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Native city of Ivan Rudsky. How old is Ivangay (eeoneguy)? When was born where he lives? How much does Ivangai get? What is his statistics in Youtube

Many are familiar with the popular Utuber and the video unit, whose name is Ivan. The channel is called EEONEGUY, it is read in Russian as "IVANGY". So who is Ivanthai and why his canal is so popular? We will deal with these and many other questions a little lower in the article.

Who is he, biography

Channel Channel "IVANYA" name is Ivan Ruda, his biography is quite interesting and fascinating, because after he became "Yutube" and rich, he began to travel around the world and shoot various very interesting video about his life, about the game and the most different topics . In fact, Ivan is only 20 years old, but for so much time he managed to become the most popular video clrokener in Russia.

He was born in 1996, in Ukraine. Who is Ivangai, his family? He has a family is not too rich, the father is a veterinarian. Ivan Ruda, whose biography is filled with all sorts of controversial facts, studied in the gymnasium number 127. Judging by his estimates, and according to teachers, Vanya was one of the best students, he studied well, behaved decently and was a obedient boy. He entered the Dnipropetrovsk National University and there he also studied on perfectly, at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics, however, despite all this, he had to throw his studies, since it was necessary to move to Moscow.

Thanks to its attractive appearance, charm and "acute language", Ivan Romanovich Rudskaya quickly became popular in the video hosting "YouTube" and began to engage in his favorite work, namely, he filmed a video and laid out on the network. The guy was also starred in advertising from the company "Lenovo" before creating a canal, so he had a little experience in this regard. Despite all this, he lived in a secured family and now, earning a huge money on his video, is very rich. Many subscribers and Hayters IVANGAY are asked about how much IVANGY earns on their video, and many are trying to copy it to earn as much as Ivan.

Details about the channel

With those who are such an IVANGY, have already figured out, but nothing has been written about his channel. He created his channel in 2013, everything that wanted to just try. This year, many popular Utubers registered. Ivan Romanovich Rudskaya did not even guess that after some time he would become extremely popular "YouTube" and the video block hero, and that he would like to shoot a video at all, he did it just for the sake of interest.

In fact, Ivangai has become popular for only one year! This is just unimaginable, because in one year this guy was able to become very popular, and after some time even people from other countries began to watch his channel and knew who Ivanangai. In 2015, he moved to Japan, where he began to shoot a video with the Japanese, and these videos looked at a huge number of people, because he told about the culture of Japan, who was directly communicated with the Japanese, played with them to the game and much more, and people were interested.

At that time, he had no more than 4,000,000 subscribers, but in a short time this figure increased greatly, at the moment he has more than 10,000,000 subscribers. It is surprising, because in 1.5 years 6,000,000 subscribers are a huge figure. But you really should not think that it is easy to it. Although he earns a huge amount of money on his video, it does not change anything, it really works, constantly removes new and interesting videos to the most different themes, after which makes the installation of his video and is already posting on the network. It requires tremendous effort, but he copes well with all this, and, judging by him, he likes it.

Pledge of popularity

Although Vanya was initially an experience, because he starred in advertising from Lenovo, in any case, he became popular at once. Quite quickly, but not immediately. This guy has a rather pleasant appearance, many girls just looked and looking exclusively on it in videos. So its popularity partially depends on this. But not only because of the appearance, it became a good and popular Utuber.

Why his canal is so popular

He shoots very high-quality video, and he has an excellent sense of humor, which is why they love to watch his fun and a variety of videos. No one can guess what the topic will be released the next time, it can be a review of the game or it will experiment with some subject, just will be having fun with friends and so on. Many Haters hate it precisely because of this: he is too cheerful and behaves like a child at his twenty years, but after all, many love him because of this. The channel "IVANGY" subscribers are mostly small, from 12-15 years old, but there are adult adults. More than 50% of the audience are not adults, but Ivan loves his fans and often suits parties and walks with their subscribers who follow him together and are having fun.

How does earnings going

Despite this, many are still interested in the question of how much IVANYA earns on their video. In fact, he earns a lot. But how? There are various affiliate programs that pay for huskies, for watching advertising and so on. Some affiliate programs take only the most popular Utubers, such as "Pyudipay", "Ivangay" and others who have more than 5,000,000 subscribers and at least 50,000,000 views per month, not less than 400,000 views in each video.

Common earnings

Indeed, the criteria are too tough, however, such affiliate programs also pay a lot. And so, since Ivan's channel fully complies with these criteria, it earns at least 30,000 rubles from each video! This is a minimum figure, on average its earnings for one video is 50.000 rubles, and this is despite advertising, because he is also lying videos for 3000 rubles, and comments in 4000. A pretty good figure.

IVANYA - the famous video unit, who very quickly managed to become famous for his interesting videos. He was born on January 19, 1996. Knowing the date of the birth of the stars, it can be easily calculated as IVANGY YEAR. If you believe this data, then in 2017 the guy was 21 years old. It's hard to believe in it, since it is difficult for him to give more than 18 years old how young he looks like.

By 20 years, the blogger achieved great popularity. His videos are actively looking and discussed young people from Russia and Ukraine. Millions admire the creativity of Ivanga and its ability to give the audience through the chamber a lot of positive emotions.

Biography of the popular video unit

A young man named Ivan Ruda was introduced to the whole of the country. Ukrainian video unit was able to gain unprecedented popularity not only in his homeland, but also in Russia. And here is his brief biography:

  • Ivangay was born in a small village Annovka for baptism. Parents decided to call Son Vanychka in honor of John the Baptist. Five years later, two more girls Sonya and Dasha appeared in the blogger family.
  • At a three-year-old age, Ivan began running fluid. He liked to read books. The boy's father taught the Son English. Parents did not want to lose time, because they decided to give Vanya to school at a five-year-old age. But the leadership of the educational institution was forced to refuse them. He had to wait another year to become a first class student. In school, the boy succeeded well. He mastered new sciences without any problems.
  • When Ivangai finished learning in the younger school, immediately moved along with his parents and sisters to Dnepropetrovsk. For him there was a place in a good gymnasium. In his free from the basic study, the guy disappeared in a music school. He studied the playing guitar, and also visited the class of vocal. Additionally, Ivan walked on judo classes. At that time, the boy had an interest in the computer. Surprisingly, he was not interested in the game, but work with complex programs, such as Photoshop. Vanya was seriously carried away by computer graphics. At the same time, he never expressed the desire to draw anything on ordinary paper. In short, the future blogger tried to develop in many areas. He had enough time and strength to catch his skills and in sciences, and in art.
  • When Ivan was 13 years old, he first visited the Youtube portal already gaining popularity. For a long time, the teenager remained the usual viewer, who watched the work of other people. However, one day he had the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating his own channel on the portal, so that his visitors learned about him. As you can guess, the idea turned out to be quite successful. Somehow, the first videos of IVANGA began to appear. Every year their number, like the popularity of the young man, only grew.
  • The blogger had the opportunity to get a higher education. But he missed her. The young man decided that he should concentrate all his attention not to study, but on the promotion of the personal channel on a popular video portal.

At the moment, IVANGY is found with the famous bloggers Marryannaya. Fans know her under the name Maryana Ro. Young people met completely by chance. The girl fell to the eyes of Vanya's photos. It seemed to her that the Western teen was depicted on them. Marianana posted a photo of Ivanhaga on her social network page. After that, Vanya told him about this case.

For several months, bloggers simply communicated with each other online. In the spring of 2015, Ivan decided to go to Japan to see Mariana live. The girl did not even think that Ivanangi would come to Sapporo, one Japanese town in which she had lived with his parents for several years. After some time, the couple decided to move to Moscow.

About Ivanga and Mariaan did not have such rumors so long ago:

  • Young people secretly married. As it turned out, it was just a joke that a couple in love came up with.
  • Ivangai has a relationship with his colleague Sasha Spielberg. It was another gossip for which there was no confirmation.

Around the famous couple constantly walk various rumors and gossip. Bloggers try not to react much on them. But they are always welcome to talk about themselves. After all, due to them, their popularity is only increasing.

Ivangai fans must certainly be aware of the following important events from the life of the young men who helped him become a popular blogger:

  • The young man wrote his first video when he was a gradual student. They turned out to be a funny clip "Song Zaprota". Music roller really liked his classmates. And it is not surprising. After all, in his song, Ivanangai talked about the problem with which every schoolboy faces.
  • In 2013, an officially registered channel on YouTube Eeoneguy, which belongs to Ivana appeared. Initially, the young man laid out reviews for various computer games that like adolescents. "Another look at minecraft" is the first video, which appeared on the IVANGAY Channel. Of particular popularity, then it was not possible to earn money. Then he began to create a short-term sketch of a humorous character who starred in the spirit of the blogger from Spain Elrubiusomg.
  • Ivangai creates video for schoolchildren. Therefore, it is so popular among the younger generation.

Now on the official channel of IVANGA, more than 7 million subscribers who regularly follow his life and creative activities. The young men's rating continues to grow at high speed. He has already managed to exceed the majority of bloggers who are constantly watching Youtube users.

Sikorsky: brilliant Kievans who have never been Ukrainians! The designer of the world in the world of heavy bombarder Ilya Muromets Igor Sikorsky, most likely, because of the Polish sound of his surname, it is often ranked on ethnic origin to the Poles, then to the Ukrainians. However, the study of his biographical tree testifies to its direct, exclusively Cossack roots. Father Igor Ivanovich - Doctor of Medicine, Professor Ivan Alekseevich Sikorsky - was on the origin of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, his ancestors were included in the Cossack register of the Commonwealth. The cult of Zaporizhia SECHES, the interested study of its history, reverence the ancient roots of the Cossacks constituted the basis of the intellectual being of the Sikors family. Even their long, whistling mustache, he wore to Zaporizhzhya manner, and loved very much when someone hinted him like this similarity. The mother of the aircraft designer is Maria Sikorskaya, nee Teryryuk-Cherkasov - originated from a clearest terro-Kuban Cossack family. But not looking at nor Zaporizhzhya roots, none of their place of residence in Kiev - Sikorsian itself did not consider any Ukrainians: these were Russian people who even fought with Ukrainophy! It was the father of the father of the ingenious designer Igor Sikorsky - Ivan Sikorsky - belongs to the following lines: "In the Malorussian population - the same tribal composition as in Veliko-Russian. This is anthropologically, that is, by its breed and nature, the entire Russian population of European Russia is exhausted. Anthropological studies of all three branches of the Russian people establish their complete ethnic identity and, therefore, the unity of the Russian ethnic type. Thus, Velikors, Malorus and Belarusians differ from each other only insignificant, secondary, and purely linguistic differences. These anthropology reject the existence of "Ukrainians" "both on Earth and underground", i.e. As among the living representatives of the population of southern Russia, and among the population of cemeteries and ancient graves. From Arkhangelsk to Taganrog and the Lublin Hill to Saratov and Taman lives the same Russian nationality. Crushing on Veligors, Malororsov and Belarusians is associated with insignificant and secondary, moreover, rather a linguistic rather than anthropological features that, moreover, are often absent. " But back to the son of the Russian professor - to Igor Ivanovich Sikorsky ... In 1911, the 23-year-old engineer and pilot Igor Sikorsky took part in the pilotal aviation competition organized by the Military Ministry of Russia. The C-6a C-6a, designed by Sikors, defeated all his rivals flying on the aircraft of famous European aircraft manufacturers. The participation of the Sikorsky aircraft in the competition was not passed by the attention of Industrialist Mikhail Shidlovsky, also from the Born Cossacks, only the Don, who lived in the territory of the Voronezh province. Schidlovsky was an amazing person: it organically combined the talent of the researcher and the theorist of the industry with the talent of an entrepreneur practice. He was the main owner and chairman of the Board of the prosperous Russian-Baltic Wagon Plant. With a true Cossack desire to rise, "For the Horny Okoy", he became an enthusiast of the development of aviation, and soon after the acquaintance he proposed the engineer to the Sikorski to lead the Aviation Design Division of the Russian-Baltic Wagon Plant (RBVZ). There, the designer received the most favorable conditions for work: well-equipped factory workshops, professional technical staff and at least not abundant, but fully sufficient money for developmental work. Early in the morning of April 27, 1913, the world's first heavy aircraft C-9 "Grand", renamed later in Russian Vityaz, was raised into the air himself Sikorsky. In the design of the aircraft, we found the use of extraordinary technical solutions for their time, its dimensions were impressive: the wing span is 27 meters, the length of the fuselage is 20 meters. On the lower wing of the bipland box, two row engines "Argus" were installed, with a power of 100 horsepower. The long fuselage of the aircraft had a large cabin for the crew and passengers, and even a kind of balcony was provided to monitor flight. The chassis of "Russian Vityaz" was an innovative design for its time and consisted of dual wheels, as well as anti-sink and anti-ship skiing. Subsequently, after a series of test flights, the plane was installed in Tandem two more Argus engines. Russian Vityaz struck the entire aviation world of novelty design solutions and significant potential facilities for modernization. He became the first in a number of new technological vector of aircraft - a group of heavy aircraft. On the basis of the "Russian Vityaz" since the fall of 1913, the construction of a new four-dimensional heavy airplane "Ilya Muromets" was launched, which significantly different from its predecessor and appearance, and internal device. The plane attacked the scale of the design. In addition to the pilot cabin, which was placed in the nose of the fuselage, he had a passenger cabin, a bedroom and a toilet. The pilot cabin had two side doors to access the lower biplant box consoles. According to these consoles, that is, on the lower wings of the airplane, it was possible to approach the engines directly in flight: this feature contributed to the salvation in the air battles of the first world several aircraft and crews. From the cockpit, it was also possible to climb the front upper outer deck, that is, go to the roof of the cabin of the aircraft. Designers "Ilya Muromets" immediately abused the problem of the comfort of passengers: the exhaust gases near the fuselage of the engines were discharged from motor collectors in special pipes, which, passing through the aircraft premises, ensured their heating. Such a laurence, already on December 10, 1913, the first passenger aircraft and a bomber "Ilya Muromets" rose into the air. Four-cutting wholesaler biplane, which received its name in honor of the Russian epic hero, began to be created in August 1913. Later, the name of Ilya Muromets became a common name for various modifications of this car, built on the Russian-Baltic Wagon Plant of the Russian Empire during 1914-1919. The plane has a number of records of carrying capacity, the number of passengers, time and maximum flight height. Ilya Muromets is the first serial multi-modular bomber. This unusual flight with numerous passengers was an unprecedented achievement. Ilya Muromets made a lot of flights over St. Petersburg and his suburbs, quite often flying over the city at a low height - about 400 meters. At that time, the pilots of single-engine aircraft avoided flights over the cities, since in the event of a motor failure, the forced landing in urban conditions could be fatal. On the "Muromer" installed 4 engines, so Sikorsky was confident in the safety of the aircraft. At the time of the decision to join the war, Russia had 244 combat aircraft of various modifications, mainly French structures. Germany had 232 aircraft, France - 138, England - 56. However, in Germany, in addition to combat, there remained a large park of civil aircraft, which later were attracted to the needs of the front - up to 200 pcs. There were such reserves and in France - up to 100 pieces, in England - over 200 units. There was no such reserve in Russia. In an effort to parity, on December 10, 1914, the Emperor approves the decision of the Military Council on the establishment of the Squadger of the Bombarders "Ilya Muromets", which became the world's first bomber joint. However, at that time, Igor Sikorsky was able to fly at the "Muroms", the rest with distrust and even hostile to the very idea of \u200b\u200bsevere aviation, "they should have been re-possession, and the cars to arm and re-equip them. Bombs were placed both inside the aircraft and on the outer suspension. By 1916, the bomb load of the aircraft increased to 800 kg, and an electric slot was designed to reset the bombs. Also on "Ilya Muromster" installed the ship's rafting gun "Gelkk" caliber 37-mm. She was placed on the front artillery site and was intended to combat the "zeppelin". The calculation of the gun included a gunner and charging. It should be noted that various modifications of the Ilya Muromets aircraft were equipped with defensive small arms: in various numbers and in different combinations, Maxim, Vickers, Lewis, Madsen, "Colt" were installed on them. Over the years of war, 60 cars arrived in the troops. The squadron made 400 combat departures, dropped 65 tons of bombs and destroyed 12 enemy fighters. At the same time, only 1 car was shot down directly by the fighters of the enemy (which was attacked by 20 aircraft), and the aircraft "Ilya Muromets" were no longer produced, but preserved after the first world and civil wars park for some time Operated. For example, the first Soviet regular postal and passenger airline on the route Moscow - Orel - Kharkov was opened on May 1, 1921 and worked until October 10, 1921. During this time, 43 flights were performed, more than 2 tons of cargo and 60 passengers were transported. However, due to the strong worn out of the aircraft fleet, the track was eliminated. One of the remaining aircraft was transferred to the air firing school and bombing, located in Serpukhov. It was used to prepare pilots in 1922-1923, and during this time the car made about 80 training flights, but after that, the aircraft into the sky no longer rose. Even before the end of World War I, the father of Igor Sikorsky died. Igor Ivanovich himself will be forced to emigrate in the United States, where he subsequently will once again glorify his Russian name, becoming a famous aviation designer in the sphere of helicopter construction. But never, nor the Father nor the son of Sikorsov called themselves Ukrainians! Do you hear the inhabitants of modern Kiev?! Never! They were purebred Russians!

    IVANGY, real name and surname of which Ivan Ruda is still very young, in the photos, he also looks very young as a cute home and well-wired boy. The year of birth of IVANGAI 1996. So, according to the estimates he is now nineteen years old.

    Ivana is compared with Roma Zhomat, very popular in all social networks, where there are his pages and, of course, on YouTube, where his channel is verified.

    Some express the idea that the young video blogger copies Schchweda Pjudipay, even nicknames like them.

    Ivangay, he also Ivan Ruda (real name) celebrates his birthday on January 19 of each year.

    Date of birth: 01/19/1996. At the moment, the famous twenter is 19 years old.

    Ivan lives in Ukraine, in the city of Dnepropetrovsk (Dnepropetrovsk region).

    According to the sign of the Zodiac Capricorn.

    Ivangai for such a short time achieved unprecedented heights and in the future, most likely, will be one of the most popular and highly paid Russian-speaking video blocks in the world. The growth rates of his subscribers are really impressive - an increase of more than 10 thousand a day!

    If you are interested in the more detailed statistics of IVANGY in YouTube and how much he earns, then look here:

    (always updated information for every day)

    How much does Ivangai get? What is his statistics in Youtube?

    Amusement amounts!

    Ivan Rudaknown on the windows youtube as Ivangai. or Eeoneguy., Born on January 19, 1996 in Krivoy Rog (Ukraine).

    The video of Ivana is carried by the Lgish, entertainment and mainly oriented to the public of school age.

    Currently (May 2015) at Ivan 3.1 million subscribers (585.0 million views), the number of which is growing in the geometric sequence with each NNM.

    Ivan has two younger sisters - Dasha and Sonya.

    Now Ivan live in Dnepropetrovsk (Ukraine).

    Ivan Ruda, who took the pseudonym on YouTube - Ivangai, was born on January 19, 1996. Ie now he is 19 years old. Lives in Ukraine, the city of Dnepropetrovsk. Some argue that he partially screwed up their popularity on YouTube.

    Ivan Ruda is a famous video clogger under the nickname EeNeeguy. Removes letters, various videos about yourself and your friends. Recently moved to Japan, to the city of Sapporo, which he personally told in one of his videos.

    Ivangai. Enough is young - now he is 19 years old. He celebrates his birthday January 19, but born he is in 1996..

    Ivan Ruda from Ukraine, if more precisely, from the city of Dnepropetrovsk. Currently, his heart is employed by Maryanian. She also leads his blog on YouTube, also lives in Japan, but in the city of Otaru.

    IVANYA - a young guy, famous in the Internet, namely, in Youtube his video channel, which became very popular in the Internet environment.

    Now Ivan 19 years old, and on the sign of the zodiac, he, if I am not mistaken (not my strong topic) Capricorn.

    Born and lives in Ukraine. The place of residence is the city of Dnepropetrovsk.

    Ivan managed to gather around himself a huge audience in the Internet user environment, even worried about it well. In general, well done guy!

    A nice young man Ivan, who became famous under the pseudonym Ivangay, was born in January 1996 in Ukraine in Dnepropetrovsk. Now he is 19 years old, Ivan is one of the most popular video blocks on Hosting YouTube. Also, its pages and publics about Ivanga can be found in popular social. networks, such as VK

    Ivan Ruda (Ivangay) was born in the Ukrainian city of Dnepropetrovsk on January 19, 1996. On the Eastern Horoscope, he was born under the sign of Capricorn. He is still very young, but attracted the attention of the audience with his funny videos on YouTube. He has more than two million subscribers from all over the world. Youth and teenagers really like his humor. Here is one of his video:

    Eeoneguy, that is, Ivan Ruda was born on January 19, 1996. He is now 19 years old, now he lives in Japan (recently moved), before he lived in Ukraine, there was also born. In Japan, his girl Mariana Roo lives.

    Ivangai biography.

    Of course, Ivan Rudskaya - it is this real name that does not look at his age - a child is completely even, although he has been in a passport for 19 years. Ivanangay was born on January 19, 1996. Now lives in Dnepropetrovsk. Known as a popular video cell, today he has more than 2,000,000 subscribers. Here is his channel on Youtoubon: link.

IVANGY (EEONEGUY, real-name - Ivan Ruda) is a famous young video unit "Millioner". The young man exposes his videos on Youtube since 2013. The growth rates of its subscribers are impressive - about 10 thousand users are signed to his channel every day. The guy is considered one of the highest paid Russian-speaking bloggers.

Childhood and Youth Ivanga

Ivan Guy was born in January 1996 in the Ukrainian village of Alexandria. It was born on a significant church holiday - baptism. In connection with the gospel narrative, the baby was dubbed Ivan. A little later, Dasha and Sonya twins appeared in the family.

Children's photo of IVANGAY

From childhood, the child showed outstanding linguistic abilities. For example, at a three-year-old age, he perfectly read in Russian and mastered the first phrases in English. Seeing the successes of his son, the parents wanted to give Ivan to school at a five-year-old age, but they received a refusal.

A year later, the boy still went to the local rural school, but at 11 years old was transferred to the gymnasium, where high-quality education was guaranteed to students. At first, Vanya was scared with the scale of a new school, because in the gymnasium there were several times more children, but soon he had a lot of friends and became the class leader. He studied Rud's eleven points (on a five-point system - on one fives).

In the young years, Ivan at the same time visited artistic and music schools in parallel, actively engaged in vocals, playing guitar and judo. Despite the huge load, the guy continued to delight parents with excellent marks. As soon as the boy appeared a computer, he quickly mastered the subtleties of work in the PhotoShop graphic editor, and since then drew exclusively on the computer - it became one of his favorite hobbies.

In the 10th grade, the guy was transferred from the gymnasium to another school because of the hooligans that did not give him a passage, while the teachers and the school administration closed their eyes on their attacks.

Ivigagia - Zaprota Song

In 2013, Ivangay uploaded an overview for the Minecraft computer game on YouTube. In the future, it was this topics that brought the guy's popularity, as this game with a simple graphics, but the exciting plot literally delayed from the first launch. EeNeeguy quickly became from the most authoritative ministers of minecraft, conquering an extensive audience consisting mainly from his peers.

At the beginning of the career EEONEGUY made reviews on Minecraft

A special role in his "career" played a video unit Roman Farchenkov, speaking under the mrloloshka pseudonym. It was he who regained the Canal Ivanga and his rollers. The guys jointly created entertainment videos, partly borrowing the style of the popular Swedish gamer Pewdiepie and no less popular blogger ELRUBIUSOMG.

In a short period of time, Ivan Ruda gathered a numerous audience, by 2016, exceeding a number of 8 million subscribers. The young man is at the peak of his popularity: they will be recognized on the streets, invite to various events, pay huge money for advertising. However, a guy profiles in social networks are not at all saturated with advertising - he does not want to advertise the products that he is not interested.


It has long moved away from the creation of rollers in Minecraft, switching to the creation of short entertainment videos, often accompanied by funny special effects, incended songs and dancing, conversations with inanimate objects and communication with subscribers.

In addition to the personal channel on YouTube, EeNeyguy actively leads the Profile of VKontakte, where his subscribers account also goes to millions.

In 2015, he moved to Moscow, where he continued to unwind his channel. The guy did not receive higher education. He threw the institute on the 2nd year, wanting to focus on the promotion of his channel on Youtube, which by that time had already turned into a completely recognizable brand EEONEGUY.

Personal life Ivan Gaya

In the network of Ivangai met with Mariaina Rozhkova living in Japan, more famous for Mariaan Ro. At first, the couple communicated only through the Internet, but in April 2015, Vanya went on a visit to his beloved - to the Japanese city of Sapporo. Soon the couple began to live together in Moscow.

For a while on the Internet there were rumors that the guys got married, but later it turned out that it was only a joke. Also, the fans of IVANGAY shuffled that he changes the girl with the flyer