Repairs Design Furniture

Rules of control and accounting for the electrochemical protection of underground communications from corrosion. Russian Open Joint-Stock Company Energy and Electrification "UES of Russia" Standard of the organization RAO "UES of Russia staff must be trained by methods

7 Requirements for maintenance and repair of ECH installations during operation
7.1 Maintenance and repair of ECH installations during operation are carried out for their content in the state of complete performance, prevention of premature wear and failures and are carried out in accordance with the maintenance schedule and planning and preventive repair.

7.2 Schedule of maintenance and planned-warning repairs should include the definition of species and volumes of maintenance and repair work, the timing of their implementation, instructions on the organization of accounting and reporting on the work performed

7.3 On each protective installation, you must have a control log in which the results of the inspection and measurements are entered, the Appendix J.

7.4 Maintenance and Planning and Warning Repairs are held:

  • maintenance - 2 times a month for cathode, 4 times a month - for drainage installations and 1 time in 3 months - for electroplating installations (in the absence of telemechanical controls). In the presence of means of telemechanic control, the timing of technical inspections is established by the management of the OETS, taking into account data on the reliability of telemechanic devices;

  • maintenance with performance test - 1 time in 6 months;

  • current repair - 1 time per year;

  • overhaul -1 every 5 years
7.5 Maintenance includes:

  • inspection of all elements of the installation in order to identify external defects, checking the density of contacts, serviceability, the lack of mechanical damage to individual elements, the absence of subgars and traces of overheating, the absence of excavations on the track of drainage cables and the anode grounds;

  • checking the health of the fuses (if available);

  • cleaning the body of the drainage and cathode converter, the joint protection unit outside and inside;

  • measurement of current and voltage at the output of the converter or between galvanic anodes (treads) and pipes;

  • measurement of the pipeline potential at the installation point;

  • production of entries in the installation log on the results of completed work;

  • elimination of defects and malfunctions identified during the inspection process that do not require additional organizational and technical events.
7.6 Technical maintenance with testing performance includes:

  • all work on technical inspection;

  • measurements of potentials in constantly fixed reference points.

  • 7.7 Current Repair includes:

  • all technical inspection work with performance testing;

  • measurement of insulation resistance of feed cables;

  • one or two of the following works: repair of power lines (up to 20% of the length), repair of the rectifier block, repair of the control unit, repair of the measuring unit, repairing the installation of the installation and attachment sites, repairing the drainage cable (up to 20% of the length), repair of the contact device The contour of the anode grounding, the repair of the outline of the anode grounding (in the amount of less than 20%).
7.8 Overhaul includes:

  • all work on technical inspection with the effectiveness of ECH effectiveness;

  • more than two works from the list of repairs listed in paragraph 7.7 of this standard, or repair in the amount of more than 20% - length of the power line, drainage cable, the outline of the anode ground.
7.9 Unplanned repairs - the type of repair, caused by the refusal in the operation of the equipment and not provided for by the annual repairs plan. At the same time, the refusal of the equipment should be recorded by an emergency act, which indicates the causes of the accident and to be eliminated by defects.

7.10 In order to promptly perform unscheduled repairs and reduce breaks in the work of ECH in organizations operating the ECH devices, there should be a reserve fund of converters for cathode and drainage protection at the rate of - 1 backup transducer on 10 valid.

8 Requirements for the methods of controlling the effectiveness of the ECH installations during operation.
8.1 Control of the effectiveness of ECH pipelines of thermal networks are no less often than 2 times a year (with an interval of at least 4 months), as well as when changing the parameters of the ECH installations and when changing corrosion conditions associated with:

  • laying new underground structures;

  • due to repair work on thermal networks;

  • installing ECH on adjacent underground communications.
Note. Control of the effectiveness of EHA funds at the location of the AZ and the protector both in the channels and beyond them, it is produced only when the channels reach the surface of the heat insulating structure.

8.2 When checking the parameters of the electrodynate protection, the drainage current is measured, there are no current in the drainage chain when the polarity of the pipeline is changed relative to the rails, the threshold of the drainage is determined (if there is a relay in the drainage chain or control circuit), as well as resistance to the electrical circuit.

8.3 When checking the parameters of the cathode station, the cathode protection current is measured, the voltage at the output terminals of the cathode station and the potential of the pipeline on the contact device.

8.4 When checking the settings for installing electroplating protection (when the protector is located in channels or cameras) measure:

  1. current strength in chains between protector sections and pipelines;

  2. the magnitude of the displacement of the potential difference between the pipeline and the measuring electrodes before and after connecting the sections of the protector to the pipelines.
8.5 Control of the effectiveness of ECH funds on pipelines of thermal networks

babe-free and channel gaskets with the placement of AZ outside the channel are carried out by the potential difference between the pipeline and MES installed in a stationary or nonstationary pile (in the latter case using portable MES).

8.6 The scheme of the portable MES is shown in Figure 4 of Appendix A ST-117-2007 "Pipelines of heat networks. Corrosion protection. Creating conditions. The norms and requirements, the scheme and technical characteristics of MES type Enes and ESN-MS, installed in stationary instrumentation, are shown in the POST-117-2007 "pipelines of thermal networks. Corrosion protection. Creating conditions. Norms and requirements. "

8.7 Stationary piles should be installed in the sections of heat networks, where the minimum and maximum permissible values \u200b\u200bof protective potentials are expected, in places intersection of thermal networks with rails of electrified transport

8.8 In the absence of stationary boiled, portable MES is installed on the surface of the earth between pipelines (in terms of), at the bottom of the thermal chamber (if there is water in it). Before installing the electrodes, the soil must be loosened to a depth of 4-5 cm and solid inclusions of more than 3 mm should be removed from it. If the soil is dry, it should be moistened to the total water saturation of tap water. For measurements, devices of type EV 2234, 43313.1, PKI-02 are used.

8.9 Duration of measurements in the absence of wandering currents should be at least 10 minutes with continuous registration or with manual recording of results every 10 seconds. With the presence of wandering currents, the tram with a frequency of 15-20 pairs per hour of measurement should be carried out during the watches of the morning or evening peak load of electrical transport.

In the zone of the influence of the wandering currents of electrified railways, the measurement period should cover the starting moments and the time of passing the electric trains in both sides between the two nearest stations.

8.10 The values \u200b\u200bof the potential difference between pipelines and MES in the protection area can be in the range of minus 1.1 to minus 3.5 V.

8.11 The average value of the potential difference U CP (B) is calculated by the formula:

U CP \u003d U I / N, (8.1)

where u i is the sum of the values \u200b\u200bof the potential difference; N is the total number of counts.

Measurement results are entered into the protocol (application and this standard), and also fix on thermal network circuits.

8.12 When the inefficient operation of the cathode or drainage installations is detected (the zones of their action are reduced, the potentials differ from permissible protective) It is necessary to regulate the mode of operation of the ECM installations.

8.13 The abstraction of the AZ current to spread in all cases where the operating mode of the cathode station changes dramatically, but at least 1 time per year. The resistance to the spreading current AZ is determined as a private from dividing the voltage at the output of the cathode installation at its output current or at the location of AZ outside the channel using M-416, F-416, F 4103-M1 devices and steel electrodes according to the scheme shown in Fig. 1. Measurements should be performed in the most dry season. Drainage wire (6) for measurement time should be disabled. With the length of the LAA, the feed electrode (5) is referred to a distance in  3LAs, auxiliary electrode (4) - at a distance A  2LA.

1 - anodic grounds; 2 - instrumentation; 3 - measuring instrument; 4 - auxiliary electrode; 5 - feed electrode; 6 - drainage wire.

Figure 1 - Measuring resistance to anodic grounding

At the arrangement of Az in the channels, the resistance to spreading the current AZ is determined by flooding or changing the channel to the level of the insulating structure of the pipes. If there is a few shoulders of AZ, their resistance to spreading current is determined separately.

8.14 Control of the effectiveness of ECH funds on pipelines of heat networks of the channel gasket at the arrangement of AZ and electroplating anodes (protector) directly in the channels, is carried out by the value of the potential difference between the pipeline and installed on its surface (or thermal insulation) WE in the direction of negative values \u200b\u200bwithin from 0.3 to 0.8 V.

In ECH, with the help of protectors from the magnesium alloy, the displacement of the potential difference between the VE and the pipeline should be at least 0.2 V.

8.15 Before the start of measuring operations in a given ECH zone, the levels of flooding of a channel and chambers are determined if there is a visually or instrumental method. In the latter case, the level of flooding is determined by the reaches of the IE installation items on the supply and return pipelines - at the level of the lower forming heat insulating structure.

8.16 Checking the presence of water at the installation level of the WE is made in such a sequence:

Disconnect the cathode protection stations (the protectors are not turned off when applying them);

The megaometer is connected to the conductor from the pipeline on the piping at the piping and WE;

When the jumper is removed on the piping between the pipeline and VE measure the electrical resistance R.

The value of R  10.0 kΩ indicates the presence of water in the channel (camera) at the installation level of the IE or above it.

Similar measurements are produced in other paragraphs where VEs are installed.

8.17 Measuring the potential of pipelines with respect to the VE in areas where the channel flooding at the installation level of the VE or above it (after the technical inspection of ECH installations) is made in such a sequence:

When the SCZ is turned off, connect the voltmeter to the checkpoint terminals: the positive clamp of the voltmeter is to the terminal "T" (pipeline), negative to the terminal of the rolling electrode. For measurements, a voltmeter with an input resistance is not lower than 200 kΩ per 1.0 to the instrument scale (type 43313.1 multimeter, eV 2234 type voltammermeter). The toggle switch or jumper must be open.

No less than 30 minutes after disconnecting the SCZ to fix the initial value of the potential difference between the pipeline and VE (IX), taking into account the polarity (sign).

Turn on the SCZ by setting the mode of its operation at minimum values \u200b\u200bof current and voltage.

An increase in current force in the chain of the SCZ to establish its value when the potential difference is reached between the pipeline and VE: and 'T-VE. In the range of minus 600 to minus 900 mV (no earlier than 10 minutes after setting the value of the current for the current).

Calculate both T-VE. Taking into account  and Ex.

And T-VE. \u003d I T-VE. - I isch. , mV.

Example of calculation number 1 .

I isch. \u003d -120 mV, and 'T-VE. \u003d -800 mV.

And T-VE. \u003d -800 - (-120) \u003d -680 mV.

Example of calculation number 2 .

I isch. \u003d +120 mV, and 'T-VE. \u003d -800 MV.

And T-VE. -800 - (120) \u003d -920 mV.

8.18 If the obtained values \u200b\u200band T-VE. At the instrument of protection area zones (in the sections of flooding or driving, the soil) are not within the value of minus 300 -800 mV, the current of the transducer current is adjusted.

Note. An increase in the current strength of the converter should be carried out taking into account the maximum allowable voltage value at the output of the converter equal to 12.0 V.

8.19 At the end of the measuring papers, if the VE is made of carbon steel, produce a closure of VE with a pipeline. If VE is made of stainless steel, WE with pipeline does not closure.

8.20 In case of faults of VE (damage to the conductors, mounting to the VEU pipeline), the available points are installed at the surface of the heat-insulating structure of the portable VE, with which the measuring work outlined above is produced.

8.21 When the sections of pipelines that are not susceptible to flooding and not contact with the ground, the specified area (shoulder) should be turned off from the ECH system from the ECH system until the channel is detected. After disconnecting the specified area, additional adjustment of the operation of the SCZ is required. It is advisable to convert the SCZ, applying the device to automatically turn on or disconnect the SCs (or individual sections of pipelines), depending on the level of channel flooding in these areas.

8.22 Monitoring the effectiveness of ECH using electroplating anodes (protector) from magnesium alloys placed at the bottom or channel walls is carried out after the work specified in paragraphs 8.15-8.16 of this Standard.

8.23 When fixing the flooding of the channel on the installation section of the WE, the action of the protector protection measurement is checked:

Current forces in the link chain (group) "Protectors - Pipeline";

The potential of the tread or a group of protector disconnected from the pipeline relative to the copper-grinding electrode of the comparison installed at the bottom of the channel (if possible) or above the channel in the installation zone of the controlled group of protector;

Potential of the pipeline with respect to WE with a disabled and included group of prototors. Data is entered into the Protocol given in Appendix to this Standard.

Measurements of these parameters are produced only if there is a possibility of disconnecting the group of protector from pipelines and connecting measuring instruments.

The presence of a current in the chain "Protectors - Pipeline" indicates the integrity of the specified chain;

The potentials of the protector disconnected from the pipeline, the values \u200b\u200bof which (by absolute value) are not lower than 1.2 V, characterize the protectors, as good (the potentials of the protector are measured only in the presence of electrolytic contact of the testers with electrolyte - water at the bottom of the channel);

The potential difference between the pipeline and the VE with the on and off of the protector group is incorporated at least 0.2 V, characterizes the efficiency of the test protection of pipelines.

8.24 Direct assessment of the risk of corrosion and effectiveness of the EKHZ pipelines of thermal networks of the channel gasket and on the sections of their laying in cases can be made using corrosion indicators of the BPI-1 or BPI-2 type. The essence of the method of direct assessment of the risk of corrosion and the effectiveness of ECH, data processing methods during the survey of the surface of the BPPI-1, when the BPPI-2 is triggered in section 11 ST-117-2007 "Thermal network pipelines. Corrosion protection. Creating conditions. Norms and requirements "

8.25 The serviceability of the EIS is tested at least 1 time per year. For this purpose, special certified quality indicators of electrically insulating compounds are used. In the absence of such indicators, the voltage drops on the electrically insulating connection or synchronously the potentials of the pipe on both sides of the electrically insulating compound are measured. Measurements are carried out with two millivoltmeters. With a good electrically insulating connection, the synchronous measurement shows the potential jump. The results of the inspection are drawn up by the protocol according to the application of L of this Standard.

8.26 If there was six or more failures in the operation of the converter during the year on the current installation of the ECH, the latter is subject to replacement. To determine the possibility of further use of the converter, it is necessary to test it in the amount provided for by the requirements of the preset control.

8.27 In the case of the entire time of operation of the ECH installation, the total number of failures in its operation will exceed 12, it is necessary to examine the technical condition of pipelines along the entire length of the protective zone.

8.28 Total If the duration of interruptions in the operation of the ECH installations should not exceed 14 days during the year.

8.29 In cases where the protective potential of the pipeline is provided in the action of the installation of the ECH, the protective potential of the pipeline is provided by adjacent ECH installations (overlapping protection zones), then the malfunctional period is determined by the operational organization's manual.

8.30 Organizations operating ECH installations should annually compile a report on refusals in their work.
9 Requirements for the organization of control and maintenance of protective coatings during operation

9.1 In the process of operation of protective coatings of pipelines of thermal networks, periodic monitoring of their state is carried out.

9.2 Control and maintenance is mandatory, protective coatings of thermal networks of heat networks located at affordable areas are subject to:

Overhead pad pipelines;

Pipelines in thermal chambers;

Pipelines in passing channels and manifolds;

Pipelines in viewing wells.

9.3 Monitoring the condition of protective coating of pipelines of thermal networks located in non-projective, semi-pass channels as well as pipelines of thermal networks of the infantal gasket is carried out during control openings of thermal networks. Maintenance and repair of coatings on these areas of pipelines are carried out in emergency repairs

9.4 Methods for checking quality indicators and eliminated detected defects for protective coatings in the field are shown in section 9 ST-117-2007 "Thermal network pipelines. Corrosion protection. Creating conditions. Norms and requirements. "

9.5 Choosing a protective coating for repairs is determined by the assignment * of heat pipelines (main thermal networks, quarterly (distribution) thermal networks ) and types of work carried out, which are aimed at ensuring the operational reliability of thermal networks, Table 1.

9.6 The quality of protective anti-corrosion coatings applied in the process of performing repair work is checked with the preparation of acts of hidden work and with the introduction of quality control results in the production of anti-corrosion work according to Annex M of this Standard

Types of protective coatings

Table 1

Purpose of thermal networks and the type of recommended coatings

Types of work carried out on thermal networks

Main thermal networks

Central heating networks

Hot water networks

Anticorrosion protection of newly constructed thermal networks

Paint and varnish

Silicate email **

Metalization **

Aluminocheramic **

Paint and varnish

Paint and varnish

Cyilicate empty **

Anticorrosive protection during the reconstruction and overhaul of thermal networks

Paint and varnish

Silicate email **

Metalization **

Aluminocheramic **

Paint and varnish

Paint and varnish

Cyilicate empty **

Anticorrosion protection at current repair and liquidation of thermal network damage

Paint and varnish

Paint and varnish

Paint and varnish


* As part of this standard, the following separation of heat networks is applied depending on their purpose:

main thermal networks serving major residential areas and groups of industrial enterprises - from heat source to CTP or ITP;

quarter (distribution) thermal networks(Hot water supply systems and central heating systems) serving a group of buildings or an industrial enterprise - from CTP or ITP before joining individual buildings.

** When using these coatings, the subsequent anti-corrosion protection of welded joints and elements of pipelines of thermal networks with paint and varnishes.

10 Safety requirements when working with protective anti-corrosion

coatings and during the operation of electrochemical protection devices
10.1 The performance of work on the protection of pipelines of the heat network from external corrosion using protective anti-corrosion coatings should strictly follow the requirements of the security provided in the technical conditions for anti-corrosion materials and protective anti-corrosion coatings, GOST 12.3.005-75, GOST 12.3.016-87, and Also in existing regulatory documents.

10.2C. Only persons trained in safe work techniques that have passed on to the pipes trained in safe work techniques that have passed on to the tubes of protective anti-corrosion coatings can be allowed.

10.3 The worker staff should be aware of the degree of toxicity of applicable substances, methods of protection against their impact and measures for first aid for poisoning.

10.4 With the use and testing of protective anti-corrosion coatings containing toxic materials (toluene, solvent, ethyl cellosolve, etc.), the rules for safety and industrial sanitation, sanitary and hygiene requirements for industrial equipment in accordance with the current regulatory documents should be respected

10.5 Conducting harmful substances in the air of the working area when applying protective anti-corrosion coatings on pipes should not exceed the MPC, according to GOST 12.1.005-88:

toluene - 50 mg / m 3, solvent - 100 mg / m 3, aluminum - 2 mg / m 3, aluminum oxide - 6 mg / m 3, ethyl cellosolv - 10 mg / m 3, xylene - 50 mg / m 3, gasoline - 100 mg / m 3, acetone - 200 mg / m 3, White spirit - 300 mg / m 3,

10.6All operations associated with the application of protective anti-corrosion coatings containing toxic substances should be carried out in the shops equipped with supply and exhaust and local ventilation in accordance with GOST 12.3.005-75.

10.7The works with protective anti-corrosion coatings containing toxic substances should be used individual means of protection against toxic substances to the skin, on the mucous membranes, in the respiratory and digestion organs according to GOST 12.4.10-89 and GOST 12.4.103-83.

10.8 In the production of installation, repair, repair, installation of ECH installations and electrical measurements, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of GOST 9.602, the rules of production and acceptance of work, sanitary and hygienic requirements.

10.9 The main inspection of the ECH installations must be disconnected by the supply network voltage and the drainage circuit is open.

10.10 During the entire period of operation of the experimental station of cathode protection, included for the test period (2-3 hours), the index of the anode earthing should be on duty, not allowing unauthorized persons to the anode earthing, and warning signs must be established in accordance with GOST 12.4. 026 -76.

10.11 Include electrochemical protection of pipelines of thermal networks with the location of the anodic gaps directly in the channels, the DC voltage at the output of the cathode protection station (transducer, rectifier) \u200b\u200bshould not exceed 12 V.

10.12 On the areas of pipelines of heat networks to which the cathode protection station is connected, and the anode earthingers are installed directly in the channels, placles with the inscription "Attention!" Were installed under the covers of heat chambers. Catodic protection operates in the channels. "

  1. Requirements for the production of production and consumption waste generated when protecting pipelines of thermal networks from external corrosion

11.1 The production of production and consumption, resulting in the protection of pipelines of thermal networks from external corrosion at the stage of acceptance and operation, should be considered:

Materials used in the production of anticorrosive coatings and lost their consumer properties (paints, solvents, hardeners);

Wires of non-ferrous metals used in the production of electrochemical protection devices and losing their consumer properties.

11.2 The procedure for treating waste generated by protecting pipelines of thermal networks from external corrosion is determined in accordance with the section "Requirements for the production of production and consumption waste at the construction and operation stages" ST-118A-02-2007 "Heat Systems. Delivery conditions. Norms and requirements. "

For more than 15 years, I develop cathode protection stations. Requirements for stations are clearly formalized. There are certain parameters to be provided. And the knowledge of the theory of protection against corrosion is not necessarily. Much more important than knowledge of electronics, programming, principles of designing electronics.

Having created this site, I did not doubt that someday the cathode protection section will appear there. In it, I'm going to write about what I know well about cathode protection stations. But somehow the hand does not rise about the stations, without told, at least short, about the theory of electrochemical protection. I will try to tell about such a complex concept as simple as possible, for non-professionals.

In fact, it is a source of secondary power supply, a specialized power supply. Those. The station connects to the supply network (usually ~ 220 V) and produces electric current with specified parameters.

Here is an example of a scheme of the electrochemical protection system of an underground gas pipeline using the East-1000 cathodic protection station.

The cathode protection station is installed on the ground surface, close to the gas pipeline. Because The station is operated in the open air, it must have the execution of IP34 and above. This example uses a modern station, with a controller GSM telemetry and a potential stabilization function.

In principle, there are very different. They can be transformer or inverter. There may be sources of current, voltage, have different modes of stabilization, various functionality.

Stations of past years are huge transformers with thyristor regulators. Modern stations are inverter converters with microprocessor control and GSM telemechanic.

The output power of cathode protection devices is usually located in the range of 1 - 3 kW, but can reach 10 kW. Special article is dedicated to cathode protection stations and their parameters.

The load for the cathode protection device is the electrical chain: the anode ground - the soil is insulation of the metal object. Therefore, the requirements for the output energy parameters of the stations, first of all, determine:

  • anodic ground state (anode-soil resistance);
  • soil (soil resistance);
  • the state of isolation of the corrosion protection object (object isolation resistance).

All station parameters are determined when creating a project of cathode protection:

  • the parameters of the pipeline are calculated;
  • the value of the protective potential is determined;
  • the power of the protective current is calculated;
  • the length of the protective zone is determined;
  • 0 Rubric :. You can add to bookmarks.

6.8.1. Maintenance and repair of electrochemical protection of underground gas pipelines from corrosion, control over the effectiveness of ECH and the development of measures to prevent corrosion damage to gas pipelines are carried out by personnel of specialized structural units of operational organizations or specialized organizations.

6.8.2. The frequency of performance of maintenance, repair and verification of ECH effectiveness is set to PB 12-529. It is allowed to combine the measurements of potentials when checking the effectiveness of ECH with planned measurements of electrical potentials on gas pipelines in the ECH fund area.

6.8.3. Maintenance and repair of insulating flanges and ECH installations are manufactured by charts approved in the prescribed manner by the technical guidance of organizations - owners of electrical installations. When operating the ECH funds, their failures in the work and time of downtime are recorded.

6.8.4. Maintenance of cathode installations ECH includes:

Check the status of the contour of the protective ground (re-ground zero wire) and feeding lines. The external inspection is checked by the reliability of the visible contact of the grounding conductor with the electrical power supply housing, the absence of a breakage of the supply wires on the airline support and the reliability of the contact of the zero wire with the electrical installation housing;

Inspection of the state of all elements of cathodic protection equipment in order to establish the health of the fuses, the reliability of contacts, the lack of traces of overheating and subagrels;

Cleaning equipment and contact devices from dust, dirt, snow, checking the availability and compliance of the binding signs, the state of the carpet and wells of contact devices;

Voltage measurement, current values \u200b\u200bat the output of the converter, potential on the protected gas pipeline at the connection point when the electrochemical protection is turned off. In case of inconsistency of the electrical installation parameters, the commissioning data should be adjusted to its operation mode;

Making appropriate entries in the operational journal.

6.8.5. Maintenance of tread installations includes:

Measurement of the potential of the tread relative to the Earth with the disconnected protector;

Measuring the potential of the "gas pipeline" with the on-and-off protector;

The value of the current in the chain "Protector is a protected structure."

6.8.6. Maintenance of insulating flange compounds includes work on cleaning flanges from dust and dirt, measuring the potential difference "gas pipeline" before and after the flange, the voltage drop on the flange. In the zone of the influence of the wandering currents, the measurement of the potential difference "gas pipeline" before and after the flange should be made synchronously.

6.8.7. The state of adjustable and unregulated jumpers check the difference in the potential difference "Food-Earth" in the jumper connectivity (or in the nearest measurement points on underground structures), as well as measuring the value and direction of the current (on adjustable and detachable jumpers).

6.8.8. When checking the efficiency of electrochemical protection installations, except for the work performed during the technical inspection, the potentials are measured on the protected gas pipeline at the reference points (at the boundaries of the protection zone) and at points located on the highway of the gas pipeline, every 200 m in settlements and every 500 m in rectilinear areas of inter-settlement gas pipelines.

6.8.9. The current repair of ECH includes:

All types of technical inspection work with testing performance;

Measurement of insulation resistance of current-carrying parts;

Repair rectifier and other schema elements;

Elimination of cliffs of drainage lines.

6.8.10. The overhaul of the ECH installations includes works related to the replacement of the anode earthing, drainage and feed lines.

After major repairs, the main equipment of electrochemical protection is checked in operation under load over the time specified by the manufacturer, but not less than 24 hours.

8.1 Metal structures MN (linear part, technological intracable pipelines, tanks, power cables, communication cables) are subject to corrosion protection under the influence of natural and technological environments and from the action of wandering currents.

8.2 The protection of metal structures from corrosion and wandering currents includes:

Protective coatings (paints and varnish materials, petrochetum coatings, polymer films and materials);

Devices for the creation of cathode polarization on underground metal structures with related elements (anodic grounds, connecting wires and cables, connecting jumpers between parallel passing pipelines, measuring speakers, comparison electrodes, joint protection blocks);

Drainage stations (SDZ), cable lines connecting to a source of wandering currents.

8.3 To ensure the effective and reliable operation of electrochemical protection funds in the composition of the main oil pipelines, the ECH production service is organized.

8.4 The structure, composition, equipment of the ECH service is determined by the Regulations approved by the head of the PN.

8.5 The ECH service organizes its work in accordance with the CPR schedule, the requirements of GOST R 51164, GOST 9.602, PEEP and safety regulations during the operation of consumer electrical installations and provisions for the ECH service and these Rules.

8.6 A qualifying group of service personnel must comply with the requirements of safety regulations during the operation of consumer electrical installations.

8.7 The frequency of verification of the work of ECH funds:

Twice a year at the installations provided by remote control and on the settings of the protective protection;

Twice a month at installations not secured by remote control;

Four times a month at the installations in the areas of wandering currents and non-remote control.

8.8. When checking the operation of the ECH installations, measure and fix the following indicators:

Voltage and current at the output of the SCs, potential at the drainage point;

The total time of operation of the SCZ under load and consumption of active energy over the past period;

Medium-hour drainage current and protective potential at the drainage point during the minimum and maximum load of the source of the wandering currents;

Potential and current at the drainage point of protector installations.

These indicators are recorded in the operation of the ECH means.

8.9 Measuring the protective potentials on MN at all instrumentation items is carried out twice a year. At the same time, extraordinary measurements are carried out in the sections where the change occurred:

Schemes and modes of operation of ECM;

Modes of operation of wandering currents;

The laying schemes of underground metal structures (laying new, dismantling older).

8.10 Electrochemical protection should provide for the entire period of operation continuous in time cathode polarization of the pipeline throughout the entire minimum (minus 0.85 V) and not more than the maximum (minus 3.5 c) protective potentials (Appendix E).

8.11 Designing of new or reconstruction of ECH means on MNs should be carried out taking into account the conditions of gasket (operation) of the pipeline, the data on the corrosion activity of the soils, the required service life of the construction, technical and economic calculations, the requirements of ND.

8.12 Acceptance of completed construction (repairs) ECH funds should be carried out according to the requirements specified in Section 2 of this Regulation.

8.13 Terms of the inclusion of electrochemical protection funds from the time of laying the subterranean pipelines in the ground must be minimal and not exceeding one month (during repairs and regulatory work no more than 15 days).

Drainage protection should be included in the work simultaneously with the laying of the pipeline section into the ground, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe wandering currents.

8.14 The protection of metal structures MN from the action of aggressive components of commercial oil and fit water, the protection against internal corrosion is carried out by the ECH service of JSC MN.

8.15 Control over the safety on the ECH fund highway should organize and maintain the service of operation of the linear part of the MN.

8.16 On the current oil pipelines, the opening of the pipeline, the welding of cathode, drainage conclusions and the instrumentation should be carried out by the service of the oil pipeline.

8.17 When repairing the oil replacement of isolation, restoring nodes of connection of ECH (kip, jumpers, SCZ, SDP) to the pipeline should be carried out by the organization, maintenance of insulation repair, in the presence of a representative of the ECH service.

8.18 Conclusion On the need to increase (repair) ECH funds to the full replacement (repair) of the pipeline isolation on the basis of electrometric measurements, visual inspection of the state of the pipeline and isolation in the most dangerous places is issued by the ECM service (representatives of research organizations are attracted if necessary).

8.19 After laying and backing up the construction or repair of sections of the pipeline MN, the ECH service should determine the healing coating.

When detectors are detected damage to defects in the coating - plots with defects must be opened, insulation is repaired.

8.20 To monitor the condition of the protective coating and the operation of the ECHA, each main pipeline must be equipped with instrumentation:

At each kilometer of the pipeline;

Not less than 500 m when the pipeline passes in the area of \u200b\u200bthe validity of the wandering currents or the presence of soils with high corrosion activity;

At a distance of 3 diameters of the pipeline from the drainage points of the ECH installations and from electrical jumpers;

In water and transport transitions on both sides of the transition boundary;

At the valves;

In intersections with other metal underground facilities;

In the zone of cultural and irrigated lands (aryks, channels, artificial formations).

With a multi-infinite system of pipelines, theft must be installed on each pipeline on one diameter.

8.21 The electrodes should be installed on the newly constructed and reconstructed MN to control the level of polarization potential and to determine the corrosion speed without protection.

8.22 A comprehensive examination of the MN to determine the state of anti-corrosion protection should be carried out at the high corrosion-hazard sites at least once every 5 years, and at the rest of the sections - at least once every 10 years in accordance with regulatory documents.

8.23 With a comprehensive examination of anticorrosive protection of pipelines, the condition of the insulating coating must be determined (insulation resistance, the location of its continuity, the change in its physicomechanical properties during operation), the degree of electrochemical protection (the presence of protective potential on the entire surface of the pipeline) and the corrosive state (by The results of electrometry, shurfovka).

8.24 For all MNs on corrosion-hazardous areas of pipelines and in areas with minimum values \u200b\u200bof protective potentials, additional measurements of protective potentials should be carried out using an external comparison electrode, including using the disconnection method, continuously or with a step of no more than 10 m at least one In 3 times, during the maximum humidification of the soil, as well as in cases of changes in the mode of operation of cathode protection installations and changes related to the development of the electrochemical protection system, sources of wandering currents and network of underground pipelines in order to assess the degree of cathode security and the insulation state of the pipeline .

8.25 Anticorrosive examination should be carried out by ECH production laboratories with OJSC or by the forces of specialized organizations that have licenses of the Gosgortkhnadzor to carry out these works.

8.26 All the damage to the protective coating discovered during the survey should be accurately tied to the pipeline route, taken into account in the operational documentation and eliminated in scheduled time.

8.27 Electrochemical protection of pipelines under auto and railways is performed by independent protective installations (treads). During the operation of the pipeline, control the presence of electrical contact between the casing and the pipeline should be monitored. If there is electrical contact, it needs to be eliminated.

8.28 The procedure for organizing and carrying out maintenance and repair of ECH funds is determined by the regulatory and technical documentation that makes up the documentary basis for the maintenance and repair of ECH installations.

Maintenance work and the current repair of ECH funds should be organized and carried out on operational documentation.

The overhaul of ECH funds should be organized and carried out on the repair and technical documentation.

8.29 Maintenance of ECH funds under operational conditions should be:

In the periodic technical inspection of all the structural elements of ECH means available for external observation;

In removing instrument readings and potential adjustment;

In timely regulation and eliminating small faults.

8.30 Overhaul - Repair carried out during operation for guaranteed to ensure the efficiency of ECH to the next planned repairs and consisting in eliminating a malfunction and full or close to the complete restoration of the technical resource of ECHA funds in general, with the replacement or restoration of any of its components by adjustment and adjustment. Overhaul should include work provided for by current repairs.

8.31 Network cathode stations and drainage installations should be monitantly repaired in stationary conditions, and on the track should be replaced by the failed installations. To do this, at JSC MN should have an exchange fund.

8.32 Anode and protective grounds, protector and drainage installations, as well as the LEP should be repaired by the ECH brigades in the tracks.

8.33 The results of all planned-warning repairs should be entered into the relevant journals and passports of ECH installations.

8.34 The norms of planning-preventive maintenance and repair of ECH funds are given in Appendix J.

8.35 Reserve fund of the main devices of the ECH services of JSC MN, carrying out planned activities of technical operation (including overhaul) ECH devices must be as follows:

Cathodic protection stations - 10% of the total number of SCs on the serviced area, but not less than five;

Protectors of various types for protector settings - 10% of the total amount of protectors existing on the track, but not less than 50;

Electrical installations of various types - 20% of the total amount of drainage installations on the serviced area, but not less than two;

Electrodes of various types for the anodic grounding of cathode protection stations - 10% of the total number of electrodes of the anode grounds existing on the site, but not less than 50;

Collaborative protection blocks - 10% of the total number of blocks available on the site, but at least five.

8.36 The ECH technical documentation should include:

ECH project on the trunk oil pipeline;

Measurement protocols and insulation tests;

Work plan of the ECH service;

PPR graphs and that;

Journal of operation of ECH funds;

Journal of accounting for echs failures;

Journal of orders;

Field journals OPS and SDZ;

Annual charts of measurement of potentials on pipelines;

Defective statements on ECH equipment;

Executive drawings on the anodic grounds and the schemes of their strapping;

Factory instructions for ECH means;

Regulations on the ECH service;

Official and production instructions;

Instructions on TB.

Documentation on the control of the state of ECH and the protective coating is subject to storage during the entire period of operation of the MN.

9.11. The results of the measurement results of the first stage, taking into account the measurements on adjacent communications, are analyzed and decisions are made to adjust the operational protection modes.

9.12. If you need to change the operation modes of the ECH measurement, they are repeated in all points located in the range of protective installations with changed modes of operation.

9.13. Adjusting the operation modes of ECH can be produced repeatedly until the desired results achieve.

9.14. Ultimately, the defensive installations must be installed minimally possible protective currents, under the protected structures in all measurement items, protective potentials are achieved at an absolute value not lower than the minimum permissible and no more maximum permissible.

9.15. Finally established modes of operation of protective installations must be coordinated with all organizations that have underground facilities in the areas of action of established installations, which they give confirmation in their conclusions (certificates).

9.16. In cases where during the device, it is not possible to achieve the required protective potentials on the protected structures of the required protective potentials in all points of measurements, the commissioning organization, together with the project and operational organizations, is developing a list of the necessary additional activities and directs it to the customer to take appropriate measures.

9.17. Prior to the implementation of additional activities, the zone of effective protection of underground structures remains reduced.

9.18. Adjusting the commissioning of the technical report on setting up ECH installations, which should include:

Full information about:

1) protected and adjacent underground structures;
2) existing sources of wandering currents;
3) criteria of corrosion hazard;
4) on constructed and previously operating (if there are such) ECH installations;
5) installed on the facilities of electric furnaces;
6) existing and newly constructed instrumentation;
7) electrically insulating compounds;

Full information about the work performed and its results;
- table with the final settings for the operation of the ECH installations;
- Table of potentials of protected structures in the established final modes of operation of the ECH installations;
- certificates (conclusions) of the owners of adjacent structures;
- conclusion on setting up ECH installations;
- Recommendations for additional measures to protect underground corrosion constructions.

10. The procedure for acceptance and commissioning of electrochemical protection installations

10.1. The ECH installations are put into operation after completion of commissioning and stability tests for 72 hours.

10.2. The ECH installation is commissioned by the Commission, which includes representatives of the following organizations: the customer; project (as needed); construction; The operational, on the balance of which will be transferred to the built ECH installation; Corrosion protection enterprises (protection services); Gosgortkhnadzor of Russia, the Russian State Energy Support Bodies of Russia (if necessary); Urban (rural) power grids.

10.3. Data of checking the readiness of objects to delivery The Customer reports to organizations that are part of the admission committee, not less than a day.

10.4. The customer presents the receiving commission: the project on the ECH device and the documents specified in the application y.

10.5. After familiarization with the executive documentation and technical report on commissioning works, the Reception Commission selectively verifies the implementation of the projected work - funds and nodes of ECH, including insulating flange compounds, measuring points, jumpers and other nodes, as well as the effectiveness of ECH installations. For this, the electrical parameters of the installations and the pipeline potentials are measured in areas where the minimum and maximum protective potential is recorded in accordance with the project, and the absence of positive potentials is provided during protection from the wandering currents.
ECH installations that do not correspond to project parameters should not be acceptable.

10.6. The ECH installation is put into operation only after signing the commission of acceptance Act.
If necessary, an acceptance of ECH can be carried out into temporary operation on the pipeline not completed construction.
After the end of the construction of ECH is subject to re-acceptance into continuous operation.

10.7. In case of accepting ECH on pipelines of thermal chain-free gaskets that have lacquered in the soils of more than 6 months, it is necessary to check their technical condition and if there are damage to establish the timing of their elimination.

10.8. Each accepted ECH installation assigns the sequence number and is given a special installation passport, which enters all acceptance test data (see Appendix F).

11. Operation of ECH installations

11.1. Operating control of ECH installations includes a periodic technical inspection, checking the effectiveness of their work.
On each protective installation, it is necessary to have a control log in which the results of inspection and measurements are entered (see Appendix X).

11.2. The maintenance of ECH installations during operation should be carried out in accordance with the schedule of technical inspections and planned-warning repairs. The graph of preventive inspections and planned-warning repairs should include the definition of species and volumes of technical inspections and repair work, the timing of their conduct, instructions on the organization of accounting and reporting on the work performed.
The main purpose of work on preventive inspections and planned-warning repairs is the content of ECH installations protection in a state of complete performance, preventing their premature wear and failures.

11.3. Technical inspection includes:

Inspection of all elements of the installation in order to identify external defects, checking the density of contacts, serviceability, the lack of mechanical damage to individual elements, the absence of subgars and traces of overheating, the absence of excavations on the track of drainage cables and the anode grounds;
- verification of fuses (if any);
- cleaning the body of the drainage and cathode converter, the joint protection unit outside and inside;
- measurement of current and voltage at the output of the converter or between galvanic anodes (treads) and pipes;
- measurement of the pipeline potential at the installation point of the installation;
- Production of entry in the installation log on the results of the work performed.

11.4. A technical inspection with testing performance includes:

All work on technical inspection;
- Measurements of potentials in constantly fixed reference points.

11.5. Current repair includes:

All technical inspection work with performance testing;
- measurement of insulation resistance of feed cables;