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Protection of your house from bad people. How to protect the house from ill-wishers: technical capabilities and alternative protection

Have you ever attended thoughts about what would happen if someone hacked your home? Worse, if you were there at that moment. Do you have a plan on this? What do you do? Unfortunately, there are people who are not interested in how long you worked to build a career, to achieve everything I dreamed of, because they are under the power to pick up it all in a couple of minutes.

Ways to externally strengthen the safety and protection of your home

We can not live in a bowl and protect themselves from all the trouble of the world. Here are the ways to externally strengthen the safety and protection of your house from those who have no right to do anything in it.

1. Move order in the yard

If a lot of things are scattered around the yard, by this you give potential thieves to penetrate the house. For example, if you paint the facade of the house and left the staircase near him for the night, someone will be much easier to penetrate the window, it is only worth a staircase.

Yes, it seems superfluous, remove things that you will be used the next day, but much worse to deal with someone who sneaks into your home, steals or causes harm to the family.

2. Never leave the key from the door of the garage in the car

Often we leave the keys to the garage in your car, but that means that everyone who gets to your car will have access to your home. Even if you have a remote to automatically open the garage door, do not hold it in a prominent place.

3. Cut the bushes in the yard

Houses that are surrounded by the overgrown bushes - Paradise for those who want to eat a stranger of good, because this is a great shelter. In the bushes it is easy to hide, be out of sight from noisy neighbors and patrol machines. Cut the bushes near the house so that no one can use them as a shelter in the dark.

4. Under the windows grow plants with spikes

If the thief wants to get into the house through the window - the only thing that stops his plans is a bush with spikes. Grow the bushes of roses or other spiny plants under the windows to limit the access of the thieves (or at least make it pain).

5. Install lights with motion sensors

One of the things you can do to scare up thieves from the yard is to install lights with motion sensors. It will be frightened by most people if they are lit by their movement lights, which can wake you up in the middle of the night.

6. Put a bowl for the dog

Even if you have no dog, those who want to rob you, do not know about it. Therefore, put a bowl for a dog to the porch. This, at least, makes the feeling that inside there is a huge dog, which will drive the thief, as soon as he fell on your things.

7. If you plan to leave, put your lawn and travel part

Those who are going to make a robbery know that if the owners are not at home, your home is easy prey. Therefore, if you leave on vacation, you will be sure that the appearance of the house does not displays it. Ask someone regularly cut the lawn in the yard or in snowy weather to clean the yard from the snow.

8. Ensure the front door of the eye

Most people know that it is impossible to open the door to someone who you do not know and are not waiting for a visit at all. Well, the only way to find out who stands outside the door is to look in the eyes. Thus, you do not have to guess when it is safe to open the door, and when it should be on the onset.

9. Rock up video surveillance chambers

You do not even have to connect the camera to electricity, because most of the thieves will not go around to understand, it is true or not. You can buy a fairly cheap chamber and install it above the entrance door or at every corner of the house.

10. Do not write personal information on the mailbox

The smaller other people know about you, the better. Much safer when your name and other data relating to your personality is on the mailbox.

And now, read ten tips, how to secure the house from the inside.

1. Learn to move around the house in the dark

Some thieves really attack at night. Remember, you know the location of the house, and the thief is most likely not, which means the advantage on your side.

2. Put all windows and doors

You should close the front windows and entrance doors. And if you have sliding doors, insert wooden sticks in a ripple so that the door is not easy to open. If there is another floor in the house where you can get through the balcony or parapet, keep the doors and windows on the second floor too closed.

3. Make a plan (and rehears it)

Much more practice than in a fire or other dangerous situations, requires an action plan with a potential night robbery. You do not want to be inside the house during the robbery and not know how to protect yourself and your family, because it may be too late. Create a plan and rehears it to everyone know how to behave.

4. Do not hold valuable things in a prominent place.

If no one knows that you have a valuable, then it is less likely that someone wants to climb into the house and take it. Hold your values \u200b\u200bin hidden places, and you will have more chances to keep them. If you buy anything big, such as a huge TV, do not set the box near the garbage tank, because all this fact will notice. Rip it and throw it into a trash can. And do not brag our expensive things on social networks.

5. Hold things in a hazardous situation in the bedroom

Hacking at home may well occur at the time when all family members sleep. Therefore, it is necessary that some items are directly in your bedroom. For example, a mobile phone, a lantern with batteries, keys from home and something heavy.

6. Celebrate important documents in hard-to-reach places

Remember that if you put important documents in places where they will not forget about them, the Warmer will be easier to find them. Some of these places include the upper shelves of cabinets or dressers. Change your thoughts and hide important items in inconspicuous places to, even if you are robbed, the valuable documents were found.

7. Install touch sensors on windows and doors

Alarm can cost quite expensive, but you can find sensory sensors on the windows and doors that will be sufficiently inexpensive. They will not report any form of penetration into the house, but there is hope that they will scare the thief with their penetrating sound.

8. Use coverage with timers if you are leaving

If you are not at home for several days, install the timer on the lighting so that the light turns on and turned off at different times, it will be the wise decision.

9. Opay the blinds in the house

Do not let anyone who spoke your porch, see what is inside the house. This does not mean that you should always close the curtains and live like anterior, but be careful when you leave them open during the day. Be sure to always close them overnight, when the light covers the whole house.

10. Create a safe that is not easy to move

If you hold all your savings in a safe, which is easy to move and take out of the house, it will not be beneficial. In fact, you will facilitate the work of the thieves, because all the values \u200b\u200bare already folded in one place. If I decided to buy a safe, then or purchase such that it could be impossible to move, or screw the safe to the floor.

It is impossible to stop every criminal who wants to take someone else's, but you can reduce the likelihood that you wish him a victim. Protect yourself, their family and their own property. They are yours, and you should protect them from robbers.

When the houses begin all sorts of unpleasant randomness from the scattered salt to the fire, the old people say that the house was smoothed.

Unfortunately, it takes place.

The fact is that the black program can be introduced not only in human energy. Since any thing "lives" at the expense of our thoughts and feelings, then the action of the evil eye also spreads.

How to protect the house from the evil eye and damage, how to prevent destruction from curses of bad people? Let's deal with.

Here is necessary:

  • first, know, damage;
  • secondly, rely on the legacy of the ancestors and traditions of the kind.

Cleaning an apartment

First you need to clean the apartment. It is done on Thursday.

Go around all the rooms clockwise, reading ours "Father". In the hands you need to keep a candle burning and the icon "Trinity". Capture all openings and corners.

After spraying the floors and the walls of holy water. If there were no special problems in the house, it will be enough to drive out the extinction that could be truncated in the corners.

So, if one shield does not work, then another will help.

Here the witches in the Middle Ages did special bottles that drove out "on the roads of evil." The modern apartment also needs such "blocks" of good.

Protection must be put on the threshold, windows (especially on the first floor).

In order for a bad man who went into the house, he did not harm, it is necessary to have a charm in the room.

Previously, they served as icons. Now they began to hang on the wall. Icon should be lit, only then it will protect the room.

Regarding different in essence, it is possible to say that they can be completely combined.

Let both the icon and the bottle of the witch. They work with different energy.

Icon will clean the space, radiate goodness, leaning people with a bad eye.

And the magical agents are protected from induced damage, bad people experiencing envy or frank malice.

Whether to defend the house

This magic instrument is used quite often.

By the number of windows plus the door.

Magic words are pronounced at her candlelight. After it use as usual.

But a little in the bag pour and hang on the cant of the front door.

If problems begin, then update the champ required.

In general, the ritual is desirable to start in, and then spend a couple of times a year.

Conspiracy on home protection:

"All trapping and devil cerebrals to play salt in the eye. They do not look at my threshold, not to be laughed, it's not to wander past, the shower is not Bed. Salt speak, lock the house. Evil from his walls drive away. Amen!"

Using needle

There is a stronger rite.

He was spent earlier in life on silver. If so do not refue, then take the usual. Then you have to update the champion once a year - two.

Buy needles new, do not use them for sewing.

  1. To the new moon to inhale in the selected needle a thread woven from household hair.
  2. To do this, take the hair and turn them into the harness. It's not hard.
  3. Stick the needle in front of the entrance door, down.
  4. So tell me:

"Sword George in a threshold stitching. His lightning protect him. Whoever goes with an evil intent, he pierces George God's fishery. Whoever comes to the threshold will come, that needles will never overstep. With zipper, she will rise, the enemy will come to the death hour. Who is the evil word polly, that needle will catch up everywhere. Cuts our strength to lead the devil in the grave. Amen!"

If you can spend this rite, remember the following: the needle is needed to stick behind the threshold strictly vertically. There should be no nothing on the surface from it.

Remember the place of its location in case of repair. If you change the threshold or porch, then some of it with a needle will definitely burn.

Noine to come across in other people's hands. Strength is greater above your family will find the one who will come out.

Simple tools

It is not always necessary to make "cooled" wubbles and carry out complex rituals.

There are the most uncomfortable ways of protection that were used in the old days.

  • So, the knitting of the bow or garlic hanging around near the entrance door will save from the bad energy.
  • Above the entrance you can strengthen the row or spruce paw. This charm is good because you can change frequently. That is, there will be a flow of fresh strength.
  • Do not forget about the horseshoe. Also in her magical properties, perhaps everyone believes. She not only attracts good luck, but also root from the evil eye. Hang to the entrance door such an overag and forget about the troubles.

The horseshoe is not necessarily removed from the horse. You can buy a souvenir in the store. And it is better to agree with friends and to the next holiday we give each other by chambers. So the energy of the amulet will be higher, cleaner.


You can protect yourself and your family not only with non-living objects. For this, plants are quite suitable.

They will recycle evil, accidentally surrendered to the house.

Cacti approach scandals.

Cactus will drive out bad thoughts and views.

They will preserve and protect your beauty and attractiveness.

When it blooms - a sign that it is time for the grooms to be seen. In addition, flowering plants keep harmony of relationships.

A completely different look at the protection of the house from the evil

It is necessary to know that the negative energy is attached only to the like. That is, the house is worth protecting from the inside, with your thoughts.

If you are exposed to the attacks of envy or malice, then from the evil eye your nest nobody will save.

Analyze what do you think about your home?

Excessive pride or criticism - these are the very "entry points", the places for which the negative program will necessarily be hooked.

The house needs to love, rejoice at him.

Here there is nothing proud or boast. This is just part of your world.

Do not compare it with the same elements of someone else's life. After all, everyone has the right to his opinion.

You see, nothing in your house should not help you personally have thoughts or feelings that can be characterized by the words "through Chur".

Any knockout from an even relationship to the interior or atmosphere directly leads to the adhesion of the unchalled and spanking. Negative inside you.

Only to the weak point will stick out the outer dirt.

We offer hollow output theme: "9 ways to protect the house from evil people" with the most detailed description.

  • Wrap the entrance door
  • Wubble on gypsy needles
  • How to protect the threshold of the house
  • Holy water to protect
  • Wubble on pins
  • Coasting herbs
  • Charming Houses on a Round Mirror
  • How to protect the house from damage
  • Help the houses

The house should be the safest place for family members. But often there are unkind people at him, trying to harm.

The house can smooth the envious, on the family can stick the unfortunate of the grumpy neighbor. Therefore, each hostess should be able to defend his dwelling from evil, to know a conspiracy to protect the house from danger.

Wrap the entrance door

It is necessary to put protection at the entrance door. Evil comes through the door along with ill-wishers, therefore the protection of the entrance door is the most important housing over the housing and any evil.

It will help us with nails, as protective conspiracy on iron have a big coastal force from evil intents. On the growing moon you need to buy three nails without surrender. If exactly three nails do not work, you can buy more. The main thing is not to take delivery.

Wheel one nail at the top of the door, and the other two are below. Nails must form an equilateral triangle. After that, enter the room, close the door and tell the conspiracy and protection of the house from the evil people:

"Three nails in my door.
The first all enemies is set,
The second of all unhondudues exists,
The third will all unfit.
All words in the case turn
All nails in favor of turnover. "

While the nails will be in the door, the protection conspiracy will be reliably guarded housing from witchcraft, damage and evil thoughts.

Wubble on gypsy needles

On the growing moon, buy two gypsy needles without passing. Fold them with the cross down, tapping white thread, and say the conspiracy to the house and preservation of property from evil people and witchcraft:

"As a spear of a cross, so the enemies are all a prick.
Who is with good - he will pass.
Who with evil - hooked the cross .. "

Hang the needle over the door indoors or hide them under the upholstery of the door outside. After three months, remove the needles, rinse with flowing water or roll over the candle flame, and read the plot to protect your room. Thread burn.

How to protect the threshold of the house

The entrance door and threshold should be reliably protected from the penetration of evil. On the threshold of the house, the unkind person will already lose a part of the evil strength from which came. Going for the threshold, his remaining black force will lose its power, reflected in the conspiracy mirror.

Therefore, the mirror is desirable to hang opposite the front door. And what to do with the threshold of the house, what is the conspiracy to read on protection?

First of all, the threshold needs to be cleaned from the accumulated dirt: fitting and wash. Take the rule to keep the threshold, knobs of the entrance door and the door itself. Then you are not afraid of no evil, and luck will often look into such a house.

Winched the threshold of the house by a broom, read a plot:

"I swell a breath, disease, damage and corti,
The evil eye is proper and apparent.
My threshold is done, God blessed.

The next method of cleaning the threshold needs to be made of salted water. To do this, throw in a bucket with water three slices of salt and wash the threshold three times, saying a plot:

"Salt won, the water was smoked.
As salt does not rot, it does not stick to the threshold.
Skalce, turn back, turn back!
Won went!
I did not call you! "

Then the dirty water should be pulled out on the clutch. Do not take care of what people will think about you! Poured and went home without turning around.

And now, when the threshold is cleared, you need to protect against unkind people and the penetration of evil. To do this, take a threshold salt and sprinkle the threshold. At the same time you need to read a plot:

"Salt from the Great Thursday!
I expel from the home of the birth and pain!
Hold on the threshold all evil, all misfortune and lich!
Excellence This house will cost.
As I said, this will happen! "

Also under the threshold you can hide a new blade. It will cut off evil.

Holy water to protect

Holy water has a great strength, especially Epiphany. Pour some water in a bowl and add a pinch of the threatening salt, and also put any silver object. Then the prayer is read on the water and any conspiracy protection against unkind people, witchcraft, for the preservation of property.

Wubble on pins

  1. portnovo pins;
  2. church candle;
  3. icon.

In this case, we will need tailor pins to protect the placement from the witchcraft of unkind people, but without balls at the end. Purchase pins on the growing moon. The pin should be enough to have enough for all windows and the front door (four pieces per object of protection).

Now pins need to be consecrated. To do this, put the icon on the table and light the church candle. We look at the candle, pins and the icon and read the prayer for our 7 times in a row. Now you need to stick pins on four sides of the windows and the front door (two at the top and two below).

If you fail, you can join with plasticine or tape. The main thing is that the sharp tip looks down. Protective conspiracies can not read. Three months later, the pin to remove and bury into the ground, and newly attach to the defense of the room from the witchcraft of ill-wishers.

Coasting herbs

From the depths of the centuries, knowledge of the mighty strength of the coated herbs reached us.

Charming Houses on a Round Mirror

You can protect housing from negative energy using a round mirror. To do this, buy a new mirror or twist the old one. Operate mirror with flowing water, dry and burn the church candle in front of it.

This will be enough to cleanse from unnecessary information. Then put the mirror on the table, and put eight church candles on the sides.

Light one of them and tell me:

"I define you to reflect evil."

"Inside and around from evil protection.
The world is coordinating from one to eight,
From eight embodiment. "

Clean the candles with your fingers and hide in a secluded place. Mirror hang on the wall. From now on, all the unkind views, evil thoughts and words spoken in your home, will not harm any or your loved ones. After a year, the conspiracy against unkind people is repeated again after cleansing the mirror with water.

How to protect the house from damage

On the growing moon until noon, buy a coil of white threads and new needles. Remember that items for witchcraft cannot be used for domestic purposes. Therefore, the remaining threads and needles put in a separate box and store for other rites.

To ingue the thread in the needle (take off the coil on the elbow length) and tie three nodes. Spend the needle tip along the door jacket and stick it at the top, saying a plot of protection:

"You can stand guard.
All our enemies beat! "

Three months later, I will remove the needle and go to the ground away from my housing. Take another needle and repeat the conspiracy of your premises to protect against witchcraft of unkind people.

Help the houses

If you have a house in your house, then it can be asked to protect the house and property. Before going to bed, do the following. Put a piece of bread and bracelet on a plate and tell me the following:

"Host-Domovick, in the house, come in, family my defense.
Our richness is Odari, peace and paws in the store.
Soft bread I give you, in return I will ask you. "

Go to bed. In the morning, the bread dries, and the bracelet is put on your hand.

In this article we will share with you the way, how to protect the house from the evil eye, damage, from bad people, from evil. Each of us may suffer from envious people who come with unfinished thoughts. The source of damage and the evil eye can also serve as a given item or accidentally abandoned envious look. Any negative energy can negatively affect the health of the inhabitants of the house, their well-being and the prosperity of the family.

How to find out if your home suffers from negative energy

For the presence of negativity in the house indicate such signs:

  1. You have a need to spend as much time outside the house.
  2. When you are indoors, an unexplanting alarm appears, anxiety. The inhabitants of the house begins to feel unreason, suffer from insomnia.
  3. In the family often there are quarrels and disagreements.
  4. Animals living in the house show concern and aggression. Indoor flowers are poorly growing or wither.
  5. You noticed the thing in an inexplicably hit to you in the dwelling.

Methods allowing to detect the evil eye, damage and evil in the house

How to detect a negative energy impact with the help of a consecrated salt. To do this, you will need to prepare 100 grams of cook salt. Then proceed at these stages:

  • Preheat on the plate frying pan;
  • When it gets warm well, pour salt;
  • Give salt to warm on the fire about half an hour.

If everything is safe in the house, salt will become yellow. In the event that it strongly cracks on fire and becomes dark or black, there is a damage in the house.

How to determine the presence of negative energy impacts with the help of a candle

This method is considered the most informative when determining damage, evil eye and other influences. Allows you to install, in which place the house has been committed negative intervention.

To carry out this rite, you need to light the candle and get around every corner of the house in which you live. Then pay attention to the behavior of the candle:

  • The candle burning quietly, smoothly and calmly, indicates the predominance of clean energy. Your dwelling is under reliable protection.
  • If the flame candles are dim and neuroph, the energy in the house is weak. Perhaps a violation of the integrity of the aura of the room. This could lead magic rituals made at the front door or intense.
  • If the candle smokes badly, the color of the flame is dark, and the wax dripping too quickly - this indicates the presence of damage. Most likely, a strong magical impact was deliberately rendered.
  • Sometimes it happens that the negative impact is present in the house, but so far I have not given myself. In this case, the flame candle is dazzling bright, drying.

The flame color also plays an important role to determine the negative. Brightly red indicates that the dwelling urgently needs purification. And yellow speaks about the powerful energy protection of the room.

Tips, how to protect the house from the evil eye, damage and other evil

  • Lay out every corner of the house smoke from the incense, dry leaves of Celebre, Hypericum, wormwood, lavender. A powerful protective effect also has a birch mushroom chaga.
  • Do not forget to follow the order in the house: remove dust and dirt, carefully wipe the mirror surfaces, washbasins, radiators. Any dirt serves by gates to enter the negative energy of the fine plan.
  • Do not store old unnecessary things: read the press, worn out clothes, a bit of dishes. Dirty underwear need to be folded in a special basket with a lid. All these items accumulate the negative and poison the room in which you live.
  • When cleaning the room, add a slightly holy water, wipe the mirror surfaces. When moving to another housing, it is impossible to leave your old things and any trash. They are often used in rooting rites.
  • Hang at the entrance to the house of the Osin branch. It reliably protects you from evil people, energy vampires and envious.
  • To protect the dwelling from negative impacts, hang bags with dry herbs at the threshold. You can use such plants: cleanliness, thistle, pyrhem, oak bark. From time to time, the grain used is replaced by a new one.
  • Put two needles under the door rug. Position them so that they cross each other, and their ears were directed to the entrance door.
  • Protect the house from any negative is capable of lit salt. It has a magic gift to absorb all negative energies. It is recommended to sink all residential premises once a month. After a month, the salt used assemble and in the evening after sunset it in a deserted place.

Also, in order to protect its dwelling from negative energy impacts, you can spend special rites.

Rites helping to protect the house from the evil eye, damage and evil people

Ritual with a broom

This simple rite will help to remove from the dwelling not only a simple dirt, but also the entire energy trash.

To spend it, take the ribbon of green and a candle from natural wax. Need to light the candle and say:

Brhenics, my defender. Damage from my house all the unclean power, envy, malice. Do not let the threshold of enemies, spirits, demons and enviousness. Protect and remove from the evil of all. Amen.

Now we have a ribbon pitch of a broom and leave a conspiracy guard from the door. Since then, the person who wishes you evil will not enter this house and will not harm.

Rite with knife blade

This ritual since ancient times helped people protect themselves and their home from such negative impacts, as, evil eye, damage or envy.

Conspiracy words:

At the same time, the knife will appear the invisible edge, which will cut off all the ill-wishers going to your house with evil thoughts. The knife will have a powerful energy protection against any evil that can harm you.

You can also read it and any other prayers and conspiracies. The main thing is to contact him, as a living being, a friend and defender. Then you will create a powerful charm that will keep you and your home from all negative impacts.

Rite cleansing a house with a bow

Since ancient times, it helps to protect the dwelling from various types of damage and the evil eye, envious people. The rite is carried out in this way:

  • Initially, you need to sprinkle with holy water all rooms in the house, including hard-to-reach places.
  • Spree also all furniture and other interior items.
  • Cook so many bulbs, how many premises in your home, clean them from husks.
  • Take the needle and jolve all the bulbs, stretching through each of them a strong thread of red.
  • Now you need to tie a nodule on both ends of the bulbs and leave one challenge in all rooms at home. They must be there within seven days.
  • Next, the bulbs need to be removed by wrapping each in a clean sheet of white paper. Burn them down at the fire. Now your home is reliably protected from any evil.

Look also an interesting video taken from the Internet:

For each person, his dwelling is the safest and most comfortable place. Not in vain because it says: "My house is my fortress." But sometimes the walls can begin to collapse from the unkind views of enemies, aggressive people and most often envious. To protect yourself, his relatives and their "fortress", in the old days, many have used special conspiracies, some of which reached us. And today we offer you some of them. The protective conspiracies written below will help to leave the unkind people, protect their home from negative energy, witchcraft.

Currently, there are many variations of conspiracies that came to us from ancient ancestors. Their real interpretation will be able to mask any housewife, which wishes to take danger from himself and their home.

How to protect yourself and your home from magic and negativity?

In order for the protection of protection to act, you need to know the basic recommendations. Before spending a ritual and read the conspiracy, you need to fully familiarize yourself with the procedure. In addition, it is desirable to know which force in itself one or another text. It also does not hurt to know, with what subjects can be saved from witchcraft and "bad look."

Remember that any bright magic and rites are beneficial to be held with a clean reason. Therefore, it is desirable for five to seven days before the ritual to protect your home to refrain from the use of alcohol (drugs, tobacco). At the same time, you should not take other drugs (except necessary to maintain health). Throughout this period of time and reduce contacts with other people's people.

Coming home after walks and visits to noisy and crowded places, you need not only to wash your hands, but also wash. In this case, several drops of aromatic oil can be added to the water. After the procedure, open the window to air each room at home. Such rituals need to be produced by reading at the same time prayer. It is advisable to perform them daily before reading protective conspiracies.

It will also not hinder the concentration, reading the prayers before carrying out the rite. So protection, for the implementation of which you apply a plot will be more effective.

Simple protective methods

Protective conspiracies do not always act strictly towards a clear goal. There are spells that are able to get rid of the negative energy of evil people. At the same time, the damage does not bring such texts to anyone, and the defense will act against each person who has threw anger.

Usually, a simple plot "works" to push away from you aggressively tuned people. If these texts are read at home, they increase its protective forces. As a result, your dwelling will become a cozy fortress, fenced from bad weather. In addition, it will be possible not to worry about your property. Fire, theft and other intentional damage will be simply by the side. Below is one of the options for such conspiracies.

How to protect the dwelling (easy way)?

Such a plot can be attributed to very simple and accessible in terms of execution. To carry out this rite to protect the house (other housing premises) you will need an ordinary wooden stick.

Taking a stick, you need to get around the house with it, outlining a continuous line by closing it opposite the front door. Having received a protective circle, you need to go with the same stick to the house. In the room you should turn the circle around yourself and pronounce a conspiracy on the protection of the house:

"It is standing on the edge of the house. Wild forest beasts do not run past him. In the house, Tom lives a sage, he has an oak staff. Entertaining the immense power of nature in that time. As the sage comes out for the threshold, like the stupid stack, and run away to the house of the beasts.

It is born once (knocking on the floor 1 time with a stick), suggesting the hares of cowardly. Bars twice (knock 2 times), foxes are resorted by cunning. It gets three times (knock the stick 3 times, etc. via text), and wolves are gray. Fars four times with the staff, and bears come fierce. It gets five times in a row, and will come to the sage the most important keeper of the forest - slave.

All this designed forest force will become around the house and does not allow evil into it. The sage will be in a circle, raise his staff (raise a stick over my head) and calls the Eagle of Zorka. That eagle will sit on the staff and there will be a house from enemies. I ask your help, Forest Sage. Getting rid of me and my house from dishonest, evil people and enemies. So it was and so it will be! "

When we spoke the entire conspiracy, in the end of the rite, break in half a stick. Otherwise, protection will not start acting. After the ritual, you will need one half to bury under your threshold. The second part of the stick is recommended to attribute into the deaf forest and stick to the ground. Such a conspiracy to protect the house and property from black witchcraft and bad views will be effective throughout the year.

Rite with clothes and mirror

You can spend a ritual not only to protect the house from negative energy. Using a special conspiracy, you can protect yourself from "bad eyes." For this, not only magical words will be needed, but also:
  • new shirt;
  • pure mirror.

At the beginning of the rite should take a clean new shirt and twist it. The front side inside we put it on the mirror. Putting this accessory into a secluded place, the conspiracy should be pronounced:

"Neuhow naughty, the look is bad, the enemy is bad, famously black, dark dark! Do not see you never at home, do not trample your land to you. It becomes iron, this mirror will become my anger silver. They will be all the dark arrows to reflect. I will live well and calmly, I will find a love family with my family! "

After the rite is completed, you do not need to shoot with a shirt mirror. It is necessary that in this form an accessory stood 7 days and the same night. If for any reason you wise the surface of the mirror, the plot will have to be repeated to restore protection.

Rite to protect ownership

The easiest way to protect property is holy water. Regularly sprinkling the corners of the House of Holy Water can save it from unfavorable energy and protect against witchcraft. In addition, on the entrance door you can hang your own behavior. After reading a special conspiracy over such subject, you can stop the impact of black magic and block the path of witchcraft.

For ritual, you will need to make a wreath. It is usually made from:

  • couples Brozdey Kalina;
  • several twigs willow, mistletoes;
  • dozen oak leaves.

First weave from IV's rods, reading the prayer "Our Father". Next, this circle is soaked in the branches of the mistletoe. This procedure must be accompanied by a prayer "Rejoice, the Virgin". Weaving should be strong so that even a strong shake can not damage the wreath. Simultaneously with the mistletoe, the oak foliage should be used. She will be protected from witchcraft and black magic.

Completing the manufacture of the guard, it is necessary to attach the branches of viburnum. They need to hang at the bottom of the wreath on two loops. This charm on protecting the house from evil people is recommended to hang over the entrance door, at the same time reading the conspiracy:

"The house will protect the house, it will save it from evil. Now it will not be in charge to me that the colors are satisfied, the witches wish! Amen".

This conspiracy to the charm to protect the house is very effective. Having hung it at the entrance, you block the way to unfriendly. And if this goes to the house, the wreath will immediately fall.

As you can see, in the old days, people paid a lot of attention to protect their dwellings. And ways to impose protection to the house, which reached our time, are quite simple. With their help, anyone will be able to protect his fortress from bad and evil people, their intentions.

How to protect the house from negative energy, evil eye and damage? This issue is becoming increasingly popular at the expense of the overall growth of interest in people to magic and ways to combat negative manifestations.

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The Russian people are known for their hospitality, this feature is kept in our mentalite, and, like many years ago, we all love to meet in your guest home. For residents of Western Europe, the saying "My home is my fortress" is of great importance, the peoples of those countries have no openness in the blood that we have, because there never knew the problems capable of arising because of excess hospitality. In Russia, over the centuries of the house of people of any prosperity, there were more people's walkways, rather than fortresses, our homes were always full of guests.

Guest reception is not only not always scheduled, but it does not always be safe. If, thanks to modern means of communication, unexpected visits almost completely disappeared, the safety of the arrival of guests is still completely ambiguous.

A large number of people in the house, for the good intentions of which it is impossible to vouch, contains a serious energy danger.

We are trying to please our guests very much, but it is not always possible, because to guess what a person wants will not be able to do not be the owner. In any case, a person in your home with negative emotions is the high probability of the evil.

Directed and unintentional negative energy

Separately visiting you or your home the negative energy can only be really angry, enviable or offended person, who also owns at least the basics of magic. In connection with the modern popularization of the witchcraft of such people, it is becoming more and more, but they are still much less than those who are able to accidentally leave you a dose of negative.

The evil eye is a negative magical impact that arises due to any negative emotions experienced by man. These negative feelings may not even treat you, but it does not matter.

Any negative thoughts, feelings, the sensations of a person affect the entire world around him, and if such a person will often visit your home, the probability of guiding unintentional negative will grow significantly.

Because of this, even if you will know exactly that among your friends there are no people who are fond of magic, you still need to always be ready for a possible slohal.

How to protect the house from the evil eye

Each person has its own biological field, when exposed to which you can change its life for the better or worse. Much depends on the initial protective field of each individual person, according to experienced sorcerers, some people most often become victims of even a weak evil eye, and on others it is difficult to impose even an effective damage. But the own energy and the protective field is not only in humans, but also of all the objects around him and, of course, at housing. Each house has its own energy, which in any case will affect people living in it. But the biofield of each person in housing has an impact on the energy industry at home. Thus, both the life of the person living in it, and the energy of the house depends on the energy of the house.

To protect your dwelling from negative energy, you need to build protection for each of its tenants separately. It is known that small children, young women, as well as adult people who are weakened for some reason are exposed to the strongest. If such a person becomes a victim of the directional negative, the negative energy brought to the house will turn into a dwelling. Therefore, it is impossible to protect your apartment if each of its tenants will not be protected separately.

How to strengthen the person's field and protect it from the evil eye

There are various ways to build powerful protection against any negative energy. The evil eye is considered a simple and fairly weak negative magic effect, because any person can protect against it, even without referring to professional sorcerers. All methods of protection against magic are made to divide into two main groups: active and passive.

Active protection against negative magic energy implies a person to a person of special witchcraft rites aimed at establishing or strengthening the existing energy field. To the active methods of protection also refers to reading prayers and conspiracies, the personnel creation of amulets.

Passive protection involves the use of already existing and finished funds against the evil area, such as: church consecrated attribute, amulets created by third parties and natural amulets (some types of plants, stones and other).

At all times, the protection of its own housing was a prerequisite

Protection of the closure of the carcass

A frame closure is an ancient and effective magic reception that allows you to protect against most types of negative energy.
The essence of this magical means is that when meeting or communicating with a person who is experiencing negative feelings or emotions to you, you just need to cross your arms and legs. With this simple means, you can protect yourself from energy vampires - people who, during communication, life forces are unscrewed from their interlocutor.

To strengthen the effect of such a protective way, you need to make a ring from a large and index finger on one or both hands at the time of danger on one or both hands, impoverished all other fingers.

Protection with plants and other attributes

To protect against negative magical energy, the inner power of a person is extremely important, without a powerful energy potential, it will be difficult to protect yourself from the evil eye and damage. But the external protection plays an extremely important role, because you cannot constantly put mental blocks, cross the limbs and build energy mirrors among themselves and well. As an external protection against negative energy, one of the ancient agents invented by our distant ancestors can be used:

  • tie a cross to turn two rowan twigs using red strings or ribbons, such a cross can protect against accidental and deliberate impact of negative energy not only one person, but also all of his loved ones;
  • love the needle or the English pin from the inside of the pests of your dwelling to strengthen the protective effect, you can turn such a needle of a natural material (silk or cotton) into the UCHO;
  • at the mirror or hangers, located near the entrance, you can hang a bundle of fresh or dried mint (the grass is also suitable);
  • put under the rug at the inlet door dried or fresh wormwood;
  • to clear the house from the whole of the whole, wait for the holiday of the Trinity and crumble in all rooms of the dwellings of mint leaves;
  • always keep in your house a bunch of thistle, he will protect from dark and unclean forces;
  • to protect the housing from evil people, you need to keep a dry beam of the Jullie under the threshold at home;
  • if, being in a public place, you will notice that someone is intently or just looks at you, and you feel clear discomfort from this, say a protective phrase with a whisper or one lips: "Look at me, but only see me." ;
  • never lift money on the street, especially at the crossroads, remember that any coin is capable of not only to carry a random charge of negative energy, but it can be added specifically to find it;
  • read daily in the morning and in the evening the prayer "Our Father", this will allow you to strengthen the energy protection against the negative.

How to protect the apartment from the evil eye

If you notice that after the visit of a certain person in your apartment there is a negative energy, feel weakness and fatigue, it means that people with negative energy go to you, with a difficult character.

With negative people, contact should limit go to stop at all

To remove and prevent the repetition of the appearance of evil in the apartment, sprinkle the threshold of salt and read the words of the conspiracy:

"How I salt, so that I don't let my evil in the house, so let my evil in my house will not penetrate, it will not climb through the gap. I will add to the slave of God (name), to the three elements strong, to their strength and law, I will find support in them. As stated, it will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Blade protection

This is an ancient magic ritual who used our distant ancestors. To carry out the ritual, it was necessary to use a conspiracy tip of a knife, braids or other subject.

Take an ordinary kitchen knife and read over it every day any prayers known for you, asking for the God of helping and protecting for yourself and for all our loved ones - households.

In addition to prayers, you can use a special magic conspiracy:

"Knife like a knife, with sight, a wooden handle, the blade is pointed, but it is only a visible blade, and he has a blade and a long, invisible. It continues the invisible blade visible, it goes far away, two meters, or even three. Let the blade be the blade of this, let the enemy determines, let me protect me and the house is protecting, it protects against the danger, it covers evil. As stated, it will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

As stated in the conspiracy, your knife will find an additional blade capable of determining who a friend, and who is the enemy. As soon as the evil person will cross the threshold of your home, the invisible blade will dissect all his unacceptable ideas and intentions, and he will not be able to bring you and your home any evil.
To charm really got such a powerful force. While reading conspiracies and prayers, please contact him how to live, ask for help and intercession, invest kindness and love in your words, as if you are not talking to a knife, but with your good friend. In this case, you can create a strongest ally capable of protecting you from any evil.

Do you remember the famous movie "ONE HOME" with Maicolai Calkins? How to protect a house or apartment from criminal elements encroachment? It will once be saved from theft, injury and even death. Bandits, thieves and criminals of various masters who decided to rob the apartment, penetrate the hooligan motivations, harm you or family, Gorky will regret your decision.

Your house is your fortress. Do you remember the famous movie "One Home"? What can be learned from this fun comedy? Macaulay Culkin, the main character of Macaulae Culkin (Macaulay Culkin) mastered the main dwelling. The house must be prepared in advance to be prepared for a meeting with criminals.

Who, if not you, should take care of the safety of your home? It is better to act on ahead than then regret the whole life. How to protect the house from criminals? How to protect yourself from theft and attack at home? Thieves and gangsters will remain with the nose. Protection of the house or apartments is primarily preventive measures. It is better to rebuild. It will once be saved from theft, injury and even death.

1. Door and door lock

How to protect the house from criminals? Think about the door! The price of a good door and a complex lock is not commensurate less than your safety and value in the apartment. Establish a strong door with platbands, concaves and deviators. The door is installed for a long time, so do not save.

In most cases, criminals fall into the house by opening the castles. Therefore, two are two - three good locks of different types (suvalid, cylindrical, electronic etc.). This will reduce the risk of unauthorized penetration into the house to a minimum. At night, you can close the door on the go.

2. Other vulnerable places in the apartment

The house is vulnerable, and with him you. How to protect the house? It should be thought of not only about the entrance door. How else can criminals penetrate the house?

The house is less protected from penetration than the apartment. It has more points of likelihood and exit. The second vulnerability, after the doors, goes the window. Well, instead of old frames, install new double-glazed windows. You might think about the lattices if the apartment is on the lower floors. There are lattices installed inside the house, and not outside.

3. Cameras for home security

How to protect the house from thieves and gangsters using innovations of technology? Many are installed on the chamber's eyes. Wireless doorbell, with a hidden camera and video record, will help to avoid meeting unpleasant personalities. Sometimes you can set several cameras around the perimeter. Safety is more expensive. Cameras will be allowed to see the danger or burn the actions of the criminal.

4. Alarm from home penetration

How to protect the house from the penetration of alarm? Security alarm systems for home protection, apartments or office are a new step safe. Police provides services for the protection of objects and leaves in case of penetration. You can also set an alarm button, when you click on which you can call armed protection for help.

Protect the house from criminals is sometimes difficult if there are many of them, and they are armed. Call yourself to help private security with weapons.

5. Secret Terrification Room

In the case of penetration of criminals in the dwelling, it is well equipped with its secret room for shelter. It can be a small room, storage room or a dressing room, which is protected from penetration. In this secret room, you can safely wait for the police.

The room needs a stationary connection plus a mobile phone. In the secret room it is better to leave several bottles with water, canned food, flashlight, knife, fire extinguisher, first aid kit, body armor, weapons and ammunition. In a private house, anxious room is easier than in the apartment. It may be a place in the basement, equipped with a spare output.

In alarm room, you can install video surveillance screens to control the situation. An alarm button overlooking the police panel is also necessary.

In case of danger, the whole family must negotiate immediately go to the secret room. Where you can get a tactful advantage and protect yourself during unexpected incidents.

6. Weapons against criminals

If the bad guys are penetrated into the house, then the reliable remains only on itself. Weapons for self-defense should be protected from other people's hands and children, but is in an easily accessible place. Weapons against criminals can be any. From guns to gun. It is better to store weapons in several places. Weapons are a big responsibility, but sometimes it is your last chance.

How to protect the house? Think about it in advance. Then the criminals will not be able to get you surprise. Be as Macaoles Calkin. Criminals will cry bantile tears.

Perhaps everything will agree that the modern world is filled with negative energy. And quite often it happens that the negative impact of the unfriendly is aimed at the victim's house. Therefore, absolutely natural is the question of how to protect the house from damage.

The fact that the dwelling is damaged by damage, you can feel right away. Indeed, in this case, all living people in the house appear an inexplicable sense of depression and irritation. Constantly arise with anonymous quarrels and disagreements, and over time, the constant feeling of discomfort leads to the fact that the desire to return home disappears. And it is not always the cause of damage can be targeted impact.

Sometimes the negative appears in the following cases:

    When Suicide was previously performed in the house. The suicide who did not calm down and is trying to lime new owners, forcing them to move; damage, induced in a height in one of the apartments, can extend to neighboring apartments; when the house is built on the site of the old cemetery; damage can be listed in the house from the cemetery after the funeral; When evil penetrates through the antique things, which retained the energy of previous owners and were not properly cleaned.

In all listed cases, the negative acts slowly, but its influence is always destroying if it is not timely cleaning the room and not to put protection. As a rule, in such cases it is better to apply to professional MAG.

Slavs are very hospitable nations, so the frequent parishes of guests in the house - the matter is quite usual. But among guests there may be people who are unfriendly tuned. Yes, and just guests with the so-called "heavy character" are able to leave a lot of negativity in the house. Therefore, it is very important to know how to protect the house from damage.

A very effective way to protect the housing against damage is the use of plants. So, the thistle is recommended to spend on the gate and inside the house near the entrance door. In accordance with the statements of folk signs in the spines of this plant, all the unknown promises of bad people are stuck. Similar properties have cacti. But only in this case, it should be remembered that these plants accumulate the negative and when overflowing is capable of returning it into space around themselves. This means that from cacti will need to get rid of

To sit very well next to the juniper house. It creates a favorable atmosphere and absorbs negative. Also protective properties are attributed to certain types of trees. This is a rowan, birch, elderberry, aspen, poplar. From the twigs of these trees you can make small brooms and hang them along residential premises. In addition to such natural protective attributes, you can add a hunter and nettle.

It is possible to create in its home the system of charm, which will be a reliable protection against any negative. In this case, it is necessary to provide mandatory protection on the input door and windows. Also in each room there must be special protective amulets. For believers, icons are considered reliable protection. You can also use horseshoes or crafts from stones.

Posted mirrors have good protective properties. They need to be placed opposite the windows and the front door, so that the external space is displayed in them.

Such mirrors in the full moon should speak in such words:

A small conspiracy mirror can be pasted on the outside of the entrance door. If someone from your friends will annoy such an attribute, then it means that it is he who is your unfriendly who envies you and tries to harm.

Use of stitching items

From ancient times from our ancestors, there are ways that people have driewed enemies and envious people who could penetrate the house under the guise of guests. This was done with the help of a conspiracy knife. To do this, within a month over a conventional knife, you need to read any prayers and conspiracies aimed against damage. After that, the magic attribute should be put in a secluded place and in no case use it for economic purposes.

Such a knife thanks to prayers and conspiracies, human reinforced energy has unusual properties. He is capable of identifying a person who came to the house with bad intentions to his blade at the energy level. His blade rubies and rolling, although it does not affect physical harm. But at the same time, the ill-wisher begins to feel strong discomfort and he really wants to leave the house. It is clear that in this case the enemy simply lacks the strength to damage.

You can protect your own home from damage by other stitching objects. For example, ordinary sewing pins. With their help, you can safely protect all the windows and the front door from the penetration of the negative. For this, they stick through the corners of the openings with a stitching part towards the street.

Despite all the protective precautions, some of the random negative from the street still penetrates the house. And accumulating there, leads to a worsening of the situation in the house. Therefore, it is necessary to clean it regularly. This is done with the help of church candle, which should be lit and slowly go with it around the perimeter of all rooms.

"Lord God, the Savior of the entire human race, save and save my house from the evil of anyone. I, unworthy slave, I pray and help me against any harm to external. Amen".

In most cases, the negative in the house falls through the entrance door. You can prevent this by protecting the threshold with a special rite. Among the folk conspiracies aimed at protecting the house from damage, the rites are particularly popular with the help of the threshold from the enemies. So, on Fridays it is possible to hold a rite with salt. For this, the following actions are carried out:
    It is necessary to pour salt into solonka from the salt; fill the bucket with water; take the three chips of salt from the salt, and throw them into the water; wash the threshold, saying such magic words in the process:

    "The threshold of my salt at home I spit and smear water. Salt all the rot will remove, and damage to my house will not come. And what is suitable, it quickly roll back, like an uninvited guest. Amen".

    Water should be pulled out at the pedestrian crossroads, it is desirable so that no one has seen.

It is necessary to understand that negative energy capable of harming often falls into the house if the unfavorable and unfavorable atmosphere reigns in it. It is important to love your loved ones and strives to build a harmonious relationship. In addition, it should be understood that it will be difficult to protect the dwelling if your thoughts are filled with malice and envy. It is important to love your own home and try to create a pleasant atmosphere in it and a cozy atmosphere. In a way, you can easily protect yourself from the damage at home yourself. The main thing, conducting certain actions to believe that they are effective.