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How to go through a successful job interview. Interview in a cafe: What and how to talk? Work \u003d favorite business

What to remember about the interview

How to successfully pass the interview? Categorize to the details: Having received an invitation, write down the company's name, contacts, the person name with whom to talk. But be careful with the appeal by name and patronymic, if you do not know Eichar in the face, otherwise you risk being in an awkward situation.

An important nuance At the interview, the mood remains: you are not on the exam, but to negotiations. The company is also interested in qualified employees, because the recruitment is not a difficult task. Why then the Eichara injected pathos, mention a competition for a vacancy, about the presence of talented applicants? They are trying to push to concessions: agree to a smaller salary from fear that the position will get a competitor, or take an uncomfortable work schedule. Potential employers mention that the competition was 100 applicants, and you broke through in the TOP-10? Most likely you are waiting for unpleasant surprises. Even international companies do not discern this technique!

In the negotiations on the vacancy, the company also proves the appeal for the applicant. Do not give in to the trick and do not reduce the bar.

An important aspect during the device remains the level of wages. Do not be afraid to call the desired figure when you pass the interview: getting an income covering needs is the main goal. The position will have to be argued, so consider why the amount is justified. How to behave in an interview when taking a job to get a decent salary? Do not be as a petitioner, but do not hold on condescension: quiet self-esteem is enough.

How to get a job interview: Prepare answers

  1. Browse the design of the vacancies and think about the qualities needed by the applicant. Make a list of your skills and skills, check how much it coincides with the first list.
  2. Specify the minimum of 10 qualities that make you a suitable candidate for this work. Think when they were shown: when Eichar will ask to illustrate the approval by examples, you will be ready.
  3. Explore information about the company, write down questions arising in the process of familiarization. It will take to view the Count "About Us" on the site, search for reviews on the Web and read articles in independent publications covering the work of the enterprise. Think what distinguishes the company from competitors - when Eichar will ask why you want to cooperate, you will give the answer.
  4. Even if you are applying for a modest position, the first impression should be impeccable. Select clothes in advance, and in the morning of an important day will not discover that the jacket is blurred, and the shoes need to be repaired. If necessary, put on a business suit; Remains are possible when you are comfortable in a young and creative team. But appearance Must be neat, and the use of accessories is moderate. Women should refuse earrings in the form of suspension or abundance of bracelets, and men will limit to hours and wedding ring. As for the perfume, do not forget the rule "the less, the better." At the interview, cologne and perfume is not needed.
  5. In practice in responses to typical questions asked for interview. Connect a friend or relative to add a share of improvisation to the process. Thanks to such rehearsals, you will not have to desperately look for answers during the meeting.

Do not be lazy to allocate the time to prepare, because you get rid of yourself from prolonged walking on interviews. Remember that the best improvisation is the one you have rehearsed in advance. Formulated answers and questions will get rid of you from unpleasant minutes.

What can not be missed to pass an interview

Since the impression is made up of the smallest things, collect documents in advance. A ready-made list of questions or a copy of the summary will show that you are interested in vacancies. The following will be required:

  1. Passport or driver's license will be needed if the entrance to the building is carried out on passing.
  2. Notepad, where you will write down the address of the company and the name of Eichar, come in handy and during the conversation. Do not save on purchasing a solid accessory and stylish handle!
  3. The list of questions for those who are interested will not be silent at the interview, when the time comes to ask the employer about the nuances.
  4. The list of recommendations will help impress. Specify contacts 3 people from the scope of activity capable of confirming your qualifications.
  5. The portfolio remains the necessary part, but its format depends on the specificity of activity. If you print your work is not possible due to their features, capture the Netbook interview.

What do not need to do? Do not give parents or friends! Recruitment managers notes that the error make applicants for posts different levels. If parents interfere in the work process, consider the vacancy you missed.

Do not train the gum and do not capture a cup of coffee with you: When you will be invited to the office, the details will look no one.

How to behave before, during and after interview

For an interview come without delays, so route will pass in advance, it is possible to pass to the desired point. Arriving in place on the appointed day, remember the courtesy. Still say hello to the administrator at the reception and Eicher, please download, do not assume the look, but also do not look at the stop. Before starting a conversation, turn off the phone so as not to be distracted.

These questions will be performed during the interview: whether you will get a job depends on the answers.

During the interview, do not forget that it should not turn into a monologue. Eicharov learned that the ratio of their replicas to the stories of the applicant ideally is 30/70%. Your goal is to adjust the numbers up to 50/50% and monitor the development of the conversation.

Interviewer asks the question of what professional mistake you allowed at the last place of work? It is unlikely that you are interested in a detailed story, so do not let the case on samonek. Do not be afraid to think about replicas, because you are not obliged to give an answer for milliseconds. Remember that the applicants begin to speak quickly because of the excitement. Do not allow errors: Listen to yourself and shut up if necessary. You can say out loud that you need to think. But in the interview finale, when your turn comes to clarify the details, reflections are inappropriate. Get a harvested list of questions and show that come to vacancies seriously.

In conclusion, find out when to wait for an answer from the company. To speed up the process, tell me: "You will notify me about the decision to next Monday? If there is no news before Friday, can I call or contact an email? " You will show interest in vacancies and get rid of prolonged waiting.

How to successfully pass job interview - answers to questions

In order not to select the answers under the gaze of Eichar, think over their home. The following options will help you:

Before the beginning of the interview, consider several answer options. Eichar often asks to develop thoughts or call a couple more minuses of character, so the willingness does not hurt. But excessive eloquence is inappropriate: the story should take 2-3 minutes.

"Why did you leave with the past job": Answer Eichar

The need to explain the previous dismissal turns into a stumbling block. If you were fired with the past work, demonstrate that we are wrapped in bitter experience. Also briefly mention the reasons and focus on what has learned in the framework of cooperation. Possible answers to a slippery question:

  1. It turned out that the duties differ from those described in vacancies. When it became obvious that cooperation does not benefit to me nor the employer, we decided to stop it. Since then, I have suffered (-A) communication skills and clearer identified (s) professional goals and expectations.
  2. I prefer to work independently, clearly understanding the task of the company. The type of activity in the past workplace did not correspond to these characteristics of the character.
  3. I prefer to act in a team where employees send efforts to achieve a common goal. Unfortunately, when I took (s), it turned out that there are present in the team internal conflicts. I did everything possible, and colleagues praised my tact and organizational abilities. But I prefer to send strength to work together for the benefit of the company, so looking for a healthy atmosphere.

Although the topic of dismissal is unpleasant, keep a positive attitude. Remind yourself that Eichar probably faced difficulties in his career, so your situation is not exceptional.

The main thing is that you do not respond bad about the authorities or colleagues, even if the negative attitude is justified!

If you calculated own willing, Explain the situation is easier. Make sure that the tasks performed are too simple, and you are looking for a job that gives you to your abilities. It is permissible to mention that at the old post there was no opportunity for career growth, and combining job search with full-fledged duties turned out to be difficult. You are free to refer to moving, searching for a convenient schedule, desire to express yourself in more large company. Just save positive setting, heat spoke about colleagues and roll out moderate regret that you had to part.

"List your best qualities": What to answer

How to behave at the interview when applying for work? It is important not only to smooth out the shortcomings, but also correctly present the advantages. Fortunately, the interview gives such an opportunity, because the question of the strengths will necessarily sound. It is necessary to name the features necessary for work and distinguish you from other applicants.

Prepare in advance, making a list of 3-5 qualities; Next to each writing examples, as you used it in the past. If Eichar asks, what kind of character trait or skill will bring the company, you will be ready to answer. An example will be the following answers:

  1. I am serious about work and do not wait for Deedlins, preferring to complete her in advance. Last year I received (-A) a prize for 3 projects completed a week before the appointed period.
  2. I have been working in the field of sales and perhaps for 10 years. various technicians. Indicators rise in every quarter, every year I get a premium as the best seller.
  3. My communication skills make it possible to effectively interact with customers, colleagues and bosses. At the last workplace, the head celebrated talents to the preparation and presentation.

When the question of the strengths sounds, forget about modesty! But it is not worth it in the extensive listings of your abilities, because the manager of the recruitment of personnel is interested practical use skills and qualities. Give a brief and accurate answer with 2-3 examples.

"Why we have to choose you": what answer will help get a vacancy

Questions implying a story about the benefits of the applicant are often put in a dead end. It is time to forget that you caught indiscriminately: a similar installation to you hurt. But the statements must be deliberate, so try to impress Eichar.

What do you think is the purpose of the personnel manager? If you decide that he just wants to find an employee for a vacancy, they made a mistake. With a high probability of a company, there are a number of problems, and Eichar is looking for a person who can offer solutions. Your task is to determine what is the difficulty, and show that you can cope with it. Act as follows:

  1. Re-read the text of the vacancy and write out the requirements for the candidate. Check out information on the site: probably there is detailed description official duties. Then browse the similar vacancies on the network and try to understand what they expect from applicants.
  2. Select the features and skills from the list, mark, in what work situations you have shown them.

Be prepared to tell about each case when they flashed with strong features, and focus on the actions that led to a prosperous problem resolution. Describe typical difficulties awaiting an employee to the post interested, and tell me how they were overcome in the past. Such an approach will convince the personnel manager as in a new place you will find the use of your professionalism.

What else to pay attention to: pass the interview with glitter

Thinking answers to typical questions, keep in mind:

  1. Determine the amount of the desired salary in advance. You can do thely streamlined phrase "I hope for payment, the corresponding level of my qualifications," but specific digit It will be more appropriate. When moving to another company, an increase in earnings in 15-20% will be a sufficient incentive for changing the place; View and offers on sites with vacancies to understand the situation in the labor market.
  2. Answer the question "Why do you want to work with us?" It is easier if you explore the history of the enterprise. Do not focus on your benefits: schedule, payment, convenient location. Tell what benefit you bring the company! For example: "I like that the vacancy is associated with sales and marketing. At the previous job site, I have improved sales by 15%, and in the period of stagnation in the market. "
  3. The question of how you learned about the vacancies should not cause difficulties. But candidates are often going to unnecessary details: do not complement the answer to the story, as you and you can not think that you have to work elsewhere. Shoot to demonstrate enthusiasm? Tell me that we saw the announcement and did not want to miss such a vacancy. Everything!
  4. The interviews are asked to talk about cases when you disagree with the decision of the head, and about your actions. Do not choose a story when you saw the chef's miss and were silent. Do not talk about what was not convincing enough, and the company's later losses have proven to your right. Tell us that in the early stages, career realized that sometimes it was necessary to defend the position, reinforcing the arguments with facts and numbers. Share the story, as represented the head and saved the budget of the enterprise.

In order not to get lost during the interview, take it at home. The more times you pass standard issues, the more confident will answer! To understand how to successfully pass the job interview, it will be possible to use the video:

You were interviewed: what to do

After the interview, write down all the questions that caused the difficulty: if you do not get a job, you use them to prepare for new meetings. Also do not forget to send an email with gratitude, because politeness remains a win-win policy. But to stand out, not enough to write: "Thank you for your attention." You can add a link to a book or an article illustrating the aspect mentioned during the conversation. Appropriate answer to the question: "When you asked me about the main achievement in the profession, I found it difficult (s) to answer. But immediately after the interview I remembered the case ... "

Check out questions that Eicra are asked when an interview. Pay attention to clarifications and prepare the answers.

Now to be patient to be patient and wait a specified period. It is difficult, but do not pursue the persecution. Then contact the company in the specified way: if you agreed that send an e-mail, do not call on the phone. Did you know about yourself twice, but did not follow the reaction? Go to the search for new vacancies. But do not leave hope: the labor market is changeable, and you never know when the interview will give the result.


Preparing for a job interview, consider aspects. Receive the answers to typical questions several times, prepare documents, make a letter, followed by gratitude. It is advisable to go to the interview even in the case when you are not going to change the job so that in the future meetings with Eicra did not scare you.

What tips do you have for those who have looked at a vacancy? Share in the comments!

You are a graduate specialist and looking for a job. Perhaps you are just trying to achieve heights in career growth, and maybe you need work due to the vital difficult situation in the form of a material situation. In any case, when taking a job, it will be necessary to personally meet the leader. How to successfully pass job interviewIf all bets are made on it.

You are trying to get a prestigious job, position or simply stay as a novice, which has just graduated from university.

In whatever position you are, your behavior and the principle of the interview goes in the same way - your presentation of your business and tricky questions from potential leadership.

How to prepare for the interview?

Interview when receiving work It takes place on a predetermined and unlawfully approved plan. The leaders are looking at the behavior of the applicant, its resumes, "technical" data on the education and experience, as well as behavioral features in responses to the requested tricky questions.

Proper preparation for interview

A lot of important aspect In this question takes preparation for interviewwhich includes the following points:

1. Prepare to negotiations with the future employer should be morally and physically.Morale preparation includes identifying your own values \u200b\u200band opportunities.

Think, and if you really "pull" the position to which you are going to get settled. Is your qualification suitable for solving problems periodically occurring in the workplace.

2. Physical training is also important. It means discharge of excess weight, since often prestigious firms prefer to take into employees only slender people.

But it should also be carefully approaching your own appearance: to visit the hairdresser, paint the thrust ends of the hair, get rid of acne rash, which can escape with the refusal of oily food.

If there is a problem with edema, which is always manifested in the morning in the form of a "swapping" eyes, one should review the amount and time of fluid consumption. A few days before the interview, it is important to get enough sleep well.

3. Once upon a time before the interview, find out and explore all available information about the company.

Try to find out how to this moment are going on the company, is there a teaching staff, whether it is paid in time wage.

4. Prepare for the interview, submitting all documents and (although, most likely, it is already compiled, once you were invited to an interview). Prepare copies of all documents and diplomas in advance.

Read excerpts from the abstracts, so as not to get asked during the interview, because some executives prefer to find out from the applicant it is his professional knowledge.

5. Find assistants for a device to work. This may be former employees who, in matters of your candidacy, will be able to answer only positively, intent and clearly.

It will be nice to talk with the former director. Take recommendatory letters from him, and better warn that with his consent, leave its phone data for communication with the new leader.

The presented aspects are not all what you need to know when passing the interview. There is a huge number of trifles, the readiness to which should be held at 100%.

Appearance of the applicant

It's amazing, but it is the appearance of the applicant that takes about 55% of the overall success at the interview. Therefore, the question turns out to be no less important and sometimes dominant.

So, when choosing clothes, hairstyles, perfume, use the following instructions:

The appearance is an important aspect with a device for work, so it is necessary to approach it thoroughly and preferably in advance.

How to pass an interview, video:

How to behave at the interview?

The behavior of the applicant on the interview is a guarantee of successful achieving its own goal. Here you should listen to the advice of the psychologist, as well as study the peculiarities and common mistakes of people who are allowed during communication with the leader.

Psychological basis of any interview

Experts argue that from how the applicant presents itself at the interview, its successful passage depends. So, you can select the following that will help in the question:

At the interview, the task of any applicant is to demonstrate their the best side, as well as its confidence and negotiation. Also, managers pay attention to human self-confidence.

The way a person behaves in a similar critical situation, and shows his inner essence.

  • So, if the applicant is upset, This may indicate a low self-esteem and give the previous similar defeats.
  • When cry and nervousness The head decides that a person is unreasonable and conflicts can often occur in the process of working with it.
  • Sitness and goodwill Even after the defeat, he speaks of complete confidence in herself and subsequent employment - this directly indicates that the applicant is indeed a person and a professional and is ready to achieve his goal even overcoming barriers.

Own sale

Each applicant for employment is trying to "sell". But more than half do typical errors, resorting to open complaints of own positive qualities.

How to sell yourself at the interview, so that the head "bought" your knowledge and positive parties?

Here are the following positive qualities from the applicant:

  • the arrival at the interview earlier for 15-20 minutes;
  • furnishing greeting named and patronymic Even if you just got acquainted with the potential leader;
  • smile, friend Hunting contact with the interlocutor, excerpt and patient;
  • thanks for your attention which was rendered to your person.

The head can "reject the goods" in the case of:

  1. manifestations of nervousness in the form of tapping with their fingers and the relocation of the subject in the hands;
  2. constant interruption of the interlocutor;
  3. inexplicable evasion from a response or a cheeky smile in the form of a smirk;
  4. impregnated seating in the chair;
  5. insecurity, quiet responses and disquitations to side.

Sell \u200b\u200byourself - the task is not easy, but possible. The main thing is to be confident and its positive qualities. Do not forget that only the result depends on your emotional attitude.

Questions at the interview and answers to them

Already several times mentioned that questions will be pronounced at the head of the manager. Of course, the question arises, and what are you asking for an interview?

Despite the list of possible issues that are set during the dialogue, it is still important an example of answers from the appliance itself.

An example of dialogue

To fully prepare for the interview, it is necessary to carefully examine the further an example of dialogueTo "grope the soil" and decide on your preferences and suitable questions.

  1. - Tell us about yourself?
    "I was born in Moscow, graduated from school number 215. After school he entered Moscow State University, who graduated with honors. After the university settled to work in the company ....
  2. - Your former place of work and the cause of care.
    - After 6 years of work on the company ... I decided that my potential was not fully disclosed, so I decided to take up more, serious and responsible.
  3. - Your desired earnings.
    - I prefer to strive for heights, so I do not see a maximum.
  4. - What do you know about our company?
    - Your company is engaged in the production and sale of consumer goods. I know that the scale of your activity is common abroad.
  5. - What are your achievements at the same place of work?
    - When I just came to the company, the company's turnover did not please. With my appointment of sale increased significantly, because I found work for the first month new market Sales.

Familiarized with aspect what questions are asked about interviewYou must understand that all the answers must be truthful.

If you did not work before, tell us about the ways of your part-time. Tell us how you successfully traded with cosmetics and which methods found new customers.

Camerance - the main feature of the employer

Of course, it is impossible to pass an interview without answers to tricky questions. It should be noted that such questions are asked only by "subtle psychologists."

This may indicate the fact that the head itself monitors the activities of the company, and also prefers to support the working friendly atmosphere among employees.

As an example, you can bring the following caverzny questions on interview:

  • "Do you have flaws? Tell us about them. " The mistake of most girls is their gulling, because they willingly take their own negative sides In the form of a bad driving machine or bad memory.
  • "What car can you compare yourself?" The question is asked so that the applicant can indicate its potential and issue hidden desires. If you answer "Porsche" or "Bentley", you provoke a false opinion about yourself in the form of the desire of luxury and achieve heights in the form of the company's head. Remember: Your task is to show that you are ready to work, and you do not want to drown in luxury, preferring to work as a middle link in the company.
  • "What is your favorite literary work Do not try to remember the first work of the classics times. If you have a loved one modern RomanTell me about him. So you can show your modernity and keeping keeping up with the times.

There are many such tricky questions. They are also attributed to them: "Your favorite color?", "Your favorite writer?", "What era would you prefer to live?" And other interesting and fairly funny moments.

When answering them should not be lured and respond serious, even if you do not know what to say in principle. In any incomprehensible situation, translate the conversation to the modern component.

When questioning on the era, answer that modernity with all studied and developed information technology, excellent medicine, which can even put a disabled on his feet, is the best era, and "go" somewhere you would not want.

Story about yourself and other points

Most applicants are incomprehensible, what to tell about yourself at the interviewIn particular, if all his life adults began, and still ended with the end of the university.

Here, as already presented above, it is necessary to tell about your way from birth and before the interview. Never talk about personal and intimate.

On the other hand, it is also incomprehensible what questions to ask an employer on the interviewIf he fully explained to you to fully. The principle of compiling such issues was described above.

If you do not know what to ask, so tell me about this to the manager, for example: " I do not have specific questions. You all explained carefully and intelligibly, thanks. And with details we will deal in place. I'm sure I can withpie».

You must show politeness always, then your potential employer will remain from the conversation with you with a pleasant impression.

Knowing exactly like what to talk about interview, you can not only get a job, but also to support the supervisor who can "take you under personal control." Thus, you have more chances to be faster to work and start a career in a new place, bringing the benefit of the company.

1 960 0 Hello! In this article we will tell about how to behave at the interview to get the desired job.

An interview in our time is perceived as a kind of exam before "intake" to work. And even an experienced specialist is sometimes not guaranteed employment. The following is increasingly confirmed: if you want to take you to the desired position in a specific organization, successfully passes the interview. Here you will need self-testing and good preparation. What do you need to do when taking a job, so that you see the most specialist who needs this company?

Preparation for interview

You need to prepare for the interview. The more carefully you think about your appearance, information about yourself and answers to possible questions, the more confident you will feel in the process of communicating with the employer (or his representative).

Most often, the interview is invited after familiarization with the summary of the applicant. But even if you sent it to the company, by the time you have to have another spare option in paper.

Be prepared for the fact that the interview will have to demonstrate what is indicated in your resume.

  • In advance, examine information about the organization in which we go to the interview. Go to the company's website, see its history, structure, number, information about the leader, requirements for the proposed vacancy, etc.
  • Prepare documents that need to take with you (passport, employment history, diplomas, certificates, testimonies, etc.) to present them only at the request of who conducts an interview.
  • Think about how you look, what clothes will suit. Try in front of the mirror to rehearse key points Self-testing and answers to possible questions.

How to successfully pass the interview

At what impression, we will create about yourself when meeting, it is advisable mainly not the information that we inform themselves, but how we do it, as they look and what actions do. Non-verbal (incomplete) behavior - appearance, Mimic, gestures, postures, intonation - It has a key value here, because it gives the stronger.


The main requirements for clothing in this situation - opening and neutrality.

It should be clean, ironed and maximally comply with the position for which you are applying. The higher the position, the more business style should be chosen. It does not mean at all that the price of it should be excellent or what you need to put on some expensive accessories. Enough just a strict suit dark color and studied boots (for men) and business blouses with skirt or pants (for women).

For specialists, line managers will admit everyday style (shirts, sweaters, cardigans, jeans).

Short skirts, shorts and deep cuts on clothes are not allowed.

Representatives of creative professions (designers, artists, photographers, etc.), it is not necessary to adhere to business style. The main thing is the tidiness and compliance of the situation.

Do not wear a lot of decorations. Try to make you as small as possible brilliant. If there are tattoos, it is better to hide them. There should be no sharp smell of perfume.

Hair is better to pick up: let it be light hairstyle or laying. Makeup should be close to natural, rather than reminding a combat coloring. And do not forget about the beauty of the nails.

Speech, intonation

It is important throughout the conversation to maintain a calm, even tone of the voice. It is from him that often determine how much you worry and control your emotions. Of course, most situations that may arise at the interview, it is impossible to rehearse in advance. Therefore, if you feel that you start nervous and it becomes more difficult to own yourself, you can "carefully" to admit this to the employer. For example:

  • "I'm a little worried";
  • "An interesting question ...", "an unexpected turn of events" (a little with humor can be reacted to the stress interview);
  • "Could you repeat the question again?"

Do not use introductory words and phrases reflecting uncertainty in voice, such as: "I do not know", "maybe", "probably" and etc.

Do not build long phrases, do not wisely. But do not make it very dry. Speak more emotionally where it is appropriate, for example, when talking about your achievements or a hobby, that you appreciate in people.

Behavior, gestures

Be sure to follow posture:

  • The back should be straight, but moderately relaxed, the shoulders are stripped.
  • You are in open postures, do not cross your arms and legs.
  • Support visual contact with the interviewer, do not hide a look, do not ride it into the floor.

In the amount of these positive behavior signals indicate your self-confidence. It is important to demonstrate its employer.

When accompany your story with gestures, keep your hands up. This speaks of your sincerity. If the palms are directed down, this indicates the desire to hide certain facts about yourself or submit them in a false key.

When listening to the interlocutor, lean out a little forward. This is a signal of involvement in a conversation, indicating that the subject of conversation is interesting and is important.

In general, there should be no active gesture. Otherwise, you will show yourself an unbalanced person.

Smile, demonstrating your friendliness and positive attitude. In no case at the interview in the device to work should not be disappeared by a sullen, severe person.

What questions ask for an interview?

Human Resources Managers constantly apply new techniques and "tricks" to obtain all the necessary information and removing applicants' for clean water. Nevertheless, there are a number of questions that are set on most interviews. They can be prepared in advance.

  • "Tell us about yourself"

It makes sense to mention my education and professional skills. You can also tell about hobbies and additional skills that will be useful at work. The main thing is not to be lost in a free, relaxed manner answer the question of the interviewer.

  • "What salary do you expect?"

At least 10% should be added to the salary from the previous place of work and voice this amount. The optimal is considered an increase of 30%. It is not necessary to modest here. But also call the transcendental sums too. It is important to be able to appreciate yourself. Then the employer will appreciate.

  • "Why did you leave the previous job?"

You can refer to an uncomfortable work schedule, moving, no growth prospects. This option is possible: you fully studied your work, you know all the nuances, a little tired of the monotony in it and want something new.

In no case do not mention the conflict with the head or other employees, even if it really had a place to be. Otherwise, you completely spoil the impression of yourself, and the employer is unlikely to take you to work.

  • "Tell us about your achievements"

Achievements do not need to be confused with professional skills. Professional skills - this is what you learned by doing one or another work or learning by profession (for applicants without work experience). To a greater extent, they indicate the process of performing specific activities. Achievements are significant work results. Examples of them can be: "Increased sales by 20%," developed and implemented the program ... "," participated in the opening of 5 branches of the company ".

  • "Why do you want to work with us?"

It is important to find out information about the organization in advance and answer this question. You can say that you are attracted by growth prospects or the level of wages that the company offers. It is also worth noting that you trust her and think that it is steadily developing in the market. If the company's office is located in a convenient place for you, then this should also be mentioned, referring to the fact that you can quickly get to work.

  • "Do you have shortcomings?"

So the employer tests your openness. Weak sides Everyone has, but some definitely should be default. Call a couple of your drawbacks that do not seem so critical and will not interfere with the desired job. For example, you can confess that you are a very scrupulous person. If the work is associated with greater focusing, it may even be regarded as a plus. Or, for example, note that familiar reproach you that you do not know how to relax. The interviewer may consider that you are accustomed to working intensively and will be a zealous employee. But the lack of "I constantly control everything" can play for the benefit of the applicant who wants to take guideline.

Do not forget to adhere to the rule:you can default, but it is impossible to deceive. The lies are very quickly revealed already in the first days of work.

  • "How do you feel about processing?"

You can declare that you are ready for them. But! Be sure to specify how regular they are longer and is subject to payment on weekends (night time, if such is assumed). At the stage of preparation for an interview with the head, it is important to weigh all per and vs And estimate whether the intensive work will prevent your personal and family life.

  • "Who do you see yourself after 5 (10, 15) years?"

This question often wants to check the desire of the applicant to work in the company for a long period, develop in it and go up career stairs. It is not necessary to call some kind of superior position (and if you call, then, most importantly, it is not to swallow too high), it is enough to simply make it clear that you are ready to grow and achieve greasy even within our sphere. It is important to demonstrate that you want to be a useful company, contribute to its development and influence the results of general activities. An example of a response may be: "I want to continue to actively work in your company, comprehend all the subtleties of work and take a higher position."

  • "Give examples…"

Personnel manager or company manager at the interview can ask clarifying questions about your resume. For example: "Tell us exactly how you managed to introduce this system into production" or "Give the situations in which you have shown our organizational abilities."

Remember that we are responsible for each word. Both said and written.

Errors of applicants

  1. It is not serious about the interview, not to prepare for him.
  2. If the appearance, phrases, behavior as a whole do not correspond to the business situation of the interview. That is, if the rules described above are not followed.
  3. Be late for an interview. Very rough mistake!
  4. Negatively responding to the former leader, colleagues.
  5. Stretch, look uncertain and timidly. To read:
  6. To communicate too assertive, to take over the dominant role in the conversation, join the dispute with the employer.
  7. Complain, demonstrate a negative approach to life, criticize everything around.
  8. To deceive or, on the contrary, be too frank, tell the facts that you can teach.
  9. Inadvertent responses, suitable phrases, "Zaulny" speech.
  10. Panibrate. IN business sphere It is important to be able to keep a distance. If even on the interview, the applicant cannot demonstrate this, then questions arise regarding his ability to professionally build relationships and solve business situations.
  11. Do not ask a single question to the employer. This feature indicates the lack of true interest in this vacancy.
  12. To come accompanied by someone from relatives or friends. The employer immediately have doubts about the independence of the applicant and his personal desire to work. Even if this is the first interview in your life, let all accompanying wait outside the cabinet in which it passes. Otherwise you will spoil the impression of yourself from the first seconds.
  • Do not invent some kind of pompous or "supercommunication" image in the desire to make a favorable impression on the interviewer. Stay, first of all,. You already have something to demonstrate: you have experience, education, certain achievements. And you prepared for the interview.
  • Come to the interview on time, and even better - a little early. It will give you the opportunity to get together with thoughts, tune in to chat, straighten your shoulders and confidently enter the office.
  • Do not be verminated. Do not voicate too much information about yourself. Speak only about what you ask.
  • Always ask questions in the process or after the end of the conversation. It is important to find out the circle of their duties, opportunities for the development and career growth and other information about the company and the content of work. Questions reflect your interest in vacancies. And there is such a rule: who asks questions, he leads the situation. It is only important that they are not too much. Everything needs a measure.

Do not lose if you refused to go to work! Each new interview is always valuable experience, during which the skills of self-testing are improved. And who is looking for, he always finds, because our desires are creating wonders.

It is not easy to get a dream about the work of the dream, because on the path of a person there is a need to pass an interview. Sometimes employers ask too trifle questions, and sometimes the applicant itself behaves too nervous. Trying to learn how to pass the interview, the applicant must take into account the elementary rules of behavior, not forgetting about undisguised friendliness.

How to successfully pass an interview: 5 main rules

Successful communication with the employer during the first meeting is almost certainly guaranteed to receive the position. However, how to make the right impression? Psychologists emphasize that in the selection of candidates, attention is paid not only to their professional qualities, but also on behavioral features. The candidate should be friendly, interesting person, with which it is easy to find mutual languageBut who at the same time knows how to perform the work entrusted to him.

How to get a job interview in this case? Here it is enough to memorize the following 5 rules:

Most often, the interview pass those candidates who behave calmly, can confirm their skills, and at the same time radiate in friendliness. Often, employers pay attention to the Maneru of Speech, on the features of a person's conversation. So, a candidate who speaks quietly and inseparally will probably remain without work.

Answer questions are necessary in detail, with the most confident intonation. In this case, the employer will not have doubts about the truth of the words of the candidate.

Dressed should also be appropriately: a strict suit or dress will fit perfectly. The one who conducts an interview should see that a 100% professional in front of him is seriously related to his duties.

How to answer questions on interview

What questions are asked on the interview - perhaps the most important dilemma of applicants. Now the interview is held in several forms. What are these of them especially popular?

  • Oral or written interview in the classic "Question-Answer" format.
  • Oral interview with the projection on specific situations (Questions usually begin with the phrase "Imagine the situation ...").
  • Interview in the form of a game with which you can draw conclusions about the activity and professional training man.

The classic model is considered the simplest, because the applicant requires only one thing: correctly answer all questions. Questions on the interview and answers to them can be different, but usually the employer asks about the following:

On average, the interview lasts 30-40 minutes. During this time, the Interviewer should make sure that the applicant is suitable for the position. The most important thing in this case is to find out the level of professional qualifications.

Psychologists advise in the most detailed detail about the previous place of work, about the existing skills, about the former responsibilities. The task of a person is to prove its professionalism, its superiority over other candidates.

However, it should not be deepened into the reasons for dismissal, noting that the salary or absence of career growth was not satisfied.

Important are also considered issues related to the motivation and ambitions of a person. Responding to them, it is worth emphasizing their high expectations from this service place, the calculation on high wages and fulfill all the plans. If the employer asks who the applicant sees himself after 5 or 10 years, you need to talk about my prospects for this post. The thing is that interviewers usually look for candidates who want to get a job for several years, and not for a couple of weeks.

Another important question always concerns professional qualities. Listing your work qualities, a person can call the following:

  • a responsibility;
  • initiative;
  • teamwork skills;
  • performance;
  • positive attitude to criticism;
  • ambitiousness;
  • trainability.

Psychologists have long noticed that girls aged 20-35 are harder to find work due to the fear of the employer in front of frequent decrees and hospitals. That is why if the employer is interested in the family position, the presence of a husband and children, it is worth emphasizing that the appearance of a baby is not included in the coming plans of the girl.

After adding a little humor to the correct answers, a person will be able to get an interview without unnecessary problems.

What questions to ask on the interview or how to communicate with the employer

Who said that only the interviewer should ask questions? Usually, at the end of the conversation, the word is always provided to the person himself. What questions to ask on an employer interview to show your interest in office?

It is necessary to understand the main rule: questions should relate exclusively working moments, it is better not to talk about personal topics on the interview. Usually the employer is waiting for the interlocutor to be initiative and interest in office, so any questions are encouraged.

Also, with the help of explanatory questions at the end of the conversation, one can demonstrate their qualifications. For example, a person can ask whether employees of the company use this or that program to conduct documentation by emphasizing their own ownership.

It is also worth citing the need for travel, the presence of bonuses, premiums, promotions for employees. You can also learn about the history of the company, because if the company has existed for several decades, then you can be confident in its reliability.

It is not necessary to know what questions are asked on the interview, because sometimes employers build a conversation in an unexpected way. It is important not to ask questions, the answers to which were previously given by the interviewer, because it may seem that a person in a weight listened. It should not be repeated, and otherwise it only will negatively affect the career prospects.

5 main mistakes of a potential employee at the interview

Sometimes a person wants so much to please his interlocutor, which shows excessive activity, making annoying and stupid mistakes. What are the main mistakes can put a cross on the results of such communication?

Psychologists advise to interview the history of the firm, read articles about its activities on the Internet. First, it will help make sure the company's reliability, and secondly, will contribute successful passage Interviews. A person must show all his appearance that he is interested in this position, but has other options and suggestions.

Usually, the results of the interview negatively affects the excitement of a person, its excessive activity or on the contrary is a closedness. Sometimes insufficient experience makes itself felt, so it is important for the interview to prepare directly as for the exam. Many psychologists advise simply relax and believe in their strength, because a confident person will be able to get even the highest paid job without any problems.

Communicating correctly with the interviewer, without moving the border of a professional conversation, a person will be able to make the right impression on the interlocutor. The most complex are the first interviews, and in the future, passing several of them, a person will quickly and confidently answer all the tricky questions of the potential employer.

Irina, Novorossiysk

The question of how to pass an interview, worries all people in finding work. Let's try to figure it out. What tips need to take note? We bring to your attention 7 secrets of a successful interview.

Secret number 1. Monitoring the situation

When you are in finding a job, call with the invitation to the interview you expect both manna heavenly. We prepare yourself in every way to this event: turn on the sound of the call on the phone on full power, we knew the voice and release the time to expect, because it is important to put yourself correctly at the first interview by phone. The correct mood out of doubt is very important, but also need to decide on the action plan. Collect as much information about the company as possible, for the position in which you are applying. What basic ideas does she preach? What message carries to society? To get acquainted with this, it is enough to go to the official website of the enterprise. Well, having gathered all the necessary information, you will know what it is worth it first.

Secret number 2. Preliminary preparation of answers to basic questions

Regarding which vacancy you are applying, there are general "classic" issues for the interview, which will sound in 98% of the percent of cases. It is according to the answers to them the employer will judge how much you come to work and are ready for it. And if we talk about how to successfully pass a job interview, it is necessary to discuss each of the predictable interview points to minimize.

  1. Tell me a little about yourself.

This question usually sounds immediately after mandatory greetings and ideas. It is important to understand that the time you will answer the question, a person will spend to get together with thoughts and make the first (most important) impression of you. Briefly retell the contents of the summary, focusing on the key (those that meet the requirements of the employer) of the moment. Your monologue should on average last 2 minutes and include only the information that concerns work. But the main thing is to stick positively, speak with a confident voice and set durable visual contact during the story.

  1. What are your identity strengths? And the weakest?

At the first stage of dating, the employer is not at all interesting to know everything about you, so it will correctly tell only about those virtues that intersect with your field of activity. If this trade is to mention sociability, work with finance requires responsibility and attentiveness, and in the pedagogical sphere the main thing is to love for children. And even in shortcomings, try to praise yourself, mentioning perfectionism or scrupulousness. Do not talk about things contrary to the desired position, even present them in good light. So, if you apply for a leadership position, the revelation of a soft compliant nature will be superfluous.

  1. Why do you want to work in our company?

Here comes in handy the information you have collected about the enterprise. Mention about prestige, reliability, following modern trends, as well as what representatives of the company are bragged on the official website.

  1. What made you get away from the previous job?

Spoke about the previous place of work with warmth. Tell me that we received a lot of indispensable experience that will remain with you for life, but feel that the position has grown. Or if you decide to change the scope of activity, you can say what you see in new work The case of your life.

  1. What are your achievements you consider the most significant?

Naturally, that we are talking About professional achievements, and even if you have four wonderful children, it is possible to mention this. Speak about the successfully completed projects or ideas that have been successful.

Secret number 3. Ideal image

This, of course, is about your appearance. If only you do not apply for a creative position, where the main requirement is creativity, it is necessary to look at the most neat as possible. Carefully collected hairstyle, light, natural makeup (for women) and the classic discreet manicure will be your main assistants in creating a reliable image business man. Which one ? Stylists tips in this case are unambiguous: a competently chosen outfit on the interview should consist of the clothes you can wear.

In most cases, for women, a set consisting of a monophonic blouse, a pencil skirt and boat shoes, decorations should be used very moderately. A man can be sure that it would be appropriate to look at an interview in a modern cut costume with a monophonic shirt not too bright flowers and classic male shoes. After all, when admitting to work, the interviewer will take into account your appearance at the same level with professional merits.

Secret number 4. Pleasant first impression

Successful interview begins from the moment you crossed the mind threshold. Be sure to say hello to those in the room by employees, it is clearly introduced to and competently explain the cause of their visit. At the same time, try to smile and look most friendly and friendly, because the interviewer is often consulted with office employees before making a final decision, and they can cure a word for you.

It is also important to be addressed about yourself the impression of a punctual person. When preparing for an interview, try as closely as possible to plan your route to get to the right place in advance. After all, according to statistics, over 90% of people who were late for an interview, refuse to have to work.

Secret number 5. non-verbal openness

Properly put yourself - one of the main tasks on the interview. It is known that 80% of the information person perceives subconsciously, through non-verbal (visual) signals. Try to make your posture and gestures express maximum openness, friendliness and confidence. Here are some excellent examples of proper non-verbal behavior:

  1. Hands freely hanging along the body, or lying on the knees.
  2. Knees, torso and head are directed towards the interlocutor.
  3. Showing your open palms to the interlocutor.
  4. Direct and open eyes in the eye, but not too close.
  5. A smile present on the face for most of the interview.
  6. Right beautiful posture.
  7. Moderate gesturing and facial expressions.
  8. At the time of the interviewer's speech, as a sign, you understand what the interlocutor says, that listen to him.

Secret number 6. Demonstration of professional competence

To successfully pass the interview, you need to show how competent you are. Partially it will help to make a presentation of your work experience and a small story about career achievements. It is also possible that during the interview you will be asked to undergo special tests or fill in the Qualification Questionnaires.

There is even a practice of creating presentations in the device to work in which you can tell about your ideas for further promotion of the company, which can fully demonstrate the professional suitability of the employee. However, a person who conducts an interview can try to find out the level of your competence using the usual conversation method. In this case, try unobtrusively to expand a few questions about the workflows prepared for you by the interviewer, to the whole little conversation, because this moment and should be a starry hour for you.

Secret number 7. Relevant questions for the employer

Questions about dining breaks, holiday durations, advances and opportunities to take unplanned rations to participate in family events should be postponed to those times when you already prove yourself as a competent employee. The passage of the interview requires the future employee to show how focusing on successful mutually beneficial cooperation. Of course, you can ask all the issues in the process of interviewing, but the main emphasis should be done on (it will show your ambitiousness and seriousness of aspirations), as well as an explanation of your immediate responsibilities.