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Receive additional education is better in summer. How to study in summer: psychologist tips

Irina Anatolyevna, in many schools, teachers give students to the tasks even for the summer. But some parents believe that in the summer the child should relax, and not learn. Do you need to study your children with everyone?

To answer this question, let's deal with what to understand under the words "study". If a we are talking About studies in the direct, academic sense (study or repetition of the material passed), then such a need exists only in a few children - for example, if a child has been sick and missed a lot of classes and he needs to fill the gaps in knowledge. But there is another type of study - this is a general development, an extension of the horizon, overcoming the difficulties with which the child faces in the learning process. Such a study is needed to all children without exception, because every child by nature is very inquisitive, and the development process, the acquisition of new knowledge and skills in children is going continuously. Therefore, for each student it is very important how parents organize his leisure during the summer vacation.

The schoolboy's leisure must necessarily include training classes, while they should be not only interesting and varied, but also differ from school lessons. Otherwise, the child will become boring, it will be worse to absorb the material and quickly get tired. He also spent a lot of strength to study at school, and during the holiday he would like to relax and relax. To combine study and recreation, it is important to change the form of training and methods for feeding material - for example, a multiplication table can be studied and repeated using a desktop or computer game or colorful benefits, and you can study the story by hikes in museums or views of historical films.

Junior schoolchildren and teenagers have different interests. How best to organize summer training sessions to children of different ages?

As a rule, children over 12 years old teachers and so give a number of tasks for the summer. In this case, only organizational assistance is required from the parents: Thought with a child with a child and the sequence of fulfilling the whole thing that he was asked at school for the summer, and to control the timeline and the quality of these tasks. Parents of younger schoolchildren should build summer studies otherwise: in this case, it is important to understand what difficulties the child most often is a child during study, and, depending on this, consider and offer it those educational games and interesting tasks that will help to cope with his problems. . For example, if a child has a bad handwriting, then he needs to draw more, sculpt and make finching gymnastics - it will not only be much more interesting, but much more productive than just sitting at the desk and produce a beautiful handwriting of boring exercises.

- How often should you deal with children in the summer?

It depends on what curricula is supposed to be carried out with the child.

Interesting activities can be engaged daily and even several times a day.

How much time should every occupation last, so that it benefits a schoolboy, but did not lead to overwork?

If we are talking about the same type of occupation (for example reading), it is enough for him to give about 30 minutes a day, but you need to read daily. As for the rest of the classes, their durability depends on the interests of the child: what is interesting for him, he himself is ready to engage in hours - in this case it does not need to interfere. But do not forget that computer gamesCommunication in social networks and other pastime after the monitor of the computer do not have anything to do with study! If there is a need to deal with the child what he doesn't really like it, then do it in the form of short lessons, but regularly: 15-20 minutes a day will be enough.

- What school subjects are best studying or tightening in the summer?

Specific recommendations of the Indiimi-Dulyna for each schoolchildren, but there is general Council: The best thing that parents can make during the summer holidays to increase the child's performance are to deal with the reasons for those samples that prevent the child to successfully learn in all subjects. To diagnose reasons, it is best to contact a specialist - a psychologist, a speech therapist or a neuropsychologist. The specialist will help find out why the schoolboy lags behind individual subjects, and will give concrete recommendations, how to help him. For example, errors when writing may be caused by a number of reasons: the samples of phonetic-phonmematic hearing, poor memory, the difficulties of visual-spatial perception and near others. If the child has similar problems, then a simple breathtaking it (writing large number Dictates, memorizing rules, etc.) will not give almost no results until the problem is eliminated. At the same time, the memory training on interesting material, speech therapy classes And interesting games for the development of visual-spatial perception will be more productive, and more interesting.

- How not to overload a child with summer activities?

During classes, it is very important to pay attention to the state of the child. If he started a motor dismantity, if the child's child's eye, if after some time after the start of classes it became difficult to focus, it could be a sign of fatigue and a signal to the fact that it's time to take a break. In order for the summer study to be the most productive, you can offer the following mode: 2-3 lessons per day for 30 minutes, but different.

- Where is it better to do with the child in the summer - houses (indoors) or on open air, Outdoors?

It depends on the kind of classes. Of course, to be on fresh air It is more useful for health, but there are many distracting factors, so the place of classes depends on its purpose. For example, develop the coordination of movements in the ball better on the street, and read better at homeWhere nothing distracts the child's attention.

- Is it necessary to force a child to do in the summer if he does not want to do this? How can you motivate it?

What to do Novosibirsk schoolchildren on vacation, so that the new academic year does not find them surprise.

Started last month of summer. Very soon the holidays will end, and the children will again sit for school Parts. A frequent problem of the beginning of the first quarter is forgotten knowledge. Do I need to repeat the past material in the summer to meet the new school year, or may the child rest? School teachers Dalited several tips.

Learn or relax

Do you need learning in the summer? The Sibmama site is popular among parents on the basis of the members of the forum. According to the results of the voting, it can be seen that mostly parents begin to engage in children in August, allowing schoolchildren to enjoy holidays.

Most teachers agree with this, but remind that if a child did not care for a year, now it's time to catch it.

"It is not necessary to study in a literal sense. This applies to those guys who missed a lot of lessons, for example, by illness, and they have gaps in knowledge. While there is free time, you need to figure out in incomprehensible topics, "I'm sure the speech therapist, teacher primary classes Tatyana Tomilin.

All the rest of the teachers are recommended to combine learning and rest, develop the horizons and look aside unusual ways Repeat school material. For example, younger schoolchildren are best started with entertainment magazines with puzzles and labyrinths. To develop the memory, logic and strategy will help chess, and bracelets tightening small motor.

How else to take a schoolchildren, so that the new academic year he started as from a clean sheet? Experts gave several tips.

Workers notebooks

During the year, students use workers a notebook in almost all subjects. Part of the pages in them remain empty, and the notebooks themselves are distributed at the end of the last quarter. Summer evenings can get these benefits and think about tasks.

If this is not enough, you can buy special "summer" collections. With them a child quickly and fun will repeat the main topics of the school program. Also, bookstores offer benefits with verifying work And simulators for every taste.

Tip: Enter classes in the day of the child's day, removing it a certain time. And try not to do more than 30 minutes and no more than 2-3 times a week.

Reader's diary

The list of books for the summer is issued at the end of each academic year. But often schoolchildren just read books without filling reader's diary. And in vain! Closing the name of works and authors in the sign name, the child will not forget the letters and learn to systematize the material. And the autumn records will help quickly refresh in memory read.

Tip: Offer a child to add records quotes from works, your comments and pictures.


According to teachers, it is forgotten faster for the summer english. To prevent this, turn on the cartoons of the cartoons without translation or listen to the audio tracks together.

In addition to popular training videos, you can find renounced Soviet cartoons, and together with Winnie Pukhos and the residents of Prostokvashino repeat english verbs and pronouns. Also, many sites offer popular children's cartoons and films in the original language.

Tip: Discuss a cartoon with a child, together disassemble incomprehensible phrases and expressions.

Board games

Playing repeat the fractions and part of the speech will help the popular "Boards". They are interesting and adults, and children, the main thing - to decide on the theme. British prepositionsThe score to the speed or selection of synonyms - study can be fascinating.

Tip: Focus on age and features of the child's development. Too light game will quickly get bored, and in a complex baby will be disappointed, without having to win. And take care of the diversity - even the most interesting game Over time, bored.

Online Olympics and Training Sites

Try to go with the child the subject Olympiad to refresh last year's material. The "funny bear" or "Kangaroo" publishes on the sites of the task of past years, and the network is easy to find many paid and free remote tasks for all ages and for any subject.

There are also various online services for schoolchildren, where you can even undergo a full course of study. The most popular of them: Lectured, GetAclass, Nachalka. seminfo. Ru, learn. Ru, Ovekin, Yaklass, RTU EGE, Yandex. Ege and others.

Tip: In order for the eyes of a child less tired, offer him to see in the distance or make visual gymnastics. Organize a break in classes every 15 minutes, and let the total time after the computer, let it not exceed 40 minutes a day.

Creative flight

Lovers to keep a diary can be offered a creative notebook motivator with tasks and puzzles for every day. He will help the child to learn to express thoughts, systematize information and creatively approaching any cause. "Utopy this page" - offers one of the most famous antiblocks. And here his owner should decide himself, pour water with water or, for example, to draw sea waves on it.

Study learned, but still standing in the summer. The sun, the sea and vitamin D will help children to remove stress from the long school year, which means you will assimilate knowledge to them much easier. Then the new school year will begin with pleasure and full of power.

He wrote about, and how many first-graders will come to schools this year.

You need to learn, but do you spend time back? Are you sure that if it were too diligent, would you get good grades? Do not worry, you are not one, most people have difficulty learning. Read our article to stop spending time and start seriously learning!


Overcome resistance

    Whatever you do, stop and immediately proceed to study. It is easiest to calm yourself by the fact that you will take a serious thing "an hour." For such promises can be spent all day. If you want to seriously learn, you do not need to postpone. Leave what you do, take training, go to a calm and safe place and take care of studying. Do not lose yourself, soothing words like: "I will pass another level, and then for study," - or: "Another series and everything." The sooner you begin to do, the earlier finish, respectively, you will have more free time.

    • The most difficult to start. As soon as you move the line of resistance, you will understand that everything is not so difficult.
  1. Make yourself to summarize and make sketches. Making sketches not only fun, but also useful. For example, you need to remember some of the events of the Great Patriotic War - Draw them! The first minutes are the most important, at the beginning can be easily distracted and go to another lesson. So that this does not happen, start writing notes, even if they are not quite interesting to you. In the process of study, you will catch yourself on the fact that you are no longer going to be distracted by anything else.

    • If the notes later seem useless, they can always be rewritten.
  2. Tune in. Sincere state plays an important role in achieving success in school. Gather physically and morally, stay in this state from beginning to end of classes. Below are several ideas for motivation, use them if you are sure that they will help you:

    • listen to inspiring music - any music you listen to before the start of the sports game;
    • rate, go, jump or beat the pear;
    • come up with an inspiring speech;
    • if possible, change the place of classes more often - the main thing is to workplace You did not bother.
  3. Come up in encouragement. Learn easier when you know that the remuneration will be followed. For example, if you are sweet to highlight the time after successful classes, go to the store and buy ice cream.

    Tell me about your curriculum. If everything else does not help, shade yourself! Tell your friends what is going to do to get a good assessment on the exam. After such an announcement, you will be ashamed to fail the exam and this feeling will put pressure on you, forcing you to learn hard.

    • Also better tell the friends that you are going to do together with them. In this case, you will have to either learn (with friends who will be peculiar motivation), or cancel such classes. Whatever action you choose, your friends will know about it.

    Get rid of distracting factors

    1. Select time for classes. When you are doing, it is important to fully concentrate on studies. If you are engaged in, you will be distracted by anything else, whether it is a telecast, a game or other task, you will not be able to remember a lot of information (if you can remember something at all). Select for classes and only For lessons, enough time.

      • Depending on the amount of tasks, allocate time for one-time lesson, or on regular classes. The latter is preferable, since with time you will get used to such a schedule.
    2. Choose a place where you will not distract. Unfortunately, many people manage to allocate studies sufficient number time, however spend it to secondary things. Therefore, choosing a place to study, eliminate everything that can distract you. This place should be quiet, where there is no video game, computer, television, friends, and so on.

      • If you need internet during classes, but you are worried about to be distracted by different games, social networks Or something else, use a special free extension for the browser, which temporarily blocks some sites.
    3. Use music or white noise. Some people are able to be distracted by complete silence. If you are from such people, try to include music or white noise while studying. Music has a positive effect on some people, encouraging them to classes. Another best to engage in the sounds of nature, such as rain or waves. White noise soothes, helps to focus and does not give to be distracted. The main thing is that the music itself does not distract you. If you notice that you started sweating, then turn it off. When it comes to music, it is better to listen to the one without words, for example, classical.

      Exclude the cause forcing the settlement. In extreme cases, it is possible to get rid of distracting things temporarily (or on an ongoing basis). For example, if you postpone how to study because of the video game, give them a friend, let him lie for a week. If it does not help, sell them. No matter how difficult it was to get rid of them, later you will understand that it was worth it.

    4. Well study the basics. Ask yourself questions and try to answer them correctly. Study - not a goal, and the process.
    5. Follow the order on the table. When everything is at hand and in their places, stress and experience will not be the place.
    6. Encourage yourself for the performance of complex tasks.
    7. Always keep spare handles, pencils and other necessary accessories to your studies.
    8. Buy special benefits, they are quite cheap. In such manuals collected highlights, the subject is explained briefly and simple language. With such books it is easier to do.
    9. Many schools hold additional classes in different subjects. Visit them if you have difficulty with a specific subject. Training in the classroom is more interesting and more useful.
    10. Ask parents to listen to you when you explain what they learned. Retelling the material studied, you can repeat it and better understand.
    11. The sooner you proceed to tasks, the better. Night studies do not benefit.

Proposals for the development of children's intelligence, abilities for mathematics, training foreign languages In the summer, there are found at every step. Parents offer a variety of training forms: specialized summer camp For children, abbreviated summer courses for schoolchildren. School system Education is so much perfect that moms and dads are enough for any opportunity to expand the horizon of the child, make up a whole plan of training events on summer vacation. Is there a need for this? Do you need to generally load children at the summer?

How to take a child in the summer? Summer intensive in Soroban®

In most cases, schoolchildren on vacation perform so little mental work, which even loses part of acquired knowledge and cognitive skills. Because of this, in the new academic year, the teacher is forced to not give immediately new topics, but to spend good one or two months to repetition. Developing courses for children for the summer several functions are performed at once:

  • do not allow children's mind to be lazy, provide it with regular intensive loads;
  • develop new cognitive and cognitive abilities;
  • fill the free time of a small schoolboy, making his rest with a bright, interesting and helpful.

The program of summer courses of mental mathematics accommodated in one month of classes. Since in summer, schoolchildren have more free time, then the Skorban® oral school school has increased the intensity of lessons, homework at vacation time:

  • class classes - 2 times a week;
  • daily home workouts are designed for 30-45 minutes.

Thanks to the saturated program of the student of the summer intensive in Soroban® in one month of study, the first topic on mental arithmetic is held, for which the students of full courses take two months.

Oral account technique Soroban®: benefit for young school children

At express courses, children learn to quickly in mind. But not that the main task Summer training in Soroban®. For the month of workouts on a mental score, you can achieve big results:

  • development of logic;
  • the development of visual memory and the ability to quickly assimilate information on rumor;
  • development of imagination, figurative thinking;
  • synchronization of hemispheres, thanks to the creation of conditions for their equivalent development.

Logical thinking, good memory and other cognitive abilities - powerful tool In learning for a schoolboy. Therefore, classes in the school of oral account serve good training for school in the summer.

For quick adaptation to study in the new academic year, psychological training is also important. If the child lived outside the regime in the summer, if he did not attend developing classes and did not work at home, then in three months the level of its internal discipline is sharply reduced, the ability to focus to solve the problem. Soroban® solves this problem. The mental score develops the concentration of attention, prerequisitive, and regular workouts do not allow the student to pay off the responsibility of self-organization.

Summer intensive in Soroban®. Advantages of studies in the summer

Summer courses for schoolchildren differ from the usual developing courses for children only duration and scale of the ultimate goal. Otherwise, the approach to children, methods and means are not much different. These are games, a relaxed atmosphere, attention to every student, encouraging child curiousness ...

The benefits of studying in the summer is:

  • support for the intellectual activity of a schoolboy at a high level;
  • development of intelligence, new cognitive abilities;
  • organization of quality good rest As part of the city children's summer camp;
  • comprehensive training for school.

And the advantage of learning in Soroban is that the school of mental arithmetic provides its pupils choices: We sing the anthem and quickly consider in the mind!

We consider and sing!

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All children are different, and everyone has thoughtful thinking in different ways, memory, attention, so there is no definite answer if you need to do all children in the summer.

The decision to start training in August every parent adopts independently, given the interests of the child and the features of his health.

But there can be no question about additional classes, if there is fatigue from the main school program, which sometimes brings children to neurosis.

Rules of summer schoolchildren:

1. Voluntary basis and interest

If the child does not want to learn in the summer, it is almost impossible to force it: "I have a vacation!" It is important not to put pressure, but try to interest, so as not to repel the desire to go to school in principle. Let the child take part in the choice of a tutor and drawing up the schedule of classes.

Tip: A good argument for belief - "You will be the first in the class who learned about the frauds! You imagine how great English learning with a real American! ".

2. Interested discussion of the results of classes, praise, promotion

Any encouragement from parents is the signal that they see and appreciate the efforts of children. And this is an excellent motivation.

Tip: Try to find the connection of classes with life, for example: "How quickly you figured out the" inertia "theme! On Sunday let's go rollers, let's see how it looks in practice. "

Already in September, future graduates will face the pressing teachers and parents about the upcoming exams. I recommend in advance to consider the psychological preparation strategy for OGE and EGE.

3. Teaching with passion

Make a tutor that the lessons differ from school, were interesting and diverse. Otherwise, the child will quickly bother classes, it will be worse to assimilate material and quickly get tired.

Tip: The multiplication table can be studied and repeated with a desktop / computer game or colorful benefits, and study history - during hikes in museums or views of historical films.

4. Hobby benefit

Parents of younger schoolchildren worth choosing additional classes that will help the child to cope with the basic difficulties in school.

Tip: If the child has a bad handwriting, he needs to draw more, sculpt - it is much more interesting and more productive than producing beautiful handwriting boring exercises.

5. Business time, fun hour

Plan a day along with children: the mode will keep them in a tone, adaptation to school after the summer will be easier. In August, you can have time for which during the school year there is not enough time, for example, for short language courses, visiting the programming school or reinforced classes with a tutor. Brain, like muscles, you need to train constantly. But do not overload the child! Ask the teacher to change the type of activity if junior schoolchild rubbed eyes, and the older is difficult to focus.

Tip: To study the most efficient, it is possible to offer 2-3 short classes (30 minutes) per day - by different subjects.

6. Do not forget about books