Repairs Design Furniture

Design of wallpapers in a small kitchen. We are determined with wallpaper design for small cuisine: photo of the best examples of wall design. What wallpaper is better suitable for small cuisine

When choosing wallpaper for small kitchen, it is worth emphasizing attention to some highlights. First, pay attention to such qualities as durability, resistance to elevated temperature and humidity, as well as simplicity in care.

However, the appearance is very important for small premises. Otherwise, if it is incorrect to choose a finish for the walls, the kitchen will seem visually less. At the same time, do not forget that the background of furniture are walls that are beneficial to emphasize.

How to choose a wallpaper for a small kitchen

To make the right choice, it is necessary to decide on the view, color scheme, the style of the wall cover, and also take into account the budget size allocated for repairs. Style and color are chosen taking into account the style of the apartment, the colors of kitchen furniture, general illumination, the location of the kitchen (orientation on the sides of the light), as well as their own preferences.

But the most important parameter with which you have to be considered in the event that the kitchen is small in size - this is the area and the height of the room allotted for it. There are many types of wall coatings on the market, so it's often quite difficult to choose a wallpaper for a small kitchen. Consider various options from the point of view of their applicability in the kitchen premises.

  • Paper. Paper wallpaper is the most fiscal option. Presented in various colors, which facilitates the choice. In addition, these are the most environmentally safe wallpapers available. There are two minuses: they are short-lived, and besides, they can not be washed in the event that they contaminate that in the kitchen there is quite often.
  • Fliseline. They have a textured base, withstand wet cleaning, more durable than paper. Minus - the top layer is rather soft, it is easy to damage, especially this is relevant in families where there are small children and pets.
  • Vinyl. Washing wallpapers for small cuisine are made of vinyl. They have high density and durability, contaminants are easily removed from them. Vinyl wallpapers are of different species, you can not use only one in the kitchen - foamed vinyl. Cons - this material does not "breathe", besides, he is quite expensive.

Important! Wallpaper combination will save. For example, take the paper part of the walls near the dining group, and where pollution is especially probably in the cooking area - use vinyl.

Wallpaper Design for Little Kitchen

There are standard design techniques that allow even a small room with low ceilings to make more spacious, as well as correct some shortcomings of the planning. Use the color and appropriate pattern so that your kitchen looks stylish, modern and seemed more.

Important! Light warm shades are considered the most suitable for the kitchen, they stimulate appetite. Avoid purple tones, as well as dark brown. Use black wallpaper color for small kitchens is not recommended.

Wallpaper Ideas for Little Kitchen

The salary of all walls is no longer relevant for the same wallpaper. As a rule, designers advise to combine different tones and invoices to achieve interesting interior effects, not forgetting that small rooms require compliance with certain design rules. Here are some examples of using wallpapers in small kitchens.

  • Combine colors. Take as the main tone of a light peach or creamy shades of white. Part of the walls are becoming brighter with a strawberry and herbaceous tones. You can combine the bright beige as the main with turquoise-azure and solar yellow as accent colors.
  • We put accents. On a shared pastel background, one of the walls can be allocated with bright wallpaper. If the kitchen is very small - allocate not the wall completely, but part of the wall, for example, near the dining table.
  • We add a highlight. Modern wallpapers for small cuisine, as a rule, have blonde tones and may look boring. To revive the room, do not forget about the color accents - it can be borders, stripes of wallpaper of contrasting color, as well as wallpapers with a textured surface.

Important! Do not combine in small rooms more than two colors. For example, the main one can be white, optional - the color of the tree. The third color can be used as an emphasis, in this case the red will look great.

In the design of wallpaper for small cuisine, more than two different patterns or textures should not be combined. For example, a strict ornament looks good in conjunction with its separate elements scattered along the background. The style of drawing and ornament must match, for example, it can be geometric elements, or individual flowers scattered along the background, in combination with a curb of a solid tape bouquets.

Combination of furniture wallpapers

In order to choose the right wallpaper for a small kitchen, visually increasing space, it is necessary to take into account the mass of factors, including the size, color and style of furniture, which will be located on their background. In the event that the furniture has a finished shape and bright color, wallpaper should be practically imperceptible.

If furniture is used simple forms and light neutral tones, wallpaper can be brighter. Well combined furniture and wallpaper of one color, but different textures. For example, white glossy facades of cabinets are especially winning in a small kitchen against the background of the wallpaper for the old plaster. The frosted white surfaces of the furniture look harmoniously against the background of smooth wallpaper with a pattern.

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Repair in a small kitchen is not the easiest task. You need to choose materials that visually make the room more, while maintaining the feeling of comfort. In addition, it is important to take into account that the operating conditions in the kitchen are far from the ideal - constant moisture, temperature differences, couples and condensate. In a small room, all this is felt stronger than in the spacious.

Wallpaper selection for small cuisine requires a thoughtful approach

It is especially difficult to choose the appropriate design for the walls. Many mistakenly believe that wallpaper for a small kitchen is not the best choice. However, if it is made competently, the wallpaper will become excellent material, both with aesthetic and functional side.

Right Wallpapers can visually change the room

Wallpaper material for kitchen walls

The first thing to pay attention to, choosing material for finishing kitchen finishing is its operational characteristics. The coating should be good to carry the temperature differences, humidity. If we are talking about wallpaper, it is extremely important that you can make contamination. Therefore, we recommend paying attention to: even if there are particles of food or fat drops, you can easily remove the stain with a sponge and detergent.

Wallpaper from paper is not the most reliable option for use in the kitchen. Most of these coatings do not differ in particularly resistance to mechanical or thermal damage. They can only be used as a decorative insert in kitchens with combined walls: for example, paper wallpaper over a dining table and a tile around the perimeter of the kitchen.

Choosing paper wallpapers, pay attention to their relief: most often soaking such a coating is impossible. Therefore, too complicated, the textured wallpaper is better to leave for other premises - they will quickly acquire an untidy, salted appearance.

Pay attention to labeling: Wallpapers must be resistant to heating and moisture

Therefore, give preference to smooth paper, without protrusions and textured patterns.

It is much more convenient in the kitchen to use flieslinic wallpapers. They look much more interesting than ordinary paper: externally, their texture reminds. Unusual relief, patterns, the ability to repaint at any time. In addition, they can be washed without using rigid abrasive drugs.

They cost more than paper, but much more durable - if you do not disturb the conditions of operation, they will serve you about ten years. In addition, you can regularly update repairs.

Another weighty bonus is the ability to wet the wall above the stove and sink. True, for this you need to choose paint with appropriate marks - moisture-resistant and non-flammable.

Such wallpapers can be used throughout the area

An even more reliable option is vinyl wallpaper. Durable and reliable, they are easily clean and allow the use of even abrasive tools. It makes them perfect for use even in the most polluted cuisine places - next to the stove. True, the cost of such wallpapers is quite high. However, it is quite justified: they are very durable and durable.

In addition, a wide designer row allows you to choose a wallpaper for any interior design. Monophonic, with patterns, with 3D print ...

What palette is perfect for miniature premises

The feature of the arrangement of small rooms is that it is imperative to choose the right color gamut. Otherwise, you can reduce the already tiny area.

Prefer light, natural tones

First of all, you will have to abandon dark colors: they visually reduce the area, especially in matte texture. Your choice is light, pastel colors. Or, on the contrary, bright paints - if you correctly balance them, they can become a real decoration of small kitchen.

The correct selection of color can visually make a spacious kitchen even in, so we recommend not neglecting these recommendations.

Pure is also not the good idea for a miniature room. First of all, you will be uncomfortable in it. In addition, if neither paradoxically, such a reception visually reduces the room. But you can dilute white bright accents - it will immediately create a feeling of light and space.

White walls necessarily need accents

If you want a mono color interior, give preference to a slightly more saturated tones - light beige, ivory, melocked milk.

Pastel shades come here perfectly

Black and other dark shades may also be present, but they should not dominate. For example, such tones can be used as a pattern on wallpaper or tiles - thin and unobtrusive. They emphasize the depth of a light shade and make a room more elegant.

Dark tones can be a good accent

On small kitchens should avoid excessive varnish: two, maximum three shades. Do not try to combine several self-sufficient shades at once - it is better to leave such solutions for spacious premises.

Bright colors should not be much

In general, monochrome, monotonous surfaces are much more suitable. As for the patterns and prints, they should be told separately.

Using drawings

It should be recognized that not everyone likes the monophonic surfaces. Sometimes you want to add paints, decorate the room by any pattern or print. In a small kitchen, it is more difficult to make it than big. However, if you go to business with caution, then everything is real. The main thing is to show common sense and do not try to place several painted surfaces at once in the same room.

Prints and photo wallpapers should be used carefully.

First of all, let's talk about patterns. Here you should stick to the Spirit. Large, bright and massive murals are not your option. It is better to focus on thin lines, elegant drawings. It is better to give preference to the background to the background - so the surface will receive the volume and make the kitchen visually more.

Choose elegant patterns

And remember that patterns should not be applied throughout the kitchen - it is better to use them as an accent. For example, leave three walls monochrome, and the one is on the dinner to decorate a beautiful pattern. Or you can decorate the apron in this way.

Do not overdo it

Do not be used abstraction. In a small kitchen, fruit, floral, coffee motifs are very appropriate - use everything that has to do with food. Many vinyl wallpapers are decorated with beautiful bulk prints. It can be an image of cherries, lemons, apples - any fruit. Therefore, choose those in the shower and which are harmonized with the color solving of your kitchen.

Fruits in the kitchen are always in the topic.

The main thing is not to overdo it. If you get all the walls in this way, you will not get, but the likeness of a fruit store - it is unlikely that it is precisely such an effect that you plan to achieve.

Wallpaper with the image of coffee beans or silhouettes of cups for coffee look good. In our opinion, it is better to combine them with other coatings of beige and light brown tones. So you will create a cozy atmosphere. Such a solution is ideal for, country style or café.

Floral wallpaper also deserve attention. However, remember that it is extremely important to pay attention to their quality: if the print is fuzzy, the impression will immediately deteriorate and the repair will not seem too fresh.

Bright accented wallpaper with ornament in small kitchen should be used with marginal caution. If you are moving around with their number, risk visually to increase the room. Do not glue them immediately to all the walls. Make a small colorful accent - you will achieve an original appearance and avoid the effect of overload. It is best to place such wallpapers over a dining table or opposite it.

Wall murals need to be glued to a maximum of one wall

Important: Refuse a large ornament. He will bury the room that for a small kitchen is unacceptable.

Classic wallpapers in a strip and cell will be suitable for almost any type of interior - from and to. The main thing is to choose suitable colors. However, all elements should not be too overall - a small cell, thin strips. Please note that the cell of contrasting colors will be rich - it may be too tired. Therefore, use soft, pastel shades or finish only a small part of the wall.

Geometric shapes are appropriate in any interior.

Vertical strips visually make the kitchen above, and horizontal - wider. Therefore, think well, what effect you plan to achieve.

Brickwork is not the most trivial solution for small cuisine. It is better to choose wallpaper, imitating not too big bricks of light tones. However, the classic terracotta shade looks very beautiful, if you beat it correctly - for example, stick it in combination with white walls.

Brick should use carefully

Wallpaper with 3D prints and photo wallpaper can how to give the kitchen just a stunning appearance. It is important, however, correctly pick up the drawing. For example, the view of the city or the landscape of decent quality is very expanding the kitchen.

Print must be harmonized with the interior.

But abstract prints or complex, multicomponent pictures, on the contrary, visually clutter the room. Claper such wallpapers on one wall - otherwise the effect will be distant from the conceived.

Method of combining various color solutions

Most likely, you noticed that we often offer to use any type of wallpaper only on one wall or even on it. A similar method of combining wallpaper of various colors and textures can play your hand if you want to visually enlarge the small kitchen.

It is important to harmoniously combine colors

However, there are its subtleties here:

  • In small rooms, the combination of shades close to the color segment are best - smooth transitions expand space.
  • Refuse to use more than three main colors in the interior. In a small kitchen, such a reception is unacceptable.
  • Do not allow dark shades dominance - they will reduce your kitchen.
  • Make sure that all shades belong to one thermal segment: do not interfere with cold tones with warm and vice versa.

In addition to color combination, you can experiment with combinations of various materials. However, remember that too relief wall textures are not the best choice for a small kitchen. You will be tritely tired to wipe the dust and pollution from them. In addition, the space will be visually smaller.

Ways to visually increase the space

The correct selection of wallpapers for small cuisine will help you significantly increase the space at least visually. Take advantage of our ideas or write in your comments!

The easiest way is to stick bright glossy texture wallpapers. At the expense of its reflective functions, such walls like slightly push each other.

Simple bright wallpaper make the kitchen more

Use prints with the mind - for example, a photo wallpaper with views of the city and scenery look at the free wall. However, it is extremely important that the drawing is high quality - otherwise the effect is lubricated.

Print can expand the room

You can hang on one of the walls mirror wallpapers. They are not only one of the most fashionable, but also significantly increase the room. True, there is one serious minus - most likely you will have to regularly wipe them, as any contamination is noticeable on the mirror surface.

Take advantage of wallpaper patterns: vertical lines and ornaments will raise the ceiling, and the horizontal visually expand the room. Such a reception is very good if the room seems disproportionate.

Work with patterns

Try to pick up too bright colors for patterns - so space will seem airier, and therefore the kitchen will look more than in fact.

A very unusual idea that deserves attention - wallpaper with a print ... Kitchens! High-quality drawing, visually continuing room, looks great, and the kitchen seems twice as much.

Experiment with prints

True, in order to realize such a centers, it will have to be seriously spent - it will have to make wallpapers, and the drawing must accurately correspond to the real picture. So get ready to post a small amount.

By the way, such an idea is a find for not too neat owners. If the painted half of the kitchen is ideally, then the real will have to follow carefully, otherwise the contrast will seem too striking.

What to pay attention to when buying

Whatever wallpaper you have not chosen, it is worth carefully treating the process of purchase.

It is very important to choose high-quality wallpaper
  • First of all, remember that good building materials are rarely cheap. Examine an assortment of online stores and read our article where good stamps are indicated. Do you suggest something much cheaper? Most likely, wallpapers will be twisted in the first month or color will lose saturation.
  • Do not purchase wallpaper in the markets and in dubious stores. There are not always the storage conditions, which means you risk acquiring a deprived goods.
  • Make a thorough measurement before buying and be sure to take the rolon about the reserve. How carefully you did not glue wallpaper, there is always a risk to spoil something in the process.
  • Decided to buy relief wallpapers? Carefully inspect each roll: rubbing, scratches may appear not only during operation, but also because of the factory marriage. Exciting this roll will be difficult.
  • Carefully learn the characteristics. Not every coating is suitable for operation in the kitchen conditions.

As you can see, nothing complicated in the choice of wallpapers for small kitchen is not. And it is better to decide on the choice of wallpaper for small cuisine, we suggest you to see the real photo examples.

What to choose wallpaper for small cuisine think mostly owners of houses with an old layout. But this may also be related to giving. What wallpaper is small for the kitchen will be better and what we pay attention to we will talk today.

Also, on video and photos, you can watch ready-made options that can be taken completely or taken separate items.

We choose the wallpaper correct

What wallpaper to choose for a small kitchen will depend on the height of the ceilings, lighting and room style. Create a stylish interior in a small kitchen - a task not out of the lungs, because other than the original design, you need to take into account the practicality of the situation.

Today we will talk about how to make the room compact and multifunctional, emphasizing the excellent sense of taste of the owners. The instructions will tell you about the most necessary moments that you need to pay attention. The price of the material will depend on the type of wallpaper.

So, if you prefer wallpaper to finish the walls of small cuisine, remember some important selection criteria:

Waterproof As you know, the dining room is a place of high humidity, because during cooking or cleaning, water drops can fall on the wallpaper. Finishing materials in such a room are also constantly under the influence of steam.
Comfortable structure Choose wallpapers that are easy to clean. Their structure should not absorb fat and dirt, because the walls in the kitchen are quickly dirty.
Strength material Take care of a more dense wallpaper. They are much practical than their subtle counterparts. Such wallpaper is less susceptible to damage, as well as longer retain a presentable look.
Quality If you want wallpaper to serve as longer as possible - do not save on the material. Cheap options most often turn out to be poor-quality, quickly burn out in the sun and lose their attractiveness.
Protection against fire If many electrical devices are connected in your kitchen, it will not be superfluous to protect yourself from a possible short circuit and fire. Some types of wallpapers are impregnated with a special substance that will not allow the flame to move onto the walls during fire.
Resistance to couple It should not be confused with water. Couples, it is water and temperature. The constant wet environment in the dining room is one of the reasons for the appearance of mold on the walls and the ceiling. During cooking, steam settles on the wallpaper, which provokes the development of fungus. Choose such materials that have the greatest resistance to similar factors.

We picked up the most popular wallpaper options for small cuisine, which most comply with all the above requirements in our gallery.

ATTENTION: Immediately note, stop your choice on standard paper wallpaper for finishing walls in the kitchen - not the best idea. Do not count on what such a coating will last long.

Soon, paper walls will begin to move away from the walls due to the impact of moisture, the coating will be deformed, the color will sweep or cover the spots at all, which will be very hard for laundering. This type of wallpaper is suitable only for spacious premises, where the impact of harmful factors is minimized.

ATTENTION: Gorgeous wallpapers from natural materials (bamboo, silk, velvet) - also not your option. Undoubtedly, they will give the kitchen solidity, but such wallpaper will be impressed by their appearance for a short time. This is a beautiful, but completely impractical option.

Fliselinova wallpaper

This is perhaps the most versatile choice for a small room.


  • Texture of such a coating is able to smooth out small wall defects.
  • In addition, such wallpapers are very convenient to use - they can even be punished.
  • High strength and elasticity of the material will not allow the coating to deform, they retain their original form for many years.
  • Fliselin also moves well to change temperatures, air humidity and direct solar rays.

Glass equipment

Another popular option for wall decoration is a glass fiber wallpaper.

They are not inferior to phliselinov, and also have several advantages:

  • Hygienic. The canvas is easily humid cleaning, due to its universal structure;
  • Eco-clean material eliminates the evaporation of toxins or other harmful substances;
  • Glass equipment usually buy under painting. This property allows you to update the kitchen design as often as you want.

Vinyl wallpapers

Such an unusual coating will be interested in anyone.

Their features are as follows:

  • The material simply amazes with its strength. Wallpapers from polyvinyl chloride are not wearing a very long time, even under the most adverse conditions.
  • The coating is processed by special means, which minimizes the risk of reproduction of mold in the kitchen.
  • Beautiful aesthetic properties - the design of vinyl wallpapers Pottit variety.
  • A rich selection of patterns and a large color gamut will allow visually to adjust the room. For example, glossy light coatings will make the kitchen more spacious than it really is.

Color design and patterns for small kitchen

In order to competently issue the interior of a small kitchen, you should correctly pick up the colors and pictures that walls will be finished. For example, light tones visually expand the room, and the dark - even stronger will reduce the already small room.

Take into service a few rules:

  • Basic colors, most suitable for similar interiors - all shades of yellow, white, pink, beige.

  • If you use cold shades in the design - this will visually expand the space.

  • If you would like to make a narrow kitchen wider - use the game of contrasts. Two walls, who are opposite each other, glue the opposite colors wallpaper: white and black, dark green and salad, blue and dark blue.

  • If you need to adjust the height, or the width of the room - choose wallpaper with strips of the desired orientation. Such an effect will help change the shape of a small kitchen.

  • The zoning of space is a very good reception for a small kitchen. Thus, you can separate the dining part from the working area. The main thing is to use the right combinations of shades so as not to spoil the appearance of the whole room.

ATTENTION: Do not focus on bright, poisonous shades and large drawings. Such images immediately rush into the eyes and visually close the walls, and in a small kitchen - it is for nothing. But the decorations of such a style can be used to create an accent on any design element. Thus, the atmosphere of the kitchen will seem harmonious and create comfort.

The smaller the cuisine, the smallest there should be a pattern on the wallpaper. If the color of the pattern and the main color of the wall is contrasting among themselves, then such wallpapers are well suitable for the design of the kitchen zone on which the accent is needed.

Harmonious color with each other and the patterns will look good in any zone of the kitchen - whether it is a working or dining part.

The kitchen, first of all, causes pleasant associations with homemade coolest and evening tea drinking. The small pattern will help to recreate this atmosphere. The drawing can be different: point and accurate, alternation of various geometric shapes and so on.

Patterns on the wallpaper must harmoniously fit into the interior of the dining room. Please note that modern designers do not recommend patterns in flower. Instead, it is more expedient to use abstract images.

Make sure that all elements of the interior are harmoniously combined with each other. It looks good furniture and wallpapers made in the total tone.

For example, if the kitchen sets are dark brown, then beige or coffee can be used to finish the walls. The walls seem to be original, with a decoration of which several different materials were used. For example, glass and tile (see decoration kitchen tiles for all rules).

Observing these rules, you can create a unique design on your small kitchen. However, it is important not only to choose the correct material, but also to use it competently.

Attention: the appearance of the entire premises depends on the quality of the wallpaper stickers. Of course, the experience in this question plays the last role - you should be able to handle the material.

It is also necessary to try to ideally zonate the kitchen space, distributing the colors and combinations to optimize the available place as much as possible. We will not be able to view photos of different options for making a small kitchen before you start purchasing materials.

Glue wallpaper correct

There are several options for sizing wallpapers for small kitchens, allowing you to combine space and make the setting stylish. The most popular idea for the design of the walls is the focus on a specific zone or plot. Here you can all quite do work and do it yourself, you just need to take into account the details of the selection of the coating.

You can achieve such an effect if you use the wallpaper of contrasting colors in the selected zone. Usually, these are bright wallpaper, or the coating of an unusual structure. You can also use the original pattern for this purpose.

Wallpaper on the kitchen is also quite possible to combine, it is a fairly interesting solution - the design of walls by combining several materials. Since the little kitchen needs a visual increase in the area, it will be more expedient to choose a horizontal type of pattern.

Attention: horizontal design is enough to use in any kind of kitchen zones only once - it will immediately give the necessary result. In the other parts, any type of finishing is allowed: a game of flowers, a tree or plastic, a mosaic of tiles.

If you are a fan of various fashionable new products, you will not be able to inappregnumber with imitation properties. This is one of the most sought-after materials today.

Such wallpapers have high strength, they are practical and, at the same time, are capable of becoming a real decoration of the entire interior. With this coating it is possible to create a simulation of any material: wood, stone, precious metals. In addition, it is much cheaper than natural material.

Simulation wallpapers are most often used to finish a certain kitchen zone. For example, to create an emphasis around the dining table.

3D drawings on different topics will also be appropriate in the small kitchen. Usually, these are images of appetizing fruits, coffee cups or desserts, various kinds of dishes. Such a design quickly entered the fashion due to its originality and realistic pattern.

With their help, you can simultaneously implement several ideas for interior design:

  • Visually increase the scale of the room, expand the walls or make them higher;
  • Select one of the walls by choosing a photo wallpaper of bright, saturated colors;
  • Wall murals are also used for the background coverage of the walls of a certain part of the kitchen. It can be both dining and work zone.

As you can see, choose a wallpaper on a small kitchen - this is not a reason to lower your hands. After all, even in such a room, you can embody the most courageous design ideas. You will help you in this ordinary wallpapers, selected and punctured in the right way.

What wallpaper choose to a small kitchen you decide, but we hope that this simple guide will help you in updating the situation on a small kitchen. Acting within the framework of the selected style, you can avoid typical errors in the design, and the modern design will be a long time to delight you and your guests.

Interior design in a small kitchen (no matter where it is located - in Khrushchev or a new-fashioned apartment-studio) - real art. After all, it is necessary to solve several tasks at once, as a result, the interior should turn out not only with an infant eye, but also functional, and therefore it is necessary to consider it in advance not only how to make the furniture in the kitchen as much as ergonomically, but also to take care of the hostess it was easy to clean the room.

How to decorate the walls on a small kitchen? What to give in the end preference: modern new-fashioned plaster, paint or still wallpaper? Let's just say, from the point of view of care, wallpaper is a more problematic solution. But if I want it to be cozy in the kitchen, then no new wall cover has not yet surpassed the wallpaper.

The most correct solution is to combine several types of wall coatings on a small kitchen. This creates several zones. For those who are polluted faster, choose a cleaning coating. This is usually a desktop area. But if in a small space it turns out to highlight the dining area, then the wall can be blocked by wallpaper.

Remember that the free space in a small kitchen is very small - for this reason and the headset is ordered to the ceiling height, to provide additional storage areas. But if they all came to the conclusion that the lockers do not suit you to the ceiling for some reason, then in this case, I recommend you free space from above with wallpaper. In a small apartment in the kitchen it is appropriate to use both inexpensive paper wallpapers, if the task is to make economy repair. Wallpaper, visually increasing space, can be made of a variety of materials, here is more important than the correctly selected print and color gamut than the technology on which they are manufactured.

Wallpaper Requirements for Kitchen

The spectacular design is possible on the small size of the kitchen. In fact, there are no special requirements for wallpaper - it all depends on taste and financial opportunities. It is not necessary to use expensive wallpaper - this is a myth that only detergents are suitable for the kitchen. Remember that repairs in the kitchen are not making a century. A couple of years will pass and will surely want to update. Menate furniture is far from everyone can afford, but shove wallpaper with another pattern, replace textiles - an affordable economy solution. But if, starting to repair work on a small kitchen, you are sure that the selected design will remain relevant to at least the next decade, then in this case it is worth a preference to expensive wallpaper. They also look at the walls of the kitchen will be presentable, and care for them is easier than inexpensive paper.

Choose moisture-resistant wallpaper for a small kitchen - you will definitely do not regret it. If any contamination arises, you can remove them, rub with a wet sponge with detergent.
Moisture-resistant wallpaper is a good replacement for traditional kitchen apron. But it should be borne in mind that they will serve less than if you put this zone with ceramic tiles or to use a plastic alternative - skinned.

Sustainable burning. Even if the windows of a small kitchen come to the north and light not so much falls on the wallpaper, but after all, you expect that the selected wallpapers will delight your view for several years, and during this time thin paper wallpaper will inevitably fade.

Excellent if wallpapers have fire impregnation - it is better to be restrained. Especially in the event that you plan to glue the wallpaper in the immediate vicinity of the stove.

Vinyl wallpapers: the best choice for compact cuisine

Why exactly they? We have investigated the market for modern wallpapers and concluded that it is vinyl wallpaper that combines all the necessary requirements for wallpaper in the kitchen and also have an affordable cost. Paper wallpapers, undoubtedly, more environmentally friendly, but are short-lived, they do not bear the wet environment.

The same problem among other natural, but much more expensive wallpaper - silk, bamboo, etc. They look exquisitely, but this option can be allowed only in one case - you are ready after two or three years to survive the repair epic.

Wallpaper for small cuisine in Khrushchev

The kitchen in Khrushchev is so small that it is difficult to place a dining area. The main mistake of its owners - they believe that it is not necessary to seriously think about the design of such a tiny room, because it does not turn around, so the stay in it will have to minimize. Therefore, whether it is not equal to which wallpapers for small cuisine will eventually: in the flower, the coffee cups will be risked or on them.

When choosing it is better to stop on light neutral shades. The use of this small designer trick visually adds a little space, as a result, finding in a limited small space will not affect the psyche of the exalted persons.

The geometric diverse wallpaper on wallpaper in the kitchen looks stylish, especially if several colors are combined. But again, it is necessary to show a sense of measure, too bright shades can visually reduce the space. So it is better to look at the photo, which are presented in our article - they will give an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat a small kitchen looks like when using different wallpaper.

How to visually expand the space on a small kitchen with wallpaper: Choose color

To visually small cuisine in Khrushchev looked more spacious, it is necessary to choose the right color, which will be the main thing in the interior. There are shades that help visually expand the area of \u200b\u200ba small room.

For a small kitchen, it is preferable to choose wallpapers performed in the following color scheme:

  • all shades of white;
  • yellow;
  • light coffee;
  • light gray;
  • beige;
  • pale blue;
  • pink;
  • peach;
  • salad;
  • mint.

But what color tone to choose, depends on which side of the light the kitchen windows come out. If it is for southern and at the same time in your region, a frequent guest, then designers recommend choosing cold shades. When the sun in the kitchen looks extremely rare, it is necessary to prefer the warm color gamut.
We offer to look at the photo modern ideas of compact kitchen.

From the color of the wallpaper and the print depicted on them can visually change the perception of the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. With a thoughtful selection, the room will look more spacious. If the wallpaper was chosen without taking into account the design features of a small kitchen, the already a narrow room will look even more disadvantaged. As a result, being in the kitchen, there will be discomfort.

To avoid this, we will give several practical recommendations that will help you decide on the choice of wallpapers for small cuisine.

The smaller the area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen, the more brighter it should be. It is difficult to work with dark shades, it is necessary to take into account the many nuances, and this is unable to specialists or people with artistic taste and spatial imagination. If you are not sure that you can organically enter dark wallpapers in the kitchen interior, it is better to abandon this idea.

Do not strive to make a small kitchen perfectly white. It is not too practical - on a small area, any pollution will end in the eye. But if the harmony argument did not convince you, then answer such a question - would you comfortably be in the room in which only white is present and there is no color spots?

We are not against the use of white textured wallpapers in the kitchen. But in this case, the headsets and accessories are better to choose color. The furniture should be at least a couple of tones lighter or darker than the white wallpaper selected into the kitchen.

There is another well-established rule: the smaller the size of the kitchen, the less pronounced the print on the wallpaper, which are used for the wall decor.

Large ornament is in principle that, but very dosed, completely shuffle walls with wallpaper with bulk large colors or horizontal wide bright stripes undesirable - such drawings are visually taking the room. Therefore, we recommend to make a bet on the wallpaper of neutral colors with a small pattern.

This rule does not act if instead of the usual paper or vinyl wallpaper used photographic. Here is a bright large image. But it is recommended to glue these wallpapers on the accent wall - in this case they will attract attention to themselves, it will distract guests who looked into the kitchen in Khrushchev.

Striped wallpaper on small kitchen, photo

Why in small kitchen unwanted wallpaper in a striped? Strip - a rather complicated print, it is not always appropriate. But again - the case of taste. You can see examples of design with striped wallpaper in the photo and decide for yourself whether such an option is like.

The strip is not so simple as it may seem. Horizontal strips on wallpaper will make the kitchen room visually wider, but height will suffer. Usually in Khrushchev ceilings are low, therefore it is better to refuse from this option. Wallpaper with vertical stripes the opposite effect.

If they choose them for the decoration of the walls, the room will look more narrow. Therefore, if the small kitchen is also narrow, then this option does not even make sense. Decorating one accent wall is a great way to beat stripes in the kitchen.

You can use the idea of \u200b\u200bcombined design: the upper part of the wall is covered with striped wallpaper, and the bottom is monophonic. As a delimitant, it is desirable to use a wide border.

However, for small rooms, it is no less important how they will look like - after all, the wrong selected trim for walls can make the kitchen visually even less, or even distort its proportions. In addition, you should not forget that the walls are a background, on which your furniture should look beautiful.

How to choose a wallpaper for a small kitchen

To make the right choice, it is necessary to decide on the view, color scheme, the style of the wall cover, and also take into account the budget size allocated for repairs. Style and color are chosen taking into account the style of the apartment, the colors of kitchen furniture, general illumination, the location of the kitchen (orientation on the sides of the light), as well as their own preferences.

But the most important parameter with which you have to be considered in the event that the kitchen is small in size - this is the area and the height of the room allotted for it. There are many types of wall coatings on the market, so it's often quite difficult to choose a wallpaper for a small kitchen. Consider various options from the point of view of their applicability in the kitchen premises.

  • Paper. Paper wallpaper is the most fiscal option. Presented in various colors, which facilitates the choice. In addition, these are the most environmentally safe wallpapers available. There are two minuses: they are short-lived, and besides, they can not be washed in the event that they contaminate that in the kitchen there is quite often.
  • Fliseline. They have a textured base, withstand wet cleaning, more durable than paper. Minus - the top layer is rather soft, it is easy to damage, especially this is relevant in families where there are small children and pets.
  • Vinyl. Washing wallpapers for small cuisine are made of vinyl. They have high density and durability, contaminants are easily removed from them. Vinyl wallpapers are of different species, you can not use only one in the kitchen - foamed vinyl. Cons - this material does not "breathe", besides, he is quite expensive.

Tip: Wallpaper combination will save. For example, take the paper part of the walls near the dining group, and where pollution is especially probably in the cooking area - use vinyl.

There are standard design techniques that allow even a small room with low ceilings to make more spacious, as well as correct some shortcomings of the planning. Use the color and appropriate pattern so that your kitchen looks stylish, modern and seemed more.

  • Color. The first rule - in small rooms should not be dark walls. The lighter wall is the more it seems. Modern wallpaper for small cuisine, as a rule, have light shades. Light tones as if "retreat" from the person looking at them, and the dark, on the contrary, "compete", "approach." This effect is used if they want to correct the proportions of the room, for example, in the long room "wagon" the narrow walls are covered in dark tones, and the rest are in bright.

  • Tone. Colors are divided into warm and cold. Red, yellow, orange - warm tones, blue, blue, some shades of purple - cold. Green can be considered universal, it is most favorable for human perception. Warm tones possess the ability to visually "bring up" objects, cold, on the contrary, "remove" them. Wallpaper color for small kitchens should be chosen from the cold gamut - it will help make it a little more.

  • Picture. Large drawings "crushed" the room, due to which it seems less. It is better to choose a small, almost imperceptible pattern that is not striking. The vertical lines of the drawing will allow you to "raise" the ceiling, horizontal - to expand the walls. Wall murals and wallpapers with prints (floral, vegetable) can be used in a small kitchen only on parts of walls, as decorative elements, in this case the remaining walls must be monophonic.

Tip: Light warm shades are considered the most suitable for the kitchen, they stimulate appetite. Avoid purple tones, as well as dark brown. Use black wallpaper color for small kitchens is not recommended.

The salary of all walls is no longer relevant for the same wallpaper. As a rule, designers advise to combine different tones and invoices to achieve interesting interior effects, not forgetting that small rooms require compliance with certain design rules. Here are some examples of using wallpapers in small kitchens.

  • Combine colors. Take as the main tone of a light peach or creamy shades of white. Part of the walls are becoming brighter with a strawberry and herbaceous tones. You can combine the bright beige as the main with turquoise-azure and solar yellow as accent colors.
  • We put accents. On a shared pastel background, one of the walls can be allocated with bright wallpaper. If the kitchen is very small - allocate not the wall completely, but part of the wall, for example, near the dining table.
  • We add a highlight. Modern wallpapers for small cuisine, as a rule, have blonde tones and may look boring. To revive the room, do not forget about the color accents - it can be borders, stripes of wallpaper of contrasting color, as well as wallpapers with a textured surface.

Tip: Do not combine in small rooms more than two colors. For example, the main one can be white, optional - the color of the tree. The third color can be used as an emphasis, in this case the red will look great.

In the design of wallpaper for small cuisine, more than two different patterns or textures should not be combined. For example, a strict ornament looks good in conjunction with its separate elements scattered along the background. The style of drawing and ornament must match, for example, it can be geometric elements, or individual flowers scattered along the background, in combination with a curb of a solid tape bouquets.

Combination of furniture wallpapers

In order to choose the right wallpaper for a small kitchen, visually increasing space, it is necessary to take into account the mass of factors, including the size, color and style of furniture, which will be located on their background. In the event that the furniture has a finished shape and bright color, wallpaper should be practically imperceptible.

If furniture is used simple forms and light neutral tones, wallpaper can be brighter. Well combined furniture and wallpaper of one color, but different textures. For example, white glossy facades of cabinets are especially winning in a small kitchen against the background of the wallpaper for the old plaster. The frosted white surfaces of the furniture look harmoniously against the background of smooth wallpaper with a pattern.