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Chanel read a summary. Shinel (Tale), plot, acting persons, staging, shielding

The story is not divided

Very brief

At the main character - Akakia Akakievich broke off a coat, it is no longer possible to restore it, so you have to sew a new one. He spends about forty rubles for it, while saving on food, candlelight and underwear. After several days of joy, Akaki decides to note the acquisition of a new sheel. On the way home, after the festival, the Shinel is stealing. He is trying to ask for help to an important person, but gets a rude failure. After that, dies at home.

On the fourth day, the funeral goes a rumor that there was a living dead man, similar to Akakia Akakiyevich, he removes her overcoat from all passersby. The man who was concerned about the death of Bashmachkina, decides to get away from worries and goes to have fun, on the way back he has been stealing a dead pin, who looks like Akakia Akakievich Bashmachkin. After this case, rumors about the dead stop. Only once the booth meets, but no longer like Akakia Akakievich.

the main idea

In the story, the main idea is an unfair attitude towards a small person - Akaky Akakivhechu. He tried to take something better for himself, and achieved only the fact that she was stolen with a chinel.

And one more main idea - to each person you need to treat good, not to refuse a rough form and appreciate the personal qualities of everyone.

Also, the main idea also includes the fact that officials are too rude to the lower layers and often use official position. It makes harm to others, and the dead Akakia Akakievich symbolizes the punishment that will be for everyone who will be bad to others. They do not appreciate the efforts of Bashmachkina to buy a chinel, because it cost tremendous effort (malnutrition, saving light, which was harmful to the health of Akakia Akakievich).

Read the summary of the story of Gogol Sinel (the chapters are not divided)

The main character - Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin. The story originates from the story about the life of the main character, but continues by what the service of Akakia Akakievich is said in the position of the titular adviser. Other employees annoy Akakiy, but he just asks to leave him. The work of Akakia Akakiyevich is conclusted in rewriting papers. During the day he wrote several tens of pages, and after he went to bed, to rewrote the next day.

So the days of Akakiya Bashmushkina, if one case had not happened. Favorite Shinel Bashmachkina came into disrepair - brooded on his shoulders and in the back. Akaki decides to ask for help to tailor Petrovich, but he says that it is impossible to repair a coat - it is better to sew a new one, and more money will take more money. He agrees, but now a new problem - you need to get eighty rubles somewhere. Akaku decides to reduce his lunches and dinners, less often wash your lingerie. He often comes to the tailor to find out how the case is moving. But Akakiya has to give twenty rubles for the work of the tailor - the sinel came out excellent, everything is done in better quality.

The purchase of overcoats does not remain not noticed - everything is only talking about it. From that moment on, the life of Akakiya Akakivyprus is changing high speed. But it ends everything is not very successful - on the way home with him remove the sinel. Bashmushkin is trying to turn to a significant person, but the search for the sheel does not lead to anything. A significant face is cruelly refuses to Akakiya, under the pretext of the fact that he turned to him unsightened. After that, Bashmachkin comes home, he rises a high temperature from the experiences. He spends several days in infamousity, and after dying. After the death of Akakiya, Akakivyn takes place rumors that near Kalinka Bridge walks the dead man and removes overcoats from all in a row. Sometimes they find out in the dead the features of Akakia Akakievich.

One important person to find out about the death of Bashmachkina, it is horrified, and to quickly dispel your soaps goes to have fun. In fear, he recognizes Akakia Akakiyevich, who he paint sinel from him. Absorbed and frightened, an important face comes home and after which changes its attitude to the lower ranks. The appearance of the dead man from that time was not observed, and the ghost was already different from the previous one after a while: the mustache appeared and seemed higher. The same story ends.

Picture or drawing of chinel

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In the center of history there is a certain Akaki Akakievich Bashmushkin, a modest official of solid years, which is distinguished by the extreme diligence and dedication to his work, consisting in constant rewriting of various papers. The young colleagues are fooling over him, in every possible way, they don't fully interfere with His duties, but Akaki Akakievich most often tolerate all mockery, he only occasionally asks his comrades to offend him.

Upon returning home Bashmachkin, Naskoro donning, again starts to the papers taken to the house, he even specially looking for additional work for himself, if by the end of the day it does not remain any instruments for him. Akakia Akakievich has no loved ones nor friends, he is not interested in no entertainment and pleasure, finally finally rewriting, he goes on peace, happily thinking that tomorrow will again be a favorite business.

But once in an ordered existence of an official, a very annoying misunderstanding. Anxiously notes with anxiousness that his old Shinel, truly served by Akakiy Akakievich for a number of years, was already completely worn out and does not save from St. Petersburg cold, not to mention the fact that colleagues have long been happier over her appearance, calling the hood. Bashmachin goes to the tailor Petrovich and asks to repair the subject of its outerwear, but the master, to the horror of a man, announces that the seinel is no longer repaired and it is necessary to sew a new one. The price of the work called by the tailor is shocked by Akakia Akakievich, and he again persuades Petrovich to take a product to repair. But he insists on his own, and Bashmachin begins to reflect on where to take funds to a new chinel, because his incomes are extremely low and all spending are painted before a penny.

The official decides to reduce all his already scant "costs", he refuses tea drinking in the evening, ceases to light the candles, only a bathrobe is wearing at home to care. From now on, his whole life is subordinated to the dream of a new coinel, for which he refuses in everything. The moment occurs when Akaki Akakievich and Petrovich are indeed going to the shop for the necessary material.

The chinel turns out excellent, and Bashmachkin once comes to her service, since quite strong frosts begin. Comrades immediately notice his new clothes, in every possible way it is praised and demand that Akaki Akakievich makes a festive evening about this. He go home on this day in an excellent, unfamiliar sentiment earlier, but it was at that moment that some messengers robber stopped him and without any ceremony removed from the chinel official.

Bashmachkin appeals for help in the police, but no one takes his words about the abduction of the overcoat seriously. In his office, where he is again in the old "hood", they regret the unfortunate man and even intend to collect money so that he bought a new chinel, but then recommend contacting one important person that will necessarily help find the stolen thing.

However, this considerable person talks with Akakiya Akakiyevich extremely rigidly and arrogant, and a timid official falls into the utmost despair. He barely gets to the house, he opens the hotness, and soon Bashmachkin dies, about which colleagues will be recognized only after a few days.

Scary rumors are beginning to walk that a certain ghost at night breaks off from all the passers-by Sineli, and someone learns the dead Akakia Akakievich in this dead, and all the efforts of the police on the persecution of this ghost are unsuccessful. An important person who became an indirect culprit of the death of Bashmachkina, learns about what happened to this official and even hesitate some compassion for him. Once in the evening he, heading for a visit to his friend, feels like someone sharply grabs him for the collar.

A significant face in horror sees next to the deceased Akakia Akakiyevich, who with a triumphant laugh takes off her chinel. High-ranking Mr., Extremely frightened, returns home, and from this day holds with subordinates less severe and rude. At the same time, no one else meets the ghost of the official who has been deprived of her overcoat.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is one of the most significant figures in Russian literature. It is his rightly called the ancestor of critical realism, the author who visually described the image of a "little man" and made it central in Russian literature of that time. In the future, many writers used this image in their works. It is not by chance that F. M. Dostoevsky, in one of his conversations, rubbed the phrase: "We all left Gogol Sineles."

History of creation

The literary critic Annenkov noted that N. V. Gogol often listened to the anecdots and various stories that were told in his surroundings. Sometimes it happened that these jokes and comical stories inspired the writer to create new works. It happened with the "Shinel". According to Annenkov, once Gogol heard a joke about the poor official who loved her hunt. This official lived in deprivation, saved all over only in order to buy a rifle for his beloved hobby. And now, the long-awaited moment has come - the gun acquired. However, the first hunt was not successful: the rifle clinched behind the bushes and drowned. The official was so shocked by the incident that he was running with fever. Gogol This anecdote did not laugh at all, but, on the contrary, brought to serious reflections. According to many, it was then that in his head the idea of \u200b\u200bwriting the story "Shinel" was born.

During the life of Gogol, the story did not cause significant critical discussions and debates. This is due to the fact that at that time the writers often proposed their readers a comic work on the life of poor officials. However, the significance of the work of Gogol for Russian literature was assessed after years. It was Gogol that developed the topic of a "little man" protesting against the laws operating in the system pushed other writers to further disclose this topic.

Description of the work

The main character of the Gogol Work is the younger state servant Bashmachkin Akaki Akakievich, who was constantly unlucky. Even in choosing the name of the parents of the official, not successful, as a result, the child was named after the Father.

The life of the main character is modest and not remarkable. He lives in a small removable apartment. It takes a small position with a beggar salary. To the mature age, the official did not get a wife nor children or friends.

Bashmushchkin is wearing an old liny uniform and a holey chinel. Once, Lyuty Frost makes Akakia Akakievich attribution to the old chinel to the tail on the repair. However, the tailor refuses to repair the old chinel and speaks of the need to buy a new one.

The price of sinels - 80 rubles. This is a huge money for a small employee. To collect the necessary amount, he refuses himself even in small human joys, which are not many in his life. After a while, the official manages to scatter the right amount, and the tailor finally sews the sinel. Acquisition of an expensive garment - a grand event in a miserable and boring life of an official.

One evening, Akakia Akakievich caught up on the street not well-known people and selected the chinel. A upset official is sent with a complaint to "significant person" in the hope of finding and punishing those guilty of his misfortune. However, the "general" does not support the younger employee, and, on the contrary, makes a reprimand. Bashmachkin, rejected and humiliated, was not able to cope with his grief and died.

At the end of the work, the author adds a little mysticism. After the funeral of the titular adviser in the city began to notice the ghost, who took over her hundreds of passersby. A little later, this very ghost was selected with the sintel from the most "general" who bombarded Akakia Akakievich. This served as a lesson for an important official.

main characters

The central figure of the story, a pitiful public servant who has been engaged in a routine and not interesting work. In his work there are no opportunities for creativity and self-realization. Monotony and monotonality literally absorb the titular advisor. Everything he does is rewritten to anyone who is not necessary. The hero has no close. Free evenings he holds at home, sometimes rewriting paper "for yourself." The appearance of Akakia Akakievich creates an even stronger effect, the hero becomes truly sorry. There is something insignificant in his image. The impression enhances the story of Gogol on constant troubles, comprehending the hero (then an unsuccessful name, then baptism). Gogol, as it should not be better created the image of a "small" official who lives in terrible deprivation and is struggling every day with the system for its right to exist.

Officials (collective image of officialhood)

Gogol, telling about the colleagues Akakia Akakievich, focuses on such qualities as heartlessness, worn. Colleagues of the unfortunate official are in every way and make fun on it without having a gram of sympathy. All the drama of the relationship of Bashmachkina with colleagues is concluded in the phrase said: "Leave me, why are you offended by me?".

"Significant face" or "general"

Gogol does not call any name, nor the name of this person. Yes, it does not matter. The rank, position on the social staircase. After the loss of Sineli, Bashmachkin for the first time in life is decided to defend their rights and is sent with the complaint to the General. Then the "small" official and faces a tough, a soulless bureaucratic machine, the image of which is enclosed in a "significant person" character.

Analysis of the work

In the face of his main hero, Gogol seems to unite all the poor and humiliated people. The life of Bashmachkina is an eternal struggle for survival, poverty and monotony. The Company with his laws does not give an official of the right to normal human existence, humiliates his dignity. At the same time, Akaki Akakievich himself agrees with such a position and suffer and difficulty suffering.

The loss of the sheel is a turning point in the work. It forces a "little official" for the first time to declare society about his rights. Akaki Akakievich is sent with a complaint to "significant person", which in the story of Gogol personifies all the scenery and dismandability of the bureaucracy. Stopping on the wall of aggression and misunderstanding from the "significant person", the poor official does not stand and dies.

Gogol raises the problem of extreme importance of the rank, which took place in the society of that time. The author shows that such attachment to the rank is destructive for people with a variety of social status. The prestigious position of the "significant person" made it indifferent and cruel. And the younger rank of Bashmachkina led to the depletion of a person, his humiliation.

At the end of the story, Gogol does not accidentally introduce a fantastic ending, in which the ghost of an unfortunate official removes the chinel from General. This is some caution to important persons that their inhuman deeds may have consequences. Fantasy at the end of the work is explained by the fact that in the Russian reality of that time it is almost impossible to present the situation of retaliation. Since "Little Man" at that time did not have rights, could not require attention and respect from the Company.

Famous words of F. Dostoevsky that " we all left Gogol overcoat"Meaning that any Russian democratic literature relies mainly on the story N.Gogol « Shinel ". It was in this story that the chief literary hero was made not by the count and not the king, but the most ordinary little man, an official, chericar, who was not noteworthy. In this article I suggest readers summary Gogolevskaya tale « Shinel "

N.Gogol Shinel: Summary.

He lived in the light of the official. He served in one of the departments of the writer. Its duties came to just rewrite texts. He did the same years and the same - beautifully rewritten. All his concern was beautiful lines. He loved his work in his own way. He even had favorite letters! The name of the official Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin.

I must say that when Akaki was born, he was very popular for him. For some reason, all names came across strange: Hozdazad, Varakhai, Pavsikhah, etc. Similar names were decided not to use, but to call the boy in honor of the Father - Akakius. Gogol describes Akakia Akakiyevich so: " multiple growth, somewhat ripping, are somewhat reddish, somewhat even overlooked, with a small lycin on the forehead, with wrinkles on both sides of the cheek and the color of the face, what is called hemorrhoidal ". Akaki Akakievich dressed tasteless and bad. Here's how Gogol described the clothes of the main character: " ... Vitzmundir ... not green, and some kind of reddish-flour color, to which something lipnet is all the time. Akakia Akakievich nobody loves and does not respect. Above him laugh and tear. Sometimes the jokes of employees went even into mockery. But the protagonist did not answer the strokes of colleagues.

Akaki Akakiyevich lived very modestly. Everything saved. Did not allow himself any entertainment. It was not tasty, but cheap. In principle, the main character of the story all in his life satisfied. But over time, there was a moment when the old Shinel Akakia Akakiyevich quite became nickidal. She is no longer warming officer for writing ". By the way, it was this cooler that has recently been a special subject of strong lines of colleagues.

Cold forced Akakia Akakievich to go to the familiar tailor Petrovich, who saw a lot and was a former serf. Akaki Akakievich asked Petrovich to repair the old chinel. But the tailor, seeing how much the fabric rotted, refused to take a link to the alteration on the cut and offered to sew a new one for 150 rubles. I must say that Akakia Akakievich's salary for the year was 400 rubles. For him, 150 rubles is a very large amount. Therefore, our hero decided to approach Petrovich at a more suitable moment. The appropriate moment Akaki Akakievich, then, when Petrovich was drunk. He in every way tried to persuade the tailor, but Petrovich did not persuade even on a drunk head. Akakiya Akakievich had to come to terms with the situation and start saving money to a new chinel.

For several years, an official for writing was able to accumulate only 40 rubles. He put off every penny, he refused tea and candles in the evenings, tried to take care of the footwear, reduce visits to the launch. So that the underwear was not worn out, at home Akaki Akakievich went to the robe alone.

But finally the moment came when the required amount accumulated. Together with Petrovich, Akaki Akakievich buy tissue on the chinel. Instead of a silk sublock, we bought a crankcor, and on the collar instead of the center you purchased a cat. In two weeks, Petrovich presented a new coach Akaky Akakiyevich. This day Gogol called " solemn day"In the life of the main character. Petrovich feels the solemnity of the moment no less. He dressed Akakia Akakievich with a special feeling, and when he went outside, the tailor ran after him, to admire the result of his work.

When Akaki Akakievich appeared in the Department in the new Sineli, almost all comrades were escaped to lay on such an important event. Colleagues began to demand that the update " need to injected ". But Akaki Akakievich began to refuse and discharge from this venture. Suddenly, he found among the employees an official who invited everyone to himself for his sake. Since Akaki Akakievich turned out to be a culprit of the celebration, it was forced to go this evening. But on this holiday, the main character is not comfortable. Even drinking champagne, Akaki Akakievich tried to imperceptibly leave the parties in his honor.

On the way home to Akakia Akakievich attack, beatenly beaten, and the chinel steal. After what happened, the main character went to the private attachment. Something he got to receive. But the addition did not open things and did not start looking for thieves. The main character came to work extremely distressed. The colleagues advised him to seek help to "significant face." Akaki Akakievich won the Council and sneaked with great difficulty at the reception to the general. However, the general decided that such a request for a little man looks like a familiar and, very indigrant, kicked Akakia Akakiyevich Von. Finally upset and lost all hope to return the expensive chinel, the main character returned home. During this way, Akaki Akakievich managed to hurt much. The disease caused him nonsense. In the visions, the official of the letter sees Petrovich, that he sews a chinel and general who is to keep his legs from indignation. So Akaki Akakievich dies. In the Department, his death will be recognized only when they remember, namely on the 4th day after death.

After these events around the city, rumors began to spread out that allegedly in the area of \u200b\u200bKalinkin Bridge, the bridge strikes in the image of an official. A dead official is looking for supposedly shinel and therefore takes it from each passerby. The ghost does not look at the ranks and on the title. Does not look at the cheaper or high-rise sinels.

The general that so cruelly cost Akakiya Akakiyevich, meanwhile cooled and even regretted the poor fellow. He sent a man to him and received news of death. The general upset. But already at dinner, a friend forgot about the unfortunate.

Once, the general went to the familiar lady to visit. Suddenly he felt that someone grabbed him for the collar of Sineli. The general turned around and found out in the leading Akakia Akakievich. A dead official demanded a general chinel. Taken it and disappeared.

After this mystical case, the general changed greatly towards people. His surrenders and arrogance were evaporated somewhere, rudeness disappeared in relation to subordinates.

It is said that the ghost of the official at the bridge from that moment disappeared.

Such. summary Tale " Shinel» N.Gogol.

Excellent all preparation in the educational process!

The author introduces the reader with a small official Akakiya Akakievich Bashmushkin, who was unhappy from the very birth. Three times opened a calendar to finish the child. And three times have fallen such precipitated names that the mother was desperate and decided to: to be a son, like Father, Akakius.

Served Bashmachkin in one department and engaged in rewriting papers. He knew his work perfectly, performed with great love. He liked to shoot copies from documents. Rewriting delivered Akakia Akakievich so pleasure that he took the job home. And if it was not, rewriting some important paper is simply for myself.

There was a scaffold scaller, reddish, with a small bald and sunpall, and by age - over fifty years old. Bashmachkin did not go anywhere and was not interested in anything. Even ate without appetite.

Once, for the diligent work of the official, they decided to increase and instructed to make an important document. But Bashmushchkin did not cope with such a task and gladly returned to rewrote the papers. Young colleagues constantly ridiculed Akakia Akakievich. However, he did not pay attention. Only in response to too rude ridicule asked not to offend.

Bashmankin walked in the extension uniform and rubbed overcoat, but absolutely did not give it values \u200b\u200buntil the clothes were completely proud. Then Akaki Akakievich inflicted his visit to Troy Petrovich. The official wanted only to patch the chinel, but the master authoritatively stated that they would not keep anything on this. Need a new thing. True, its cost to one and a half hundreds of rubles Bashmachkina stunned.

Akaki Akakievich so much upset that he went from the tailor in the opposite direction. He did not notice how a bunch of lime fell on the cap, and the chipper was stained his whole sleeve. And only encountered with a boat, the official woke up and decided that she had to talk to the tailor once again. It was probably not in the spirit and therefore refused to repair the old chinel. Bashmushkin decided to go on Sunday, when Petrovich after Saturday a glass will be in a complacent mood. But it did not help. The tailor again refused to patch the old chinel and promised to sew a new one in the first category.

Akaki Akakievich began to accommodate where to take money to the new clothes. He thought that the cunning tailor was launched a double price. Puting, you can reset its rubles up to eighty. But where to take even such an amount? It is impossible to count on the premium for Christmas. These 40-50 rubles were always a shoemaker and new underwear. Rubles 40 was in the piggy bank. But where to find as much as much?

Bashmushkin decided to save. He stopped dinner and buy candles. Moved now on tiptoe, so that the notes were erased less. The laundry gave to the washing less often, and at home did both without him, went in one bathrobe. But for all days, the official dreamed of a new sheel. Bashmachkin often visited Petrovich and discussed the style and material with him.

Fortunately, for the holiday, he was given as much sixty rubles awards, so the accumulation process was significantly accelerated. When the required amount was collected, Bashmushchkin and Petrovich bought the best clog, and the knee-chenkor acquired on the lining. For the tailor service, I took already 12 rubles. But the work was notable: every seam is double, everything is ridiculously silk, and not ordinary thread.

And now the cooler is ready. Akaki Akakievich proudly went to her service, and Petrovich looked for a long time, admiring his work.

The Department immediately became known that Bashmachkina has a new chinel. He was congratulated and demanded to "bother" new clothes. Akaki Akakievich was terribly confused, but his other official, who invited everyone to the name day. For Akakia Akakievich all day turned into a big holiday.

At home, he took out the old chinel, compared her with the new and laughed. Then he went to visit. The closer the Bashmachkin approached the house of the birthday man, the more he met the rich and elegantly dressed people.

The owner lived on a wide leg, which was strongly embarrassed by Akakia Akakiyevich. At first he felt uncomfortable. But after champagne cheated. However, the conversations of others, the game in the cards were uninteresting. Slowly Bashmachkin left the celebration.

An hour was late, the streets are deserted. Already not far from his house, Akaki Akakievich saw two men. One put a huge fist under his nose, and the other shakeped him out of the sheel. Bashmachkin fell into the snow. He wanted to shout, but the voice from excitement did not obey. Something like the victim did go home.

The next day, Akaki Akakievich hardly fell to the reception to the private bailiff. I had to lie that according to a stateless need. The abill listened to him without any interest and did not say anything definite.

In the service, Bashmachkina sympathized and even collected some money, but some have fun and laughed. The most informed advised to contact a significant person.

Akaki Akakievich went to the General. He expected for quite a while, while he chatted with a friend of childhood. After listening to the story about the disappearance of the Sineli, the general was angry and shrove on the official. From fright Akaki Akakievich almost fell into fainting. Storam brought him to the street. With difficulty Bashmachkin got home. And the general was extremely glad that he glanced before the friend.

Akakia Akakievich began a fever. The doctor appointed a parcel, but the apartment hostess advised the coffin. Bashmachkin fell into infamous and constantly delirious about thieves and overcoats. Soon he died.

Buried the poor official is quite modest. Only goose feathers, some paper and old chinel remained a legacy. In the department only four days later learned about the death of an employee.

Soon, the ear rumored in St. Petersburg, that at night, Kalinkina Bridge began to appear the dead man, who trampled with the passers of Sinelles and fur coats. One official from the Department recognized in the robber Akakia Akakievich.

And the significant face began to worry that so rudely cost with shoes. A week later, the general sent courier to find out if it was impossible to help the unfortunate. He was reported that the petitioner died. The general was upset and went to the buddy in the evening. A little disperse, I decided to visit my long-standing girlfriend.

He was driving in a sleigh, wrapped in a warm chinel. Suddenly someone grabbed General for the collar. Wrapped, he learned Akakia Akakievich, pale as snow. The dead has demanded the covenant of the sinel. The general removed it badly, and then ordered the Kumor to drive home.

From this day, the general became more attentive to the subordinates and did not eat them so much. And the dead stop to shoot with passers-by Sineli. Apparently, the Generalist turned out to be herself.