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Message about Mary Tsvetaeva briefly. Biography and creativity Tsvetaeva

M.I. Tsvetaeva was born in Moscow. Her father was famous in those days a scientist who founded the Museum of Fine Art. She spent all his childhood in hometownand also often happened in the country. Initial education, poetess received in Moscow, and then training took place in Freiburg and Lausanne.

Being aged young 16-year-old girl, the girl listened to the history of the creation of Starofranzus literature. His creative activity of the poetess began with early age. The first collections were born in 1910, which was called the "Evening Album" and in 1912 called the "Magic Lantern". Both collections approved many poets of our time.

The most terrible years: the first world, civil war and the revolution brought marine an incredible success, the real takeoff of her creativity fell precisely on this terrible time for the whole country. Her spouse S.Ya. Efron was an officer of the White Army. After the end of the revolution, Tsvetaeva worked actively, creating such beautiful romantic plays, like: "Misel", "Fortune" and some others.

In 1922, together with his daughter Ariadna, Marina moved to the spouse, who at that time was trained in one of the universities in Prague. Here they lived only 3 years, after which, by the friendly family moved to Paris.

The last collection of poems, who came out during his lifetime, appeared in 1928 in Paris. He wore the name "after Russia." It includes those poems of Marina, which were written from 1922 to 1925.

In the summer of 1939, the whole family returns home to the Soviet Union. They were very arrested daughter and spouse Marina, and her sister was taken to the camp. Marina earned thanks to the poetic translations exactly until that moment until her, along with her son, was evacuated in Elabugu. In 1941, very exhausted, lonely, and besides, the unemployed poetess ended up with life (death).

Biography Tsvetaeva Personal Life

Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva - one of the most significant poets of his time. She was born in the family, very close to art. From generation to generation members of her one way or another, and refer to this area. Her mother was a famous pianist. And my father founded the museum fine arts in Moscow.

Childhood and Youth Poets

Marina was born in Moscow on October 8, 1892. Family Tsvetaeva did not live in one place. Moving them were associated with mother's disease. They lived abroad, and in Russia.

Marina Ivanovna studied in the women's Moscow gymnasium. And thanks to moving, and in educational institutions of Switzerland, Germany and France. She owned several languages.

After the death of the mother, in 1906, Marina returns to Russia.

The very first of her poems were written in the six-year-old age. In 1910, she issued her first compilation. He was called the "Evening Album" and was published for his own means of Tsvetaeva. And, despite the fact that these poems were early and worn still a youthful character, they immediately brought her fame. Attracted Marina and the attention of significant poets of that time.

In addition to the poems, she was engaged in writing critical articles. It brought her main income. Knowing knowledge and knowledge of languages. Later, Marina will be engaged in translations.

Family life Marina Tsvetaeva

In 1911, Marina marries Sergey Efron. She met him in the Crimea, a guest at Voloshin. It took some time from their acquaintance, as a couple decided to make the relationship with marriages, just a few months later.

At first, the life of a young family proceeded safely. 1912 - the birth of daughter. She was given the name Ariadne. 1917 - Another daughter appears.

However, their future life will be overshadowed by revolutionary events. Marina will lose her husband, and younger daughter. The share of the elder is also destined to fall out difficult tests.

In the meantime, Marina continues to write, publish collections of poems. In the year of the birth of the eldest daughter, "Magic Lantern" is published. 1913 - Collection of "Two Books". He writes Marina and Prose, and articles, translates foreign literature. All this brings money to the family.

Later, a cycle "Swan Stan" will be released from under her feather. It will be permeated with sympathy to the White Guard. In 1930, a collection of "Mayakovsky" will appear. Subsequently, acquiring universal fame, many lyrical works Tsvetaeva will become romance.

Revolution and emigration

The time of civil coup in the country came. Marina's husband took the side of the White and fought for them. And after the red victory, he fled from the country. Marina does not immediately decide to move to him.

And in Russia she tolerates with daughters. The difficult position of the family, even during revolutionary actions, forces to give her younger, Irina, in the shelter. The girl dies there.

May 1922 - Marina, along with Ariadna, go to Prague to Sergey. There they will live within 3 years. Marina will continue to write, and Efron - learn. Money bring copyright collections and marina.

In 1925 they will have a son, George. Later - moving to Paris.

Sergey Efron came under suspicion of conspiracy against the son of Trotsky. He is declared a political offender.

A big mistake was their return to the USSR. The first decided to go home Ariadne. She went there in 1937. And in 1939 was arrested. She was waiting for a long period of references - as many as 15 years. Later it was justified. Her father, Sergey Efron, on arrival at the advice, was also arrested and shot as a political criminal and on charges of murder.

And later returns to his homeland and Marina. On August 31, 1941, she was found dead. Tsvetaeva hung at the age of 49, leaving the death notes.

Interesting facts and dates from life

Marina Tsvetaeva, short biography Which is saturated with events, today is considered one of the best Russian poets. Her life and creativity for all hearing is not only in Russia, but also in the whole world. Today we will talk about this amazing woman with a truly "poetic" destiny.

Childhood and youth

One of the key silver century poets, Marina Tsvevaeva was born on October 8 (on September 26, in the old style) of 1892 in Moscow. The family of color several generations had a direct or indirect attitude towards art. For example, Papa Marina, Ivan Vladimirovich, founded the Moscow Museum of Fine Arts. Mother, Maria Maine, studied at the famous Pianist Anton Rubinstein and herself was a famous pianist.

Due to mother's disease, the family often moved. Summer Marina and her sister Anastasia and parents usually spent in Tarusa. Then the family lived for a long time abroad. Marina studied in Moscow in a private women's gymnasium M.T. Pryukonenko, in connection with the move, education was also obtained in the guesthouses in Lausanne (Switzerland) and Freiburg (Germany), French boarding school. At the age of 16 listened short course About Starofranzu literature in Sorbonne (Paris).

After the death of the mother in 1906, the family returned to Russia. Ivan Vladimirovich carefully watched the daughters got best Education And not lazy to learn languages.

The beginning of the creative path and acquaintance with Sergey Efron

The first poems of Marina wrote in the six-year-old. The mother encouraged his daughter's passion for languages \u200b\u200band art, however, Maria saw his older daughter with a musician. Marina poems wrote in 3 languages: besides native Russian, even in French and German.

In 1910, Marina issued the first collection of poems - "Evening Album" to his own money - "Evening Album". Although it included her school, completely more children's works, they immediately attracted the attention of poetic circles, including such famous poets as Maximilian Voloshin, Nikolai Gumilyov and Valery Bryusov. Following the first collection, the first critical article of Marina "Magic in Verses Brysov" is also coming out.

In 1911, Marina went to the Crimea to buy from M. Voloshina. There she met Sergey Efron, for which he married a few months later. The first year of marriage was very saturated: in 1912, four were born the daughter of Ariadne (Alya), in addition, the second collection of poems marina was released - "Magic Lantern", which included diverse youthful writings.

No matter how downloaded days, Tsvetaeva poems wrote properly - for a few hours a day. In addition to poems, Marina also wrote articles, prose and made translations that brought the bulk of money in the family. Following the first two comes the collection "Of two books" (1913). It feels the influence of the circle of communication of the poet (Tsvetaeva emphasized that she is a poet, not a poetess), namely M. Voloshina, V. Brysov and N. Nekrasov. On this collection of creativity Tsvetaeva early years Consider completed.

Acquaintance with Sofia Gamenk

Marina Tsvetaeva, whose brief biography made a lot, was very loving in kind. She constantly fell in love with both men and women. The best of her poems that everyone for hearing is written precisely in a state of love or strong emotional shocks - without this, the poet could not create.

In 1914, Marina became acquainted with the poetess and the translator of Sofia Glaknik and was very fond of her. She actually left the family, leaving a little alone on Sergey, who was very sidewrd from her betrayal. Stormy, scandalous novel, which everyone knew, lasted until 1916. After a biennial absence and long apologies, Marina returned to her husband, and the flour of parting with Sofia poured into the cycle of the "girlfriend" poems.

Civil war period

After returning to her husband in 1917, another daughter appeared in the family - Irina. At that time, the revolution began. Sergey fought on the side of the White Army, and Marina lived with children in Moscow, in Borisoglebsky Lane. There was no money, she sold personal belongings to at least somehow bring ends with ends. Younger daughter due to cramped circumstances gave to the shelter near Moscow, where she died at the age of 3, which Marina did not forgive himself until the end of his life.

In the same period, the poet got acquainted with the famous Russian theater figure, director and writer Prince Sergey Volkonsky, friendship with which was fruit and inspired her until the end of his life in 1937. It was during this period Tsvetaeva, who did not receive poems in Recognition at that time, wrote several romantic plays. To this period also belong to the poems "Tsar-Maiden", "Egorushka" and "Red Kone", as well as the cycle of poems "Swan Stan". The latter is written under the influence of the revolution and imbued with sympathy to the "Beloarmeys".

Wandering in emigration

Sergey Efron after the defeat of the army of Denikin fled abroad and became a student at the University of Prague. In his absence, Marina experienced several more passionate novels, but still decided to move abroad after her husband managed to contact her.

In May 1922, Marina Tsvetaeva, along with the daughter of Ariad, finally received permission to leave. At first they stopped at Berlin for a while, and after that, 3 years lived in Prague suburb. Sergey studied, Marina wrote and translated. Transfers and further were the main source of income, copyrights were added to them.

Although Marina tried very much to establish relationships with her husband, her new novel was tied with Konstantin Rodzevich, the sculptor and plus to the whole - a close friend of Sergey. It was he who is the lyrical hero of her poems "Mountain Poem" and "Poem of the End", they are dedicated to him. In 1925, Marina gave birth to a long-awaited son - George (she called him Moore), hoping to stroke the feeling of guilt for the daughter's deceased. Although many considered otherwise, Marina emphasized that this child was born from Sergey.

After the birth of the son of Chet, he moved to Paris, where Marina suppressed the atmosphere of persecution and shortcoming. S. Efron was suspected of participating in a conspiracy against the son of Trotsky - Lion Sedov. During this period, Tsvetaeva is rewritten with Boris Pasternak, with its filing begins to communicate with Rainner Maria Rilke, which broke off with the death of the poet, without launching and years. When the news had the news about the suicide V. Mayakovsky, she reacted very painfully. In 1930, the Mayakovsky cycle appeared.

In emigration, the creativity of Tsvetaeva was still not assessed. But it was during this period that she grown and gained fame as a prose. It is her prose of that period ("My Pushkin", "House of Old Pimen", "Mother and Music", "Tale about Sonechka", "Living about living" and so on) Fed a family. Almost all poems written in that period were published after the death of the poet. The only and last lifetime collection of poems of that time is "after Russia", published in 1928

Return to the USSR

Marina Tsvetaeva, a brief biography of which he is shot with misfortunes, facing another tragedy. The first to return to the USSR allowed Ariadne, she went in 1937. And he was arrested first - on August 27, 1939. After her, S. Efron fled from Paris in Moscow, being filmed in political murder - he was arrested a few months after her daughter, 10 October. There were no weeks as S. Efron was shot on Lubyanka. Alya survived - after 15 years of imprisonment and references it was rehabilitated. Marina returned to his homeland last. Upon return, she lived in the Moscow region at the Duchess of the NKVD, located in Bolshev.

End of life path and mystery graves

The period after returning to the USSR is the least filled with verses - Marina actively engaged in translations. In front of the evacuation in Elabuga, she just translated Federico Garcia Lorca. The reason for evacuation was the war. On August 18, 1941, Marina with his son arrived in Elabugu with the intention to move to Chistopol, where there were already many evacuated writers. But before that it did not reach: on August 31, 1941, Marina Tsvetaeva was found hung in the Seine house of pellers. She left 3 death notes: for the son, the Aseev family and those who will deal with her funeral. Tsvetaeva's life was short and very scandalous - only 49 years.

Interestingly, the location of the grave of Marina Tsvetaeva is definitely not known. She was buried on September 2, very quietly, not attracting excessive attention, in one of the nameless graves of the Elabuga cemetery. Later there was a gravestone monument, which is now considered the official burial site.

Museum of Marina Tsvetaeva

Marina Tsvetaeva, a brief biography of which is full of events, left behind a very large poetic heritage, which was assessed after her death. She was set several monuments, and many poems turned into beautiful romances. Today, many posthumous collections of the works of Marina Tsvetaeva, who did not see the light during her life - are mainly poems written in emigration and on return to Russia.

Today there is not one museum of Tsvetaeva Marina, but as many as 8. Some of them are officially museums of the whole family of color or only the sisters of Marina and Anastasia Tsvetaev. In the photo - Museum of Marina Tsvetaeva in Moscow, in Borisoglebsky Lane.

Tsvetaeva Marina was born in Moscow in 1892. The first poems she wrote in the six-year-old age.

Marina was educated in the Moscow private women's gymnasium, in addition she studied in foreign boarding houses.

During World War I and Civil War, Marina's creativity begins to enjoy popular, it begins to write a lot.

Tsvetaeva married S. Efron in 1912, which did not prevent her to start a novel with a woman Sophia's player, which she dedicated to the poems cycle.

After the civil war, Marina moves to Germany, then to France. Abroad, not poetry, but prose, has brought great popularity abroad. In addition, Marina creates several works that relate to the biography of well-known people for it - V. Mayakovsky, and, with. Pushkin, A. White.

In the 30s, Tsvetaeva returns to his homeland. Husband and daughter are arrested. At this time, Marina practically does not compose, but engaged in translations, the money was barely enough for life.

In 1941, the poetess, without preparing a severe fate, cums the life of suicide.

For children by dates

Biography by dates and interesting Facts. The most important thing.

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Quick message about the life and work of Marina Tsvetaeva for children 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 classes

A poetess and prose was born in 1892 on September 26. Parents called Marina's Girl. She grew up complete harmony and in full well-being, the family was prosperous. But the misfortune happened, the girl mother, lost early, then she was not 14. Despite this, the father of the child, she tried to do everything that Marina felt the loss as little as possible. He was a secured person, which provided the opportunity for children to receive a decent education. They knew several European languages \u200b\u200bin cultivation, they would instill a special taste for art and love for literature and art.

Despite the fact that in addition to Marina in the family there were still children, Tsvetaeva, briefly speaking, was not deprived of the family. All children, Marina and Andrei, Valeria, their relatives on his father and from the first marriage of Mother Anastasia lived in a large mansion of a threeproof alley. In summer, we rest all together in Tarusa, the Kaluga region, sometimes left abroad. Marina, since childhood was a girl independent and purposeful in his actions. What is evidenced by her trip to Paris, in their own, 16 years old. In Paris, Marina attended as a listener of classes from the old French literature.

Writing poems began in six years old in French and Germany.

By 18 years old, her literary creativity debuted the release of the collection "Evening Album". It includes poems of student and student years. At that time, their subjects did not go beyond the boundaries of home and children's impressions, although they were written were the mature speech of the poet. This feature in the young poet was noticed by criticism. Reviews were published about her verses, even Valery Bryusov noted that the taste and art style worth attention.
Marina Tsvetaeva A brief biography, which is characterized by a wide poetic range, was only a novice verse. Interested in the collection and Maximilian Voloshin, to express admiration He visited the girl even at home, which contributed to the emergence of a strong friendship.

With the release of new collections in 1912 and 1913, a capable voice of poeses with a new force sounded. Her collections appeared on the book counters, they read it, and the books bought the true lovers of poetry. In 1912, Tsvetaeva married. The girl of her husband loved in his school years and his love to Sergey Efron carried throughout his life. Two daughters and son were born in marriage. And as the husband fought in the years of revolution, the family, at its end, had to emigrate. In other people's edges, it was not sweet. Returned to his homeland two years before the start of the Great Patriotic War. But here she was not glad.

About Tsvetaeva, briefly, it should be noted that a lot of troubles have collapsed on a woman, it was not for anything, I had to earn transfers. During the war, Maria, completely desperately, in a strong depressive condition, together with his son left in Elabugu under vacation. Staying in depressive condition, Maria Tsvetaeva put on his hands. It happened on August 31, 1941. I buried the poetess as the exile, outside the cemetery in Elabugask. To date, the exact burial place is unknown. Her husband, in 1941 he was shot, the son died in war, one daughter died, being in the hospital.

Brief biography of the poet, the main facts of life and creativity:

Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva (1892-1941)

Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva was born in Moscow on October 8 (on September 26, on the old style) of 1892 in the family of an outstanding professor-art historian Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaeva (1847-1913), founder of the Moscow Museum of Fine Arts named after A. S. Pushkin. Her mother, Maria Alexandrovna Maine (1868-1906), was the second wife of Tsvetaeva. Marina had valery sisters (1883-1966) and Brother Andrei (1890-1933) from the first marriage of the father and his native younger sister Anastasia (1894-1993).

In the fall of 1902, Maria Alexandrovna fell ill with Cahote, and the family had to go on a long journey abroad. They traveled to the best doctors of Italy, Switzerland, Germany. But no one could help. July 5, 1906 in Tarusa Maria Alexandrovna died.

Since 1908, Marina began publishing his poems in which it was difficult to guess the future great poetess.

In 1909, Marina Tsvetaeva tried to commit suicide. The circumstances of the occurrence remained a mystery family.

A year later, the first collection of poems was published "Evening album" (1910), published at the expense of the author circulation of 500 copies. He did not impress the readers, but he led to the poet's delight and critic Maximilian Alexandrovich Voloshin (1877-1932). He personally visited the beginning of the poetess and invited her to visit him to Koktebel.

The trip took place in May 1911. Here, Marina Ivanovna met his future husband Sergei Yakovlevich Efron (1893-1941). They were born on one day, but Efron was for the year younger than Marina. The son of revolutionaries, by the time the young man has already been orphaned and, being on the maternal line from the Knovurnov's nobility famous in Russia, was the official of the officer's academy.

Before Efron, Marina was in love only in the hero of the Borodino battle of General Alexander Alekseevich Tuchkov-Fourth (1777-1812). It came to the point that the girl put out the portrait of the hero instead of the icon than caused a painful reaction from her believer father. Tuchkov is devoted to the famous poem "Generals of 1812", created in the period 1913-1915.

1912 turned out to be rich in events that are significant for the fate of the poetess. In January, she married Sergei Efron. The second and third collections of poems of the Tsvetaeva "Magic Light" and "of two books" were published. And 18 (5) September 1912, the first daughter of Marina - Ariadne was born, the homework was Her Alya.

Soon after the start of the First World War, the time of real poetry was the time. In 1915-1916, Marina Ivanovna created magnificent poems "poems about Moscow", "insomnia", "Steenka Razin", "poems to block" (completed in 1920-1921), "Ahmatova". The world was the great poet reformer.

Tsveyev of that period remarkably described the daughter of Ariadne Efron in his memoirs:

"Mom was medium, rather low, growth, with the correct, clearly carved, but not sharp features of the face. She had a straight line, with a small hubber and beautiful, expressive nostrils, precisely expressive, especially well expressing and angry, and contempt. However, everything in her face was expressive and everything - a deer, and lips, and their smile, and breaking the eyebrows, and even the ears, small, almost without urshes, sensitive and woops, like Faun. Her eyes were the rarest, light bright green, the color, which is called Rus Mland and who has not changed, did not sweat and did not respond to her death. In an ovale of the face, something for children was preserved for a long time, some very young roundness. Light-blond hair was milded softly and carelessly - everything was in it without embellishment and did not need it in the gluas. Mom was wide in the shoulders, narrow in the hips and in the waist, tightened and retained for life and the figure, and the flexibility of the teenager. Her hands were not feminine, but the boys, small, but not a miniature, strong, solid in the handshake, with well-developed fingers, slightly square to the ends, with wide, but beautiful nails. Rings and bracelets made up an integral part of these hands, merged with them - so earlier the peasants of the earrings were worn, in their ears and forever. Such - once and for all - there were two vintage silver bracelets, both cast, convex, one with a turquoise into it, the other smooth, with an amazing flying bird carved on it, the wings stretched from the edge and to the edge of the bracelet and hugged all the wrist. Three rings - wedding, "surviving on the scrubles", gemma in the silver frame - carved on the agate My synpathia "is obviously a gift for a long-disappeared sailor who has long disappeared bride. In my memory, the inscription almost completely erased, and the boat became barely distinguish. There were still rings, many, they came and left, but these three never left her fingers and went only with her. "

April 13, 1917, Efronov was born daughter Irina. In the autumn of 1917, young couple left for rest in the Crimea, but on November 25, Tsvetaeva returned to Moscow for children. To get back to her husband she failed. In January 1918, Sergey Efron entered the Volunteer Army of Cornilov. The civil war began.

In the same 1918, Tsvetaeva, the cycle of verses "Comedyant", the play "Chervoy Valnet" and "Blizzard" were created. She launched new acquaintances, primarily with V. V. Mayakovsky and K. D. Balmont. And one more remarkable episode: the only time in the life of Tsvetaeva for half a year worked in the drug addict, after which he gave himself a word never to serve anyone else and kept him.

In 1919, the poetess was written by the cycle of poems "poems to the Sonechka" and the play "Fortuna", "Stone Angel", "Adventure", "Phoenix". Hunger raged in Moscow. Marina Ivanovna was unable to feed the children herself. In the autumn of 1919, in order to save the daughters, she gave them to the near Moscow shelter in Kuntsevo, but for the reason of the disease, it was soon forced to pick up, which was saved by a girl. February 15, 1920, the youngest daughter of Efronov Irina died in a shelter from exhaustion and longing. For the colorful death of his daughter became the hardest blow. After all, she was actually forced to make a choice of some of the daughters to live, and chose the eldest, destroying the younger.

In 1920, Tsvetaeva was created by the poem "Tsar-Maiden", which was included in the fourth collection of verses poetess "The versts", which was seen in 1921. At the same time they were written the poems "on the Red Kone" and "Egorushka", the "student" poems cycles, "separation" and "good news".

On July 14, 1921, Marina Ivanovna received a letter from Sergey Efron from the border. The husband called them to him. The last months of life in Soviet Russia were held in trouble and preparation for the departure abroad. At the same time they were written the poem "Well done" and the "Sugretoby" poems cycles and "trees".

On May 11, 1922, Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva with daughter Alya emigrated from Russia. The first years of Efron were held in the Czech Republic: Horny Mokrops, Prague, Ilovishi, Dolly Mokrops, Wessenora. Sergey Efron received a student scholarship, and Marina Tsvetaeva - help from the Czech government and fees from the magazine "Will Russia". Here they were written such masterpieces as the "Poem of Mountain", the "Poem of the end", "Rats", the play "Ariadne", the poem "attempt by jealousy", the cycle of the "wire" poems.

In 1923, in the Publishing House "Helikon" in Berlin, the fifth collection of poetess "Craft" came out.

In the autumn of the same year, the family moved to permanent residence in Paris, where he settled on long years. Here, the poetess was created almost all the rest of her emigrant works and in 1928 her sixth book "After Russia" was released.

In 1931, Sergey Efron turned to the provision of Soviet citizenship. He began to work on Soviet intelligence and at the same time actively participated in the activities of the "Union of Return to Motherland".

All the years of the emigration of Efron were distressed, almost starved. The first could not withstand Ariadne. March 15, 1937, she went to Moscow. In the autumn of 1937, Sergey Efron, suspected by the French police in the murder of the former Soviet agent Ignatius flight, was also forced to move to the USSR. Marina Ivanovna with Murom remained in France.

Father and Ala from Russia called to themselves. In France, Tsvetaeva, as a wife of a Chekist agent, took not everywhere and almost did not print. Her verses, the outstanding time and the classical laws of poetry, were not understood not to everyone, because of which the evenings of poetry did not bring many income.

Moreover, straight-line Tsvetsev has repeatedly expressed support for young Soviet writers who worked in censorship and desperate pressure, constant threat of freedom loss. She even stated that Soviet children's literature is the best in the world.

The poetess perfectly understood that he was expected in Russia. She was too smart, so as not to understand this. But you need to know Marina Tsvetaeva. Once she wrote Sergey Efron, which will go behind him "everywhere, like a dog, wherever he is." And kept his promise.

Meanwhile, in 1939 Anastasia Ivanovna Tsvetaeva was arrested. It was hidden from the sister.

June 18, 1939 Marina Tsvetaeva and Son came to Moscow. Until October 1939, they lived at the cottage in Bolshevo. Here on the night of August 27-28, 1939, Ariadna Efron was arrested. Alya went, smiling through strength, in covered car "Funks". In the eyes glittered unpolent tears. Marina Ivanovna stood at the window of the room and looked daughter after. Ariadna Sergeyevna spent in camps and in references a total of incomplete 17 years.

In November 1939, Sergei Yakovlevich Efron was arrested. He did not leave prison.

Marina Ivanovna and Georgy did not have any permanent registration: they were not a dacha in Bolev (but it was impossible to live in winter), they lived in the house of creativity from Litfond. Wandered around apartments. Tsvetaeva wore heights to prison - Ale and Efron, and if they were taken, she knew that her daughter and her husband were alive. That's the point and the mother and son prepared the parcels to the arrestants, wrote letters, dried carrots on the batteries.

The repression that fell on family members did not prevent the poetess to prepare a collection of poems to publication in the statelyisdate. But at the end stage of the preparation, he was "grackled" by the famous critic Cornelia Zelinsky (1896-1970).

In April 1941, Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva took in the trade university of writers in accordance with Goslitisdat. In Soviet times, this gave the right not only to be engaged exclusively by literary labor, but also to qualify for the benefits provided by the state with professional writers.

On June 6-8, 1941, a significant meeting of Marina Tsvetaeva with Anna Akhmatova took place in Moscow.

And on August 8, 1941, Marina Tsvetaeva and Son Murom went on a steamer from Moscow to evacuation. They settled in Elabuga. On August 26, Marina Ivanovna wrote a statement about the employment of dishwasher in a table Litfond, but she was denied.

On August 31, 1941, Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva committed suicide - hanged himself. The son, which in those days was mobilized to work at the airfield, she left a suicide note: "Murlyga! Forgive me. But longer it would be worse. I'm seriously ill, it is no longer me. I love you madly. Understand that I could no longer live. Tell me and ale - if you see them - that I loved them until the last minute, and explain what came to a dead end. "

Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva (1892-1941)

Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva was born in Moscow on September 26 (October 8) of 1892 at midnight at John the Bogoslov.

Red brush

Ryabina lit up.

Fallen leaves,

I was born.

Argued hundreds


The day was Saturday:

John theologian.

Me and Donyn

I want to gnaw

Hot rowan.

Gorky brush.

She was born in the family of Professor-art historian Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaeva and his wife, a talented pianist. Father remained forever in the memory of Russia as the Creator of the Museum of Fine Arts (now - named A. S. Pushkin). The museum has a memorial plaque with his name.

The world's home world was permeated with interest in art. Circle were books on antiquity, busts of the ancient gods and heroes. Therefore, in verses of Marina Ivanovna a lot of reminiscence and mythological images from ancient times. She even wrote the plays "Fedra" and "Teze", and his daughter called Ariadna.

Mother is primarily a musicality inherited by Marina. The perception of the world through sound is from the mother. Maria Alexandrovna Maine - Mother Marina - Blood was both German, and Polka, and Czech, that, as experts believe, the character of her daughter affected the explosive. But this explosive in conjunction with musicality and gave the world a unique musical world of Tsvetaeva. In her poetry music is not singer, not melodious, but, on the contrary, cutting, disharmonic. But it was the music of the era. Approximately the same thing was caught in time composers Scriabin, Stravinsky, Shostakovich. The latter even wrote a few works on the poetry.

It must be said that her father was a leaving of the poor rural priesthood, essentially a leaving of the peasants. It is from Father Tsvetaeva inherited his "d'" and hardworking. She herself repeatedly said that all this from the land from the paternal, where Ilya Muromets was born - the father was from the Talitsky district of Vladimir province.

The first book from Tsvetaeva came out in 1910 - "Evening Album". Many noted that it was a collection of still semi-children's poems. Although this semi-tech and captivity, Nikolai Gumilyov, reading her second collection - "Magic Lantern," - said: "The first book of Marina Tsvetaeva" Evening Album "forced to believe in her, and maybe most of all - her genuine childishness, so Milo-naive not conscious of your difference from maturity. " On the second book, he has already spoken by Surovo: "" Magic Lantern "- already fake, and published in addition to the stylized" under children "publishing".

Gumilyov, the second book criticized. And Voloshin and the first, and the second book actively supported. And not only Voloshin - Buses, too.

Tsvetaeva did not just acquire itself in poetry. She tried various masks - Gypsies, sinners, Kurtizanka - while she came to her mature. And all this time she especially listened to the advice of the poet Voloshin and her husband Sergei Efron.

Poems 1916-1917 amounted to the books "Themes I" and "Merges II". In them, Tsvetaeva operates to the world, everything essentially; obeying intuition, she blesses whistling wind change. But at the same time, the war went, Russia lost many battles - Tsvetaeva handed over the tragedy of the era, pity and sadness overwhelmed her heart.

White Sun and Low, Low Clouds,

Along the gardens - behind a white wall - the graveyard.

And on the sand of the straw straw stuffed

Under the crossbars in human growth.

And, having jerking through fence stakes,

I see: Roads, trees, soldiers of the ruble.

Old woman - sprinkled salt

Black Slot Summer Chews And Chews ...

How did these gray huts nourished you

Lord! - And why so much to shoot the chest?

The train passed and overwhelmed, and overwhelmed soldiers,

And dug, diluted the retreating path ...

No, die! Never would be born better

Than this plaintive, pitiful caterior

About black beautiful beauties. - Oh, and sing the same

Now the soldiers! Oh my God God you are!

It is at this time that a folk word enters the poems. All - a fairy tale, epics, spells, chastushki - enter her poetic speech.

Folklore in it woke up.

I spell you from Zlata,

From the midnight widow of the winged,

From marsh evil smoke

From the old woman wrapped by.

Snakes under the bush,

Water under the bridge.

Cross Roads,

From women - post.

From Shawl Bukhara,

From the diplomas of the royal

From black business

From a white horse!

Then the folklore will be the basis of integral poems - "Tsar-Maiden", "on Red Kone", "Well done".

Researcher of creativity M. Tsvetaeva A. Pavlovsky writes: "From the verst poems, it can be seen what a huge intonational diversity of Russian flexible and polyphonic culture was forever in her hearing. This wealth has enough to her not only on the versh verses, and then on big poems, but also for prose, for life. With its phenomenal auditory memory of a natural musician, she was not easy for her not only to keep this invaluable supply in all years of emigration, when the speech sea retreated from her, leaving the Parisian street on the stone island, but also to constantly vary, arrange and even multiply him. In the Russian poetic speech of our century, the artistic contribution of Tsvetaeva - linguistic, paganorate and intonational-syntactic - weighing and significant. National Beginning In her poetry, it was expressed with great strength and intensity. "

Tsvetaeva experienced revolutionary years in a pretty ambiguous position - her husband at that time was in the White Army. Four years she did not receive any news from him. Her child died of hunger, she herself was a lot and hungry - and all the time he thought about her husband, whom she did not just loved, and idle. And these dooms are solid torture.

At this time, she writes the book "Swan Stan", which glorifies the White Army, glorifies only for the fact that her beloved and only one in her ranks.

Happy New Year, Swan Stan!

Nice debris!

Happy New Year - on other places -

Warriors with kittomka!

With foam at the mouth dancing, not dodged,

Red pursuit!

Happy New Year - broken - in the run

Motherland with palm!

Sconered to the ground - and the whole earth

Song congent.

This, Igor, - Rus through the sea

Crying Yaroslavnaya.

Tomny groan tires sadness:

My brother! - My prince! - My son!

- Happy New Year, Young Rus,

Behind the sea for blue!

Tsvetaeva always had hatred for the world of "filters", to the "bourgeoisity", so she did not oppress the general poverty of that time, she saddled and suffered only about the lack of news from her husband, and she even liked Red Moscow.

July 14, 1921, Tsvetaeva received " good news"- Letter from S. Efron. He was in the Czech Republic, he studied at the University of Prague. I found it, at the request of Marina Ivanovna, Ehrenburg. Tsvetaeva instantly decided to go to her husband.

The years of emigration began. At first Berlin, then Prague, then in search of a cheap housing, the family moves to Ilovishi, in solid macros, in the villains.

Researcher of creativity Tsvetaeva Anna Sahakyans believes that "Marina Tsvetaeva grew up in the poet, which in our days is valid for the Great. Her poetry spoke of the immortal creative spirit, seeking and accompanied by the absolute in human feelings. The most cherished Tsvetteevsky theme at that time was the philosophy and psychology of love ... The image of human passions reached her sometimes true Shakespeare power, and psychologism, a piercing study of feelings can be compared with a plot of human souls in Dostoevsky's novels. "

In the Czech Republic, she completed the poem "Well done", wrote a lot of lyrics, worked on the "poem of the mountain", "the poem of the end", the tragedy of the "Teze" and the poem "rats".

Soon the family moves to Paris. In France, they were destined to live thirteen and a half years.

It must be said that the emigrant literary circles did not very much pledged Tsvetaeva, especially Z. Hippius and D. Merezhkovsky. And she herself did not hurt them. She wrote about her loneliness in a letter Yu. Ivask: "No, a dove, nor with those nor with these, nor with the third, nor with hundreds, and not only with" politicians ", and I and Writers - not, nor with Who, one, all his life, without books, without readers, without friends, - without the environment, without any protection, involvement, worse than a dog ... "(April, 1933).

"They do not like Rus, but the landlord goose - and girls," she talked about the emigrant "leaders" and "politicians."

Then, when the life of Tsvetaeva tragically turns around in the Soviet Union, many of these "leaders" are aware of their guilt - that they pushed it out of emigration with their cold, indifferent. Tsvetaeva somehow said Zinaida Shakhovskaya: "There is no way to go - the emigration survives me."

But, on the other hand, could they keep emigrants in 1939, when she followed her daughter and husband went to the USSR? Irina Odoevtseva suffered that, they say, "we failed to appreciate it, they did not love, did not hold from a disastrous return to Moscow." Well no. There are already emigrants for nothing. This is destiny. "I knew from the first minute that I would go," these are the words of Marina Ivanovna.

About the tragedy of the Family Tsvetaeva in the USSR has written a lot in recent years. Why did they return to them all? But the fact is that Sergey Efron actively participated in the work of the Union of Friendship with Soviet Union And, according to some sources, performed the tasks of the NKVD. Could they think that the prosecutor's configured family will meet so; And they met exactly that - the husband was arrested and shot, the daughter was also arrested. In addition, Sergey Efron had no choice: after one political operation, he was forced to be secretly and urgently go to Moscow.

So - fate, fate and fate. Fate poet.

The last years of Tsvetaeva's life wrote a lot of prose, after the German attack on Czechoslovakia created a whole cycle of anti-fascist poems, a lot of it translated in these years - from French, from German, English, Georgian, Bulgarian, Polish ...

The war found Tsvetaeva for translations from Federico Garcia Lorca. In early August 1941, Tsvetaeva and Son sailed to the steamer in evacuation. Settled in Elabuga, on Kame. Here she completed her earthly path, having fun, on August 31, on Sunday.

She left three notes: in one asked Aseev to take the son of Mura: "I can't do anything else for him and only his gulp ...", another note by people who asked to help him leave: "I want Moore to live and studied. With me it will disappear. " And one more - Son: "Murlyga! Forgive me, but it would be worse. I'm hard to hurt, this is not me. I love you madly. Understand that I could no longer live. Tell me Pape and Ale - if you see - that I loved them until the last minute, and explain that I got into a dead end. "After three years, Moore will perish in war. And about the fate of her husband at that moment, Tsvetaeva did not know exactly.

Poetry Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva began to pierce his way and found essentially nationwide recognition in our time. Her verses overlook the huge circulations, songs are written on many poems, romances. Her verses "came their turn", as she prophetically wrote in his youth.

Details of life and even the bends of fate over the years we are moving into the background, and the word poet itself is advanced. We now admire many and many of its strangers and verses, just admire the arts of art. For example, Evgeny Vinokurov's poet found his duty to leave such an entry in the diary:

"In Tsvetaevsky poem there is such a stanza:

Cudelny pull for the grandmother thread,

Yes, go to bed to smoke at home,

Yes on hand solemnly swim

Cathedral area,

Radia silks, with a godfather.

Try instead of the word rod to put at least the word rustle, and the poem will immediately lose, immediately goes out. It is in this word climax, a blow. This is a "nail" of the entire poem. In two rows of quatrains, an extraordinary expression is embedded, which is increasing from the word to the Word. Here the frantic nature of the woman was transferred, unsuccessfully grated the entire Domostroev medium. "

Many and poets, and lovers of poetry write their enthusiasm from the playful poems or just rewrite poetry ...

Without color Russian poetry is already unthinkable. And during periods of turning era, when everyone is looking for a new strength, a new word, the Poetry of Tsvetaeva will always acquire the second breathing, will be the source of energy for generations and inspiration for the creators.

Tsvetaeva and died because by this time all his mental and every other energy gave his work. Energy to continue to live, no longer remained.

At the twenty years, Marina wrote:

You go like a similar

Eat aspiring down.

I lowered them - too!

Passer, stop!

She represented herself in the grave - and from there spoke with passersby (although people in the cemetery somehow do not want to be called passersby). She also played life into death. As the earliest Akhmatova played at the same earliest Akhmatova, and many poets play ...

But in this poem, such a virgin purity is captured, such chasteness and affectionate, a bright feeling for the world, that it is a poem, I want to consider the final, through it I want to take the dark death of the poet - the soul, as it were, I flew out of the gloom and again became a twenty-year-old-year-old-year-old soul.

Do not think that here - the grave,

What I will appear, threatening ...

I loved too much

Laugh when you can not!

"Passer, stop!" We are all passer. But to stop and discover the World of Marina Tsvetaeva - it is necessary for a person even in our super fast and small poetic time.

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You read the biography (facts and years of life) in the biographical article dedicated to the life and creativity of the Great Poet.
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