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Scene where the ears fly. Material on the topic: Scenario of the musical flies -topotuha. I. Introductory Word of the Educator

State budgetary educational institution

Secondary school №660


musical performance

"Fly Tsokotukha"

based on the fairy tale K.I. Chukovsky


teacher primary classes

Taratynova Elena Olegovna

Music teacher

Knyazheva Anastasia Vladimirovna

Moscow 2014.

Two boxic appears. Go around the hall, play twin.

1st Corobeinist: Fairy tale, fairy tale, boom,

Tell her no joke.

To a fairy tale from the beginning

Like a river bung

So that in the Hardness all the people

From her Rotted mouth.

2nd Corobeinist: So that none nor old nor

At the end did not be treated

We wish our children

Neither a pen nor fluff!

ATTEMBER! Begins ...

TOGETHER: Fly Tsokotukha!

1st Corobeinist: Fly Tsokotukha,

Gold-plated belly.

2nd Corobeinist: Fly on the field went,

Fly money found.

Corobeinists go to the tight music.

The music of B. Tchaikovsky from KF "Marriage Balzaminova" sounds. Fly flies, flies around the hall, finds money.

FLY: What should I buy this?

Can the dress blue?

Or shoes, or skirt?

So ... I'll think about a minute ...

No, I will go to the bazaar,

And I will buy Samovar there.

Because birthday

I will soon deter

All bug-cocks

Sweet tea treat.

Fly flies. There are insects with trays under rus. nar. song. Fly appears.


Fair! Fair!

Delete Fair!

Only here, only with us

The best kvass!


Respected public

Buy bagels from us!


Bubnes, spoons, balalaiki,

Buy, choose!

Fly considers goods.

FLY : There is a good product here,

But I need a samovar!

Gives money. Takes samovar. Carries him home under the song Flies from the site.

FLY : Everything is ready, the table is covered.

Samovar is already boiling.

Here will come my friends

I will be very glad I!

Sounds music Strauss "Polka",

plugs appear, dancing.


Came to the fly fleece,
Brought her boots

And boots are not simple -
Gold fasteners in them.

You accept from flew

Several boots,

Fly: - Thank you! Thank you

Boots on Divo!

Sit here, soon guests will come!

Sounds music L.Kuprevich "Song Bee" M. I. Krasov ,

cleans the bee

BEE: Hello, Muha Costoha

Gold-plated belly!

I am with all my native meadows

Brought you colors.

I am a neighbor - bee,

More honey brought!

Oh what it is clean

Sweet and fragrant!

Transfers a bouquet of flowers and a jar with honey

FLY: - Thank you! Thank you! My dear!

Sit down at the table, Samovar is ready!

Music sounds any melody in Japanese style.

1st Butterfly: We are shaluny butterfly,

Merry flying.

Fly around the fields

On groves and meadows.

2nd Butterfly: Never get tired

Cool, flush.

We live very fun

Nectar collect.

3rd butterfly: We flipped in colors

Flew to visit you.

Butterflies (chorus): Congratulations! Congratulations!

Happiness, we wish you joy!

Jam floral trees treat you!

Transfer to fly jam.


Thank you, cute girlfriends,

I ask for the table! Sit down!

Butterflies are sitting at the table.

To the music of "Polka Karabas" The cockroach and the bug.


Cockroaches resorted
All glasses drank,

And the bouquet of flowers for flies was collected.


And bugs three cups.

With milk and blunder.

FLY: (Song Fly)

Thank you, the bouquet is beautiful!

Please sit at the table,

Be a seagull to get drunk.

Appeals to all guests sings song "Receive guests" M. I. Krasov

Guests treat (pantomime)


Here and cream, and candy ...

And what is there just no!

Flea :

Marmalacks, chocolates,

And nuts, and sweets!

Bee :

Gingerbread mint, fragrant,

Amazingly pleasant!

Flea :

Tubes with cream, pies

And very tasty raws!


Congratulations! Congratulations!

Happiness, we wish you joy!

Help you in everything

Honestly give!


Suddenly some old old man
Our fly in the corner
Tops -
Wants poor kill
Cocotuhu ruined!

Shout shouting

DivertAnd the villain is silent, grins.


Dear guests, help!
Spider - Zloda Short!

And I fed you
And I got you,

Do not leave me
In My. last hour!


But worms beetles
In the corners, on the slits

They fled:
Under the sofas
And Kozhenchok
Under the shops
And bugs under the bed -

Do not want to fight!

And no one else

Will not move:

Disappear - killed


And the villain is not joking
Hands-legs he flies with ropes,

Sounds "Flying Bumblebee" orchestra intermented, written by N. Rimsky-Korsakov. Mosquito appears.


Suddenly from somewhere flies
Small mosquito
And in his hand it burns
Little flashlight.

Mosquito. - Where is Thorish? Where is the villain?
I'm not afraid of his claws!

Leading. Speed \u200b\u200bto spider
Sable takes out
He has at all

Mukhu takes away.


Here bugs and goats
Crawl out from under bend:

Glory, Slava Komaru -


Komar (fly) : Spider I won!

And freed you

And now, the soul-maiden

We will have fun together!

We will dance together!

MOSQUITO: Hey, the sucked cockroach,

Bay rather in the drum!


Bom! Bom! Bom! Bom!

I swallow fly with a mosquito!


You are bugs,
You cutchki,

Tara-Tara-Tara-Tara-Tarakashchka! "

Boots creak
Heels are knocking, -

Will, there will be moshcar
Have fun until the morning:

Now fly

Corobeinists appear.

1st Corobeinist: Circle Looking! Circle sewing!

Left. Right to turn.

Merry smile!

2nd Corobeinist: Presentation of fun

And for us, and for you

We will finish at this hour!

Everyone gets up in a circle. Under the music of A.Padavekki "Good Beetle" guests dance.

E. Grig sounds in the mountain king cave.

All guests are afraid. A spider appears with a downtal head.

Spider: Merchant, hero-brave,

Let's put up, fly.

I understood that without friends

In this world, bad.

Mosquito: Okay, you can stay!

Only, Chur, do not go!

1st Corobeinist: It's time for parting,

We tell you "Goodbye!"

2nd Corobeinist: Oh, you, guests are expensive,

Come again to us

We are glad to guests!

Bow under the music of A.Padavekki "Good Beetle"

References and Internet sources.

1. Chukovsky - poems for children , 2007

2. Search / Fly Cotton Musical

3. Basyuk O.V., Golovkin MA and etc. Cool hours 1-4 classes. - Vol.2. Kn. for teacher. - Volgograd, 2008

4. Muha-Codo




Musical performance "Fly Costume"

(based on the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky)

The musical theme of the folk group "Ivan Kupala" "Zainka" sounds. Two boxic appears. Go around the hall, play twin.

1st Corobeinist: one simple fairy tale,

And maybe not a fairy tale

Or maybe not a simple

We want to tell you.

We remember her since childhood,

And maybe not since childhood,

And maybe I do not remember

But we will remember.

2nd Corobeinist: Tale, Tale, Support,

Tell her no joke.

To a fairy tale from the beginning

Like a river bung

So that in the Hardness all the people

From her Rotted mouth.

So that none nor old nor

At the end did not be treated

We wish our children

Neither a pen nor fluff!

ATTEMBER! Begins ...

Together: Muha-Costoha!

1st Corobeinist: Fly, Fly Cotton,

Gold-plated belly.

2nd Corobeinist: Fly from the field went,

Fly money found.

Corobeinists leave.

First action

The music of B. Tchaikovsky from KF "Marriage Balzaminova" sounds. Fly flies, flies around the hall, finds money.

Fly: What should I buy this?

Can the dress blue?

Or shoes, or skirt?

So ... I'll think about a minute ...

No, I will go to the bazaar,

And I will buy Samovar there.

Because birthday

I will soon deter

All bug-cocks

Sweet tea treat.

Fly flies.

Corobeinists come out with trays under rus. nar. Song "Corobeiniki". Fly appears.

All: Fair! Fair!

Delete Fair!

1st Corobener: Only here, only we have

The best kvass!

2nd Corobeinist: Dear Pub,

Buy bagels from us!

Together: Bubnes, spoons, balalaiki,

Buy, choose!

Go to the tables

Fly: There is a good product here,

But I need a samovar!

Gives money. Takes samovar. Carries him home.

Fly: Everything is ready, the table covers.

Samovar is already boiling.

Here will come my friends

I will be very glad I!

Music S. Joplin "Charleston" sounds

Plugs appear, dancing.

1st Piece: You are visible flea

Several boots,

2nd flea: And the boots are not simple,

Gold fasteners in them!

Fly: Thank you! Thank you!

Boots on Divo!

Sit here, soon guests will come!

Sounds music L. Kuprevich "Tula Samovar",

Cleans the bee

Bee: Hello, Mukha-Costoha

Gold-plated belly!

I am with all my native meadows

Brought you colors.

I am a neighbor - bee,

More honey brought!

Oh what it is clean

Sweet and fragrant!

Transfers a bouquet of flowers and a jar with honey

Fly: Thank you! Thank you! My dear!

Sit down at the table, Samovar is ready!

The music of Gladkova "Krakowak" sounds from KF "12 chairs",

Butterflies appear, dancing.

1st Butterfly: We are Butterfly Shaluny,

Merry flying.

Fly around the fields

On groves and meadows.

2nd butterfly: never tired,

Cool, flush.

We live very fun

Nectar collect.

3rd butterfly: we flipped in colors,

Flew to visit you.

Butterfly (chorus): Congratulations! Congratulations!

Happiness, we wish you joy!

Jam floral trees treat you!

Transfer to fly jam.

Fly: Thank you, cute girlfriends,

I ask for the table! Sit down!

Butterflies are sitting at the table.

Tracheans are born to music in the style of Country, dancing.

1st Tracakan: We congratulate you came,

You brought flowers to you.

And the flowers are not simple,

And meadow flowers!

2nd cockroach: you take a bouquet,

And we teach us.

And we will glorify you,

Health will be desired!

Fly: Thank you, the bouquet is beautiful!

Please sit at the table,

Be a seagull to get drunk.

Appeals to all guests.

Eat, do not hesitate

All treat all.

See what gingerbread I joked!

Melody sounds rus. nar. Songs "Ah, you can, my senses!".

Guests treat (pantomime)

Fly: Beauty butterflies, eat jam!

Or do you dislike my treats?

Butterfly: Your treat is just a look!

Tracakan: Just embroidering your treat!

Butterfly: here and cream, and candy.

And what is there just no!

Plug: marmalacks, chocolates,

And nuts, and sweets!

Bee : Mint gingerbread, fragrant,

Amazingly pleasant!

Flea : Tubes with cream, pies

And very tasty raws!

All: Congratulations! Congratulations!

Happiness, we wish you joy!

Help you in everything

Honestly give!

Performed rounds under rus. nar. a piece of chalk. "In the Birch field stood."

Second action.

The music of Gladkova "Suspicious Personality" sounds from the KF "Gentlemen of Good luck." Guests are frightened and hiding under the tables.

A spider appears for the music of Kancheli from KF "KIN-DZA-DZA".

Spider: I am an evil pachechechishche, long leadership!

I came for a fly,

Cocotua came!

So you got!

Fly: Dear guests, help!

Spider-raise ridge!

Spider: I'm not only flies,

I and bees, and mosquitoes -

Try everyone ready!

Ha ha ha!

Sounds a fragment of the "weekend march" I. Dunaevsky. Mosquito appears.

Komar: I am a mosquito-brave,

Good lucky!

Where spider, where is the villain?

I'm not afraid of his networks!

Spider i'm not afraid

With spider, I will fight!

Music sounds A. Khacaturian "Dance with sabers".

Spider with a mosquito fight. Spider defeated.

The music of A. Petrov "March" sounds from KF "On the poor Gusar, silence the word." Komar frees a fly.

Mosquito (Fly): Spider I won!

And freed you

And now, the soul-maiden

We will have fun together!

We will dance together!

Mosquito: Hey, sucked cockroach,

Bay rather in the drum!

Butterfly: Bom! Bom! Bom! Bom!

I swallow fly with a mosquito!

All: Today the Fly Casting Birthday!

Corobeinists appear.

1st Corobeinist: Circle Looking! Circle sewing!

Left. Right to turn.

Merry smile!

2nd Corobeinist: Presentation of fun

And for us, and for you

We will finish at this hour!

Everyone gets up in a circle. Under the music of A.Padavekki "Good Beetle" guests dance.

The melody of Gladkova "Suspicious Personality" sounds.

All guests are afraid. A spider appears with a downtal head.

Spider: Steps, Hero-brave,

Let's put up, fly.

I understood that without friends

In this world, bad.

Komar: Okay, you can stay!

Only, Chur, do not go!

1st Corobeinist: the time of parting came,

We tell you "Goodbye!"

2nd Corobeinist: Oh, you, guests are expensive,

Come again to us

We are glad to guests!

Bow for music. Folk.Groups "Ivan Kupala".

The performance based on the fairy tale of K. Chukovsky is staged in verses (young children in such a form are easier to learn the words). Musical accompaniment is performed throughout the performance.

Purpose: Expansion of the horizon, upbringing love for music.

Registration: On the stage, if it is large enough, you can arrange two parts and combine them:

  1. Room Fly Costs:dressing table with mirror, table, bench, chairs.
  2. Bazaar:tables on which various items are placed.
  3. Parts are combined with a small space - a path. On the one hand, the trail is located, the flowers grow, grass.

Necessary attributes:

  • Big ruble (can be made from cardboard and wrap foil);
  • Samovar;
  • Honey pot;
  • Book;
  • Earring;
  • Boots;
  • Tangle thread;
  • Saber.


  • Leading
  • Mosquito
  • Spider
  • Bucashi
  • Bee
  • Butterfly
  • Cockroaches
  • Grasshopper
  • Traders

Event flow


Today neither seriously, no joking
Musical Minute:
Story we will talk about Fly -
About Beauty Cocotuch.

She lived, did not stead
With bugs and kozhenki friends,
They were paid to her in response,
My friend went to visit.

Now our fly
On the nickname cent aotha
Got up very early in the morning -
She didn't sleep for some reason.

In the house quickly faced
For a walk gathered.

The fly performs movements in the text. After cleaning near the mirror it stands and sings (on the motive of the "Cheburashka songs").


I got up very early
I was removed very clean
Now for a walk
I am not ashamed to go.

Walk useful to everyone -
Both the coward and brave!
To the one who gets early
Can really take away.


Long or short
Fly on the road walked.
Hear a head
And tired legs.

Suddenly saw the pecks,
I decided to relax.


Some sit down
Then I will continue the way.

While she rests, butterfly run away, they dance for her under the melody of Tchaikovsky "Waltz Flowers" (passage).


After a small idea
The fly quickly ran to everyone surprisingly.

Suddenly stumbled and fell,
Looked around, stood sharply -
Look, and on Earth lies
Whole ruble and glitter

He sparkles in the sun.
Muha quickly grabs
This ruble, like dragonfly,
And rushed to the bazaar.

Fly flies to the bazaar. There they are met by merchants who, who, under the song "Barochki-Baranochka" offer her different goods. She refuses ram, sweets, boots and so on. Suddenly saw samovar, runs up to him, examines from all sides. Then gives the ruble, takes the samovar, go home and sings on the motive of "Cheburashka songs".


Today I got old
And went for a walk,
I also found money -
That's lucky!

Celebrate as follows
Your name is
And invite all all friends
His enemies called!

Fly puts samovar on the table, sitting nearby. Hears knock on the door.

Yes Yes! Open! Sign!
TO festive table Come!

Insects include cockroaches, bugs, grasshopper, butterflies, bee.

Dear fly!

Grasshopper: Favorite all clook!

Choir: Happy Birthday!


Here is a treat -
I brought you honey.

Cockroaches (chorus):

Congratulations on our turn -
We wish life wonderful,
Let's give you an interesting book.


We wish to be bright like a matryoshka,
And let you give you beautiful earrings.


Oh, and we are tone to the earrings
Brought you boots!

Beasts are handing gifts with flies, she is trying on them, rejoices.


Fly rejoices
Dressed up
Name Day Costochi

(Sings the melody of the song "The grasshopper was sitting in the grass):

Once upon a time on Polyanka
I settled with the edge.
Lived and did not stead
I'm in my house.

Imagine, imagine, lived and did not stead.
Imagine, imagine, I am in my house.

But once in the morning
Woke up and washed
Went to walk along the trail
And I found money!

Imagine, imagine, went to walk along the trail.
Imagine, imagine, and found money!

I bought a samovar I,
Guests to the name day
For a celebration of Novoselia
I called to ourselves.

Imagine, imagine, for the holiday of the housewarm.
Imagine, imagine to myself I called!

Guests and hostess are dancing for fun music. Suddenly the alarming music sounds - the spider is approaching.


Guests sing, dancing, rejoice,
And do not feel that the danger is close:
The mastery of the web is approaching
The door opens from his fist!

Spider (Grozno):

What, did not wait, the guests are important?
You did not call me to my tea.
I am a gift supplies for a birthday room,
Yes, at home forgotten.

What are you, guests, so pale?
Went, what, me - spider?
You will not be able to escape from me, poor,
But live a little while!

For me, today is the main thing -
Bump to destroy
Well, that, that she is glorious,
Her root want to drink!


And he tried for a fly,
Runs away base
But her spider tries to grab,
So that the unfortunate flies to ruin!

The fly and spider perform the dance under the "Symphony No. 40" of Mozart (final part). At the end of the spider, there is enough flies, it begins to upset it with ropes - cobwebs.


Begings fly flying
To save her as soon as possible.

Tarakashchki, Cots, Bukashchka,
Help me escape from the old man!
He will destroy me, drinks the roof,
Poor, poor my head!


We can't save you,
We want to quickly leave (go)!


Got something, fly, you,
I'm right home to sisters (flies away).


Pocked home and me
The family is waiting for me -
Without me they will not be able to
Let the bugs help you (pops out the door)!


Fly, do not be offended, but we are afraid,
And, not too late, I wonder home very quickly (run away)!


Sorry, but in vain you invited us -
We would also escape without prevented (fly away).


All insects flew away,
But the fly still does not give up:
Scream terrible shouts, died,
All the Savior is waiting for.

The march "Farewell to Slavica" sounds, enters the brave soldier - a mosquito. Marches several circles, performs simple movements.


Tears and intensity
Heard a mosquito of the Captain title:
He just returned home
From the road of the far-fighting.

Without a knock in the house of a mosquito,
She sees how flies shouts, darkened.
To the spider scared runs up
From the sheath shiny saber takes out,

And cruel spider heart
Pierced, practically without hiding!

Fly, happiness does not believe in his own way,
Mosquito kisses, hugs.
Suddenly quietly cut the doors,
All friends - insects run.

Grasshopper: Muha, Fly! You are alive!

Bee:The whole and unharmed!

Cockroaches:We managed to call for you on time!


Good that past at home
Passed Momar familiar!
He is to your name
Came like on loosen!


He decided on his birthday
You make an offer!


Agree, fly!
You will, Costohah,
Live with mosquito
How for strong wall!


Dear maiden
I just like you very much!

Do you agree to live with me?
Will you be my wife?

Scenario setting a fairy tale "Fly Codochuha"

Prepared: Rodina I. A.

educator Madou "Umka"

Purpose: ensuring the emotional experience of speech communication of children in theatrical gaming activities.


  • develop preschoolers ability to reproduce the artistic word, intonationally transmitting dialogue acting persons, transfer in the role of mood, character, strive for expressive transmission of the image (movement, mimic);
  • to form a skill and desire to expressively lead a role in the performance;
  • expand new words;
  • encourage the participation of pupils in the preparation of the performance;
  • enrich the experience of musical and aesthetic impressions.


  • The narrator
  • Fly Tsokotukha
  • Mosquito
  • Spider
  • Sellers in the market
  • Bugs and cockroaches
  • Flea
  • Bee
  • Butterfly
  • Torrystroke (playing with children: All children are built into the column, hold by the shoulders)

The narrator: Fly, Fly - Costume, Gold Plated Belo!

Fly on the field went, Fly Muchka found.

Fly: What should I buy this? Can the dress blue?
Maybe shoes? Can skirt?
So, think about a minute:
No, I will go to the bazaar, and I will buy a samovar!
Because the birthday of the birthday I will deteriorate,
All bugs, cockroaches sweet tea treat
. (Runs away)

The narrator: The sun stands up - a hurry to the Fair!

(Scene on the market: Music sounds, children enter with the corresponding attributes, saying "the most fresher, the most delicious, best, buy ... They say what they sell)

1. Buy bagels !!!

Bagel - the most round!

Bublik is the smartest!

Bublik - the most delicious!

Never sad!

2. Bunch of bagels hanging

Buy! Buy!

With tea bagels crunch!

3. You just love sweet dreams,

Happy to be and getting flowers.

Not in circus and not in movies Tickets

I'm going to offer -

Such ordinary chocolate -

And how the stomach is glad!

4. Already in the morning waiting, expects

How sweet he melts in the mouth!

If a bad mood

Comes a couple of days in a row

Will come to the rescue without a doubt

Any choice of chocolate!

5. It will be able to please, cheer up

Taste holiday, fun to give!

Submit a tide of energy, charge -

Such is the almighty chocolate!

6. Limonik Yellow Boca

In the sun skew

He is warm and alive in his hands

And very, very sang!

His devices and in tea let them!

Add and sugar -

That will be a delicacy for all

For a whole evening.

7. Drink children milk,

In it and power, and warmth!

After all, it is magical,

Good, useful!

8. Milk helps everyone:

Teeth, gums strengthens!

In tea a little you pour!

And try - so delicious!

9. Long on white light

Lives old years old

Poets of suspended

Puzzled samovar


Frosty winter day

He warm heats

Special warmth.

Fly: Well, the fair is wonderful!

All the goods are so adorable!

Be sure to have something to buy now!

I need a samovar for tea and I buy it!
Consistency I'll take and go home I sleep!

(takes a treat and samovar; goes to the music, "enters" into the house, all children fit to her and get up in a circle)

The narrator: Tasty smells like cakes.
And the fun here is not for nothing.
All of us Fly Cotton
Invited to samovar!

Fly: "Come, come,

I teach you to treat you! "

The narrator: Cockroaches resorted

All glasses drank,

And bugs - three cups

With milk and blunder.

(6 people run away, demonstrating how glasses drink. Take the wooden spoons under the table, run out of the middle and sing a chastushka ...)

Chastushki about tea:

1. On the table we have a cake,

Pyshki and cheesecakes,

So singing under the cup

Tea chastushki.(Together)

2. Give me a cup of tea

After all, I love Russian tea.

In tea, I do not tech

Pull hot tea.

3. Samovar sings, buzzing,

Only with the appearance he is angry.

Couples to the ceiling

Our handsome samovar.

4. Samovar shines, boiling,

Tea in it and foams!

Look for yourself

Well, reflects!

5. In the dance, do not regret the boots!

Offer-ka tea friends

If there are Caunks in tea,

So letters write to you!

6. Better doctors anyone

He treats boredom and longing

Cup of delicious, steep

Samovar seagull!

7. Samovar puffed, sparkles

Generous, round, golden.

Illuminates our faces

He is his kindness.(Together)

The narrator: Came to fly flew,

I brought her boots.

(Bring boots - tells the poem).

Flea: Do not remove them now from my feet

I give you boots!

Go to them smoothly, not chrome,

Wear socks without knocking down

This one - from the left leg,

This one is with the right leg.

After all, sapots are not simple -

Gold fasteners in them.

The narrator: Came to the fly grandmother-bee,

Fly-Cocotuch honey brought ...

(Burst brings a barrel - tells the poem).

Grandma-bee: Collect nectar

In that bee rare gift.

"Winter will come. On the windows ice

And on the table scented honey. "

The most generous gift of nature

Amber sparkles honey

Smells a field, smells a meadow

Honey - bee merit!

Fly: "Beauty-beauties.

Wear jam!

Or don't you like

Our treat? "

Butterfly dance (for beautiful music dance girls)

(The music of E. Grieg "in the Mountain King Cave")

Fly: What happened? What happened?

What a miracle appeared?

The narrator: Suddenly some old man - spider

Our fly in the corner of the tops.

Spider. I did not call tea

Samovar did not show.

Here you dance, see,

Do not wait for the guests.

I will not forgive you,

From you the fly is cutting out.

The narrator: Spider Muhu enough, cobwebs.

(Spider thread winds to fly)

Fly: Help! Help!

Me, to protect me!

At the table all sophisticated,

And now everyone was running out.

The narrator: All the bugs ran out

And from fear shoved ...

Hid all and silent,

Wings, paws only tremble

What to do? How to be?
Mukh how to free?

(hears "Flight of Bumblebee" N. Rimsky-Korsakov)

The narrator: Hear, Komar flies?

Maybe he will free Muhu?

Mosquito: "Where is the offender, where is the villain?

I'm not afraid of his claws! "

Are you called to help?(flies to the fly)

Very loudly shouted?

I am a mosper delete!(Padded to spider)

He head with one's shoulders!

(waving a saber before spider, Spider runs away. Moses frees a fly from the threads. leads it to the fore)

The narrator: Komar Mukhu by the hand takes and the guests leads to her guests.


In each there is, good and evil
Who will tell you what is more important?
Will become evil, no luck.
Good became, the soul is stronger.


Darite, people, warm words!

In order for the head of them.

So that sweet was - verbal good honey!

To the words treated in the heart of ice!

The narrator: Here bugs and goats

Crawl out from under the shop.

Everything: "Glory, Glory Komaru - Winner!"

The scenario of the musical performance "Fly Costume" (based on the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky) for children 6-7 years

The scenario for the musical spectrum "Fly-Codochoha" is a recycled and augmented material for setting with children of 6-7 years. My group's children occupied with this production 2nd place at the city competition "We love the theater."

The musical theme of the folk group "Ivan Kupala" "Zainka" sounds.

Two boxic appears. Go around the hall, play twin.

1st Corobeinist: One simple fairy tale

And maybe not a fairy tale

Or maybe not a simple

We want to tell you.

We remember her since childhood,

And maybe not since childhood,

And maybe I do not remember

But we will remember.

2nd Corobeinist: Fairy tale, fairy tale, boom,

Tell her no joke.

To a fairy tale from the beginning

Like a river bung

So that in the Hardness all the people

From her Rotted mouth.

So that none nor old nor

At the end did not be treated

We wish our children

Neither a pen nor fluff!

ATTEMBER! Begins ...

TOGETHER: Fly Tsokotukha!

1st Corobeinist: Muha, Fly Cotton,

Gold-plated belly.

2nd Corobeinist: Fly on the field went,

Fly money found.

Corobeinists leave.

First action

The music of B. Tchaikovsky from KF "Marriage Balzaminova" sounds.

Fly flies, flies around the hall, finds money.

Fly: What should I buy this?

Can the dress blue?

Or shoes, or skirt?

So ... I'll think about a minute ...

No, I will go to the bazaar,

And I will buy Samovar there.

Because birthday

I will soon deter

All bug-cocks

Sweet tea treat.

Fly flies.

Corobeinists come out with trays under rus. nar. Song "Corobeiniki". Fly appears.


Delete Fair!

1st Corobener : Only here we have only

The best kvass!

2nd Corobeinist: Respected public

Buy bagels from us!

TOGETHER: Bubnes, spoons, balalaiki,

Buy, choose!

Go to the tables

FLY: There is a good product here,

But I need a samovar!

Gives money. Takes samovar. Carries him home.

FLY: Everything is ready, the table covers.

Samovar is already boiling.

Here will come my friends

I will be very glad I!

Music S. Joplin "Charleston" sounds

plugs appear, dancing.

1st Ladybug: You accept from flew

Several boots,

2nd ladybug: And the boots are not simple,

Gold fasteners in them!

FLY: Thank you! Thank you!

Boots on Divo!

Sit here, soon guests will come!

Sounds music L. Kuprevich "Tula Samovar",

cleans the bee

BEE: Hello, Muha Costoha

Gold-plated belly!

I am with all my native meadows

Brought you colors.

I am a neighbor - bee,

More honey brought!

Oh what it is clean

Sweet and fragrant!

Transfers a bouquet of flowers and a jar with honey

FLY: Thank you! Thank you! My dear!

Sit down at the table, Samovar is ready!

The music of Gladkova "Krakowak" sounds from KF "12 chairs",

butterflies appear, dancing.

1st Butterfly: We are shaluny butterfly,

Merry flying.

Fly around the fields

On groves and meadows.

2nd Butterfly: Never get tired

Cool, flush.

We live very fun

Nectar collect.

1st Butterfly: We flipped in colors

Flew to visit you.

Butterflies (chorus): Congratulations! Congratulations!

Happiness, we wish you joy!

Jam floral trees treat you!

Transfer to fly jam.

FLY: Thank you, cute girlfriends,

I ask for the table! Sit down!

Butterflies are sitting at the table.

Tracheans are born to music in the style of Country, dancing.

1st cockroach: We congratulate you came,

You brought flowers to you.

And the flowers are not simple,

And meadow flowers!

2nd cockroach: You accept a bouquet,

And we teach us.

And we will glorify you,

Health will be desired!

FLY: Thank you, the bouquet is beautiful!

Please sit at the table,

Be a seagull to get drunk.

Appeals to all guests.

Eat, do not hesitate

All treat all.

See what gingerbread I joked!

Melody sounds rus. nar. Songs "Ah, you can, my senses!".

Guests treat (pantomime)

FLY: Beauty-beauties, eat jam!

Or do you dislike my treats?

BUTTERFLY: Your treat is just a look!

COCKROACH: Just embroidering your treat!

BUTTERFLY: Here and cream, and candy.

And what is there just no!

Ladybug: Marmalacks, chocolates,

And nuts, and sweets!

Bee: Gingerbread mint, fragrant,

Amazingly pleasant!

Ladybug: Tubes with cream, pies

And very tasty raws!

EVERYTHING: Congratulations! Congratulations!

Happiness, we wish you joy!

Help you in everything

Honestly give!

Performed rounds under rus. nar. a piece of chalk. "In the Birch field stood."

Second action.

The music of Gladkova "Suspicious Personality" sounds from the KF "Gentlemen of Good luck." Guests are frightened and hiding under the tables.

A spider appears for the music of Kancheli from KF "KIN-DZA-DZA".

SPIDER: I am an evil pouch, long crucia!

I came for a fly,

Cocotua came!

So you got!

FLY: Dear guests, help!

Spider-raise ridge!

SPIDER: I am not only flies,

I and bees, and mosquitoes -

Try everyone ready!

Ha ha ha!

Sounds a fragment of the "weekend march" I. Dunaevsky.

Mosquito appears.

MOSQUITO: I am Komar-brave,

Good lucky!

Where spider, where is the villain?

I'm not afraid of his networks!

Spider i'm not afraid

With spider, I will fight!

Music sounds A. Khacaturian "Dance with sabers".

Spider with a mosquito fight. Spider defeated.

The music of A. Petrov "Marsh" sounds from K-F

"Sleep the word about the poor hussar." Komar frees a fly.

Mosquito (fly): Spider I won!

And freed you

And now, the soul-maiden

We will have fun together!

We will dance together!

MOSQUITO: Hey, the sucked cockroach,

Bay rather in the drum!

BUTTERFLY: Bom! Bom! Bom! Bom!

I swallow fly with a mosquito!

EVERYTHING: Today, the Mucha-Costoha Birthday!

Corobeinists appear.

1st Corobeinist: Circle Looking! Circle sewing!

Left. Right to turn.

Merry smile!

2nd Corobeinist: Presentation of fun

And for us, and for you

We will finish at this hour!

Everyone gets up in a circle. Under the music of A.Padavekki "Good Beetle" guests dance.

The melody of Gladkova "Suspicious Personality" sounds.

All guests are afraid. A spider appears with a downtal head.

Spider: Merchant, hero-brave,

Let's put up, fly.

I understood that without friends

In this world, bad.

Mosquito: Okay, you can stay!

Only, Chur, do not go!

1st Corobeinist: It's time for parting,

We tell you "Goodbye!"

2nd Corobeinist: Oh, you, guests are expensive,

Come again to us

We are glad to guests!

Bow for music. Folk.Groups "Ivan Kupala".