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What are business cards. Summary: Business card as an attribute of a business person

A business card or visiting card is an integral part of life and etiquette business person.

The presence of a business card in a person is a sign that he is a serious, personable, business person who is ready for fruitful cooperation. That is why business card printing is so widespread in the modern business world.

What is a business card

By definition, a business card is a card with your personal data and other information about you (contact, your position, etc.).

The history of the emergence of business cards and their structure

The first business cards are usually attributed to the times Ancient China... Approximately 2,500 years ago, thin wooden plaques appeared there, on which applications for admission were written. What is a business card photo

A business card is such a serious thing that there is a list of international standards for it:

  • The size should be 50 * 90 mm.
  • It is not considered correct to send a business card by mail, but you can send it through a courier or chauffeur. On the part of the recipient, an answer must be given no later than 24 hours after the receipt of the card.
  • Do not spoil the appearance of someone else's business card (bend, draw on it), especially in the presence of the owner, this may offend him.
  • You need to give your business card to your partner so that he has the opportunity to see your name out of the corner of his eye, while both should bow slightly to each other.
  • If the addressee cannot accept you, you need to slightly bend the right corner of the business card and leave it.
  • You should always have business cards in stock. If you suddenly do not have a business card for your partner, then this is considered bad form.

Today, several modifications of business cards are known: personal, business, family, business cards for correct acquaintance.

In the lower left corner of the business card, a conditional message or congratulation can be left, for example, an expression of gratitude, an introduction, goodbye on a long trip, and even a Happy New Year.

The business card also gives you the opportunity to introduce yourself in absentia... To do this, you need to send your business card together with the business card of a person who is a common acquaintance of you and the person you want to meet. The priority of submitting business cards is stipulated as follows: women are introduced to men, elders - to juniors, hosts - to guests.

In addition to all this, the business card is an extremely popular product in the field of printing.... It can be made from paper, wood, metal and plastic, there are also many types of printing.

How and from what business cards are made

There are several options for making business cards:

  1. Digital printing method.
  2. Offset printing method.
  3. Embossing.
  4. Silk screen printing method (screen printing).
  5. Risography (printing in black on color).
  6. Thermal rise method.
  7. Kongrev (extrusion).
  8. Foiling (thermal transfer of foil to cardboard).

Do not forget that your business card, one might say, is the first impression of you, so choose your business cards carefully and correctly, do not forget to take into account all the factors.

How to make a business card at home, watch the video

Federal Agency for Education
State educational institution of higher vocational education Samara State Aerospace University named after Academician. S.P. Queen"
Department of Philosophy

on the topic: "Business card as an attribute of a business person"

A.A. Korobetskaya,
student group 711
Kuznetsova E.R.

Samara 2006

Introduction. 3

Business card design. 3

Ways to print business cards. 5

Types of business cards. eight

Rules for the delivery of business cards. nine

Marks and inscriptions on business cards. 12

Why do you need collected business cards? 13

What a business card shouldn't be. fourteen

Business cards in life. 15

Examples of business cards. 16


In the last decade in Russia, business cards have become widely used not only by diplomats, but also in the most different areas business life, in the process of cultural, secular contacts, and at various levels.

If a few years ago a major official, a fairly well-known cultural figure, scientist, head of an enterprise, in response to a business card extended by a foreign colleague or guest, was looking for a piece of paper and a pen to write down his coordinates, today you can be handed a business card both in the ministry and and at the plant that became joint stock company, in an academic institute, in a dental office, a salon shop and in a small boutique. Don't be surprised if this is done by a young plumber on call for your apartment.

The main purpose of a business card is to represent officials, business partners in the process of negotiations, visits, meetings. A business card is indispensable for meeting people, communicating at banquets, receptions, conferences, presentations, exhibitions, fairs, festivals, and traveling. In some cases, for example, in Japan, Korea, it can be considered as an identity card. A business card can be a means of correspondence contact, used in private and official correspondence, as a recommendation, for acquaintance, for short invitations, congratulations, accompanying gifts and souvenirs, and much more.

The role and significance of the business card is well said in the book for businessmen “The Laws of Success” edited by Christie Lee: “A business card is an important part of business. It is an effective and inexpensive form of advertising. The person you gave your business card to may not call you tomorrow. Maybe he won't need your services for another two weeks. But your card will wait in the wings, and when you need it, he will know where to look for you. In addition, he will recommend you to others. The card is a strategic weapon. It affects the development of your business long after you gave it to someone. Do not spare the cards ... The answer to the question "What are you doing?" should be in your pocket. Of course, if you haven't forgotten your cards at home ... "

At the same time, many more underestimate business cards as a necessary attribute. business communication... One well-known scientist, orator and polemicist, following the traditional mentality, for a long time perceived business cards as something from the field of officialdom and diplomacy, in other cases as “bourgeois” toys, something from the vanity of parties of “new Russians”. However, finding himself several times in a row in a situation where, after speaking at a conference, symposium, “ round table”, During the presentation of the book, at the reception he could not offer a business card to those who handed him theirs to continue contacts, he ordered himself the prescribed 200 pieces.

Business card design

A business card is one of the components of the company's image and the personal image of its owner. It is expressed as individual style and the taste of a person, as well as a corporate one, corporate style... It is recommended to order business cards from very thick high quality paper or thin cardboard. In this case, the cards will retain their decent appearance longer. At the beginning of the last twentieth century, according to Amy Vanderbild, it was also considered rational for business cards to be made on thin and durable parchment paper and must have a text written by a calligrapher.

Nowadays, there are no more precise rules regarding paper, type, format of business cards, whether it is a woman's or a man's card. In practice, the most applicable size turned out to be credit card... Envelopes are also produced in an appropriate size. Business cards bigger size do not fit in a standard business card holder, in special wallet pockets. They have to be cut.

The classic version is a business card on paper, white cardboard with a matte surface, strict black font. However, these days, cards are no longer only white. They are printed on paper of various colors, actively used graphics, various fonts, made folding, placed on a business card your photo. The latter, however, is considered not best style... It is advisable for business people not to be eccentric either in the choice of material or in color. As before, strict requirements are imposed on the design of business cards in the official and diplomatic spheres.

When choosing paper, typeface, it is advisable to use the services of a professional designer, look at samples of cards from companies like yours, so as not to be mistaken in accordance with your choice to your corporate image.

A standard business card is a rectangular piece of white, semi-heavy cardboard good quality, on which your last name, first name and patronymic (if any) are clearly and beautifully printed, along with other information that you want to communicate about yourself. There are no clear rules regarding the size of business cards, but usually men can have a slightly larger size than women - say, 90x50 mm and 80x40 mm (in the UK, women have more business cards than men). The business card of a young girl can be even smaller - as a rule, 70x35 mm.

General requirements for a business card font are that it must be easy to read. The name is usually in a larger boldface font. It is not recommended to use complex gothic or decorative fonts. Be careful with italics if you have a rare or difficult to pronounce surname, or if you have a card on foreign language.

At the top, in the center, the name of the company (organization, institution) in which the owner of the business card works is indicated (if he has several jobs, then the main one is indicated); below in the center - first and last name (in Ukrainian and Russian versions - last name, first name and patronymic), even lower - position; below and to the left, that is, in the lower left corner - telephone, fax; this option is also possible: both the phone, and the fax, and the postal address are indicated in the lower right corner, and the left one remains empty.

If your company has its own website, then Email should be located on it, and not on any free server like "@" or "@". It's much more solid that way. Therefore, it is better to have the email address located on your website written on the card.

Typically, a business card should have black text on a white background with no borders or embellishments. Recently, printing houses offer big choice colored cards on plastic or even leather. But the norms of strict etiquette do not recommend moving far from the black and white range. It is preferable to focus on choosing excellent quality paper, which can be lightly tinted or have a satin finish. It is better to avoid glossy surface of cards as well. Colored and unusual cards are still the lot of artists, service workers and advertising agents. A black frame on a business card is allowed as a sign of mourning.

Workers of culture, art, science, church, etc. can afford great freedom in the design of business cards: any font on cardboard or paper of any quality, any color of cards and the location of the text. "Free artists" sometimes indicate the home address and telephone number instead of the name of the company.

In Russia and in many bilingual countries, double-sided cards are widely used - with text in a foreign language on the back. If you adhere to strict norms, then this is not entirely true. After all, the reverse side is intended so that some notes could be made on it. Therefore, it is better to order separate cards in each of the languages. But, nevertheless, double-sided cards are quite acceptable - the main thing is to comply with the rules for issuing cards in a foreign language. A foreign language can still be the same English as the most common language interethnic communication... But if you constantly cooperate with representatives of any country, it will be a manifestation of respect for your partners if you have business cards on their native language... When traveling abroad, it is advisable to have business cards in the language of the host country.

As for titles, psychologists note: a business card, neatly dotted with high-profile titles, most often indicates the owner's unquenched personal ambitions, an unhealthy mania of superiority (which is the flip side of an inferiority complex). Therefore, keep in mind: after reading on the business card of a certain expert "Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Humanitarian Knowledge, Honorary Vice President of the Polar Society for Existential Analysis ..." - do not rush to seek the services of such a specialist. Probably, the consultation of a psychoanalyst himself will not hurt. It is characteristic that truly weighty figures are sometimes limited to indicating only their name on the card. Indeed, what additional information does a name like Bill Gates need? But even if you have not yet grown to such a high status, still try not to overload the card with excessive information, which does not indicate anything other than personal conceit. Moreover, nowadays it is obvious to anyone: for one real academician, president or laureate there are a dozen pretentious impostors, and it is they who are especially noisy in proclaiming their usurped regalia.

Ways to print business cards

Avoid the temptation to buy a home-made, homebrew business card out of savings, unless you are a designer, artist, or advertising graphics professional. Having at your disposal modern office equipment, you really have a real opportunity to independently make a small circulation of business cards, for example, by printing them on an inkjet or laser printer. At the same time, the cost of design and production of a print run in the print shop seems to you saved and it is pleasant. Don't make that mistake. Dilettantism in the design of a business card is usually visible immediately. By launching such a business card into circulation, you can ruin yourself and your business.

Print business cards on a printer or copier- the cheapest way, but the quality leaves much to be desired. The production of cards using hot stamping technology costs, as a rule, a pretty penny. But on appearance such business cards turn out to be perhaps the most unusual. The most popular way of making business cards all over the world is offset printing.

One of the latest technological advances is CD business cards (a compact disk in the form of a plastic card) and non-tearing ones (you shouldn't be surprised if they soon appear in water that don't sink and don't burn in the fire).

Digital printing of business cards. Digital printing is the fastest printing method and is inexpensive for low-volume orders (up to about 1000 business cards).

Before printing an order, you can see the future business card by printing a trial version, which cannot be done with the offset printing method, since prepress preparation is needed, which takes a lot of time and requires considerable costs. By printing a trial version digitally, you can make changes immediately before starting to fulfill your order.

Despite a number of advantages, technical capabilities digital printing have limitations on quality, range of toners, set of printed materials, print speed (high-volume production). Ink does not always lay flat on the paper, and not all paper grades are suitable for digital printing.

Offset printing of business cards... Offset printing technology allows to produce large print runs (from 1000 business cards) for short time... Moreover, the higher the circulation, the more profitable the printing becomes.

A distinctive feature of offset printing in comparison with all other types - high quality reproduction of the original: clarity, brightness and speed (for large runs). Printing is carried out not only with the primary colors, but it is also possible to use additional colors and varnish.

Typically, paper, cardboard, vinyl, and plastic are used as a printing base.

Offset printing requires prepress processing (color separation, color proofing, creation of forms, printing of forms, preparation of the press, color balancing), which makes it more expensive to print small runs and the impossibility of fulfilling urgent orders (for example, in an hour).

Silk-screen printing. Silk-screen printing is a system of technologies that allows you to apply paint or paste of significant thickness to a variety of substrates of any material and any size.

Silkscreen advantages:

· Simplicity of the process;

· Equipment available at a low price;

The ability to print on materials different types;

· Significant thickness of applied paint and specific silk-screen brightness of paints;

· Durability of the sealed materials;

· Savings when printing small and medium runs;

Special solutions that are impossible with other printing methods and, at the same cost, best coverage;

· Brightness and stability of the sealed materials.

A feature of silk-screen printing is the ability to obtain a thicker ink layer than with other printing methods, therefore it is used for such printing, which must be resistant to external influences.

Foiling. Foiling is the process of sintering the toner of a laser printer or copier with a metallized foil under the influence of high temperature.

Foiling allows you to decorate your business cards by adding color (especially metallic) to them. The foil used in this process differs in its properties from the foil used for embossing. The advantages of foiling are the simplicity of the process and the ability to simultaneously apply several colors.

Disadvantage: work only with sheet material(smooth) that can (in thickness) pass into the printing device (toner application) and foil areas (different colors) should not overlap.

There are several types of foil:

· Metallic colors: - gold, silver, blue, red, green.

· Shiny: - black, transparent.

· Hologram: - gold, silver (small drawing).

Embossing. The embossing technology is based on the application of images by pressing a metal or polymer cliche on the material. Types of embossing: hot stamping - application of depressed images (embossing with a "bare" cliche - "blint" or foil embossing is possible), relief embossing - application of convex images.

The basis for the application of images can be products made of any materials susceptible to pressure and temperature.

Hot stamping is done with foil in standard colors. Obtaining complex colors is impossible.

Wear resistance of the applied images in the absence of exposure to aggressive chemical environments, destructive mechanical effects and temperatures above 60 ° C:

· "Lifelong" when applied to products made of paper and cardboard;

· 12 months when applied to products made of plastics, imitation leather and natural leather.

Thermal rise. Thermal rise is used in printing to give volume to texts or logos. At the same time, text or other design elements are printed in one color.

Thermal rise in full color printing is done in such a way that the processed ink should be the last one in the process of being applied to the paper. For example, if you want to give a light relief to the waves when printing a seascape, thermal powder is added to the blue ink. The powder used for the thermal rise of full-color printing must be colorless, otherwise the color rendering may be impaired.

Interesting effects can be achieved by mixing different types of thermal powder. For example, mixing blue process paint and colorless and silver powders gives the impression a metallic effect. It is possible to use a seal with varnish followed by a thermal rise with colored powders. This technique is undesirable for texts typed in small size or in a font with thin strokes. Thermal lifting techniques are applicable to both glossy and matte surfaces.

Types of business cards

Business cards of various types and purposes are used. Let's name the most common ones.

Business Standard Card... It contains the last name, first name, patronymic, place of work, position, office telephone, telefax (telex).

The card contains the necessary details for the continuation of contacts. Used in case of an accomplished acquaintance. There are some standards for placing text on a business card. So, the name of the managerial employee of the company is printed in the center of the card, the position is printed in smaller print under the name. The name and address of the company are typed in the lower left corner. Phone number, telefax - in the lower right.

On the business card of an employee who does not leadership position, in the center is printed the name and address of the company, in the lower left corner his name, patronymic, surname. Bottom right - phone numbers, telefax.

The scope of application of this type of cards is exclusively for service. In secular life, they should never be used.

A number of comments should be taken into account. When writing a position, you must specify the scope of authority. For example, not just a “vice-rector”, but a “vice-rector for academic affairs”, not just a “head of a department,” but a “head of a transport department,” etc.

If the business card is printed in a foreign language, the surname and first name are written in full, and the middle name is indicated by one capital letter or not specified at all. In foreign languages, the concept of "patronymic" is absent and it can be perceived as a middle name.

The home phone number is not stamped on a standard business card. This information is confidential. It can be handwritten if necessary.

Persons of creative professions who do not have a public office can and may need to indicate their home phone number on their business card.

Executive card... This card indicates the surname, name, patronymic, full name of the company, position, but do not put down the coordinates - neither the address nor the telephone. The card is used for special and representative purposes. It facilitates concrete communication. But its delivery does not mechanically mean the owner's intention to continue contacts with the interlocutor.

A tactful communication partner should correctly assess the situation and choose the appropriate line of behavior.

Company, enterprise, organization, department card indicating the address, telephone, telefax (telex). It is used for representative purposes, including at presentations, exhibitions, fairs, when presenting gifts, souvenirs, congratulations on behalf of the company.

On the business cards of officials, especially diplomats, only the name, patronymic, surname and position are affixed. Diplomats use cards that only show one position, such as "Ambassador". In the third version, only the first name, patronymic, last name, and sometimes a profession are written on a business card intended for personal use. They are handed over exclusively on informal occasions, sent to ladies.

Personal business card the card may contain your first and last name. A patronymic or initials are sometimes indicated here, depending on the image, age, national and cultural traditions. On a personal business card, you can also give additional information that you want to communicate about yourself (for example, your pager number). They are usually printed in a smaller font in the lower right corner. The personal card may also contain information about your rank or academic degree(professor, doctor, major general, candidate of technical sciences, etc.) - this information is indicated under the name. Do not be surprised if on the personal card of your foreign friend you find not his home address, but the address of his club (it happens that both the club address is indicated in the lower left corner, and the home address in the lower right corner). Women usually do not include any additional details on their personal business card.

It is also very useful for business people to have cards for non-official situations, friendly, social contacts, when mentioning a position, emphasizing an official status may not be understood or accepted. Profession, honorary, academic titles can be put on such cards.

Matrimonial cards- also a variant of unofficial business cards. Spouses can each have their own card, on which they do not put the coordinates, with the exception, perhaps, of the city where they live, or their country, if they are in this moment are abroad. Sometimes the husband and wife use a joint, joint matrimonial card. On such a card, their names (the wife's name is written first), patronymics and surname, as well as their home address and telephone number. These cards usually serve practical rather than representational purposes, unlike personal business cards. "Matrimonial" cards are applied to wedding and other gifts that are presented on behalf of the husband and wife, and are left during joint unofficial visits.

Business card delivery rules

Business cards are most often given in person. The principle of priority is applied in etiquette. When meeting, the first person to give his card is the one whose rank, official position is lower, the person is less known. If the social status of the interlocutors is equal, the youngest in age is the first to offer a business card. If both the position and the age are the same, i.e. Since the so-called symmetrical communication takes place, a more polite, more active or more interested person can show greater efficiency.

At a business meeting with foreign partners, the owners are the first to present business cards. At negotiations after the procedure for exchanging business cards, in order to correctly pronounce and not confuse names, it is advisable to place the cards on the table in front of you in the order in which the partners sit.

It is not customary to personally present a business card expressing gratitude or other feelings.

A visitor to a firm, institution can present his business card to the secretary for a report about himself, especially in the case of an unannounced visit. The card can open the door to the office of a busy official for a visitor. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy in his novel "Anna Karenina" very vividly describes a scene with a visiting card when a major St. Petersburg official Karenin visits a law firm incognito.

“The reception room of the famous Petersburg lawyer,” writes Tolstoy, “was full when Alexey Alexandrovich entered it ... One of the assistants, without getting up ... angrily turned to Alexey Alexandrovich.

- What do you want?

“I’m dealing with a lawyer.

“The lawyer is busy,” the assistant said sternly, pointing with a quill at the waits.

- Can't he find the time?

- He has no free time. He's always busy. Please wait.

“So don’t take the trouble to submit my card,” Alexey Alexandrovich said with dignity.

The assistant took the card and ... went through the door.

“They'll be out now,” said the assistant, and indeed, two minutes later, the figure of a lawyer appeared in the doorway.

- Please, - said the lawyer, referring to Alexey Alexandrovich. And letting Karenin pass by him, he closed the door.

- Do you know my last name?

"I know you and your useful work, like any Russian," said the lawyer. "

When presenting cards, it is customary to exchange light bows. The business card is supposed to be handed to the partner so that he can immediately read the text. Your last name, especially if it is difficult to pronounce, must be said aloud. In the USA, Europe, there are no special regulations. Representatives of the Middle Eastern countries should be sure to hand over the card. right hand... In Asian countries, in particular in Japan - with both hands.

The recipient of the business card must read it. The partner's surname, in order to be sure of its correct pronunciation, should be pronounced aloud.

Having received a business card, you should not make any notes on it in the presence of the person giving it, and you should not twirl the business card in your hands, wrinkle it. During a conversation accompanying an acquaintance, it is better not to remove the card right away, but to keep it in front of you on the table or in your hands. This, in particular, will help you not to forget and not to confuse the name of a new acquaintance - it is always in front of you. But forgetting a card on the table or, barely moving away from a new acquaintance, throwing it away is a flagrant sign of disrespect.

During negotiations, you should put business cards in front of you, according to the seating of the partners. If you need to inscribe any clarification on the business card, then it is better to ask the owner of the card to do it himself.

If a business card is attached to a gift, it is placed in the gift box. An envelope with a business card is sealed only if the message is of a purely personal nature.

If a business card is put into a bouquet of flowers sent on an official occasion, for a holiday, then on the card, just above the typed name, you need to make a short note. If flowers are sent on the occasion of a funeral, no postscript is required. The card in the envelope is attached to the paper in which the flowers are packed.

In some cases, a business card serves as a recommendation. For example, if a business person does not have time to write a letter of recommendation, he can simply pass his business card to its destination by writing the last name of the person he recommends on it.

In order to invite someone to an informal reception, write their first and last name at the top of the business card, and below indicate the name of the reception (for example: "breakfast"), location, date and time.

If your business card does not have enough space for this information, you can write the text of the invitation on the postcard and send, pinning the business card to it, to the invitee.

When you change the address, you should send the old business card to the business partner along with the new one, which has the new details.

The new phone number can, as a last resort, be entered by hand. But it is considered indecent to write a new position by hand. When you change your position, you urgently need to print new business cards.

Business cards, which are sent by mail or with a messenger, are put into a special envelope, on which the name, surname and position of the addressee are written by hand in ink, on a typewriter, on a computer.

One envelope can contain business cards for several persons. In this case, in the upper left corner of each card, the surname of the person to whom it is addressed is written in pencil or pen. Business cards from different persons can be sent in one envelope to the name of one person.

Business cards sent in an envelope do not fold. If the folded card is delivered by a courier, chauffeur or sent by mail, then this is considered a gross violation of etiquette.

Business cards must be answered with a business card within 24 hours after receiving them.

Women should never leave their business card in the home of an unmarried man.

After being introduced to a woman, a man must send her his business card and a card for her spouse as soon as possible, no later than a week later, even if he has not been presented to the spouse.

When holding large events such as symposia, conferences, etc. their organizers order large business cards - badges, indicating the name, surname, academic rank, position, organization, educational institution or research center. Badges are pinned on the left side of the chest. They are only worn in the building where the event is taking place.

In a number of manuals for business people, you can find a recommendation to use any opportunity to offer your business card. For example, the American Sandra Holland in her essay "How to squeeze the best out of a business card" advises even to leave your business cards in crowded places, pin them to message boards, etc. It is clear that this kind of advice can be useful to small traders (for whom the essay was probably written) interested in maximizing the clientele. A respectable business person, on the other hand, should hardly fan out his business cards like advertising leaflets - it would rather damage his reputation. But in the atmosphere of tense business days, when every now and then there are interesting promising contacts, cards simply need to be with you and actively use them. After all, if in response to the proposed card you cannot get your own, this is tantamount to the same as if the question: "Who are you?" - the answer would be: "Nobody."

Markups and inscriptions on business cards

It is customary to fold business cards that are left in the office or at home (in the residence) by their owners in the absence of the addressee in accordance with local tradition. In Russia, it is customary in such cases to fold (and then straighten) the upper right corner of the card or its right side over the entire width. The surname of the person to whom the card is left is not written on it.

In a similar situation in Russia late XIX For centuries, “practical and convenient business cards have been used, with initial letters on the four corners of various occasions that might be a reason for visiting. For example, "P" means congratulations, "O" - departure and, therefore, a farewell visit, "W" - a desire to inquire about the state of health, "B" - return from a long absence, - and in the absence of the owners of the house, they bend the corner where there is a letter indicating the purpose of the visit. " (Sat Rules of social life and etiquette. Good tone. SPb., 1889).

Nowadays, in the upper or lower left corner of a business card, notes can be made, established in the international protocol for abbreviations, conventionally indicating the reason for which the cards are sent. These abbreviations are the first letters of the corresponding French words. Since they are used in diplomatic, business and secular practice, it is necessary to know the meaning of these abbreviations.

P . F . (pour feter) - to congratulate you on the holiday. It is customary to congratulate on the occasion of the New Year, Christmas, and a national holiday. For congratulations on the occasion of the New Year to P.F lettering... added N.A - P.F.N. A . (pour feter le Nouvel An). If partners were the first to send New Year greetings, then they should be thanked and, in turn, congratulated - P . R . F . N . A... (pourremercieretpourfeterleNouvelAn).

P . R . (pour remercier) - to thank. This inscription is made as a token of gratitude for congratulations or expressions of condolences, for gifts and any other small services, sent within 24 hours as a return business card.

P . F . C . (pour fairе connaissance) - to express satisfaction with acquaintance.

P . C... (pour condole`ances) - to express condolences. A business card with this mark should be sent in the event of the death of a business partner.

P . P . P . (pour prendre part) - to express condolences and willingly to help.

P . P . (pour presenter) - for presentation. In this case, the business card of the person who wishes to be introduced is sent for submission by correspondence together with the business card of a person well known to the person to whom they are introduced, or an official. On this second business card, the letters are affixed r.r ... No notes are made on the business card of the person represented;

P . P . C . (pour prendre conge`) - to say goodbye. A business card with these abbreviations is sent in connection with a long vacation or final departure from the country. This is done when a farewell visit is not paid.

Business cards with letters p.r. , p.p.c. remain unanswered. In response to business cards with abbreviations p.p.c. , p.c. , p.f. send their business card with letters p.r., that is, thank. On a business card with abbreviations p.p. the answer is given to the address of the person represented by a business card without a signature. This means that the submission has been accepted and that personal contacts can be established in the future.

Business cards, which are used by a wider range of people in their contacts, often write short messages without the named abbreviations, in the native or foreign language. The text is always written in the third person and is not signed. For example:

"Petr Petrovich Petrov (this is already printed on the card) sincerely thanks for the congratulations on the occasion of his jubilee."

But when you write to a close friend, good acquaintance, you can cross out the name printed on the card, write a few words in the first person, and subscribe.

Why do you need collected business cards?

It is advisable to organize all received business cards, taking into account the field of activity of their owners, by organization, alphabetically. Convenient for storing cards are special business card holders or business cards. If the manager has a secretary, this work can be entrusted to him.

The analysis of business cards - it should be said that in many firms abroad such work is carried out constantly - can provide additional information about the status of its owner, the organization he represents. The address shows the territorial location - the city center, outskirts, new promising areas, etc. It is no coincidence that some businessmen, whose offices are located in low-prestige areas, rent and buy postal addresses. You can find out if the person who handed the business card is a representative of a company that has its own building, i.e. a reputable firm, whether it rents a floor in an elite office building or has a small office space tucked away among residential buildings. The same is with telephones. The more telephone numbers, the number with the secretary, the PBX number, etc., the larger and more serious the company seems to be.

Business cards collected over a number of years of vigorous activity of a firm, a business person, can compose a valuable dossier, become the basis for a card index of existing or potential partners, clients, various "useful" people and organizations. Business cards can lie motionless in your current archive, but if necessary, they can be in demand as an information unit, as a tool to restore familiarity. A professional secretary needs to understand the role and meaning of business cards, distinguish between their types and functionality, and procedures for their use. Understand the "encrypted" symbols of the inscriptions on the cards, all cases when an answer should be given to sent business cards and, as expected, no later than 24 hours after receiving it.

In the reception, the secretary should always have a supply of company and manager's representative cards. It is desirable that the company considers it necessary to order a special business card for the secretary, in whose organizational and representative work it will be very useful.

What a business card shouldn't be

What are the most striking disadvantages of a business card?

1. The business card has a custom size

She is knocked out of the common pile of the entire collection of business cards. It is too long, and therefore the protruding edge is folded and stained. It's too short and keeps falling out of the stack of business cards. It does not fit into a business card holder.

2. The business card has jagged edges.

a. blunt scissors;

b. dull razor;

c. curved ruler;

3. The business card is made on thin paper.

The object in question is called a "business card" because it looks like a card. "Paper" and "card" are, after all, different things.

4. The business card is printed on multi-colored paper.

As a standard, the business card is made on pure white paper of any discreet texture. This business card looks like an insert from BubbleGum.

5. The business card is poorly printed.

Apparently the business card was created and replicated at home. No one would even have guessed if it were not for:

a. illiteracy in working with the printer;

b. lack of ink for the printer;

c. old or damaged printer;

d. poor quality paper;

6. A business card is like a cheat sheet.

The text is too small or too large, information is chaotically scattered, the logo is also inaccurately "thrown" and has too large (small) size, the business card has a thin black border (crop line), proportions are violated, all the colors of the rainbow are involved, complete tastelessness.

The business card did not have and does not have a vector analogue, and therefore the text, logo and most of the graphic elements are blurred.

7. The business card is not made in the corporate style.

The business card uses a non-corporate font, non-corporate colors, or corporate identity in general.

8. The business card is full.

a. The person who took the business card did not find a contact phone number and / or email address, etc. on it, and therefore added it.

b. The owner's phone number was changed, but this was not reflected on the business card. The old business cards are not over yet.

c. It is not entirely clear from the business card who and what its owner is doing and what his company is doing. What is not clear is added.

d. The business card does not at all look like a business card, which is why it was used for other purposes.

e. The owner created the business card himself, using a pencil, ruler, scissors and a pen.

9. The business card has a circulation of 10.

When printing business cards, all the latest technological advances were used: embossing on plastic, silk-screen printing, spraying, built-in microchips, gold inclusions, lamination, etc. There was not enough money for a larger circulation.

If at least one of the points is comparable to your business card, then this is very bad. I advise you to order new ones, and discard the old ones, after cutting them into small pieces.

Business cards in life

Here are two real cases in which a business card helped its owner a lot.

In 1987, traveler and discoverer, Frenchman Luca Rignon was in a plane crash. The flight on the single-engine Sesna ended very sadly - the plane began to lose altitude, Rignon jumped out of it at a height of about ten meters, broke his leg and injured left hand... Africa. 1987 year. - “I realized that I could not walk, I could not even make a fire, every movement hurts, but what is most unpleasant I had absolutely no weapons, maps, water and food ... I was quietly losing confidence that I would see loved ones me people again. " However, the next day Rignon was picked up, however, he was not at all happy about this. The tribe that found him was small enough - only a few men, a few women and three children. That did not stop them from time to time attacking other settlements and ... there are enemies. Luka fell into the hands of the cannibals. Realizing that he himself could not move, they decided to eat him the next day. “I didn’t know what they were talking about ... Actually, they didn’t understand what I was saying either. We communicated using gestures and drawings on the ground. But there was no doubt that they were going to eat me. They groped me. They licked their lips, and the children ... Children slapped themselves on the stomach. At that moment I was incredibly scared. " Rignon tried to negotiate with the gourmets, but neither clothes, nor shoes, nor watches aroused their interest. Absolutely by chance, he found several of his own business cards in his pocket and offered them just like that. “I didn’t hope it would give anything. I just invited them to look at my business card ... I always carried them with me, in small towns the attitude towards foreigners is distrustful, and business cards show who I am ... The attitude immediately changes. Small officials in these towns are often very helpful ... but here! There are no officials here. These people had no complaints against me - after all, I was just food! " However, Luke's business card was adorned with a small coat of arms of the Travelers Academy. A few hours later, already in the dark, he was carefully carried to some village, where he was left to lie near the last house. Then, screaming, the men disappeared. - "I did not understand anything ... Something told me that I had a chance." The screams were followed by local residents, who immediately drove Rignon to a larger settlement, where there was a telephone that called a helicopter. A month later, the hospitalized Luka could walk on crutches on his own. - "Thank God that I had these business cards with me ... And of course it is very fortunate that they had the coat of arms of the Academy ...". Unfortunately, we never know what made the impression. But Rignon is alive. He plans to travel to Russia next year. “Of course, I don’t part with my business cards,” Luka laughs.

In 1998, in Russia, business cards were not in high demand. They were used by people who earned more than they could spend - sorry for the exaggeration. Alexander M. then, in 1998, a 5th year student often thought about the future. The question of further work or study was important for him. Where to begin? Nevertheless, obeying a sudden impulse, he orders himself a circulation of unpretentious, one-sided business cards. When he goes to work in a tiny shop that sells computers and components, he first of all hands out a business card to the owner of the shop. That one doesn’t have a business card, he hasn’t ordered it yet. There is a pause, which Sasha's future boss fills in with the questions "how, for how much, where can I make business cards for myself?", To which Alexander answers. Of course, he was hired to work. Collecting computers for private orders, Sasha gives each client a business card, on one side of the coordinates, on the other - the buyer writes down information about further actions, upgrades, etc. It turns out such an ingenious advertisement. No complaints, but very convenient. In 1999, he was already a manager in a larger computer store, but his business card invariably accompanies every purchase, upgrade with his participation. By 2000, an additional line appeared on Sasha's business card - a 10% discount for the bearer. It was no longer just a business card, but a real discount card. In 2001, Sasha owns two stores and a point on the Savyolovsky radio market, which, you see, is a lot. Now, in 2003, Alexander M. is one of the owners of a network of computer stores in Moscow, as well as a co-owner of two Internet cafes. His business card can be seen in the Museum of Business Cards on the Web.

Examples of business cards

Consider some real business cards with different design and appointment.

1) Good example standard business card. Nothing superfluous, all the details are distributed in accordance with the classic requirements. In the first place is the company logo. It is on the top line, the largest printed, and has a single color spot. Such a business card will emphasize the seriousness and reliability of the owner, but will not attract attention to itself. This is what a classic business card should look like.

2) This business card can hardly be called standard. Bright Orange color attention-grabbing inscription. It has a rhythm, a composition, an idea. However, the owner of the card is lost - compared to the huge C and the ring, the data about the person written in small print is lost. It does not indicate either the title of the owner or the name of his company. As a result, the business card looks good, but does not focus on the owner. It can be used as a personal one, but not as a business one.

3) And this is the business card of a typical advertising agent. There are many drawbacks - from manual corrections to low quality in general (most likely this is a homemade business card). However, it can serve its purpose well. There is the praise of the company, and the catchiness, and necessary minimum information. Actually, nothing can be learned about the owner from this business card, except for the name. This is more of a mini advertisement than a business card.

4) Both business cards are the result of my work in the specified design club. And this is little more than just a business card. The business cards in this case are themselves an example of the activities of the club's designers, they have a creative element. At one glance at such cards, it should be clear to whom they belong and what is the main advantage of their owner (this is why two styles were developed with different ideological content). They attract attention and are well remembered. But these are not business cards. A manager or director of a company with such a business card will not inspire trust and respect. Even for an ordinary advertising agent, such cards will look too flashy. But just as a business person looks ridiculous with a bright multi-colored business card (even the best from the point of view design solution), also a designer club with a standard or poorly designed business card will not be highly appreciated.

What exactly should be indicated there? The following data must be printed on the business card: the surname and initials of the person, the name of the company, the position of the representative, the postal address and the phone number so that it is possible to contact him. Standard size the card is 90 * 50 mm. Then it will easily fit into a business card holder.

Business the business card must be written in legible letters that anyone can read right away. Beautiful cursive fonts are awesome. But in order to understand them, sometimes it takes a lot of effort. If you are a business person, then bright business cards with pictures are useless for you. Pictures, quotes and the like are more inherent in business cards of people of creative professions. For example, no one will be surprised by the illustrations on the artist's business card.

remember, that upper left corner of the business card - a place to place the company logo... Therefore, it is undesirable to occupy it with other information. In rare cases, you can see a photograph of the owner of the company there. It is quite clear that the language in which the business card is printed depends on the country where the owner lives. However, if you have a trip abroad, then you definitely need to make business cards in the language of the country where you are going. Some company representatives print them on English language, as most of the world's population knows it. It is also permissible to make bilingual business cards, where the same information in a foreign language will be printed on the back. But nevertheless, it is better to order several types of them in the printing house.

A business card should only contain important information. Although modern typography provides many color options for business cards, patterns and drawings. But you shouldn't deviate from the rules of the business world. It is not recommended to use leather, plastic or metal as a material for the manufacture. The company representative must have a black and white business card printed on quality paper with a density of at least 300 g / m2. You shouldn't make the surface glossy, because you can't write anything on it.

How to hand over a business card correctly?

In the business world, there are some rules for handing business cards. The right to be the first to give your business card is given to a person with a lower rank or position. If the representatives have an equal position, then the age of the partners is important. The younger man gives his business card first. Moreover, the card should be handed while standing, but not sitting. You need to give a business card in such a way that the partner can see the information written there. You do not need to twirl and crumple it in the presence of the person who handed you the business card. Otherwise it will be considered disrespectful.

It will be considered very rude if you do not recognize your partner, who has already given you a business card. When you change your number, you are allowed to enter it on your card instead of the old one. But if your position has changed, then it is worth ordering new business cards.
The author of the article: Korolenya Ekaterina Yurievna

Business cards sometimes say a lot more than what is written on them. Especially the business cards of people who are changing our world.


Business card without HR specialist phone

A business card for Warren Buffett's assistant, one of the most famous and influential reporters in the world. This business card very quickly puts everything in its place, each in its place in the hierarchy. She clearly knows her place and the places of other people. On the business card, instead of a telephone, it says “You will not call me. I’ll call you ”and between the lines you can read“ Maybe I’ll call you. If you're lucky "

Google co-founder

Here is Larry's first business card as a co-founder of Google Corporation. 1998 business card printed.

Steve Jobs as Vice President

Here's an even older rarity: Steve Jobs' business card (as Apple VP!) 1979 business card.

Gates' colorful business card

Yes, initially Microsoft was very micro and not at all that blue. This is Bill Gates of Microsoft Corporation. Of course, it looks more like a business card of a solarium, but still this is it. The one whose name I prefer not to mention aloud. :)))

Co-founder of Yahoo!

Yahoo! co-founder's business card Jerry Yang. I don't know anything about him, except that it is a direct competitor to Google. Pretty funny business card.

Billionaire Trump

Donald Trump. Famous owner of skyscrapers, author of books, host of a show, ladies' man and just a very tough guy. The logo is embossed in gold and each business card has his personal signature. As confirmation of the truth.

Eric Schmidt's error business card

Even bigwigs like Eric Schmidt have typos on business cards. Chariman instead of Chairman (chairman of the board of directors) on business cards of Eric Schmidt from Google amused many in due time. The most interesting thing is when typos are hidden in the phone number. Sometimes this is not revealed very soon.

Steve Wozniak

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak's business card. metal business card. holes are made in the metal with a laser.

Senator Obama

Visiting Barack Obama as Senator from Illinois. Now, of course, everyone remembers who he is and what position he holds even without business cards.

They say that business card- an integral part of business communication. When I didn’t have a business card yet, one of my large customers asked me to provide it. Obviously, the employees from the KamAZ directorate were not satisfied with the hastily recorded contacts on a piece of paper. They wanted everything to be formal and solid. Even in spite of the fact that at that time I was still a yesterday's student and I didn’t have any business cards yet. Since then I have had my own branded business card and now I know how important it is.

Turned out what to do business card uncomplicated and inexpensive. Today, any private mini-printing house will quickly and efficiently print several thousand business cards for you and even help you with registration for symbolic money. By the way, the larger the circulation, the more profitable the printing of each business card. For example, with a circulation of 100 business cards, it can cost you 100-200 rubles. With a circulation of 1000 business cards, the cost can drop 3-4 times.

Man business card

Person's business card should carry all the necessary data so that you can be found. So, there must be a surname, name and patronymic, phone number, e-mail, website (if any). Also good tone indicate on the person's business card his position - if he is a specialist of some firm. A business owner and any professional in his field always keeps business cards with him, just in case.

My first business card was made in my name. Under my name it was written: website development and software... Briefly and clearly.

The text itself was printed in black and white, and the business card was very austere. I drew the layout on a small piece of paper and in the typography it took me just 5 minutes to draw it in Corel Draw.

Business card of the company

Later, I began to use branded business cards to promote my site. This time I printed a color physics card with the logo of my site. I printed 2,000 copies three years ago and they still haven't run out.

By the way, you can choose a business card template on - design for individual entrepreneurs and medium-sized businesses quickly and efficiently.

Business card exchange

When you exchanging business cards- then you show your interest in cooperation, as well as establish new business relationships. Even if you are an electrician or a professional driver, make a business card and leave one to your customers. So you will start collecting regular customers for your services.

The advantages of business cards over a regular piece of paper are self-explanatory. A piece of paper can get lost. But a business card in your partner's purse is a very reliable groundwork for the future. You are less likely to be forgotten. Your contacts will always be visible and at hand. Business card Is what you need for. True famous Russian businessman says that just one business card is not enough to attract attention. Give your business cards to those people who are really interested in your services. This is marketing.

Requirements for business cards

In my experience, one side of a business card should be clean for markup. The second side of the visa can be framed arbitrarily. Don't overdo it with creativity. I advise you to print your business cards on heavy matte paper. The text should be well readable and large enough. A colored business card makes a better impression than a black and white one. I advise you to refrain from exotic things like metal business cards. By the way, the size of a business card should be the standard 50 by 90 millimeters.