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Longing home how to cope. The question is a systemic psychologist. Too homemade: return or fight? Meet new people

Recently, my husband and I moved from St. Petersburg to a small town to get to it, raise the mood of sunny days. Planned to stay here at least half a year, my husband helped with work (already settled). I also help me, but I am gnawing the strongest longing of the house, a feeling of antipathy appeared to everything, even pleasant words and her husband's caress! We are here just 3 weeks, and I already want to return, although before this movement even pleased me, I wanted a change in the situation ... But it turned out that I was not ready for this ... I calm myself that we were not forever, but not helping ... I I swear, crying, swearing with my husband on trifles. My depressive state prevents me from healthy mind. Tell me, please, how can I cope with my condition!

Small town. There are no expanses of a big city, there are no familiar, familiar and native places, there are no paints and lights to which you are accustomed at home. Depressive condition and longing for a person's house, accustomed to completely different living conditions, is not difficult to understand. Harder - to understand what to do about it. Write off this temporary phenomenon or run until it's too late?

As the system-vector psychology clearly shows, none of our feeling and experience appears without a reason. It is impossible simply and without consequences to ignore those signals thatserves psyche . There are eight elements of our I - vectors, each of whom sets your desires, their aspirations and needs. What is normal for one person is categorically abnormally for the other.

Let's start with the desire to "shift the situation". Thrown new impressions, sensations, dating with new places. People with skin and visual vectors.

Skin vector sets a man desire to move, comprehend new, not to be in one place, so people with this type of psyche are easily drunk from the scene, change the house, work, choosing what is most profitable, profitable, interesting.

BUT! A man with a skin vector, the more accustomed to live in a big city in a small town will begin to rebel and test, as it seems to him, longing for the house. In fact, he will be there a little space there, he will experience discomfort and the desire to return to the former spacious urbanized landscape.

Longing home due to lack of paints and impressions

We understand your feelings further. Visual vector. This type of psyche pulls a person to new places behind emotions and impressions. The beauty of the surrounding world manits a spectandel as anyone else, so he is ready to live in travel, enjoying the amazing places of our planet. Spectacular - great connoisseurs of art, culture. They like to walk on exhibitions and theaters. There they are satisfied with their need for new impressions. They love the viewers and shine themselves in such places - always beautiful and exquisite dress up, attracting views and attention.

In the situation of a small and boring town, accustomed to a large city, and even more so, to the cultural capital, the visual man will begin to gradually choke. Lack of impressions will quickly lead it to the state of Handra and longing. As a result, the visitor will be overlookingly, demonstrative, hysterical, they can begin to overcome previously did not appear fears - all thismanifestations of lacks in a visual vector.

But that's not all. The presence of another vector can adversely affect your condition. Of the one that, on the contrary, in contrast to the first two vectors, does not seek new impressions or new features and changes. This type of psyche makes a man by a domicor, attached to his house, an amateur is not novelty, but the usual mistake of things.

Departure to another city, and even with the prospect of staying there for a long time, it marks in a person who has this type of psyche forgiving around the house, friends and relatives, which pulls him back with all his might, does not get used to the new place.

All together these feelings are mixed and immersed in depressive, and more correctly say, a dreary state with which it is very difficult to cope without understanding yourself.

Conducting what lives you, that gives birth to a longing of homemade in the house, you will learn to greatly smooth out its manifestation. For example, you will learn what other filling methods have the winners of the visual vector and where to send the energy of their "skin".

However, the awareness can also lead to the fact that you completely clearly understand that this town does not suit you and does not give the necessary conditions for the realization of unconscious desires. And then the moment will come to think, and maybe it is worth returning, explaining all her husband?

To better understand yourself, get rid of longing home and try to find new activities that can help you cope with longing in St. Petersburg, read these articles: IY-VEKTOR ektor y-vektor

Answered Olga Chugaryan

The article is written using materials.

A couple of weeks ago, the child simply could not wait for his departure to his new school in the UK. He was excitedly rejoiced to the opportunity to make new friends, a variety of interesting lessons and fascinating classes, he literally considered the days before the start of study. Now the phone simply does not silent, the child begins to learn worse and cannot think about anything else, except about returning home. And as quickly as possible.

What happened? Is it possible to send a child to learn abroad was a mistake? What to do parents?

This happens completely and next. The child is simply forgotten by home. It is clear that the parents spent a lot of time, forces and emotions before they decided to send their son or daughter to study in the English school. But now, when the delight of the first days in a new place evaporated, the child begins to realize the depth of the changes in his life - he understands how much of his home life is not enough. However, the good news is that longing the homeland is absolutely normal, natural and, most importantly, a temporary phenomenon.

Often, the child often starts after a certain event - for example, a bad assessment, conflict with others or simply because of a bad mood - the beginning can serve anything that can push the child to the thought of how everything was "better" at home. The main symptoms of longing for the native home are excessive phone calls or emails (especially with a request to come and pick it up), termination or refusal to take part in organized events - especially in those where the child usually participates with pleasure, avoiding communication with others, voluntary Isolation from classmates, manifestation of common apathy and loss of interest in what is happening around, constant talk about the house. It is possible to understand that the child suffers from longing in his homeland is possible from direct communication with him, as well as contacting his trustee, educators and teachers at school.

In order to make the most effectively helping the child cope with this state, parents, first of all, it should be understood that this is an absolutely natural part of the adaptation process. It is also important to realize that, passing through this difficult stage, the child will understand that he did not "lose" his homeland and his home, but in fact, "acquired" for himself a completely new home and a new environment.

There is also a number of specific actions that can be taken to help the child constructively and painlessly overcome this stage:

  • It must be understood that the child has to be not easy. If he wants to speak, he must hear it. It doesn't matter that the parents themselves think about this, it does not matter that their opinions may differ, the main thing is that the child understands what he hears and support.
  • It is necessary to give the child a sense of security. It is useful to establish the regular time of telephone "reports" and stick to it - even such a simple procedure can inspire the child a sense of confidence and calm away from home. It is also important to establish at what time and how often the child can call parents, as well as the duration of these calls.
  • It is important to contribute to the liberation of the child and its participation in collective classes. It should be wondering than he is engaged in his free time, ask about meetings of various clubs, sports competitions, and to help ensure that the child takes an active part in them.
  • You should help the child to make a daily or weekly schedule, which would formulate goals and objectives (enter into some club or take an invitation to any meeting), and plans for free time (visiting sports competition, participation in excursions or campaign and t. n.). Such a plan will help the child feel more confident and competently dispose of their time.
  • It is useful to keep in touch with educators and teachers of a child, as well as with his trustee. They give parents an objective assessment of the child's condition and its success, and can also help cope with this complex transition period.

As a rule, the attack of longing houses goes quickly and without consequences, but there are complications. If after a few weeks there are no signs of improvement (the phone still names the same, the child refuses to participate in the public life of the school, and its performance falls), it's time to move towards active actions. In addition to the trustee, you should seek help to the school leadership, educators and, perhaps, resort to the help of professional psychologists. However, if it takes preventive measures in time, to remain sensitive and positive, then the bastard in the child's hometown should go through two or three weeks.

Well, things are assembled, tickets purchased, everything is ready for a trip, except for one .. You never found anyone who would make you a company. Do not worry! Many travel alone. And this is not at all so bad, as it seems. You do not need anyone to negotiate, where to go to see what you want, you yourself make a plan of rest, without asking permission. But there are also cons, one of which is loneliness. Sometimes it becomes so lonely that you start terribly bored around the house and are ready to fly to your homeland.

If you are traveling one or one, such attacks of loneliness can not be avoided, whether it is a business or a tourist trip, but they can be smoothed and easily transfer to not spoil your trip. Here are some ways:

Communication with home
How great is that the development of technology allows us to contact close people, wherever we are. In the Internet cafe, you can always chat on Skype. If it is suddenly impossible, you can always send an e-mail, chat, send a postcard or at least talk on a cell phone. The most important thing is to communicate with those who do not just regret you, but it will become convinced and convince that the longing will pass, and everything will be fine. Sometimes it is enough to say (no matter in a conversation or letter) and sadness passes, especially if native and friends remind you how this trip is important for you.

But with virtual visits home should be careful, in the end, you are leaving to get acquainted with new people and cultures, visit new places, and not come back every day home and spend most of the travel on the Internet.

Create a home furnishings
Often, pleasant memories are saved from loneliness, which like magic arise in the head at the sight of familiar things. Try to surround yourself with something familiar: watch movies in your native language, listen to your favorite music, read good books, eat, what you love, breathe a familiar fragrance, scroll through old photo albums. So your longing from a negative feeling to turn into a pleasant nostalgia.

It is necessary to prepare to this: make sure that your laptop is full of favorite movies and music, print photos with loved ones, even take with you some unnecessary little things that will remind you of a house, such as aromatic candles or candles. Music creates miracles - do not forget to create a play leaf of your favorite songs in the iPod, which take on the road. Even if you are not ready, it is not scary. Eat a familiar dish for dinner, find a book in your native language, well, or ask friends to send you on the Internet a couple of photos with them.

But again, do not get carried away, expand the horizons, see foreign films, read unfamiliar authors, try the local cuisine.

Write and reflex
Rather, grab the handle and start writing! Write a list of 20 things that you are happy. Rewrite them again. Fist. You can conduct a diary, a blog about what is happening with you, shlute e-mail to friends and acquaintances, share new impressions - all this will strengthen your positive emotions.

It really works! Think about how the trip helped you change, grow, develop. Write down all the advantages of your travel, which, in spite of everything, will remain the pros and forever will be remembered as pleasant moments of this journey.

The main thing is to remember that it is worth focusing on the positives, and not on the bad. Very easy during refluccoation to deepen in self-dropping and thinking about the meaning of life and its place on this earth ... - It will only aggravate the situation. Think of good! Rate all positive parties and opportunities that this trip gave you.

Go out and don't miss your chance
Sometimes the journey begins to bother, you get tired of fuss and movement, immerse yourself in loneliness and sadness, all the time dedicate books or TV, forgetting what happens around you. Just at this point and it is worth it to make yourself gather, go out, look at the sights of the city, in one word to visit those places that can inspire you.

Try finding what you really are interested, museums, shops, exhibitions. Meet the culture through her national cuisine, try such dishes to which you would never have touched at home. Meet the local. Get up early to meet the dawn or do not sleep and admire the sunset. Rent a scooter or motorcycle and travel on two wheels. In a word, get out of your hole and start acting! You are here to experience new sensations, see and get acquainted with the unknown.

Dedote your time not only yourself
Often to get rid of sad thoughts, you just need to stop thinking about yourself and about your condition, and think about someone else. Look in the Internet any organizations to which you can join and participate in general matter. Communicate with locals. In the end, sign and send friends and familiar postcards by mail. Many people love to find in the mailbox among the familiar accounts and notifications of postcards-led from other countries. Satisfy the curiosity of young children who look at you with surprise - say hello or chat. Leave the taxis of good tips. Buy a local language dictionary, learn several phrases and shine knowledge in a conversation with a waiter or maid. If you manage to please others, do not doubt, it will take pleasure and you yourself.

Be active
Do not be lazy, run in the morning, take a bike, swim, walk on foot. Exercise contributes to an endorphine splash, which helps to cope with negative emotions: longing and loneliness. As a rule, tourists so have to walk a lot, but often too slow. Make your heart beat more often, and it will become easier to the soul!

During the trip there are always ways to get adrenaline. It also helps "dispersed clouds." Perfectly helping wind surfing or skylis surfing, jumping with parachute and on a tarzanque, as well as flight on aquatic parachute and much more. Adrenaline and bright emotions will long run sad thoughts away, and longing the house on the background of such feats will be forgotten.

We succumb to temptations
How to get rid of longing? Just to succumb to temptations. Drink wine, let yourself spend money on an insanely dear, but delicious dessert, go to the massage, buy, finally, your dress or that gadget, to which you have been looking for several days or book a luxurious hotel room. Sometimes you can pamper yourself and even useful if it helps you dispersed the longing.

Of course, if you can't afford an excessive luxury, but still do it, then the mood can only worsen, you finally fall into depression. Try to please yourself in the framework of that budget that you have: inexpensive treat, a glass of wine, a book that you have long wanted to buy. Pleasure does not always hit the pocket.

Each country has the opportunity to learn something new. In Paris, they teach the lessons of cooking, in South America - Tango. In many countries, Asia will be trained in scuba swimming and other sports in water, such as surfing, wind surfing. Almost everywhere you can learn a foreign language. New hobbies will help you find new acquaintances, and also distract you from memories of the house. In addition, the receipt of new knowledge and skills always inspires and glad.

And yet, no matter how hard it is to travel alone, you will benefit. You will feel more confident, we will learn a lot. When the next time loneliness and longing will find you surprise, be sure you know how to cope with them. The ability to overcome yourself and get rid of negative emotions is 100% of the success of your travel and unforgettable, pleasant impressions of life.

Conversation for souls for people with mental disorders, their relatives and just not indifferent people

Article "17 V"

There is even thoughts that if the employer sees my honey card with my article "17 V," it will even be afraid of such an employee as I, to take to work. I do not know, maybe I exaggerate everything?

I do not know, I am completely confused with this article. Just tell me please than in the future it threatens to me this article, to which he will definitely affect, but what will affect.

I am a doctor army said that there is one minus - this I will not be able to work where there are epaulets. And so I can work anywhere, as I said and drove the car and even a license can give me a weapon that I certainly surprised me.

I read that the article can be removed in 5 years, but if I decide, I will probably call me or you can not remove the article. I hope you can help me. Thank you in advance for the answer and for understanding and for patience!

Article 17: Neurotic, associated with stress and somatoform disorders; Organic Mental Disorders:

c) with moderately pronounced, short-term painful manifestations;

Paragraph "B" includes moderately pronounced, short-term neurotic disorders with a favorable course ended with compensation.

Re: Article "17 V"

I see that for several years since the last comment, but I wanted to write that, it seems, Nikita has a buddy on the diagnosis of "adaptation disorder" in the role of me.

Does anyone know anything about compensation?

About paying money? Are they paid?

If so, how does this happen if the Communication under Article 17v?

Help Conscripts

Everyone will take you at least a month. It may turn out to be 2-3 months. The IPC itself depends on the diagnosed disease.

But then its decision must be approved, etc.

In general, time is delayed. Anton Nikolaevich

Messages: 3726 Registered: 07 Apr 2012 21:47 Alex Martin »Oct 10 2014 19:16 Anton Nikolaevich» Oct 14 2014 15:50 For the Commission, a diagnosis is necessary, and not symptoms.

If you are given a violation of adaptation, anxiety disorder of personality, etc.

What threatens an adaptation disorder in the army

Army is not for all

Psychological straining literally breaks the will to life, and guys having a problem with adaptation run, cut the veins, hang, etc.

Even worse when the soldier with a broken will attack others. In the head of these guys, only one thought - "Leave me alone," and they will attack anyone who at this moment of madness will be on their way.

I will give a few examples from my service and my friend's service.

Another case was with a guy from the next battery.

After a week of the survey, I was called by the head of the hospital and said, they say: - You have a committee shining, I give a day at thought, tomorrow will come and give me a response. I thought that the most difficult behind is already, well, and that that the year is still still left, and on the other hand, in a week, I will be in a citizen! The next day I told him: - You know, Comrade Colonel, I will probably stay to hear!

Now I do not regret my choice.

But if the commissaries, then regretted and very much.

For some individuals, such changes occur simply, for others - adaptation requires great effort, but there is another third group of soldiers who cannot independently cope with the forced changes in lifestyle. When the adaptation of the call servicemen faces psychological negotiation, you need to take active measures to counter accident and emergency situations.

Army adaptation disorder

army adaptation disorder

In chapter Military service Tell me to the question.

can I participate from the army because of adaptation disorder? Posted by the author Libertine. The best answer is from configuration

I wonder how it is manifested.

It will solve a psychiatrist in the hospital. If he confirms. What do you have an adaptation disorder, then the question of the possibility of further service will solve the hospital VKK.

Due to the disagreement of the person!

Article 18 Asking Diseases!

Go to the places and tell me, Szukynakh, everyone, everyone has gained, etc., and that's it!