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The most interesting facts about plants. Presentation for the classroom "The most interesting facts about plants" newspaper Interesting facts about plants

It turns out that after someone's touching the leaves of this plant add up, and then straighten straighten!

This is due to the fact that, with external irritation, chemicals are distinguished, including potassium ions, which affect the cells of the leaves, as a result, the water outflow occurs. The internal pressure in cells and petals with petals on the leaves are folded.

  • 2) What word did the name "Cabbage" occurred?

  • Translated from the ancient Roman word "Cuput" means: "Head". Another ancient Egyptians served cabbage at the end of the lunch as a sweet dish.
  • It is known that cabbage juice affects the improvement of digestion. This plant contains a lot of anti-cutting vitamin C.
  • 3) One hectare of the forest gives more than 6 tons of wood every year.
  • 4) The name "Agava" occurred from the word Agauos, which means "amazing".

  • Mexico was named after this plant. Translated, this means "the place of agave" (from the word of the ancient Aztecs, which inhabited Mexico, "Metl" - "Agava").

  • It turns out that cacti are edible and have a very tender, pleasant pulp taste. The only disadvantage of this delicacy is spines that are very difficult to delete.

However, Luther Burbank managed to withdraw a cactus that does not have a barrier, but also growing rapidly. This is the naughty. The fruits of this cactus are smooth and fragrant, to taste components of good competition to oranges.

  • The pulp of cactus-naughty serves for the manufacture of pastils, the so-called "cheese of Tuna", and the juice goes to prepare wine, syrup and molasses.
  • The immature fruits of naughty are boiled with meat, and the mature dried and then prepare delicious muffins with honey aroma.
  • Different cacti have a different taste and color of the pulp. To taste, the cactus can resemble raspberries and a pear, a melon and strawberries, a gooseberry and an orange, and the color of the flesh has various shades of yellow and orange, green and pink, purple and even black.
  • One stem cactus keeps up to fifty fruits on him, and about twenty tons of valuable harvest are collected from one hectare.

  • From the top kidneys palm tree By breaking the "palm cheese"
  • The core of the young palm tree is exquisite, but expensive delicacy, because its extraction leads to the death of a tree.
  • At the site of the slicing of the inflorescence or the stem of the dates of the palm tree stands out to three liters of juice per day. And if the cut is updated, the juice can be assembled at least three months, which will be an average of 270 liters. Once from juice made sugar or wine "Lakby".
  • Fresh dates juice goes to cooking pichenic honey or wine.
  • Bones of dates completely replace coffee, if they are fasten and grind.
  • Arabs feed on their animal dates, and even dogs.
  • Vintage dates from one palm range is from 100 to 250 kilograms.
  • The collected crop of dates lay on the ground for drying, and then buried them into the sand for storage. In the peca, dates can fly two years.
  • Pressed dates are called desert bread "-" Azhae ", and take with you on the road.
  • Coconut Walnut Something like a muzzle of monkeys, and Martha in Portuguese is "Coco".
  • Potatoes were bred earlier as a flower and cultivated him on the flower beds in front of the palaces.
  • Carrot is known as an edible root root for four thousand years.
  • In China and Japan, they cultivate carrots to a meter long.
  • In the ancient world, Parsley meant sadness, and it was woven in wreaths as a symbol of grief.
  • Onion becomes ruddy when ticking thanks to the sugar contained in its juice.
  • If you see for three minutes a piece of Luke, he will kill all the bacteria in the mouth.
  • The young sunflower inflorescences once drose in England with vegetable oil and vinegar.
  • Blonde mustache on the branches of grapes make rotational movements, making a complete turn in two hours. And the top of the young branch of the grapes itself, according to the observations of Charles Darwin, makes the turn in four hours.

According to world research, plants not only decorate our planet and life. They are just like people, endowed with feelings, memory and even intelligence! Interesting facts about plants allow you to know such their abilities as a sense of time, communicating among themselves, fear due to the hut threat. They can also distinguish the mood, intention and character of people, ask for help, interact with other living beings even at a distance.

  • 1. The age of the oldest lichen, which is located in Antarctica, is more than ten thousand years. Lichens with Alaska is not much younger, they are nine thousand years. By the way, they grow very slowly. Therefore, for the whole century, only three and a half millimeters grow up.
  • 2. The oldest or ancient plants on Earth are seaweed. Their age is more than one thousand million years.
  • 3. In some parts of the world, it is very grown interesting plantwhich is called "Gorlyanka". An amazing appearance of his fruit resembles a dish, from which you can collect a whole service.
  • 4. The Amazon was recorded the largest water lilies. Its leaves that reach two meters can withstand even a child.

  • 5. In the average latitudes of Russia, the winter is growing. This plant has extreme rigidity, and its stem can even scratch steel. It's all about the outer cells of the plants that are accumulated by silica.
  • 6. Interesting facts about plants concern not only their unusual appearance. For example, amorphofallaus is recognized as the smelly plant. It makes it very nasty smell Spit fish. By the way, this "fragrance" became business card Islands of Sumatra.
  • 7. Jamaica island known to another plant. We are talking About cactus selenicereus, Stater Stems with spines of which trees are soaked. Interestingly, once in a couple of months, at night, white flowers bloom with a diameter of 35 centimeters. They have a very strong fragrance of Vanilla, which attracts natural pollinators - bats. It is a pity that these flowers begin to wither in a few hours.

  • 8. Arabidopsis is the most first plant, which in the conditions of space, in the absence of gravity, not only bloomed, but also gave seeds.
  • 9. In the south of China, you can find a type of bamboo, a leaf-header that grows at the highest speed. Each day the plant increases for forty centimeters, that is, almost two centimeters per hour. This plant needs only a couple of months to achieve thirty-meter height and half-meter in diameter.

  • 10. Gevei - a plant from which the rubber is obtained. Knowing it, Indians South America Socialized shoes in its juice to obtain rubber galoshes.
  • 11. Each seed of ceratonia plants always weigh exactly 0.2 thanks to this, in the ancient times, ceratonia seeds were used as girks. This measure was soon called the carat.

Plants surround us everywhere: When we go to work when we walk with the child, we are going on a journey, and even at home every person there will be at least one living flower.
Today we will learn some of the most interesting facts about plants.

1. On our planet there are more than 10 thousand poisonous plants. Humanity has long tried to use these properties for animal hunting and defense from enemies. IN artistic literature Of Frequently mentioned poison of Kurara, who used the Indians of South America, treating them the tips of arrows. It consisted of a mixture of several chilibuh plants extracts (Stream-nose, Chondodront). And the natives in Central Africa used the poison of the seeds of another poisonous plant - strangement. This terrible poison possessed incredible strength and instantly killed the largest animals.

Basically, poisonous plants are located on the territory of tropical countries. In the forests of the United States, and the real "tree of death" is growing on the Antille Islands - Marcinell. It emits such poisonous substances that are dangerous for a person: it is worth a little standing next to this tree and you can earn heavy poisoning.
But in a temperate belt, many poisonous plants grows. The most dangerous is the Paradine family: Belladonna, Duram, Belen, as well as the family of umbrella: dogs parsley, a poisonous milestone, spotted boligs.

2. It turns out that on the planet Earth there is an amazing mushroom, which to taste resembles a chicken. The raveric gray-yellow grows clusters, and the width of his hat reaches 40 cm. In some parts of Germany and North America, it is considered a delicacy.

3. Surprisingly, the plant ceratonia always gives extremely the same seeds, which weigh 0.2 g. In ancient times, they were used by jewelers as a weight as a weight, and now this measure is called karat.

4. Our planet is full of amazing plants. One of them is the Rainbow Eucalyptus from the island of Mindao. It is famous for extremely beautiful colorful crust. The bark of all eucalyptuses over time exfoliates in the form of a plurality of narrow bands, and a new bark appears on the place of the old place. As you agreed, she changes his color. Initially, the bark has bright green or dark greenAs it grows and aging, it becomes blue, purple, and then pink-orange. At the end of its existence, the bark acquires a brown-raspberry shade.

5. Probably, every person in his life heard of such many years and amazing treelike baobab. It grows mostly in African savannas. This is the worst tree on the whole planet Earth. His medium height It is about 18-25 m, and the trunk circle at such a height is more than 10 meters. There are even copies with a circle of 50 m in girth! The life expectancy of Baobab varies from the Millennium to 5.5 thousand years.

6. Mad cucumber is a plant belonging to the pool family that lives on the shores of the Black and Mediterranean seas. He received his name thanks an unusual way Seed dispersion: ripe fetus cucumber even with a slight touch jumps away from the leg and out of the hole with force is thrown to a huge distance of 12 meters weight of mucus with seeds.

7. Bamboo is the fastest growing tree in the nature of our planet. It grows in South and East Asia and in a day increases its height by 0.75-0.9 m / day.

8. Ancient plant on Earth - seaweed. They exist about 1 thousand million years.

9. Nature of our planet was created quite a few amazing plants. One of them is a miracle tree called the rating palm tree. Its very thick climbing stems stretch at a distance of up to 300 meters.

11. Yarea is an unusual, strange plant growing in Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Argentina. Below 3000-4000 meters above sea level will not be detected. It seems that this plant seems huge, however, in fact, it is a lot of individual sprouts. Locals use the bright as fuel for cooking.

12. Falsees of India often use Keppel's unique tree. His fruits are extremely souls: it is worth trying to try and a person begins to smell them all.

13. Surprisingly, with one tree can be made more than 160 thousand pencils!

14. On our planet there is a very large predatory plant, which can digest mice, frogs and even birds. It relates to the non-resident family and grows in Asian forests.

15. Many years ago, Leonardo da Vinci brought a curious rule that it says that the square of the diameter of the trunk of any tree is equal to the sum of the squares of all diameters of the branches taken at one height. Later, scientists confirmed this rule, but with one difference: the degree in this formula is not always equal to two, but varies within the limits of 1.8 - 2.3.

16. An unusual plant of Victoria is found on the ancient glaolds of Amazona, relating to the Family Family. Its leaves reach three meters in their diameter, and they can withstand weight at 25-30 kg!

18. The famous cashew Prangi tree is one of the most interesting attractions of the planet Earth. It is located on the territory of almost 2 hectares near Natal in Brazil. This tree has been 177 years old. I planted his fisherman in 1888, who did not know that Prangi had a genetic mutation. Unlike his fellow, the branches of this tree when touched the Earth begin to start root and grow further.

19. The most dangerous stagnant plant that even a horse can kill, - a New Zealand, spectal tree. It injected into the skin of his victim a mass of strong poisons, among which there is formic acid and histamine.

20. In the forests of Brazil, there is a tree, which is called "Milk Nipple". If you pierce it with a knife, then vegetable milk is poured out of the bark. The tree is able to give 4 liters of milk at a time. It can be eaten, but first it must be boiled and diluted with water.

21. In the tropical forests of Brazil there is a tree whose juice can be used together diesel fuel. It is called Copaifera Langsdorffii. This tree gives about 50 liters of fuel over the whole year. Wide-scale cultivation of Copaifera Langsdorffii is unprofitable, but farmers can cover their expenses by putting the garden of such a plant.

22. In Australia, there is an interesting monument dedicated to moths. The fact is that in the 20s of the last century, the cactus has greatly spread here. The Argentine cactus mole was the only one who could cope with this weed.

23. The oldest tree of the planet is Pine, which is located in the United States. She is already 4.5 thousand years old.

24. The oldest root system, which is located in Sweden, has already been 9 thousand years old and it continues to grow and develop.

25. In Bahrain, there is a tree of life that is also considered the most lonely tree of the planet. It is located at the highest point of the desert. Scientists believe that root system It stretches for dozens of meters deep into the ground to aquifer. His accurate age is not aware of no one, but it is assumed that the tree is more than 400 years old. Tourists come here crowds, because the locals consider this place to be a paradise garden.

26. It turns out that the name of borsch was initially used exclusively to the plant Borshevik Siberian. It was the main ingredient of a certain soup. Later, Borsch in this sense was made of use and they began to call a whole class of first dishes.

Plants are the most common living beings of our planet. They are already more than 375 thousand species. We reviewed only a small tolik of all amazing facts about plants, however, nature is still full of many surprises.

© Inga Korneshova Article written specifically for site site

A man since ancient times learned to domesticate animals, grow anchored plants, hunt, to understand in poisonous bushes, flowers, trees. Currently, thanks to the technologies received, improving technologies, we make various dishes, products, souvenirs, goods. In many ways, raw materials are plants from all continents of the planet. The usual coffee is made of cocoa beans - from the cane, wine - from a variety of grape varieties. But not all curtains secrets the nature. What else did we not know about the products that we eat? We give some interesting Facts about cultural plants.


Oranges in the Renaissance era had a transcendent price, allowing you to acquire them could only know. The high fee was due to the fact that the fruit was considered an effective against the plague.

Fresh apples, if they are omitted to the surface of the water, do not drown, as they contain 25% air.

Many are very surprising that lemon contains more than strawberry.

Also, due to the presence of acid, the lemons can be used as a battery / conductor. It is necessary to pour several wires to the usual light bulb - copper and zinc, and then insert into lemon. In this case, the light will light up.

The magic fruit has such fruits that affect our taste receptors. Even after a small piece, the perception of all acid disappears for several hours. But if you try to eat lemon, it will be sweet.

Papaya has such juice that it can affect any contamination as the strongest solvent. Also, he will get to remove fingerprints from their pads.


In some territories, strawberry fruits are positioning as nuts. And in Japan, it is still customary to give the second half of the berries of the guy, and when he will eat it, he will definitely love this girl. Strawberry is the only berry, seeds from which are located outside, and not inside the fetus.

Banana is a very durable and high grass, its fruits are berries, and not fruit, as many believe. An extraordinary application for them was invented in India. Banana skins Use to lower the ships on the water. To do this, the drill surface must be smeared with crushed bananas. On one average ship accounts for 20 thousand bananas.

Japanese breeders brought many varieties of watermelons different colors and forms (square, pear-shaped, in the form of a heart; black, with yellow pulp). In 1951, they managed to grow watermelons without bones, as many do not like to pick up her bones. The problem was the fact that due to the lack of seed it was impossible to continue to cultivate this type.

In the old days, to obtain a gray paint, blueberries boiled in milk.


Corn is not able to grow without human assistance. She does not multiply by self-sash and can not be wild. If the ripe corn kochan does not remove the hands of a person, they simply rot, falling on the ground, and will not give offspring. The number of rows of grain on any cob must be even. Usually this figure ranges from 8 to 22 rows, and in each kochene about a thousand seeds. A rare element for products that is contained in the corn is gold.

In antiquity - instead of modern lie detectors - rice was used for refraction. The Chinese were forced to take a whole handful of rice in her mouth, and then spit it out. If he remained dry (which indicated that the suspect had a suspect in the mouth), then the person was recognized as guilty.

In some areas of Italy, the dried grain from the buckwheat is dumbfounded in the same way as we seeds.


Some Mexican shrubs are endowed with jumping beans. The thing is that one of the types of moth puts out its larvae inside the seeds. After the larva gets out of the egg, it eats the inner part of Bob and forms empty space in it, attaching himself to himself to Bob himself large quantity Silk threads. If you start exposing heat to Bob (for example, sunlight Or the warmth of the hands), then it will join. This is due to the tweaking larvae for string. Thus, the larvae are trying to avoid a heat source, which can lead them to death.

Peanut refers to bobov cultures, not nuts. Also, its extract is used to prepare dynamite.

Peas are considered to be crashing ships due to one amazing case. Once he was the culprit of the steamer accident called "Dnipro" (this happened near the Bosphorus Strait). The steamer had a breakdown from reefs and through her water filled all the trims with dry peas. He began to swell and, in the end, undermined the ship from the inside.

We should not forget that a person interferes with natural natural selection, allows for situations when animals and plants have to reduce or fully change their habitat, adapt to new conditions. Selection carries both pros and cons. The negative factor is that cultural plants do not always have the right to fight themselves and survive, since their needs change from human concern. But on the other hand, by this method, you can open new types, varieties, improve the survival and resistance of plants to pests and an external environment. The main thing is to know the measure and exist in harmony with nature.

Cultural plants are so firmly included in the human life that few people think, from where the history of their ochulturing began. Using vegetables and fruits in food, a person does not ask the question of how their wild relatives look like and how large the variety of cultivated plants.

Historical facts

Almost all known today cultural plants They have their own historical roots that define the centers of their appearance and gradual transformation.

The origin of cultivated plants refers to 50,000-60,000 to N. e. Until this period, the collection of plants was a way to survive the tribe, which was part of the duties of women. Historical testimonies that people began to select large and healthy grains and fruit to grow them near their homes, are the ancient utensils, pots with supplies in burials and their drawings.

To date, from the most popular 640 species of cultivated plants, it is known that about 400 of them came from South Asia, 50 from Africa, more than 100 from South and North America, the rest - from Europe.

Interesting facts about the cultural plant, such as wheat, suggest that the cereals were the first species that people became consciously growing near the houses. Confirmation of this statement are the ancient mortar and pestles found on the settlement locations.

Plant Equity Centers

In the 20th century, scientists could more fully determine where they came from modern species Cultural plants. N. I. Vavilov decided to geography of crop production by 7 zones:

  1. So, South Asia has become a state of 33% of domesticated species. Cultural plants (examples can be found in the works of Vavilov), such as rice, cucumbers, eggplants and many others, came to us exactly from there.
  2. East Asia gave us 20% of indulgeted species, such as soy, millet, cherry, buckwheat.
  3. The southwestern part of Asia is rye, legumes, turnips, which is 4% of plants.
  4. The Mediterranean part belongs to 11% of well-known cultivated plants. It is garlic, grapes, carrots, cabbage, pear, lentils and others.
  5. Ethiopia has become a homeland of 4% of species, including chubs, barley, coffee tree.
  6. Central America presented the world corn, pumpkin, tobacco, cocoa.
  7. South America belongs to potatoes, coca, Oka,

Wild-growing relatives of all these plants can still be found. At this, interesting facts about the cultural plant do not end.

Selection of ancient people

It is hardly possible to call the cave people or later types of human development by breeders, but they had some skills in the selection and growing plants.

Archaeologists came to the conclusion that agriculture and a settling lifestyle as a way of survival became applicable 10,000 years ago. It is this period that is considered to be the beginning of the plantation of plants. In fact, cultivated plants (examples of which archaeologists find in the places of ancient parking) began to divorce long before that.

According to scientists, collected wild grain, bone berries and other species of plants growing near the parking lots of the ancient people, when they wake up grain or threw bones along with smoke. In women, the tribe was made to pull out weeds near such "plantations", which was preserved to the present day.

Gradually, a person began to select the roots, grains and bones of the most delicious and large fruits and purposefully disembark them near their homes. Thus, the agriculture was originated, which gave the impetus to the new level of human development.

Variety of alignment plants today

Nowadays, the selection has become a science that works not only over the yield of cultivated plants, but also over their taste and increased survival. Almost all kinds of vegetables, fruits and cereals that eat in food modern man- hybrid, that is, derived artificially.

Interesting facts about the cultural plant, which was not just a selection, and crossing with other species is what is a completely new organism, which has no analogues in nature.

Mix, artificially derived in laboratories, are one-time sowing material, but due to them the amount of delicious giving high yield Cultural plants increased hundreds of times.

Today, hybridity touched both and fruits and well-known vegetables, such as tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and many others.

Equity cucumbers

The cultural plant cucumber is so familiar on our table both in the fresh and canned form that we do not ask the question "And where did it come from and from us."

It turns out that the way of cucumber on our table was rather big, since his homeland is India and China. Another 6,000 years ago, this vegetable was emphasized, although his ancient relatives still grow in Indian forests, like Liana, whining and also use them for landscaping fences and hedges.

On frescoes in ancient Egypt, and then and the ancient Greece this vegetable was depicted on the tables of rich people and for a long time Only high-ranking features was available.

The cucumbers brought the Greeks to Europe, and their spread was rapid thanks to the taste and opportunities to plant the opportunity for the winter. Today, this vegetable is available to everyone and everywhere. Every gardener considers it to grow his duty good harvest Cucumbers for which they are used both varieties and hybrid.

Equity of indoor plants

People appreciated the plants not only for the possibility of eating them in food, but also for medical properties, as well as beauty. Interesting facts about the cultural plant, which from the wild state became the standard of beauty and tenderness relate to roses.

Rose has become a symbolic flower in many nations in antiquity. So, according to Indian legends, beauty, was born in a rose bud. She was devoted poets in various countries and at all times, and her homeland was tropical Southeast Asia. From there, the cultural plant Rosa moved to Ancient Greecewhere the aphrodite flower was called. In ancient Rome, even put the greenhouses for roses so that they bloom year-round.

Today, hundreds of varieties of this plant are known, bred by breeders for flower flows around the world.

Modern roses are grown in open soil, in pots on windowsill, in greenhouses and winter greenhouses. Of these, tasty and useful jam are preparing, and rose oil is considered one of the most expensive, since 500 kg of petals use to obtain one kilogram.

Cultural fruits

Just like grain and vegetables, fruits have become an indulgence object from ancient people. Beneficial features Berry and fruit plants, as well as the possibility of saving them in dried or uriced form made them permanent objects. The most famous of the fruits are apples, whose wild relatives are found in the layers of the chalk period, and dates. Today, many fruit trees, which were still 200-300 years ago were ingenious, they grow familiar in the gardens in the household sections.

Future of cultivated plants

Breeders around the world still work in their laboratories on the creation of new plant crops, which will be able to take root in unusual conditions for them and give unprecedented yields.

Thanks to their efforts, cultural plants are better transferring changes in climate, the exhaustion of the soil layer of the Earth and at the same time they give good yields.

Many cultural plants began to give two harvest per year or for the season, as they got a hybrid hardening. This gives hope that in the future there will be fresh vegetables and fruits on our tables, whose homeland has long ceased to be individual countries, and the whole world has become.