

In business life, the following foundations are most common:

  1. Disruption of labor discipline.
  2. Promping or refusal to issue a premium.
  3. Failure or improper fulfillment by an employee of their official duties.
  4. Antisocial employee behavior.
  5. The embezzlement and harm to property.

For each of these typical cases, there is its own template in practice, facilitating document drawing up.

Submission and registration of report notes

Registration of external reports is happening in the same way as all outgoing documents in the form of letters or references.

Registration of internal reports is made in the logging log (earnings) notes and promotions in tabular form. There are no special requirements for maintaining or not conducting such a magazine in the labor legislation of the Russian Federation. However, on medium and large enterprises, as well as in state organizations, they are usually created to accumulate information on the promotion of workers. According to Art. 258 "List of typical management, archival documents", the storage time of such a magazine is 75 years.

It makes it:

  • the sequence number of the note;
  • position and surname of the leading magazine employee;
  • theses of the document.

Usually such a magazine is conducted by a personnel officer.

The memorandum after its registration enters the head for consideration and organizational conclusions. As a result of the consideration of the document, the head decides. It is fixed in the form of a resolution written on the earliest note between the address and text, or is issued as a separate document attached to the note. It should be noted that writing a resolution on the fields of the page is incorrect.

The supervisor resolution is the basis for the implementation of the decision written in it.

Types of reports

The most frequently used a memorable note on the violation of labor discipline. The author of such a note informs its higher managers about the labor violation that happened: the passage, late or non-appearance, use of alcoholic beverages and other misconduct. Simultaneously with the actual material, the report should be a proposal for measures to curb such cases, to impose a penalty for those responsible.
In a memorandum note, all detailed circumstances of the disciplinary misconduct

Close on the content to a report on a disciplinary violation of a note about the non-fulfillment by the employee of their official duties. It is drawn up when the employee does not properly comply with his duties and as a result of this firm tolerate losses. As a supplement to the report note, you can make, for example, samples incorrectly compiled by an employee of documents or the results of video surveillance for its workplace. A certain specificity of this kind of report is the need for its coordination with the direct supervisor of a stratum employee.
To the earnings note, it is desirable to add documents that testify to the non-fulfillment by the employee of their official duties.

A rather common cause of writing a memorandum is the inappropriate or antisocial behavior of an employee, expressed in its rudeness, rudeness, ignoring customer requests and the like.

Writing such a note is usually more difficult than a report on a disciplinary violation. Here it is necessary not only to reflect the fact of the most incorrect behavior, but also to describe the identity of the intruder.

To avoid accusations of bias or voter, the author of the report note must have witnesses of the incorrect behavior of the employee

The most difficult reason for writing a memorandum is the facts of theft or intentional damage to the property. Such cases should be carefully documented. And the initial factory establishment document is often a memorandum. At the same time, the form of presentation as the exact transfer of all circumstances is not so important. Such a note must be registered in the magazine of incoming documentation, since it is the date set on an incoming document, is considered the official date of the notice of the authorities about the factory or malicious damage.
To the report note, you need to make an act of damaging the property, signed by the Commission as part of at least three people

The notice of the employee about the report entered upon him and the responsibility arising from this

After receipt of the note, in which the facts of violation of labor discipline, theft or other misconduct should, depending on the circumstances, a service or even a trial. However, the note itself is just a message leading the facts, and not a conviction. In the Labor Code of the Russian Federation there are no indications of the need to familiarize the employee with the content of the report.

Almost every employee must have a sample of a memorandum. This is a very important document of internal communication, without which the normal functioning of most major institutions is impossible.

Definition of a memorandum

A memorandum is called a document that is intended to transfer information on the service vertical from the bottom up. It is designed to inform the immediate supervisor of the facts and incidents that occur in the process of performing work.

In addition to informing to a reporting employee, its compiled, suggests the measures that must be applied by analyzing the situation.

Almost every department manager knows how the service note is written. The sample is always on the desktop. The report has the same structure, but a little different focus.

Utilities are sent horizontally, from the head of the head of one level. The reports are written from the subordinate to the direct supervisor vertically.

Topics of notes

The reason for writing a memorandum can be any incident in the enterprise. Nowadays, for example, a sample note on the rudeness of the employee is not as often, but another 30-35 years ago it was a widespread phenomenon.

Today, there are more often reports on non-compliance with duties, about the delay. They may be drawn up for visiting the request of a particular employee or the entire team of the unit.

Also, employees write reports informing about the fulfillment of orders received from the higher authorities, especially if those were given in writing.

Production incidents, unexpected situations or planned shares are also regularly becoming an information reason in order to write a report. Therefore, the subject of this document is quite extensive and can cover absolutely all moments of the production process, which is worth reporting to the upstand.

Substitution report

Each company knows that the memorandums are two species: internal and external. More often used internal. They do not go beyond the limits of one structural unit and are directed from the employee to the immediate boss. Write it can everyone who has such a need. An example of this is a report on the non-compliance with duties, the sample of which is in each personnel department.

The external report goes beyond the limits of the structural unit and heads on behalf of his head to his superior leader. If the inner can be made on a conventional A4 format sheet, then the external is sent only on the branded form and is assigned to print, if available in the division. But both of these types should be drawn up strictly according to GOST, otherwise they cannot be applied to the general documentation of the enterprise.


According to GOST, each sample note should contain certain details, without which the document ceases to be such.

The report begins with details indicating the name of the enterprise or its structural unit. Further, as well as in the application, there is a hat with an indication of the addressee and the author's notes. It is very important to indicate the full name of their posts. From the new line, the name of the document is written and immediately under it - his title, which begins with the words "regarding ..." or "O ...". This immediately prepares the reader to how much information is presented in the body of the document. The main part consists of two conditional sections. The first sets out the essence of the incident, and in the second the recommendations are given or a petition is made on the adoption of measures on the stated occasion. Close the date and signature of the compiler with its decoding.

Persons with the right to draw up reports

Each at the enterprise should know how to write a report to an employee or on the fact of the incident. It depends on whether it will be legitimate and will not leave all subsequent actions beyond the law.

Document of this kind maybe everyone who will fall out such a necessity. Employees of the lowest link more often are informative notes on the progress of instructions, business trips and inspections. Less often, they make upwards on their colleagues about the non-fulfillment of their work.

But the leaders of the units are more often monitored for labor discipline. Her violation becomes a reason for financial recovery. But for their purpose it is necessary to provide weighty arguments.

As a rule, together with the report guide, explanatory, which indicates respectful or not very reasons for the incident. Based on these two documents, a corresponding order for the enterprise is drawn up.

Proof of the validity of penalties

In each personnel department, in any accounting there is a sample of a memorandum. This document serves as a significant confirmation of the fact that certain actions were produced reasonably.

In state-owned enterprises, inspections of various instances are often inspected. All of them are designed to confirm the legitimacy of the cash turnover of budget funds. Rightly accrual of a premium or retaining from wages is a serious violation that entails penalties.

But the presence of a report note, on the fact of which legal actions were made, serves as a serious substantiation of this or other fact. The memorandum may be an argument even in trial, if it is compiled in shape and linked to the addressee, which received and familiar with its content.

Prevalence of reports

So it has developed historically that the form of a memorandum, the sample of which is given in this article, did not fit in private business at all. On firms and enterprises whose owners are private individuals, it is more appropriate to solve production issues or through the preparation of orders. This is due to the fact that in business, significantly less controlling its external bodies, before which do not need to report in the legitimacy of certain actions. But here there is a place of reports that relate to financial turnover, since control on the part of the tax authorities is still present.

In the state institutions, reports are a common phenomenon. They allow you to be reinsured to each subordinate, transmitting along with the document and responsibility for solving the problem to your immediate boss.

An example of a memorandum for an employee

The simplest report is drawn up on the fact of non-fulfillment of official duties or violation of the work discipline by the employee.

We begin a document from the name of the unit: "Information Department of the Institute of Agrarian Research". Next, we write a hat: "Head of the Information Department Ivanov I. I. from the programmer of the third discharge of Petrova P. P.".

In the body, we set out the essence of the note: "I bring to your attention that the junior programmer Sidorov Ivan Ivanovich 02.06.2011 came to work late at 2 o'clock and in a state of severe alcoholic intoxication. Good reasons and their evidence did not provide a violate, and at the request reacted with open rudeness to my address. Due to the regularity of such violations of labor discipline, I propose to take appropriate penalties with a prosecution and retention of a fine, equal to pay for his work in 2 hours, during which Sidorov I. I. was not at work. "

Close the reporting date and signature with decoding.

If you carefully examine each sample of the statement, it will become noticeable that they are all withstanding in a strict official-business style. It makes no sense to retreat from him and go into details with their description with a conversational style. The clearer and concise text, the one is closer to this report.

It is necessary to analyze the described incident and give recommendations on this. This does not mean that it will be. The leader is entitled to decide which sanctions to take, but more often he agrees with the proposal proposals of the report, since he has no time to delve into all the details.

Remember, the memorandum is a full-fledged legal document, for the accuracy of which you follow our own signature.

The memorandum is a document decorated addressed to the head, chief accountant or any other employee of the organization.
The memorable note is legal, as it is drawn up for the purpose of taking measures or any actions on the problem outlined in it.

The memorandum must be compiled as speaking and legally correctly, it should be detailed in detail the established problem and it is desirable to have actions to solve it that its compiler itself offers.

The memorandum, addressed to the head of the organization or department, is an internal document and can be drawn up on a simple sheet of A4 format.

If the document is sent to a higher organization, it automatically becomes external and is drawn up on the branded form.

Reporting Notes

The main purpose of the report note is not just acquainting the higher management with the current problem or the occupancy of the work.

And also to encourage management to prompt measures to solve the established situation.

The memorandum should be compiled in the form of OKUD, go under code 0286041.

Reporting notes are divided into several classifications depending on the information component or addressee (this note is compiled on whose name).

1. So, in the first classification, it will be informational reports in which the stages, complexity and features of the work will be indicated.

The compiler of this kind of report should be in an affordable and professional language to bring to the bosses, at what stage of development is one or another project, and what is being done to ensure its implementation.

Such reports are compiled regularly, until recently, until the project is completed.

Reporting notes directly associate the management of the organization with project managers

This allows you to promptly recognize in which directions there are not enough funds, in which oversupportment, and, accordingly, take measures to normalize the project.

2. The second classification is the reports in which the specific case is described in detail with the proposed methods of their solution.

As a rule, such reports are negative. They most often describes a violation of labor discipline by an employee of the organization.

Forms and types of reports do not change independently of the type of activity and belonging to the organization.

The report should contain the following details:

  1. Position occupied by the addressee.
  2. FULL NAME. addressee.
  3. Details of the recipient organization.
  4. Position held by the compiler.
  5. FULL NAME. compiler.
  6. Organization and position of the compiler.
  7. Competent presentation of the established problem.
  8. Measures taken to solve the current problem (if they were adopted).
  9. The proposal of measures that can be taken to eliminate the problem.
  10. The number of compilation of the report.
  11. Signature of the compiler with decoding.

How to write a memorandum, examples

Now specifically consider which reports can write an accountant:

1. These are reports addressed to the head associated with the financial and economic activities of the enterprise.

Semenov Arkady Borisovich
Tokar Galina Ivanovna


During the inspection of the financial activity of the sales department, the financial shortage of 57456.45 rubles was revealed (fifty-seven thousand four hundred fifty-six rubles forty five kopecks).

I ask you to demand from the head of the sales department, Gavrilova Artem Leonidovich, providing the accounting department for the financial statements of the sales department.

Signature _______ decryption __________

2. Report by the head of the Organization to insult honor and dignity, violations.

General Director of Revival LLC
Semenov Arkady Borisovich
Chief Accountant Organization
Tokar Galina Ivanovna


27.11. 2013 Employee of the Procurement Department, Mognady Petrovich, when received wages, was dissatisfied with the total amount, after which he insulted the cashier Potapov Irina Anatolyevna in a coarse form, threw her glass with water with water, thereby insulting her honor and dignity.

I ask to apply Gennady Petrovich Merotagin, the most stringent measures up to the dismissal, otherwise Potapova Irina Anatolyevna will be forced to seek help in law enforcement agencies to resolve this problem.

Signature _______ decryption __________

3. Sample of the report on an organization's employee on the appearance in the workplace in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication

General Director of Revival LLC
Semenov Arkady Borisovich
Chief Accountant Organization
Tokar Galina Ivanovna


I bring to your information that today the Lupov Accountant Antonina Mikhailovna came to work in a state of severe alcohol, which can be confirmed by other staff members.

Lavrentiev I.P. (economist) __________ signature
Surkov K.R. (cashier) _________ signature

Guided by Article 76 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and his official duties, I removed the accountant Lupov A.N. Further work.

Please impose on the accountant Lupov A.N. Disciplinary recovery in accordance with Art. 192 TK RF.

Signature _______ decryption __________

To such a report, it is necessary to further compile an act in which the reason for its compilation will be indicated.

It should include all employees of the organization, who observed this violation of labor discipline, indicating the position of office.

Who can make a memorandum?

Mostly a memorandum from the chief accountant is needed in order to confirm hold with salaries or returns in the event of a twisted amount.

It is important to have it with labor, and with a tax audit.

As can be seen from the above examples, the chief accountant can make a report only on the name of the head or acting by the head of the organization, as well as in the name of the leadership of a higher organization.

While this right, a simple employee of accounting can take advantage of only during the lack of his immediate superior (chief accountant), or when the memorandum is drawn up on it.

In other cases, he constitutes a memorandum in the name of his direct supervisor.

It must be remembered that the wrong compiled note loses its legal force and cannot be represented as evidence in solving the established problem.

Sample notes form:

Registration of a report on the fact of insulting or Ham's behavior in the workplace has a number of features and nuances, mandatory for accounting. Since an insult is an administrative offense, a competently compiled document will allow the prostrate to bring to justice.

In accordance with the law, an insult is a humiliated person or an expression of an indecent form - entails the imposition on the guilty citizen of the fine. Of various kinds of threats are punishable not only by financial, but also physical sanctions: correctional work, restriction of will or the possibilities of an individual.

The report on the colleague for insulting the workplace or the Khamian behavior wears, first of all, information and reference. The design of the document helps the leadership of obtaining valuable information about gross, offensive, inappropriate the rules of workers. The content of the report should include not only a description of the situation, but also the request for activities in the name of excluding the emergence of similar manifestations in the future. A sample of a memorandum on the Khamsk behavior of the employee and insult in the workplace is offered to download in this article below.

Registration of a memorandum

Registration of the fact of insulting behavior on the side of the colleague occurs on a paper sheet of A4 format. Be sure to include information:

  • the name of the structural unit in which the fact of insults and the Khamsky behavior was revealed;
  • name of the document - a memorandum;
  • current date and number of the memorandum;
  • data of the addressee: the names and initials, the official place of the person who is addressed to the document;
  • title, sounding as follows: "On an insult in the workplace" or "regarding ...";
  • the content of the document, including information on the incident, information on the perpetrator, as well as a specific investment of response to the incorrect and Ham employee's behavior;
  • conclusions indicating the official place, name, the addicts signature.

To write a memorandum on the Khamsky behavior of the employee and insult, use the following sample:

Accounting department
Chief of LLC "Nirk"
G. A. Kravchenko

Stake up
02.04.2016 №11

About insulting workplace

I draw your attention to the fact that 04/01/2016 Accountant, Somets Maxim Viktorovich, used obscene words wearing an offensive nature, pointed out social status and straight threatened.
Please consider the possibility of attracting Sumzz M. V. to administrative responsibility.

Auditor of the Accounting Department (Signature) Fedorov F. F.

Other samples of report notes:

Download Samples of reports can be free below.

It is worth noting that the failure to prevent the insult or public humiliation of employees is punishable by administrative fines.

Proper design

A memorandum of insult in the workplace sample - (the employee insults another employee of the same organization).

Report on the insult to the client of the company employee Organization Sample -

To lead, that is, making decisions on the allocation of resources, it is possible only on the basis of reliable and timely information. This information must be correct and enable enough. It is for this that is the official document called the "Report notation", which you will learn about.

What is this note?

The memorandum is a standard stationery formal information "from-up" information - from the lower staff to the management. In the reports of the notes, critical events, occurring activities and the overall firm, are described. Relying on the reports, the manager can make a more accurate analysis of the state of affairs in the organization and give adequate commands.

The creation of a report may be idea and the most subordinate, and its immediate leadership. If the initiative comes from management, then the indication of this work is often communicated to the subordinate verbose.

There are other types of notes for business communication. You can not confuse them with a report, so consider their popular species:

  • The service note is used to transfer information between departments or employees who are not consistent with each other. This may be expressed by certain requests for cooperation or notification of the events inside the organization, so this form cannot be considered a memorandum.
  • In which the employee usually explains its actions to leadership, most often, those led to the violation of the normal operation of the Organization. This is also not a report.

Below you can view the video, which explains what is the difference between the reports and service notes:

It should be borne in mind that a memorable note is a serious legal document. It is possible that in the future you will have to refer to it at court proceedings, so you feel carefully.

Views of a memorandum

There is a conditional separation of reports on topics, the approximate direction of which is understandable from the name:

  • Reporting. Most often such reports apply. Their compilation is groaning in advance by the higher structure for control over the parameters that regularly need simple, but continuous control.
  • Initiative. The leadership is sent irregular in cases where subordinates have a proposal for rationalization or optimization of processes in the enterprise.
  • Informative. They are written to notify the higher employees about some sharp changes (often negative) in the established work of the department or firm. In such cases, a quick leadership response is usually required so as not to incur losses or do not miss possible profits.

Regardless of the subject, the document may be:

  • Internal. Internal reports are applied to address issues arising within the institution. Decisions after their consideration take their own employees of the organization.
  • External. The external report is drawn up for an outsider organization, which seeks to involve in the processes occurring in its own institution.

As such report notes are drawn up, consider further.

How to write an internal report?

Domestic reports typically write on simple sheets of paper. We list the obligatory components and indicate their traditional location:

  1. To whom the report is intended (who will have to make a decision) - to the right above, in the duty.
  2. Information about the person, which makes it up with an indispensable indication of the department (division). It is also indicated on the right, below the previous part, in the duty.
  3. The name of the document is the "memorandum" - in the center of the sheet (after the title, the dot, colon and other punctuation marks are not set). If the topic is a standard standard (about the passage, about the proposal, about the bonuses) - you can immediately add it under the title.
  4. Registration number and date (if this requires internal office work).
  5. Perhaps mention of motives that caused the drawing up notes.
  6. With paragraph - a statement, that is, the presentation of the situation in any process from the point of view of the respondent (facts, events, circumstances, chronology, causal relationships).
  7. With the new paragraph - analyst, that is, an exact description of the problems already existing or possible in the future, as the speaker seems to be (sometimes there are potential capabilities that are not yet used, but can serve as the benefit of the organization).
  8. From a new line - recommendations, that is, ways to eliminate issues or suggestions for minimizing losses, if you avoid the negative impact of certain factors is impossible (or the optimal way to develop unused resources).
  9. Date, number, Personal data Rapporteur - signature, position, initials (FULL NAM).

An empty document blank can be downloaded.

The most popular forms of such a report note will be considered below.

About Violation of Labor Discipline

Such a document is very serious, because at its basis it can be:

  • issued (reprimand);
  • lowering an employee in office;
  • the procedure for dismissing an employee for the relevant article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is launched;
  • open legal proceedings.

Of course, such information is internal, so it is undesirable to penetrate the limits of the institution.

Basically, the text should be perfectly clear and specifically indicated what the employee was guilty. It is even better if articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the rules of the internal regulation disturbed by the employee are directly given.

The text typically has a mention that the employee has given an explanation to his behavior in an explanatory note, indicating the number, dates and other identifiers of this document. If there is no such explanatory, this is also indicated.

A sample of an internal memorandum that the worker broke the labor discipline, since it was not in the workplace, you can download.

About non-fulfillment of official duties

As a rule, for non-fulfillment of official duties follow the punishment of the employee in the form of attraction of disciplinary responsibility. Its forms can be:

  • failure of the premium;
  • fine;
  • rebuke;
  • lowering in office.

A sample note on non-fulfillment of official duties is proposed to download.

The employee is entitled to sue the employer, if he considers the punishment of unfair or excessive, therefore, when drawing up a report, the accuracy of the wording and the calibises of the requirements of the claims are necessary, for example, with reference to the internal work schedule.

About bonuses

This form of the report applies in cases where the employee is appointed a prize. In the main text signs, for which work is prescribed a prize and in what size. You can download a sample of such a document.

How to make an external report?

Such documents are made on the branded form with the obligatory indication of the details and contact details of the company. The emblem on the form will help the recipient faster to understand who he is dealing with. To confirm the accuracy of the document, the blue printing of the enterprise should be set.

Since business paper will be sent to the outside world, then the requirements for its filling are:

  1. The name of the recipient's organization. Abbreviations and passes are not allowed (right at the top).
  2. The official who is sent to the document (usually the "Director-General" or Something similar) is under the previous part.
  3. The name of the sender organization, also without abbreviations and skips (left at the top).
  4. The full official name of the document (a report on the employee's community, for example) - in the center of the document.
  5. The essence of the case, which is posted in business form briefly and clear.
  6. Position, signature and initials of the head of the organization-sender (in the center of the lower part).
  7. Performance data - position, initials, contact (service) phone number (below the previous part).

Here is a sample of such a note:

5 Communication requirements

The memorandum does not have a strictly mandatory form, but it is a stationery message, so it is written in a chemless format, which has the following mandatory elements:

  1. The necessary information should be definitely spelled out.
  2. Rough errors and skipping important data are not allowed, otherwise the report may be invalid in the future.
  3. Emotional assessments and personal attitudes to the described situation is usually not welcome, as it does not contribute to the adoption of an administrative decision.
  4. When describing the circumstances, it is necessary to indicate all the essential details of the situation. Inssentual little things can not be mentioned.
  5. At the end of the document, the position of the compiler and his name is prescribed.

Above you familiarized yourself with various types of reports, so now it is much better to understand how to make them and that they should be written in them. This is especially useful to know the employees of state institutions whose heads are obliged to write reports.